I Travelled to the land of happiness - Tigers Nest Bhutan

I Travelled to the land of happiness - Tigers Nest Bhutan

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I'm in Kathmandu Nepal and just about to board a  flight to Bhutan one of the happiest country in   the world and there is one more thing my  flight today will be landing in the most   dangerous airport in the whole world Paro  international airport the airport sits in   the deep valley surrounded by mountains as tall  as 18,000 ft above sea level and there's only   a handful of Pilots are certified to fly  in and out of this airport so it's going   to be an adventure so excited on the way I  might be able to catch a glimpse of Mount   Everest the tallest mountain in the world  let let's get started let's see how it goes our plane was an hour late but we finally managed  to board the flight if you're flying to Paro from   Kathmandu the mount Everest will be on the  left side of the plane so choose your seat   accordingly just in case if you want to catch  a glimpse of the world's tallest mountain now   we are taking off from the bustling city  of Kathmandu to the the land of happiness as we climb to the cruising altitude the  Himalaya Mountain ranges appear in the horizon we are flying parallel to the and the  Himalayas. Mount Everest the tallest   mountain is right here. I was so excited to  show you the Mount Everest and by the time   I pointed my camera outside the clouds rolled  in with no notice and obscured the view what a   bummer but don't you worry I got you covered on  my way back from Bhutan I was fortunate enough   to have a good look at the Mount Everest  so here it is the world's tallest mountain we are getting close to the most  dangerous airport in the world   look at this we are flying so close to  the mountains one wrong maneuver could   change our fate real quick our skillful  Pilots are masterfully weaving our Airbus   A319 between the mountains like a  snake as we descend to Paro Valley so we touch down safely at  Paro International Airport This airport itself is a one-of a kind  maybe the most beautiful airport I ever been even the luggage carrousel is so pretty I take a taxi to my hotel in Paro  town and it's only a short drive I checked into my hotel and I have to say  this this country is absolutely beautiful   let me give you a quick tour of my hotel room  two beds two large windows with beautiful views   a mini bar bottle water coffee and tea and a  very spacious washroom with a handsome guy in   the mirror Hotel give me a welcome drink so  it's here it's a tea ah smells so good it's   really good it's uh it's got some spices in it  it's tastes very distinct and it's really good   I finish my welcome drink quickly and get  out to explore the town before it gets too   dark so I'm in the streets of Paro Bhutan  one of the happiest country in the world I   can already see that here something in this  air it's very calm and quiet very peaceful   and so beautiful so beautiful you just have  to come and see this absolutely magnificent this is a Buddhist prayer wheel people spin  this wheel to spread spiritual blessings and   prayers up until recently tourists were  only allowed to come here as part of an   official tour package with the tour guide  and a driver but now they change the rules   so I'm traveling by myself I can breathe  in the mountain fresh air ah it's so pure   and so peaceful this town is so chill and  relaxed no wonder why Bhutan is considered   as one of the most happiest place in the  world ah so calm and quiet so peaceful behind this Gates the king of Bhutan lives I   wish I could go in there but  they probably shoot me down Paro a town where time slows down surrounded by  mountains and kissed by the flow of a tranquil   river the air carries a serene ambience  prayer flags generally fluttering in the   mountain breeze the distant sounds of temple  bells every moment feels like a step into an   entirely different world one other thing  I notice here is people are very friendly   here and everybody smiles at me and usually that  doesn't happen in the big cities make me so happy food tasting time if you're new here I have  this tradition to taste the most popular   local food in every new country I visit so  I'm here at a typical Bhutani restaurant   and I ordered Emma Dashti as the most famous  Bhutani food unfortunately it's a very spicy   food and my spice tolerance is very low  but since I'm in Bhutan its like a once   in a lifetime thing I got to try this I  have to do this Emma Dashti is a Bhutani   stew made from hot chilli peppers and  cheese and it comes with rice and pickle man man it's really spicy yeah it was a mistake  when I actually mix it with the rice it's not   that bad but it's still still is very burning  when you first put it in your tongue you can   taste that flavour immediately burning fire and  this is the chilli you want to see how it goes oh man finally I give up it's too spicy not  for me but you know at least I gave it a try   it's a part of the journey so I have a big  day tomorrow got to wake up early in the   morning and climb the tigers nest so going  to go back to my hotel and get some rest whenever you hear about Bhutan the first thing  comes to everybody's mind is the iconic picture   of Paro Taktsang Monastery or Tigers Nest the  iconic Monastery perched on a cliff 10,000 ft   above sea level the whole reason of my trip  to Bhutan is to hike to Tigers Nest Monastery   it's about 30 minutes drive from here to  the trail head so I'm going to take a taxi   over there once I get to the trail head it's  about 3 hours uphill battle my taxi is here I'm here at the trail head I think I have to buy  tickets somewhere here to enter the monastery Houston we got a problem little did I know you  need to have a