I never thought China would be like this ...

I never thought China would be like this ...

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this is a fun episode we're in China right now watch what happens when we get left on our own to fend for ourselves in a country where we don't speak the language and the police tell me that I have to calm down during my DJ set oh and we played a massive Festival let's get into it yo so how did you thank you bro how did you manage to pay WeChat longest but I can't even get WeChat can you not um I only tried in the UK I haven't tried since we've been here rash is like the we chat Pro now any obviously all right let's just jump straight in right I've got one hour until we have to go to the show and that's what my playlist looks like this is my first time in China I've never been to China and the weird thing is when I connect to the Wi-Fi none of my apps work I can't get on Instagram I can't get on YouTube I can't get on WhatsApp so that's got me thinking if all these Western media things are blocked do Chinese people know the music that I would usually play I'm a little bit worried because I like putting a lot of vocals in my set and what if I play these vocals and the people have never heard them before I really really don't know but we're going to find out tonight so I'm kind of going through things that that I might play I mean hopefully they know my tracks otherwise why would I be booked here so yeah I'm going to put some of my tracks in and then I'm just going to rely on some like Zombie Nation and things like that because everyone knows that don't they do they I don't even know bro I don't even know we're going to the show in 45 minutes the [ __ ] am I going to play we're in [Music] China of a maze bro I like felt like it was never end a never ending walk to the green we walked up like 12 flights of stairs through about six different nightclubs and uh we've arrived how you doing man yeah I'm doing good bro te thanks for coming nice to meet you no it's excited to be here thank you I'm about to go on the ceiling's coming down I got no idea what's [Music] happening they're going to dance going to 5 minutes okay down oh my god I think I'm in the way of the dance I thought I was about to start but I'm not there's a dance happening and I almost got caught up in the middle of it the language barrier is [Applause] [Music] real we can do this [Music] my time to dance [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you thanks I'm with you this is the first ever Chinese debrief the first ever Chinese debrief debrief first ever Chinese debrief debrief debrief I haven't even thought about my number n nine best thing they knew my songs and others worst thing I'm going to give two there's a lot of cigarette smoke and the monitors were not anything they were sh Ben uh eight for me uh worst thing was the smoke I was in the crowd um best thing um yeah they knew your songs which was sick [ __ ] miles away as well so yeah how many cigarettes do you think you smoked passively uh I think I got a Nikki Rush about 7,000 Rush debrief me debrief uh best thing uh the best thing I like the cage I did like the cage at the beginning um worst thing the smoke oh my eyes what's my number 07 um I have to give you a 7 and a half wace um [ __ ] me that's my first time in front of that light point that in my eyes every episode you wear sunglasses though right so I would give it yeah I'm with rush I'll give it a seven and a half um worst thing was definitely the smoke um best thing was the fact that the crowd knew all the songs from James and that cage was something I'd never seen before so that was quite like cool to experience um lighting was hit and miss but for the most part not bad in the morning we're going to Shanghai which is pretty cool another place we've never been before it's a shame we didn't get to see more of Beijing but honestly we flew in here and I was like the time zone thing is crazy we left London at 300 p.m. landed at 9:00 a.m. and I just went I just went to bed so yeah going to sleep hopefully I'll feel good tomorrow shankai let's go [Music] [Music] I'm really nervous about this Festival tomorrow it's big it's a really really big Festival but rashan's been on the phon with them Non-Stop and they don't have my tech Rider they don't have the Decks that I need to play they said that they've got CDJ 3000s and no one showed them a rider but they definitely saw the rider now rashan said like oh no you need to get the CDJ 2000s cuz James doesn't play on the 3000s and they were like okay we think we can find some we managed to find a yellow one and a white one what's a yellow cdj2000 and then they sent a reassuring message saying don't worry they're not cheap versions who says that who says that right now we're in Shanghai it's 1:00 in the morning and we're going to the club but in the morning we're going to Hefe am I saying that right Hefe I think it's I think so yeah he how's your body clock by the way my what exactly my what bro we landed here in Shanghai at like 6:00 p.m.

