I investigated Bangkok's MOST BIZARRE Places

I investigated Bangkok's MOST BIZARRE Places

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we're going to be exploring all over the outskirts of Bangkok and we all have an idea of what Bangkok is like skyscrapers and rooftops wild nightlife street food and a whole lot more but many don't end up spending enough time in Bangkok to see the other side of it happy honey if you're lonely you need someone special but you must be one thing only in very cheap yeah very good price very good price so today we have mapped out five different spots that we are going to investigate and we just came across some weird looking thing first up oh my God guys cabbages and condoms what on Earth is that this is a freaking Christmas tree with condoms on it oh my gosh only in Thailand the light frames are literally condoms as well this is unbelievable unbelievable like look at that is a that is a condom light fixture and you can you can take photos like this this is absurd only in Bangkok honestly they're literally dressed this is disgusting to touch but yeah these are literally all condoms what and they even have these brown ones as buttons look at that that's crazy and they have a Miss condom and it's a nice looking dress too and it's blue and white condons what what this is so freaking wild at first look you would just think it has like this kind of Asian hanging light culture here and then you look closer and you're like oh my God the light pictures all inside here are condoms everything around here even like the the pieces on the stage are like wrapped condoms around that I am just in awe right now Captain condom bar with different types the illustrator the horseman The Gambler the Flasher and that's an open one unbelievable let's check this out and inside the bar look at this oh my God they're giving them away for free too everything guys on the Lampshades unbelievable on the freaking lampshades there's condoms all around it The Flower Basket it looks like flowers here they've literally decorated everything to look like it hello swatti cop so this is the condom Central is this a new place uh new new place oh very nice look at this there's a these remind me of those cartoon characters and the lampshade there's no no way it's a butterfly guys it's literally a butterfly and a monster there we literally have a pirate ship guys and the the sales are tons and tons of condoms this must have taken thousands of them and another Christmas holiday event down here where they put it on top of something that is wild the formal dining area it's what the cup look at these we've got flowers made into condoms that is pretty crazy and we're just doing a little cruise through this whole place a dining area and this is like a fancy restaurant inside of here condom says don't be shamed be game use condoms it's just so normalized here that it's hilarious the center pieces the question I have for you guys would you eat here or not sorry we have no mins please take a condom instead they they literally give free condoms away I'll leave those for you guys I I'm not grabbing them and then is this a condom gift shop handy crafts so that means you can literally buy yourself Bangkok nights quickie fantasy that's absurd this is the dirty side of uh of Bangkok and what do we have inside of this place it's a little less dirty inside of here it's a lot more like nicer gifts and things like that swaty cup swaty cup oh the cafe right here yes all right all right we'll have to check this place out what's your name brother uh Dio Dio nice to meet you Dio is this is this a new place oh sure like 2 3 years old oh yes you oh very nice can I please have uh one of these one of these yes please do you want a chen onp uh let's go with uh chicken chicken do you want to size it uh yes please and then can I have a second egg two yes please cup cup you want some Dr uh yeah let's go with the ice ice latte please lat you want sugar no uh yes please for a nice little meal there and a drink comes out to 225 I was like what is this flower all around they have more condoms right there next to the straws and our first meal at the condom Cafe has arrived here let's check it out they dropped some napkins off right there I'm guessing these napkins are customized too cabbages and condoms Thailand so the Chow ooh does smell delish now the good news is I don't think we're going to find any condoms inside of our food ice latte and the presentation looks great I'm not sure if these two normally pair together some Thai spicy food and an ice latte but today we're going to do it just because that's what I'm feeling both of them at once oo yeah I had a stomach ache earlier from some spicy stuff so I figured why not double down and fix it by making it even more spicy m m M oh yeah they know how to make a good meal at this Cafe thank you very much brother great experience really appreciate it take care take care nice to meet you we've got the tip for your brother cop [ __ ] cop have a great day oh wow thanks so much all right thank oh oh gift for me thank you brother take care he was an awesome guy definitely deserved a uh 500 tip the condom Cafe was pretty bizarre so next up we're going to head to a one-of-a-kind Place completely unrelated to the first spot where I'm going to take you inside one of the craziest temples in all of Thailand and in order to get up to the top we actually need to climb inside of the dragon's belly and circle all the way around the temple till we get to the top let's go I'm meeting a new friend that I have only ever met through Instagram he's actually right here but he hasn't seen me yet the man the myth the legend oh there it is what is up brother what this oh I think is this a YouTuber the king Alex what's up brother good to meet you officially yeah yeah real good real good yeah we we Ed it up pretty good so I guess this is going to be the entrance right here which is pretty amazing because we've got the incense burning right here