I Met Sri Lanka's KINDEST Locals On The Road

I Met Sri Lanka's KINDEST Locals On The Road

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we have been driving this tuk-tuk across Sri Lanka and today we are making the trip from Gaul all the way to Ella it's about 200 kilometers away and you may not think that that takes that long but it takes about it but it actually takes about seven hours this is why this Triple C is going from the beaches Into the Heart of the country driving through local Villages meeting some local people seeing some stunning Rice Terraces and hopefully seeing an elephant let's go all right so y'all leaving we have packed up and it is pouring rain today you so cute oh he's coming with us come with us hi baby fluffy well it is a very rainy and well rainy and unpleasant day so we have a seven hour or more because it's wet journey ahead of us today on the talk talk let's see how this goes on today's agenda is just see some elephants in the wild I've been to ethical elephant sanctuaries in the past but I've never seen a truly wild elephant in all my time of traveling I'm a little bit worried about how territorial they can get if we pass through their home but the chance to see them up close and personal is too good to miss so I really hope that we do get the chance all right so we've just passed a sign that says elephant Crossing four of my eyes two of Michael's eyes looking for these elephants so hopefully we'll come across one and hopefully they don't charge us this filter doesn't go very fast not faster than an elephant at least [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so pull over just for a split second to have a look at these beautiful Rice Terraces they are not hard to come by during this trip already they're absolutely beautiful a bad view is impossible so far but we have so much of the trip left to go and we don't want to waste time it takes about yeah seven hours and well probably not even one down let's keep going with seven hours ahead of us we really needed to find a way to pass the time luckily I took took rental company provided us with something to help us do just that baby hanging with me after tiring ourselves out it was time to find some food and experience a little bit of Life off the beaten path in Sri Lanka all right so we have just stopped to pull over um for the first time we haven't even had breakfast yet we just left see if we can pick up maybe some bananas there we go I forget how he showed us to do this without being honest let's see what they have here eyewear uh banana 100 rupees one kilo how many do you reckon that is half a kilo yeah half a kilo half yeah please yeah yeah she's got drinks in there Seven Up what is uh what's this what's this one egg rolls spicy yeah yeah oh you'll have one okay we'll have two two Deca how much 230 rupees still tea thank you Jeff T T no tea okay all right thank you study I don't know how to say tea in cinelease synonyms I'm a bit scared if you're new to my channel but the thing is is that I love egg rolls I had it in my first day I'll leave it on the screen in Colombo I think I can taste the spice and I just put my tongue on it and all this egg it is spicy I can like literally taste the chili already but the crispiness just make this so good and like the the mushy inside yeah egg it's it's the it's spicy though so tasty this would be one of my favorite foods I've had abroad like traveling in a year and a half if it wasn't spicy it'll be the perfect breakfast I like the fried bananas like from Philippines and India but this is a close second if it wasn't spicy I'm gonna eat this even though it's spicy if not sweet would you matter from egg roll but it's almost like a spring roll yeah double egg but the outside's different to a spring roll it's like ready bread crummy and it's so broken for me it's like hard it's Spotify I'm gonna eat these all day yeah same even though this is spicy I'm still eating it that's how good it is we just stopped randomly because we saw some bananas and look at this look at this honestly Sri Lanka is stunning I've been saying that all my videos here but it really is we've driven for three hours now and we have not found something that looks bad this is absolutely a beautiful country and they used to go like that it's a lot easier when he did it all right I have no hands I'm in the back of a Tuk Tuk here but I'm going to try one of these bananas I don't generally like the small ones because they're a bit like too soft generally either big like bananas when they've just gone yellow from being green so and I'm very particularly with my bananas in case you can't tell this doesn't taste like a banana it what does it taste like it's like eating a banana cake but in an actual banana super sweet all about it's different holy it's like candy isn't it that's so good it's a good banana right that is so good and then look we should put a kilo a kilo yeah you know how many carbs are in bananas absolutely not not enough after tasting heaven in the Sri Lankan bananas we begin to snake through the green Sri Lankan mountains meeting wonderful people and seeing