I MADE IT to Eastern Europe! Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia

I MADE IT to Eastern Europe! Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia

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and this is it good morning guys from Padua here in Italy it  is Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning it's nine   o'clock it's 22 degrees outside and it's a  fantastic weather i've only stayed in this   little city because I'm driving towards Croatia so  I stayed here one night, Airbnb really nice room I had the entire apartment to myself it was €33 only and the internet was insane so I got some work done last night so, now i'm just standing here in  front of the supermarket having a bit of breakfast   just having um some yogurt power bar  croissant and banana and that was only   three euros and 70 cents so cheap morning today  i thought i would take you with me on the road   as i go towards Trieste which is the last city in  italy i will be in before crossing into slovenia   and then croatia in one day and today i kind  of want to talk about how is it to be traveling   alone here in europe also about how is it  to solo touring because it's not as easy   as it may seem but now let me have my breakfast  and let's get on the road! Let's go! Ah, yeah... So, this is these kind of checkpoints you have all  over Italy every time you go to a highway you   need to go to one of these and you get a ticket  that looks like this and then you're off on to   go on the highway and then next time you go into  a smaller city you go past a checkpoint like this   again you have to return the ticket and then you  have to pay the taxes for driving on the highway   all right guys we have almost made it to Trieste,  the cool thing about this city Trieste is that   right now i'm about to drive along the coastline, because look at this... ah whoa! was that surfboards i saw out there wow look how beautiful it is  and actually i came from over there ish so i've   been driving around like this because Padua is  right that way and Croatia and slovenia is that way   wow it's beautiful here! I can't wait to see the city let's go check out tristay tree? I have  to look that up on google translate   see what it says trista trusty trundstone  tray tray what are they... okay, let's go! so guys i just spent one hour short, i just  made a short stop here for like an hour   trying to find a hotel in this area but it  seems like this is the worst possible time   i could arrive to Trieste because everything  is fully booked it's the very high season now   everybody is on their summer vacation so it's  like the hotels that are left are between three   and four hundred euros per night so i have  found one place with bed and breakfast which   actually looks really nice but it's 150 euros for  one night and tomorrow i am leaving i'm going to   croatia so now the plan is to go to the  breakfast see what kind of deal i can get there   and if that isn't good then i will go to  the hostel and that will be it for today and... the bnb is in there...    okay, let's see if we can park right out in front and see what the room will cost... nope! no  rooms available let's check the next one   all right just have another two hotels also   fully booked now we're going to the  hostel to see how that looks like it should be here on the right side so let's  just park here... i don't know what it is guys but  

i just had a bad feeling about this hospital  it looked fine inside but i'm only one and   a half hour away from the place i'm gonna be  staying in croatia tomorrow so i just decided   now we're gonna cross into Slovenia and then  straight into Croatia... let's get back on the road! truly is a day of struggle right now i took  the wrong turn again and it's trying to reroute   showing me the right way but i have no  internet connection so trying to find that   and you know at situations like  this you simply just have to think   oh well another small obstacle i have to get by  i get past because if you start getting super   angry and frustrated about this it's  gonna ruin your experience, I just have   to enjoy them sitting here in the sun it's a  beautiful day... at least it's not raining, right? all right guys so we are here in Dragonja  in Slovenia and about to cross into Croatia   i did not expect the border to be like this it  seems like everybody's being stopped you can see   here in Slovenia in Croatia so yeah fingers  crossed that everything is going to be okay ciao so basically i just needed to show my passport  and he said "Hansen!"... he's probably a subscriber! that's why he knew or because he looked at  my passport so that was it guys pretty easy   we are now inside of Cro Atia!   oh and there's a landing strip  right there that's why i had   problems with the drone flying down there ten minutes left guys and i can see  it right there at the tower, Rovinj! Jesus! Croatia is beautiful here wow so beautiful! all right guys i got the room it was not easy  it was the last hotel room in all of Rovinj... i booked it   200 euros and you know my room is already a  mess just want to show you it's quite small but   everything i needed had a mini bar with some  snacks and stuff i already took... small bathroom  

