I Slept At A LUXURY Spa In Korea (Bike Touring Korea #20)

I Slept At A LUXURY Spa In Korea  (Bike Touring Korea #20)

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Play, Work, Live, Busan hey I'm heading to Busan, eventually I'll get back there but today we're getting out of Seoul been here for a week it's time to time to get on the road and start this uh round two Korea tour again and so all right and so this is kind of what I'm thinking I'm going to head back heading back West but actually I want to go East eventually but I want to just go up to Paju and then maybe go up in this area and then maybe make a big loop and then eventually go to Chucheon and so I don't know if I want to go up in  there and go down or I don't know but I've had my eye set on that little area in Paju for a while and I don't want to head West but I want to hit all corners of Korea and so let's just do it you know  if I loop back around I loop back around so let's get on the road Hey Nick. hey, nice to meet you nice to meet you I subscribe. awesome thank you so much okay so I'm cutting through a market and I want to get some fruit for the road okay and so uh in my last video I was uh given some of these by a guy on the side of the road and I was like oh I've never had  plums like this and a few people commented like oh I think those are peaches I'm like yeah maybe  but she just confirmed they're yaju plums and then these are peaches definitely peaches so let's get one kind of hard but I'm guessing they're ok all right just like that we are back on the Han River bike course seems to be a repeating theme doesn't it let's go find some other bike courses] I believe over off in that direction where all those uh tall skyscrapers are that brown building is the church that huge megachurch the biggest one in the world apparently or it has the largest congregation I don't know if like the size of the church is the biggest but I was reading it has the largest congregation in the world which is crazy to me of all the big churches you see in America the biggest one is in Korea it's only 9:00 and it's already stuffy it's going to be a warm one I can already tell wonder if it's possible to ride one of  these kayaks out there let's see what they good morning. morning. is it possible to ride out there? of course. how much?

how much? yeah. she bought it from AliExpress Korean one is 75,000 won... ah 750,000 won what about just for like one time like  a little bit one time? yeah ah you like just to try the rent fee is almost 30 or 50,000 won not here. over there can you just ride here? yeah of course yeah you just need a leash, a security device. leash is ok