and some massive we're talking like probably 200y old trees here we've got locals bring in offerings to come and head inside of the temple it's a happy Monday way and while about 1 minute then you can come in Fr here oh in one minute time okay okay this to go around first yeah yeah this is a happy money and a happy way and a god way from you for you're lucky try to go this is the drop one way and this will give you a long life and have a strong body to get rid of disease so that's great maybe we do two laps for good luck I think it's around 13 stores you've even got the Syria flag down there which will be a uh a series coming up on this channel soon I've been to tons of temples around the world and so you know it really takes an exotic Temple to blow my mind and this checks that box that's the one part that I've noticed is very unique to Thailand is like every part of these temples always has a unique personality no matter which way you look there is a huge fountain here with more of the snake and it looks like people are throwing coins in there if you throw the coin in an antique jar we'll get Treasures from family famous we for the YouTube thing let's see let's see wish me luck I've got one single coin so I've got one opportunity to make it in here we go oh completely missed it oh my god oh did you hit the Bell close no we've done a little lap around we've attempted to uh make a wish and now we're heading in all right where do we put oh shoes over here copon cup so you're from this Village uh I warrant here I'm high school I my English a little bit High scho I'm 65 so uh Welcome to our Dragon parad to one in the world the CER of dragon build the Dragon for Noah and you and everyone come here save the world you can see the flat allow is connection happy world so you make a happy happy world so when you go in the top you make your wh front of dragon happy honey if you're lonely you need someone special but you must be one thing only oh Only One Wish One Wish yeah thinking what to do but anyway I like to tell you especially selfie dragon that is a happy money so you don't need to make happy money you make only your wish one the bear I think you need a nice person with you okay yeah okay welcome have a good day oh thank you ccor cup to the first level Heaven Immortal happiness everyone so these are the where the stairs begin hello STI after good afternoon you want go to there if you don't you can buy oh elevator for 10 bucks cheap only in very cheap yeah very good price very good price what are you up for stairs do you think we get any better Fortune from the CH is it more or less luck to walk up the stairs yeah it's not lucky lucky lucky or no luck Walk Like You the h easy easy walk it's not high it's slow ho oh okay easy because you for the old people like me ah so you recommend we go this way if she's telling us to go up this way we're going I'm so glad we took this way cuz we're literally walking up the inside body of the dragon and the way this is like shaped the sound I don't know if you can hear this in the GoPro but there's a serious like Echo to the third heaven Immortal happy everyone that's beautiful and it's uh better because I thought it was going to be a bunch of steps up but really it just kind of wraps around the dragon so I guess we've technically been swallowed up by the dragon yeah yeah we're being digested it's like that what's that old like Disney movie whatever with the whale what is it the whale you remember he gets swallowed by the whale the school bus the kids that like oh yeah The Magic School Bus Imagine School Bus where they go inside the body and explore it yeah so now we're inside the 14th heaven Immortal in a love the last step is up these stairs all right that's not too bad just one last level and we are here so now that we're up here with a clear open view we can see the temple down there but there's actually a massive Turtle right there looks like that one's not been taken care of as much recently but it sure is a really impressive place and we got to go a little bit higher that's where the dragon's head is yeah we we got the last flight of stairs to bring us to the top and this looks like the nicest staircase of them all a metal spiral staircase I love the great God ascended to the Heavenly Dragon Tower equal to being in the heavens of God when alive there is only one in the world praying for one thing at a time will achieve greater success than expected so that is quite a beautiful message Put the flower and tied the ribbon touch the dragon beard and make a wish some of the locals have taught me like so this is called technically like making Merit so this is like the religious aspect to it and usually it involves like you take the flowers and put it there and you touch the Buddha and stuff and then one other time there was something they had like a gold piece of foil actually and you like peel it open and you press it on and you can see the Buddhas where they do that they're like covered in the cold foil and that's like another uh good luck thing I guess that's amazing let's Maybe grab blue all right so the process goes we're going to set this one here we got one right there put the donation in this box okay all right going touch Buddha one number one beautiful there we go we're touching the dragon right there so you can make one single wish and with that one wish I have wished for something very special so you have been in Bangkok for a while right yeah too long yeah how long like months or years or oh my God yeah cumulatively it must be over a year I think yeah over a year so you are Mr Bangkok yeah well I'm I'm honored to be going to some places with you that you haven't been now we got the hike done we have officially made it down boom got them on now we're going to get ourselves a fresh coconut over here cuz me and Alex are both sweating quite a bit swaty cup hello my name is Mac what's your name nice to meet you too great English uh yes please this is coconut yeah oh wow they must