I Survived 100 Hours Living Alone (off-grid RV camping)

I Survived 100 Hours Living Alone (off-grid RV camping)

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I'm going to be spending the next 100 hours  completely off the grid unplugged with no   internet no Wi-Fi and I'm going to be all  alone with only $100 to spend on food and   supplies you might be asking me why and I have  a perfectly good reason well recently I've been   struggling with depression and by recently I  mean probably my whole life but more recently   it's been really rough I realized a lot of what  was causing this had to do with social media and   the internet the impact of constant connect it  has taken a huge toll on my mental health which   is why for this video I've partnered with better  help thank you to betterhelp for sponsoring this   video and supporting this discussion before I  started therapy my days were often clouded with   overwhelming stress anxiety and low self-esteem  it led to a state of paralysis I remember one   particular day when I felt so paralyzed by my  thoughts and fears that even simple tasks like   getting out of bed felt like mountains this not  only affected my well-being but also strained my   relationships with friends co-workers and my  business it was after spending a lot of time   alone and having challenging conversations with  close friends and family that I realized that I   needed professional help since joining therapy  my life has seen profound improvements it's not   that it really gets rid of your problems but  it at least gives you the tools that you can   use to combat the things that are keeping you  stuck in life better help make starting therapy   super easy you fill out a questionnaire and  you're match with a therapist in just a few   days if you feel like your first match isn't the  right fit it's pretty simple to switch therapists   better help ensures that all therapists are well  qualified and their support team is always there   to assist you plus they offer a journal feature  for personal reflection and daily group sessions   on various topics if you're feeling overwhelmed  and think therapy might help I encourage you to   click the link in the description or visit  betterhelp.com lizy Capri you'll get 10% off   your first month and remember seeking help is  a sign of strength and self-awareness join me   as we continue our adventure here in the wild and  let's keep the conversation about Mental Health   Health going it's okay to seek help when you need  it okay guys if I can survive this full 100 hours   I will definitely come out a better person more  connected to Nature and if I don't survive this   challenge then I don't know you guys might never  see me again W that's kind of dark I'm kidding   you guys will see me again you know what the  fact that you're actually watching this video   right now the lights just went out there we go  the fact that you guys are watching this video   right now means I surv vied and uploaded it to  YouTube so you will see me again it's like 7:00   now the Sun is setting so quick these days let get  this challenge started um I'm not going to need this since we only have $100 for budgeting we  need to be smart with our purchases so I decided   to go to Walmart with my $100 and see what all  I could get remember I'm going to need enough   food and supplies to last me for the next 4 4  days in order for me to complete this challenge   I decided to get some snacks some camping food  camping gear definitely some stuff for s'mores   and some candy all in all the total came out to  be $86 I have actually never done anything like   this before so I have no idea if I actually got  enough food for myself for the next 4 days but   the good news is we stayed under budget welcome  to my home I'm honestly I think more scared of   getting really bored than I am of like running  out of food and supplies this is where I'm going   to be sleeping this is where I'm going to be  eating and living this is the bathroom and the   good news is that we do have enough water I think  to last us we have 2/3 tank of fresh water it is   also extremely hot in here I don't think oh what  the I I did not think this was going to work but   I guess it does it's like 85° in here wao it  actually works we do have electricity clearly   I mean we're basically living large in here  honestly the biggest thing that we're going   to have to fight is um boredom but at least I  have you guys to talk to technically we do have   a TV in here but I don't have any Wi-Fi out here  so it is dinner time so we're going to go ahead   and make some dinner and put away all the food I  got for this challenge I mean we got options it's   night one so we have all the options for tonight  I think I'm going to keep it simple though and   go with like a sandwich or some cup noodles we  got some stir fry for dinner I've never had this flavor wo very interesting it's like so quiet honestly that was so tasty wow this is so peaceful  okay let's put together this headlamp so we can go   outside and do some outdoor activities whoo wo  wo it's so