I've never been as lost as this!! Bikepacking on my Brompton in Sweden, into Småland, wild camping

I've never been as lost as this!! Bikepacking on my Brompton in Sweden, into Småland, wild camping

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So this was the end of day two of a gorgeous  journey that I was doing across south Sweden,   from Malmö, which is my husband's work base,  to the cottage that we've got in the forest.   My husband, who is Swedish, was working for four  days, and then we were going to go to the cottage,   so I thought, why don't I just cycle  there. It would take about four days,   and I thought it would be interesting just to do  a straight line, and see what I found. So I had   set off two days ago. I was doing a mix of gravel  tracks and small lanes, wild camping all the way,  

about 280 km in total. I had with me all the food  I needed, so that I didn't need to worry about   finding food - and coffee - when I wanted it.  So far I had seen the Skåne region - huge fields,   avenues of willow trees, big old landed estates  and little white churches. The whole region,   Skåne and the neighbouring provinces, was part  of Denmark actually, until really quite recently,   like the late 1600s. I was heading now into an  area of thick woods and lakes, the old border,   a no man's land between old Denmark and old Sweden Well it's not stopping so I think I'm just going to make coffee, make porridge, make some  pancakes, and just have a nice morning. I mean,   I'm not in a rush, I've got 60-odd km to do today  according to the plan, 65, something like that,   but it doesn't matter if I don't do it, because  the distances on this journey are quite easy. I've  

set it at about 65 a day, so I'm not in a rush,  which is nice. So yeah I think I'm just going   to take it easy. I haven't even put salt in it  actually. Sometimes the simple things are so good Quite windy today. Windy, rainy, everything Quite chilly actually. Got my hat on

Finally I decided it was drying up, and time  to go. I think the sun's going to come now Brilliant spot actually. Right, let's go! goodbye little spot!  Beautiful weather now. So I had camped here, and  I was aiming to go to Balsberget, which is this   high point here. From there I thought it looked  quite straightforward to just head along the lake   to Ekestad, and then carry on. Right from the  start of the day, the map reading was tricky.  

Which way? Right. Gosh, you would imagine straight  wouldn't you, but it's that way. For roads,   I can use a paper atlas. Here I needed track-level  mapping, and I was using the Swedish ordnance app,   which is brilliant, and I was confident in  what I was doing and really enjoying myself.   This area is primeval forest, that has developed  over a long period of time without disturbance   by man. This area has one of the large caves  in Sweden so I went to find it. Lean the bike up here   

I found out later that this cave was one of the hideouts  of the 'snapphane' guerillas who fought on the   side of Denmark in the wars between Denmark and  Sweden in the 1600s. Wow. It was somehow creepy.  300 metres.   I wanted to climb up to the top and see the view from the high point. God it's still 200 m from here  It was really hard pushing my bike up the  hill, so I left it by a tree.

I don't need the bike, do I. Don't think anyone's here. I think I was camping down there wasn't I  And when I went down to the  path, I couldn't find my bike  this is silly, I'm walking  around, I don't know where it is  How silly I can't believe I've done this. I  have literally lost my bike, I leant it up  against a tree, but there's like a million trees. I realised, hold on, maybe this is entirely the   wrong part of the wood. So I went back  up to the top and I realised there were   several tracks down actually, and I had taken  the wrong one. OK, I went back to the viewpoint   and there's another track down. God. I had to try them each

OK, it's not that way. Oh no. How silly am I. It was really easy to get confused and I   kind of lost my sense of direction. Where  is it? there! oh my lovely little bike!  God what a relief God am I glad! That was awful. 

But now I'd got another problem. The app that I  was using to navigate just went blank. Just a   white screen. So I pushed on, thinking I would  soon arrive at the lake and find my way through.  I hope this is right. I still haven't got  any mobile signal. So I'm slightly blind  It was about 12 o'clock now It's just going on and on. What I didn't realise  was, I was here, trying to go along the side of   the lake to Ekestad, which looked easy, but I'd  actually gone wrong, and instead of doing that,   I was just plunging into this massive network  of confusing, interlocking, unlabelled,   impossibly difficult tracks going through the  wood, and the more I cycled the more I got lost.   I just could not get out of the forest. I've lost my sense of humour now 

I had no idea this wood was... I  mean, this is just like a massive   network of tracks through a huge forest. I  mean I thought Skåne was flat farmland, you know. And for some reason, the map, that is  the thing I'm relying on, has gone blank. I mean look! it's so difficult! and you just get  these signs like look Borgs, Borgavägen. I mean,   that's no use, is it! Where am I? So I was  trying to get to Ekestad, but I actually gave   up trying to do that, because it wasn't working,  and I aimed for this place, Röetved, instead, but in fact   it's impossible to get to Röetved because no track  actually goes through that way. To get there you'd   have to go all the way back to here and then  retrace north. But I didn't know any of that,  

because I didn't have a map of the tracks. Right  it's about an hour later and I'm still in the wood I thought this just going to be quite easy The   The only signs with these. So this  just means 'Pasture Road' and   it didn't bear any relation to anything on my map Right, I mean, I'm in... I'm lost in, in that  area. I've been just turning around in that   area. I thought I could maybe get out to  Röetved, but it didn't work. I'm trying   to get to Arkelstorp. It's not even very far!  But anyway, Ekestad. I think if I follow this,  

quite a long way, I should get there. But I'm  really hungry so I'm going to have lunch now So after eating some food I carried on.  I found it frightening now because it was   clear no one really used these tracks. Look,  this tree is down, you just can't go through 

