Iguazu Falls: Nature's Wonder In Argentina

Iguazu Falls: Nature's Wonder In Argentina

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You've heard that you need a whole day to  visit Iguazu falls on that Argentinian side   but still don't know where to start? well you came to the right place. In this video I will give you a step-by-step  guide on how to visit iguazu falls on the   Argentinian side starting by the cheapest  way to get there what to do when you get   there including Devil's Falls and the trails  as well as a surprise on how you can use the   same day to go to visit Tres Fronteras just in  time for sunset. so keep watching let's go... I am still in Argentina and today I am going  to visit the Argentinian side of the falls   now because I had to work in the morning and  I have to go tomorrow to Buenos Aires I only   have a limited time when you're here if you want  to go give it a full day based on what I've read   online you need a full day but for me I take what  I get so I had to go get money from the ATM they   charged me ten dollars to withdraw which I did  because unlike Brazil Argentina's situation is   a bit different I'm going to explain a little bit  later but it's safer here to have cash on you at   least to help you get going instead of like in  Brazil I survived the entire trip for two and a   half weeks with just my credit card so yeah I'm  waiting for the bus that goes there I am really   hoping it won't take long so that it saves me  a little bit of time to see the Falls even more   oh and there you have it the cheapest way to  get to the falls is to use the bus that runs   every 30 minutes so you have to plan  accordingly it was 1 300 pesos when I   was there but this might have changed because of  the economy so make sure you check before you go yeah so I'm here now I'm actually relaxed I  don't have that much time but I'll do my best   in here I don't really worry so much about that  I just now need to find where to buy the tickets the ticket counters are pretty close to where  the bus drops you so you'll see them and if you   don't see them just ask someone keep in mind that  there are large groups of people who come there so   you might have a queue but in my case there was  no queue and it just paid here you can pay with   your card you don't have to have the cash I spent  about 14 000 pesos but don't take this price in   face value check their website because the peso is  currently very volatile and if you want to visit   the falls the next day keep your ticket because  when you come back then you will pay half price [Music] this place is very big as I said you  need the whole day here I can already   see people leaving so they had good  time now because I don't have a lot   of time it's 2 30 now the park closes at  six that gives me three and a half hours   and also there is a trail that closes at 3 P.M  the one that way you can go to swim so that's  