bright wow next on our agenda s'mores   we got to collect some firewood and start a  fire outside so that we can enjoy nature I'm   not really sure if it really makes sense to  like make a fire in the rain but I do really   want moreor so we might just go back inside  and use the microwave but maybe we'll go for   a nature walk because I have this headlamp I  want to use look just from this tiny little headlamp I'm a little scared I'm going to go back   inside I just it's raining out there  what do I do I should take a shower hour okay first off I don't know why I'm acting  like we have unlimited water cuz I just remembered   that I don't and second I don't think we have  any hot water so I'm going to have to Brave the [Music] cold so cold we did it I'm clean that was cold we made it through the night we are now 15   hours into the challenge which  means we got 85 hours left to go what did people do before technology what do   people do without phones before phones and  laptops I guess they read and they wrote   like it's just weird to think I have the  whole day and I'm all by myself but first breakfast that was dramatic we  don't have any coffee what are   we going to do we'll be okay  I think watch this [Applause] guys are you kidding me your girl is shut breakfast is served we got bacon and  eggs and I'll probably eat a piece of   toast with it except I'm too lazy to  toast it so we're just going to grab   the end piece over here one thing about  me is I love my bacon crispy and I kind   of a little bit burned it that's how much  I like the crisp M it feels so weird being [Music] unplugged I basically clean the floors and  everything in here and just out of pure boredom so   I think I'm going to finally get changed and go  outside Welcome To Nature [ __ ] fresh air it is   so nice to breathe in fresh air I will say that  day one of being digitally unplugged I feel like   I really am just so disconnected I don't know if  that's a good thing or a bad thing ah SPID I feel   very peaceful which is nice uh I just wonder like  if anybody's texting me or like looking for me no   I told all my close friends and family that I am  going to be digitally unplugged so I'm also like   not really technically in like a remote place so  I'm not in any danger whoa look it looks like a   heart kind of from a certain angle honestly  the biggest thing I'm fighting right now is   boredom I am very bored I realized like most  of my day consists of me on my phone somewhat   connected listening to a podcast listening to  music watching TV so it is weird to not have   those Outlets I feel like I'm just walking to  pass the time look at these mushrooms wo this   one's so red oh my gosh it's being eaten by a tiny  snail do you guys see that oh my gosh that is the   teeniest cutest little snail in the whole wide  world to give you a little bit of scale that's   my finger that's the snail there's so many like  Little Critters running around here it's crazy   I guess nature is my entertainment right now I  really am worried cuz I have no clue what I'm   going to do all day I have no idea where I am  but this does not look familiar to me so I'm   going to go back from where I came from whoa is  that a mushroom over there oh my gosh we got to   go see it that's a giant one look at that thing  it's perfect it's in pristine condition this is   my hand for scale wo it's so soft we're back  we're back we're back we're back back to camp [Music] I'm so excited for this fire tonight I think it's  time to eat lunch now there are so many bugs out   here so I'm going to go inside there's mosquitoes  literally everywhere it's lunchtime I'm feeling   kind of of tired and lazy so I think we're just  going to make a sandwich real quick I cannot   believe we are only a day into this challenge it  feels like forever maybe that's because I don't   have any thing to pass the time as quickly  it's crazy how time warps when you're bored [Applause] just going to throw  some turkey on here I think that's enough I might throw some bacon on here cuz  it's kind of bland think kind of Gloom me out   today might go another nature walk I really  didn't think it going be this hard to detox   it's really boring guys the end goal is that all  will come out a better person maybe I hope this   is this is the problem right here me like this  is exactly what's wrong the fact that this is   so hard already and we're just not even a full 24  hours in is insane it just goes to show how much   we spend and rely on our phone for not just  entertainment but everything like literally   everything I don't think I could survive  without my phone do I know maybe I should meditate can you guys believe it Millie is turning   I got her in 2017 she was  born and oh she's turning eight no I can't believe I got her so  long ago that's crazy why am I crying   I mean she still looks like a  puppy and acts like a puppy so   she's never going to die oh my  gosh I can't believe Millie's so old I need to stop crying okay okay we're going to plan her the best  birthday party ever and it's going to be perfect   I'm going to make her a little