Iceland 6-Day Adventure Motorcycle Tour

Iceland 6-Day Adventure Motorcycle Tour

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[Music] in September 2023 I flew from Sydney  to Iceland for a real bucket list motorcycle   tour with Local Company ride with locals upon  arrival the first thing we had to do was pick   our bike they've got 350s 450s and 700 cc bikes  and even though I ride a 701 back in in Sydney   I opted for the lighter 350 which I loved then we  had a briefing by the owner skoly he told us a bit   about where we're going to be riding and what to  expect and after that we jumped on our bikes and   we headed out because you never know what that's  going to comment there were eight of us in the   group but what we didn't realize at the time was  that before the end of day one one of our party   was going to be off with a broken leg and then  after day two their partner was also going to   leave the trip so we spent most of the trip with  seabus so here's the plan for day one we started   at SOS and we had about 50k of tarmac and then we  hit the dirt and we had um a lovely first day's   ride and we ended up in a hut called [Music] rupan  the terrain on day one sort of started yeah pretty   average but it just got better and better as we  approached the highlands the volcanic surface   that we're riding on is quite amazing it's quite  soft so you slide a lot but it never seems to give   way I never had my back wheel and my tires slide  out on me and it's just so much fun it's just kind   of like the bikes bouncing around it's sliding  around but yet there's so much traction it's   kind of it's a strange surface but it's probably  the best most enjoyable surface I've ever ridden on now this is where the accident happened you  can see on the right hand side of the track   there's a sort of rut and a wash out which  is easy enough to avoid but Steven got his   front wheel stuck in it and the bike came down  on top of him and at the bottom of a hill we   were taking selfies in front of the waterfall  and enjoying just the beautiful panoramas and   we didn't realize that Steven was actually  pretty bad badly hurt at the top of the hill   with a broken leg Steven had fallen at the top  of the hill which was very exposed and it was   cold and windy so the first thing we did is  we took him down to the bottom of the hill   and found some shelter even down here at the  bottom of the hill it was still pretty cold   and windy it was going to take some time before  the support vehicle reached us so we decided to   actually put Steven on the back of a bike and  double him to a nearby Hut where he could stay   stay warm while we're [Music] waiting at least  Steven was now warm as we waited for the support   vehicle which took him into Hospital look happy  and determined that he'd broken his leg in three places the wind continued to build that afternoon  so we beelined it to our Hut for the night [Music] it was a beautiful little Hut on the banks of  a river just set in this gorgeous Valley so we   settled into our first first of five nights in  the mountain hut it had been an eventful day one it was day two and it was windy and  wet so we didn't have high expectations   about this day's riding the guides planned  some local things to see so we're going to   check out a couple of waterfalls and  some volcanic [Music] craters [Music] while the wind stayed on and off during  the day the rain actually stopped and   it was pretty nice riding riding up  to the volcanic craters was pretty [Music] impressive [Music] we came to our first sort of longer  water crossing and the guides gave us pretty   0:04:59.560,1193:02:47.295 [Music] clear instructions take it nice and slowly well  Nick didn't follow instructions I'm not going to   bloody wait for you then Nick had to do the  walk of shame and push his bikes through the water turned out Nick had  drowned the bike thanks Nick no luckily the guides were well  prepared they had spare oil so we   did a quick oil change on the side of  the road and and we got going [Music] again the views were just incredible it's almost   like around every Bend was  just an impossibly beautiful Panorama and riding through the lava Fields it  just felt like we're on another planet at times [Music] [Music] play out let me get out behind you [Music] [Music] lots of time to just stop and take in  the view take a few photos it really was beautiful is and after a wonderful day two of riding we  headed back to our Hut for another wonderful   meal but tonight we had movie night and we were  going to watch Eurovision with Will Ferell and   highly recommended to anyone that wants to get  some insight into Icelandic culture who was to   hear your vision [Applause] song yeah ding here  we [Music] go on day three the wind eased and it   was looking like better weather so we rode from  our Hut up to an incredible waterfall called hios   and another amazing Valley that I cannot even  attempt to pronounce and then we went to the   thermal Springs at L mana laga and then finally  drove to our new Hut for the [Music] night [Music] when we got to hios get closer Nick we  were greeted by just an incredible sight is scary being right on the edge of this  incredible Canyon with just not one   but three spectacular waterfalls  was quite mind-blowing [Music] then we rode to this incredible Canyon  the name I'm not even going to attempt to [Music] pronounce [Music] [Music] after Nick's Escapade of drowning  the bike on day two the guides were   taking no chances and making sure that  Nick wasn't going to drown any more bikes it was too cold and too windy for us  we didn't want to take all that gear off and   get in the springs and then get geared up  again but I ended up staying here with my   family a few days later and my boys sunk  quite a few beers that evening in the hot springs then we took a route up into the  mountains and I don't think anyone was   expecting it but it started snowing  and the snow just got heavier and   and heavier and the next thing you  know we were riding in our Winter [Music] [Music] Wonderland and while all of us  had ice and snow head to toe we just   loved the experience especially  coming from Australia it's not   something you get very often to  ride through snow and a [Music] [Music] [Music] blizzard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we made our way to a new Hut  for night three and it was in   just the most beautiful Valley and  it was a an incredible Hut we had   the Hut to ourselves and it was just  a stunning stunning Vista to wake up to day four and this is where things  went to a whole new level in terms of   beauty we rode from our beautiful  hutner Valley through the volcanic   region of Heckler and ended up on the  other side of the national [Music] park the weather was fantastic  the wind had dropped and we knew   we were going to have a really great day riding now in my adventure writing in Australia I've  seen all kinds of warning signs but never one   for volcanic eruption so that was a new one for me  we were