IELTS TASK-1(Analytical Parahraph) INTRO & OVERALL fully explained with examples

IELTS TASK-1(Analytical Parahraph) INTRO & OVERALL fully explained with examples

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hello students welcome back  to my channel English Wave   my name is Gurbhej Sran and i'm going to start  a special series on writing module of the IELTS   and in this video we are going to start task  1 or in the cbse curriculum this is called   an analytical paragraph so without any  further ado let's start with the video so first of all let's start with what is an  analytical paragraph analytical paragraph   it's very clear from name that you have to analyze  the things and describe as per your own language   now what are the things which will be given to  you and from where you have to analyze the things   you will be given one type of a graph and you  have to analyze that and you have to assess that   graph and write on the trends of the graph so  these are the graphs that you you can be given   line graph pie chart bar graph table chart or  map chart and a process chart and out of them   these are the four graphs which are very common  in case of cbsc curriculum and in the ielts you   can be given any type of graph out of them so  let's see how many words you have to write down   while describing in case of cbse curriculum  you have to write down at least 120 words and in case of ielts you have to write down at least 150 words but  i would recommend you to go beyond at least   170 to 180 words for the better scores so  this was all about the analytical paragraph   and today we will start with the line  graph that is our first type of the graph   and before this let's see the general structure  of the analytical paragraphs so generally we   use four body paragraph system first body  paragraph that is called introduction part what you are supposed to write on in the  introduction part you have to introduce what type   of graph is given what are what is the information  and uh what are the units or several trends   that that particular graph will go through right  let's see the next body paragraph that is overall somewhere in the structures it is given  that students are supposed to write on   the conclusion part but i would not say a  conclusion because this is not an issue that   we have to discuss and conclude at the end this is  just a data of the past which is compiled in the   form of graph and you have we have to assess that  data and you have to write down the data and it's   very clear from the from statement we are supposed  to describe the data in past definite tense i'm   talking about description only introduction  and overall parts can be written in present   definite also because these are the these are the  things that we are making right away when we are   assessing the graph right so overall so instead  of conclusion part i would write on overall   what are the things that you are  you are supposed to put in overall   first thing to remember that you are not supposed  to put any data in the overall overall means we   have to see the general overview of the graph what  what are the most noticeable trend in the overview   and uh we can see the values what are the maximum  values uh where are the lower values and these are   the things we have to put in overall or it would  be more thoroughly understood when we write down   the sample answers for this so let's move on  to the next part that is our body paragraph one and last body paragraph two so this is the four body  paragraph structure or general structure of every   type of the graph although it can be varied  according to the type of graph but general   structures would be similar to these structures  and introduction overall we have already seen in   the body paragraph one and body paragraph two we  are supposed to describe the trends of the graph   what is happening in the graph whether there  are some increments or the the declining trends   and so on so first we'll start with  the introduction part of the paragraph   and further it will move on to the next body  paragraphs so let's start with an introduction   part so while talking about introduction part  of the analytical paragraph or the task one   we need five things to write down the  introduction now let's see what are these   five things that we have to analyze while  writing the introduction so let's see what   is the first thing that we have to see while  writing the introduction that is type of graph whether it is a line graph pie chart process  chart map chart and so on next thing that you   have to assess that is data r information  means about what the graph is talking about third thing that is location of the data if it is  given sometime it is not given   but if it is given we have to mention the  location of the graph fourth thing that is   time obviously we have to mention that what is  the time range that is mentioned in the graph   fifth thing that is units in what units the data  is provided it can be in numbers it can be in   thousands lakhs million billions or any other  type of units can be given like percentage so   these are the five things that we have to see  while writing the introduction always remember   we have to compile the introduction always in  present indefinite tense because right now we   are assessing the data and we are writing the  information so that's why we have to write on in   present indefinite tense let's see how to compile  this data in the in the structures in the tenses   and this we will understand with the with the help  of an example so let us take an example so this is   the example of line graph the line graph shows  the proportions of mobile phones sold in india   from 2000 to 2005 summarize the information so on  the x-axis we are given the timeline that is from   2000 to 2005 and on the y-axis the percentage  of mobile phones sold means units are given so   let's see that what is happening from 2000 to  2001 what is happening the sale increased from   five percent to ten percent and from 2001 to  to what happened it got stabilized at 10 then   it got declined then again increased and we can  see from 2004 to 05 some fluctuations are there   right so we have to summarize this information and  we have to give the description for this so let's   write down the introduction for this we have  already seen these are the five things we have   to see while writing the introduction let's see  how these five things are compiled in the tenses   type of graph obviously it's a line graph data  or information obviously it is the data of   mobile phone sold location india time from 2000  to 2005. units percentage or proportion let's see   how these five things are compiled so our  introduction should be like this the given line graph illustrates the information related to mobile phones sold or we can also say related to the sale of mobile phone from 2000 to 2005 so out of these five four things  we have already considered what are these four   things type of graph that is line graph data  information related to sale of mobile phone   timeline from 2000 to 2005. one thing  more is missed here sale of mobile phones in india from 2000 to 2005. now four  things are already considered   along with the location