Idea Of Adventure part 1

Idea Of Adventure part 1

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foreign [Music] [Music] called beard is very nice [Music] the weather is dipping a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Phillips so what is the idea starting in my hometown I want to travel across Europe down towards Gibraltar and then continue on the west coast of Africa all the way to Cape Town Crossing African continent on bicycle this is one part the second part of Adventure is to capture and share whole experience it's covering local culture and traditions discuss interesting facts about history politics and economy from local and Western perspective foreign [Music] there's certainly more convenient ways to travel a car or motorcycle can reach destination much faster but this travel is not about the destination it's about the journey in addition mic touring provides important closeness to people and environment and that's how the idea was born cycling across Africa however there is one thing since I have not done any bicycle touring before I had to start from scratch foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and all the gear gathered I left home at the beginning of November cycling through czechi in Austria passing many Heritage sites including that means qualities located on the banks of riverable tawa Chaska kumu is a Charming Town listed among UNESCO Heritage sites it's a proper destination for tourists and locals especially known for relaxing rafting experience on the voltaba river thank you foreign [Music] [Music] fields and Villages it was enjoyable to cycle through southern czechia amid the Flynn landscape the progress was around [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] for a short period of time I cycle by 10 000 kilometer long euroville 13. spanning from Baron to Black Sea and the bordering 20 countries the trail follows area which from 1946 until almost next half of the century was place of Iron Curtain imaginary and later also physical division of east and west [Music] the division is still visible especially from Austrian side where the land is still scarcely populated with only Fields by the road [Music] fertilizing with leftover pumpkins well that can happen only next year [Music] this church is a remnant of yet another event which marked downward spiral of Czechoslovakia following events of second world war and the regain of Surah the origin Banner decreased their issue setting legal framework for expulsion of Germans and other nations which was a rather sizeable part of population back then increase still remain controversial [Music] [Music] I entered shumawa National Park also called Bohemian Forest containing many wild animals including population of Lexus [Music] after crossing the National Park I arrived in lower Bavaria [Music] [Music] and so I continued for lower and upper Bavaria I arrived at Lake bodensee [Music] Bavaria is one of the 16 federal states of Germany the biggest state by the land size and the second in population from the historical perspective the Barbarian people are closer to Catholicism the state have two official Flags the white and blue stripe and the iconic mesh representing the former rulers from the house of Beatles Bach economically it does very well with one of the lowest unemployment rates in Germany and EU only 0.6 percent [Music] so finally I came up from the mountains from up there and go to The Venue River the New River with the length of almost 3 000 kilometers is the second largest river on the European continent after Volga the Danube draws a border of 10 countries more than any other River it also passes through four European capitals Vienna budapestlauer and more lies on the canoe Basin and here is the Passau itself quite impressive foreign the river is a sleeping giant with enormous economical potential the only hurdle is to get Serbia into EU and the free trade in the Nubia would be open apart from Transportation another important economical function of the Danube River is that it is source of hydroelectric power foreign [Music] I'm heading to Munich yeah another day how 90 kilometers past and uh it was pretty good I mean temperature rise quite a lot once I go down here to the valley so all good foreign [Music] I guess they have a surpluses of everything the main feature on my way through barbaria better fields and farmlands [Music] foreign [Music] Munich the capital of Bavaria foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there it is the next stop is Switzerland not necessarily I still needed to cross back to Austria and wanted to visit Liechtenstein and on the way also passed many cycles since the area around Lakewood was literally overloaded with the recreational cyclists [Music] and this is probably the reason the landscape there was stunning [Music] so that's where I'm heading Liechtenstein and also there is a glacier water over here so maybe I will have a bath along another major European river the Rhine I headed to Liechtenstein and its capital vadus [Music] [Music] they really enjoy all the American cars over here with the average Hillary in Lichtenstein being almost 7 000 Euros they certainly can [Music] Jeremiah you know Liechtenstein and this is how the streets of micronation squeezed between Austria and Switzerland is home to about 30 000 people [Music] most of us carry part of lectern time with us as the country's major producer of Bento Phillips [Music] there's only 25 kilometers long I quickly went through the highlights as Saint Florian Cathedral Badu's castle and Gutenberg Castle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is a collection of 26 semi-autonomous scandals hello [Applause] [Music] on the way I met with Alba annual Alpine corporate for the cows are being moved to low elevation area for winter relationship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] but uh foreign and here is Lucerne the largest city in the central part of the country and its iconic Chapel Bridge although touristy it's my favorite city in Switzerland [Music] s [Music] thank you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's raining foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well how do I feel it was quite cold in night and uh rainy and uh majority of things were wet unfortunately and also I'm not so good at the wrapping the 10 Years yet but uh I feel free to be honest I do feel free rewarded by beautiful views I left kandon of burn in the mountains behind me [Music] thank you here in Geneva so the traffic is crazy [Music] thank you foreign [Music] in the next part I'll cycle through France across prns at Andorra make my way through Catalonia and southern Spain arriving at Gibraltar we're from Tarifa out the cafe to the African continent [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause]

2023-01-09 15:43

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