amazing sights until we had our first problem with the tuk-tuk can't get it back in neutral so we're like because I pulled over in second and turn the engine off and normally it just goes back unusual I think because we're on like crappy grass oh yeah message him it's hot yeah but it's beautiful I don't know I'm being stuck here I'll message our mechanic he said that you'd try the rocket like a baby method which I forgot about that the rock that took took back and forward while changing the gear and you got it we've got it what it worked it worked we're in your choice it works we can move again yes it worked approach it for you rock it like a baby to get it back in neutral and you're good to go [Music] so it was beautiful even when he was writing this morning but now that the sun has kind of come out um today it's even more beautiful and you can see all the greenery more people are out [Music] but we need to stop for fuel um so we're gonna try to find somewhere in this small little town for some petrol so 500 meters this way right here okay okay so now we have to fill up I think we have a little bit to go but he was saying that every 200 kilometers um so we just want to be sure sure and safe [Music] that'll get us there two seven three take it okay one two three yeah thank you it must be a fuel trip so far has been awesome except for the whole guessing whether it's going to rain or not which is our fault for coming at this time I suppose it's rainy time um we have to dodge a lot of dogs on the road to make sure if you are driving you keep an eye out for uh the dogs had also the big trucks and buses they just zoomed past you at what feels like 200 kilometers an hour so Michael was just telling me that Sri Lanka has two Monsoon seasons and I think it's one of the only places that do have that are in the south west southwest where we just came from there's a monsoon monsoon season now around July and then if you go into the North East uh there's a monsoon season sort of early next year early in the year january-ish so you can kind of go from one side of the country to the other if you wanted to avoid Monsoon seasons which yeah you could do in two days or less if on a tuk-tuk so we should see less rain as we move into the mountain actually we won't see more because we're going up higher and that's where rain is but we should see less monsoonal temperamental weather like we have right now it's not great Road through here yeah this is the first time in the whole trip we haven't had flat gravel or asphalt on a road it's dirt [Music] and now we're starting to get into the jungles it feels like we're going more into the wildlife the natural habitat and more of the like remote Villages from here so hopefully we'll see some more wildlife and some more animals [Music] [Music] these little Bakery what a place to be hey I love them stop in the middle of basically nowhere because I saw this guy with some watermelons oh yeah back there watermelon and you want a coconut One coconut just one just one uh Echo is it Echo uh 100 100 rupees I just Echo for one and then watermelon can you cut it okay okay how much is that 160 so 260. perfect okay yeah thank you it's Duty I have been wanting it a wall and I've been watching a watermelon but um I haven't found anyone to cut it yet so this guy has a big yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know what that is what's that something else like cashews or something and these are like weird looking watermelons if they're watermelons I don't know what they are either maybe mangoes I don't know so good at that stuff there's actually a lot of water in there what yeah no I will share yeah thank you thank you and the watermelon yeah drawing of the elephants look at that lots of elephants here elephants on the street yeah whoa I haven't seen any yet what um he's laughing five okay yeah two yeah that's okay 239 slicing it open for us yeah delicious oh perfect thank you Stussy yeah I'm gonna munch on that oh soothy thank you 3 3 40. you just keep four that's okay for you okay thank you thank you I want to try leave some for me you've drunk the whole thing it's all gone oh you know what that is the nicest one it's the best one that's the best one we've had in Sri Lanka oh actually it's so good and the banana was really good too so does the fruit just get like better well hey does fruit just get better like further Inland you go or something because two of the three things we've had today well we're about to have some watermelon which I bet is bottom watermelon all right let's go up here bye-bye that was really really good that was actually honestly my favorite coconut hi all right let's go back in the Tuk Tuk and let's keep going I really want to find an elephant but I know that we're going to see the bridge at the end of the day what's the record the nine arches Bridge that's the plan refresh from our fresh fruit empowered by King coconuts we're set off with a renewed hope that elephants may be around we even saw our first glimpse of Sri Lankan Wildlife getting some sun on the hot roads when we get closer to Ella maybe once you got out of Colombo