I will NEVER forget my first time in BURSA

I will NEVER forget my first time in BURSA

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there are 81 reasons to fall in love with  turkey and number 16 is Bursa Bursa is located in northwestern turkey and once it was the major  capital of the ottoman empire i n ottoman Turkish Bursa actually means god's gift and to me that  makes total sense because there's literally nothing that you cannot find in bursa mountains forests islands lakes history and of course good food here was the place where the  major traits happened on the silk road so the place where i'm right now is actually on the Bursa Kalesi a fortress that is overlooking the city you can go up here and watch the  sunset or there are also a lot of cafes around Cumalikizik is probably the most  historical and charming place in buza   it's a village where the ottomans first settled  down in the 1300s and what's so special about   this place is that the houses that you can see  here the architectural structure was remained   from the ottoman empire so they did not change  it they didn't modernize it and even today it's   forbidden to hammer a single nail without  permission because this historical village   is a treasure that needs to be protected  all the houses that you can see here   are made out of wood and also stones the houses  generally have three floors and are painted in   beautiful bright colors this is not a movie set i  mean it is actually this place was used many times   in turkish tv series and also movies jamal kisik  is a place that literally takes you back in time welcome to francis food review   we all know the best iskander can be found in busa  but where exactly and look at this dinner kebab so i sacrificed myself i tested a few iskanders  to show you where to go or where not to go so now   i'm one of the most famous keep up shops in busa  which is the uludaki Kebapcisi bukit neden joseph so i'm here with my friend ejan it looks super delicious already so   the kebab was presented thinly sliced on  the plate with the hot butter on top of it adjectives a tasty 11 out of 10. tell  us about this shop today my next destination was not only the  most expensive iskander in busa but   also the oldest and original place  the mavi de khan of iskanderolu   it's so crowded there's so many people i don't  even know how long i'm going to wait here when i came here there was already a line like  at 2pm in the middle of the day and i waited   for around 30 minutes so i'm really curious  if it's worth it or not i ordered iskander   year one person of iskander and i got my iron  so the east canada just arrived there was a guy   called iskande efendi it was 1867 when he had the  idea to roast the lamp at his father's restaurant   vertically rather than horizontally people liked  it and some years later the duner kebab was born so we just get the butter on top of the iskandar wow it is really good i've added a lot of  eastenders in my life it's all my favorite   dish ever it's very good here the east canada  was really good but due to the high price and   that i had to wait such a long time i would  give it a 9 out of 10. the last iscana that   i tried was probably the cheapest one  in one of the touristic areas of bursa   and it was good but not as good as the others so  i give it a 7 out of 10. the uluda it's not only   turkey's favorite mountain but also in the past  it had a big importance especially during the   roman empire for christianity monks were settling  down around the mountain that they called olympus   today uluda is a popular spot for winter sports  and with an elevation of over 2 500 meters it is   clear why they call it the great mountain okay let  me blow your mind because the longest cable car in   the whole world is actually in busa and i'm right  here at the busa television it's a 8 kilometer   long ride up to the ulluda mountain it's 10 am  in the morning pretty early so let's check it out okay it was pretty expensive 150 liras for a  round trip and with teja card i paid 60 liras   i'm not scared of heights but if you  are who it's pretty scary oh my god ooh   and winter there is super famous ski resort i  think we should go there it was the coldest winter   day that you can imagine and it was also the day  i was designed to go skiing for the first time   in my life here i was just saying wow there's so  much snow i hope i don't break my legs i'm excited   i think we are going to try out skiing work i have absolutely no idea what we are doing  that's where you can rent everything wow i made it the telephony is open all year  round and actually a great   idea if you want to take a break from the big  city life which you can see right here wow beautiful so up here there are actually lots  of hiking trails and people can   go camping and enjoy tea they can go on  a safari tour the safari to us 250 liras   i decided not to do it because i'm just on my  own and yeah you know so i'm just walking around   see what i can do and then  i'll probably go back down having a chai on top of mount ulluda in the  middle of the forest that's what makes me happy just a few kilometers out of bursa there  is a more peaceful and quiet old greek town   called girl yazoo it is situated on a small island  surrounded by lake ulubat the ulu abbad lake   is a protected area and home to many starks  that's why you can find many stark nests on   top of the roofs inside of the city so this one  is over here one there you can see one over there   and there so this is i think proof  that we are in the city of the starks which means green busa because there are so  many natural places in and around the city   and one of those are waterfalls like  the sewage too or the saita bacillary is with 3 million people also one of the most  crowded and vibrant cities in turkey the city   center is charming the bazaars offer everything  you've ever dreamed of and there is something to   explore around every corner i'm now on jamhuria  jatisi which is like the most populous street in   busa it's like where all the shopping is going on  people hanging out and towards the evening it's   getting pretty crowded so let's go to kozahan  which is one of the historical places and also   it was a very important meeting point for the  silk sellers and buyers in the ottoman empire so here it is the grand mosque of bursa  this mosque is a multi-dome mosque it has   20 domes which makes it the mosque with the  most domes in the world and it's pretty big it's   called the grand mask for a reason so i want to go  inside i brought a scarf so that i can go inside i think i'm ready now to go  inside let's check out the mosque so bruce is a very big city actually the fourth  biggest city in turkey and also the center   of the automotive industry and basically the  birthplace of limon they have a tophash museum   here and that's exactly where we're going  right now limon tophash museum i'm now at   the tofresh museum and they also have an auto  park so it's perfect to come with tofas here   and the museum is also for free and we all  love free things oh my god i'm so excited wow this looks beautiful so they basically  showcased back in the days how they created   uh horse carriages which was like the  time before the car even got invented   so this is the grandfather  of limon i can't believe it   you see me dirt model the first ever produced  murat it looks so fancy it looks so nice to you first murad from 1971 lima was born in 1989  so maybe that's not the grandfather but uh choke me and right next to murat's father is  the uncle that's the first murad 131 from 1977.   he looks a bit different but it's the same soul  nice to meet you too oh my god i'm meeting the   whole family today i wasn't expecting that ah  there is the aunties so what you can see here   is a cartel from 1983. it's quite a big model why  because it has such a big bag a big storage room   and this is the sister of limon i  think murat search is perfect size   we have a santibo no electrical fiat this hamam is functioning as an art  gallery now and i'm curious what's inside   so this art gallery is full of artifacts and  also it used to be ahaman from the 15th century   it's very beautiful museum and it's  for free recommend 10 out of 10.