be like chopped down I've never seen a coconut like this here oh is a little mini boy oh look at that thing I've never seen a tool like that how it slices it open it just shreds and rips all that coconut meat out oh my God I think this is going oh yeah that is so satisfying watching that that almost looks like a smoothie when you first see it one oh two yeah one more you want the first bro oh okay cup got to get the change from the 1,000 note there let's test this thing out brother cheers G CH gal Che oh wow ice cold and the sweetness is so strong this is one way to get coconut meat that you really can't find anywhere else cuz you need that Slicer in order to pull it off so we're having this which matches the dragon Temple like a long slithery type of coconut meat it's such a bland flavor but if you're like a little bit hungry and you don't want to spoil your appetite this is what's a nice little snack to have that was the dragon Temple for you and it was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it to make it down here it's just truly a one-of-a-kind place and if you're into photos photography all this type of stuff you're going to love just getting all the different angles it's a really picturesque quaint area and with how popular it is even on a I think today's a Saturday there was not that many people there now we're looking for a grab that's going to take us to our next spot hello brother swaty cup all right for Mac right all right nice AC bro air conditioning oh much needed 1 hour and 48 minutes to go wow we are super far I wonder if the traffic picked up or something maybe yeah that's a long distance all right so we are in Suburbia Thailand I don't know if we can even call this Bangkok anymore my friends and now we are all the way down in a place called Su samut with our buddy uh chob chob chob chob the man the myth the legend copon cop chob I'll call you we are arriving to the make long station I am outside of Bangkok in the railway Market the train Market where the train comes I'm not sure when it's going to be coming here it's kind of cool in here it's like a super like mini train station in comparison to like train stations I've been around the world but it's like yeah it's a cute little one these must be tiny trains on here cuz I feel like these tracks are smaller than normal yeah this Place must really be more of a daytime and morning time place because at this hour it's really slowing down quite a bit so as soon as the train comes we're going to have to pull all of this stuff out of here so this just goes to show you I can't wait to see the train come through here because when it does it's just going to be like a quick movement of everyone like the locals do this every day multiple times a day and they have it timed out it's the definition of using their space to the best possible way they can it's really become quite an iconic place to visit and explore and the prices are reasonable here they've got marked prices hello swatti Cup oh look at these bowls these are great good quality same thing thing pting oh painting painting uh water col oh watercolor over here oh up there oh Art Gallery yeah can I get four yes four yeah I want this one one we'll get this on yeah let's go with this four we have changed for 1,000 men we got to get those sails in before the train comes I don't know how soon that's going to be but we'll keep an eye out all right there we go and we got 600 botskis back oh thank you very much copon cop so that my friends is the first purchase here at the train market so it looks like now that it's towards the end of the day it's getting a bit quieter we've got some smoothies down there and all types of things being sold it definitely fits the mold of this area and I'm about to show you the most exotic handcarved soap you have ever seen in your life let's go this is soap oh wow wow that looks cool so three for 500 we might have to get them you can choose them oh okay and so you made this yes you you carved oh wow do right here how long does it take to make yeah 70 minutes 70 minutes 20 oh 20 minutes oh can I see you make one now so she's going to show us how she actually carves these you know a lot of times I've been to markets all over the world and sometimes they ship these in but this is not the case this is actually made here starts with a little shaving and it's just very thin layer it almost reminds me of like a pencil sharpener when you're taking off that next layer and next layer and it slowly carves down to get to the point that flower is fully blossoming now there it is wow well done that is beautiful all right I'll buy uh three of them please okay you can uh I'll take uh this one please the blue all right thank you for showing me yeah that one and this is painted that's paint yeah pain all right so we got ourselves three new Incredible most exotic soaps I have ever seen and the price comes comes out to about $5 per uh soap so I think that's a great deal given that she hand carves them now the question is am I ever actually going to use these soaps because they look so nice I won't want to actually uh mess them up all right copon cop thank you very much thank you thank you that is a thing that attracts me about this Market is so far the prices I've seen are actually quite reasonable compared to other touristy areas in um the Bangkok area I mean obviously if you go to a locals Market you can get these prices for like a third of what I'm paying for them but at least they have the list prices so you know you're you're getting like the same price that everyone else is so we've made it a little bit farther in the train market and we just came across some weird looking things what are these things some sort of eel I don't know what that is but oh not something I want to be swimming next to tastes like chicken right yeah I couldn't tell if it's an eel these ones like almost look like snakes a little bit but I think it's eels CU they're all underwater I would assume they're eels but I