puppy cake and I'm  going to give her as much chicken as she wants um   oh my gosh it's so hard being a girl have  so many emotions this calls for some Sour hormone I just went on a nature walk it was so  nice I saw a squirrel very entertaining also after   Yi I am starting a podcast it's called  going rogue cuz it's just me out here and   I know a lot of you guys probably watched  me from team raar and from when I was with   Carter but your girl's on her own now but  yeah I'm posting it on my second Channel   and I'm really excited to share with  you guys just like behind the scenes   stuff and I don't know whatever you guys  want me to talk about I could talk about anything granted don't take me that seriously  because a I'm not a professional in much and it's   really just about my self-discovery journey trying  to like find my own way I'm still pretty full for   my sandwich so I think we're just going to do  morees for dinner it just started raining which   unfortunately means we will not be able to go  outside and make a fire we are just going to have   to find activities for the indoor I honestly might  make s'mores on that stove because I really have   been craving a s'mores since yesterday the rain  is actually perfect for reading so I did bring two   books going to bed without my phone I really just  am able to fall asleep because I get so bored that   it's so easy to just pass out also there's a lot  of time to think about stuff so that part's not   super fun I mean some of the thinking is okay  but some of it is just like a lot it's sores time the trick here what I like  to do is put the chocolate in   the marshmallow to melt it genius  hack life hack for you guys there   she is I'm going to um heat up another  marshmallow while the fire is [Music] [Applause] on yum that was like heaven I'm  going to shower get ready for bed   and lay around going to have to take another cold shower we did it time to get cozy yes it is  bedtime got to do my skin care routine [Music]   we have made it to the second night I am  mosquito Beyond board sorry oh my gosh there   so many bugs yet again I read half of my book  and I think it's time for bed wow I'm so tired good [Music] morning so many bugs for breakfast today we got bacon  eggs and I made a piece of toast but   I kind of burnt it a little bit so  we do not have coffee so I actually   heated up my water because it's just  nice to drink something warm in the morning I think it's time to go fishing the thing about me is I love fishing I  do not buy worms which only means one   thing we have to catch some bait oh  oh gross gross gross gross there is   a dead horm in this box it  smells so bad ew that's so gross ew time to catch some live  baits usually there's Little   Critters under the Rocks today there  are none oh a worm yes let's go come on no this one wait a minute what's that  ew what is that ew ew ew ew ew gross e ew ew ew ew e ew I don't think I even want to  show you guys it's disgusting oh my gosh that is   just n what are those ew that's disgusting ew  what are those they're like maggots that is so   gross that's the grossest thing I've ever seen in  my entire life why would that be even who created that okay this is what we've got so  far um this grub looking thing this   worm and whatever that thing is we're going  to keep searching oh guys it's awakened the   centipede it's huge holy moly that thing  is giant All Aboard you're ready to go fishing got to set up our Rod oh  my gosh we're moving quick what   the heck I think we should get an anchor for this [Music] thing I have docked us onto this tree I'm  hoping we catch a catfish but you never know [Music]   we caught a fish [Music] guys let's go it's little but it's a fish okay I say  we put it back in the water cuz it's like   not small enough to be bait but not  big enough I mean I'm not going to   keep any of these anyways what should  we name him I'm going to name it Billy   Billy Bob we're going to let you free Mr Billy Bob  oh there it goes go need a little love top that's   one fish down see how many more we can get oh I'm  getting bites guys I'm getting nibbles like crazy   look you can see you can even tell cuz my worm got  bit off this is where they're at something that   has helped me so much in my healing Journey has  been fishing and has been being outside and just   enjoying nature truly that being said I do miss  being able to call my friends at night that's like   normally what I do I also miss being able to take  like a bunch of photos I guess um what else do I   miss honestly I don't miss that much the days feel  super long but that's not always a bad thing guys   the centipede escaped it escaped I left it open  oh my Lanta oh my gosh look it's right there it's   on the move it's been planning this Escape  all day look at those little creepy crawlers e running out of worms we got two left but we can  definitely cut them in half to prolong when I was younger my family would  go camping every summer and it was one of my   favorite things to do I also loved watching  River Monsters with Jeremy Wade when I was   younger