i only ate DISNEYLAND foods for 24 hours
This is overwhelming okay. Good. Morning, guys we, are going, to Disneyland I am so, excited you, might be wondering Disneyland. Is the happiest. Place on earth, how, have you've never been there and the answer is it's, also the, most expensive place, on earth so, you can probably guess by the title, but it's 6:00 in the morning right now and until tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. as well I am only gonna be eating foods, from Disneyland so I'm basically gonna be spending the, whole up to die at Disneyland. I'm gonna be a Disneyland, from, 7:00, in the morning all the way up to midnight basically. It's like almost a full day it's almost sad how seriously. Excited I am about this because, it's always been a dream of mine as a kid to go to Disneyland. And it just you know it really is really, expense I never had the chance to do it before so I am so. Happy right now that I'm finally gonna be doing this my sister is also here Dona come say hi you've also never been to Disneyland before. By, excited, yeah I did. Hear that the food is a very very, expensive so, what I think we should do is put the price tag of everything. We're gonna eat the, Sun is rising right now so we're just gonna go and get in our uber and go. To Disneyland. Yay. This. Is the one that, I wanted to get if I wasn't. Self-conscious. Of everyone looking at me if, I was a hat this place is called Market House and I think this is where we're gonna get breakfast, I'm pretty sure this is a Starbucks because it smells like a Starbucks, it looks like it oh my god guys this is beautiful, look at that I think I might get this one for breakfast, but there's so many, options that's the only Starbucks logo that you can find that's really weird isn't it, I will crucially, got my Disneyland, breakfast, and this is basically like Starbucks, except they've got exclusive items, for Disneyland, so I tried to pick things that they don't have at the normal, Starbucks, so we're gonna start the cookies, this is go like the Starbucks logo in the front but then in the back it says well. I really, try not to break it, holy. Schnitzel. That, is beautiful. These fought the difference games are becoming very difficult that looks truly incredible. I think this is called a shortbread, strawberry. Cookie and it's like a double, layer with jam in the middle strawberry. Jam time, to reveal the second, item that I chose before this is freaking, adorable. It. Smells, so. Good and it's more chocolate, than cookie, if you look at the thickness of it it's literally, more chocolate, than cookie, which I am here for some might say that this is too much sugar for breakfast, but I guess you're only at Disneyland, once so. I'm gonna enjoy it I say there's about literally, everything it's, got the Disney logo like everywhere. Which is very extra, but exactly, what you'd expect from, Disney, do, you remember the name of. Is. This strawberry something. Yeah I think this is like an exclusive strawberry. Drink from the Disney menu I'm gonna break this because I think this is gonna be so, satisfying, I feel. Like a child is gonna come in here and start screaming in me I'm like I've got plenty of that in the comment section of my videos oh. We're. Home. It. Tastes like bubble gum. I've. Eaten the whole Center with the strawberry jam did you want some of it I guess, you don't have an option anymore, I'm gonna try the Mickey Mouse strawberry, frappuccino now. That's. So, sweet and, when I say that something is sweet like I really mean that, nobody. Wants to be healthy in Disneyland, and this is a lot of sugar but I loved it I would have probably not order. This on my camp daily faces and saving the very best, one for last here, we've got the Mickey Mouse Kirk did I break it again. Now. I shouldn't do it's gonna ruin my, sister's getting a photo of the cookie first because, Instagram. Before my videos of course but then I'm gonna just, eat it. Why, is everything, literally. Incredible. Oh my god I can't, I'm. So worried when someone snatches your wake me trying to improve my face finally let's, give this a try I think this is white chocolate. Oh move, on the, drink is really really good but I would say that my favorite one was the strawberry, jam this is really good I don't think they have this at Starbucks, like in a different shape. My. Sister's gonna try the cocaine, what. Do you think you. Have to be loud. Which, was your favorite, now. Is better I alright. So my Pirates of the Caribbean now I. Excited. Yeah, very I'm, sitting right thinking about food when we just. Give. The video a like guys if you want to watch that we. Actually booked lunch but it's a lot later on and, we wanted, to get some snacks because it's still like six hours till lunch not six but like a long time so, we actually imported some more items are like breakfast, tea items, so I'm going to show you everything that we got that.
Is, One. Of the most beautiful. Things I've ever seen, I think the lady called is the Minnie Mouse Apfel. And. It's freaking, beautiful it's so heavy this should be actually illegal, here it's got caramel, in the bottom it's covered in chocolate and I think this might be marshmallow, but I got something else as well let me show you before we try it mean, wishes are gonna be sharing all the foods that I buy in this video oh and, if I have to tell you the prices as well so this is the other item, that I bought and this, is the, most beautiful, piece, of edible anything. I have ever seen it's a rice krispies treat as you can see on the outside but then the front is covered, in chocolate. Wow, that. Really is sour it's not very sweet which I wasn't expecting but, it's like it's refreshing, cuz you're at Disneyland is so hard there's so many people, we're all sweating, and this is like very refreshing, it's not sweet at all, we're like. Human. Golf. Over. I, am. In disbelief, Wow. If, you figured a photo of your Rice Krispie part which is like 80%, of it it's really not that sweet it's like very buttery, and like delicious, but it doesn't have that much sugar it's hard to believe but then the, front is go like so, much sugar it's like a really good quality milk chocolate, so before I get back to that which I will I'm gonna try, this one on camera I just realized, that I don't think I've ever tried, a candied apple and I think it's got like caramel and the insides like a traditional, candy, apple, is how you pronounce it even this is overwhelming okay. Only. On. This, is healthy right I mean. It's literally an apple. You're. So, messy to eat though it's so, worth it I know it's an apple on the inside but you can't even taste Apple you just taste, so. Much sugar I'm ready, to go on every, ride. Yep. It's. Marshmallow and it's, literally the best marshmallow. I've ever had like it's got this like vanilla, flavor it's really, good it's seriously. Better than most marshmallows. I'm gonna try to remember to say the price of everything throughout the video so the price of this, breakfast.
Was. $29. Which is very expensive for three items, but you know it's Disneyland. I'm. Trying to protect my. So. There's this going on right now but, this is a place that we're at and I think this is where I'm gonna get lunch because I actually like a lot of the items they sell and it's very quick loose at the other places so. Many, people, so this is kind of what the menu looks like. We. Sat down to eat our food and look at this little duck here. It. Is finally lunch, salmon for lunch what we actually decided to do was just to go and grab like small bites so I've gone something that I got from the place I just showed you but I also want to get a corn dog after, just if I'm hungry we didn't want to go to like a restaurant, because one the waiting times were. Insane -, we had to make reservation this looks. Incredible. This is a bowl of chili, inside. A freaking, piece of bread like how crazy is, the hand they also give you like the top and the inside so you can just dip in the Chilean, eat it which is kind of what sold me on it and here we've got the kids menu kind of just wanted to show you what it looks like they give it to me like a little paper. Bag like you're going to school so. Tracy. Just come back so we can. I thought. Maybe was gonna come with some toppings, or cheese let's try the turkey hotdog. Wow. I. Think. They've put toppings and everything that you can put on top but obviously it's very Drive but I'm just gonna eat the sausage for now, the. Bread is a little bit drier, for. This is so working I. Will. So incredibly, frustrated, earlier because, we went to Indiana Jones which turned out to be my favorite ride, and as soon as we're getting on it my, camera, stops, recording because. The battery died imagine. If I just fired into this like like, casually, just walk around until and like, it's. So hot outside that the cheese on top actually melted. Wow. Let's. Begin. I. Can. Film this without buying this. My. Sister was saying they have a pizza planet from Toy Story here, do you want my orange juice. Can. You try it on camera because I had orange juice. It's. Actually very good yeah I had, hot. Dogs a regular, one we have divided, post the camera. Close. To the. I. Actually. Really enjoyed lunch was just a little bit small cause like the hotdog was so tiny was your hotdog tiny as well what, was the price of all of this. $33, I think was 33, we're gonna go in some more rides now I mean ordering we're gonna bring the camera if the rights are too crazy I don't wanna like drop you guys but. It's not even 3 p.m. yet and we're practically, gonna be here until midnight so we've got a long way to go a lot of foods to try we're going to Space Mountain and now I'm, really looking forward to this one because a lot of you guys really. Good. It. Was very very dark in there so you guys who'd be able to see anything but, I would say that was probably, my, family so far we spent the last two hours on rides but now we, are freaking. Out because, this. Is Pizza Planet from, Toy Story which, is probably, my favorite like Disney movie ever, this. Is so incredibly, extra, space, X is shook Ellen musk is retiring, delivering.
Refreshment. To a thirsty, galaxy, so this is the menu for those of you interested this. Is the sailing and pizza planet. A whole. Pizza cost. $39.99. The, only thing out of this world here is literally, the prices, this, is the pizza area there's so many people ordering a. Moose's. New salad, area like, literally. You know one single person here so I think we got a try, it's called the super nova pizza, and it's literally, a cheeseburger, on a slice of pizza I've, never seen anything like that how, could I ever say, no to this. Beautiful. Creation this, is the best afternoon snack of my journal ever hopefully. My sister's gonna let me try this because this is her afternoon snack Fairless blackberry parfait we, were trying to find a table with good light so you could see the pizza in all of its glory, I wasn't even too hungry but then I saw all these slices of beads are that he actually looks amazing, and now I'm very hungry so I'm really looking forward to this. Wow. It's. Pretty good. I've, never had two cheeseburger, pizza before so I wasn't really sure what, to expect from this. I like, it the light is terrible. But. I'm too hungry to move again guys I'm sorry. I think, the pizza planning Pizza is definitely the best thing I've tried so power this, is officially, my favorite food at Disneyland, it's been the pizza planet pizza, and I really want to try the dessert if my sister lets, me have. Some we're, probably gonna have a very, small tender because this, is a lot, of food in one girl how amazingly, satisfying does, that look let me just get. A spoon. That, is at. Least to me this is insanely, satisfying. I want. To eat one of the eyeballs, before, I make my final decision there's, so many layers to this. It's. So freakin weird but to me like, this tastes like bubblegum as well like so many things that tasted, like bubblegum so far this looks really cool the, flavor is very subtle so I was, a little bit disappointed, with this for, the pizza the pizza is everything. The, pizza alone is worth coming here over, the food that I've tried so far in the video obviously I'm spending a lot of money because this is for the video and I wanted to be great so you guys can have a good idea of the food's here but if you just come and you just get one food I would 100% recommend. The, pizza I'm gonna be in a food coma after this and I'm not gonna eat anything, until, like tonight, I'm pretty sure that for the next like eight hours I'm not gonna eat anything and, next time I see you guys will probably be a lot later for dinner and, hopefully, it's gonna be dark it's past 7 p.m. I, think and we, are very, tired right now it's been such a long day I'm drinking coffee right, now because I, need caffeine I need the extra energy because, we still wanna film dinner so we're gonna stay here actually.
Until Like midnight because, I really, want to do like the whole as. Long as I can here so next time you see you guys it will be dinner time it. Will probably be a little bit darker, but I'm, gonna make good choices because I've already seen some things that I want to try it looks so pretty and nice. I think. This is probably like the nicest, view, of the whole like Disneyland. Car I wouldn't. Go into the pics up here and, try to find something for dinner I'm just gonna get something small I just looked at myself in the camera, I didn't look so, freaking. Tired because we are, exhausted. It's been such. A long time I thought I was gonna like it I didn't realize I was gonna love it as much it truly is like a magical, place maybe, she could like spend some place I ate a lot of bread and a lot of sugar today so I didn't want to get anything too big for dinner but, this actually my last meal until tomorrow, morning's breakfast, so I also want to eat something because otherwise I'd, get home and be super hungry so this is what I call a poor, dog this is like a proper. American-style, corndog thick that is wow, that is really thick it sounds like it's gonna be so crispy, as well so I'm very excited with that and then and then he came with impressed with great. I appreciate, it wasn't counting on that and my sister had some pizza earlier but, she's, done with it and then if we're gonna see the fireworks and then that's it for us or to die if it has, water. Die. On one. Wow. It's, more important, than sausage, about it's very salty about, any good wife I couldn't even reach the sausage, because it's caused so much better. Wow. That's. So crazy buff a very flavorful, obviously, he seems too big and heavy and two, bites and it's practically, gone why is this a story of my life some of these bits are a little bit doughy but the sausage is the best part I do like the corn, to. Call it like a cornbread. I'm. Probably the first person ever doing this but, I removed the rest of the cornbread and I'm gonna eat it separately. Because. This. Is so good. Oh. Now. Grease. All over my phone I think this is officially, my last meal until tomorrow morning and that concludes.
Well, When I wake up 24 hours of only, Disneyland, foods as long as I wake up at like 6:00 in the morning I'll be fine no exaggerating. This is probably one of my favorite, days of the whole summer like it was honestly, so much fun and did you like it yeah did you expect to like it. Yeah. I also didn't think it was gonna like, it as much as I did I know maybe, it's because like we're older like it's gonna be like. A little bit for children, but it was so fun, don't leave the video just yet because I'm gonna show you guys the fireworks, because it's supposed to be like one of the best parts and I really want to show it to you guys or really quickly I just wanted to say that if you guys like this video please don't forget to give me a like also. Don't forget to subscribe and switch that notifications, on because, if, they don't switch the notifications, on YouTube. His look at mr. than my videos and this is like the most important, part about my channel did I forget something I always. Wear something. The. Price yeah. Nine dollars 50, and I didn't get a drink so that's the price for just the hot dog and there's you know an. Expensive, day an expensive. Video, what. I'm gonna say it's more than you know what's and this in positivity, because, I did have a good time I was actually thinking that'd be so much fun if you guys did one thing for me which is leave a comment down below in the comment section and let me know what, is your favorite, Disney movie, because when I do my fictional, food videos I could come to this video for ideas, so leave loads of comments with your favorite Disney movies or TV shows we also took so many Instagram, for us today so if you guys wanna go and watch them out I'm gonna leave my Instagram down below and. My sister's Instagram as well because she only agrees to being in these videos, if. I credit her Instagram, otherwise she wouldn't be here so go, and leave some love on the photos that we took at Disney let's go see the fireworks because. We've got like 10 minutes.
2018-07-15 19:39
Trash army is quaking
Ghazan Rafique love it
I'm the 600Th liker
Orin Marciano this was basically a mukbang cause he was eating and talking so..
Breanna Marie army is now a bts thing, nobody says bts army, just army and people understand
Trash army = Trash-army = Tramies
Ghazan Rafique Trash army should be a thing Like an actual known thing that people refer to Like BTS army But Trash army
i love that for us
Trash army best army
That is correct
Lol, with u trash soldiers
Selix Reli+l+
Like BTS who?