guess some snakes go underwat look at these things that's just such a weird and creepy looking animal not something I'm going to be eating okay wow that looks like real mango but it's soap too and I'm not talking about those up there I'm talking about those so a lot of this place is closed down there's not too much going on but this looks like a sweet place the make long Railway market so grabbing a seat right here when the train comes this seems seems like Prime real estate and so Thai restaurant make long Railway this is uh this is sweet okay welcome to make long Railway Market arrival time 8:30 11:10 2:30 and 5:30 and departure time 3:30 53 so that means we got ourselves a little bit longer to wait what do we got going on here good pod gapow here oh the best stuff all right all right looks like we found our place we're going to get some food here then is it possible get a uh mango smoothie yeah uh yes please a coconut a mango smoothie I call it mango it's mango what's happened to me uh 180 bot for all that so that's two Beverages and a little egg and rice stuff so that's quite a good deal five bucks to eat in a touristy spot that just goes to show you this place is pretty reasonably priced Step One is the fresh coconut cup [ __ ] cup I drink coconuts like I used to drink beers in college one after another what better way than to have one of these things right before the train arrives got a lot of meat oh yeah that is a fresh coconut my friends already finished the entire thing slammed that thingle smoothie as right cheers brother we got ourselves a delicious paga power right there so this is what $2 will get you here in Thailand and that's quite reasonably priced I would have expected at least like 6 seven bucks here in the train Market given that it's such a hot spot spot place but let's try it out we've got a bit of spice in there we've got some meats and it looks like some chili peppers what would make this better right now is if the train was coming by but we've still got probably another 30 no hour I think till it comes test this [Music] out wow that is freaking delicious that fried egg on there honestly you toss fried egg on anything and that turns it into a 10 out of 10 meal for me usually it's a filling meal because the base has so much rice in it and then you get your protein in there with all that meat and the eggs here are just something else that food is very delicious very tasty copcn cup ccor cup can I pay the bill please for both the chef oh the chef ccon cup very tasty food best food in the train Market it's 340 340 okay tip for you CCN copn C we got ourselves both a delicious meal for 340 I'd say that's a great price when we have a train that's going to be coming by this way very soon we just finished up eating we're walking down the railway here and there's nobody here this is the last train of the day so probably a lot of the tourists have already left guys the moment we have been waiting for the train is coming here and I'm so curious if it's like a super slow train but it must be cuz this one's only finally going down now but some of the Locos are still still making moves oh the boys made it just in time hey just in time all [Music] right and yeah this must be a slow moving train cuz this one's finally going down oh I hear it now it sounds like it's coming fast it's a little bit scary cuz you just hear this train coming in the distance holy crap here it comes all right it's coming fast all right so we've got the uh the train coming this way so we've got to go way up here holy crap look at this we've got the train coming right through the marketplace here look at thiso yeah we would have been squished if we tried to sneak in there doesn't look like there's tooo many people in there people must just come to watch it all the board all right let's follow it let's see if we can follow all right let's go we got the train we are just following it right through the marketplace so look at how tight of a space this thing is going oh my God look at that arrested if we jum on the back hey I'm tempted to but yeah we're definitely get arrested if that happens oh my gosh so tight on this side and so tight on this side the markets have cleared up just enough and the Train's at about walking speed now it's speeding up though they must have a schedule to catch up to so let's chase this thing through here goodbye train wow this is what we waited for and it surely was worth it this thing's kind of fast I'm so curious what happened to the guy with the food sand if he sees the train and he's just right now putting his cart getting it off the tracks it's so tempting my inner voice is telling me to hop on there but I know I'm going to get arrested if I [Music] do it's tempting are you going up he's he's thinking about it where did all the shops go good thing is it's keeping a good pace for us so we're going fast to keep up with [Music] it worth the Run oh this thing's really going fast now [Music] oh all right it's picking up speed we're chasing it now all right we're probably in many people's videos CU we're chasing it we followed it all the way from Bangkok to the station holy crap who all right and that was the train experience arriving woo look at that and let's see what it looks like inside the train all right swatti cob copon cob so this is what the train looks like if you would have rode all the way from Bangkok they've got some nice fans going in here but I think this is the last one of the day the train has been shut down my friends I was chasing that thing so I'm out of breath but that was fun surprisingly there was like nobody on this train so I do wonder is it more of like a tourist attraction than it is anything else cuz there was only like 10 locals as it was going by that I saw and we have made it we'll hop down here no it looks like we just took the train trained professionals only chase the train that is very risky this looks like the very end the trains do not go further than this I think any further is the