I Moved in With a Filipino Family!

I Moved in With a Filipino Family!

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please [Music] it's pretty pretty hard actually cheers guys thank you for having me welcome to Village Life in the Philippines I'm gonna be spending the next three days living with my friend Ricky and his family showing you the unique culture the fishing culture showing you the rituals the Traditions maybe some and of course showing you the delicious Cuisine here in The Villages maybe some lechon I'm going to show you guys what they do to make money here in the village of course it's fishing time so I'm going to meet the captain and we're going to go out fishing for a few hours and see what it's like it's the captain bad weather oh good morning it doesn't look great there's a typhoon coming you're the best Captain you can take us out even if it's tornado you are I heard you are the best in all of Philippines I'm not doing much to help he needs like eight people to uh take it in it's very wavy today okay I'm in yeah all right let's go all right all right this is like a very impromptu message is this normal normal waves here oh oh this is normal it feels like it's quite quite wavy I'm a little bit worried but I'm gonna try again imagine getting caught in the typhoon there's literally I'm not I'm not exaggerating there is a typhoon coming definitely lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky [Laughter] that's the fisherman coming in yeah yeah all right how many fish do you usually catch in one day how many kilograms sometimes five kilos okay nice more than 10 times 20 kilos and if you if you get 20 kilos it's it's very lucky it's red horse time like a mirror fish yeah yeah yeah you think that do you have children one you will your child be fisherman oh no I know no let's go I'll go oh okay no of course not sorry no don't want to be uh presuming that the female would not be a fisherman I'm not very Progressive on me all right [Music] hello Friendly Fisherman they cry [Music] [Laughter] you are the most entertaining fisherman in Mindanao well if you see the island here the mountains looks so amazing I I did not realize it was so mountainous when I was like in the village all right yeah I think they had too much uh red horse so they are hungover the fish are hung over yeah yeah yeah headache yeah yeah I think so the 80. no please oh really that was so quick hey we're eating good tonight boys we're rich oh appointment today five kilos we're rich boys oh it's still alive maybe one hour we're gonna catch one fish in the Philippines yeah oh I feel something yeah no no no peace ran away oh really like a real tug fishy fishy where are you here do you want dinner yeah fish and chips lovely battered fish and chips I'd love that right now all right all right where's your mother and where's your mother your mother Your Mother where again I got your mother and father do you have a daughter You're Gonna Catch we want the whole family oh [Applause] me wow oh wow he's got the whiskers hello buddy yeah I'm gonna call you God fish uh Gary the goatfish oh Dogfish that makes sense whoa [Laughter] all right we're calling it a day we've caught a mere two fish but the weather as you can see is quite bad and uh it was just a demonstration they wanted to show me so I'm glad that they got to show me but that was very cool and uh I didn't catch any but hey next time thank you sir thank you Captain [Music] [Applause] okay would you like to buy these off me I'm selling uh 10 000 pesos yeah they are the best fish you want to keep it's tasty I'm gonna eat this [Laughter] so this is what a serious catch looks like there's a couple of kgs of the big fish you've got to go quite far out to the shallow water for that so wow a couple of kilograms a minute now is actually the second largest island in the Philippines and it's got such a unique culture because it was obviously colonized by the Spanish also they've got the influence of Islam and Muslims and then finally the American colonizers so it's got a very particular culture that I've never seen before they they have Spanish words in their language and they also you know play basketball it's really awesome and and this this whole area of Mindanao is pretty much all reliant on either farming agricultural farming or fishing and you know it's just like a super interesting place to place to be I'll just give you guys a quick uh tour of the place this is Ricky's house he actually has a water pump here which is shared by the whole village well or this this whole area because they they actually have no running water at the moment which I'll show you guys later but his whole family lives here so we've got like aunties uncles living in this area here this is the kitchen they have the kitchen out um separate to the main room because they cook with the fire and the smoke comes out it's very similar to Nepal where the kitchen is separate to the house very interesting and then here it's basically just a small kitchen here um a little Lounge area here they don't honestly they spend most of the time outside they don't spend much time inside and then this is my room here it's a little bit messy sorry guys um yeah this is where I've been staying for the last few days we've got aircon which is really nice wasn't necessarily expecting that I guess this is a bit of a modern home in rural Philippines and then I'll show you guys basically there's no water running water in this Village Unfortunately they haven't had it for like six months now you see the water isn't working so basically what they have to do is you got a bucket for flushing your water and a bucket for your shower which I have no issues using but it just goes to show that you know you've got to be appreciating what you have and uh don't take it for granted that you have running water I think that's the number one thing that everyone in the world who has access to running water they they take it for granted little makeshift basketball court so they can play whenever they want oh let me have one one shot okay here we go [Music] now they're all going okay 10 pesos for me if I get yeah 10 pesos for you okay is this working yeah national basketball team I'm gonna pretend like I don't know the rules no you can defend him I'm just being kind I'll let him have that point because you know he's younger than me you've got to give him a chance [Laughter] [Applause] is that the best player here [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] can you shut up all right oh we hear a bit of karaoke so it's Friday night obviously in the village Friday night [Music] or Villages out partying we've got the red horse very good very good singing oh yeah [Music] can I sing a song can I sing a song yeah I am professional singer bad English or good English to me okay I can see I can try a Tagalog song uh can I have a look do you have any any English songs wow look at the book of songs wow sorry I've taken over it's okay here we go the tree and Platform One arrives in 10 minutes here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] this guy's so good [Music] this is so good very good I'm done there we go see I got 90. 90 points look at this machine how much how much was this [Applause] [Music] 2000. [Music] okay oh oh just put it how much was the how much was the whole speaker the