ah ok, like a paddle board? for paddle board you just need a leash but kayak you just need a vest this is for Olympic for the Olympics? Olympic yeah Olympic game for racing  for racing yeah okay K one yeah maybe I can find something along the way yeah thanks for helping me out thank you thanks YouTube YouTube oh what's your channel? YouTube uh wow you yours very very your Channel is a very big uh growing yes ah you come here to travel? yes yes a nice to meet you my channel is Top Guy Top Guy? let me see I'll show it to everybody Korean Korean okay Top Guy, Top Guy everybody go to Top Guy and subscribe yeah see that's my bicycle oh your bicycle? I ride from Busan Busan? yeah wow wow wonderful wonderful so I was looking at I was looking at this I was like ah this looks very fun let me take your picture. all right movie see you later. what's your name again? my name  is the Top Guy your name is Top Guy? so people call you Top Guy? yeah Top Guy  okay nice to meet you nice to meet you all right see you bye bye what a name, I'm the top guy damn that's uh it's too bad I was hoping maybe I could get out on one of the paddle boards or something but not going to happen nice try the bridges and the infrastructure is so cool so many bridges here H I don't know, to Paju and then East uh done, and uh I am soaking wet once again not from the water so going to chill out for a little bit eat the plum all right good back on the road back on the road and I don't know if it's just because I'm by the river and the bushes but it is humid like the uh the air feels extra heavy and uh it's not cool at all extremely warm every once in a while you get a cool breeze but you can feel the heat so it's 11:15 I'm going to go a little further and then just find a place to eat and probably chill out for the uh the afternoon so but I got to make up some ground though let's go to Paju back in the 4 seasons tunnel all right so I'm in a town called Kintex which is just a town with a bunch of highrise apartments and on the map it said there should be a place should be a Indonesian restaurant somewhere around here and that's kind of what I'm looking for and uh yeah but Kintex it's kind of a I don't know how hard to describe it's kind of eerie there's nobody around there's a lot of high-rise apartments and you see the name Kintex everywhere which sounds like a corporation feels like you know it's like a a whole city that is employed by Kintex, whatever that is I'm not sure if that's true or not it could be just the name of a regular town but it feels like uh this could be like Microsoft City or something all right I guess it's inside This Town Mall which is extremely dead I think this is the Indonesian restaurant or maybe it's just like a Southeast Asian thing I don't know all righty so I wouldn't necessarily call this a uh a full Indonesian restaurant it's more like a I don't know maybe a Bali style restaurant I mean they sell grilled pork on there which you would only find in Bali and maybe some parts of East Indonesia but most of Indonesia, especially like Java is Islam and so Muslims don't eat pork so you wouldn't find that in Indonesia and yeah I got Nasi Goreng which is fried rice I mean I was just hoping to find some like nasi campur, or nasi padang, or batagor or something more Indonesian than  just fried rice they do have sambal which sambal is freaking spicy just like most Inodnesian, it gives me the hiccups cause it's kind of spicy it feels like a ghost town it's so  weird just a huge parking lot right here, not one car in this huge massive building it's actually really cool looking but no one around I'm curious about those high-rise Apartments too like are those fully occupied you think? or half full I have no idea I'm sure some people can fill me in in the comment section but what's going on with Kintex interesting little place here, in that is not very interesting a fountain for absolutely no one it's for me actually it's for me, thank you Kintex city City a fountain for absolutely no one it's for me actually it's for me thank you Kintex City wow that shower felt amazing that felt so good H I wonder how that wonder how long that's going to last though I'll probably dry off in two seconds back on the main road  trying to find my way to the river again kind of a interesting-looking one isn't  it I like how that room just kind of sticks out from the side over there got the vines growing all over the building you look at the front door it kind of looks closed so I'm in Paju city right here and uh it's a nice city, it's super modern it looks like a a new city all the buildings look super new uh a lot of cafes and restaurants on this street not a lot of people out though this is kind of what caught my eye over here though yeah this this is a a 19th century home that's been restored and moved to this location doesn't look like you can go inside but that'll give you an idea of what a home look like in the mid 1800s I guess but yeah again let me just go show you  this street up here appreciate it you live here? yes this is my cafe oh for real? okay I'm your subscriber. oh really? yeah. thank you

yesterday, jjimjilbang? I stayed at the jjimjilbang yesterday (in the video) yeah um what's going on with this city? it's really quiet. it's uh, is it a new city? yes this city is for books okay I heard something like Paju Book City or something what does that even mean? some printing company uhhuh and design company and publish company do business here it's new city. new city okay I can tell like  it's all all new buildings it's really nice but it's also very quiet huh right. like kind of artsy too, like that building over there yeah and like this building back here I was looking at is really interesting so kind of an interesting place but it's also very quiet well, cool actually, this is your Cafe? it's very hot I'm going to come hang out is that okay? okay cool appreciate bye all right I was going to go to a different place down the road but let's just go get out of the sun and uh hang out with him all right so I got a little more information about this place from Jay the owner of Cafe. Paper. over there

so this is a government-funded project here called Paju Book City and so all the businesses here besides the cafes and restaurants, I imagine, are print and publishing businesses and  so uh that's why it's called Padu Book City and so it's only about 10 years old he said but hm interesting place very quiet thank you Jay good thank you man see you yeah byebye so there's actually some really interesting  architecture around here I had a good chat with Jay the owner of the coffee shop and uh he was just telling me a little bit about the area you know like like I said earlier it's a A Printing and Publishing district and so this right here I think is a huge library that I I want to go check out and uh but yeah a lot of the buildings are just super artsy really cool architecture and so you know I was just asking them like about the people that live around here and he was like well all the workers come from Seoul and he was like, around this time of day everyone catches buses and  they're going back to Seoul I was like, well, who lives around here? he goes, rich people. I was like oh okay so I mean you can kind of tell it's kind of a snazzy place like it's super clean super nice  like but there's not there's just not a lot of people here and so he did show me a neighborhood that's close by and I looked at it on the map it's like super suburbia looking but the houses are all spaced out and he says it's a super nice neighborhood that has a lot of big homes and so not too far from here I want to go check it out just makes you wonder makes me wonder if  this place is ever like really busy you know it's Tuesday 7p.m. just not a whole lot of people here it's just it's really nice but is it used that often? do that many people come here? I want to see the ladder they use to get  books from up there or is it all just for show. you know

