I took @Adventure Elliot to the Gibralfaro Castle on his last day in Malaga!

I took @Adventure Elliot to the Gibralfaro Castle on his last day in Malaga!

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hi everyone travel addict guy here and i'm gonna  meet up with adventure elliott and his girlfriend   it's the last day of their trip in malaga and  wow we had a lot of fun last night guys we all   hung out with mamma mia we saw her make those  great paellas we learned how to make sangria   the spanish way and now we're gonna hang out again  guys and i'm gonna take them to my favorite one   of my favorite places in town to have some  coffee and pastries and that's julia bakery   so let's hang out with them let's find them right  now and let's go let's have some breakfast here   in malaga and see what we're gonna do today  the last video they're gonna be in malaga okay we got adventure ellie now and his  girlfriend carrie how are you doing this morning   okay hello so you guys ready to check out this  uh coffee shop yeah it's one of my favorite   places in town guys and i know everyone  hola buenas diaz okay amigo borja porja mariah madrid so i told him that uh he's thinking about  moving here and they said wow that's a great   idea you'll love it here so here's what we got  guys these are all the options this looks good   and they're so good guys you know this  is like 290 or something like that   this big brioche with chocolate  chocolate chocolate see it's stupid it's not expensive guys it's super  good and the coffee is really good too and also i'm getting coffee from colombia wow look  at that colombiano check that out nomad very good   i'm a big fan of latin america colombia uh costa  rica i've been to coffee farms there yeah i've   picked the seeds myself shows you right here where  the coffee came from guys look at that wow do you   know this part uh no not specifically but i've  been in places like this with the mountains and   the andes ones i'm sure you're gonna enjoy this  coffee i picked the beans they have a sweet uh   covering a red covering so they're red obviously  you dry them you roast them and that's what the   final product is exactly you're gonna see more  in my channel in the next coming years all those   adventures in south america awesome okay guys wow  we're ready here we're set up we're outside of   julia bakery and look at this look who we got  i got a coffee cake and what did you get there   carrie pumpkin pie pumpkin pie um lemon pie lemon  pie okay wow look at that and what'd you get there   elliott double espresso coffee from a company that  produces coffee in barcelona or processes yeah but   it came from colombia okay so they buy it they're  basically strong yeah yeah and then um sweet roll   of some sort but i haven't seen these since i was  in the united states okay nice and everything is   uh homemade here guys it's super fresh and we're  getting frappes too we're waiting for those right   now it's affordable too yeah definitely affordable  yeah it's not expensive here guys not expensive   at all okay so she's letting me try some of  her pumpkin pie guys and you know in america   pumpkin pie is very very famous we eat it all  the time oh and there he is with our frappes   look at this wow mucha gracias okay wow and  he's the owner that is borja and his wife there   so i'm gonna try this pumpkin pie guys while my  grandmother used to make pumpkin pie all the time   for thanksgiving it's a thanksgiving staple let  me go ahead and try it here grandma is it better   than grandma's you can't say i can't say that but  it's very good grandma had a special recipe guys but it's good it's a i guess a spanish version  or wherever he's from i don't think he's from   spain that's quite good where's this guy i think  they're from the north of spain actually oh oh   how interesting you get a different accent  that not on the loosing accent for sure i   believe he's from galicia all right comes back  and how do you like your coffee there uh elliot   bro i'm a coffee connoisseur yes some somewhat  like you yeah but i like i said i've been to   different coffee areas right where you try the  coffee fresh you know that mountain coffee that   aroma in costa rica colombia panama up in the  mountains right and this is on par with that   oftentimes you go to the spanish supermarkets and  the coffee is really bad you know the coffee is   really bad the kind of coffee you get at the  supermarket this comes right from the roaster   and it's strong but it's got that really polished  aroma and just right oh that's not bitter right   exactly yeah oof and of course a great a great  little coffee you guys uh i've talked about this   before you can't compare the coffee you get  in a supermarket guys it's gonna be nowhere   near the quality you need fresh roasted beans  here's the propaganda i'm going to try this santiago perfect for the place basketball cheers they're talking about uh piece bosco that's the  north of spain guys and elliot's been close to   there you've been there right ellie i got a  bunch of videos there i got like two or three   videos up right on the community santiago  and that's where this man is from borja yep   very cool guys so that's where he's  uh he's from the owner wow very cool   i'm here with eventually his girlfriend and  we're gonna go up the to the castle to the   hebrew faro castle so you said oh you've done  this before right but you went up the front   side i did the hard side last year okay um and i  didn't know what i was doing and i almost gave up   and i also didn't understand the andalusian  spanish sheet so i i almost fainted that today   guys okay it's green we can cross yeah i think  it's uh over 90 degrees easily today right only   going up it's like 1 30 here there's the castle  guys i've actually made a video about this before   where to go because a lot of people go up the  front side and they don't realize and it's way way   harder it's a really steep incline on the front  side and in the summer it's almost unbearable guys   with the heat with the spanish heat what i do is a  lot of times i'll go up this way you go up through   the forest and then i'll come down on the front  side so it's kind of nice going down you're we're   actually on the north side of the uh mountain so  the to the south side you're closer to the ocean   right the sea sorry the mediterranean sea yep  and on this side we are on the north side so   if you were to go north into spain