okay I'll just miss that one the Park's main  attraction is devil's throat and that is the one   I don't want to miss so I will start with that  one and then do anything else that I will have   time for and if that's only one I have time for  I'll still be grateful because it's amazing and   it's a must see so instead of you can either walk  to the devil's trail that takes like about three   hours or you can take the train or a tram or a bus  looks like a tram or something like that I'm not   sure I'm gonna find out but that's what I'll take  because I want to take less time getting there and the place is very very well marked and you  have the map all over the place I've taken a   picture of it but you still see it and I got the  train ticket so the train is inclusive in in the   ticket price the park price but you do need to get  just a ticket to get on the train so the next one   lives in at three so in around 20 minutes so I'll  go wait for it instead of venturing off and maybe   missing it as I said that is the main attraction  and the one thing that I really want to do so I'll   go there first and whatever extra time I have I'll  do something else there are two train stations the   main station and the catarata station so you  need to be at the catarata station and if you   didn't get your train ticket from where I got  it you can still get it from here but you have   to have it before you make the queue because they  check even if you have the whole day here I would   suggest doing devil's throat as a first thing when  you get there because the trains do stop running   at around 3 30 and if you start with the trolls  you might run out of time to get on the train [Music][music] This is a   very scenic ride   as you can see, nature, the fresh air,  if you are going to the devils throat,   sit on the left side, the view is better we are now officially on the trail to see  the waterfalls this bridge that passes by   the river you can see the river back there and  it's see-through you can actually sit down so   if you're afraid of heights or water or  both Please Don't Look Down personally   this is where I thrive so oh it's such beautiful  butterfly sorry it distracted me and I totally   forgot what I wanted to say after that but  this place is so beautiful look at that oh yeah so that's why people say like if you  have to choose between Brazilian side of   the falls or Argentinian most people  choose Argentinian and you can see why wow I haven't even seen the falls yet and I'm  this excited what about when I see the falls   yeah but this river is massive look at the  width and all the way from the other side   where I was at the bridge this is the river  so massive but it has very many kilometers   of waterfalls so makes sense [Music] I've  been enjoying myself so much I forgot that   I have limited time and I want to see  as much as I can so now I have to rush and yes I'm running on a bridge  that has water underneath [Music]   this entire walkway is around 1 200 meters  1.2 kilometers and so they have benches   because some people will need to rest  before they get to their Falls [Music] look at the old bridge it was just separated by some wood [Music] You are about to see God's perfect   creation. I'm so excited, let  me show you. This is my reaction [Music]   this is on another level oh my God so the Brazilian side is like these ones you don't see the devils fall  from the Brazilian side but we can see them   here it was so far to see from Brazilian  side here but here we can see them and   the falls that were massive are hidden over there  but these are the biggest Falls in all of Iguazu this being the main attraction of the falls will  obviously attract a lot of people and it's even   very hard to get the best angle because people are  just watching it and it's magical so I understand am I spending more time here even if  it means that anything else I can hike   in waterfalls in many places but how many times swimming pool in just a few minutes seven Wonder one of the seven wonders  of national wild those ones together eventually when you manage to pull yourself  from the falls and you use the same walkway   back where you can go refill your water or  sit down there is a some restaurants and   some kiosks that you can buy some stuff  and there is also the animals [Music] time to get the train back I'm gonna try  and make one of the trails but I think   it closes at it will close sooner  than I get there but I hi [Music] this time so it has the reviews  because the river is on this side foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so yeah I missed the time cut out for the upper  circuit which is really nice like you go and   see the falls from below but honestly I don't  even feel bad because spending that much time   at Devil's throat was worth it it's that place  is amazing so if you as I said if you're coming   here come early because you need a whole day to  enjoy this side of the falls and if you're here   for two days and you want to see it keep your  receipt not receive the ticket because if you   have the ticket you come back the following day  you only pay 50 so make sure you keep your ticket if you had the whole day unlike me and you have  some more time after visiting the devil throat   then take one of the trails you've got the  choice between a lower circuit upper circuit   macuco Trail one of them will actually go to  a ferry that will take you to an island that   way you can swim and have a picnic so ask on  the information desk or the tourist center and   see what's best for you so the trails range from  30 minutes to three hours so before you venture   into one you have to see if you're able to do  it based on time and your effort it because   I've got 15 minutes before the train leaves I  see the green trail takes 15 minutes and I have   20 minutes before the next train lives here so  if I make it to the other side I'll catch the   train on the other side because I want to hike a  little bit at least so welcome to the green trail so I am not really a fan of like Safari  and jungle drives and I've been on some and   I enjoyed them obviously because you see  Wildlife but it was it like you gotta do that   but I do love walking in nature and Hiking  so such a place I feel alive and I feel so   close to God because I mean he's a nature like  things he created some of them fascinating so   yeah and then again when you're coming  here make sure you wear hiking clothes   at least comfortable ones because especially  if you're doing the whole day you'll need to   be with comfortable shoes light hiking clothes so  that you you feel comfortable throughout the day [Music] [Music] [Music]   thank you so if you've got time make sure  you take one of the trails and if you don't,   take at least the green trail it's only 15 minutes  once you go back near the entrance at zoo exit   restaurants and shops that you can sit and eat  or just buy drinks or call yourself with some   water or you can also buy souvenirs of different  kinds based on things found in the park as well   as Trinkets and souvenirs also from the guarani  tribe that is one of the indigenous tribes in this   northern region of Argentina okay so I actually  just found out this tourist information they're   usually very helpful I just found out that the  train to the devil's throat the awesome Falls   the last one is at 3 30 so when you're planning  your time if you come in the afternoon plan around   that the circuits close at I think 4 30 or 4 40  around there so that people get enough time to go   and come out before six because the park closes  10 minutes to six anyway so that's the visitor's   information and I'm heading on my way out but  honestly this was definitely worth it even if I   just got to do one of the activities it's worth  it so take more time here trust me you like it   to exit the waterfalls just go to where you  started buy a bus ticket from the office and stay   on the same bus don't get off where you got on  because it goes all the way to the tres fronteras [Music] [Music]   so I took advantage of the fact that the  bus gets all the way here to come to see   the sunset but it's hiding behind clouds  I'm not I'm not worried because I want to   see the three fronts that is Paraguay Brazil  and Argentina so I'll show you that so [Music] so welcome to hito Tres Fronteras on the Puerto  Iguazu so each side has such a obelisk that   marks that is with the colors of the flag that's  Argentina blue and white on the other side red   white and blue and on the other side it's  not as visible you've got Brazil which is   yellow and green so yeah you can visit this place  basically from either of the three countries yeah   and it's easiest for me to visit from  Puerto iguazu because the bus is in   town while that place in in foz do Iguazu  it's actually out of town and you have to   take like a cab something I don't know  if there are buses but yeah there you go [Music]   so this point is so cool because  this river separates here   so this is Parana yes and this is iguazu and  in the middle of it that's Brazil Argentina [Music] this is amazing I can see three countries in one  so this is one of the only points in the world   where you can do that there are some others I  know there's one in Africa on Zambezi River I   think it's amazing River yes Victoria Falls one  or you can see Botswana Zambia Zimbabwe and I   think for which other country Namibia yes so four  countries so this one is three countries border   it's amazing to see so make sure you get here if  you are on Paraguay side you can see it on that   side if you're in Brazil you can see it on that  side if you are in Argentina like me here you   can see it from here and on the Brazilians  I see you can take a boat tour actually,   I don't know if there's one on this side but there  is high chance that there is one somewhere [Music] foreign [Music] the bridge is lit up at night and it seems  like people prefer to come here in the evening,   there are more people here than when I was getting  here and I thought I was late so feel free to come   at any time you won't be alone it's a very famous  tourist spot so its rare for you to be alone thank you so much for watching this video and  join me next time as I go to Buenos Aires and   I show you the city that's often referred as  to the Europe of South America so see you there   Please Subscribe comment like share you know  the drill and turn on notifications because   the next one you're definitely gonna  wanna see it so see you in that one bye

2023-10-08 21:33

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