perfect! already a mess but this is amazing   perfect view to the ocean and my own little  balcony so yeah it's definitely pricey but   i think it's perfect so now i'm  gonna go down to the street just   show you guys how the streets of or looks like  and then i think we gotta end it here for today   all right guys out of the hotel and  i'm walking here in the small streets   of Rovinj i'm almost down by the water now and i  just want to show it to you because it is actually   such a beautiful town so but let me just show  you because i'm here right now and it is gorgeous and then here next to the marina you have all  the restaurants so all the families are coming   down here at night time for either dinner  or just a glass of wine or of course some   Gelato, some ice cream... so cozy and you also  have the big big boats laying over here in the   marina that can't be cheap but quite a decent place  to have your boat laying around if you ask me good morning guys it is friday morning  here in beautiful Croatia and Rovinj   slept inside of the old city park here last night  and yesterday this square was covered in people   and this morning it's just completely empty  so now i just want to get some footage here   from the harbor and then we're gonna  figure out what to do today, so let's go! so guys it's going to be a long ride  today because i actually have to drive   350 kilometers to get to Bratislava  and that is currently saying three hours and  49 minutes but now i'm at a congestion point what a beautiful porsche even though it  is a boxer i do enjoy porsches they are   just beautiful cars that is definitely  one of my dream cars to own one day   all right guys we are driving into  Hungaria now okay dobro desley   to hungary so the croatian slovenian  and hungarian language is so similar   they all, the both good morning and the  good evening start with dobro or dobra and it looks like this is  the border from hungaria into slovakia, this is an interesting border crossing... it basically looks like something that's just   used to be something and now  it's just nothing!... very nice bike oh it was another ducati monster from  2007, the exact same that is so cool   in blue though it does look super cool nice and with white wheels that's  awesome let's follow this guy arrive to bratislava and the  first thing that meets you is just   buildings and buildings and building blocks of  like uh apartment box that's what it's called   excited to see how it looks inside the  city, looks a bit more downtown bratislava   have monument there on the bridge very nice   and then you have that castle up there on the hill  wow that's beautiful that has to be some kind of   castle museum and then you have the  big river here on my right wow so cool all right guys i've arrived here in the capital  of slovakia Bratislava, it's beautiful city with   around half a million people living here and  i just arrived now here at the crown plaza in   the middle of the city and the reason why i chose  this hotel is because it's close to the old square   which is where all the restaurants all the bars  bars are and it's supposed to be really beautiful   so now i've checked in i just had a shower washed  my clothes which is now hanging in the window   and now i'm gonna go to the streets i'm  planning to show you guys a bit more of   Bratislava here, tomorrow since i will be staying  two days but for now let's just go and check out   how it looks like in old town let's go! i actually  thought i had gotten a really good deal with this   hotel because it was only 82 for the night with  breakfast which is considering my other days a   pretty good deal but parking is 25 euros per  day which it did not say on a quota of course   so yeah not as cheap as i thought it would  be but i am heading towards denmark now so   i don't have too many more days with these kind  of expenses so now i feel like it's okay and i   realized the biggest casino in Bratislava is in my  building so i will be gambling tonight i haven't   done that in a long time but unfortunately i  can't bring the camera and that's not allowed   it is expensive 25 euros a night for parking  but i think it's worth it um it's actually   underneath the hotel so i don't have to worry  at all about the motorcycle so that is pretty   nice but yeah right here behind me is the  plaza and as it says out here Banco casino   it's been i haven't been to a casino since  i was in las vegas so i'm excited about that at first sight Bratislava looks like a  city that has a lot to offer actually   it's not as charming looking as Nice is for  example or bologna i've been in um but you   do have these kind of old style buildings but  then right next to you have a completely new   apartment building just a great block which is  not so charming but... yeah it looks like there's  