Ghazan Rafique
Ghazan Rafique When i saw one of he's first videos, i knew why i was born.
Ghazan Rafique u are right
Ghazan Rafique yup! We're the best army
Ghazan Rafique swassomg it's been so long since you posted a vid (like 4 days) I can't survive without your vids ilysm
Ghazan Rafique My favourite Disney movie is toy
Ghazan Rafique can you do a muckbang from foods from Disney land
Ghazan Rafique ikr its the best
Best harmy
Trash army is the best army. (Just made it a bit better)
Fire works made me cry
You keep eating mickie and Minnie Mouse! How could u!
Um your vids are awesome keep up the work also I like your kinda accent
OmG... He just ate all his sister food...
My favourite movie is pirates of Caribbean
You eat way TOO much sugar...be careful
keira M well yeah but it's Disneyland what do you expect
Hiiii, I really like your video, I'm Italian, so I'm sorry for my English, it's not good... BUT, I wanna say you that if you want to eat italian food you have to go to Napoli ora Sardinia or Sicilia because there is the best food you have ever eaten
I really like your videos* not only this
Do Riverdale!
I litteraly love how trash you are. Im trash with you. Love youuuuu❤
You should collaborate with *Mark ferris*!!!!
Na7i4u11ah PlayZ it's a joke
LRK 107 whattttt it's not 2019 weirdo it's still 2018
LRK 107 here
I don't like u (UNSUBSCRIBE )
Messy eating is pure satisfaction ! Nom nom
Gheorghiu Daria I thought that said something else
My fav disney movie, probably Cinderella (cause I watched it so many times including the time twist), oh and *Moana* !
I went to Disney land in France, it was great. I didn’t get on the Indiana Jones ride but space mountain was my favorite as well
I love your videos ssssoooooo much!
thx for being a food expert as im one too :)
Omg I am going to Disney today 10 + fastpasses for me
Can you please do my hero academia pleases please
“When do we drop again?” “I don’t know-“ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh”
You are really cute
Raphael should only eat meals made from Krushem flavours for 24hrs
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie
My fave Disney movie is The Lion King
Toy story!!!
Next time you should go on Hollywood tower of terror favorite movie Camp Rock show jessie
TJ Jones That ride got replaced by Guardians of the Galaxy
Wanna know why they sell mostly very sweet stuff? Cause they want you to regain your energy to walk around and spend more money, lol
Which Disney land park were you in, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, which one
Jason Nguyen Space Mountain is not at Epcot
He went to neither. He went to Disneyland and Disney California Adventure park in California.
Jason Nguyen actually I think he went to magic Kingdom or Hollywood studios, I am not se because I haven’t font they since last year so, but I remember they the space thing is in one of them
He might have gone to Epcot since he went to space mountain.
The light is coming
my fav disney movie isssssss Beauty And The Beast and my fav disney show issssssss Jessie ;)
ItzHatterVibes Hat Jessie Fan 4 Life!!!!
Trash army
White people make there hair look weird light brown and blond and peach you are already light enough
You are in Orlando, I hope to see you on the street
Benree He is not, he's in California
Why do yous say :oh my god at every bite you do?
Love how the breakfast Starbucks drink literally looks more like it says RuPaul than Raphael
Toy Story
Toy story is Disney Pixar
says "omg' *laughs* says 'OMG" *seriously*
I like Beauty and the Beast Toy story and up
101 dalmatians
Your me in Disneyland I mean it's life simple
Do 24hours of Indian food
What is your workout schedule
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Looks like a Serious Strawberry Frappuccino. It's available at any Starbucks.
My favourite Disney movies are the Toy Story movies
We want 24 hours pirate of carribeans food
Do I only ate seafood for 24 hours
20. Minutes long video yes please :)
Go on a Disney Cruise someday.
Ralph is the best trash RESPECT
America or France or somewhere else?
my favourite Disney movie is the lion king or finding nemo
What disneyland was it?
loloishalev no it's not there is Disney land Paris IV been there
loloishalev sorry schoolboe
And Disney land is only in the USA in other places its called in different names
This is only in Disney land in the us
If you saw the video you could have saw the Pixar pier
Riku Toivonen your stupid
I was here on 14 th july with my school from india
Arpit Gupta. Agar io you came to disneyland from india for a school trip....holy guacamole
I don't know why but I cried when he ate Mickey's face
Thats just the serious strawberry drink from Starbucks btw
Raphael reminds me of Ariel
Moana is by and far my newest favorite! It has an amazing soundtrack and Moana herself is such an awesome inspirational character. But my classic fave is The Little Mermaid
The Incredibles? great video Raphael and Joana!
To be honest- when I went to Disneyland LA I thought the food looked disgusting- so sugary and fattening
I think he’s wearing eyeliner
I've been to Disneyland Paris last year and I'm 14 XD
Memeulous brung me here
Hi Raphael can you please reply
Love how you ask "Is it going to drop again?'" Then here screams lol
I did Aladdin for a play I did in school. But my fav movie from Disney is definitely toy story 2
Toy story was made by pixar raph not disney!!!!!!
I never been to Disney land
I have never tasted corndog is it good?
Wong Teck Xien ok i would want to taste but in finland we dont have those :(
boy 662 The Corndog is Good
Yeah very
Hello late peoples 1 like= one Late Army Recruit
Åųbřī_ thats perfectly fine^^
Miss Vee HEWO....i would not give u a like tho
Terky hotdogs are better for You then normal hotdogs
Raphael are u straight just asking no hate and I luvvvvvvv your vids
Awesome Video Raphael
BrightonGaming hi
Anyway, my all time fav disney movie is Enchanted!! I love Tangled too but Enchanted was just my whole childhood! And my fav disney series is That’s So Raven!!
Pirates of the Caribbean and Mulan!
Lubna HM Agreeeee
Pey Pey ikr
One of my favourite Disney movies in Ratatouille
Looks good but I would get sick from eating that much food in one day
Стая Танец same but hes eating it at different times
US$39.99 for a pizza what a f**king rip off that about £30, 58AU$, €34, ¥4,492 or 267CNY, for a family of 4 you could spend a fortune on food
R.I.P LEGSSSSSSS!!! why the legs
How many rides did you ride
go to the wizarding world of harry potter!!! pleaaase! and do this but hp version!!!! pLEASE
/yes • 100000000
u inspire me to eat more than i should and im loving it
My favorite Disney movie is mulan
Ghazan Rafique omg dont say that word cuz its only belong to bts LOL I was scrolling and hoping to not see bts comment but...sadly I saw
Ghazan Rafique I love your vids
U should stay somewhere for 24 hours
beauty and the beast.....pls do a video on it
Meanwhile in Africa: mom,am I too young to die of hunger?
I'm I the only one who thought u was Jake Paul from the thumbnail
Apple like chocolate is healthy
U should remake everything that u ate at Disneyland
*try to remake
So much bread and sugar then gets a corn dog with more bread and sugar.
You're so cuuuute
Really nah
How is does he eat and not gain weight I am super jealous.
Lol that's also me
Frances Ottewill he uses a toothbrush.
Rodha Al Mheiri how does he eat so much sweet crap and keep his teeth?
"nightmare before Christmas" is my all time favourite Disney movie
My mouths watering
That sounds good!:]
heya RALPH
The princess and the frog and Coco
Ur gonna get cavities Raphael
Can you try some food from finland?
Next video : I only ate oxygen for 24 hours
Seda ve Her şey lmao
Don't feel bad about not going to Disney land as a kid. I'm 20 and I've never been either.
your parents must hate you
your videos make me so happy man. ❤ love you Raph.
1) that strawberry frap from starbucks is a limited edition thing in all starbucks across america 2) traditional candy apples are coated in hard candy (usually red) and traditional caramel apples are just coated in caramel 3) DID YOU NOT GET A DISNEY CHURRO ????
We have our own mickey mouse now
I mean Mickey mouse I mimic him
MR MATHIAS XD I mimic him too
I only ate universal Studios food for 24 hours I only ate Doritos for 24 hours I only ate Spicy Korean Fire Ramen for 24 hours I only ate Starbucks food for 24 hours
could you try a 24 hour on choclate
Tiny hot dog
I skipped dinner so i was really freaking hungry but its already 4am and i dont want to get up
Ur gonna kill yourself if u keep doing these "eating only ___ for 24 hours " stuff
oooooo daddy looking like a whole snack
Sadie Brown whoaa
Not disney, but Over the hedge has alot of food and its a good movie! If you pick this challenge, I recommend you watch the movie while eating the foods
Pouncing Flame omg I love that movie! It had indeed a lot of food, I think it can get a prize with how much food is in there.
How can you be so excited over something as basic as a cookie you look like you just had the best food on earth
Victoria Rivota some people are easily impressed
39.99 for a whole pizza? You can just go to AmPm and get a whole pizza for what? 4 dollars? Rip off XD
Dang you got family friendly it got from you filming zebras humping each other to this
you mean its more corn than dog
At the beginning of the video: gonna give prize tags of everything Later:gives prize of only some
not gonna lie , he was lowkey cute in this video
Love love love ur videos
u are a great youtuber u deserve more subs
" me when escape lunch " lol thats me too
The way you ate that corn dog triggered me!!!
Carmel apple and candy apple are two different things but you should try the candies apple
I felt like I was gonna die when I went on the Grand Canyon EDIT:is that what it's called? I forget but it was big and orange
Kaiiwai Stuff the grand canyon is a big canyon in arizona lmfao
was your hotdog tiny
dude if you had fun at disneyland then you NEED to go to disney world. it is so much better! you will shit your pants. :D
I love princess and the frog
I literally wanna gobble you up!!!! You’re one of my fav youtubers!!!!
Should have got the giant turkey leg
That one girl is pretty
Am i only one who dosent like to come to disney land??
The food looks yummy
$40 for an $8 pizza...no wonder Disney can buy 20th Century Fox...
Ugh your mind
The food is a little disgusting trust me I vomited 3 times because of the food
No I ate this nasty spaghetti and i went home and In the middle of the night the diaster happened
Veronica Zarate -Vazquez probably cuz you went on a ride or something.
The little mermaid
U should do a video of trying mexican food
The trash army loves you soooo much and are so proud of you one of the most caring youtubers ever you always want the best for your fans much love ❤️
If Raphael ever liked one of my comments I would die
My girls loves frozen thee frozen crazy lol
I was at Disney when you posed this
My brother used to love LADY AND THE TRAMP
When the mickey face fell off the cookie I CRIED what is my sense of humor
My favorite Disney movies are Tangled, Zootopia, and Lilo and Stitch. :)
I have the same Mickey Ears as your sister!
Do Riverdale foods for 24 hours
Megan pyle YASSSS
Its not sweet because its sour genius
Dicy shut up maybe he didnt know that geez rude self dang ur so mean amd he was enjoying his self like let him live his life -_-
The translation is sooooo Bad omg
I've been in disneyland paris
“My hotdog was tiny”
They have some really filling healthy options there that are actual meals...
Love this video, you should do a Lady and the Tramp foods video it’s my fave Disney movie
is he a model
three memorable food items I tried at DL: dole whip, beignet, and pb&j soda.
Damn wish I could've went on the 14th Litterally like 2 hours away
I can tell that you aren't a picky person.
Really i just went to disney on thursday
I just spent like 4 minutes watching a saint jude hospital ad. It was sad....it was about a girl and other stuff but yeah.
Omg raph... I was at Disney last week and saw the randomland guy.. but you wore the same Mickey ears as me! Fuzzy ones... they're actually hard to find in the park.
Aw, you didn't try the turkey legs! They are iconic at Disney Land.
What is his accent? Where is he from?
He’s from Portugal but lives in the UK so he has a bit of that in his accent
Kelsie Lopez He’s from Portugal
Monster Inc. Is my favorite movie
Are you and your sister twins?
I have not been to Disney Land since 1987 when I was a teenager. I was fortunate to have lived in Anaheim, Ca at the time only 2 miles away from it. I can remember every night in the summer they would shoot off the fireworks, I think it was at 9pm and it would drive my dog crazy every night. I'm glad to see that space mountain is still there. I have been on that ride many times. I can remember me and my best friend would ride it and when we would get off of it, we would get back in line and go on it again 2 or 3 times because we enjoyed it so much
Cringe video title
Plz make a video on india
Lilo and Stitch is my favorite Disney movie but I’d love to see a Pirates of the Caribbean food challenge as well
He looks so cute and humble.
Your sister has the most perfect skin. Wow!
This a Mukbang?
I feel like that’s Disney world I went there 5 days so fun and I went on the pirates of the Caribbean ride same one seems the same
Can I just say sometimes the most trashy people are the best people (love your channel Raphael
Beauty and the Beast
the hunchback of notre dame is my fav disney movie
I think the cheese on the chili was supposed to melt lol
Ava Dr i wasn’t gonna say anything but i literally thought that as soon as he said it
Bro where's the dole whip and foot long mack and cheese hotdog lol
Eduardo Sanchez lol he said this is just the first video of while their in Disney so maybe we'll see them soon lol
drei ki and the turkey leg
Your just a hater army is good did you go to war thats you opinion if you dont have anythingto say thats not nice dont say it at all
Ghazan Rafique what it is this comment talking about
R u talking about BTS?
Frozen or like rapunzel but some of the songs in frozen are really annoying
This is what I don’t understand do you live in the uk
same i thought he live in united kingdom
Am i being dumb or is it Florida Or Paris someone tell me tyyy
If you have nothing to say thats not nice dont say it at all hater thats your opinion just dont watch his videos then
Its healthy right? "I mean its literally an apple" btw u forgot its coverred in chocalate and caramel oh and fodan and marshmello
Cars! All three movies.
please make a food video on tom and jery
Can i join da trash squad?
Only eat Roblox foods next!!!
the little mermaid !!!
I Was In DisneyLand To
He didn’t try a Churro or a Turkey Leg
Do Australian food ❤❤ u need to try Vegemite with toast & butter
The little mermaid and my fav show is American horror story
I have a love hate relationship with your videos don’t get me wrong your videos are awesome but when I watch them they make me so hungry. (like if you agree)
Pfffft,i am sure you can't eat only bread one day
U talk to much u know that
Did you wants some? Well i guess you dont have a choice
I left today and sorry for the caps lol..
Traceyyyyyyyyy! Oh my goiiiiii come back!!
You should make a video where you only eat foods from children’s books for 24 hours
he already made a video on this
Fav Disney movie: Beauty and the beast
When I went to Disney I got a turkey leg it’s so good if you go there you should get it
My favorite Disney movie is *beauty and the beast* they have a lot of food in the cartoon one, *be our guest scene*
*You should own Disneyland but the name gets replaced by Raphaland*
I’ve never been to any Disney place...
do indonesian food pls!!
