In-depth look at our brand new Dutchmen Kodiak Cub travel trailer (2021 model 177RB)

In-depth look at our brand new Dutchmen Kodiak Cub travel trailer (2021 model 177RB)

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Hi I'm Mike and this is Mike's Road  Trip. "Get off the road..." "All right."   Hi I'm Mike and I'm Miha from World Travel Bug. We  just recently purchased this travel trailer behind us   and we know there are a lot of you out there  considering doing the same so we thought we would   share with you what went into the decision of  buying this Kodiak by Dutchmen yeah for starters   this is made out of fiberglass versus aluminum and  there are a lot of benefits to that it's lighter   weight it resists dings it's got a better design  profile and it's a little bit more aerodynamic   yeah and we wanted a trailer with all creature  comforts but compact and lightweight at the same   time yeah so we're towing this with a half ton  older pickup so we needed something that we could   easily tow so why don't you come along with us and  we'll show you the ins and outs and give you some   rationale of why we made certain decisions and  hopefully it will help you in your decision making   process when considering a travel trailer yep so  come along with us we'll show you around let's go   one of the things we both really appreciate is the  fact that this has stabilizing jacks now they're   not leveling jacks which is completely  different these are stabilizing jacks   so that you can just make the whole unit  more stable when you're walking around inside   so you just press this button and these lower all  by themselves and you'll see a lot of these travel   trailers where you have to take a hand crank a lot  of people buy a drill um to lower them under four   typically uh that you'll have to level the  entire trailer with but this is so much much   easier to have these power stabilizing jacks  yeah and they really do make a big difference   with them up or down really when you're in the  trailer and the jacks are up it's moving so yeah   it really does and you know there are a lot  of other things outside uh like you have   the TV bracket here in case you want to put a TV  outside but you have the power outlet right here   uh and here you have a cable uh jack jack and  we also have speakers outside as well i have   speakers outside two of them so yeah pretty cool  and here is where the front leveling jacks are and   sorry for the mess you know they're all the way  here and you have to make sure that you keep this   place clean and easy to reach because it can  happen that you need to lift your jacks very fast   and go at times you'll see what i mean at some  point yeah and there are a lot of other things   here that he'll show you better because he he  knows better how they are called and what they do we have been organizing inside but  we haven't really gotten out here yet   um anyhow this is a pass-through goes the entire  width and there's another door in the other side   so it's very very convenient you can store a lot  of stuff in here which is lovely and then let me   show you over here this stuff is all related  to the solar and the batteries these here are   switches for all the lights uh some are inside and  then these two switches are for outside lights.