I'd say if you're a fan of contemporary architecture, this is an area you definitely got to come to check out every single building is kind of unique and different just kind of just kind of cool to look at all different shapes and styles it's really nice out here but at the same time it feels like it's on the verge of like going abandoned or something you know like, just look at the state of the sidewalks it's just overgrown with bushes and weeds and it's just not well kept at all and there are so many nice buildings around you know it's like, feels like this area has a lot of money but it's also struggling like look at this you know that building too I mean it almost looks abandoned looks brand new but it's gutted uh wow I went right by that one I guess that's a definite sign that some areas here are struggling Nick! yes hey hey I'm again it's just uh interesting building after interesting building that one's empty any of y'all ever been out here? did y'all know about this place? all righty so I think I found the neighborhood   Jay was talking about these are all uh pretty nice homes I'd say look at that one yeah I'd say uh definitely there's some money out here definitely some money it's nice to see some gardens though on the empty lots that's nice jeez look at this place would you rather live out here in a home like this? or in the middle of Seoul with everything around you in a highrise apartment? I guess it depends on what you do, if you're  married, you got family, you got kids so I stopped at this cafe to eat some bingsu but I guess they turned the machine off or something she pointed at it and she was like, ah no more, damn but I love carrot cake I love carrot cake I freaking love carrot cake this is good this is really good and uh right across the street there's a spa and Jay told me about it and it looks like it's going to be a really nice one but I saw the bingsu poster outside and I was like you know let's go get some bingsu first but that didn't work out okay the spa is just right there and this is a row of restaurants and I looked online and they all close super early that's one thing I keep forgetting in Korea is that, I feel like everything closes so early like you go to a restaurant it's like 8:00 there like got sorry we're we're about to close it's like what? it's 8:00 and so okay okay this place looks fancy, it's going to be a little nicer than the one I went to last time I'm looking forward to it but uh like I was saying I was looking at the the restaurants in this area, every single one of them is closed and I think there's a restaurant here but it closes at 9: and so it's 8:30 right now so I got to get in there cause otherwise I don't know if I'll be able to eat or not dang last order 8:00 all right maybe they have some instant Ramen or something in here I hope otherwise that carrot cake might be my dinner ok 30 minutes later you can eat ok so 30 minutes yeah this is a fancy one, this is nice pretty sad dinner, but it's better than  nothing but I think this is a great way to travel Korea and it fits perfectly with the way I travel too so I'm just going to look for these the whole way like cycle all day and then see if I can't find a spa and stay the night I mean it's only 16,000 which, that costs less than my hostel that I was staying at in Seoul and so sure you have to you know share an open room with a bunch of people but it's basically what you do in a hostel anyways like I'm sleeping next to a bunch of dudes who are snoring one thing I don't really quite get though is you shower you clean up and then you put these fresh clean clothes on and then a lot of people go into these sauna rooms right over here and just sweat again and like get all these clothes all sweaty I don't quite get that concept and so um I'm sure yeah it's nice to go in these rooms and lay down which I  I will do but I'll do it in the morning when I'm about to leave and so uh I'll sauna and get all sweaty in the morning go shower and then put on my dirty clothes again and start cycling outside but uh yeah, if you get a chance and you're traveling Korea and you can stay at one of these places, you should cause it's it ain't bad it ain't bad that's so good [Music]

2024-08-21 15:56

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