I know this is totally not related but are you from Ireland Because u sound Irish
I think he's Portuguese
This video brings back many Disney memories, both of parents worked and met each other at Disney so I used to go to Disneyland everyday. Untill we moved of course ❤
Did you just eat a hot dog with no condiments.... wtf
U should've gotten a turkey leg
So what?
That frappe is called a serious strawberry frappe, & it not only at Disney but everywhere & it’s soooo good ❤️
I love toy story
Did you happen to go on july 10th? 'cause I went that day and did not see you
Last time i went was when i was a baby
High school musical
ehem ehem ang cute niya ehem ehem
Man I haven’t been to Disney land in like 3 or 2 years I remember we got lemon flavored ice cream and it was sweet and only a bit sour
more videos with your sister
Are you family of selena gomes
DINAND 59 Selena gomez
Love your vids.❤❤❤❤❤
Raphael I've had a way bigger caramel apple in Las Vegas
Oh God I haven’t had a corn dog in years
I've been there when i was 3 and it was on my birthday and I live 20 hours away
DisneyLand is not the happiest or most magical place in the world Disney World is
Love this! You aren't the only one to take the breading off the corn dog! No worries :)
I love your videos so much!!!
I’m going to Disney in a few months!! :)
mishlopez lucky
Did you go to the Disney park in California or the one in Orlando Florida
Kevin Hernandez California
Kevin Hernandez I’m pretty sure he is in California cuz the one in Florida is Disney World
When I went to Disney in December my corn dog was pretty much the sausage covered in batter
Joseph_ Nguyen LMAO
This video was cool and all but you probably ruins the whole trip for you sister. Every time you put her on camera she looks like your trying to make her be on the camera
Hot dogs are NOT called SAUSAGES
Kellie Powers ... He is British they have different words
Please try Filipino foods for 24 hours WITH your sister PLEASEEE??
No shaqs house on the florida shore is the most expensive
Whe shoughldhuv thook hgai phgotho ghof thgis
Finding Nemo
That’s what I hate about some YouTube channels.I only say oh my gosh or oh my goodness
The Rice Krispies at Disney land are amazing!
you should try eating Dominican food for a day
My brother works at Disney and he hates it cause (in his words) “kids are so fu****g annoying” he says that because they little kids scream on the finding Nemo ride(he’s the submarine driver) but my brother just gets annoyed really easily
Lion King and princess and the frog.
I went to Disney too.
*this is healthy right?*
can you try Arabian food please Like if you want only
Favorite movie: beauty and the beast. Favorite ride at Disney is Indiana Jones!
No its a new strawberry frappucino witch is fkg yummy
I have too many favorite disney movies. Beauty and the beast, frozen, radio rebell...
Holly shnitzel... I'm just... I can't even... How is it flipping possible to be that amazing?
The Starbucks drink is a strawberry crepe frappe and it is in every Starbucks
Come here in hershey park pennsylvenia please
I love your videos
I went to Disney world in Florida and I enjoyed it so much
Go visit to the burger in real life
My fav food from Disneyland California adventure is flos fried chicken :3
I went to Disneyland the day after this ;-;
You ate Mini’s butt !!!!! Mickey is so going to get you!!!
Space mountain is the best ride
Chocolate is the best.....
That candy apple is literally my life
What Disney land is that??
Little mermaid
My favourite Disney movies are The Little Mermaid and live action Cinderella. Also do Marvel movies count as Disney? If so then The Avengers
You said you were too hungry to move places then you ate one slice of pizza and you are gonna go into a food coma
Omg he should totally do a video where he only eat foods from honey boo boo!!!
Only cause I have to tell you something
Never missed an upload. DM me in IG plz and thank you
Wo kommst du?
alice in wonderland....on shrooms
Ghazan Rafique best army
lol thought you were talking about BTS cos people say army to talk about BTS army, people don’t say BTS army.
And don't try an lie and say you wasn't talking about me because my notifis went off more because of your reply.
i wasn't hating so hush.ItzJustNick calls himself Trash 2 There is no hate in these comments/replies so stop trying to start shit and carry on with your life.
Toy story 3
One of the most common questions of channels of these kinds the ones that where people eat a lot but they are not fat *How Are You Not Fat*
EveryDayIsGay HAYNT the new "comment in every mukbang"
Hey!! I love your videos
how didn't you eat a churro?!?!??! like if you agree
all disney movie is memorable!
Diabetes you can go in his body it’s free
That's my favourite SB drink.
U are looking like mickey..damn cute
Please keep your blonde hair forever
I’m Hungry
I go to japan's disneyland and i eat turkey leg and drink buterbeer
Where is frappy
In this video,it seems that Raphael is always having trouble eating
All of the Toy Story 123
I’m so jealous of that apple I wish I could bite into that ....... brace problems
jessica morgan I feel you girll, I got braces too
I like before I watch your video
Me too
anyone else eating chilli during this video?
Toy story is the best movie EVER
Omg I was there the same day!!! If I knew you were there I would have said hi!!!!!
Your actually not the first person to take the bread off of a corn dog I always used too but i love if now !
Disney is so expensive, just food wise
I am fucking so in love with you I love your videos you are awesome
Lol, obsessed much
I love your vids
You had a caramel apple not a candy apple a candy apple is coated in sugar and a caramel apple is coated in caramel and sometimes chocolate
I wish I could afford to go to Disney Land ;-;
And my favorite Disney movie is WALL-E and the Incredibles both 1 and 2
Hehe u just see a teenagers walking around with Mickey mouse ears and carrying a video camera walking around Disneyland going into every food place just eating
When I went to Disneyland I ate 4 Mickey mouse pretzels.
Surprise Disney gave u Cavities for Beckfeast I also saw u at Disney
Toy story
This was posted on my birthday :)
Anita Ho happy birthday
Eating like Matilda the movie for 24 hours
Itati Obando haha he would have to eat a GIANT chocolate cake
Him trying to be friends with the duck is like me trying to find friends at a party
“It’s so hot...we’re all sweating *wearing long sleeve jacket*
It’s serious strawberry Starbucks drink
Can you do a filipino food for 24 hrs challenge?
I had adobo for dinner last night
Watching him eat a corn dog and hot dog without condiments was close to torture!! His poor, dry mouth
Your sister is so pretty and you should do more 24h food challenges cause when i wake up at night i wanna watch your 24h food challenges and you should do a "I only ate vegetables for 24h" because i want you to be healty but these vids make you eat soooooo much sugar so can you please do it? Its for that too that veggies are worth it they dont cost much :) i really care about you so please. Bye!
which disneyland did u go to???
Crafty Pikachu a
Kathleen Carroll ok thank you!!
It looks like Disneyland, which is in California. Disney World is in Florida, and speaking from experiance, it doesn't look like Disney World.
Dude American Dad Foods like in the morning the macaroni and egg omelette
i fullscreened for the fireworks and thats all i got?? what did your battery die? lol
Is it crisp or chips. Your confusing me Raphael
Only eat fast food items for 24 hours!
One like = prayer for his toilet
U act like eating a certain type of food for a day is so hard but u can go longer then a fuking day without eating food like holy shit ur mad annoying
S0G3 calm down
S0G3 you need to calm down dude. It may be hard for him. Like don't jump to conclusions
Please do I only eat South Park foods for 24 hours
Nope ive been tacking the pancake of the corn dog for tow yours
Holy snitzel!
the drink is strawberry cream :)
Lucky you
Talking about magical tho
This is my favourite video everrrr❤️❤️❤️
Tracy just come back so we can film
Obvoiusly Disneyland is expensive lmao
that chili bread look good ash
hi little ducky
Also I really like Atlantis the lost Empire
Also I like goofy movie and extremely goofy movie
All these foods looks so yummy
Ohh god you're so cute..!!!
my favorite movie from disney is Big hero 6
Haven't been to Disney Land but have been to Disney world
Rachelle Hamoton me 2
I love the movie Brave
My favorite Disney movie is descendants
I will go again
Only eat anime food
We should go on a cruise with my family. We're beautiful :) Please stop thinking.
Why didnt u get the apple cut?
Ewww Shorts
ChezzyFTW ?
My favorite is toy story and lilo and stitch
Go to seaworld!!!!!
Can you do I only ate universal studios for 24 hours
Toy story and Mulan !!!!
Did you go on splash mountain
Do a video of I ate WALL-E food for 1 hours WALL-E has only cup cake drink in the movie
can you do a 24 hours of eating food from hati or hation food pleeeeeaaaasssseee
Favourite Disney movie is the Jungle Book
I wish I could go to Disney but Donald Trump...
Zeba Khatun How?
My favourite Disney movie is brother bear and moana
You do realize that your killing Mickey and Minnie right??? Right...?
I only ate bad foods for every day
Only eat foods that are carnivorous for 24 hours
Did u change your shirt at the end? lol
Watch his video!
He moved.
Gina Lovegood oh ok ty x
sky xo California's
If it's bts army I'm in
Orin Marciano mukbang*
pirates of the Caribbean foods yes but what would the foods be?
I only went to disneyland once it was a dream come true i felt beutiful i felt magical i loved it and I'm gonna go another time!!!!!!
Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite movie ever!
Heey is it Disneyland PARIS ??
My favorite Disney movie is incredibles 2
my fave disney movie is Tangled!!!! :)
"was your hotdog tiny as well"
Shes the cutest
I have never met a person that has never been to Disney Land
Cinnamon Hart you met me now! I never been to disney land!
I've never been to any Disneyland I live in india
Cinnamon Hart I've never been un Disneyland Orlando, I've been in Disneyland Paris
I love going to Disney I’m there almost every Thursday and Sunday for fun and pins!!!
you have to be lying right?!
It's from pixar but at this point Disney owes Pixar so, my favorite Movie is Monsters, Inc
Safari Nacar I've never watched it but I heard it's cool
Majo Meseguer yup it was before tho it just reminded me whenever I see "Disney" it always reminding me of Jake paul
Safari Nacar the Disney Channel series?
Majo Meseguer do u knows bizardvark?
The little mermaid is my favorite Disney movie
In Australia we call it a hotdog dipped in batter
Plz do “I ate Australian foods for 24 hrs” ❤️
Why's you Starbucks name paul
Favorite Disney movie is Toy Story
Yooooo mine to
I was in Disney the same day
How is that a challenge
Princess and the frog and frozen
Princess and the frog
He says omg like 9999 times wtf
cars is the best disney movie i've seen
Peter pan and Descendants
Peter Pan!
Dude, you are so not the first person to eat the corn bread on a corn dog separately from the hotdog. I am 20 and I used to do that for many years in my childhood. Brings back memories. lol!!!
Moana is my favorite disney movie . I really liked you're video by the way. Subscribed!
Moana! ~
*eats candy apple smothered in chocolate and doused in sugar* “this is healthy, right?”
How dare you brake that precious baby cookie! xD, even though I never saw how big the cookie is... I'm so cringey, oml. :D
Is he German and spanish?
Egg sackington Europe
Finally someone who knows the meaning of 24 hours
lilo and stitch is the best movie ever I don't care what people say it is
Raphael eat mcdonalds foods for 24 Hours
I don’t like that pizza planet pizza, and Pixar pier next to Goofy‘s sky school there’s this Mexican place and right next to it it’s an Italian place called Boardwalk Pizza is bomb. And it’s my opinion it is better than dominoes, shaky, Little Caesars, Alfredo’s and more. I really suggest boardwalk pizza. FYI I went there today July 18, 2018
Not hating but this challenge wasn’t very hard to do, if u r at Disney u have to do this challenge but no effort gang
I´ve always wanted to try a Corndog but I don´t think we have it here in Germany? I don´t know
Stop saying “this is everything” you say it all the time
Lark The Unicorn don’t watch him then
@ Anne Baker then don’t watch him that easy
It is annoying I agree..
every time you mean something OMG THIS IS SOOOOO SWEET AND I MEAN IT that is achauly what you do lol
forgive me about spelling errors
He says oh my god to every thing
Monsters Inc and university
Did you know the Skelton,s on the pirets of the Caribbean ried are reall
*ride (sorry this triggered me as it is not a fact besides the one that is on the bed a therefore I had to correct you)
They used to be, Only one is real now, Its on the bed
If you ever get to go again definitly try the dole whip in adventureland and I highly recommend the Turkey sandwich at the bakery cafe in California adventure down to the side of the pier. Those are both of my favorite foods there.
Rest in peace micky
There is SOO many places to get food in Disney! You didn’t even eat at the best places! Of course some of the best foods are the MOST expensive. In my opinion, California adventure (the second Disney park there)’s food is WAYYY BETTER.
FostersSaveLives ,
fav disney
trash williams ❤️
I want there too
"Tracey just come back so we can film" lololol
Mulan and Andi Mack and Suite Life of Zack and Cody:on deck
Ellen Musk
The Toy story movies
okay this is insane, i thought you had stopped making videos, BUT YOUTUBE HAD UNSUBBED ME WITH MY CONSENT WTF
That awkward realization when your the only one who hasn’t been to Disney Land
Briseyda Azevedo I’ve never been on any vacation at all, let alone Disney
My favourite Disney movie is pirates of the caribbean
"it's so hot outside the cheese actually melted" lol no the cheese melted because the chili itself is hot....
I’m so fortune to go to Disneyland twice as a kid
I'm glad you and our sister enjoyed Disneyland
My favourite Disney movies are Hercules and The Nightmare Before Christmas (I think Disney owns it...right?)
I like ur smile
Tracy just come back so we can film Me: LOL! Plz heart this ❤️
You could go to universal studios and eat harry potter foods for a day
Which Disneyland Florida of California?
RaidMaster Lol Stop Reading this Lmao it’s Cali Disney
I’m hungry now
Disney use to be SO MUCH CHEAPER ... It frustrates me how much they've risen the price for food..
My favorite Disney movie is Tangled and UP!
It’s funny because I ate at the same place for my lunch at Disney too and I saw the ducks
I haven’t been to Disney either
Star wars is my favorite fictional movie
IKR he eats so much
I can't pick a favorite Disney movie I love them all
So you basically had a normal day at Disney
Your sister is so cute and gorgeous, I'm happy to see also her in your videos! And this was an amazing video, I dream to take my little sister too to Disneyland one day
i was just at disneyland a week ago, lmao.
Disney is promoting diabetes?
My little brother calls donuts Diabetes,and he doesn't even know what it means..lmao
Mulan is my favorite
U should try a calorie challenge
One of my favorite Disney movies is ratatouille
Universal foods for 24 hours pls
Do universal next
I LOVE Disney! I'm really glad you got to go! ❤️
WOAH is that you I thought you had a brother and that was him lol
Mine is Rec it Ralph
I give you all my youtube love to you but in a good way
And now you have diabetes.