Some motor homes uh really fancy ones will have   power steps ours are manual but at least we do  have the steps but they're very easy to store and they just stay right there and these are all aluminum they're very sturdy  yeah now we bought our trailer equipped with a   solar panel up top top they're actually they  come solar ready but we actually bought the   solar panel as well but if you want you also can  connect the solar right here you can connect uh   solar panels because we have the solar we opted  to have a second battery you can certainly travel   with just one but we wanted to have a little  bit more storage so we have two batteries here   that will store our excess energy our specific  model of Kodiak hub is a 177 rb which has a   little bit higher lift and it has these  um all-terrain tires with premium wheels   and i think you forgot to tell them its name  or his name because we refer to him as a he   not an eat his name is Denny and it comes  from cub it's a Kodiak Cub, a Kodiak is a bear   a cub so we consider it our small den we are  the two little bears living in this little den   so we we call him Denny so it was a  cute idea this is Denny yeah yeah. So these are all pretty much standard connections  out here you've got your city water this is   actually really nice i don't know that all travel  trailers have this but this is a flush system so   you can flush your black tanks speaking of tanks  one of the other things i really appreciate and   was a factor in considering this travel trailer  was the storage capacities uh one thing i cannot   figure out is why black tanks are the same as  your water in your gray makes no sense to me   at all so this has a much smaller black tank and  i think i'll write the numbers down in the video   but i believe the water is around 65 gallons and  the gray i think is around 65 where the black is   maybe 35 i think but i'll write the specifics down  we also have a connection here for the cable uh   this is where you hook up your power and then this  is where you would put fresh water if you're going   to be boon-docking you want to store water  otherwise you can just hook up to city water   at a campground back here i mentioned the design  profile you can see here this is not it's not all   bland and flat and everything it's really got  some nice curvatures in it it's also got these   really cool lights so we really like the front  of this i think it really looks sharp in this   canister here we store two 5 gallon propane tanks  which will last you a really long time that will   power the stove the refrigerator when you're  not hooked to electricity uh the hot water um   and what else i think that's about it yeah so  one of the things that was a huge consideration   was a queen-size bed and also the other thing that  i really wanted was something vertical like this   because most travel trailers the bed goes like  this and you have to crawl over your partner   so this was huge we are both really happy with  it we can get out of bed whatever we want without too much issue trouble with the other partner yeah  and and you see all the uh cabinets around the bed   i think there's plenty of storage really for both  of us these ones here maybe are a little bit too   short you know if you have everybody has longer  clothes even for the shirts but otherwise as   the quantity or volume there's plenty really for  both of us we have here there it goes all the way   on top here yeah there is no shortage of storage  but the downside to this we've discovered   is that there's only uh three windows um and only  two of them open so it's really hard to kind of   air out the rv that's kind of the downside it's  like give and take you know the balance what you   want more so and i think the design of a couple  of these things could have been maybe different   like for example these are really nice and all but  it's really hard to get your clothes out when you   are holding this up so I'm surprised there's not  a magnet built in here so one day he came up with   this ingenious idea and he was like me help me  out look because i was keeping this with my head   while i was searching for for my clothes there  and then he came up with this I'm like oh my god   and look tada yeah yeah perfect you just  have to remember not to pull down on it   that's the downside there and don't leave it up  too much because it doesn't hold so much weight   yeah yeah i guess the other thing too i think  could have been better is instead of having   doors that open up is maybe sliders because it's  very difficult to get to the clothes that aren't   on each side of the door so that's a little bit  of a yeah but there you put clothes where you   that you don't really see very often yeah  exactly so it depends how how long you are   um living in here and there is some storage here  which initially we thought oh okay it's nice   that it's by the bed you know where you have  your lights and so on in a usual home uh and   there are two levels of storage so it's actually  pretty neat we we can store a lot like our hats   there because it's a little bit difficult uh  difficult to reach but you know the phone and   everything that that you want in the yeah because  there's outlets there so you can charge your phone   or your iPad yeah and on one side you have also  uh usb yeah yeah yeah oh and there is no shortage   of lights they are everywhere yeah my only i i  wish you could dim these lights because they are   very bright yeah me too especially these ones  here by the bed maybe not all of them but if   you have a few of them and what's very cool  about them is that they're all individual   yeah you can you can light up any of them or all  of them so yeah you can have plenty of light or   very very little but it's always one of these uh  fell off once i had to put it back on and i think   there's like quite a few little leds so i wish  they could have just maybe put a third of the   as many and that would have been cool but anyway  and we have a little bit more storage here as well   where i put a lot of stuff so this is the stuff  you might need for me day to day yeah yeah this   is very useful for me because it goes quite deep  here so yeah that's very nice all right so let's   move on to the kitchen so as far as the kitchen we  have a huge sink i mean this thing is massive and   i guess this we've been doubling this as a cutting  board yeah uh which i think that's what it is   but the nice thing is it's recessed so  it doesn't fly around you've got a nice   little stainless steel uh faucet and he  wanted uh how do you call it this thing   that under-mount underneath yeah yeah I'm very  so adamant about it you just wanted an under   mount sink yeah for me that that's just really  the best way to go unfortunately the bathroom   is not under mount but um anyhow then we've  got a two burner stove why don't you show that   yeah so they are with gas they are not electrical  which is common every trailer would be gas yeah   yeah but there is no automatic ignition so you  have to light it with a lighter okay and then   there's a vent a stainless steel vent with  a light we've got a microwave another thing   that we kind of wish i really wish because i do  most of the cooking is that it was a convection   but it's just a microwave so i don't know it's  a small space i don't know if we could even get   a convection then we've got this area here and it  looks a little messy we we want to kind of build   places for things so to kind of customize the the  cabinetry at some point but right now we're just   keeping most of our kitchen things in here the  pots and glasses where we want to customize even   more but i'm really sorry because this is really  messy i just put everything in here for filming   um is this place because there is so much storage  and you cannot use it because it's too tall   so we want to put some shelves in here so so  we can put a few levels of stuff but storage   wise it's really there's plenty and we have these  two drawers where we keep our