I Went to Visit MOUNTAIN REGION BORDER to TIBET in China | Poverty?

I Went to Visit MOUNTAIN REGION BORDER to TIBET in China  | Poverty?

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Hello, Guys! Welcome to this new video. I am in Li Jiang, China. This is my hostel. I am staying here. This is the part of Yunnan province.

It is surrounded by mountains. and This is also called rural area of China but it is quite famous for tourism and today we are going to Tiger Leaping George which is a viewpoint so we are going to get a taxi for that and we are leaving so everything is fine and after that we are going to bus station we are not going to take a bus to the viewpoint which is 84 km and yeah after that we will go to the viewpoint and see the rural part of China and yeah so this is our taxi which will go to the bus station ok thank you there are a lot of car coimpany in China and I mean it is very nice to see and advance so yeah I don't understand why cars are so expensive in India I don't understand so expensive in India if you go to Russia, Africa there will be a lot of cars and at good price but yeah anyways I am at the bus station and a ticket it costs 50 yuan so the ticket is expensive but in China the transport is a bit expensive but somehow it is ok so this is 50 yuan So the ticket for 8 dollars is for 85kms 9:40 But look at the bus station Even in the small town of the village It's clean Let me show you So this is the bus station In China Everything is being managed by the system I think that's why the ticket is expensive Let's go This is our bus And Let's go almost full Maybe can sit anywhere I was in this bus And This is the board You can see So we have to go this way To Tiger View Point And this way There is such a nice tunnel Like Such a nice tunnel China is busy to develop the country We have to walk a bit Let's go to the view point Rest There is not much water level And There is a Tiger View Point There also a water level I think it will be less I am walking a bit It's nice There is a mountain in front And We are walking Half a kilometer on the road There are a lot of cars On way if hitchhiking is possible Let's try This is the entrance You can see Wow Let's go Rest There is juice Nice People are in traditional clothes In the last video I told you That the population is of minority tribes here So The culture of these people You can see And There are almost 50 to 60 Minority tribes in China So it's like one of them We have to go down there The name of the river is Jinsha The sound of water Is very beautiful You can see the view We have to go there But actually I feel so funny To do This kind of activity Just a viewpoint But it reminds me of India and Nepal We have same views in the Himalayas It's quite similar And Me Going to a tourist area Just to see a view Is the most funny thing in the world I don't usually do that But it's okay Let's go down From there We will see some water Let's go and see You can see The crowd of Chinese people Mostly tourists Chinese And The whole area is Making a tourist place The whole area is good They have maintained A viewpoint area so well 99% of the people Are Chinese If you are going to China You will never be alone There will always be Chinese people Around who are travelling And that's a good thing It's okay Most of the things in China Like Made specially to attract people And they get revenue from it It's not really so adventurous Yeah We have reached Finally Look at this I will go closer And do some brightness low Because the water is very white Look at this Wow I don't think my voice is coming Because the water is loud Beautiful Valley I have seen It's just a viewpoint you can see This is a small glass bridge from here to here. There will be water down there.

In China there are so many glass bridges but this is like the small one. It's not so big but yeah. Oh wow. If you fell, no chance to come back alive They have asked well wishes here You can see it. There is a written here.

So, Hindi, Chinese, are Brothers both have same habits Look at this. There is something written here. I think this might be a religious place also. The whole place is full of this From there to there. Same like India I mean, Imagine. Wow.

Our tour is over. And now we have to go up. But I want to show you something. Before going up. Look at this.

There is a lift here. Chinese people have made a lift on the mountain. But it's quite expensive.

This ticket is $7. And if you want to use a lift, You have to pay again, I think $6. To go up.

I am going by stairs. It's okay for me. I don't have a problem.

Our tour is over. Of the view point. And Now I am trying to hitchhike.

If it's possible, let's see. So, yeah. There are a lot of cars. But, It didn't stop.

I think there is a problem with hitchhiking in China. But let's try. Tomorrow I have to hitchhike for 700 km in China.

I don't know what to say. Okay. The car doesn't stop. I think there is a government restriction. or hitchhiking culture is less. Tourists don't get hitchhike.

I don't know what it is. But, I heard it. It's little difficult in China. Let's see. Let's see how it goes. No car stopped except one But they were not going to Lijiang In this car, I got a lift of around 5-10 kms Up to the junction See, there is a board This will be the side of Lijang And this road will be the side of Lijiang Now we have to hitchhike to Lijiang Wow Finally, we got a lift to Lijiang And this lift was very easy I got to the junction After that, car came in 2 minutes Then he stopped Can you speak English? No There are some other views of the village And In this area, you will see the local vibe As I told you And the border near Central Asia There is a lot of local vibe there too I think so We will go there next time there Amazing And the quality of this road In the mountains It is so strong I wish it would be like this in India But It is very good in the mountains Tomorrow we have to hitchhike to 700 km If everything goes well Then Almost 700 km You can see the houses of these people You can see We are here to put oil in car In China 1l is almost 90 inr So this is price of 1 litre of oil in China And this is the place Online payment Everything in China has an online payment Everything, literally everything And we have reached near Lijiang And this gentleman is telling me There is a festival in Shangri-La tomorrow Festival, yes Yes I think I won't go But let's see if the change in plan Rest, look at this In Yunnan, you will see some imperfect rural vibe In China So look at the shop Wow, how many cars are coming So this is the shop The shop is not that high class It is a little rural type Imperfect Otherwise, in most places in China The shop is also clean made of glass There is no scratch on shop The shop is like this usually in China But there is some imperfection here And look at the road There is some imperfect road here But amazing In other places, it is very difficult to see this in China But yeah We will reach in 30 minutes And then we will go for lunch And we will end this video there I forgot to film during lunch And the food is also finished But look at this I was crossing the road from here So they are playing a game on the side Uncle and uncle are together And let me show you Look at this It is like a carrom but not a carrom A little Hello What is the game name? Shanche Huh? Shanche Oh, okay Either it is a carrom or the other We are walking towards the hostel Look at this in China It is a small town but it is very clean One I like this thing This thing is very nice It is very clean in this country We will end this video here Like, share and subscribe See you in the next video See you And We will edit some videos after reaching the hostel And upload them Rest There is not much adventure I will go to the north of China next time maybe there will be adventure But I am enjoying Somehow I am not feeling bored But I am thinking to make a video What should I do in tourist activity How many Park viewpoints should I make a video I feel bored in this That I should make a video I am enjoying the trip In China But let's see And Our next journey will be like this So See you

2024-06-24 01:01

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