whole thing the whole thing maybe 500 okay okay I want to take it home to England [Music] I've been told this guy is the master ready oh whoa oh my God very romantic [Music] you are the reason I breathe [Music] okay he's got his voice so high he sounds like a girl [Music] can I see your fishing net how do you do it oh so it has lots of lots of spaces where you put the why are you laughing you don't want to be on camera but you are the best fisherman here I heard I heard you were the best fisherman so I have to talk to you can I see inside inside here yeah yeah you have to fish no fish yeah where where is the fish [Music] your English is bad I speak Tagalog see now you can't you can't get away from me where sardines sardines sardines you put these sardines on onto here oh nice nice well good work guys keep it up what are you guys doing working working hard or hardly working nice to meet you oh wow and then the line goes all the way you've got there's lines everywhere you gotta be careful there's all the way yeah oh wow one more thing I gotta show you guys is how they make tuba tuba is the local alcohol and it's made from the coconut trees okay tata is the tuberman and uh he's gonna show us how he makes the tuba about it it's gone up there with a knife and a big barrel it's basically like the alcohol comes from these Palm leaves stems basically and I think he just leaves the barrel to collect the juice and then he wraps it up and now he's getting one of the old barrels that he's left for a while and pause the water into his big tuba collection method and there you have it alcohol from coconuts coconut trees I didn't think that was possible see I stay with I've stayed with like three different families around the world and every single family has a way of making their own local alcohol it's amazing see he's balanced basically sitting on one of the Palm leaves she has full trust in that leaf that he's not gonna fall okay now I'm gonna show you guys how an Englishman goes up the tree I'm not gonna go all the way but it's quite slippy as well yeah uh oh wow it gets harder maybe this is a spiral game really hard actually there we go I only went halfway but I got a lot of respect for the tuber man wow so much okay it looks funky that juice Brown juice but I've been assured it tastes good so we will be trying some a little bit later maybe with the lechon what's also I was gonna ask like what um I've seen obviously all the other men here are fishermen but the younger younger generation do they want to be fit anyone wants to carry on the fishing Young Generation like your generation do they want to carry on doing the fishing or do you think the fishing will will stop it will stop interesting so he's been doing it for like half an hour an hour I've just been watching him patiently going up one tree collecting the water go down the tree up the next one and um he's working very hard but he sells one kg of tuba for roughly 10 to 20 pesos so it's not very much especially as he's like climbing up trees risking his life but I guess it's supply and demand here [Music] ah I was wrong about leche tonight is a special occasion for the village we are cooking a whole lechon the John comes from the word leche which is Spanish for milk because they give the pig milk and it's a very famous part of the Filipino culture where they basically rotate the whole adult Pig on the coals and turn it so it's cooked to Perfection the skin is very hard and the meat is very soft it's an integral part of the Filipino Cuisine and it's usually for special occasions so today I've paid 200 for the whole pig meal and we're okay so we are preparing the vegetables now we got lots of different vegetables this is spring onion onion garlic pepper uh anything more what's this sauce here [Music] trying to mass okay nice and then huge uh bags of salt and then some pepper wow this is bulk bulk cooking for the Big Pig oh it's supposed to be here okay as you can see it's a proper operation this is all for the pig all for the electron we have to cook it under this shelter which is actually really cool by the way actually made of like wood and leaves but uh we have to cook it under the shelter because it's supposed to be raining today um so we're making this enclosed area this is the coals and now we begin the roasting process so as you can see the skin is pretty pretty pale and it's going to become a dark brown color and it's going to be delicious so about three hours about three