Iceland travel cost break down & itinerary | Ring road trip | EN & GR subtitles | Ισλανδία ταξίδι

Iceland travel cost break down & itinerary | Ring road trip | EN & GR subtitles | Ισλανδία ταξίδι

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So… You are thinking about visiting Iceland. To see all the beauty and mystery this country has to offer. Visit Reykjavik Do the Golden circle Or maybe hit the ring road. But it’s expensive… What if i told you, we drove around the ring road and got to see this and this and this this this this… In 8 days and paid 810 euro. Per person. Come with us in our Iceland adventure. I will not tell you how beautiful this country is.

You know that already. That’s why you are going. But we will share with you what we did, the places we visited and how much it cost us. The cheap tickets we found took us through Italy, where we spent 2 beautiful days around Caserta, Napoli. That was the first step to save money in Iceland. In our luggage we stored food we bought in Italy. It cost 45 euro and along with a few things we brought from home, would be enough for 4 to 5 days.

After arriving we were transferred to kuku campers headquarters to get our camper for the next 8 days. We arrived in Iceland and the guys from Kukucampers picked us up from the airport, brought us here to their office and we are renting this bad boy. It's gonna be an adventure! We got a B category Renault Traffic. There were cheaper options but both being tall, we wanted something that would give us more space for sleep and storing our things.

And it was a wise choice. Then immediately we went to stock up with even more groceries. By the time we finished it was already late, so we drove about an hour and a half to a campsite in the area near Gullfoss for our first night.

First dinner in our camper. Next day after we arrived in Iceland. We slept very well. And now we're off to check Gullfoss. In the morning, after just 10 minutes driving, we arrived at windy Gullfoss.

Was very early and we were there completely alone. After Gullfoss we backtracked for 10 minutes on the same road to Geysir Then we drove to Thingvellir National Park We drove with our Kukucamper at Thingvellir National Park. The parking was 750 króna. About 6,5 euro. Now let's go and see where the two tectonic plates meet. After Thingvellir National Park, we stopped at the Kerid Crater.

The entrance per person was 400 króna. About 3 euro. - What's the name of this river? - Reykjadalur. - Reykjadarul. - Reykjadalur. The parking cost 6 euro. The hike is a bit longer than what is written at the beginning of the path.

We got there late and it was getting dark. We didn't do our homework for this place. For the Rykjadalur thermal river. And we got late and it's getting dark and a bit of rain.

But what the heck. Let's get in. Get inside. It's warm. On the way back, it was even darker...

Then we drove for about an hour and 20 minutes to the next campsite near Seljalandsfoss where the impressive waterfall gave us a warm welcome. This morning we woke up at the campsite. It is exactly next to Gljufrabui. I don't know if you can see it. And on the other side over there is Seljalandsfoss. So we stayed in Hamragardar campsite.

And it's like 5 minutes walking to Seljalandsfoss. So we don't have to pay the parking there which is 700 krona. Just saying, just giving a tip. Are we gonna drone in the worst weather conditions? Everybody suffer. You need to be... You NEED to be cautious with the slippery rocks.

But let's go walk behind the waterfall. After a very bad weather earlier this morning, i thought we will not be able to see anything. But after a while the weather turned fine. And here we are. Seljalandsfoss. Seljalandsfoss. Woohoo! Woohoo situation? 10 minutes from Seljalandsfoss is the hidden gem of the area - and now we are going to the hidden canyon...

- Gljufrabui - Exactly that won't stay hidden much longer. Woohoooooo! And 10 minutes walking from Seljalandsfoss, Gljufrabui. And we are completely alone! Then we drove half an hour through beautiful landscape to his Majesty Skogafoss 10 minutes away, is the lesser known but very beautiful, Kvernufoss And just 5 minutes drive from Skogafoss and 15-20 more walking, is Kvernufoss.

Then we drove to see the plane wreck. But it was windy and saw too many people going. It just didn’t feel right at the moment and we skipped it. Drove 20 minutes to the next location, Dyrholaey viewpoint. Then we drive 20 minutes more to Reynisfjara Black Beach After so many places was time to call it a day and camped in Vik.

Ok just to give you a rough idea, how we are spending our evening with dinner and how we are in our camper.. This maybe looks a little messy but i guarantee you it's very comfy and spacious. With the groceries we got from Italy and some things we brought from home, We are managing pretty cheap and very also tasty i can say. For tonight for example we have gnocchi, gorgonzola and some pre cooked burger. We are also preparing already for tomorrow some couscous. Later the setup will change.

We will hide the table, make the bed and we will rest and sleep just fine. And this is roughly how we spend every night in our camper. - And we are in Vik by the way. - And tonight we are in Vik.

