Iceland - Puffins, Blue Lagoon, and Volcanos #travelcouple #travel

Iceland - Puffins, Blue Lagoon, and Volcanos #travelcouple #travel

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[Music] we're Wendy and Lawrence and we love to travel right now we're exploring Iceland so if you've ever thought about traveling to Iceland stick around not only will we take you through Iceland with us we'll give tips and advice on what to see and how to do it that was super cool and I take back all of the bad juju I put out there thinking that we're wasting our time you're joining us on our fifth day in this northernmost Nation if this this is your first time traveling with us you can go back and watch all our earlier Iceland [Music] Adventures let's see a walk [Music] now that you're done with all of that it's time for us to check out of our [Music] hotel we're leaving the Foss Hotel glacial Lagoon to Head West towards Iceland's International Airport and along the way play take in famous arches and a Game of Thrones filming [Music] location we're driving 112 M or 180 km and Iceland continues to serve up amazing scenery for this long [Music] drive and no matter how spectacular the scenery road trips are the same the world over even in Iceland there's road construction and traffic jams hey [Music] hey our first stop is dho which means the hill island with the door hole and you'll see why in a minute hey [Music] hey the area is known for its amazing views of the volcanic Coastline and its bird sanctuary and consequently the bird watching what do you [Music] think but it's the arch that's the reason for the area's name this Arch is so big that ships and even small airplanes can pass through it at certain times hey it's pretty windy today and climbing across these rocks takes strength and some stretching by the way you normally have to have at least a bottle of wine before you're willing to perform that trick hey [Music] hey hey hey this is a really impressive place to stop with great views and an incredible Coastline however going from impressive to stunning is just a quick drive around the bay to a famous [Music] cave so I think we just ran into a swarm of tourists we can't be too mad cuz we are coming to a tourist spot it's just we're hoping to avoid the large number of buses all it's insane it's insane this is probably the most tourist we've seen since we have been wandering today well we have come in from some more far-flung areas now yeah this beach is famous for appearing in Game of Thrones in season 7 episode 5 but it's just as famous for its amazing rock formations which make the whole Beach absolutely stunning the beach is also known for its Violent Waves or sneaker waves that can hurt visitors or Worse pull them into the sea the question is with the impressive dhole behind us are we about to be [Music] stunned the warning board looks good and the tide is out so we can head out onto the beach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think was this a stop worth taking well that was amazing yes it was very windy though and uh Gus it was windy but then it was also gusts of wind so we're actually picking the volcanic sand yes out of our hair it's literally and eyes here look I don't know if you can see that on my finger yes see yes right there so it's like it's in our hair it's like it's crazy it's well my hair is black so you can't really tell the difference yeah and then Wendy lost her gloves I lost one glove yeah and I thought I was doing a good de cuz I found somebody's sunglass case and turned that into lost and found find that I actually lost a glove luckily I have backup mittens so I think I'll be okay and I was kind of mad at those gloves anyhow cuz they were slightly big so I planned on ordering a much smaller pair when I got home so there you go so now we're going to go ahead and see a museum that has traditional houses where the grass is on the roof like they used to build in the old days um but uh or as Wendy likes to call them thatched that which we'll see if that's right or not but it's hilarious as soon as I said we were going to come by here we actually passed two on the road but they're set way back because they're built kind of in a hillside so it was a little hard to grab a picture of those um but it was pretty cool to see the actual real thing a quick travel tip look for this church on the right hand side of the road as you leave the beach best of all parking is limited so you won't bite a busload of tourists to get nice [Music] pictures it's a short 23 minute drive to this Kar Museum we discovered it's located right next to the very first Foss or waterfall that we explored in Iceland skaga fos a culture Ral Heritage Museum the skogar museum features 15,000 [Music] artifacts but we're here for the six historical buildings now these aren't Recreations but actual homes that were relocated to the museum [Music] wow honey I'm home well the baby starving [Music] cozy the six buildings show the different generations of housing in Iceland and are fully furnished so you can walk through all of them to