I Hiked Korea's Most Gorgeous Mountain - SEORAKSAN (Bike Touring Korea #35)

I Hiked Korea's Most Gorgeous Mountain - SEORAKSAN (Bike Touring Korea #35)

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good morning from Sokcho this is where I camped last night it's an early morning it's only 6:15 I'm about to go up to Seoraksan and do a little hike I've asked you guys to come meet me bee bee bee oh gosh oh oh go I hate bees oh [ __ ] yeah leave me alone okay okay okay all right and uh okay so I've asked a few  of you to meet me I know there's one girl that's going to show up for sure other than that I have no idea who's going to show up so looking forward to that looks like we have another group of campers down there when I showed up last night they weren't over there and so I nestled up over there in them trees over there not bad and so that's where I'm heading in right there wow we got a beautiful day today not a cloud in the sky it's nice and cool right now but I'm sure it's going to heat up and we are in luck guys we have a monument for the War dead up here let's check it out all right here we have the Fallen Patriots war memorial the first paragraph says this Memorial was dedicated to the noble spirits of patriotic Warriors who died heroic deaths while fighting to defend our country's Peace and Freedom during the Korean War all right so we have a nice slight uphill  climb to get to the National Park from here looks like we might have some nice  things to look at that's always pleasant good morning uh wow those smell so good dang um Can I have two two peaches? uh I'm sorry one second please I would like to buy two peaches please okay all right not sure okay so that's kind of how it works you buy all right M okay all right, thank you all right I guess she was just telling me no you can't buy only two she sells them in bunches for 10,000 so I'm guessing that's what she was  getting at I mean can't believe she tell me no like I don't want to sell you my peaches like that was kind of strange but I guess she sells them in in uh bags of 10,000 I guess anyways it's going to take me forever to get up there if I keep stopping wow look at that that is nice and then look at this place over here there's motel that's gone out of business it's kind of creepy looking but it looks like this  gs25 is using the corner of it so still getting some still getting  some use out of the building right all right so that convenience store was closed actually so I had to dip into town here and hopefully I can find something those restaurants look open so be nice to get something in my belly I was hoping I could buy some kimbap or something this place says open 24 hours  on the map but it don't look like it's open can I do the mountain vegetable bibimpa okay yeah okay okay one one all right all right mhm all right oh that looks good okay this will get me right that's going be good that was freaking delicious feel like this is a Ski Resort Winter town but at the same time I feel lke it's kind of halfway abandoned I don't know I can't tell a lot of places out here struggling this place looks nice crazy I mean definitely a lot of hotels and motels that are shut down out here I mean that's three right in a row surely they're not all closed up like that one looks pretty nice this one looks pretty nice so there are some ones that are open still and maybe it is just a a wintertime thing but some of them look pretty far gone like that one maybe it's just I don't know wow nice building but I don't think it's open this one too look at that maybe it's just a winter time thing one thing that's definitely not struggling out here are the cats   look how healthy this cat looks how big it is wow hey ho all right I think I've made it to the start now is there anyone else here to hike with me that is the question so these black bears are up in the  mountains um sanctuary there's a sanctuary yeah we're trying to protect them we cannot visit any time but but we're not in danger of seeing a black bear on the hike right not randomly okay that would be kind of scary and they actually have that v shape right there on the chest yeah V shape is making them unique and distinguishable from other types of bears we call it call it half moon bear wow that is a pretty epic one so this one is commemorating the soldiers who fought here at Seoraksan here at the mountain so yeah apparently there was a battle here in 1951 between the Chinese Communists and the ROK and unfortunately it sounds like a lot of the uh soldiers went missing or they they can't uh it says we cannot exactly record the names of the young men of the tiger division who spilled their blood so look at that that is pretty damn cool looking that is amazing look at that rock face wow and that is where we're heading I cannot wait to see the view from up there one of the first lookout points from up high wow that is something that is beautiful wo yeah and I think you're right coming here in the fall when the leaves are changing it's probably really really beautiful but the green ain't too bad either what a view what a view wow woo that's it right there huh wow wow now that is one hell of a view you're just right on this Ridge right here it's a good thing they have these barriers here still though I'm sorry the on the back wow look at that that is a long way down too and how convenient they have this huge stone right here right up top you can stand up on and get