Incredible Rome! Top things to do

Incredible Rome! Top things to do

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Buongiorno!   another beautiful day in beautiful Italia  and as you can see Coliseum right behind   me so that's what we going to be doing today  I'm going to take you along with me on a tour   guide so stay tuned yesterday I did my tour in  Vatican City so if you want to watch that go   back previous video subscribe if you haven't done  that already and stay tuned so I'm just going to   grab a coffee and it's before 922 so the tour  starts at 9:00 just need a coffee so and Theo this is the place we I'm standing in  now it was called vomitory because as   soon people entered the Coliseum  they would leave for what they   saw I presume so very fast entry same  going in going out very fast like vomit okay so what we see now wasn't back then like that  cuz that was the arena and that's what was under   that's all the animals and Gladiators were before  their fights I know if you watch the Gladiator   movie I did just a week ago to kind  of get in the mood so that's what it was it just came up another another level  there walking around the circle so the lady   explains really well how everything was made  here and the history behind this so I think   it's well worth getting that third guide  see that's where people were watching the fights raging from you know the closest level   most important going up and the  highest were preserved for women everybody yeah I was going to say I know one  Gladiator my brother used to fight MMA so he   always put on a good show and I remember all the  emotions he's doing Solomon but a finisher and aill can you imagine fighting  for 50 to 880,000 people in this Arena must been something okay came out the col so w wandering around  palatin Hill right now listen to our lady guy so from here you can see St Peters dwn over there  in Vatican City that's where we were yesterday so   palon Hill can see all around pretty  much come see him that way that's   where you can see different levels  of the city how they build on and on so that's the best view  we can get over Roman form okay so this is the end of our tour just  finishing off in Forum Roman and so yeah   it's really cool the way our lady guide  explains all the stuff at each Monument   each place it takes you back right away it's  nice way of feeling it basically right there   so well worth it it costs around 60 L  I think 2 and 1 half hours so feeling   exhausted the weather is lovely so probably  going to head have some another Italian meal   and some coffee of course and then taking it  easy for today and tomorrow Pompei so stay   tuned subscribe to the channel and I see you  in the next one here's the re Lord after the trip so how many times colat numbers of  times so finally I get a chance to see   it for myself it's absolutely beautiful  all the detail that's 2,000 years old can   you believe that it's a finally can see it on  myself I know it by heart each brick in these   walls so we can see some of the tattoos on the  screen right now and if you want to check out   my page feel free to do it so yeah I invite  you to my Instagram check out my other work there another cool way of exploring the C is  by turbos Waid 25 little overp paid I think   I met that guy on the street can get it for  like1 18 on the website get your guide yeah   so it's really cool stop all the most  important places Hop On Hop off all day this is the best way of learning the city's  layout really so just by taking a boost it's   an hour over an hour complete the full circle so  the map is being downloaded to my head right now charge okay I'm back okay  so take that Coliseum there   okay look at this amazing art this man makes so beautiful okay so I got that beautiful waterf  painting it's a nice way of supporting local   artists it's only 20 quid but it's so beautiful  it's not like printed thing so it's going to be   on my wall you know what time it is let me  tell you it's gelato time so it's 5:00 and   that's what most Romans do in this very hour so  we go in half some too let me take you with me so many flavors to PI from know from all so I didn't even look for it I was just  wondering in these small streets I just   came out there and there we have it  try Fountain let's take a closer look so there is a thing about the TR if you  throw coin with your right hand over your   left shoulder you will come back to Rome if  you throw in two coins you will fall in love   with the person met at the fountain and if  you show in three coins you'll get married   let's see about that how I'm supposed to  meet somebody where there's so many people here okay I'm just going to go  with one Co so I can come back to R don't see you next time bro ciao from another Beautiful Day in Italy  I know I say it every time each morning but it   is so beautiful as you can see Pat naona that's  where I exchanged my ticket from the guide app   thing for panon today so that's my outfit and  I asked do I need long sleeve they said no so   it's just a different thing for women so don't  wear short skirts basically so yeah it's going   to be an hour 16 lbs for that T it's not guided  but I got my earphones and I download the app   so I'm going to hear all the information on my  phones there yeah my last day today in Rome watch   previous episodes where I visited Coliseum  and what else did they do Pompei yesterday   uh few more I don't remember so many of them  yeah the fountain trvy Fountain was really   beautiful and so much more to see I wouldn't  cover it all I only spent like 3 days here   so unfortunately it's my last day today in Rome  I'll definitely go back cuz it's so beautiful but   there's also many different spots in Italy to  go to so I don't know but yeah maybe with some   family sometime uh what else yeah I'm heading  to Milan today then come lake so I can't wait   for that a bit of relaxation over there by  the lake and it's almost 10:00 23° and it's   going to be 32 is today so it's already really  warm I can feel that okay let me show you panon okay guys so I finally arrived at panon it really  does give me an impression look how huge it is wow let like it think it's so awesome and  beautiful probably wonder what I'm   doing right now I am doing absolutely  nothing of course apart from breathing   and sitting down obviously but my aim  here is to enjoy beautiful sunny weather   watching people pass by and being in the  moment appreciating the day really this   is Italian way of enjoying the moment being in  the present you'll never SE Italian saying and   using this phrase but they're masters of  it this is the sweetness of doing nothing this is it guys my last day in Rome I'm  heading to Milan tomorrow no actually   today evening so be in Milan tomorrow  K lake so Rome you've been great was an   amazing experience thank you very much gra  and I hope to see you next time there is   so many different places to discover  but I'm hoping to come back someday I feel like I'm afraid to say how I feel to know   I let you down cuz L night turn  It day don't want to let you down

2024-10-09 14:43

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