came to the hotel went to bed at like 7:30 woke up at 12:00 and now we're going to the show and then I'm going to try and sleep after the show but we'll see cuz last night I couldn't sleep after the show so difficult coming to this side of the world um I'll keep you updated on the CDJ situation thank you let's go you think what I'm thinking maybe not recommended maybe the piz rash give him in it's very rare there's two packs damn no way now that is Elite Rider the DJ BR in this club is so small that they're trying to find a way to get DJ to leave the booth so that I can fit in so's trying to get to put a loop in his track and then we we all move into the booth let's see how this [Music] [Applause] goes one by one one by one number one one by one one one [Applause] [Music] hold them one by one [Music] [Music] [Applause] lovey ready ch ch come on [ __ ] we thank God we made that Jesus is the load yeah [ __ ] it doesn't look like it but I think we're at the train station we've got Kelvin with us right now who speaks Mandarin but he's not coming on the train with us so he's just going to kind of walk us there so we don't get lost how confident are you feeling by the way left on our oh not at all so we don't know where kelvin's gone now and we don't know what we do why did we go through what why did we go you said you can go through there I think he had to get a per cuz he's not traveling or something what you reckon that say what what you reckon that translates to uh mind I'm here oh my God we've been in the station for about 10 minutes and he disappeared we thought we were on our own don't even know what like what does that mean good luck to us that looks like a pea ice cream he's in that is that is that pea flavor ice cream what the oh I know it's a it's a green bean it's like a it's like a local it's good for you there we go what is this me pork that's crazy pork how about this Marin pork what about this he oh I think you got to try one of them bro it feels well done like Marin stuff usually goes it's good usually get one of these that I don't know I think it's like jerky kind of like feel you kids M imagine us on our own trying to find where this train departs from I actually think we get lost I think we'll be [ __ ] yeah and like that sounds like fun and exciting but honestly guys're here I'll just go check on things thank you sounds fun and exciting but honestly I've got no credit cards no Uber like all the things no like Google Maps all the things that you normally rely on we don't have haven't even got cash cuz places don't really take cash not many people speak English around there either oh no [ __ ] no one speaks English so [Music] yeah then there we go got all the information we need boys you guys are the only foreigners here [Music] we're on our own in China we're on our own in China no method of payment no phones working sorry all right how do you know what it means though um i' learned a bit in there seen the length of it that's what she said I watch our ETA as well it' be good to know that you can actually like set got to look out for that system on we have no idea what we're doing Ming that is it time can you see what it says on it hold on um h egg how what like a [Music] light it sprayed on me oh my does it smell no I really expected it to I just don't know why it's brown oh no sorry I'm sorry that's disgusting the thing is Calvin said it was all right so I said most of the time all right it's all right it tastes like soy sauce I'm actually going to eat it enjoy [ __ ] would you buy it again yeah yeah if you had to give it a rating out of 10 eight eight that's high that's high got then I say you try some it's all gone unfortunately I was just about to so annoying Ben you want some absolutely not I see you mate honestly it doesn't even taste weird look weird so we get to we get to he about 1 hour look how big the stage is I don't know what singing it's so big bro wow I think they've managed to get the cdjs we've been sent through various pictures it looks like someone got them from someone's [Music] bedroom 3 2 one there go thank you so much thank you m break it there yes we'll see you there thank you bro thank you crazy how you feeling after that egg oh the egg's fine right so basically on the train there was some hyp farm and they wanted to get pictures and I did pictures and then I think what happened is a lot of the other people on the train thought who's this famous guy we also want pictures so I did about 20 photos on the train and now we're in the station there's a lot of people looking like they're about to ask her a photo well um we've just been shooting something for YouTube for another video but it's time for us to get out of here we're in he where the festival is taking place let's go this is from the police by the way they're not going to pull me off basically they're saying if there's any I can't I'm not allowed to play any swear words in any of the music I'm not allowed to jump and rash is on the phone right now and I can hear the person from the festival in the background explaining it to him he just said it's ridiculous what's the point of the show I I need to I'm not editing my set I'm I'm on stage in 2 hours you can't just be like oh you're not allowed to play any swear words now but at the end of the day what they going they're not going to pull me off stage are they and if they do content content transition so big drama they're saying no swear words are allowed in a whole set and I'm on stage in an hour but I don't even get it bro like it's swearing in English we're in he in China if it was swearing in Mandarin then maybe that's offensive I don't know we're going to see what happens the start of my intro is just James Hy [ __ ] James Hy [ __ ] James hyp [ __ ] on a loop so that can't be censored um so we'll just see what happens if it's as dramatic as people are making out then we won't make it past 10 seconds into the intro so we'll find out straight away it's going to be great we're driving on the runway so I think this is a park that used to be an airport and they still got the runway there's Lo there people everywhere guys sending [Music] it you ready for the James high [ __ ] James [ __ ] James [ __ ] I just heard the crowd shot in Jame typ [ __ ] that is not allowed hold them one by one you got me bur you got me bur you got me burning you got me burning you got me burning burning burning got me bur with where are they what are they deef debrief debrief debrief debrief debrief debrief 9.5 it would have been a 10 but well we had all these rules didn't we I told you about some of them I wasn't allowed to play the [ __ ] and James hype [ __ ] I still did I tried to like filter some of them out so it's like I tried um good news we didn't get arrested um but also I was told to calm down while I was performing I mean come on mate like if you're going to B James hype you you've definitely seen videos of me performing you know what I do and then I turn up do what I do and get told to calm down is that what they said they asked you to tell me to calm down yes I didn't calm down but um yeah if it if it wasn't for all of that it would have been a 10 but the crowd were insane I love it I love Chinese crowds rash right it would have been a six but the fans were mental actually walked through the middle to the front of the house to come see Joe to turn down to his right there um so for that fact alone you got a nine so big up the fans his uh I'm going to go with a 8.5 it would have been up there for me but we' lost some of the outside wings of video like our second output of video uh yeah in like the last 25 30 minutes um and I think then with things like language bar made it really hard for to try and actually diagnose the issue and like I was outputting but yeah something happened clearly but uh I think it was sick it was crowds looked crazy um it was a really good show uh say 8.5 for me um I think the best thing was probably not smelling enough smoke when we got got off the stage but um no yeah the crowd was sick um everyone loved it and again people knowing your songs is just mad that so far away when apparently they don't have Instagram or YouTube or anything like that but still mad and and VPN is illegal yeah cappuccino um yeah W um I am going to say it's an eight um I thought the crowd were really sick james' set was really sick a bit Peak about not being able to play James high [ __ ] not jump on stage yeah a lot of rules um a lot of the in-house photographers weren't the friendliest so that made my night a bit bit long but it was good I think we got some sick content yeah and um yeah China is pretty mad China is mad China is mad you know what's crazy about this country we're in a city that we've never even heard of and it's bigger than London just let that sink in place is [ __ ] insane just so big when we flew into Shanghai I was like I just can't comprehend how big this place is it's so wild so yeah the crazy thing is he's asleep the the crazy thing is like not many Western people come to China as tourists but I feel like if they did they'd be like whoa China's crazy you know so yeah who does this transition go

2024-05-17 00:59

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