i love art and that's why a gander cup museum was  next on my list it's a historical bridge that was   built 600 years ago and what's so special  about this bridge it actually looks like   a street there's so many shops artists  are selling their art and crafts   but there are only a few bridges in the  whole world that actually have shops on them   so that's so special about this bridge and it's  really really cute they also have some cafes since uh welcome to francis food review so of course  there's not only iskandera in busa but also   pirelli curved and i'm here in the old kaihan  district in busa and i heard it's the best   place to eat piedely curfte there is a street  full of restaurants selling peter lee curtis so apparently this is the  best place to eat pideli kofta   of course you have to drink iron when  you eat anything with crafty or duner   so i just arrived the pidelli  cafta oh my god it looks so good the first time in my life i'm  eating pie delicious in busa   what's this dish it's very famous actually  in turkey and it consists of kefta of course   on top of some pita bread with yogurt and on top  of that we have tomato sauce and the hot butter   the meat is really good combined  with the yogurt it's just perfect i paid 32 liras which is quite affordable and  cheaper than the eastgander that i had yesterday   should i go to inago just to eat indigo  crafter i think so i'm now on my way to   innego to eat inaugural coffee i promise this  is going to be the last thing that i'm eating so here i am to eat i'm at a restaurant it's called zainal it's close  to the ottoban so super easy to reach just the   30 minute drive from busa this is going to be  the last thing that i'm going to eat in busan   inego meatballs were invented by a  guy called mustafa efendi in 1893 these are some really good curves turkish  would never disappoint with me so far   i always say it's exactly because it is chocolate  biannual the quality of the meat is really good let's go to iznik e-sneak eznic is beautiful hello from my tent  easning is a beautiful lake very close to bursar   it takes one to one and a half hours to surround  the lake with the cars so it's quite a big   lake the city of easney lake is called iznik  and this is a very historical city for example   a couple of years ago they discovered an ancient  church under the water and also the city of eznic   is very historical there is the hagia sofia  mosque the isney castle and of course iznik   is known for its pottery and handmade eznick  tiles there are beautiful camping spots all   around the lake for example i'm at black habana  right now and also there are cozy hotels around   the lake you know i love sleeping in the tent it's  cozy it's clean it's affordable it's just great see you next time i'm followed by a lie

2021-08-12 00:26

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