at time this is  the fifth thing that we are left with   units percentage how we put the  units the units are given in percentage and we're done with it  introduction part these are the five   things we have considered and we have compiled  all these things into the into tenses so this   is how we have to write on the introduction  very simple but now some difficult part comes   what is the difficult part that  we have to paraphrase these tenses   paraphrase means what paraphrase means we have  to change the words with their synonyms that   is word-based paraphrasing we have two types of  paraphrasing that is first word based paraphrasing second is sentence based paraphrasing in the word based paraphrasing what we  are supposed to do that instead of this   word what other word can be used what are the  synonyms of illustrates what are the synonyms of   related to what are the synonyms of line graph   synonyms of percentage means we have to replace  the words generally why i'm replacing these words   why i'm talking about replacement of these words  because we have to show the examiner that we   have a range of vocabulary or we have we know the  variety of tenses and words and in sentence based   paraphrasing we have to change the structures  of the tenses to show the examiner and that we   also know the different different structures of  the tenses without affecting its meaning how to   say the same thing in other lines or other words  so this is sentence based paraphrasing so first   we'll see with the word based paraphrasing  what are the words that we can replace   let's see instead of given word what are the  other words that can be used i'll erase this so instead of given word  what other words can be used   assigned word can be used the  assigned line graph provided rendered so these are the words that  can be used instead of given word   line graph or we can also  say linear representation then illustrates instead of  illustrates so many words are there depicts elucidates displays reveals these are some general words that can be used and  if you want to know more things i have given the   link in the description i have may i have made  the notes of this these words and you will find   all those words related to instead of this word  related to what are the words let's see about are my favorite one that is  pertaining to pertaining to means   related to that can be used sale of mobile  phones related to mobile phones sold in   india this is how the structures can be  modified from 2000 to 2005 that is our   timeline we have different structures we have  several structures how to depict the timeline   let's see first structure that is from 2000 to  2005 next between 2000 and 2005 more structures over a period of five years and in the bracket we can write on  2000 to 2005. instead of period what   other word can be used over a span of  five years or in the wake of five years and in the bracket we can write down the range so these are the structures that  can be used to depict the timeline units the units are given in  percentage instead of a given word   one word can be used that is calibrate  please mind your spellings while writing the   words because spellings and structures  grammatical structures these are the two things   which will be assessed on the priority  basis while setting so calibrate then   percentage instead of percentage lot many  words are there percent percentile proportion so this is how the introduction part is written   and if you want to and obviously these are so many  words and very difficult to remember so the only   solution to remember these words is practice only  so practice more and more on these structures so   this is all about the introduction part now  let's see how to write down the overall part   so let's see how to write down overall  or overview for the writing task one   so as the name suggests that we have to see the  general overview of the whole task means what are   the things uh that we are supposed to put in our  overall let's see first the most noticeable trends we have to describe the trends which are most  noticeable in our graph or we can say at the   very first glance these are in our observation so  most noticeable trends second thing we can go for the maximum values the maximum value are the minimum value or we can mention the highest value please  remember you are not supposed to put the value   you are supposed to only mention that this  was the time frame when the the value hit   the maximum target so ah don't put any value  or or we can write down the minimum value   when the value was the lowest and third  thing that we have to see if two values are   there or more than two values are there they are  surpassing each other surpassing means where one   one value is being declined and the other one is  being inclined so this is how we have to write an   overall but without example nothing can be  understood so let's take an example to understand   it in a more better way so this is the example  that we are going to discuss and we will try   to write down the overall for this or overview  for this graph this is the graph of population   in india and china and in the future years there's  a there are some predictions and obviously uh with   the the years which are in future that will ride  on uh future indefinite for this so let's see   what are the most noticeable trends in this  obviously where india is surpassing the china's   population it it will be happening in 2030 this  is just a prediction i'm not anticipating anything   this is just a prediction that india will surpass  or we can say out populate the china so this is   the most noticeable trend that we have to ride  on what does the what is the second thing that we   have to see that initially the india's population  is less as compared to china but ultimately it is   being peaked out in 2050 this is the trend we  can see so let's see let's write on overall in the period of 50 years india is going to experience a steady growth in the population and will overtake china next trend that is the population of india is going to be peeked out p doubt means to touch the  highest point peaked out in 2050 so this is how the overall is written and this  is just one example of the overall there might   be some confusions while writing this these  confusions will be overtaken while practicing   the graph r while uh while reading the sample  answers of this so let's move on to our next   passes uh that is body paragraph one in  body paragraph one and body paragraph two   we are supposed to analyze the trends of the  graph so we'll see different type of trends like   somewhere the value is increasing somewhere it is  it is being stabilized somewhere it is declining   some fluctuations are there or somewhere it  is just below the particular value or just   above the particular value how to show these  trends in our own language that's going to be   discussed in the further videos and i'll end  up this video today and uh please share this   videos as maximum as possible if you like these  videos if you found these videos informative   please subscribe our channel and thanks  for watcing i'll see you in the next video

2022-01-26 14:33

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