cutlery and other   stuff and here we keep our plates and mugs and  yeah things that we are using really every day   yeah something else that really went into our  decision is a large enough fridge uh this is a   21 foot trailer about 17 and a half feet inside  the tongue to bumper i think is 21 feet but a lot   of them this size don't have very much storage  for a refrigerator this is now i can't remember   it's either six or seven cubic feet and we have  a really nice size um freezer really good size   refrigerator plenty of room for two people for  you know we store a lot of stuff in there yeah   i mean for a couple weeks easily yeah and we're  we never like ran out of space we never over   uh crowded it or we never really ran out of space  yeah but this does run off of propane sometimes   if you're if you're hooked up to shore power  you you would be running off electricity but   these run these operate differently than your home  refrigerator so you need to be very careful on how   you uh pack everything and actually i think i saw  a video Dutchmen actually has a really good video   on how to properly store your um your fridge  items so we'll link it there if we can find it   but in addition you want to put stuff in here  cold already it's it's not a good idea to put   warm things in if you can help it and obviously  don't keep the door open all right good point   yeah like some people yeah you know you  want to open the door and look and see   what you want to cook tonight and think oh what  do i want from the fridge let me think let me   think no you have to know what you want from  the fridge before you open the fridge here we   have a bracket for TV which i told you earlier  we are not using because we are not using a tv   and here we have the stereo that is working for  inside and outside we show you already the the   speaker so it has a USB as well and and plenty of  channels we are not using it very much because we   are using our own music yeah and underneath oh  yeah underneath we have all the the outlets like   we we have plenty of outlets i have to say within  the trailer right oh and here you can put the the   cable for for the tv and one thing that we forgot  to mention about the the fridge is you have to be   very careful careful when you are driving you have  to hear that click because things are falling out   there that's the key that the fridge is closed  another thing that really factored into our   decision was the bathroom uh we'll show you that  in just a moment but you want to talk about the   mirrors oh yeah i want to uh we have very small  mirror in the bathroom so we just wanted a   full-size mirror and initially we were thinking to  to get one that is hanging off the door because we   saw plenty of those and then we came across this  one made of four pieces that are actually uh stuck   to the door and it's just perfect we think it  looks really good yeah we actually separated them   just to give it a little design texture there so  that that worked out really we needed it it's so   nice yeah and it's lightweight too  yeah yeah very very lightweight yeah   and this is the bathroom so this is a really big  bathroom for this size of trailer I'm so excited   about it in case you cannot see it um so we have  a very spacious cabinet right here but look at the   sink look at the space we have here we can put so  many things so it's so comfortable to do all our   morning routine evening routine and everything  plenty of space underneath we store so much   the other thing that's nice is that this is a  glass door kind of accordions and then when you   are traveling there's this latch here so  you can hold these really nicely in place   but yeah it's really a good size  shower for a trailer this small   it's it's quite cozy oh and these are a  motion uh lights so you can switch them here   and when you walk in they'll turn on  automatically if you so choose yeah   welcome to our living room now our dining area it  kind of has to substitute us both yeah yeah but   this table here you can actually collapse it and  use it outside if you wish we haven't done that   we actually bought a little table and we used that  but i actually think I'm going to reconfigure this   because the the leg is a little bit cumbersome I'm  thinking about putting a solid pole there and make   it a little bit more room for the feet underneath  and that's because we don't need to use this as   a bed which you can do right so that's actually  additional if you have guests or traveling with   somebody else these two sofas you you lift the  table that's why that's why you can take it out   you leave the table and uh put the two sofas  together and here you have another bed here yeah   and we have these other cabinets here as well  similar with with the ones that we had in the   in the bedroom um so it's plenty of storage here  it's again a little bit difficult to reach this   area because they are not sliding but you know you  have to make do we put on kind of boxes and stuff   you adjust with everything you know it's not home  it's not a full home so you you have to to adjust   uh these are very very comfortable really  this sofas we spent a lot of time on them   and we have additional storage even here  here and there we have two more drawers so   really we are really really happy with with the  storage and we bought a little carpet because you   know we wanted to make it uh even cozier and yeah  more homey and i think we got this at Costco no   oh yeah i think yeah it was really affordable and  uh goes really well in here with the color scheme   um yeah so we have i guess you maybe want  to talk about the air conditioning and   yeah yeah as well yeah i think the air  conditioning is 13 500 btu which for this size is   absolutely plenty this thing will get this super  cold we actually have to keep turning it on and   off you can adjust the temperature but the other  thing that's kind of a downside is you can hardly   hear it outside but my gosh it is loud inside  unfortunately but it works very well so that's   very good the heat also works incredibly well you  control it right here it comes out right over here   and here you can you can actually check your  fresh water your black tank and your gray water   and see where you are so what the levels are yeah  what are the levels how full the tanks are yeah   and as i said there's plenty of storage here and  what we showed you so far is not all there's more   under the bed there's plenty look at this   granted it's a little bit difficult to lift  this one we are missing a piece currently uh   but nevertheless we can still use the storage and  we store so much there we have this awesome awning sometimes things will stick i don't know if  it's going to help now with the sun oh it's   a little bit it's very cool for the inside as well  even if we are not outside we sometimes stretch it   inside so we get shade when it's too hot yeah and  also we haven't done it yet but my understanding   is you can adjust this to tilt yeah the awning but  we haven't played around with that yet but as you   can see it goes out quite a ways and then we could  just sit back under our awning and yeah relax   where's the cocktail it's coming right up  beer assistant somebody should bring it to us a piece of advice you probably don't want to leave  this extended when you're not around or maybe even   at night when you're not using it because you  don't want the wind to be blowing this around   so something to consider well that's a look at our  brand new 2021 Dutchmen Kodiak cub model number   177rb we hope you found this video helpful and if  you have any questions or comments please leave   them below and would be very happy to answer  them all yeah absolutely and full disclosure   we have not been paid by Dutchmen but we did get  a discount as content creators when we purchased   our travel trailer hey thanks so much for watching  and until next time we'll see you on the road you

2021-06-23 17:43

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