in like Middle School is one of  my favorite TV shows I think that's where   love for the outdoors and  fishing really comes in to play we have been out here I did change  my lore to a little guppy cuz we ran out   of worms so we've been getting some bites but  the problem with this is that it's kind of big   so the only fish that could actually eat this  would be a larg mouth bass or maybe a catfish   I think I'm gonna call it a death I might leave  this out here and we come back and check on it   tomorrow maybe we'll have caught something  we still have like two more days of this challenge going to go with some instant lunch classic guys I've been way too liberal with the  water usage I okay when I was doing this   levels test I was like looking at the battery  which is full fresh water we're low we are   going to have to be very very conservative  with our water usage on the flip side our   ramen's ready I'm going to make like a mini  sandwich here need to ration our food and our water I'm going to make a fire to lighten  up my mood it is so crazy how time slows   down I can't believe it's only been like 2  days we're only half way through this what   it's crazy it's actually nuts I feel  like I've been in here for a week I   guess if you really want to slow down time  just digital detox it sto raining hooray I was getting so carried away with my book cuz it  was getting really exciting it is a autobiography   of Ral doll and he's fighting in World War II  which is crazy and he was actually a pilot but   it's s'mores time because it's getting dark  it's getting late and the fire is absolutely   firing I went to grab more wood and I got bit  by fire ants on my hand so it's just kind of hurts oh that was hot m m camp fire s'more is one of the greatest  joys in life I'm so glad we got to do a fire [Music] tonight I'm going to go inside prepare  myself mentally for a cold shower and get ready   for bed I'm tired we are more than halfway  through the challenge so I'm proud of myself   50 hours in nature I mean even that is a  lot and I do feel quite refreshed and more   connected have a lot of bug bites which is not  fun but aside from that it hasn't been like that hard fire was so nice we are off to  bed third night in here we got this   Facebook is so interesting Ral  doll had an amazing life crazy   story I still need to finish it so  I'm going to read this and go to bed I finished my book last night it was amazing I'm not going to lie I  stayed up a little late reading it's so sunny out though and it's  our last full day of the challenge   maybe that's why I'm tired cuz I slept so well I don't think I could eat instant noodles  anymore I know it's only been 2 days but I'm   already sick of it and I am very excited  to eat a real meal after this but there's   something about the Simplicity that I and really  appreciating it's really peaceful it's like all   the problems in the world don't exist without  my phone even some of my problems don't exist   without my phone it's also weird cuz I feel  like my senses are heightened and I can hear   everything like I hear so many nature sounds which  I usually do hear it but like this morning I kind   of woke up a little bit because I heard these  crows like having a conversation outside they   were so loud but I kind of like listened in I  was EAS dropping and it sounded like they're   coming from like three different directions  I was like wonder what they're talking about [Music] might be out of water yes check it out got eggs and bacon  again and I heated up my water again you   know when you don't have a lot of options  it really does simplify the decision making   process I can't get over that book I read  last night I did not realize R doll had   such an intense life me I grew up reading  his books and dang I didn't know he was a   fighter pilot in World War II he's  also from England survived a plane crash day three of this 100h hour challenge I  spent my time reading Walking appreciating nature   and just generally enjoying the outdoors  yesterday we went fishing I left a line   out and it's moved so I think there's  something on the line I'm going to reel   it it and let's see if we caught anything  oh my gosh it ended up all the way over   there how is that even possible the amount  of movement in the water is crazy you just   can't see it that well cuz there is such a  beautiful reflection of the clouds on the water ah we are so stuck I  mean something must have had   to come out here for the line to have moved that far oh here's what happened we caught a monster an  absolute monster and it cut the line it is what it   is guys I really wish I knew what was on the end  of that line I if I had to guess it's probably a   cat fish since we're already out here we might as  well go fishing again and got nothing else to do I'm getting so sick of I know it hasn't been   that long but I do miss a hot  warm cooked meal that's not noodles I'm going to be honest with  you guys nature is cool and stuff very healing but I'm going a little stir crazy  in there like I need my phone I just want   to brain rot