I'm Overwhelmed! Chinese New Year in Xi'an, China

I'm Overwhelmed! Chinese New Year in Xi'an, China

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I am in Xian China and tomorrow is Chinese  New Year and in this video we are going   to find out how China is celebrating  this and how it is to experience this   as a foreigner I'm a bit overwhelmed  now to be honest I will be joined by   my friend Steven Deana and I can already  say that this day is going to be full of surprises so what's Xian China like on Chinese  New Year and how are people celebrating here   let's find out feel free to join and welcome  to Xian the oldest city in China and the former   capital of China and today is February the  9th basically New Year's Eve here in China   and the first mission that we have today is to  get some traditional Chinese clothing you can   see it all around the city that people dress  up very nicely in these clothings and seems   like there are many shops around can you  help because we don't know okay so we're   going to get a Chinese makeover now going to  dress up in traditional clothes and then I'm   guess we're going to wear that all day yes all  day all night oh Steve already looks like like   a here this is the greatest New Year ever okay  so I heard before that you should actually not   wear black color on Chinese New Year so I'm  actually surprised that they are recommending   this one to him I thought Chinese New Year  is you have to wear red okay seems like I   have to get a black one they all said black  is okay today so I'm trying this one here now so no 190 190 yeah yeah not true okay so  we spent around half an hour in there trying   on different clothings the girls there were super  friendly and helpful and in the end I looked like   a Chinese King 188 and I return tomorrow 188 and  I'm looking like a Chinese King for the rest of   the day and for the New Year's countdown tonight  okay and just like that we are looking Chinese   traditionally Chinese now I feel like a different  person Steve and Ivana they are both looking like   a different person they did a really good job with  all your hair styling the makeup and everything   thing and check it out the first time Steve is  having hair the first time that I see you with   hair at least since 10 years by the way we also  have sorts yes so I feel like a warrior they're   very helpful in the store they said you can have  the sword but don't bring it on the subway okay   because it's actually going to hold for a second  it actually feels like a very legit sword it's   pretty it's not cheap plastic it's actually  pretty heavy yeah it actually feels like a   weapon to be honest yes it does the only thing  it's not really sharp so but this is legit man   so I hope I don't get arrested with that so the  goal was now to explore the city of Chiang get   some First Impressions try some food and very  important to find out where's a good place for   the New Year's countdown later so this man just  stopped me and he's very keen to uh give me his   ice cream I think oh what is this looks like  rice R sticky rice with ice oh interesting   combination well the problem is or the difficult  thing is to get my wallet out of all the layers wearing he's busy putting on the sprinkles on top  so this is almost like a fake ice cream some kind   of cream fake why is it fake well it's not melting  is it is it ice cream looks like cream right looks   like cream and then there's rice beneath it how  much 10 10 no thank you no thank you no it's my   friend my friend okay nice to meet you nice to  meet you okay okay okay wow I wish I filmed the   initial uh interaction with him we were walking  by and he just stopped me and basically pulled   me to his shop he literally grabbed your arm  and said you're buying this now but in a in   a friendly way and he forced me to buy the ice  cream not in a bad way so let's try it it's not   ice cream something else it's cream cream it's  cream with a lot of sprinkles and candy on top   and then sticky rice right something different  it's good I mean cream and sprinkles it's not   bad the cream is cold and the rice is warm it's  a very interesting combination so it's not like   a cold ice cream on the streets never before  seen interesting interesting little snake here   but I like it yeah so this is the rice part  here which is like brown red rice I've never   seen this before me Nei so it's not ice cream  actually it looks like ice cream but it's not   okay so right behind this beautiful old building  here we have a very interesting and busy Market   Street which is full with people and yeah keep  in mind this is basically New Year's Eve it is   currently about 3:30 p.m. so the New Year here  starts in less than 12 hours and yeah we are   getting a lot of reactions from the locals  here many people are taking pictures of us   saying hello smiling at us I don't think that  many foreigners are wearing these traditional   costumes here but you see a lot of locals  are doing this especially many girls here oh   anyhow and he looks also like a warrior with  a black dress so I think like the girls are   wearing mainly red and white colors and all the  guys are wearing black oh wow so cool thank you   if you want attention as a foreigner in China  wear something like this H hell one more one more maybe she doesn't want a