river M Kong station we have arrived it's very local here there's not as many uh tourists out maybe the tourists are here more during the beginning of the day but we've got tons and tons of street food all around here we got something Tik Tock related right there some sort of juice syringes okay let's see are these uh jell oh okay Jello shs you want one brother Jello I'm going to have a nice little syringe of jello is this also Jell-O oh yeah Jell-O yeah you want one syringe of Jell-O which color it was honestly so funny the first time I saw this I was like mystified by like what is it I thought it was like a liquid I thought it was going to explode open and then when I tried it I was like oh it's Jello like I hadn't eaten Jello in so many years I almost like forgot yeah and it looks I think it's got that texture of jello we go with purple I guess purple all right mix it up a little 60 with tip cupon cup com you ready for this bro all right so I'm guessing you've got like a raspberry one never thought I'd be buying syringes here in uh Thailand but when it's for Jello you got to do that right we just squirt these things right in cheers all right let's get that thing going M oo reminds me in college when I used to have these as like jello shots and they'd be loaded with some alcohol this time it's just Jello yeah I've seen that in uh in uh Paya pataya and a little bit in Bangkok they have that where like these are actually like shots Club you can order they'll like walk around with a little tray of them thank you very much delicious thank you all right we got ourselves an amazing Jello to start out we're going to see if any other locals pull us in for a little dessert around here oh oh enjoy the dinner all right what are we going to be having lady boy from Thailand a lady boy from Thailand all right I'm fighting Philippines Philippines Philippines oh you're from you're from Philippines no I'm from oh what about Philippines I'm up oh you box all right all right well that's great we have located chob he has waited this whole time for us chob what is up my brother sweaty cop chob oh we thought you might have left us I am here at the floating Market which is one of the most iconic places you can visit here in Thailand I'm with the man the myth the legend Bri guy yo what is up you ready to do a little exploring out here ready and who's our good man here I'm I'm o oi all right wa you do tours around this area yes I have boat oh you got your own boat all right for a good price of course a good price like one boat 1 hour slowly in the market first bring you to the coconut palm sugar Workshop to see thetic we do to the palm sugar after that we get big can small canel and can see the environment living South and how long do the tour take 1 Hour 1 hour all right so we got 1 hour and 30 minutes before we got to head back so let's do a motor boo we've got time to get food and stop at the uh hey you can buy some food in the boat oh perfect everything is on boat oh everything's on the boat then all right 1,500 motor okay let's go St is that's a good price no is a very good price he started at two and then he's like where you from I didn't respond in English oh yeah and then I walked over I just played Dum and then you walked but I already had there so he started at 2: then it was uh 16 so we locked in for 15 all right 15 it is then 1,500 Captain o no I'm not the oh you speak Chinese I'm I Chinese by Malaysian oh okay very ni that's why he got the big gold chain though all right oh so the tours are paying well you know that one did you eat today ah oh yeah yeah speaking Chinese first please all aboard All Aboard oh how you feeling all right this looks pretty sweet pay out pay out all right all right there's 1,000 got another th000 you got change okay shat Cup oh yeah get the belly out there we got the belly monster there the squad is out today we got Buddha here all right so here we are guys at the floating market right now and you can see it's a little quieter than I would have imagined oh mango smoothies oh they've got Chong beers on there this is wild we are literally on boats right now and there's different types of fruits all around here different gift shops you got that on video holy crap what happened back there bro you tried to fly the Drone inside I hit a pole it landed in the boat though oh thank God that would have been expensive oh oh what do we got we got nice souvenirs here copc cob all right oh yeah we're getting pulled in we're getting pulled in oh Brian loves these what is the so that's for you oh oh all right so what do you recommend here I want something uh something good to bring home you have a recommendation for me which one never mind oh anyone anyone oh good good souvenir good price here special price for me all right morning morning ooh okay shark tooth right there how much are you selling the shark tooth oh we've got the hook to grab it morning morning price yeah good morning price oh 750 all right we got anything that's a better price oh that's a little expensive for me you got something uh for a better deal how about the shell bracelet how much is that the prices are expensive $750 for the Shar ooh expensive also need good price bracelet bracelet give me more I feel for need good price need good price no tourist price 400 200 200 back 250 final offer okay all right all right they run a good bargain here do they yeah oh yeah all right copon cup back oh saai saai oh we got the change so we got this from her yes we will see you next time byebye goodbye until next time all right copon cup C cop oh we got good stuff here you got the fresh coconuts coconut ohon maybe we get mango in just a bit then mango mango does look nice how much do mango 100 100 what do you think bro Mango's good price for 100 mango all right M all right and what is this 200 that's called Logan Logan it's almost like a Le oh Lei Lei almost like and that's a apple over there I need 15050 oh okay 150 for these 150 I don't know what those are though