Maxwell Mical
We went to disny world for a whole week and are going back maybe in 2020
Wig officially SNATCHED
You look so young but your actually 26
Wow. What a challenge. Go to Disneyland and eat the food there.... like you wouldn’t eat food there if you went on holiday there
Ghazan Rafique No wonder its called trash XD
Ghazan Rafique have you seen the show where they play lilo and stitch and stitch runs over top of your head
Ghazan Rafique w
God take meh in there amen XD btw I love your videos!
I love your videos!!!!!!!!!! God take me there amen XD......
I love your videos!!!
I'm so jealous right now.....i want too eat free food cuz "FREE FOOD IS LIFE!"
if u didnt say "incredible" atleast 2000 times,im really shocked.lmao
Bruh I was dying these things look soooo good
I never had 24 hours in Disney land but I have eat lunch there like chicken tenders
I enjoyed the vid
This video is totally "DAEBAK"
Holy schnitzel
I like ur kind of breakfast..at least the Apple makes it nutritious..lol
the little mermaid & adlain top disney favs
Lelo and Stich and Coco
I can watch this trash but not the one in the garbage. (p.s he calls himself trash so no hate but love his vids)
I haven't been to Disneyland either bc I am in a family of six me being the youngest and it is very expensive do I haven't gone yet
same I'm the youngest of my family of 6
i love that you consider cookies and candied apples as breakfast food lol
My favorite Disney/Pixar movie is toy story
“ellen” musk
Sooo swe3t : takes another sip
That toy story alien reminds me of Logan Paul's trip to Japan
Raphael: Oh no I'm not nervous I'm totally fine *people screaming* O_O help lol
I was literally there a day before our friendly local trash can
his personality is as bland as cardboard but I can’t stop myself from watching his videos
Bruhh am soo mad becouse i was in Disney like 4 days ago and i dint see rapha
my favorite part was when he went when someone snatches your weave i started dying
You should do a 24 hour hotel Transylvania like if you agree
Jelly Elle yessss
Raphael: It's *chilli* Raphael 2 minutes later: It's so hot outside the cheese *melted*! Me: *Face palms*
Demigod_official its a food a chili is a food!!!
I remove the batter from the corn dog because I don’t like the batter
When I went on the space ride I didn’t know it was a ride so I had a panic attack
He probably spent like at least over a hundred dollars just in Disney food.
Robert The 3rd obiviously
Is BFG a Disney movie if so then that or Pete's dragon
Raphael Gomes makes my day when I'm so sad or mad
My janitor gave me that rice crispy mouse as a thanks for helping her all year. I want to go to Disney land so bad.
they have literally the same eyes
and nose....
Does Starbucks drink is not an exclusive Mickey Mouse strawberry drink it every where ok and the name of it is serious strawberry
The drink is a serious strawberry frappuchino
*"Was your hotdog small aswell?"*
"This is healthy right?" *eats a giant chocalate apple* Me: "There is litterly like 3 pounds of chocalate on that apple"
i laughed so hard when they all shouted at the ride *AAAaAaA*
How to get diabetes 101:
Kenji 249 hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Diabetes ain't funny people suffer u jerk bit yea ur funny
I've been to Disney world and it's bigger than disney land.
Kawaii Universe because it's a resort
Kawaii Universe I wonder why...
How can I just choose just one !!! But my fav is tangled
In England you don't traditionally put the chocolate over the caramel apple. We have like a reddish,hard coasting on an apple and that's it
Jett Maguffin I know but he wasn't in England!!
That’s a candy apple here
nerdgirl22 j hes from england...
Yeah that's the same in Australia it's toffee over the Apple and its super sweet
That stuff looks soooo good especially since I'm starving I'm getting hungrier every second I watch this
Disney is expensive
where are the turkey legs, dole whip, beignets!! Mickey pretzel!! Funnel cake, fried pickles... Starbucks for breakfast?! Really!!?
Disneyland foods are AMAZING
sourqueen 95 ikr
“Tracy come back so we can film”
Big Hero 6 is my favorite Disney movie!
Bruh right when he said “don’t leave the video just yet” I clicked off. Whoops
did your sister eat at all
At the start of the vid for brreakfast Me:WHY TF R U EATING URSELF XD
I am truly trash, I think that cheap stuff tastes better than expensive and like gas stations food tastes better than homemade and etc...
You made me sooooo hungry in a good way
You and your sister have the exact same eyes!!! You guys look so much alike!!!!
:b I’m hungry! Gosh Raphael why did u get the most delicious things!
FYI if you ever go to a Disney park again: you can ask the shop to cut your candied/caramel apples for you. I can understand that you wanted to show it off as a whole first. =)
ITS 12 HOURS NOT 24 *face palm* everyone clickbaitin’ these days ugh
icønìc cc basically 24 because Disneyland closes down at 12 :p but I get what your saying
I wish I looked like you Raphael!!! D:
OMG YESS! Please eat Pirates of the Carobbean food for a day☠️❤️❤️ I love that movie. The videó is so soo good OMG
Disney land food is so expensive
Ooh i Like iT but i realy Like it
No Disney world is more expensive
monster kidslayer yep. I've been there when I was 9
Love your videos
Disneyland! A parents bank account nightmare
raphael when he eats something; mhmmomagah... Next bite. MMMomagah >>> Next bite ohhmagahd this is so good
Lilo and stitch!!!
On the pirates of the Caribbean ride my family and i were on it and one boat got jammed so when ours can we hit their boat thing. It was really scary
Rachel Fulford that’s normal. The boats have bumpers. It’s to pace the boats
Shunquala Rodgers well toy story and Disney worked together and so.....u kinda wrong not to be rude
if i was in the trash army.... but im a picky eater. ;w; I don't want to be a picky eater ;w;
Ghazan Rafique nah
Bts army** -.-
You mean Bts Army** -.-
Noukey wut?
I love his hair
The parent trap
i love your video but you know that it is expensive then why did you go there
what time does the night parade and fireworks start???
Are you bluepandas brother Even tho he have none lol
the jungle book i luv your hair and beauty effects
Now do a video recreating these foods?
The Jungle Book is my favourite Disney movie! Like this if your the same
On every thing he eats oh meh goood
U love food so much don’t you
FBG-NICK lol Eugenia Cooney
Rosie gamer girl Lol who doesn't?
I love The Three Caballeros
My favorite right now is incredible 2
My favorite movie is wizard of the wavely place and show zack and cody
Tangled, princess and the frog, Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella, sleeping beauty,mulan
in some vids i notice u have a camera man/woman is it ur sister?
Divine Gaming yeah thats his sister
When it has so much sugar its soo much sugar raphael gomes 2018
The best places to actually eat is mostly at California Adventure.
Did anyone realise he changed shirts!?
Lol he said he was going to take a small bite of his sisters snack? He ate so much of it!
Sleeping beauty
he did
do u ware makeuo
Did anyone relies he changed shirts or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Omg I came back from Disney yesterday
I haven't been to Disneyland in so long
I’ve never been to Disney land tooo :c
Fox Lady *either
Y are they no like on the comments
When he said that it was so hot that the cheese melted. No it melted because the chili was hot lol
I like the caramel frappe and the vanilla bean frappe from Starbucks and like 1 more
I have went to Disneyland like a year ago when I was in 5th grade for the last day of school I went to Disneyland I'm about to be in 7th grade now
your sister is so cute ¡!
Mulan and Tarzan are hands down my favourite Disney movies! And Pocahontas for the amazing soundtrack!
**When someone snatches your wig** Lol that was so funny.
that drink is the serious strawberry frappuccino! it isn't exclusive to disneyland :)
I don't like Disneyland, I like Disneyworld way better. ;)
Im so triggered over how he ate the corn dog
I live near Disneyland I always go and you can tell from my profile pic
I’d be broke
Lilo and stitch
The bananas dipped in chocolate are the best
omg delicious
You should do “ I ate only military foods for a day”
U lakke ffahhoy
I was at Disney land with him oml
the corndogs are the beeessssttttt
Jennifer Robertson what
Jaiden Gamer what
disneyworld and universal
Once I was trying to find the pumba parking and a worker lied to me that there was no busses going so we would have to walk... got lost till 3 am and had to give Disney security the license plate and the car then they took me and my friends. I at least got free candy
You should try Turkısh foods and dessert ! I promise you love everything! Goodbye❤️
do i "i ate only healthy foods for 24 hours" like if you agree not sence i am begging for likesbut so he can see this comment
i ama vegetarian so i cant eat the pizza sence it has meat and cheeese
Do you mean vegan
junior bailey cheese is vegetarian
Andi Mack
Do undertake next!!!!
13 and have never been to Disneyland...I understand your dream
“This is healthy right? I mean it’s an apple?” Lol me on a cheat day
I'm going this week
Or 24 hour military food for a day lol idk
Soooooo cute!
How have you never been in 13 and live in the uk and have been to Disney world Florida 3 times and Disney land Paris 2 times and I’m going to Disney land California next year it’s the best thing in the world x
Hemie Parkerpayne you should come it’s awesome
Ok but this isn’t 24 hours. Man I’m tired of clickbait. It makes me not want to watch you
I have chili in a bowl at school lol
"look at this little ducky here, hey little ducky" hahahah
I think for me The Lion King or Brother Bear are my favourite animated films!
Any of them
You know what they say an apple a day ceps the doctor away But this gives you the denist insted
Zivka1234567 lol when you I read this he said incredible lol
Caroline Driggers yas lol
Eduard Serquina Good for you
I don’t think Disneyland opens for 24 hours
snow white
Which disneyland
only eat universal studio food
*Magically Expensive*
Peterpan is my favorite
and you missed the turkey leg! it's totally awesome
What is an apkle
I got a cavity just by watching this video.
my favourite disney movie is monsters inc
Who else watches these videos at night time and then gets really hungry?
Have u got a accent ?????? Plz answer back
Pastel Blue Panda MSP And?? What’s your point??
Well he doesn’t sound British
Śkööter Bröś Wtf is a accsent?????? He doesn’t even remotely sound like he has an American ACCENT hun.
The best *_-E-_* He sounds American ✌
Śkööter Bröś he’s British
What is a smarshmellow
My favorite Disney movie is toy story
My mouth is watering
I wish i can eat that!
I have been 2 Disney but I didn't get 2 eat that good food
I love all of the Disney movies new and old
Lilo and Stitch
my fav disney movie is pocohontas and sleeping beauty
The creator of Disney never got to see Disney land open
"The happiest place on earth have become a whole lot trashier" anybody remember his post
Did his sister even eat anything or did Raphael just eat it all!!!
Is this Disneyland in Paris
Toy storys a fav
He said it's so hot outside that the cheese actually melted logically isn't the chili hot LOL!
I really don't understand you you kept saying you and your sister will share everything yet when you got stuff you ate 3/4 of it like damn
i never been to disney land but i always go to disney world
Leafeon: The best Eeveelution same
that mickey mouse rice crispy looked like diabiteis
I’ve never been to any Disney related place and I’m turning 11 In 6 days
Disney food is gross and expensive lol
Abigail Rose Vlogs keep ur opinion to urself.
I wish i could be your friend ❤
Parent : do you want to go To Disneyland ? Child : yes Parent : me to kido
dude wet n wild is like only like 100$ for season pass and parking is 20 like dude dang thats so cool.
My favorite disney movie is Beauty and the Beast
You should do recreating Disney foods
I remember I was feeding the duckies and everybody started yelling for no reason. like dang he looks hungry I’m trying to be nice. Thank me
My favorite movie is. Toy story
i was there once the food was good!
Where you in the Disneyland in Florida or in Paris?
Los Angles, California
Anya Mohiden he’s in California at the beginning of the video he says he’s going to Disneyland in that’s in California Disney world is Florida
Apple 2 Ok thanks
Isis Galindo what do you mean it’s super fun
Where is disnyland located?
DRAGON BALL SUPER Florida California Paris and Tokyo
Why am I watching your food challenges I’m so hungry but I’m at my grandparents house and they speak polish and I don’t but I’m here by myself and I don’t have connection for google translate
“jestem głodny” means “I’m hungry”, it is pronounced “jestem goldene” (I think)
Er.....U managed to comment but Google translate won't work?
Wait so how much did he pay for all of that???
He takes such big bites lol
The Little Mermaid is my fave Disney movie.
You should've tried the turkey leg, it's delicious
I have be to Disney World it was amazing
I so wanna try that alien or am I the only 1
Movie moana show andi mack
Favorite Disney movie is definitely Frozen.
Is mulan
Your sooo cute!!!
He can be so humble why are ppl so mean
Serious strawberry frap?
you shouldv'e went on mount everst
Oh no its at Disney world not Disney land I get mixed up a lot
There's no Mount Everest at Disneyland do u mean Matterhorn???
Bruh him with blonde hair! He looks just like Justin Bieber now
the most expensive vacation EVER
NarwhalxCookies i loooooooove your pfp
Diabetes right there
ur annoying
Barisha Ali then don’t watch his content
Barisha Ali hey he is cool!!!
I love these 24 hours only eating *insert name here* food
My favorite Disney movie is meet the robinsons and wreck it Ralph
Your in Orlando so am i
Who is paul
Stop clickbaiting you ate food for breakfast lunch and dinner that's just an hour
Franky And it's not me
The360ProOfDoom someone's jealous
Great....I'm soooo hungry now. I need a snickers
Oh my god
I recommend trying the mac and cheese cone
do you live in the US now or are you on holiday/vacation?
isn’t that the pinkity drinkity
I think we eat Disneyland 24hours all the time so this video is not really exciting
I meant to put food in there
I Love fruit but not sweet
You Look Like Justin Bieber.
ItzChase Playz nah don't really see it
that caramel apple would be the only way you could get me to eat fruit
take a shot everytime he says “omg” when he eats and you’ll die from alcohol poisoning hahah
What a coincidence,I'm going to Disneyland in November! I litally love Disney I'm the biggest fan ❤ So excited and it is really expensive!
same I've never been to Disneyland, but I have gone to Disney world 3 times
Disneyland is in Anaheim, California that's is about an hour away from Los Angeles California
Kat Gene. I agree with you
„You have 24 hours to live“ Me:
You look like Justin bieber
Muhammad Khan The 99 cents version
We Bare BEARS & the amazing world of GUMBALL is the best
How do you go to Disney and not eat a turkey leg
I can't wait to ride the increditcoaster
I'm going to a disney land hotel on August 20 and until 2 August 21
I could live for a whole month with my family just with the money you have spent there... LOL
Wow!! Nice talking to you
Well, kinda fluent but it’s hard to pronounce long Arabic words but I can speak Arabic it was very nice to talk to you!
good for you =), so you are fluent? or not yet?