picture maybe not I think her mom wants the  picture but she doesn't really want I can go down okay let's take a picture here oh I'm  having like 10 cameras pointed to me now check it out okay nice to meet you bye-bye byebye  okay and there's so much food here so I'm   getting hungry and check it out this looks  interesting here how hello what is this here   something sweet well guess I have to find out  oh but check it out that looks huge here and it   smells delicious not sure what's on top of it OS  Manus cake not sure what OS Manos it okay uh how much ah check it out how she cuts it here  she's slicing the whole cake here and then   putting a stick inside and then slicing  it again oh and then she has these small   pieces there ah and she's dipping it into the  sauce over there okay okay I paid 10 un and I   got three pieces so one for each oh thanks buddy  steaming hot and she put like the the pink sauce   on top of it R I don't know that's a go ahead  I tell you what you guys look so awesome I'm   just standing here holding this camera and  I'm like you guys look like a million bucks cheers it's like sticky rice very good sticky rice   I think this is Rose yeah like  a Ros Flav syrup but mine is like it's quite good yeah it's quite good and the  part at the very end I ate it already that's uh   something sweet maybe a sweet date taste reminds  me of a date the cake is quite yummy because it's   not too sweet it's just kind of flavorful and  quite yummy that's actually what I like about   Chinese d birs often they are not super sweet  so you don't feel like you're overloading with   sugar good how how very delicious thank you very  much something that I noticed here that I haven't   really seen that much in other cities in China  you see a lot of Muslims here you recognize them   because they have this typical Muslim headwear and  I see some Halal signs on the stores here I think   this is the Halal sign actually so you see the the  green sign on top here this one I think this means   halal Halal right oh yeah I was wondering so this  is the Chinese sign for Halal are you from Chiang   Shanghai from Shanghai yeah oh nice where you  from I'm from Germany from Germany which city   from near bman ah okay you know brayman yeah yeah  I heard oh not many people know that City and I I   noticed that many shops here are Halal Muslim  because this street is the Hal Street it's a   Halal Street here so there's a Muslim Community  here ah okay so this street the Chinese name is   the Hal so you cannot find the park okay okay  interesting okay enjoy your holiday thank you   very much PE you bye-bye okay so there we have it  this is called the Halal Street in Chinese that   makes sense oh we can get a painting here ni how  long does it take to paint how many minute does it   take 10 minutes and how much black and white 30  you and K and we can do a three people we would   like to get a picture with all three of us right  yeah yeah but maybe they charge a bit extra then   that's okay you look so cool with your meat he got  some lamp there chewing a big bone of lamp 90 un   so I think it we pay three times the price yeah  okay okay let's sit down and get a painting wow   I'm excited to see it you're going to love it Kev  it looks good already very talented lady good job   I want have to surprise I haven't seen it yet okay  the picture is finished now let's have a look the   big reveal oh wow this is really cool oh check  it out wow that is very nice sh oh that looks   amazing wow and even like the the CH buildings  here that you can recognize yeah yeah yeah wow   what a great job this is amazing thank you very  much oh I can try Okay some snacks here delicious okay oh it's actually very good  chocolate it's really try it oh it's amazing have more may chocolate  chocolate chocolate I think it's   a rice cake type of thing it's  actually so good the texture is   like it's almost like it's a rice  how much is it no this one how much five okay I take one back please  one for me one for him this is a   mixed different chocolate and this one  mix mix okay okay okay I take this one   now the thing is I need to get my wallet  out it's somewhere hidden in here there it is thank you very much healthy and delicious  where are you from from Beijing from Beijing   so you come here for Hol yeah my hometown's here  your hometown is here where can we go tonight for   the countdown what is a good place to go for  tonight there that's south of the South right   that's the same place the guy yesterday we commed  great because we were looking for a place where   we can go later on for the like midnight  celebration where did you buy oh there's   a shop over there we rent it for one day for 24  hours so so just the whole day exactly because   we see so many locals wear this yes they like  to take pictures with it TR we thought we want   to do this as well ask my uh Grand shter take a  picture with picture with you sure sure you very handsome nice to meet you you very much okay  byebye bye bye byebye oh wow I'm amazed the   people here are so friendly I feel very well  welcom here this is really really nice I have   no idea what she said but uh I think it was I  think she wants a photo niow hello hello hello everyone hello so we were standing there for  literally like 10 15 minutes taking lots and   lots of pictures but this is