and what about uh these what is this 150 150 oh okay then maybe I'll take uh mangoes are tasty 100 all right all right we got we'll get ourselves a nice fresh pair of mangoes tasty mangoes delicious ones CC corn Cup oh only if BR guy wants them you want those L all right well we've got some Mongol mango like teth thank you thank you very much all right there you go bro ooh ooh ooh here let's do that all right we got mango there and let's try this out see how the mango is sweet and sour just perfect oh yeah nice look at this guys eating mangoes while we're cruising through the floating Market truly a one-of-a-kind experience you don't find this in too many places around the world coconuts coconuts we've got floating coconuts hello fresh fresh coconuts coconut ice cream o fresh coconut sliced open you want one bro two oh yeah I'm always down for oh you got the license plate brother we got to do coconuts first oh oh look at those things are just spraying out yeah look at that while on the boat right there slicing and dicing that thing are these going to be ice cold too oh thank you okay veg oh that is tasty best coconuts in the market yeah soai soai yeah that is fantastic that is fantastic 120 oh great priced coconuts here they she's taking care of us cup thank you very much thank you yeah this is amazing guys 120 for a coconut two of them maybe in a bit brother so that's 60 60 coconuts per person we're just getting yelled at cuz we're buying from pretty much every boat here what better way to uh see this place than just cruising through here while sipping on a coconut I got mangoes next to me and this is this is wild the common hats that people have in this area are these Like Straw looking hats right there and we're going to have to each buy ourselves one what do you think bro we want to stop for one of those hats here soon I do want one of those hats but I need one that's got a little bit of character to it you know yeah yeah you need something that fits the briy guy look this is your first time doing a floating Market yeah this is my first time in a floating Market I don't know if I've ever done a floating Market in my life some of the markets are closed down about 50% of the shops are open at the moment if we see ourselves one of those hats we might have to stop saai saai oh hello hello good price hats here yeah here I that oh yeah yeah good price heads price ah you might take one take two oh yeah one two Poss oh we're getting pulled in she's reeling Us in all right Co so how much for the Hat good price yeah 800 for two for one for two oh no we got I got 300 for one 300 for one for one forward March yeah it should be like five AE no I've bought how give me more three three 300 final offer for one oh 500 for one 300 300 two for 500 huh two for 500 no for all right forward March then brother okay okay forward March brother okay I think they're all working together say going he's staying we don't want this no okay that for two okay okay 500 for two okay yeah they're used to getting all the foreigners here so the prices are like 5x the normal price can make sure it's good yeah let me try maybe yeah you look fresh with that bro yeah they're super basic made that's why I was like 700 for one that's like $25 $20 five is good for two right yeah I mean still it's way overpaying let me get your money hold on o long fight long fight like that long long fight I I I I I I I had make all right all right oh dude that's a good shot you yeah how we looking look good C thank you thank you very much goodbye thank you learning from the Indian guy it's kind of uh normal in these markets to bargain now when you get so many tourists they're used to like tourists being like I'll pay whatever I'm not a huge bargainer in these markets because or not this this one specifically I am but in some markets I'm not as much as I used to be because you know it's like you know I like supporting people's local livelihood but here they're used to having so many like especially like Americans and you know from where I'm from who will just like pay anything and so that's why like she was still happy when we gave her 500 bought for two heads I mean that's 250 these things probably a local would buy them for like $25 I thought so if anyone's going to comment saying oh you should have just given her a price no way because the price she got she's still happy with but uh yeah down boy sit Debbie on board come boy I would say uh as I read up on this place you are going to pay a lot higher than other places so to come through here is an experience so far I'm loving it now you got to be ready to negotiate and you got to be ready to negotiate way down and be ready to take your boat away to the next place oh a nice cup of joe sounds good brother but we might have to do that a little bit later oh are those Crepes to go oh want something oh boat accident oh oh we're getting pulled in yeah cop Co cop one all right we got ourselves a little traffic jam going on here oh we're getting pulled in Brian getting pulled in yeah oh all right we got a tight squeeze coming through here hello I think we're good oh oh look at that Brian yeah have moreor the for you that looks cool quite nice but but uh you got to ask Brian I already got my souvenirs open on this one this one and a one more so much brother hello hey brother by the way we go all right I I'll tell you I'll tell you when we stop okay all right all right cuz now I noticed he's just taking us to all of his uh all the shoping so he wants us to stop at the support but I want to take you guys with for the tour said you've never flown your oh they want us to stop in there 10 minute minut minut 10 minutes here all right oh and does he catch it he got it back all right oh we got some fresh good oh that sounds quite nice this is just the uh The Hub to get people in you can even buy yourself your own canoe over here it looks like are you flying it in here she told me to really yeah remember if you break it you buy it Brian's a one of