Cool, I am currently living in the UAE and I would love to visit Florid... Tallahassee, Miami and Orlando, I love Orlando
So I learned arabic
Actually no I’m from Florida but I lived in UAE for a year
+Squashy Gamer XD yes I am :) How about you
حبوب الحبوب عربي؟
It's Disney Land.. Why do you want to eat healthy food???
I ate lunch in Tomorrow Land right by the BuzzLightYear Blaster ride
I can’t wait to go back to Disneyland in October this year I really want to try the chili it looks sooo good!
never been to disneyland
Omg you were soo close to where I live ugh I wish I would’ve met you
My favorite disney movies are brave, pocahontas, mulan & Hercules
Did any one know that Disneyland use real human sketon bone on the pirate of the carbean
Tre Davis sad
Not anymore
I have been to Disneyland once... It was fun
More like: “I ate only DISNEYLAND food and had fun for 24 hours”
the little mermaid and winnie the pooh
Space moutain is the best
I absolutely love your excitement about going for the first time! I absolutely feel you on that. I’ve never been either and I dream to go to Disney land & world. Hoping one day I can! I would be just as excited. Subscribed!
Woah woah woah Raphael boi let me guess which Dinseyland you went to : Disneyland Resort Anaheim /Santa Ana Ca
Constant smile I go to that Disneyland
The duck might give you luck (bonusduck)
Toy story is my favorite movie
When i w3nt for my birthday because my dad also got like the bread and the the chili but some of the bread was sour ans tge reat was noy
My favorite movie from Disney is the lightning thief
Suck the balls on mickey mouse
Favorite Disney Movie: Aladdin Favorite Disney game: Epic Mickey Favorite Disney Show: Gargoyles
Me to
"This is healthy, right?" Famous last words.
Anaheim California
California, Paris, and Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Florida has disney world
They are in California Paris Tokyo and Hong Kong and Disney worlds in Florida you uncultured swines
Maria Widdows Florida is Disney world not land
I would love to go to Disney land just for a day
3nity none of your business
3nity he's rich sooooo a lot
guadalupe hernandez I love turkey legs they are soooooooo good I eat them at fairs
Good job my friends XD
But- he didn't anything else for the 24 hours, einstein.
Read the comment bro that's the reason
The360ProOfDoom H- How is he clickbaiting?? Like tf
I already did
The360ProOfDoom u tell yourself that
Yeah but he woke up at 6 am and he only ate those foods until he woke up the next day at 6 am.
It's a Portuguese accent.
Cooper Howe Yes he did. There’s plenty of videos showing Walt there on opening day giving a speech to welcome everyone. He did die before The Pirates of the Caribbean was finished though. Disneyland opened in 1955 and Walt Disney died in 1966.
Abdelrahman Mostafa He said they shared everything
Jao bro It’s in Anaheim California
Abigail Rose Vlogs It really depends on where you eat. I have an annual pass so I’m there a lot. There are some food items that aren’t that great, but there’s also a lot that’s really good. The prices can be pretty high, but you can get some really good deals too. Some places have very large portions so you can actually share with someone. The Plaza Inn is a great place to split a meal with someone. If you like fried chicken,definitely go there. It’s so good! It takes a little research, but do it before your next trip and you can find some really good places to eat at that won’t cost you a fortune.
My sister has been taking the cornbread of of her corn dog long before this video
He always says omg when eating
Eat tacobell for a day and McDonald’s and KFC
I want to go to Disneyland so so badly
Those mickey ears look cool on u
He's so cute
Kronk’s New Groove
You should have tried the big turkey leg
You've gotta dip the corndog in mustard and ketchup!!!!
I am shook
The beginning of the video, the background looked like he was in Disneyland.
could u please stop saying oh my god every bite
I went to Tokyo Disneyland
“When someone snatches your wig” That’s when bts mv choreo and the vocals and visual snatches my wig
Hahaha “me when I skip lunch”
On July 14 it was my b day and I wanted to go their
Dora Sánchez happy birthday for July 14. You'll go one day.
Noooo you forgot to bring me you said US YOU LEFT ME BEHIND BEHIND
Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty,and Ariel are my favorite movies I don't watch Disney anymore but I like all the original princesses
I tried the deep fried corn dog but I really don’t like it it taste like soap
CyFi Fam I wanna try any corn dog
I know how you feel I’ve never be ether
Im 8 and i wint 3 times
tover luis cool
My favorite Disney movies are Zootopia, Emperor’s New Groove, and The Princess and the Frog. OwO
500 Niles mine are actually two of those! Zootopia, Princess and the frog and Moana
dude you eat a lot of pizza in your videos. it must be your favorite food. It's mine too
You should eat food from the Disney movie Brave
My FAV Mulan
i love eating candy apples all sorts of candy dots all that candy you can maginze
The Laura Channel just stfu
Space Mountain I want to write 500 million times my parents hate that sold my brother but I loved it when I was in Orlando I love it
On of the places you went I do to
U went on thunder mountain I think
I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean and I was there
your sis is so cute (im a girl)
I went to your Instagram and there was no pictures of the food there :/
The beauty and the beast is my fav Disney movie
I have never seen someone eat a corndog like that
Um all his videos are food related
Raphael! You made me so hungry just watching this!
*BREATHES* “OMG, this was literally the best air i’ve breathed”
Love that he refers to a caramel apple as breakfast.
I just went to Disneyworld and it was $7 for a ice cream cone
*I* *C* *O* *N* *I* *C*
Well my sister went to Disney land but I never went cuz well $h!+
I never saw someone's facial hair grow in a video before. 5 o'clock shadow is real. So cute.
Tre Davis they still do because I work at Disneyland and I know
They still use the skull
Inessa Branan I can say turkey leg is one of the tastiest things I've ever eaten
But- he didn't eat anything else for the 24 hours, einstein.
Ghazan Rafique l0 lm"
My favorite Disney movie is probably beauty and the beast.
I love your hair color ! It suits you very well ❤
You look like a human version of Shrek
How does he eat so much food and not get fat?????
Well he eat healthy things also.
Avenger infinity war is the best
All thing that you like to eat I like to eat trash team
Avengers infinity war
Try to find one of his videos where he doesn’t say “Oh my god”
greyfriars bobby
Great video
My favorite Disney movie is Avengers Infinity War
Disney makes the best rated R movies
Tean titens
i am still wondering where is the breakfast when you said you had a snack
Do a lady and the tramp only foods
My favourite Disney movie is beauty and the beast
omg u always make me hungry LOVE YOU BOO XX\
You ate most of your sister's food and she let you have the first bite, she must love you
“Oh my god” count - IIIII IIIII IIII (14)
3 likes pls
Take a shot everytime ralph says oh my god
My all time favourite Disney movies are hurcules and beauty and the beast
Its so happy! Looks at top 10 s Nevermind
Alice in Wonderland! ♥️♣️
My favourite Disney lovey is moana
Pizza Planet was mad in Disney for Pixar Fest. So it won’t be around much longer
How was your shit the next day?
***don't you mean...how was it at the park
K Jade magical
My favorite Disney movie is Tangled
My favorite Disney movies are Frozen, Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast... I have soooo many
Is it in Paris or Tokyo or whatever... cuuuzzzz... I WANT TO GET THERE!!!!!
It's in California
Sunshine Sky smh I can’t lol ...
I just said that
Disneyland is in California Disney world in Florida
Syrai Manimoi, the original Disneyland is in Anaheim, California, Walt Disney World is in Miami, Florida.
Angelina MSP it is in Miami
i was there a few days after now i am back home in Saudi Arabia
Morfa Vlogs yep
Me And My pug I did to
I think its called the strawberry and cream frappe
my favorite disney movie is moana
lol Disneyland ain't that expensive compared to other theme or amusement parks. I am an annual pass holder so I would know XD.
Like anyone from Disneyland... umm
I do that all the time with my corn dog
how can you live off a few cookies a bag of chips a corn dog a pizza and a hotdog in a day, I can eat that all for lunch and still be hungry
You should have tried the turkey leg, it’s HUGE!! It’s the best!
My favorite Disney movie is probably Alice in Wonderland
He should have gotten the dole whip
I think he is hot
bailei Brown I know he’s dreamy handsome cute and manly! This is me right now
All those foods look so delicious
You should do universal studios 24 hour challenge!
I'm not one to cry easily and Coco did it several times and does it every time I watch it even if I watch them more than once a day
Coco is not only the best Disney nor the best Pixar but the best movie I've ever seen in my life!
My parents and I will go to Disneyland but I need to train well first my dog Parker cause he's kind of not well educated, and he needs to stay home with the dog sitter.
What color is your hair in this??
Beauty and the beast
*He said OMG like around 50 times LMAO*
Forever sad because I can't afford to go there :( the food there looks so good
Raphael do a video about eating vegetables 24 hrs lmaoooo I dare you!
just like every other person who stays at disneyland overnight
Do I eat vegetables for 24hrs or cheese
Is raphael Gòmez rich but cheap or just poor?? He has more than 1 million subscribers how isnt he rich??
Is raf
O my God
disney mickey mouse club house show
nice food eat good
Lol everything u eat is "Soo good"
I love his savage deadpan humor
I went to Disney World for a WEEK and ate ONLY disney food. hmmmm
Omg he went on space mountain thats like my favorite ride ever at disney
Where the turkey leg at?
and you look like Shreks foot!
im confuse.
Ghazan Rafique Nl , The
I think a great 24h food I die would be recket Ralph please do it or amazing world of gumball thanks
I do the same thing I take the cornbread separated from the hot dog
This video is probably the cutest one you've done
My favourite disney movie is Tangled
Favorite Disney movie of all time would be The Little Mermaid because I used to watch it every single day as a child however I love all the newer movies as well, who doesn’t love Disney? ❤️
Do 24 eating only dessert
I wish I ate all that
Kid: oh look it's Raphael Gomez Raphael: Hello kid Kid: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Did you notice that it was written Paul on the Starbucks cup
sparkle sisters ya I did☺️
I can hear the disney sounds in the background and I really miss disney
Honestly I’ve watched this video 15 times, 1 because I watch all his videos that much and 2 because I hope it makes him more money so he will keep making videos
my favorite disney movie is ALADDIN
i wanna go through the screen and give you a big hug
this is the first video im watching from you and i wanted to say keep up the AMAZING work
Not healthy Disneyland
Matthew Zou there are healthy options
The Minnie mouse apple looked so good !
Y do u look like Tom Daley?
Snow white
as a cast member this is my life story
You guys are great! Love your videos
U now have diabetes
"This is healthy right?" Me when eating a burger or KFC
Why is your middle name called trash
Ellpineapple The watermelon same lol
Sydney Slime DIY IKR
So much sugar
When i went i ate alot of sweets i ate the rice krispy and my mom got the apple we also went to the place with the corndog and the bread soup i liked the corndogs bc it was so crispy and well cooked it was a yes plus we were at the disney shoe and fireworks and i loved the pirates of the carribain ride there was 2 drops it was acutally fun my most favorite was riding the cars we meet chewbacca(omg i love him) and some troopers it was the best experience i cried bc i havent been in 7 years it was the best
Well if you are in America you get to put the topping on yourself. So there is usually a stash of ketchup or tomato sauce in the restaurant. Or you could just ask.
Disney World is better but Disney Land still looks great.
Clara Bunny whats the difference?
Witch Disney did you go to? Disney Paris?
I bet he became broke because of this video.
amd Disney world is expensive
maby he did cause that looks cheap and expensive
the candy apple looks soooooo amazing
i have been to Disney and it was awsome have you guys been
Did you know that Uber is illegal?
I didn't know that good to know
The strawberry drink is a limited edition frap at every American Starbucks
Alice in Wonderland
I love high school musical
Literally people be getting diabetes at Disneyland. Not so magical anymore.
Love you hair
the incdibls 1 2
coolgamer boy wut?
Why you say mm mmm is good yeah good you can not even enjoy and do not always eat
Ziovii why is eating ever mmm is good mmm good
I Lost Brain Cells Trying to Read your Sentence.
Alisha Bain amazin world of gumball soooo cool series omg
Matthew Zou most fast food is that way in our outside of disneyland.
But there is more unhealthy food
Billy Frenchbread
Right when you bit into the corndog my phone said low battery
The challenge is what you normally do at Disney land
More chocolate then cookie?? are your eyes working right... the chocolate is the dark part lol
Pizza planet needs to be like Pizza Planet in the movies... with the CLAAAWWW
the little mermaid and beauty and the beast !!
Aladdin is the best Disney movie by far
Boi dawg lookin like a cat on steroids after getting drunk in the trash can wtf that was me typing random crap with autocorrect
no hate how Can you not be fat
hacker gaming that’s an unnecessary comment.
My favorite disney movies are the lion king, the little mermaide
Honestly, this is just a Disney mukbang
My favorite Disney movie is moana lol I'm basic
You really like hot dogs
You’re such a nice eater!
I feel like a child is gonna come scream at me , like I get that enough from my comments on my vids. Throw that shade !!
Well... Enjoy diabetes!
I'm going to Disney land right now
“if my sister lets me eat it “ *eats the whole thing*
o wow..i really appreciate ur devotion for the videos u make...u r awsm...u did all those expenses for us ...u sure deserve a lot more in ur life...god bless u..loads of luv from india...keep it up...
Dude just ate so much of his sisters food .. lol
Once upon a time. Xxx
1. You do not make any sense 2. You are rude 3.if he wants to eat let him be !
that person is me
his teeth are going to be great after this
this is way to much sugar i felt sick while watching him eat it
like seriously every fricken bite omg omg just shut up and re watch your video and u will see why its so fricken annoying
Shabiha Waseem whoa chill my mans
My fav Disney movie is Peter Pan
He must got good teeth to eat the candy apple
my favorite disney movie is mulan hands down
yea you went to star bucks for breakfast it isnt just like it it is it and the pizza and stuff you got is for the pixar feast event it a limted time thing
Am I the only 1 wondering why isn’t he fat yet?
Jasmine Shanel Tf is you talking about i only got the funniest playlists you fucking stalker. Going through my shit. Weirdo
Lauren Burden and Ik u can’t be talkin wit ya playlist
Lauren Burden run me my fade Hoe
Jasmine Shanel Not everybody gets fat from eating food. Dumbass
You look like Justin Bieber!
A caramel apple and a candy apple are different.
Your sister is super cute
I went to Splash Mountain and Space Adventure.
Wow I'm so late anyone else late too?
You HAVE TO try the turkey drumstick at Disneyland. They are so big and delicious
I love Disneyland so much! The next time I go to Disneyland, i'll go visit the disney starbucks and try all those delicious treats.
as a true disneyland fan I wish I could've shown you my favorite and most popular disney foods
An expensive, magical place. Damn right
ellen musk
ThePurplenvy I love turkey legs from the fair I can’t imagine how good they must be from Disneyland.