get an idea of what life was like throughout Iceland's incred inredible history they even have a colorful [Music] Church you know we haven't visited a waterfall today and I'm pretty sure there's a saying about a fossa day keeps the travel Blues Away what do you [Music] think we're going to Waterfall number three because we haven't learned to pronounce all of the very long syllable words yet except it ends in Foss f o SS right well Foss is waterful right so we could actually say we're going to our third Foss if we could learn the Icelandic for three we would nearly be there but this one we're going to get really really [Music] wet Celia lands Foss is a very popular waterfall for a few reasons first first you can actually walk behind this huge waterfall and with so much water coming off the fall there are rainbows everywhere making for great pictures and everyone wants their picture taken with a rainbow definitely so even a seasoned traveler like Wendy going into the uh into the BX I think Wendy should join me down by the PO don't you so this is three water FS each taking you deep inside of and we've gotten wet on two of them but you're worth it so just remember no other travel channel does this for you takes you into the heart of waterfall or as they say here boss is it FES or f i no idea [Music] there's a lot of water about so you need to be careful walking around the fall these rocks can get really slippery oh we are so wet that that is a that's a once in a life F experience for sure absolutely and you if you do it you have to go all the way in you have to go all the way [Music] in but we're not done here oh no my friend if you walk past the beautiful flowers and streams to the end of the path you'll find the most unique waterfall it's a Foss inside the tunnel we've already changed out of our wet clothes from the first fall but when he's going to braid the wet tunnel for all of us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so relay your heroic act to the world what did you just do well so partway in it's only it's you don't get wet at all then you have a fine mist and then as you go further in it seems okay but then a breeze comes in and you end up soaked and at that point wa I just went all the way in so you better hope that you got some good video out of it cuz now I'm wet and cold and this is our last stop for today it's time to head to the southernmost town of Vic where we'll stay the night the town is also known for the iconic Red Roof church with a view but we don't make it there however the next morning we do make it to a nearby fairy terminal for another amazing chapter in this travel adventure and here we are where are we baby we are at the fairy Landing getting ready to go over to the Westman Islands there's only one that's actually inhabited so that's someone that we're going to and I'm very excited and my biggest hope and wish is to see puffins today yeah today is Puffin day so this is the actual question of the video have you ever planned a vacation not entirely around one thing but sort of because if you have then welcome to our world that was Iceland right well I wouldn't say entirely but it was a main motivation well let me give you some examples that went into this vacation my wife went and bought and learned how to Lug around a telephone photo lens so she can take pictures of the cute puffins right am I right yes we've had some friends that traveled here last summer and I asked about the puffins and was told that they are teeny tiny and very very fast so very hard to get actual pictures of them right so hence the investment it's uh so the so that's the question uh because we obviously have and it's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing it's not not a bad thing this will be the first time we've taken a ferry together yes uh we've both done it separately in our past lives and it's been I won't tell you how many years since I've done a drive on fairy all right well let's get to it see you on the [Music] island aside from the excitement of leaving the mainland of Iceland behind we're doing it on an all ELC electric ship the ferry makes the trip about seven times a day and it should only take 45 [Music] minutes say goodbye to Mainland [Music] Iceland and it's a cold 45 minutes quite frankly with the tall Cliffs peeking through the heavy fog we can't think of a more dramatic [Music] welcome the Westman Islands have been described as Iceland's best kept secret with a rich history unique landscape and heartwarming and welcoming residence which numbers around 4,300 people we're coming into he ma the largest of the Westman islands and as you can see it's clearly focused on [Music] [Music] fishing and this is the plug you need to charge a car carrying [Music] Ferry and of course this this would be the moment to have the problems putting the car into gear oh come on why isn't it going there we [Music] go we want to spoil ourselves later so Wendy heads to the ticket office to push back the time of our return trip all right we are going to put in the GPS the Puffin site it's on the