InfoStream NamibiaTourism Tuesday 11/07/2023

InfoStream NamibiaTourism Tuesday 11/07/2023

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] crazy foreign [Music] [Music] it sounds like um foreign are you see um itself can't believe um foreign foreign promise [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Julia is my um actually John what is in your opinion the best of Namibia what did you enjoy the most um in Academia that the results it is foreign foreign foreign nostalgia under main source launches foreign [Music] W tell the Dana you know stop it is foreign spent more autotraders foreign foreign [Music] my name is Salman from Mark and I'm the CEO of Namibia Wildlife protection now maybe a wildlife protection is one of the elite anti-poaching companies in Namibia and we specialize specifically in the protection of the high Target species such as rhinos and elephants as part of our conservation awareness program we offer anti-poaching training courses to the public and you are welcome to come and join us on your next course if you are adventurous if you are healthy if you are interested in how to handle dangerous animals firearms and firearms safety legal aspects tracking survival all those beautiful Bushcraft type of things then this course is for you check out social media for upcoming dates or send us an email at this email address foreign foreign foreign foreign um foreign foreign foreign mark foreign complain so there's a um foreign um through the state that wants uh um [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign yes I don't actually own any long penis is it no okay no I wanted to go to court and they made me buy that's except for that you you don't I don't own anything uh Chad this is Kinder um Facebook page and a girl's wife um absolutely chairman walking happened Judd I want to know from you um when did you start sort of your interest in let's call it tourism uh sort of before abroad the broader sense um well actually in 2003 yeah no no sorry 1993. yeah I was working in joburg behind the bar and uh manager of a safari operation used to come and have a liquid lunch and uh he thought it was a good bomb and so he offered me a job and I started uh I got into tourism back then and uh I worked in South Africa for for about decades and then came to Namibia right yeah and then you start with a lot of people I know we'll see if we're gonna talk with or they're going to talk with us talk with you and you start with Jad man walking right now where on Earth I mean Namibia is vast uh but I've read the the there are a lot of gaminas um tours walking tours available how did you start this um and and where did it started the the idea of walking tourism sure so I was technically in in traditional tourism which is your safaris you know photographic safaris um but I also owned uh I was a manager of a of a Backpackers does it still exist no it closed it in 2019. okay 29 all right okay so um you know I've basically had been doing your traditional successfully tours Etc but with sort of laughing laugh um I kind of came to a came to a point in my life where things came crashing down yeah so um I didn't know where to reach um we all have problems and you know personal problems mental health problems things like that so I didn't know what to do I really have said a lot so I just decided I wanted to go to Nature yeah I just want to do and I just wanted to walk I just wanted to leave all my problems behind yeah and walk so I drove down to lidritz with my garden boy and he didn't even have a license I dipped my toe in the ocean in Madrid Center it took me 65 days to walk to sway government and in the years to come I started walking more and more as I needed it more and more and eventually I discovered that my problems actually weren't in my head but they were in a bottle so I stopped all my vices yeah and things have just got better and better and then during covert you know we we had all come everybody in tourism just took such a massive knock yeah so I decided to go back to the thing that helped me to survive in the beginning which was walking walking so I started to offer people a chance to get out there and do what I do yeah and it's been a great uh great experience so far Jet's fantastic fantastic and and Well Done congratulations just want to say hello to a couple of guys in the meantime Vincent Burgas where you throw guys um how do you determine or how did you plan them where did it start because I would imagine they have to be documented and when you work in a particular area maybe work with the community give us a little bit of a background right so so obviously a huge portion of Namibia is either Farms or protected National Park or protected areas so my Caminos work mainly within the concessions sort of in the would you say the more free roaming areas on public roads Etc like the kunani Camino for instance is from honor to Pupa Falls yeah it's through a long a public road yeah so we we don't walk inside national parks and things like that obviously we we can't but we try and help as much as we can so what we do for instance we take lots of um non-perishable items can we hand it out along our Caminos yeah yeah to the local communities and as what I'm doing from next year is I'm including a 200 million dollar um amount that will go towards from every person that books that will go towards the charity that we we can start handing out some some stuff in that community in all the different communities where I do the walk so we've got the brunberg tomorrowlands Quaker Felts and punini kunini um how do people go about um entering such a thing and I know I mentioned Facebook it is available on Facebook you can go and check it out chat man walking um how do people go about it this is just a free call and that's it absolutely you can write me an email it's info at Wild's Cherry Adventures which is the company excuse me um or you can get hold of me on Whatsapp but um just Google Chatman walking and my details will come up no problem now tell me have you got a specific group that you love most that's kind of your favorite you're looking forward to do it well the the one that's that's that I think is a highlight for me is the Quaker Felts which is from puras to the kunani okay it's a very remote desolate area but it is just so beautiful it's uh my special one yeah I know my good next question may be a very silly one and that is have you have you had any experiences with like the unexpected how do you deal with it well luckily I tend to just stay clear as far as possible but snakes and scorpions and things we've we've had a lot so you've just gotta jump quick and run fast and as for the the elephants and things you just don't want to get into that situation you say you just avoid them it's better yeah that's good um do you carry anything specifically for protection so no we don't um the luckily for us the norm of days it doesn't have massive populations of animals due to just being so yeah so normally you have lots of warning I do speak with the community continuously through the walk find out where the elephants are um the the lines and things tend to stay well clear of us thankfully and the Rhinos as well so it's really just your smaller game that we need to be aware of okay talk to me about um the um let's your recent one that you've done what was that all right the two of you and and then all the other guests yes we did the Tomorrowland one which was my