sometimes like sometimes  I just want a doom scroll is that so   bad of me also we're pretty much out of  water I mean if I'm lucky there might   be a spurt left for a shower tonight  there's only so much nature I can look at I'm also eating cuz I'm bored I'm going crazy I'm trying to calculate  in my head how many more hours   left of this I have because oh  my God I'm getting beat bit by bugs let me think 24 hours wait am I done what even is bread does anyone know you know  what I'm excited for campfire tonight we're almost done I definitely have enough  food for the next 24 hours ran out of water but the good news is I got  chips in my hand it's not raining and I could   shower tomorrow we're going to go do something  I've never done before and we're just going to   do it cuz I'm bored got nothing else to do  gosh it's so many mosquito bikes I'm going   slightly crazy from the lack of human  interaction so you know like don't mind me I'm okay I'm okay you made [Music] it I hope this thing is on sturdy cuz if it's not then we're up here M now what I think I'm just  going a little stir crazy I   mean there's really nothing to do up  here but we did it I think I'm going   to go collect some wood for tonight's  campfire and just start it up because I [Music] am so bored be cool if  we saw an animal or something but   the only animals I see are mosquitoes  I think I need to meditate find peace [Music] again oh my gosh through these [Music] leaves for the last night on this  challenge we are going to make the most beautiful   fire to celebrate my I return back into society  and back into the real world where there's people   and the internet we can have unlimited s'mores  cuz it's the last night one thing I will say   though is my sleep has been amazing like I've been  sleeping honestly I think my mental health has   gotten better now that I think about it it's crazy  a lot of my problems really do exist on my phone   and I don't know if that's cuz I'm a  YouTuber and like my job and my life   is literally social media but having done  it for so long there are times where it   really does stress me out so getting off  the internet has been amazing I 10 out of   10 would recommend despite my going a little  bit insane right now and the not showering   I think I'm going to kind of switch up my  daily routine and not go on my phone as much we are pretty much Fresh Out of  Water oh wait there's a little   water left that might mean  I could take a shower crazy I don't think we have enough so we're going  to give up on that green I think we're just   going to use the rest of the water to wash  up I'm going to wash my face brush my teeth   and wash the dishes and we'll be good and  I have some drinking water I could use for   emergency for the rest of tomorrow tomorrow's  shower when I get back is going to be glorious [Music] [Music] did it I mean we got a lot of drinking  water left so I'm not super worried we   are shutting down for the night I'm  going to bed I did finish my book   so I don't have any entertainment for bed  tonight but I'm actually pretty exhausted   and so is my camera it's about to die  good night I'll see you guys in the morning good morning it is the final day  of this challenge I'm so excited to get   back into society and get back on the  internet it has been so peaceful and I   honestly feel like I need to do this again  for my own mental health but I also really   want to shower I want to take a really hot  shower and I really would love a home-cooked   meal yeah hooray we're almost there we ran  out of eggs we'll have some bacon [Music] these past few days have been a roller coaster  I missed my phone at first and I really struggle   with being bored but as the hours went by  that noise started to fade away I learned   that I'm actually okay on my own that silence  isn't empty and it's full of life it's full of   ideas and dreams that get drowned out when you're  too plugged in I found pieces of myself out here   that I had forgotten pieces drowned out by the  constant ping of social media I love sharing my   life with you guys and I love the community we've  built together but this challenge has taught me   the importance of stepping back sometimes and  making sure that I'm not just living life for   the next video or the next post I need to live for  me too I'm excited to dive back into civilization   and the digital world but I'm going to approach  it a little differently with more balance and   more moments like these with more real connections  both online and offline so thank you for joining   me on this crazy adventure while I'm going to miss  the silence and peace of solitude I'm excited to   take a hot shower eat a proper meal see my dogs  and step back into civilization with a deeper   appreciation for the things I usually take  for granted thanks for watching I'll see you   guys in my next video we did it we completed the  challenge just like that it's [Music] over proud   of myself it's time for me to acclimate  back into civilization home sweet home

2024-10-21 18:41

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