- It's our second night. No it's our third night. - Third. Next morning we had breakfast very early and hit the road. - Do you feel safe? - Very. We drove for 50 minutes through beautiful landscape during sunrise. Then drove for an hour to Skaftafell to visit Svartifoss.

Stopping along the way to admire animals and nature. Come! We also got into a sandstorm. The walk to Svartifoss was half an hour with other smaller waterfalls on the way After the waterfall we didn’t walk to Skaftafell glacier We drove 10 minutes instead, to a parking lot from where Svínafellsjökull Glacier was a 20 minute walk. Then we drove for an hour to Jökulsárlón Iceberg Lagoon and Diamond beach. And the good thing about the camper, you can make a tea whenever you need to And here you need it pretty often. After Diamond Beach we drove East for a while and camped until morning, when we continued to Hengifoss through the unique and diverse landscape of Iceland.

After a couple of hours and a few stops for shopping and filming, we are arrived at the carpark from where 1 hour of walking took us to Litlanefoss and Hengifoss. Let's go to Hengifoss. Be careful. That was crazy! In the evening we camped in the area of Egilsstaðir and early in the morning we drove to Stuðlagil Canyon. Make sure you don’t drive to where the viewpoint is.

Drive to the "Studlagil East Side Parking" instead. Cross the bridge and walk for about an hour to the right. If you have a 4x4 you can get even closer. Are we making coffee? We are making coffe. One of the good things about having a camper.

To make coffee any time we want? Yeah you finish your hike, after walking for 2 or 3 hours, you come back, make a coffee Or soup. Or soup. And then you are off... After Stuðlagil we drove for an hour and a half to Dettifoss. Beautiful, white, snowy landscape, which for me, a greek guy living in Crete, was a bit stressful. - Janusz is stressed. Yes Janusz? You feel stressed? - A bit yes.

If you are going to Dettifoss coming from the east, make sure you don't exit the highway on road 864, but turn a few kilometers later to 862. The paths close to Dettifoss were covered in ice. That Greek Guy saw it for the first time? Then we drove for 45 minutes to Lake Mývatn to camp for the night and next morning we drove 10 minutes to Hverir. After Hverir we stopped next to the craters of the lake.

Next stop, Goðafoss. We just visited Godafoss, one more impressive waterfall. And from here starts the road that would take us to Aldeyjarfoss. I don't feel like risking it. I mean, maybe we will get there but i will be stressed.

So short break with noodles and coffee and then we are off. If you are here in summer, or you are not afraid of icy roads (or you have a 4x4), by all means try to get to Aldeyjarfoss. And then leave a comment down and tell us how it was. Shortly after Godafoss we reached the Vaðlaheiðargöng (i think) tunnel. It costs 10 euro and you don't pay on the spot. You can pay before you get there, or within 3 hours after crossing it.

After 2 hrs of driving with a few stops, we arrived at Grafarkirkja, the oldest church in Iceland. - What is happening here? - We are making coffee. (Again) Then we drove 2 and a half hours more to camp in the area of Búðardalur Very early in the morning we set off to Kirkjufellsfoss where we arrived after an hour and 40 minutes of driving.

Day 7 was our last full day. We stopped in different places on our way to Grindavik where we planned to camp for the night, in case we got lucky next morning and there was some activity in the volcano. Something that didn’t happen on our first day when we initially planned to hike there. In the morning of the last day, we didn’t have any indication for volcanic activity, so we spent some time in Reykjavik before returning the camper. Then we returned the camper and got our shuttle to the airport.

So time to break down the expenses. We drove a bit over 2000km in 8 days. The main expense was the camper, our accommodation and transportation. The rent was 874 euros. The extras including a gas canister, the inverter for charging things that need 220 volts and the shuttle to the airport, was 77 euros. Fuel cost 310 euro. We got some coupons from kuku, so whenever

we were refueling in a N1 gas station, or even just stopping for a break, we had free coffee. Another Kukucamper. For campsites we paid 127 euros. For parking and entrance in a few places, 24 euros. Total groceries’ expenses, for things we brought from Greece or bought in Italy and Iceland, were 171 euros. The tunnel cost 10 euros. And a fews euros here and there for some extras

Total cost for 2 persons in October, 1610 euros. Just a tad over 800 per person (without the air tickets), to visit this magnificent country and see all these beyond imagination places. I understand our plan might seem a bit hectic to some. Or to give a feeling we were

constantly in a rush. Well it wasn’t that bad. It’s the way we always travel. You can always customize your experience by adding a few days or taking out some stops, but the possibility is there. I hope this video will give you an idea or two about how affordable Iceland can be and help you plan your own trip. If so, you can hit that like button and why not? Maybe buy me a coffee.

Thank you for watching and see you next time.

2021-11-27 13:02

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