That is quite tricky. I'm  going to try and go around. I carried on struggling. I had been in  the wood three hours now, frustrated with   myself. The little information I had was not  helping, and I was using loads of energy and   effort whilst actually having no idea if I was  making any progress at all towards getting out   of the wood. And it scared me that if something  happened to me in here, no one comes here. I am  

hidden. The whole thing was quite nightmarish The big mistake I had made actually was not to   have downloaded the Swedish ordnance map to my  phone. If I had done that, of course I could have   used GPS to pinpoint my location and then easily  navigate my way out, however tricky the network   of tracks. And I usually do download the maps I  need to my phone. But for this trip I had not. Done it! Oh gosh, don't think they  use this road very much. Keep going.  It was a massive relief when  I saw houses, and a way out I still didn't have my app actually  so I didn't know where I was I finally got onto a plain old boring  main road. What a relief! That was pretty  

nightmarish actually. I mean I was fine,  I was picking strawberries and having fun,   and then actually that was really... ahh. I've  hardly ever been as lost as that you know.   My app suddenly didn't work. Ah you see, we're so  dependent aren't we. But I mean, god that fallen   tree was like a bit much. Anyway. It's about  2 o'clock, and I've hardly done anything today

It's nearly 70k to where I was aiming  for, further away than then I started! Anyway. I'm tired. So anyway,  time for coffee, soon. Yes Ahh. God how nice I was miles behind where  I'd hoped to get to that day Oof. What a lovely spot. This is Lake Immeln. It's  been such a nice little rest, having a coffee here Right, so, I'm going to carry on. I'm actually  somewhere around I think, I'm there, so I'm  

heading up to the end of the map here, a place called  Vilshult, so that's the next thing. I had hoped to   ride well into Småland today, but, well, never mind. I was short of water now. I'd seen a sign on the   road that this was a hembygdsgård, like a  little local community museum of rural life,   and that it was open on Sunday  afternoons, and it was Sunday afternoon So this farmhouse was built in the late 1700s,   and its land was farmed by the people  here in the old ways up until the 1940s Later I read more about the house  and farm. The two sisters were called   Kerstin and Elna Svensson. In 1942,  after both Kerstin and Elna had died,   a number of local families took  over the place to preserve it Blueberries! So I got all of them... God how lovely. Right! Now, keep going! Tailwind! it's so nice, I mean how lovely is this! Just gliding along. I'm not even pedalling

I'm just going to test whether the pegs will go in. Cos they might not So dinner tonight is going to be  everything that I've got left basically So today is going to be quite a long  day actually. The previous day I   only gone forward about 40 km, so today I  had to do over 100 km to get to the cottage.   So I'm going to have double pancakes  I think, and try and set off in good   time. It's not easy when it's so lovely.  I mean you don't want to rush it do you Really cosy under my cape. I actually quite like it I'm having fruit. I don't know if you can  see it, but I've got it in my nose bag,  

which is here. Hold on, can you see it?  So I can, like, nibble bits out of there It's sunny and rainy all at the same time. Look,  blue sky back there. Not so good this way. Now I   was arriving in Småland, leaving the old Danish  lands at last, and now I was in ancient Sweden Sun! God now nice. High time for lunch actaully. I  think I can just sit out in the sun God how nice. It was quite wet this morning It's sun for now, so I'm drying off my rain  gear. Ohh. So, that's what we've got left,   and loads of butter. So I had 65 km left to do and  after the cracker breads, I had just a packet of  

nuts to do it on, but I had measured everything  really carefully, and I knew I would be OK Småland was going to be a lot of gravel  tracks but it was looking beautiful. I feel   better now after lunch. I was a little bit,  oh, track, just then, but I'm fine actually  Småland is famous for evergreen forests,  poor stony fields and little wooden houses.  

Småland is huge actually, it's like 50%  bigger than Wales. In medieval times,   the scattered communities here formed  territories or small lands isolated   from each other, so the region got  its name the place of small lands I love the sound of the wind in the  trees, it's kind of powerful. I feel like   we're getting close. I am. I think  it's about 20 km from here maybe So these nuts are the last food I've got,  literally. Well I've got a few garlic cloves  

and some pancake mix, but I don't have any  butter now, so couldn't even make a pancake.   I've eaten everything. I just met a couple,  a Canadian guy and a woman from Singapore,   cycling, and I'm not sure they were enjoying  it actually. I think you've got to learn how to  

enjoy it here. They were camping in campsites  which is really limiting cos there's not that   many and they're really massive, and  cater more for motor homes actually,   and they were relying on cafes and stuff, and  there are cafes, but it happens a lot that they're   shut, and there aren't really very many cafes,  and I mean the only thing you get in the little   towns are pizzerias, really. So you've got to be  self-contained, take all your food like I did.  That helps a lot, and then camp wild, and then  it's amazing! So, yeah, it's been brilliant Last bit! it's 5K now from here So I had ridden four days through Skåne  and through the wild borderlands and into Småland  So that's it! Thank you  for watching, and for supporting   my channel. And see you soon! My husband  had been at work and had had no idea of  

what I've been getting up to. He'd just got to  the cottage and he was tending the veg patch.

2024-08-09 01:03

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