Southmost point there are three things we want to see today there's the main town with its thriving fishing industry and amazing restaurants the site of the famous 1973 eruption of the eldfell volcano but clearly our first stop are the puffins which are found on the southernmost part of the island [Music] we didn't know what to expect but I'm pretty sure a fog covered Island wasn't on the [Music] list we're a little nervous walking across this part of the island which is shaped by by sheer Cliffs the edges of which are hard to see in this fog and on top of that we really don't know where we're going so great news after many maps and I'm talking a lot of missteps we made every mistake you could possibly make cuz we've never bird washed before so um uh we traed across the island in the fog we worked out where were wearing the wrong colors we were making so much noise when we bipped around just you name it Amateur hour we did it but we stumbled across some buffins and now Wendy is in seventh heaven right now [Music] after an hour or so of snapping the perfect Puffin profiles it's time to head back through all the Sheep to our next stop and yes you do have to watch where you walk with the puffins well and truly checked off Wendy's bucket list we're heading to the site of the eldfell volcano but first we're going to go see an incredible rock formation the rocks have eroded over the years to form an elephant at the base of the cliffs from a golf course parking lot you can clearly see its heads and [Music] legs however nothing is more dramatic than the sight of the 1973 eruption of the LF volcano just the hike alone takes your breath away we no puppins up [Music] here your reward for making it to the top views of nearly the whole island [Music] [Music] [Music] they even have sheep up here too there's even a museum dedicated to the 1973 eruption it's located between the volcanic site and the town its displays and presentations walk visitors through the eruption how they managed to evacuate the entire Island on fishing boats and the dramatic sites the residents came back to [Music] it's amazing to think no one died from the volcano's eruption located right in the middle of the town is a sea life Sanctuary where you can find recovering [Music] puffins there's the local sea life found in the surrounding ocean [Music] but certainly the star of the sanctuary are the beluga whales they're described as sociable and gregarious both of which are on full display in their massive [Music] tank fair to say the Beluga whales are nicer than certain tourists who stand in front of the viewing benches like other towns and cities in Iceland there are painted sidewalks and incredible murals on the [Music] buildings finally we get to see the port full of fishing fleets and today children [Music] the town is hosting a little fair for the kids right in the middle of the fish [Music] market after a long day it's time for our treat dinner at the very famous restaurant slippering featured on television and in worldwide newspapers slipper and uses only the freshest ingredients in fact the food is so good you need to eases drop on the specials [Music] as we leave this incredible Island we see the area where the beluga whales are kept right before being released back into the [Music] ocean and yes I am ready this time with the car firmly in gear fool me once in all that [Music] good morning good morning so we stayed in a totally unique hotel last night 14 rooms really really small but so incredibly cute great yeah um and it's located in the middle of nowhere um and the room's very small it's very small so we did something different this time and we travel with one larger suitcase that we had to check uh because it fit our hiking poles but um it actually doesn't fit the suitcase in the room when you open it so that's how small it is yeah so the rooms on our trip have gotten smaller and smaller with this one being the smallest one we have overall I I don't know what it is it's a phenomenon I guess as if we stayed another week we'd be living in a matchbox that's all I'm saying so uh really great place though if you want to get away from it all if you don't have to disappear throughout the day you don't have to go places this is the place to do because you have to go up and down a long Gravel Road to get here but if you want peace and quiet this is it this is the place where you're going to get peace and quiet and the best part is we had the best breakfast of our trip here I am not a w or pancake person but Lawrence is and the waffle was lifechanging it was light and Airy with some crispy edges and it it it was amazing so baby why don't you talk about your cooking of your waffle yeah so this this magical waffle took a village to make uh the whole Diner pitched in and helped me make the waffle I actually thought I was going to bur down the place at one point and I unplugged the waffle so we're going to head out today we got a bunch of stuff to do and we hope you're all ready to go because just because we're getting to the end of this vacation doesn't mean it's