a kind guys just flying the Drone around in the shop down here it looks like they're cooking up some huge bubbling oh what is this brother Kaa Chuka I have no idea what that even is it's something bubbly look at that tasty all right jagg it's sugar Jag it's just sugar very sweet it's more healthy oh so are we paying to get the photo here we paying to buy it brother oh who we got to make sure we don't get sprayed there oh oh oh you want me to go and uh test it out all right we we'll give it a little you're looking at the chef right here my friends we're going to test it out so I don't know if we're actually making this or what the deal is this might be better than my goo oh o tasty tasty numb numb numb ah look at this just thick molten sugar okay hot hot very hot yeah we don't want to burn the face all right so we're going to give you a nice little tip for hooking us up brother all right all right so that's how that works can I buy a couple uh cookies how much yeah buy them from you m all right all right we'll give you a nice little tip for the uh okay tip for you Copco C C nice man really nice man wanted us to get it thank you so we can get ourselves some of these little cookies right over here but they are the most sugary things I have ever had 50 bot skis get you a full thing of these sugar cookie tasty oh best in the market yeah that's that's quite nice bring these back to your mom do you have change possibly yeah okay copon cup thank you 950 okay copon cup thank you oh and here he goes he's going for another round and be careful be careful p p p All Aboard we have made it back aboard safely thank you bye there's a gift there's a gift for M BR thank you sir and it looks like that's how they get the boats out of the water right there foreigners 2, bot per hour for 1 hour oh so these are list prices we did get it cheaper than the list price but that's wild 1 hour the list price here is 2,000 Bots we're talking 60 bucks for an hour B Cruise that's how you know this is more for tourists not locals sa saai o a nice ice cold nice cold Bruce snack like so you can just see everyone's just ripping down the canals right here at first you go through tons of gift shops and then after they kind of uh rinse you for as much cash cash as they can then they take you through some of these cool more like neighborhood styled let's get this thing up as fast as we can brother Full Speed Ahead what are we getting clocked at 8 mph roast them brother roast them w full Hood all right that's how we do it our man is ripping for us now we're making a wake out here yeah we're just going through these neighborhoods like there's no tomorrow oh now we're really [Applause] moving head is falling off oh yeah oh this is getting us back to the dock L Hoy all throw a in a good tip there just for you cop [ __ ] cop brother thank you very much oh Brian's hooking them up with some too cop [ __ ] cop oh those are for you brother mangoes for you they were a little sour you can have them enjoy brother what' you think of that that was dope I look I'll be honest the first 20 minutes I was stressed I wasn't enjoying it cuz like my grown up but as soon as I fixed that up it's nice I personally would like the the uh local one more cuz this is more of a just tourist I think yeah I like to see the fruits going on the vegetables the transactions the local hustle bustle still an awesome experience I still had a great time I'm just not one to buy a ton of souvenirs but if you want souvenirs exactly this is the spot for that's that he he explained that perfectly reality is is this one I did read up on this my expectations were like this that this place some people have described it as more of like a tourist trap they get you to pay high prices they take you to all their spots but you know you can still if you really negotiate get like a price that's still expensive but reasonable comparatively to some of the other PL some of the other prices they were offering but yeah it's cool to see it definitely like if you're here on like tourism you know like the prices are still cheap even if they're charging you a lot but um so now that we're finished we've got about an hour and a half hour and 45 minutes depending on traffic to get back up to Bangkok it is a long drive but we took a grab car just the regular not a premium version and that cost us about 1,000 bots so maybe like $30 roughly uh US dollars in order to get down here round trip is about 60 bucks total so not bad if you're coming coming down with another person that's 30 bucks May 30 bucks Brian and you need 3 hours just for the roundtrip driving and then an hour for the tour so if you come early in the morning cuz this place does open at 7:00 a.m. if you come early in the morning you can leave by 5:30 be one of the first to be here right when it's waking up and then you can already be back on your way by 8:00 a.m. for us it's already like maybe 10: 10:30 and we got to see this whole place and we can Cruise back up welcome to kosan Road it surely has been a while since I've been on this wild Street this place right here is known for many things what you're seeing now is a lot of food stands Street stands all in this area you've got a ton of clothing shops super ear at pretty reasonable prices but what this place used to be known for when I came like 6 and 7 years ago was insane partying and I think it's still pretty early in the night so we're not going to see too much partying yet but we might by the end of tonight but it used to be much different looking as well there was tons of signs hanging over here but I guess they pulled a lot of them down I pulled all of them down just for the reason being oh what do we got going here the poce policemen got the police here oh bad boys bad boys what you going to do what you going to do when they come for you but yeah they pulled down all these signs up here I guess for the reason being that one had fallen on a tourist at some point but these are what Coast on the road is known for