Mr Meaty I was just touching my auto correct board
Lucas wtf are you talking about
Uncel Boobs You're CREPPY! P.S. Unusual profile name.
Angie Elizabeth Jaramillo thank you
Lily Faith Unique he went to California adventures
sparkle sisters yes that was weird
bailei Brown Ikr he is so hot
in the subtitles when he says that his sister is going to try the cookie instead of cookie it becomes cocaine
We went down to Florida and the morning of our trip to Disneyworld we didn't plan anything. So we went straight there and looked for places to eat at for breakfast. All the lines were packed so we settled for a hot-dog place. A regular hotdog was 10 dollars. REGULAR, SIZED HOTDOG WAS 10 DOLLARS.
When your mom wants you to eat healthy Mom: What are you having for lunch? Me: An Apple Mom: Can I see it? Me: Sends picture of candy Apple Mom:
"This is still like a breakfast food" *buys 2 cookies and a candy apple*
This is the one from Anaheim yes? I recognize stores but I’m still not sure
In germany i eat a pizza with on the top pasta bolognaise that was m'y favorite food and i eat a corny thats likes a sausage of chiken and thats was fried please try it
If he didn't bite the ear of the Minnie mouse apple I would have found a way to poison his food.
Disneyland foods are all sugar!!!
I'm literally watching people eat food
the princess and the frog, and you can try the beignet honey doughnuts tiana makes in the movie!
The best and worst channel because i want that food
Frozen. Yes, I know I'm weird
my favorite movie is duck tale
One of those biscuits would be a big treat.
I'm so unlucky
“This is healthy, right?”
Where is this park?????
looks tasty
Lucas I was about to say
Clara Bunny oh ok
Elyroubin Disney World is larger and has more fun rides and sections.
how do you stay skinny :|
i love all disney movies
Lion king, Moana, and Brave
Oh the cavities
I also hate orange juice
umm.... my fav movie is all the toy storys
Ice cream sandwich from steven universe
toy Story the cowgirl jesse I named my cat after her
I always ask my mom for a camera to vlog more but she keeps saying (we'll see)
"When somone snashes youre wig" lol
Did you say 'holy schnitzel'? xD
Descendants 2
Justin Bieber is it you?
Daniel Halliday I’m watching people eating food while eating food.
Jennifer and Stories it's in california.
Hes colorblind
wow nice~! and u r lucky.
Imagining the people staring at you. Get a lifeeee
I really want to see him livestream 24 hours of him doing this
Awee ur sisters is so pretty
Disney land or world
*Sees Raphael breaks the cookie* *Child noises*
You got no friends and me
Harry Potter world next?
Cool vid
Wow they marked up everything by 4-5x and nobody bats an eye.
Poor Mickey you snatched his weave
Your Lucky To Go To Disneyland Hope You Have A Good Time!
im sorry internet
I saw you at Disneyland
i like NONE OF THEM they are all just gonna have a happy ending anyway so who cares
I never ever went to Disney Land or traveled and rarely watch Disney shows and movies
Rulz4ever lmao
Yes it is.
Did you mean: bolognese
Dude it's a vlog not asmr
Ghazan Rafique oh yeah
My Fav Movie Is Toy Story
Aww u were hereeee
I remember one time I went to Disneyland and I was going to go on Space Mountain, but I was just coughing all day, the line was too long and I didn’t want to be in line coughing all the time. It sucked and that was the ride I really wanted to go on. Also whenever I go to places like Universal Studios, Disneyland or Seaworld with my family, we always just take our own food and snacks to save money.
This made me hungry
People who spend a day in Disneyland do the same thing
Man your luck
I’ve also never been to Disneyland before.
My favorite Disney movie is Mulan
How much did he spent in the all the food ?
Hi Hi I do to but not on pizza
B-but I love pickles
But just worse XD
The place that you got chilli and pizza bread I went there 4 years ago and I got the mini pogo sticks it was so good
coco the Mexican movie
I find it hilarious that you said the pizza was the best thing ever, because most people who go to Disneyland regularly won’t even darken the doors of Pizza Port. I hope that you go back again in the future and go to both parks, and eat at the Carnation Café and get the fried pickles, because they are the best thing ever. Also you need to try all the Classic Disney snacks like Dole Whips and churros. Also in California adventure there is a Carsland area and they serve chili in a cone shaped bread bowl and it’s called Chili-Cone-Queso and it’s amazing.
Also my favorite Disney movie of all time is The Little Mermaid.
Alice in wonderland is a very cool movie it’s probably a movie I could watch over and over again if ur reading this thank you so much for making these videos It puts a smile on my face and makes me fall a asleep somehow so thank you and don’t stop even tho u spend a lot of money you could always have a break keep up the great work xx
At Disney world, space mountain is where you don’t sit next to anybody. And your a single rider. It’s CRAZY. Favorite ride
5:27 lol
Omg ur sooo lucky it was my dream to go to disneyland
Exactly "wot" is like moi
Yes ❤️
if you do the video idea, my favorite disney movie is definitely Coco!! the food in the movie looks sooo good so i’m sure you would have fun eating the mexican food
That looks delicious..
The Beauty&The Beast
Disneyland’s vegetarian pizza is so good, I also went there from opening to fireworks and my feet hurt so bad that day
I went to Disney Land for gradnite. If you ever come again try an Elote they’re are amazing!!! Elote means corn
Lilo and stitch
If you have ever been to Disneyland you KNOW he spent alot of money on that food Disneyland be trippin with their food price XD
1:29 omg who else stayed in that Disney hotel
My favourite Disney movie is Cinderella
I love watching your videos! They're so long and very entertaining!!!
Your having all that Sugar But be careful You might get a rush Get it sugar rush (Me trying to make puns in 2018)
7:45 Him:This is healthy right? Random person:Yea
Nope :') R.I.P for idiot like me xD
Have you ever heard her voice?...
I thinked its random because then she said 'Yea' he was talking.
It wasn't a random person, it was his sister.
You should try eating only roblox foods for 24 hours Lunch: Burger Hotdog Bloxy cola Dinner: Chicken Pizza For breakfast... Tea and make yourself :D
Kitty :3 - My Videos are Fun! YAY THAT OS AMAZING IDEA
33? That’s expensive
Christheawesometaco! Yes
isabelle Vlogs Oh no Pickles Oh lord no Pickles on pizza must be banned
+Samer Chowdhury yeah cuz I'm actually creative
You say get a life when your name for YT is Phatty.
No he is not skinny.He hides in shirt
What vountry are you from dude just currious
I’m in the weird state in the USA that has Disney World
I’m jealous
Lol when he said was it small
Like if he should have a vlog cannel
I have a lot of favorite Disney movies buuut my favorite Disney movie is The Lion King and Moana.
Wow, poor you! Must be so tough! lol
Kel ikr he’s so lucky and rich
That look amazing
How is it it hard, breakfest bengie and then eat at main syreet the rest of the day
Mandi Rivera Coco isn’t technically its a Disney Pixar. Pixar and Disney worked together to make Coco.
Who even looks cute when they eat?
im part of the trash army cuz i live in a room at a hotel at the moment i make food for myself but when i make food for my other friends then they...... erm...... nevermind
Man i wish i can go to dinseyland yoi i never been to dinesyland yoi hmmm im so sad my child i never been to disneyland hmm god i cant even spell right now yoi because im sad yoi
Beauty and the beast and princess and the frog
I don’t know
please more Disney
ComfySunday I'm a fan!:D
he eats like a girl
How can u eat like a girl?
How does one eat like a certain gender?
Marcel Sobol 11 why do you care
he acts like a girl
How does a girl act doofus?
You're and idiot and get off his page
Marcel Sobol 11 last time I checked, your not the boss of him
because he needs to stop acting like a girl
Marcel Sobol 11 and that's a problem because!!!!!
Hi I just got back here and I’m gonna was a little late but it’s so sad that you don’t have a good job you know I gotta is a day or a day and I just got back here so I’m gonna I was gonna we were like a little girl so she did a lot and I just got uhome I was like I gotta is a day like that you don’t have any money for me
Your hair almost blends in with your with your skin. Ifyouveaddressedthisimsorry
Best vid u made
Moistmelon Dax oh
Tracey, just come back so we can film lmao
Pirates of the Caribean
Correction: Disney World is the happiest place on earth
Kaylie Jones disneyland and disney world are the same???
I love the food is so good and space mountain is my favorite ride
5:17 me
Beauty and the Beast!
When he said " wow that pretty thick "
Was their A Frap-a-Sausage? Ps Love ur vid!!
i love tangled and peter pan
Is she your big sister or little sister
You should of gotten the big turkey leg they are huge
if I were him I would not share with my sister I would take it all to myself because it is so cute.
evangeline torres rude
April Blaze Raphael duh
Kaila Moore I don't get u
Kaila Moore what
Marcel Sobol 11 what can of like are you talking about friends or LOVE if love no never
Marcel Sobol 11 your welcome I guess
Marcel Sobol 11 that's a problem because
ُ ُ u made me laugh thank u
ُ ُ i like u
Marcel Sobol 11 y you hating
Marcel Sobol 11 Gender stereotypes much? What are you, some kid from 3rd grade? Go back and cry to your parents about how someone “eats like a girl”.
RAVN_Shadow Portugal
How’s it weird Disney world is the best plus way bigger then Disney land
Angelica C what is weird staut
The Pink Hater same
Stop saying omg
Who else thinks he is cute
alicia guerrieri me
has he never had a corn dog no hate but the way he ate it made me cringe
*the face falls off* ‘When someone snatches your wig’
My fav part is “ I feel like a child is going to come over here and start screaming at me” lol and ik I’m late
If i eat all of that,i would most probably get diabetes
Teo Anngim I would throw up
Do Disney world
maaan, you eat too much. how do you do that? I dieting while watching this video
Mulan :3
Wow..no wonder disney is super duper rich. Corndogs are so cheap normally....and it was $9.50 for one and some plain chips?
The little mermaid
He bites into the most British iconic kind of bake, shortbread.. AND yet he is amazed.. He only came for the food
5:25 when your mom calls u in the middle of a fortnite game and u die MY FAV DISNEY MOVIE SO FAR IS "AVATAR"
Yay Diabetes
Toy story. I’ve loved since I was 3
is he bi-sexual?
OkxyAbby MSP that's not James charlee?.......@
Adz can I say bi-sister!
Adz idk why
Adz no I think idk
Winningtrump On Xbox well damn shistar
Ms Ninja gO OFF SIS
skinnystilinski _ no they are not Disney LAND is in California and Disney World is in Orlando Florida
skinnystilinski _ Disney world way way way way bigger
Why don't you get me what do you not understand me just y
Slime World they said Disney world, so yea it is Florida
Angelica C is it Florida
You should go to tower of terror it is awesome or expedition Everest
Dis Neigh land?
You should eat like if you were in princess and the frog
You and your sister have a significant eyes
You story broski
The strawberry and cream frappe in in all stores
This is healthy right
Eliza Pemberton apple
It’s called a pink drink
GMAE Dreams 567 pink drinks are clear and it dosent have a order it’s custom besides it’s a strawberry and cream frappe
The bite in the strawberry jam cookie was so satisfying.
I liked the video right away when you asked you sister at breakfast if she wanted any of the jam and then you were like I guess its not an option anymore, had to like it then
It’s a serious strawberry Frappuccino
Brittney Hoyles and cream
Is it going to drop again? ............. AAAAAAAAAAHH!
7:16 “it’s really good quality milk chocolate” when it is just M&Ms
That's probably why they have enough money to have fireworks almost everyday
skinnystilinski _ Disney land is nothing compared to Disney world
Looks like you had so such fun! I’d love to go to Disneyland
70 dollars you and your siter spend for food
space ride was one of my varites
chill bared is evrtime my mom make sup eat like that
Isn’t that what we usually do
Why share are a tramp
Top 3: Lion King, Brother Bear, Mulan
You looked so shook
This was uplaoded on my birthday ._.
Fue Fundada Francia De O Por Placer papel Para Poder Pppp
Ablas español rapael gohmes
I’m going to Disney land Sunday thx for the ideas
Im hungry i need a mid snack and I watched this
Cute Dog Picture
so why all the cookies or most of the cookies in the shape of mickey mouse
Omealiur Hanson bc it’s disneyland
Lion king
looks at skeleton " Do you think he is alright"
Nico Ortiz right
Don't people on Disneyland do that too
Thats how he said it
Chicken Squad what
Annika Peachy pie and u know everything do u?
Kyra Hardiman Wow that's amazing how did u get them so often?
Grapes I have fire works every day
U poor?
GamerKitty Salvatore ur right. but technically still disney... they have a bunch of coco themed stuff at disney land so i’m sure it still counts
5:25 rip headphone users
;-; never been there WHY!?! MY CHILDHOOD IS RUINED T^T I guess... I go eat a pint of ice cream lonely and by myself...
Kyra Hardiman no I order it at Starbucks every day
You sound like gru
Am I the only one you u are too thinking like he or she I want to say that he or she is like a half girl
I think the candy apple is probably one of the most healthy thing there
Most Expensive Place On Earth also
my Favorite Disney movie is beauty and the beast I love that movie its so cute
They have such clear skin! I’m subscribing
Just discovered your channel. You're adorable!
I live in the US and I've never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld :c Waiting for a sugar daddy to take me
Kyomi let's go I be sugardaddy
His sister has such a pretty smile ^^
5:23 earrape
This makes me hungry
LegitAlex Gill same
The space ride (i forgot the name srry) was very fast and dark and people were screaming ahead and I didnt know what was coming.
Space mountain
Water was like $20 smh
the way he talks REALLYYYY annoys me
Nikolas Gushchin Portuguese
L_0M what is his first language
Grace Kim English isn't his first language. And if it really annoys you why don't you get off the video.
I’m one
Sarah conn how is your childhood ruined? Just because you didn’t go somewhere doesn’t mean it’s ruined. You can go at any time of your life. I’ve never been there either.
Karen RobloxGaming ikr its so cute
Kyra Hardiman thankyou for proving a point
Annika Peachy pie And how do u get it every day if it’s only at Disneyland i have been 5 times.
Annika Peachy pie yeah sure every day you are obviously spoiled.
Kaila Moore the sentence didn't make sense
*was your hotdog tiny as well?*
your hair is beautiful i want it
U look like justin biber
I miss having a Disney pass.