hours yeah you see our man he's got the little steering wheel so he can just sit down away from the heat because it's quite hot here and uh slowly turn it around on the coals with the lovely background whoa can I pick one up yeah yeah oh my God hello baby wow I've never seen a baby pig before I'm gonna call you Peppa maybe he's not happy with being put down but you will Live Another Day I'll try just a little bit little tuber never hurt anyone so this is straight from the tree not mixed with anything okay also is a skin of the coconut food all right for coloring what percentage is this now why is it why is it brown yeah you can put a cooler coloring uh coloring the white coloring do you know what percentage it is um 30. possibly yeah I'm not really sure but yeah it tastes good it's smooth yeah you like it yes better better than tandoi yes really interesting well actually um this is also healthy for people who has hypertension oh okay it helps with the blood circulation that's what I read about yeah well must be true we'll just say it's true anyway you're trying my friend try down all of it all in one sip finish yeah okay all right probably shouldn't smell it before just go for it oh that tastes really good yeah yeah the smell is not good but the taste is good very nice because it's very smooth I was expecting it probably the nicest Spirit if you could call it a spirit I've had it's like fruit fruity wow I think you guys should start selling it in in Manila in the Philippines you should export it maybe in England it'd be very popular I think they already they are they are already doing that because yeah it's actually very popular here in the Philippines okay you can buy it in the city as well yes but the the only difference is the Taste because [Music] this is fresh yes today or oh what we when we saw him doing it okay nice and then later on uh that's the The Taste will you know will change like become uh sour okay it's been a few hours maybe actually maybe in an hour and you can see now it's looking so good very succulent and it's pretty much nearly finished you can see the smell is so good as well wow good Messer up how long chief lechon officer how how long left nearly finished okay little yeah his English is not so good so it's the thing actually in the provinces the English is not as good because not as many of the older generation went to school but the younger generation do speak very good English and actually I have to say the English here in the Philippines is the best out of any non-native speaking English non-native speaking English country I've ever been to Peppa the pig you are ready as you can see so crispy and I don't want to touch it so hard and that's what lechon is famous for it's just very crunchy we have pork uh pork scratching in the UK which is kind of similar but very dry and this is wow I'm ready I'm ready [Music] in the Philippines they have no vegetables there's no no vegetables here but it's it's interesting I don't mind I don't mind not having vegetables but you're going for the skin straight away you're going for the skin straight away oh yeah it's every man for themselves I better get in whilst I can I get your rice okay thank you you're giving me a big portion yeah it's okay [Music] oh my God it's so oily all right let's go for it incredible [Music] yeah I have them thank you and there we go oh the whole village let's come around nice Community good way to socialize doesn't happen in England The Villages just keep to themselves so it's nice to see yeah I'm just gonna use my hands because it's easier oh it's hot okay wow [Music] so tasty mixed with the rice and sauce is so good as well this is like very fatty but I actually do like the fat so just like so so tasty the best bit by far so unique to the Philippines it's literally like so crunching hard wow did you enjoy good oh you like the skin yeah yeah well I'm uh I'm pretty much finished cheers guys cheers thank you for having me nice to meet you it's been amazing I've had such a good time thank you for having me had an amazing time and just remember guys you got to get out your comfort zone to experience life and also I found out that there are more similarities than differences with people around the world and I always like to find the similarities although everyone is unique and I love that about the world thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next

2023-06-29 15:24

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