tarantulas and scorpions so yeah let's see what we're going to get ourselves into I might be meeting up with my buddy Brian here wherever he might be but it's a much Chiller place than it was years ago however maybe it's just cuz it's early but it's changed a bit you know some new things have become legal here and yeah oh we've got some partying happening so we're starting to get a feel for something going on P massages over here it's become like obviously quite commercialized everyone that's going to Bangkok always has Coast on Road on their list of things to do so buckets right [Music] there tattoos here beer massage and Street nuts so yeah some people are like should I stay on kosan road as a place cuz there are tons of hotels like palis Apartments over here but you got to be ready with what you're going to get yourself into because it parties here every night especially late into the night so you'll hear your uh oh we got something going on there we'll hear uh music all night long we got here is that a fresh fruit shake right there brother are those fresh fruit shakes you got hello hello you have uh really good smoothies here uh which is the best flavor mango mango all right I can always go for a mango what is this one fashion fasion blue and you mix them yeah [Music] mix mixing that right in and best mango smoothie on kosan road street right going right up to the brim there best smoothie on the road cop [ __ ] cop keep the change thank you very much M oh yeah 10 out of 10 SM copon cup a tip for you copon cup M oh my friends I'll tell you walking to close on road it is so hot here get yourself one of these and you'll be feeling absolutely fantastic oh Fresh Soups brother maybe later that is tempting that is tempting but uh wow all right that's what I needed mix it in with pasture fruit gave it a nice little twist I probably had over a 100 mango smoothie since I arrived to Thailand so now that I've uh had my 101 uh smoothie it's nice to have finally changed the flavor just slightly while still getting that mango flavor going into the veins but anyways let's keep walking through this place and see what we come across oh what do we see right over there that looks like a passport bag free one name One logo swatti cup swaty cup you guys are making C custom passport holders yeah passport hold oh all right you can make right now yeah make now all right you I think I'll go with uh what do you think black or this color after you all right all right we'll go with black then okay all right so I'll do one of these and then I get to pick out jewels to put on there all right so guys we got to figure out what we want to put in here we've got airplanes we've got looks like a little love chain and a lot of love things camera all right we're going to do everything that that fits my hobbies 100 bot one free name one free logo and how much how much are these 20 per okay one and name we're going to slide this one without messing it up over here to our good man so we've got all the little tools right there all right let's see he might be making up the design for me okay you make all right I make design yeah yeah we want this on the back we only want oh we got the big guns out now this side we'll do this like this all right that looks great and got to get that camera on there guys you got a super full custom one didn't you oh yeah I I literally chose everything you got the whole deluxe package I see what's going on and all of these are the standard yeah yeah all those people are waiting in line I came up here and they decided to put me ahead and I got lucky He's Got The Whole World on there yeah exactly I put everything that I could find in that box that means something to me look at that with the p guys going to stop and see that see that cover and they're just going to be like sir please proceed yeah exactly I will flattened and ready to go oh that is 10 out of 10 brother well well done that is fantastic 240 4 440 240 all right tip tip for you two tip cun cup thank you very much perfectly done thank you so much all right my friends we got our elves a passport holder right here and wow the effort and time they put into that I thought the guy might rush through cuz they have so many but he took his time on that so I paid him more 240 and I gave him 500 because the quality and effort on making this thing just how I wanted it was spot on I would like to thank all of you for supporting my new clothing brand perception which I recently launched and it supports the ideology of changing perceptions of the world one country at a time and through the the last 5 years I've been traveling all around the world and during that time I've had the opportunity to meet so many people experienc many unique cultures and see places that I understood in a completely different way and that led me to create my clothing brand perception we have perception because when you walk out and see the world right there where the O is you get to experience the world in a new way every time you put yourself out there and so I've created a number of different items one of them being the sweatshirt right here as well as hoodies and t-shirts both printed as well as blank and you can check them out on my website a link down in the description below with every purchase there's a percentage that goes back to communities and families in need all around the world and I share those in videos for you guys to experience so thank you so much I've actually written an ebook all about things to do in Thailand places to visit incredible islands that you cannot miss out on as well as other things that are a bit harder to come across which is like how to get from one Island to the next fairies speedboats how do you travel by plane in Thailand and so much more that has all of my experiences written in there and I think you'll find it very helpful so if you want to check that out there's a link down in the description below

2024-05-03 19:43

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