first one that I started uh okay it's a very special one it's it's truly beautiful and Princess yes we're going to show you a little video about that um but what interests me is basically how the actual plan how the tour pans out and how you do it from where you start uh where you get together then it's wild camping until uh you end but we got something here especially for you guys so come on um there's a client video key one of us yes the foreign [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] assistant instructor the the infrastructure sure so this is a complete slack-packing hack okay so we have 24-hour backup you don't put up your tents you don't do any chores camping chores we Supply the camping equipment inside your tent you'll have a campaign with mattress um mattress cover and then you can bring your own sleeping bag and pillow or with Supply and what we do is we actually so a typical morning would be we wake up you have tea and coffee and rest while you're doing that we um we will start to pack up camp yeah [Music] so they will leapfroggers once they so I'll walk out with the guests badly progress they will then serve breakfast for us once so they're going to set up at the next Point okay so roughly about between six and eight K's depending on how fast the group is we they set up a nice wild breakfast for us we have the breakfast and then they go ahead and they will go to the destination with that we are walking to in the morning our return and our support for Walkers with water and Etc in my vehicle and then we have a lively lunch um which we make out on the fire we've got a lovely shade netting 10 meters about six meters then the guys will then set up your tents and everything for you you've got afternoon to chill relax read your book meditate whatever it is you choose to do we open the shower hour at about three o'clock we um get it you can get your showers in while it's still warm and hot and um and then we have Sundowners and of course uh lovely dinner on the Stars okay can we do it all again the next day yeah okay first things first uh how late do you get up what what time of the morning yeah so that's tricky it's an hour before first lot okay so it's not Sunrise okay well that's um you decide if you like that because second thing is it's just a zealous question is how far what's your average that you walk a day so it depends on the on the Camino um the demoraland Camino has the shortest distances so they're 14 16 sorry 14 13 16 and 12 but then you can go up to the Quaker falconinos which is about 20 a day between 20 kilometers a day that's a big one it's 222 kilometers long but the brandberg for instance is 16 kilometers a day the kunani is about on average about 17 kilometers a day so we I normally keep them just 15 just over okay good um first day always had a nice lot and you end over tonight at the nice Lodge like two two great events Mona you did it um I want you to tell us more about the actual planning um it was one of those things you came home and said I can't do it foreign environment tourism Tuesday the city is foreign let's call it your main bag and everything is in there but then you decant it into smaller packages for your day back when you walk sure so what you can do is your day pack would have your typically perhaps some toilet paper your water energy bar or some nuts and stuff cameras that type of thing all the rest of your equipment goes into our vehicle the vehicle we drive it forward if you do have something that you want during the course of your walk you put it into the lead vehicle which will be with you you or at least contactable at all times at all times mentally when I was with the the unexpected uh never been done before uh how did you go about actually planning for this in in and what was the main sort of like obstacle in your mind um entering this particular experience so I I knew that I wasn't going to the mall so you dressed can you make sure that you are prepared for all sorts of weather situations it was cold but it wasn't very cold so um you need to be able to dress very warmly cool when it's very warm so differences let's talk about clothing practical clothing okay was fantastic I did get a little blisters but you need to have really really good shoes not the newest shoes but the ones that you've been wearing for a while because it takes a toll on your feet absolutely I mean I've often find that if you can take a dry pair of socks and you change it halfway through your walk boy if you start getting a little scratch you know like a piece of sand immediately immediately bam whites because then it just makes it makes it worse and obviously these Caminos are really remote you know there's not any medical help anyway in the areas but it need to be a sturdy pair of shoes it need to be proper hiking shoes because a lot of stone a lot of rock those kind of things well absolutely I mean it is advisable you know if equipment is a large part of sports you know whether you just uh amateur Haka or a professional you know you can do yourself a lot of damage if you don't wear the correct shoes Okay um I think because I think it was done about three times I think I think I put in far too much food okay far too many snacks I think I could have done with just a few nuts because the food that you served was remarkable what did the food consist of like I believe that okay morning tea coffee and then but I believe the breakfast was actually something that everyone was looking forward to so so George who's our our resident art specialist he makes a particularly good ball about saying uh yeah that's turned out to be one of the one of the luxuries of our trips here yeah no it's uh it's all for the charts good yeah and lunch is um some chicken before salads couscous pasta salad which was remarkable yeah and then in the evenings um also some societies some Wars we had a lamb stew which was really really nice I always figure that uh you know if you on a if I was going to do it through what would I want I would want to sleep well yes I'd want to eat well yeah you know these are very important things so I make sure that that happens but but Chad and and Mona I mean for me um and I say this um in in respect um to to the battle you had with life I like a cold beer I love a nice whiskey um and I think a lot of people agree with me but then there is the problem about the weight um now I assume you can put it in your in your bag but whatever you want to drink whether it's a Milo coffee or something else that is entirely your beloved you pack it and you look after it look I may not drink anymore myself but I'm a drinker at heart yeah so I I completely understand that everybody wants to have a dope so so what I suggest is you bring a cooler box with all of your goodies inside but that is separate yes we will we will always have us we have a big 90 liter fridges with solar power I understand we've got the whole shebang I was about to ask you about that little block of I said yeah yeah yeah yeah and I believe you had a couple from a farm with you yes it is for breakfast he was looking over at the Arts and then slowly slid out the bag of Bolton and just make sure we had his meat fixed what was it what was sort of like one of the outstanding things that you would remember of this particular trip nature is something my mom always said my religion is nature but your mom did uh she also did the Cleveland Arrow uh yeah she would turn 50. oh wow