now riding towards the volcano Heckler and   the riding was fast it was flowing and we all sort  of just got into a Groove and just had a great time the clouds were quite low and  it created quite a sort of dramatic   landscape it was just really hard  to describe what it was like to ride through well Nick and I both ride 700 cc bikes  in Australia we were both just loving the light   little 350s and it was just so much fun to  slide them around on this incredible [Music] surface 0:15:58.600,1193:02:47.295 [Music] as the day went on the scene reges  got more and more spectacular and we   all were just loving the riding  more and more day four was just [Music] amazing in terms of terrain we had  a bit of everything on day four there was   sort of slower more Rocky trails and then we  had the highspeed flowy Trails we even had   um snow riding and some sort of steep hills I  found myself using a term in Iceland impossibly   beautiful and it really is just describes  what I was seeing it's almost like around   every turn around every bend the scenery was  just impossibly beautiful and I'll finish off   day for with some examples of what the riding was  like and and what the scy was like it was [Music] [Music] mindblowing [Music] [Music] like after Nick drowned the bike on day  two our guide was taking no Chances with Nick   he was giving him remedial Crossing advice you  know what it's like when you're riding and all   of a sudden you just sort of become one with  the bike you're you're relaxed you're riding   about as well as you can ride the terrain is  amazing the track is fantastic the weather is   incredible and the scenery is just mind-blowing  you kind of get into this euphoric mode and   that's how I felt on um day four it was just  probably the best riding I have ever [Music] [Music] done oh he [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] we finished day four at a new Hut and this Hut was   situated right on the edge of  this most beautiful beautiful Canyon day five was the highlight of the trip  for me because we were going to ride in the   Black Desert our route today was a circular  route through the Black Desert but the SES   that we saw were just mind-blowing baby the  weather was perfect and we were all really   excited about the ride today actually it's  probably worth just introducing our three   amazing guides that we had on this trip  we had MGI who was fantastic secondly we   had Modesta and then finally we had AA um  all three guyses were just the best hats   off to them we set off under beautiful  blue skies and made our way to the Black Desert the colors of Iceland  are amazing the bright greens   against the black soil just make for an incredible power we stopped at this beautiful  little hikers Hut and just checked   out the view and just took some  time to um take it all in like a lake the pace definitely picked up  on day five I think we were all just   really comfortable on the bikes and on  the terrain and we were having [Music] fun and we came to this really beautiful Lake  and we just um spent some time riding up and   around it and onto this little Peninsula  and the views around this Lake were just mind-blowing I really appreciated  the stops that we made because you   know often when you're riding along  quickly on the dirt bikes the views   can just fly past you and just stop and look  around and take these views in it is pretty special the next stop was the Black Desert and  I was really looking forward to this cuz I don't   know I love these vast open desolate areas I just  find them really f fting oh yeah that view is just   awesome look at that the Black Desert I'd seen a  few pictures of it and I knew it was going to be   something special and it didn't disappoint you  know some people might find it just Barren and   not attractive but I don't know it was incredible  to me I love just this desolate bleakness it was   [Music] stunning and as we started climbing up the  mountain there was steam coming off the ground and   I wasn't sure if it was steam from rain or whether  it was from volcanic activity but it was pretty cool and as we approached the top of the  mountain all of a sudden the views just   unfolded in front of us and it really sort of  took our Breath Away by the vastness of [Music] it [Music] [Music] this was a great place for our lunch stop  and here we just enjoyed this pretty special view then as we left the mountain  toop we drove back down and we just   had this amazing view across the  Black Desert that we had ridden   across I think this will give you a  real sense for how amazing it [Music] is [Music] wiser the r is [Music] down the Black Desert did not [Music] disappoint  that afternoon we rode pretty hard and we rode   pretty fast and it was a a long day but  boy it was a a beautiful day it was just   so spectacular and [Music] enjoyable  without a doubt day five was my favorite [Music] day [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the end of the day we were hungry we were  tired we were thirsty but boy what an amazing day five it was the final day of our tour but Iceland  still had a few gems to share with us today   we made our way back to SOS from our  heart but we rode through some pretty   incredible [Music] Landscapes but I thought  I'd start the day by screwing around with   my drone and capturing some images of these  gorgeous Canyons right behind our [Music] Hut they have a saying in Iceland that if you don't  like the weather wait 5 minutes and it'll change   and that's very true but unfortunately  in our case it sort of changed for the   worse the clouds came in and it created  a pretty moody mysterious atmosphere but   on this last day we came across some scenery  which is just as good as anything we'd seen   on the previous 5 days this waterfall was  pretty cool to R [Music] across we then   rode back out into another Black Desert  again I just love the starkness of this landscape like check this out a perfect green   cone just coming out of this  Black Desert how cool is that [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] the guides had one more little finale up  their sleeves they took us down into this   beautiful little canyon where we could just  ride along the river and it was um a lot of fun [Music] I always find myself just reflecting on the  trip on the last day and my reflections of   this trip were you know while Australia may  have more adventurous murder bite riding I   can't imagine anywhere in the world that  has more beautiful riding than Iceland the   landscape is just stunningly stunningly  beautiful in fact I've already signed up   for another trip next year I'm going to  the West fiords in June and as for the   tour operator you know I'm not big for tours  but this trip was just brilliantly organized   the people that I was riding with were  a lot of fun the guides fantastic the   equipment totally reliable and um it was  faultless I would highly recommend them to [Music] anybody

2023-11-01 13:36

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