going to slow down it was a short drive from the fery terminal to our hotel last night it's an equally short drive for our first adventure of the day a waterfall or Foss and not just any waterfall but a breathtaking one [Applause] [Music] there's more than one waterfall on this mountain [Music] range this is the main one you can walk around it and you can get pretty close to its face [Music] [Music] as with Diamond Beach these shots come with a price Wendy climbed to the top of the Foss but only realized how steep it was when she tried to come down she ended up sliding all the way down on her bum [Music] where was I when all this happened checking out all the other waterfalls of course [Music] [Music] as incredible as these Falls are we have a long drive in front of us and somewhere very special to [Music] be we spent the first 5 days driving east across the southern part of Iceland taking in one Adventure after another another we made it as far east as Diamond Beach before turning around and coming back for even more travel Adventures we'll be finishing our Iceland Adventure going through towns and Volcanic landscapes for a world famous must do [Applause] [Music] 500 me turn left you may have guessed it our Iceland Adventure is wrapping up at the world famous Blue [Music] Lagoon Wendy's very excited blueo look at that size I'm beyond excited this is another major reason for us coming here I saved it for last so that we could actually have a relaxing end to our very full schedule frantic I wouldn't say it was frantic it was full we're staying at the silica hotel with what's supposed to be a room with a view of the Lagoon but it's actually a view of the nearby geothermal power plant but with sites like this just steps away from your hotel who cares these lagoons are man-made using the hot water coming from the geothermal power plant the blow Lagoon has become Iceland's most popular attraction and it's time for us to experience it for [Music] ourselves even if it's looking a little crowded [Music] so they separated Wendy and I boys and girls so now we have to get changed put our stuff in the locker and then we're going to meet at the meeting place where the men and women come back together again hopefully we made because Wendy was a bit lost when I left her so I have to take off my clothes now so you need to go so we made it we made it and it's a little chilly walking the what the 5T from the inside to the Blue Lagoon so if you've ever seen one of those plans like they have on Oceans 11 to where you have five steps to do something throw off a distraction that is how you come into the little Lagoon because you have to do so many steps to get in here it's it's interesting we understand why so um what we're going to do is we're sort of getting a lot of the land we get a free drink so we're going to scout out one of the bars and grab a drink then we'll show you around so Cheers Cheers so you want to hear the definition of irony the definition of irony is they made us shower and clean everything and then they have bars in the pool that people were spilling alcohol into the water well you know alcohol you know back in the olden days that's how you cleaned your wounds and stuff so they don't care about that they care about all the bodily funk that's on you get that off and you have to put conditioner in your hair because I guess the water is really harsh on your hair well if you're not getting your head wet then you'll be okay I wasn't planning on getting my head wet so I wasn't going to do it but they have the rain showers in there and so when you turn them on I got d so I thought Miz will shampoo and put on the conditioner So speaking of History how the Blue Lagoon came about so this water was offs spilled from the geothermic plank which we actually saw when we were coming in and in the 1970s this one guy said you know what I think I'm going to bathe in it and everyone went you're nuts you're absolutely crazy and then once he did it other people started to do it and they realized it actually has healing um it actually heals in the sense that people with psoriasis noticed that their psoriasis was getting cleared up when they came and bathed in this water I did not know this yeah so ever since then in the that was in the late 70s uh mid 80s ever since then boom all of a sudden this turned into this major industry with all these hotels and this facility here well it's worth it people might say it's touristy doesn't matter it is but it's worth it this is probably in the top 10 things I think we've done yeah I like right I don't like it I love [Music] it as well as the free drink we get a course of facial masks these natural facials promise to unlock the door to healthy luminous [Music] skin and this isn't a traditional bar but a bar handing out facial creams so we we're going for a three-stage program here four stage program here and this is stage one and you know you might want to bookmark the time of our last time we talked to you because when we come back off to three four stages we're going to be so young you won't recognize