we're on  this side of the mountain the northern side   and i'm going to take you up this side  and on the way down we'll go down the   front side and get the beautiful views  there the south side yep okay awesome   and there it is guys the alcazaba and  we're gonna go all the way up to the castle   okay hey guys we're about a third of the way up  now and wow look at that behind me it's so nice   and wow this is a really nice walk guys  you can see there's hardly anybody on it   and i'm sure there's a lot of tourists on  the front side they don't know anything about   this side unfortunately and there's elliott  and his girlfriend going up okay ellie we've   been going up what do you think of what you're  seeing it's it's reminiscent of last year i i'm   you know let's bring me right back but on the  other side we can see the city here right we   can see i got normal malaga where the locals live  and you've had a few videos out there i think you   went to one of the most dangerous neighborhoods  in malaga and i think that's somewhere out there   um it would be more yeah all the way almost over  this way uh-huh right exactly out in the city   a little bit outside of the center but you can  see there's a lot of residential parts of malaga   and there's actually a lot to see a lot of  tourists don't get to see a lot of these   things that that i've actually a place i've been  to that i've shown on my channel so look at this   guys wow look at those trees it's really beautiful  here it's hard to see but you can see the castle   walls up there yeah you can kind of see them just  right now how in the heck in the 14th century   did they build something like that well they  actually used to come up the front side the front   side and actually the castle uh the alcazaba and  the castle connected they actually did and there's   the path between them now it's kind of overgrown  but before it used to be like a road they would   open some walls and they would have the horses or  the donkeys bring up the goods with like a cart   and probably some slave let's be honest i would  maybe so i don't know for sure for sure slaves okay guys we're at the mirador and beautiful  view here and there was nobody on that path it   was so so strange maybe it's because of  the heat we're very close to the castle   now guys and check out the view wow this  view is just fantastic guys let's do that yeah it's a beautiful day guys look at that  you can see people down there on the beach   enjoying themselves and actually malaga is like  over there i think since this one right here   yeah it goes to those floaties there changes over  there there's some other ones and all the way up   along the coast there guys look at that all  the way to that corner where there's that big   tall tower there and that's just a uh  the cement factory guys and i made some   videos over there recently and where they  have the calla de mor morale it's called   very very cool place guys wow  so what do you think elliot   i mean the same impression i had last year is  just how i feel totally just just uh relaxed and   just feels so nice to get these views of the  mediterranean sea yeah it's awesome isn't it   so there's a tourist bus here guys you can  also take that up here it's a lot more pricey   it's a lot pricier than the one we took but  it's another option guys you don't want to walk   and that one takes you all around malaga  for a set price i think it's maybe   30 euros but malaga is not a really big  city i don't think you really need that so here's the entrance to the castle up here there's the castle guys there it is okay guys going into the uh castle  here guys here's the entrance   and i've been here several times but uh it's  always great to see and it's always a great   place to take uh friends and tourists so what  are your uh first impressions elliot have you   been here before well my second impression oh  you've been here i've been here twice okay yeah   i'm saying that i just love coming to these  places where you step back in history you know   right literally three four five six hundred years  maybe seven hundred years you know we had the   romans and the phoenicians here the moors and the  christians and wow crikey it's a it's a great time   yeah this castle is um been used for a lot of  centuries guys and it's been a protector of the   city exactly for many many years many centuries  i would say guys and now it's uh a great place   for tourists to come and enjoy it and think about  the history now it's your girlfriend's first time   here she's never been here she's she's roaming  because she's just like oh okay she's excited   to be here guys wow very cool let's take a  look at the views guys it's just beautiful that's gorgeous look at that  guys it's your first time here is so she said it's really beautiful guys  she's impressed by it the beauty of it   and the construction of it and the view and  just everything she just thinks it's really   great so that's awesome i'm happy that uh  she enjoys it guys so i love to take uh   friends here it's uh one of the  places that i think you should go   for sure if you're coming to maliga and  now we're climbing up guys you gotta go up   and go along the walls which i just love  and you get to the highest point which   is up there guys right there where those flags  are and that's where you get the best best view so you can see guys it's so it's so tight going  through here that you just have to like squeeze   through here guys wow two people can barely  fit through at one time there was some tourists   coming the other way and we're going this way  so we kind of had to squeeze by each other look at that guys look at the  view look how beautiful it is we're here with a couple spanish  people they're here from um   from madrid hey como te llamas miguel okay okay guys i'm gonna head down here guys try to find  adventure elliott i think he's over here somewhere   and look at this view guys  of the castle so so awesome and there's adventure elliott what's up bro  not much man this is the coolest place it's muy we like it bro we still got  some more to explore that way   we got a lot to explore that way okay check it out  basically say chulo okay chulo tambien you know   hopefully i'm not getting  roasted here i can't tell   okay look at this guys and here's the other  side you get to see the other side of this   and look at that there's a city over here guys  like i said you get some of the best views