nothing compared to  the amount of pictures we will take later in the   video stay tuned for that Steve do you feel like  a celebrity a little bit a little bit I tell you   what I thought I would be more embarrassed to  wear the in public but I feel very comfortable   because everyone's reaction is so good what's  going on video yeah video okay this by the way   behind us is the bell tower here which is in the  middle of the roundabout a very iconic place here   in Xiang as you can see many people come here  to take pictures I'm not sure how many photos   I have taken today with people here but it must  be around 100 already so I feel a bit overwhelmed   here but yeah as I said earlier everyone is  super friendly they're all saying thank you   once the picture is taken so everyone is very  friendly so Abol absolutely no problem right no   problem to take so many pictures no problem no  it's fun it's fun yeah quite fun so so far this   is a great uh New Year's Eve totally agree and  it's about uh 5:30 now so we have 6 and 1 half   hours left until midnight and the idea is now to  get some food right let's eat yeah we are hungry   let's get some food oh check it out she has a  little cat here how old is the cat uh maybe a   few weeks uh one year one year uh this Mayo Mayo  no mayo means no the cat looks like a few weeks   old oh what's so cute little cat here oh Happy New  Year's happy New Year okay oh just uh carrying her   her cat around the city a very cute cat okay maybe  we are going to get dinner here that looks good   let's see if they have a seat available you have  table for threee oh it smells delicious oh have a   look cooking some noodles here okay and the food  has arrived and it smells really really delicious   already so I am having a beef noodle soup with  a crunchy chickpeas inside some vegetables some   sesame seeds I think and then of course the beef  and what are you guys having BRAC chicken and BRAC   pork BRAC chicken and BRAC pork with I guess  it's soup and the rice on the side yeah so we   all ordered not spicy not spicy let's test that  theory first there were four different options on   the menu from not spicy to very spicy and we  all chose not spicy because yeah the evening   will continue not spicy very very good I think  you'll be you'll be safe okay let's try the beef First Chinese really know how to cook meat the  beef the pork the chicken it's always so soft and   tender like it's been braced for hours always so  delicious oh you even have potatoes in there right   mhm oh nice like you said the meat so so tender  and like succulent so so uh soft and I really like   it in Chinese dishes when you have these little  chickpeas in there because they always add a very   crunchy nice flavor to it y okay so this is our  New Year's dinner now yeah last dinner of the year   last dinner of the Year okay and fast forward a  few hours it is now almost 11:00 p.m. and we came   to this place here next to the giant goose pagod  that's the name here everything looks so nicely   lit up I absolutely love it here and so many  friendly people here everyone is still as friendly   as earlier today Steve just had a little encounter  with the police here you want to tell the story   quickly yeah sure so I was flying the Drone  because all the lights are so bright and there's   a huge strip here it's really beautiful from the  sky and uh hi hi hello Shon Hello nice to meet you oh happy New Year may I take a phot  sure sure ni Hello nice to meet you hello and suddenly we have a crowd around us  again oh oh look at all the cameras here hello   happy New Year happy New Year and you may  notice I look very tall now because it's a   bit chilly now so I'm wearing my hood thank  you no problem enjoy your night oh I don't   speak Chinese happy New Year happy New Year  happy New Year yeah yeah yeah okay okay thank you wait I think Steve wanted to tell  the story we're going to finish that in a second sure sure sure okay okay thank  you what's going on the thing is one   once uh one person starts to take  the pictures now everyone thinks   probably I'm a celebrity or something  everyone is stopping here now thank you   very much with him welcome to China  yeah yeah okay okay oh I can't say no okay okay he was probably  asking can I take a picture   I'm a bit overwhelmed now to be honest hello hello want to my okay okay okay Steve 5 minutes later after  taking 100 pictures we interrupted your police   story so it's F the Drone got some really nice  footage and then couple guys came over three   or four for very polite very friendly they said  because there's so many people here it's a no fly   zone you can't have drones over so many people's  heads yeah and they said we'll give you the Drone   back we're just asking you to not fly again yeah  so I will obey the rules and I appreciate their   very kind and very uh you know not rude at all  message true true so okay for me so no drone   flying here today but it still looks amazing  here but we are still not sure what actually   is going to happen at midnight here no idea  because we heard there's no official firework   allowed what was the reason again I guess because  of pollution pollution I think so so maybe there's   not going to be a big official firework but maybe  some private firework yeah or maybe a drone show   maybe a drone show maybe everybody