His sister probably starved because they were suppose to share those meals and Ralph ate them all
I have never been to Disneyland but I have been to Disneyworld
Cinderella is the best disney movie
Turn on the english captions at 4:55 it's hilarious
My favorite disney movies are Wreck it Ralph and Tangled ❤❤
I’ve always wanted to go to Disney land my friend goes EVERY summer we’re 9
Marshmallow chocolate is life
You should of got the first time to Disney pin
You sound high
Your videos are really addicting
The way you bloody talk ANNOYS me as much too
Eva pointon thank you
GMAE Dreams 567 I’m not spoiled I have a job at kennywood and earn money to buy my own stuff and if I don’t have the money I don’t buy it and I live walking distance from my local starbucks
GMAE Dreams 567 you can get the strawberries and cream frappe in a normal frappe too, and doesn’t mean their spoiled, it’s not that bad at all.
That corn dog needs ketchup (in Australia they're served dipped in ketchup)
Please do one of your 24 hour food eating videos, but all in Portuguese, if you know how to speak the language that is. And my favorite Disney movie is Aladdin but Frozen is a close second. I really want that strawberry Starbucks drink by the way
Omg I saw you when I was on the ferrace wheel
I also saw him
Me tooooo
I took a picture with him and said hi and I said we should make all the fans that like you will have a war and who ever wins get a milkshake with him LOL
Did you say hello to him
do a video of only eatting baby food for 24 hours
alecisdokidoki ! i mean i could be but u know a challenge is a challenge
He's drinken baby formula
that's torture
Sleeping Beauty, Sword in the Stone, Mulan, and Aristocats!!!
my fav Disney movie is Incredibles2, Moana, Frozen, a wrinkle in time, coco and beauty and the beast.
That makes me want Starbucks
Everything at any Disney Park is seriously better. "except for the price"
18:12 lol I heard you sey nom
I hope my sister will let me try a bite of her dessert because this is her afternoon snack *eats half of it*
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm the kid that will come in and scream at you.
No he dosent lmao he dosent even look white everyone is retarded lmao
EW but also, yes.
Angie Nimo I just love Craptions. Good to know I'm not the only one
franciscodecotija13 he's not Latino or Hispanic
LalaJaay23 soul food is so bad though
Morgan Hively those two cookies looked so delicous, except I hate jam
Probably most of the girls who subscribe to him
If your staying at Disneyland that's not really a challenge you kinda have to eat there
Reagan Pike buddy.
Disneyland foods are not worth it but the foods taste good but it’s just too expensive
Disney land is the best place ever? NO DISNEY WORLD IS! :)
The lion King
It’s not exclusive by the way it’s a strawberry Frappuccino
I’m so jealous of how beautiful you are
My fave Disney movie is Frozen
Big hero 6
I’ve never been to Disney land either
He just to funny when he said is he ok then the next one me when i skip lunch so funny
Wym UAE, Dubai is the most expensive place on earth which is where I live and I would know for a fact because I see all the luxurious diamonds and real gold accessories and the sports cars I see everyday
8:37-when you try to say your fine but your really not fine
I hate Disney land the lines are to long!!!!! And I just hate it I’m stupid Ik
im obsessed with brave and princes and the frog so I would pick that
BRAVE ~My Movie Choice
its called a seriously strawberry its not just at Disney
“The bread is a little dry” no fucking duhhh
Lion King is my fav
Your micing me hangri
Lau Ciurar *making *hungry
Disneyland Paris isn't THAT expensive. Though they don't have nearly as much food and it isn't nearly as big as other Disney theme parks.
RadioJH Deacon123 no it’s in Paris and Florida
avocado cheese IKR
caden werfelman you know he is from Europe and they my not have that their and he sed he is going to try stuff he dosent usually see so why would he get it if he always see it and he goes to starbucks every morning so he knows their menu
Joedizza Alright, never had corn bread in my life.
What what its like corn bread and a polor sasege or a hot dog
Joedizza No problem, hey, can I ask you, how does it taste like? Is its taste similar to something else?
What what oh sorry
Joedizza We don't have corndogs in Europe.
U lucky bastard
615,755th view
Turn on subs at 4:57
Thumbs up if you have been to Disney land before
RayRay Galeva is called subtitles
Yeah im trashy too
The corn dog looks like. A Dick
“My sisters gonna try the cocaine” lol turn on captions at 4:57
Solo.... at 4:57 either you made a typo or you just spilt your sisters darkest secret?
No I think m he has a gf.
Dude idk why I watch these they make me sooooo hungry!!!! Btw great vid
Are you........... Gay
I don’t have a favourite one
You r looking so cute with the ears headband
I love how much effort u put into ur videos ur the best!
Mulan ❤️
I think that ToyStory is also my fav Disney movie. *;D*
I do this a lot
Disney landS ARE happiest placeS In the world
How do you not get full up Raphael?
I would eat all those!
*my sisters gonna try the cocaine* 4:56
•triggered• haha
Courtney Richardson i was talking about the subtitles LOL
•triggered• shut up it’s just his accent!
I'm hungry
The strawberry frappocino is not a special disneyland drink you can get it anywhere
Legend says He paid about 2 thousand dollars in food alone (at Disneyland)
Your just gross. Disgusting even to have DIRTY thoughts!
You not even lying
javier alfonso brito he has a girlfriend
James Mcgowan no in Florida it's disney world and in california it's disneyland
This is my FAVORITE Video
Wacthing this at 4:43 AM SO HUNGY Very Bad idea
Turn on captions a 6:48 he says human golf over instead of oh my god
God you’re making me hungry haha
Watching this in the middle of the night with no food was a terrible idea..............
U must of had fun
DID you know Mickey mouse first word was hot dog ?
top ten dreams that i have :1: have the cure for cancer :2: bring my mom and dad back together :( finally :3: go to disneyland uwu
When u taste something u like ur eyes pop its so cutee
U look like Justin Bieber
4:58 turn on captions
isabella fernandez oh
it made me hungry
eantel animations and stufff aww Iam sorry
Well I am not serious you should get to know me before accusing me I actually write and comment good comments on most of them you don’t know me at all there is more to me. Go jump in a well!
That Irrelevant Girl oh shut up i take most things seriously I’m 14 I don’t look like 10
Courtney Richardson then leave quit taking things so seriously lol you literally comment on all the comments you don’t like with an angry emoji
I’ve been to Disney 8 times and I can’t eat a lot of sweets
I just have to ask do u go by ur self bc that's sad if u do and if u don't good for u and I'm sorry I wrote this before I watched it but love ur vids
I love how u and ur sister r so close
Meanwhile you film this on July when my cousins just went this month
beauty and the beast
Been to Disney so many times I didn’t now it wasn’t normal to eat only Disney foods lol. I try to starve my self at Disney since it is so much money
I eat the corndog separately two
I want to try that jamm
What what I didn’t like the food there :-/ I’m so used to Disney land and Disney world foods so i was disappointed. I was Also pregnant
So expensive
If you were in a seat and no one was with you a ghost would be there
why did his starbucks cup say paul on it
I could smell the chcolate cookie when you ate it... ;-;
Wings to bring lunch but now we buy it there
My favorite movie is mulan
Disney food=the best food.
I can't believe you did not get the iconic Disney turkey leg !
Or dole whip
Ha! Joke's on u i live where Disney world is!! Ha!
You make no sense. You and millions of other people live where Disney world is. LMAO
Lilo and stitch and lion king
GachaverseGamer or you just smell it irl
I noticed that too lol
Favorite Disney Movies are Nightmare Before Christmas and Lion King
okay but his voice is so calming
“when someone snatches your wig” yes
24 hours only eating British food
you’re so cute and precious aw my heart
I love wall-e
You should do only eating food from ratatouille! :)
Its not a mickey mouse exclusive frappicino you can get that at every starbucks its a normal drink stop trying to make yourself feel special
He said "I think " check yourself
Wouldn’t you do this anyway if you were at Disney?
I really question your idea of a "breakfasty food"
Just went to Disney last month here I go again next month
I am 11 and I go to Disneyland 3 times every year. There has not been a year in my life that I haven’t be to Disneyland
Aka how to gain 20 pounds in 24 hours
Never been to DisneyLand but it used to be my dream as a kid. Too poor.
Tiny Shawn i hope one day you can go to disneyland
Kayla Vu What if he wants to feel special? Let him do what he wants loser.
Stop hating. He gets the Same drink every morning and doesn't know. So shut up
Ghazan Rafique lol trash army ?
your sister is really cute and cool
pizza planet is my favorite to I like that area for food
I like your hair
I got to Disneyland Paris every year
I go to Disneyland every other year I have been alive
Wait when I went to Disneyland I was there for a week so technically I done this challenge x5
Come to Canada so that we can do a video together and you can try Tim Hortons, I mean, that is unless you've tried it before.
The lion king
Can you marry me please?
7:48 when yokur mom askes u to eat more fruit
It’s a seriously strawberry frappuccino
Love you AND your sister
He was there with his sister
Oh oops sorry
That looks like a linzer tart
My favorite disney movie is Alice in Wonderland & Beauty and the Beast :D
Ghazan Rafique yup
Hong kong disneyland ?
i almost read "I only ate DISNEYLAND for 24 hours" XD
When you run outta ideas. Channel is basically dead
My favorite disney movie is moana and the emperors new groove
UNICORNS ARE REAL it is really fun
Sydney Jaksick lucky I have been near Disney land
Disney is diebetes lol but sirosly I
it would
that would be hard
STFU honestly
Jokes on u my will to live is dead
Mr Brushiee no u
My favorite Disney movie is either Tangled or Beauty and the Beast
Cheese toastie U should do a video
Halloween time and you got lots of likes
These "University"-ears, which your sister has chosen, are very cute!
The strawberry drink was serious strawberry I think it's a frappe chino you can get at a lot of Starbucks places
9:06 Donald duck is here!!
I Love your videos so much pls make more videos like these love you❤❤❤
I'm eating salad while he's eating sweets. . . T T I'm sad. . .
I'm jealous
I’m craving a salad
Oh ok thanks for the info
it's called a pink drink
It's probably his real name
hunter maddison then leave!!!! Why bother, you literally just want attention ATTENTION SEEKER
It's the first one iv'e watched ever and ur right that was mean. I'm srsly very sorry. that wasent fair and it's not his fault
And then if you don't like his voice then why did you watch he's video?
Why are you being so rude in the comment?
Wtf?your dinner is corndog?
never knew he was still doing this crap...
Less talking more eating plzz
I love you but watching you eat that corn dog was painful
*oh my god*
I’m going to Disney in Orlando when I’m 14 (: I’ve already been to Disneyland Paris
nobody cares.
hunter maddison no, it’s okay
Oh, sorry
hunter maddison it’s a little inside joke
what? lol
Sofia Miranda the pink drink isn’t that thick. Pink drink is a tea with milk and strawberries.
lol trueeee
Yea. Yesh
I find it weird
How could you not get bengals BBQ
this guy needs to stop making videos like this
He should have posted the foods on instagram
My face hurts.
You make everything you eat sound like it’s the best thing in the world
pirates of the caribbean
We're american were used to expensive things
Love Mulan
Love your videos sooo much
Does he still have a hamster?
Does he not have diabetes
Lucky I never went to Paris, or Disneyland
Tell your family to adopt me!!
That Minnie Mouse apple is so cute!
*my hotdog is tiny,is your hot dog tiny as well?*
Why people hating on him for going to Disney
Great, now I am dying for a Mickey Mouse cookie
hunter maddison that’s what I thought but I’m used to it now
Putin did nothing wrong. I was only saying jesus
Oh my god yesss
you make me hungry i hate you now
Was anyone else so sad he didn't try the monte cristo?
raphael i just go in Disneyland in 2017 what the hell.............
I get what you're saying (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Than why r u fucking here like tf if u have a problem with him than just leave or do u not know how to do that
+ItsMe Oreo22 alright im sorry, hope you have a good time in orlando kiddo
Lmao here's some advice never eat smt healthy when u watch him
I love that cookie with a jam in the middle
I never went :3
Was your hotdog tiny as well?
Pinocchio's cafe is the best
1.3 million subscribers and you can’t buy your sister her own food?
9:48 I’m dying
Wieso sprichst du kein Deutsch alte r
I don't understand how you ate all that and went on all the rides without throwing up
U should do a vido going to disney land and buying stuff and show us like if uu agree
IKKKRRRRRRR THE bun is kinda dry tho sometimes
+Kayden Portelli Borg *i like eating it it so good*
Duhhh evry hot dog is like medium i wish i have a hotdog right now i like eating it it so good
U need to stop. Commeting like this
+Nikki Rose your cooment is really anooying arggggg stopp
You should have an intro
Your videos make me hungry
tf do you think we eat when we stay at the resorts for a week, rocks?
SimplyxoBri first of he had to pay the flight from London to la and he had to buy the entrance pass which is a lot and second the food is very very expensive a water is 5 dollars
Putin did nothing wrong. Jealous much ??
How does this guy not have diabetes yet?
You look hands some dude
Aaaaaaa cookies
How to be a Water bottle? Eww your gross
I don't understand what you're saying
How to be a Water bottle? I’ve never seen a more dirty minded child/teen than you
You make me feel good about my really bad eating habits, btw I love your YouTube channel
+Natali Virgo No problem, i'll translate it for you: ,,Wieso sprichst du kein Deutsch ?" means: Why don't you talk German? And ,,alter" means something like: dude
I had almost everything you had
Love turkey legs
First of all he barely gave food to his sister and then after that he finally gets his sister something and eats it wow
Teemolert and you need to stp making comments like this. Did he do something wrong? If yes go away and just don't watch his videos that's so hard omg
amna dastgir she eats off camera as she feels awkward eating on it :)
Alice in wonderland
Disneyland's food is so expensive
Monika Alba idk :/
benefitits of being rich & white
in which disney park are you own and btw you are a amazing youtube keep doing what you're doing you're amazing! (I don't know if that was a good sentence because I am dutch so yeah don't judge me haha)
Can you speak German because the title is in German?!!!
Definitely hard to choose just a one but I will say TOY STORY
Warum ist der Titel deutsch?!
Corn dogs in America don’t have sausage they have hot dogs in them
You eat apples like my friends horse
I have a idea :metal gear solid food: Breakfast :black carrots Lunch: kaz's burgers Dinner:ration (beets in a can) Please like if you want to see this in a video
+Anya Mohiden Hey also bei mir ist es auch in deutsch also ich guck seine Videos immer auf englisch aber es ist halt ziemlich weird
Zendarie mine is in German I don’t know about yours
Anya Mohiden no it’s not
Oh ny goh
Hab ich mir auch gedacht aber YouTube hat den Titel einfach übersetzt weil er es eingestellt hat
I loved the video and my favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the beast
Exactly some people are so extra telling people they can’t go to Disney
I am a child I am only of 10 years
Every time I go to Disney I only eat once lol I feel like there options should be better for food of course
Are you in paris
Jana Khutaba it’s Disneyland in California
Such a good video! But it’s hilarious all these odd foods to you are super normal in the US. Like cheeseburger pizza or a bread bowl
Iris Braun it’s Disneyland in California
I know I am really late but next time when you go you should get a turkey leg it is the best thing there they are known for that
Ive been to disney land more than 2 times and he Says once in a lifetime
My title is in hungary :D
You should’ve tried a dole whip float /:
My mom packed food from home thoo
you didnt tell us the names of some of the places ... lol
you rejected a rice crispy treat !!!!!! how dare you
Poor salad station..... I'll eat you.. Just give a a bucket of ranch.
is he Brazilian?