us [Music] there aren't many mirrors to help wash off all the mque cream so sometimes you just need a helping hand so we're on mask number four which we can keep on as long as we want we could even go to dinner with the we could go to sleep with the lawn I think we might get kicked out of the hotel elow or the restaurant and uh we're heading for the steam rooms now cuz I did say or he did say it' be nice to have this on while in the steam okay no to the steam bath yeah we don't want to talk about the Steam Baths way cuz I don't want my hands to go well you got people waiting for you [Music] all right so the final test of our SP experience is will our bathrooms be there or has somebody stolen them I they stoen Tak them AC we'll be generous see it's an honest country we decide to have dinner at the blue lagoons restaurant built into the volcanic rock it's a pretty impressive site [Music] but the service is slow and the food is just okay but we aren't done with lagoons my [Music] friend oh there's more steps all right oh there's more steps Okay so we're at Lagoon number two yes it is the silica hotel's private Lagoon so it's way less crowded than Blue Lagoon but Blue Lagoon is pretty awesome Blue Lagoon was pretty awesome I I must admit uh when you're in the parking lot it looks like you're going into the community pool and you're going to be bumping every Tom Dick and Harry but when you get in there it's so big it's just it was really really nice so while we were in there we actually met uh two young ladies from Boston hello if you're watching this who just got here into Iceland and they were stopping at the Blue Lagoon first we did our entire adventure and came to Blue Lagoon last and there's a reason that happens that tends to be what people do because we're only 20 miles 20 minutes 20 minutes thank you from the airport uh so it makes it perfect for people to either do it right in the beginning or right at the end of the vacation so that's the question for this video if you were lucky enough to do an Iceland adventure and by the way do it do itth it yeah 100% would you do Blue Lagoon at the beginning or would you do it at the end so put it in the comments below here's the beauty about YouTube comments and love to travels is you can write as much as you like we don't charge for extra words or letters and we love to hear all your travel stories and details [Music] it goes down there and there's a heart right here which is super cool [Music] if you've watched any of our adventures you know Wendy is a true water baby who could quite frankly soak old day so are you writing a noodle or you just glad to see me so I'm always glad to see you [Music] baby Wendy and I haven't been honest with you when we noticed it about 3 or 4 days into our iseland adventure and we just you know we just didn't want to distract you from all the fun stuff we were doing but Houston we have a problem so yes we have to get back to the United States with three- wheed luggage so are you saying that our luggage is disabled I'm saying it's whe challenged so really we're just going to go on a wheel in a prayer tomorrow when we leave the country and of course have to get a new suitcase but um yeah so we've sort of been putting off thinking about it but tomorrow is the big day of course we managed to make our way back home with just three wheel on our monster suitcase but no sooner did we make it home when all the volcanic eruptions started to rock Iceland and within sight of our last stop blow Lagoon like millions of others around the world we send our positive thoughts for everyone affected by the ongoing challenges faced by Iceland we were lucky enjoying a truly amazing adventure this was like Christmas in a box with a bow wrapped on on it from going into nearly every waterfall hang on don't touch me you're wet don't touch me you're soap so honey you can go now hiking a glacier I got Iceland fresh off the glacier water cold good hunting for glaciers and hanging out with seals slightly worried because Wendy's been practicing the line I love you Jack and I'll always remember you and seeing Diamond Beach firsthand if you missed any of these we've linked to the videos above and below and we'd love to have you share in all our memories I'm driving in my long johns if you haven't already looked around our YouTube channel we have other travel Adventures you're sure to enjoy [Music] and a retirement plan that only true Wanderers could dream of we intend to retire on a narrow boat we are hoping to do that in the next few years all our adventures come with tips and advice on what to see and what to look for everywhere we go we want you to be completely informed on every travel Adventure you take so make sure you don't miss another Adventure by subscribing to our YouTube channel if you click the thumbs up on this video other Travelers have a better chance of joining us on our worldwide Antics until next time my friend travel well and be safe oh look here's another travel Adventure [Music]

2024-08-21 06:36

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