around   so awesome and this is the mount victoria there  monte victoria i'm here with a couple people and   i noticed they were speaking romanian so how  are you guys doing good job can you introduce   yourselves tell us where you're from what's  your name hi i'm daria i'm from bucharest   romania from bucharest okay nice thank you hi i'm  costell i'm also from brookhaven okay very cool   hola hello to his viewers to our new friends  viewers i'm gabi i'm from romania bucharest okay   gabian thank you so much hi i'm from ukraine's  too ah also from bucharest okay very nice cool my   my stepfather is from bucharest he came to america  many years ago he's married to my mother american   woman so uh how do you guys how are you guys  enjoying spain how do you like spain it's amazing very nice okay beyond my expectations have you  been to other places besides malaga yeah no but we   are planning to go to ronda toronto okay oh it's  a great place guys you guys will love it rwanda   wow great place awesome um so how long will you be  in spain well we came here yesterday but okay you   just got here okay and my friend daria we stayed  here for one year with erasmus oh nice so you know   the place okay wow okay it was like our second  home yeah we lived here like for 11 months and   we visited everything around andalusia ah okay and  what's your favorite part of andalusia or spain i love it okay wow very cool okay well thank  you so much guys and uh wow i appreciate it   okay so um how do i say thank you in romania  what's a mess i've heard them what's a mess   thank you guys okay guys so we've been  exploring at the castle the hippocam castle guys   and we met those romanian people they  were so so cool wow hi to them again   and now we're having some great beers local  beers from malaga guys and this is victoria   and i've never had this one before actually guys  it's trego which is wheat and look at the color   on that guys wow it's so delicious look at  that like a golden color golden hue guys wow oh it's so good and my friends have some too guys  what do you have there elliot i have a dark beer   and another malaganian beer wow what does that  taste like did you have some already yeah it's   especially cold like this in the hot  weather it's phenomenal and they're so   cold guys they're ice cold wow and we're saying  three euros can't really beat that fantastic   and kerry you have some one too right uh one beer  cream beer lemon okay wow and how is that soft suave okay very good okay that's great and kerry's uh  learning uh english guys so bear with yeah i think   so guys wow okay you're welcome okay guys there's  the castle we're gonna say goodbye to the castle   and we're gonna go back down we're gonna head down  now guys to the front the front side and the front   side is really beautiful you can see the outside  of the castle and you can see those points there   the way they designed at the architecture  and there's two ways to go down here   there's this path and there's this  path that looks like stairs guys   and you see it connects here  it's gonna connect right there   and we'll get some more beautiful views of  malaga on the way down so we're gonna head   down here there's some people going up they took  the hard route and they're close to the castle now   and we're taking the easy route down what  do you think elliot we did the right thing   yeah i mean i like it's easier to to to go down  than up okay um this is a beautiful hotel here   it's like a boutique hotel guys and it's a mirador  beautiful there's some more people coming up guys   probably hot and windy the wind did so here we go  guys another lookout they call them miradores in   spanish and another beautiful one guys and you  get a really good shot of the city there guys   there's the park honestly you get a better view of  this park here and i think this is the banco panco   de espana uh no that's the utmiento that's the  town hall but the bank is over there too on that   passage next door to it is the el casaba no that's  the al casaba right there you can see it guys   right there and that big building there in front  of it is the museum it's a museum of malaga   and you can see the cathedral there  too wow you get a beautiful view guys   look at that roundabout there look how  beautiful that is with the fountain   museum there guys the pompeidao and  you can see the boring so this is a   great place to come and take a photo and you'll  see a lot of photos of malaga and they're from   this spot okay guys so we're continuing  our descent we've seen some tourists coming and some tourists going up back that way guys look  at that so they're coming up the difficult way   there's some more coming so you can see this  descent guys it's even a little difficult   descending so you can imagine going up it is  really really challenging guys going up here   you can see him imagine how challenging it is it's  really challenging going up isn't it uh elliot   yeah it's harder going up but even going down  yeah just pounds on the knees a little bit right   that's why i can see a lot of tourists that's  why i don't recommend coming up here especially   if you're a little bit older it's going to  be really really difficult guys either go   the way that i said or take uh take the bus  there's actually a bus that takes you up here there's a man selling albonicos hola those are  the fans the spanish fans you can see where we   just came from guys see that elevation  there look at that and there's even more so it's really hard going up really steep   and i saw a few people dated but most  of them were younger on the younger side   and there's still more to go down okay guys  we had a great day hanging out with elliot and   his girlfriend we had a lot of fun and we took  you guys to the castle and we checked that out   that was really cool so thanks for showing me the  easy route and i hope that uh the people who watch   these videos find some value and you giving great  advice and um you know just your friendly nature   and and showing the positives of spain and malaga  so it was a great time okay man thanks for coming   down to see me and it was really cool hanging  out with you it was cool to meet those uh people   from romania too from bucharest so hope you guys  enjoyed the video we'll see you in the next one   travel edit a guy and adventure elliott  take care of everyone hasta luego

2021-07-23 13:40

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