ServerMate S not everybody is able to afford park tickets, food , and merchandise
RockBeauty :3 Shane Dawson
This is Disney world not Disney land
Isabella Garcia portuguese
toy story
+Ballinger 101 Lingard yes! Toasty the Baker!! Once it doesn't melt and turn into a giant puddle of vomit
Or Spencer’s famous butter statues
Forgot about the legendary butter sock!!!
Butter sock !!
Omg these ideas are great
Spaghetti and meatballs in a blender, fat cakes, Spaghetti tacos, fladoodles, peppy cola (pepsi), wahoo punch, blueberry banana blitz smoothie, strawberry splat smoothie, fried chicken, and coconut cream pie. Also them gross snacks Mrs benson made Spencer eat that one time (I forgot what they are) Oh and a GIANT cheesecake, like what carly and the gang had at the cheesecake warehouse and maybe a giant salad
Ballinger 101 Lingard yaaaas spaghetti tacos!
+Praise The Night 11:44 he was asking his sister lmao
I’m dying that he said weather made the cheese on the chili melt
Food of eten
Kreeg in trek in
Mickey and Minnie Mouse apples Candy
Imagine going to a buffet and end up filling up on salad and water
ele disse que é brasileiro no vídeo provando comidas servidas em escolas.
é, ele é brasileiro.
Amy 1111 omg df
Thanks for the fireworks
“Breakfasty items.” Eats a chocolate/Caramel Apple and a rice crispy treat with chocolate.
Why in the world did eat breakfast at Starbucks?! Cookies no less!
Like your videos
Raphael's messy hair is so cute :3 oh I'm your new subscriber btw, love your videos ❤️
you never had a cheeseburger pizza ever you crazy
space X has left the chat NASA has retired
I thought u don't like cucumber
it was a pickle ...... i think
Pls piretes of carabien
why is the titel in german lmao
+flying unicorn yes that is true youtube does
naja meins ist englisch, aber das liegt daran in welcher Sprache du dein YouTube hast oder generell dein Handy
Mine is in English
Sydney Tran VŁØGŚ I hope so, cucumber on a slice of pizza would be kinda weird haha
Every video I’ve seen your eating food lol
Best TV Show - BREAKING BAD. Hands down!!!
Is anyone drooling at the food and wishing to eat them?
pq o título tá em pt
You talk too much
I literally take of the bread to
Anyone else think it’s annoying he barely got his sister anything to eat and was eating half of the stuff he got her? Idk what happened off screen but idk it just annoyed me
You are right, you dk what happened off screen. Besides, im pretty sure he invited her to the whole trip.
So lcuky to have caramel apple at uk
He changed shirts at 15:40
+basra ummm have you seen his videos, he spends most of his time travelling, she probably just didn't want to be on camera but she definitely ate. If he doesn't let his gf pay for anything he wont let his sister starve
basra ok true, I didn’t wanna assume anything so I’m not trying to be rude without knowing what happens off screen
i guess the reason is they dont have so much money so they shared everything. if you watch his other videos he is always in front of a small kitchen. i guess he is just not that rich.or maybe he is just a jerk ahah
+Kenza Mendes ikr hes such a hater
Do You speak hungarian?
Space mountain is my favorite at Disney world and so is the seven dwarves mine train.
9:36 you can get those at panera bread!
I don't know what you said..or if you speak German like it shows or youtube it playing up
+CheZstuff8024634 he is
Isnt he adorable?
Azta tudsz magyarul?
+Clickbait Chelsey classy
+KarenDuran7 stfu
Are you
He didn't. He said the chili was so hot that it made the cheese melt.
ellen musk is retiring LMAO
They should have Mickey Mouse shaped pizza Edit - Mickey Mouse shaped pepperoni too!!!
Make video about ' i only ate harry potter wizardry world food for a day '
Oh I was gunna bye merch but now sense I know it’s trash I’m not buying
omg his sister is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!
Currently obsessed w this video
+KarenDuran7 thanks
I wonder if his sister got a youtube channel
Maybe he went on a water ride?
Denise Nova he said that it’s so hot outside that the cheese on top melted
I know this is late but oh well. My all time favorite Disney movie is Aladdin xD
Do you think he's ok
Pq ele colocou legenda brasileira
Canded apple
4:47 the drink says Paul
Wreck It Ralph!
7:43 so me
24 hours? I did that stuff for 3 weeks
i dont like it
Harry Potter
Raphael : “If my sister lets me have a bite” *eats half of her snack in two bites
My favorite Disney movie of all times is the lion king
No she only has a instagram
The Lion King 100% best movie of all time
I love Your Channel
Team French ! ^^
I’m going Walt Disney when I turn 13 :> and I’m also going to universal studios and all the Other places It’s gonna take all day to get from Birmingham to Florida
Ur sis is so pretty
William Isaksen same Ive been watching him for months
Omg good idea
trash army
Not his XD
Because you are probably a rich brat
Ha! I'm 12
Ill smash yo sis
Universal Studios foods please!
Do a Ratatouille foods video! I love that one ♡
Give a like if you want to watch a pirate of the Caribbean for 24 hours
Wait, was the first ride the Indiana Jones ride? In frontier land?
U should have gone there 2 months and 9 days before the video was uploaded... I was there.
I know you dont...you LOVE it❤❤
It’s called Serious strawberry frappe
The rice crispy treats are my favorite! I cry for them! So good.
Oliver and Company
I wanna go to the disneyland in france.
I mean when you go to Disney your gonna eat everything in Disney anyways...
Is it in london
There is no worrd sen
Akit Gurung no it’s in California
I wanna go to Disney in japan or french
He says "oh my god" so much that we will start to think he is god. Oh wait. He is in my eyes.
Mulan and princess and the Frog and Tangled.
Toy story ❤️❤️❤️
m-m-aking me hungry
You guys know the drill right? 1. Disneyland 2. Starbucks 3. Candylicous 4. Singapore Zoo 5. Hershey 6. ToysRus 7. McDonald’s 8. ChuckEcheeses 9. BurgerKing 10. Whatever you want!
It is in California
Gianna And Junior Show Good ideaaaaaaa
BlueDiamond Gaming Eh it’s good but it’s not the best in my opinion.
Guitar Rehan LOL
Sandy Ketchup Not to be rude or anything but why is that funny...
It was really fun watching video
I can’t believe u went to Disney and didn’t eat a churro
Tarzan, beauty and the beast, Cinderella, pocohantas, sleeping beauty, tangled, jungle book,princess and the frog
Like if never been to Disney land
I miss pizza planet it’s so good
I can’t believe you didn’t eat a turkey leg
Yeah i was thinking the same thing!!!!!
You look like Ariana Grande I am not kiding wow particularly Ariana’s eye
I Never Been To DisneyLand
Raphael: instagram is better than my video
3:18 I Can't!!!!
In 4:49 the drink named is Paul
Idk y I just feel like this kid is really sad off camera
He should of put some of the chili and cheese on the
A candy apple and a Carmel apple are completely different
11:04 am i the only person lokking at the other man in the background
Nobody asked for your opinion
Trash army for life!
Im not rhich but i have ben there 3 times
I've never been to Disneyland before lol
Yep I never been there
Instagram is before my video
Natalia Green before*
Wat rly?
Gacha Coaster I just wrote down all the ones I know sorryyy
Sukhveer Kaur Ella Enchanted isn’t a Disney movie if I was oh it would be way too mature to be one
McDonald's is numder 1 ( sory for the Bad English I am not a English person )
Everything I was 10
Diana Setiawan is it bad I got Burger King and I’m eating it rn
Good job
I love his accent
7:45 yea the APPLE is healthy
I’ve been to Disney land 1time
I always take the bread off the corn dogs
did anyone notice that he says omg in the video alot
Are you at Disneyland or Disney world?
Just cause you've been there 3 times dosent mean your rich lol
spam Would you like to bet?
+Lani Tran You're grammar isn't well either.
Rich* been* I’m* I*
Dale S. Jogurt I had a hard time reading this. Grammar save this child.
At Disneyland I didn’t have much food , I’m there to do rides not to eat the things, my fav foods at Disneyland was pickles, popcorn and hotdog... I had pickles everyday lol there so good
Doctor:an apple a day keeps the doctor away.. Me:*eat caramel apple everyday*
Anne Louise everybody has an accent
the way he eats kinda annoys me, but im glad he's enjoying the food
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool
Where are at
I farted It tickled It made my buttcheeks wiggle It was hot It was burning it made my buttcheeks jiggle So I did it again
You are so adorable human ❤
You made me hungry
كيف اجنبي يكتب عربي
Cinderella !!
My fav Disney movie is tangled
Why just why did you have to take the corn off the corn dog no one wanted to see that
Peter Dang why would anyone enjoy watching that tho
Peter Dang well most people don’t want to see that
+Kayla James Stop assuming things, I'm trying to advocate for the people who actually enjoy those things
Peter Dang so you’re telling me you wanted to see that tf
U don't know that
Kayla James why?
Rita Gao no
Renee Chiu keep that in your mind...
You've *ben* needing grammar
This is absolutely what I want to try in Disneyland, I've been there at least a couple of times but I never get to try the sweets :') asian parents be like 'EXPENSIVE!!!' smh
my brother always eats sausage then bread, you arent alone
You are so healthe
Peter Dang yeah i know that
Peter Dang why are you getting so mad about a YouTube comment it’s not that deep
+Kayla James in your opinion
Peter Dang that’s nasty
+Kayla James people have their fetishes.
+Alyssa Let me say it again, you dont know that. Stop assuming things.
+spam Your*
oh my god, i really hope my brother treat me as good as you treat your sister :(
I've never been to Disney world and i live 5 hours away :/
I honestly really wanna try the strawberry cake pop and the Minnie Mouse candy apple
California or Florida?
SlimeParis 64 California because Disneyworld is Florida and this is Disneyland.
Oh I’m going to be doing this for a week
Most of Rapha’s fanbase is BTS Army. I HATE Armies. There I said it.
Arisha Ahmed preach
Ooooooooooooo. ........fOoD
I know it’s mind-boggling, but you usually eat Disney food when you’re at the park.
I never went there but i had the mini mouse sweet!
You rock
Nvm iam so sorry
I have to fly a plane to get to Disney Land. But I can take the car to Disney land in Paris.... It’s like three hours away and i’ve never been there
Ralph breaks the internet Ps:dont judge if the spelling is wrong
Oh wow look how thicc that is wow very thicc
Well who don't? Skskks
Guys, he/she isn't talking about our fandom (Army fandom)
4:33 lmaoo
We're sorry for what we did that you didn't like.
we breathed...?
Wh..why does it matter tho
raph- pinterest has disney-inspired cocktails, and they look AMAZING!! idk if you can make them without alcohol, but if you can it would be cool to see u do drinks!!!
Every thing looks good
I love your videos please don't stop Making these kind of videos
Ya please don't stop making these videos and I sud your channel
Same I wish I could go
Not everyone speaks English you trashy people
Don't mean to be one of those people but Toy Story is Pixar, not Disney x
Disney owns pixar tho
This is healthy.Right??
Beauty and the Beast is the bomb. ( In my opinion. )
Come to India, you will never be hungry...lot of options... Btw awesome video!!
whatching this gave me a stomach ache
Are you into boys because you look so
He says that he is so hungry so much Like there is no way possible You are hungry still after eating all of that
My favourite Disney movie is the frog princess
Like these video
Well it’s at Disneyland so sue them x
Pixar is the animation studio for Disney meaning it still is Disney.
Girl plz yes
I think he lives in Australia and didn’t have it where he lives, but if they did, he should’ve gotten it!
Is he single?
Do Airplane Food The food in airplane
I don't think so
What is that supposed to mean? And why the laughing? It's 2018/2019 grow up.
Space Mountain was closed when I went there
At 5:25 lamo everybody screams.
You think you have a chance?
So true I live in Mumbai
Stay away T-series
Kat Carlson shut up nerd
Toy Story 1, 2 & 3
Beauty and the beast, and every other Disney princess
My favorite Disney movie is Cinderella.
+jungshook Lmao he dumb jsdksj
Buster how tf is he/she a nerd? you don’t even know them
you snapped
Can u do lithuana vs uk food pllsssss
Your accent is so cute ☺️
lol ur adorable Raphael
As I’m watching I’m actually in Disney land Paris 10:17
7:55 when mom says eat something healthy
What’s a corn dog?
ellen musk is shaking......ELLEN? elooooooon
That drink is called the Serious Strawberry right?
You might be wondering:"Disney Land is the happiest place on earth. How have you never been there?" Me: Wonderes how he can have enough money to go there
You should eat only Filìpiño food for 24 hours (Filìpiño food is amazing)
That Starbucks frappe is called the serious strawberry I think I have had it before
It is where the magic happens... Your money disappears
+Kyla_Potato Miranda yeah Filipino food is probably my favorite type of food, it’s great. Pinoy squad right here!
is the girl your sister or girl firend
ok i said it before you said sister
Is Disneyland open for 24/7???
He's accent it's soo different I love it tho where is here from?
Uk I think. But I'm not sure. He said in one video that he don't have a store (Ikd what store) in Uk. But he's accent is not sounds like he is from UK
6:45-6:51 be like when you consume dong
Do airport food
Its a hotdog on a stick *:)*
corn dogs and hot dogs are nasty
You look like zack in inqusitermoster
NaruHina 4ever so true
I’m so hungry now
Last week I went to Disney land Paris
Mind haw
Sister duh
*_b o t h ?_*
Munaza Ali sister
No it is normally open to 12:00
+Breanna Marie Yea!!!
Since i live by disney i see all the fire works. So im not that impressed anymore.
You should've got a turkey leg. They are huge
5:23 Thats me when I saw my teacher in public
Your probably going to be broke after this vid
Also I wish I had a better Stomach system
Which disney did you go? Florida or California
+Jayden Nguyen its sister
I think somewhere in Spain maybe
Its a weiner or sausage on a stick with batter around it
Iam dying for the food
You could’ve just gotten actual Disney food FOOD they have like the best food on the planet... snacks are good too tho
But is alot of sugar
Trash army is the best