plenty of things to do here, hopefully they  have some good food because i'm just starving and i think that i have surprised me a lot  that i haven't seen in indonesia a lot or in   general i didn't know they were still popular is  these electronic roller blades skaters scooters   i'm not sure what they're called but i've  seen a lot of those in italy and france   and yeah they are here in slovakia  too they must be popular here as well   and i think i am walking on a place where  i'm not supposed to walk uh on the tracks   of the train so i'm just gonna go to the other  side of the street before i get run over whoops all right i do take that back as soon as  you get inside of like the old town here   you do have a lot of old buildings in  different colors green blue yellow it does   look really pretty and the fun thing is as soon  as someone drives with those electric scooters   into the old city it automatically says like  you're driving into a speed zone you have to   slow down and then it limits the speed so  they can't be like blasting through these   nice cozy streets that's kind of nice... and kind of like in italy and france you have these small   streets with plenty of small restaurants small  bars and actually the city of Bratislava is   very famous for its nightlife as well and you can  easily see a lot of the places i just came from   there is a lot of bars and there's supposed  to be a lot of big nightclubs here as well so it seems like i have arrived here at the main  square in basislava but one thing i will say is   there's such a big difference between what is old  what is pretty what is not what is new for example   on this side i have a nice building old-fashioned  style and on the other side i have what used to be   a nice old building but it now covered in graffiti  and completely broken and this is in the middle of   the city something like this i don't know should  it be restored or should it be kept like this   anyway it's an interesting city and as soon as i  get here to the main square it's so beautiful you   have running water flowers plenty of people  here on the street eating at the cafes and   you have that nice cozy feeling so i'm sure i'm  gonna find a nice cafe to find something to eat   and this is it this is the old town city center  square really beautiful and actually quite a lot   of people more than i expected so i see a really  nice cafe over here i'm gonna try and see if i can   get something to eat here and i just noticed the  sprinklers here behind me that is genius i hope   that it's water because it's hot here and not uh  Covid disinfective spray but yeah let's head   to the restaurant and see what you can get  to eat in Bratislava and how much it costs all right guys so i found a place and today  i couldn't be bothered looking too much so   i basically went on google maps i do this a  lot and i went and found a place called gato   mata... Gatto Matto! yeah that's what it's  called it has ton of good reviews   so i thought i'll try this out i was lucky to even  get a table because it's 6 30 now but they say at   seven o'clock it's fully booked so i didn't get  a proper table but i'm sitting in their kind of   lounge section which is perfectly fine i just  want a glass of wine and some dinner so uh   thank you very much and yeah  let's see what they can offer so guys i just have a chat here with  Marik who is the general manager   here at the Gato Mato and Marik why is this place  so popular because i saw online that it has so   many good reviews so why why do you think this  place is so popular? For me the important things is   the family family are culture of these places  this concept started 15 years ago my cousin   her family with her mother but  after right after five or six years   i will continue yeah because we need some more  energy yeah somebody's gone you know as a mother and uh, after the covid times... We're preparing for this new concept, and the new styles... and I think you will some more for your video...

Fantastic! Yes! definitely i will show you guys the  restaurant and tonight you have a special   concert here with uh campari right yes tonight  we'll be preparing some uh Campari night I hired some bartender Tony, a highly successful here in the country he prepares classic drinks from the Campari and also has nice style for the customer.... and it's it's always good to  have a good looking bartender   and a good-looking receptionist right? i'm going to be here you're awesome   i'll go and check out the food thanks a lot  buddy thank you i appreciate it thank you   so a thing i also wanted to mention today is a  struggle for many people when you're traveling   alone like this is going to a restaurant by  yourself honestly this has always been so hard   for me but if you're one of those people that also  think it's difficult i always felt like if i'm in   alone alone in a restaurant that everybody's  looking and feeling like oh that's so sad but   you know it's not like that to be honest with you  no one cares if you're eating there alone or not  so if you feel the same way as i did my  advice to you is just to like just do it   and maybe find a table by the corner or by wall  or something like that but just go ahead and do it all right guys that's gonna be it here for  tonight in Bratislava what a fantastic restaurant   fantastic staff and i like the whole thing that  it was a family business that the mother started   it and now the son and the cousin is taking over  so fantastic food if you ever get to bratislava   it is highly recommended and i'm not just  saying that because I just stayed there but   it was really really good but now  i'm gonna head back to the hotel   and we're gonna continue tomorrow because  there's a lot of beautiful sights here in Bratislava   that i want to show you so i will  see you tomorrow and good night! so guys i am back here in the streets of Bratislava it's difficult to find nasi goreng  special, yeah? Here we have many! Oh really?

2021-10-27 08:50

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