but my mom always said nature is my religion my healer and I found that now I I found peace but Mona you and your you and your daughter also were swimming but with that swimming challenge what was what was the challenge all about it was it was a full life is it yeah but that the two of you is it important to to be really to be fit and and be uh sort of like overall fit to walk any of the uh of these uh walks man you know I I'm not uh I don't have a huge education or anything like that but my dad was a sportsman and I grew up with goals that were Sports orientated so when I'm at my lowest when life it's kicking me when I'm down I always try to sort of go into physical things um walking in nature or swimming I love to swim as well you know so anything that involves nature and peace and physical for me is uh is is is just awesome um you talk about people um would you do it rather with a friend or was the surprise element of getting to know other people was that sort of like a big thing that was fantastic it's absolutely no expectations yeah you can just go there everybody's nervous when they first arrive and I always say to them you know just in a few days we're going to be best of friends because when you put in that situation where you've got to move a whole bunch of people with water with the elements in nature leaving everything behind you you just a person and you've got to get to that destination makes us all equal yeah you know and all of a sudden everybody just leaves their their problems at home and it's you know on this particular trip it was awesome I mean I I just sat there and I could just hear people laughing from the moment they wake up to the moment they went to sleep it was something really fun you know um I struggled the second day why what happened it's just it's hard physically hard and then I just sat down and said okay no put on your big girl panties and just Knuckles such a cool thing then I enjoyed it I loved it then because it takes you out of your comfort zone you know what I mean it takes you out of your natural you know habits habits and habitats and you you actually try and you you dig deeper and it's it's but there's enough time really to reminisce about life to think about things uh to take in this nature as an equalizer um because I think that's what it's all about you know we all live a really difficult laugh nowadays it's a busy busy busy busy so some people can do my 16-day community and some people can only do the four day but there's one for kind of for everybody and I hope that people will try it's because there's a lot out there to be to be saying you know just there's a lot of positivity out there one I believe that um that you were very impressed with the the camp the helpers the one of it is you don't hear them you just see them at the right moment they know exactly when it's dark enough that you don't see anything anymore and they put down the light that world Trends so they understand clients they understand tourism and they understand catering and so it's it's been a fantastic experience because I've been in it for so long yeah and to watch these guys grab the situation and improve themselves I mean these guys could now go and work at any restaurant you know they really are super really good guys and you know they they work really hard um but you know they and they deserve it they they are awesome um [Music] the the uh next or let me rather ask the intervals between tours uh what is it how does it work um so at the moment we've got four left four five left for this year so we have the um tomorrow link again next followed by the Quaker felt two two nannies followed by the bronberg so that is all that's left for this year um if you want to see the dates for next year you can go on to Chairman walking on Facebook um so those ones are pretty much one after the other so when we me and the um the team leave here on the 2nd of August we won't be back into into winter control um 7th of October okay okay judgment walking uh the guys go and check it out on Facebook in the beginning thank you very very much we'll talk to you again and one of our last but not least um your suggestion ideas to people who's thinking about it but has not yet done it do it yeah yes for this week put on your uh put on your warm clothes I'm not even gonna go into the weather for tomorrow it's very simple it's cold although um it is tomorrow Wednesday it's going to be a little bit warmer than today Thursday is going to be a little warmer and Friday is going to be a little warmer so it every day is is getting a little bit warmer and for us here as a definitive advisable to track my your clearance on in playback this is [Music] [Music] um foreign Paul boys High um and I um International so this old ghost is gravity gravity um I is thank you very much um I hope you're gonna have a um a well-deserved break um then it's time to go do a bit of tiger fish okay yeah I was there uh not so long ago um and the water level is actually quite quite um okay not not high but I think for fishing as well yeah so Jordan and you're going the right direction away from the cold weather that's the main reason yeah you know yeah get away from the car yeah but enjoy shorts happening Ellen good morning from uh is it is it okay no no I get it here hello [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you so much for watching remember we're on YouTube We're on Facebook and you can also WhatsApp us please do us a favor and like this video share it and subscribe to our Channel don't forget to click on the Bell icon so you can get an update when new videos are uploaded thanks for now hope to see you next time [Applause] foreign

2023-07-21 22:59

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