just cheering  I don't know we will see in about an hour yeah   okay I hear people screaming here this is funny  so there's a fountain here and every time the   water splashes up the people are screaming for  some reason what's going on here what is going on my guess would be this is some kind of  tradition maybe to scream aray or scare away   the the ghost or something like that if anyone of  you can explain in the comments feel free to do so why just screaming here oh this is funny but wow I really have to  say the area here looks amazing it's a very long   Street it goes on and on and on and all the  buildings around us are looking so incredibly   nice this is one of the most beautiful places I  have seen in China definitely and something that   I also notice is if this would be in Germany where  I am from like less than 1 hour before midnight   on New Year's Eve it would be a very different  place because everyone here would be drinking   alcohol people would be loud drunk there would  be loud party music everywhere and here it feels   more like it's for families you know it's a very  peaceful friendly atmosphere here nobody is drunk   or partying so that's a big difference I noticed  compared to New Year's Eve in Germany where I am   from this is definitely more like family friendly  Vibes here okay and we have these cool LED lights   here on the floor and if you step on it the colors  are changing which is actually pretty cool and we   do have a big dragon right here which is fitting  to the theme because the new year is the year of   the dragon and the Luna calendar by the way I keep  saying Chinese New Year but the official name is   actually the Luna New Year so the Chinese New Year  or the Luna New Year is at a different date every   year because it's following the Luna calendar  I think it's it's usually between mid January   and mid-February but to be honest there's  something here that I am missing last year   and I think the year before before that I was in  Chinatown in Bangkok during Chinese New Year and   there were many parades like with these Chinese  costumes like tiger costume dragon costumes and   I was somehow thinking that this is going to be  here as well like parades with Dragons so I'm   a bit surprised that that is not the case here  but maybe that's also on a different day maybe   tomorrow and just not tonight okay it is about 10  minutes before midnight and there is some firework   going on here and there which uh surprises me  because we heard officially there's no firework   allowed so I guess these are like small private  fireworks and I'm really curious now what is   going to happen at midnight here so we figured  this is like a square here so this is maybe a   good place to be at midnight and look at this old  couple here tired can't even make it to midnight   pass our bedtime time past our bedtime 10 more  minutes can you make it we're going to make it   I'm going to be on my feet in 10 minutes or maybe  nine I'll be ready behind the scenes of jet like   warriors on camera energy level high off camera  they are sitting here like this okay we do have   a crowd of people gathered together here now it  is uh 2359 February 9th let's see what's going to   happen we have no idea so some fireworks is going  off here and there around us already oh we have a countdown Happy New Year I think that's it that's it happy New Year  that was the countdown there it is hey happy New   Year kid happy New Year Happy New Year everybody  I have the feeling you're going to have a very   special year oh thanks man happy New Year happy  New Year thank you thank you thank you and also   happy New Year to everyone watching this video  absolutely have a good year guys so there is   firework going on around us but not no big one  firework you know just some small fireworks here   and there around us but no Big Show or one main  event you know yeah I guess Ivan says maybe most   people are at home family time yeah yeah I think  it's more like home celebration than being outside   here it's also cold it's around 0° so yeah maybe  the last minute was a little bit not so big but   the whole day was amazing yeah yeah the memory  was amazing but it was more about the day and   experience than just the last minute also I read  before that the Chinese New Year celebration or   the Luna New Year celebration is not only one  day it goes on for like 2 weeks or so right so   it's not everything just happening today it's  like an ongoing event so all around us there is   firework going on just small fireworks though  not big ones just way less than I would have   expected to be honest I mean this is the country  where firework was invented right so I actually   would have expected a huge firework show but  as I said earlier we heard that it's banned   here actually today wow what a day this was  very memorable one of the most random funniest   and best days I ever had in my life this day was  full of surprises full of nice interactions with   the people here so I absolutely love this day  I'm very happy that I came to China to witness   Chinese New Year in China and if you haven't seen  my previous video where I was still in Beijing   then feel free to check it out right here stay  healthy stay positive happy New Year ciao guys

2024-02-13 23:20

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