you could drive a car here even if you didn't want to do it yeah it's a really easy place to drive these are hard to drive but the roads are easy to drive there's not much traffic [Music] [Music] okay update it is really hot now so it's just past quarter past two been going since before I don't know eight but about seven seven thirty eight in the morning so we're both hot now the sun is shining that's for sure as we got closer to Ella Town it seemed as if our luck with the elephant had run out and it may be something we need to push back further into our Sri Lanka trip luckily we came across a small t-stall run by an amazing family so we are pretty much just in the mountains now of Ella the outskirts and the tuk-tuk is not having a very easy time there's a lot of Mountain obviously in Hills and everything and it's just it's struggling let's see if this lady has tea eye blah do you have tea tea yeah tea uh how much uh how much rupees try again do I again 100 100 okay what's on your face every soot oh you got a big ger oh thank you thank you study stutty Curry regular tea coffee we like you like that one oh tea tea silanti silanti yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh oh yes yes yes Jersey my name is nice English is good yes yes got a heaps of them down on the street here and this is the big mountain that goes sort of all the way up to um Ella and the in the bridge too so we're on the almost there we're probably about 10-15 minutes away [Applause] thank you camera see see my face you can hold very heavy there we go it's good and you can film yourself like this you see you can hold there you go beautiful thank you stuti all right we'll try it's in a full mug it's like her own personal mug oh it's hot but it's good good I love my taste sweet that is very nice for me how old are you are you five six six big yeah it is nice the milk is the same so she's done the milk like like uh pulled it too yeah and then it's just like sweet milk I love it I love sugar in my tea so I'm happy look how big it is too yeah he's fixed we got Echo Decca tuna tuna higher yeah hello we come from where do we come from well well goal we drive from goal Marissa we drive from there to Ella sweet [Music] yum you got the rest though yeah well delicious you said 100 right you have two they go thank you no nice for you thank you study good you're good I got all the junk off my face finally here's your friend again yeah don't give him that it smells before this rain starts too that's probably the main thing we want to do yeah get in chauffeur we don't want to get how many Rupees to Ella uh you press your name bye bye now my mom at home makes the best tea that I like but honestly that was a close second that was up there he's lucky his mom makes the second best tea this is insane we're heading we're not far away from where we're staying now but we're in um Ella and the mountains here I just are just crazy we're looking over this side we see holy moly we see this then we're driving along and we look on this side and there's a major massive waterfall wow I felt like this when we were in Muna and and everything but the camera just never does these places these Hills Justice ever a little tuk-tuk struggled to climb the Steep mountains of Ella as we approached little Adam's Peak and the Ella Gap but to be honest this trip is worth any struggles we have found the scenery we have seen along the way is almost as beautiful as the warm and welcoming people of Sri Lanka powered by the fresh fruit and the breeze of the tuk-tuk this is one of the best things I've done in all of my travels made better by the wonderful country I am in yep we made it okay midday maybe 10 o'clock no 9 30 9 30 10. I'm gonna be sleeping yeah I need it more than you so don't worry all right so we have a big balcony that that's hook-took down there and then this is the room you kind of shared with everyone else you just walked that way to their room and whatnot but our space is out onto here this big uh looks like King uh queen or king bed I'm not sure fridge tea coffee place for your bags little place to get ready towel rack and Michael's in the bathroom all right I'm not gonna lie to you I am exhausted after today and I didn't even drive so Michael must be feeling it really hard we have two nights here um we're supposed to be going to see the nine arches Bridge which is one of the things I wanted to see in Sri Lanka but from here to talkrentals.com are going to come and pick up the tuk-tuk have you ever thought about doing a total drive across Sri Lanka you totally should it has been worth it and we went through talktalkbrandles.com they gifted us the talk talk for the trip um there's a discount code or a link in the description so go check them out so we'll be catching a train from here in Ella to Candy I just really wanted to catch a train and you'll see why in the coming videos but for now I feel like I need a rest oh okay beds knows comfy as the last place but let us rest for a second that was a seven hour drive non-stop basically besides a coconut have a quick rest I need a recharge all right so it is the next morning