tour guide to get a ticket to   the monastery unfortunately I'm here by myself  so it won't be able to go to the monastery but   tada the lady at the counter was super  nice and I was able to convince her to   give me a ticket without a tour guide so the  Journey begins let's climb the mountain baby that's the monastery right there the  tiger nest Paro Taktsang that's where   I have to climb and it's going to  take almost 3 hours lets get started it's a continuous uphill but it's not  that bad it's the beginning of winter   here so it's a little chilly which kind of helps I just met this gentleman his name is Chimmy  Chimmy he work at the coffee shop cafeteria   cafeteria up at the hill and he actually  showed me a shortcut so it could save me   quite a bit of time there are some  hidden treasures he's going to show   me so I'm super lucky people here are  very friendly I'm so grateful for that the shortcut is very steep and slippery  I'm losing my breath if you're not in a   good shape I wouldn't recommend this hidden lake  it's a small and just was down there just now it   was so dusty while in the afternoon when we  were going down it it will be so clean and   fresh that bigger Temple was a tiger Nest mhm  and the that sight uh smaller one is Telugu  Chimmy is climbing this hill like it's a piece of  cake he does this every single day to go to work   and make a living without even a day off I have  huge respect for his work ethic there's a story   that this Guru Rimpoche rode a tigress from Tibet  to all the way here that's why it's got the name   Tiger's Nest that's what I read somewhere so I  will ask chimmy and confirm with him is that true   or not the Guru Rimpoche he turned into tigress  and came here at the cliff and he stayed up there   at the cliff by meditating then he after a few he  tried to build a monastery so it's become tiger   nest if you go up there we can see a beautiful  place like meditating place let's go check it out this seems like a good place to meditate  without any disturbance from the outside world while chimmy showing me the Hidden  Treasures my hand got caught on a brush and   it's bleeding a little bit but it's worth it  what is that something that came from the sky I'm trying to research more about those if I  meet one of the monks then I want to ask about   those stones I'm so excited to research  about those Treasures as we continue the   hike we met Chimmy's colleague chimmy and his  colleague the lady over there they offered me   that Chimmy would carry my backpack they see  I'm struggling climbing this steep heights   but that's so kind of them you just like a guest  and coming here to the Bhutan so we should help I kept stopping occasionally to catch my  breath and they patiently waited for me finally we arrived at the cafeteria the  cafeteria is located almost by 3/4 of   the way to Tiger's Nest such a beautiful place  especially at this time of the day climbing  the hill and coming up and getting a tea   that's priceless thank you so much I'm  drinking tea Chimmy brought me it's so   delicious oh man this cold weather and hot tea  it's a perfect combination wow I'm so grateful   I'm so grateful so I'm going to say goodbye to  our chimmy good friend chimmy and I'm going to   hike up thank you I met chimmy who works at the  cafeteria and then he showed me a shortcut so I   saved almost an hour he even brought me a cup of  tea how nice is that really falling in love with   this place this is so beautiful that's Tigers  Nest Monastery so that's where I have to go so the hike continues from the  cafeteria I'm almost 3/4 of the   way hike is a little bit easier from  here on that's what chimmy told me the first portion the shortcut was super steep  but this is pretty chill pretty mellow if you   are in an average kind of fitness level  you can easily make this just have to   watch for your pacing so you try to go  too fast and you run out of breath and   then you will be exhausted but if you just  maintain your pacing it's not that hard almost there almost getting close I'm this much  close man it is it's almost I feel like I'm in   a dream I never ever imagined that this would  be even possible someday I still remember when   I was a kid dreaming about traveling around  the world all of my dreams are coming true   man I couldn't believe it dream big keep  your dreams alive it's going to happen hello there ponies Tiger's Nest Paro Taktsang right  in front of me you guys wouldn't   believe me you wouldn't know how  long I've been waiting to come here so I'm going down to the monastery  these are the last few steps oh my God I couldn't believe it  I couldn't actually believe this this view is priceless I  feel like a million dollars now that's where I came and  that's where I'm going   unfortunately no electronics are allowed inside  the monastery so I had to put my camera bag and   every electronics at the security here  so from now on there is no more footage I went inside the monastery walked around  by the way it's gorgeous you had to see this Once Upon a Time the whole thing  burned down and they rebuilt it again  I born and raised in a small village in south  Asia with mountains and goats and from there   I went to North America eventually become a  Canadian citizen now I am traveling around   the world my dream is coming true I couldn't  believe it even now I couldn't believe this   is real still wondering is this a dream or  not only one thing I want to say to you is   keep your dreams alive never ever give up  someday it's going to happen it's just a   matter of time like all the good things in  life this also has to come to an end it's   time for me to say goodbye to Tiger's Nest  thanks for watching see you in the next one

2024-03-07 11:10

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