I don't think I mentioned but this place is about 27 USD oh no I'm tired AUD to our money um a night which is probably like 15 USD which is absolutely crazy this is a spread we came out to for breakfast this is amazing like it's a little family owned what it looks like to be a family-owned um little Homestay I really feel like we're staying in someone's house yeah and it's it's really good value for money it honestly wasn't even that bad of that aircon yeah after about the midnight mark it went cold because we're in the mountains and it was fine oh hello hi um I got laundry is that okay thank you and for the room do we pay card or only cash one okay we have to get some money out so we're gonna go get our tickets now for the train tomorrow and we'll get some maybe some local food I want to try it here in La I want to try a cashier okay so from my first purple Lucky in Ella town it's definitely touristy there's like you know Western cafes everywhere I didn't get the best coffee um but there's like pizza shops pasta shops Burger shops in there there's definitely lots of tug tugs trying to get your business make sure you do look up local prices um that haven't really been given to us very much here but hi boy hi can we pick up tickets here it's for tomorrow oh I have photos don't have the passport with me yeah I can get it for you sorry my hands are fit thank you so much yeah okay thank you thank you perfect see numbers all right so we have our tickets to candy for tomorrow thank you can we get the cheese and chicken kotu one just one so this is a bit of a more local restaurant but they're still cater to Western and had like some kind of like cheese and bacon tortillas and things like that um tortilla tortilla tortilla on the menu um but we're on the first floor here so we have a cool view of the street in Ella here which is awesome tea in this place it's real good doesn't it you're gonna fall in love with this really I'm super angry we haven't had this sooner in this trip for real it's like so homely yeah I'm super interested now so what it is is it's cut up Roti like chopped up Roti and then just obviously mixed with the ingredients that we chose chicken and cheese and veggies okay yeah it's delicious yeah wow I did not actually expect a longer it's like Roti sweet but mixed with chicken and veggies a little bit of Rochester okay I didn't expect that just be on the way walking to nine arches bridge now you have to come and see it if you're catching the train from Ella to candy or candy Ella it's actually One Stop Pasta if you want to see it you won't go over it in the train so you've got to come and see them ah there you go I mean you can book one extra station and then get a tutuki from there I guess but most people don't and most trains it's important to know that there are many ways to get to the bridge you can get a tuk-tuk down you can walk the tracks from one of the tourist stations on either side you can even be dropped by a car quite close to the bridge itself we chose the two kilometer hike Through the Jungle Ferris where monster isn't advertised I'm not a happy chappie which ended up being a great way to cap off an incredible two full days of travel because the first glimpse yeah huh yeah almost there [Music] all right so we are walking across the tracks the train is coming soon though so look at this wow [Music] thank you [Music] by the way the price to get back is 500 but apparently people say they'll never give the price here uh where are you going train station how much three thousand two thousand two thousand is too much it's about 500 for a ride the price is 500. I'm not going to Colombo no no you check back in Google map for how

long they drive this way okay anything more than that is okay we'll walk it's all right I could literally I could literally get to Colombo for that much no not quite but yeah two here from town so why is it 2 000 from here oh well we're okay now we'll work off our pizza yeah about to eat some carbonara upscale for tourists it's fine when you're on a two-week holiday it's fine but when you're traveling full time for two years I can't afford to pay five times the price everywhere I go there is something special about Sri Lanka there's a friendliness from the local people that comes from a pure heart they know their land is a paradise but instead of gatekeeping it they want to share it with us with you and with the world driving our little red tuk-tuk across this country has taught me a few things that the world is beautiful the people in it are friendly and that doing things that might scare you such as learning to drive a tuk-tuk and driving it across a foreign country where you don't speak the language or even really know where you're going can sometimes lead to the best experiences we really got out of our comfort zone this one and thanks to Sri Lanka we were rewarded in every way if you like this video you'll love my other Sri Lankan videos I've picked the best one for you and put it on the screen for you to watch it right now see you in the next one foreign

2023-08-28 14:25

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