a photo all right still be careful that is pretty cool that is pretty cool okay all right what a what a view and the sandals performed just fine everyone was worried Nick don't go up there and flipflops for one they're not flip-flops they're strong good sandals I'll leave a link to uh the website or whatever these have been on my feet every single  day for like the past two years not every day but you know what I mean I cycle in them every single day I run in them I hike in them they're good sandals snack time mhm I'm G to start with the the kimchi fried rice kimbap and that is it the last the last lookout point what a shot what a view in the distance you can see Sokcho very clearly what a shot and what are they doing what you doing down there grandma and this guy's pretty amazing he is walking up the course and picking up trash and this is all from the course right here all that trash does he do this often every weekend every weekend you come here and pick up trash okay so different Trails you go to and do this nice you're awesome 20 years for 20 years yes you've been doing this for 20 years? yeah can I shake your hand? wow what a legend what a legend thank you every weekend 20 years spring summer every weekend you do a trail and do this you're that's very admirable okay so 2015 you went to Houston yes Houston yes and uh he was just saying how people in Texas are really big and I'm like yes um very big very big a lot of obese people actually in Texas wow you are the real deal all seasons huh yeah winter there you go yeah come in no no no no no that's not going to happen this is uh sikhye is how you how you pronounce it pumpkin sikhye not bingsu but similar to bingsu yeah it's good it's pumpkiny because it's pumpkin pretty good pretty good pretty good not very sweet though right not very not like bingsu is super sweet this is probably better for you okay so this place is definitely not open this is the Seorak park that I saw when I was coming up and I was like oh maybe this place is open but I mean these over here definitely not and this one from the street it kind of looks like it might be but nah Casino Rainbow Club I mean those chairs in the window are really creepy man what happened to these places  out here I mean the town down below not doing very well this over here I wonder how many years ago all this stuff closed up I mean this is a hotel with I don't know good 80 to 100 uh rooms at least I'd say I mean when you're throwing out TVs like this it's got to be pretty old those are those are Classics and so I'm not going to go in says CCTV I doubt there's CCTV in there but if this was Japan I would definitely go in because I speak the language and I could probably talk myself out of it but here I'm not going to do it just coming out here to get a look it's pretty wild actually I've never seen any place in Korea like like this yet this place actually looks open it's just right next door this place has been shut for a long time this place and right next door this one which might be still the same place but then up here is the convenience store which the convenience store looks open but the rest of the building closed that huge building right there I think is gutted and closed up pretty uh yeah it's pretty tough area out here I'd say area is definitely struggling good morning from Sokcho it is time to leave today finally uh wonderful stay here in Sokcho here on my last day I uh stayed here Soho 259 and so they have a cafe over here they have a guest house and workspace and a hostel up here and then over here is actually pretty cool they have like an art exhibition and before I leave I want to show you what they're doing here they actually let me sleep in here because the guest house and the hostel was full and the owner is really cool they're like  you know what you can just uh you can sleep in here and so I slept in that room they have a tent already in there and it's a really cool space and so before I leave I want to see if the owners will let me uh share with you guys their little exhibition in here it's all related to Sokcho I saw it yesterday but uh yeah let me go ask them real quick you can actually step on the bicycle it is an electronic bicycle that generates um electricity can I do it? yeah okay so you get on here and you ride I did this yesterday speed speed the lights are supposed to turn on right yeah yeah he rode the bike yesterday and the lights turned on here it was really nice okay it's because I'm doing a video one more time we got it we got it one more time okay me go go go go and the TV is on okay ride so you can ride, maybe through Sokcho that's pretty cool oh that's pretty cool so it's all like interactive artwork I guess pretty cool and this is the sea you can jump in Yeah Tuesday, go ahead wo W I haven't done that in years I should have slept in here last night cool so we got riding  tues Monday Tuesday wednesday is the mountain this is what we did yesterday let go so finally you are you enter this room and you now get the sense of the balance between your life and travel traveling and they use colors to show that those three colors that were used throughout this exhibition harmonize here wow that's deep ah there it is there it is that's what I'm looking at wow okay give you a like honorary like a citizen for Sokcho here like you know, they made it as a souvenir everybody and they are actually having bringing it over for you oh okay cool and so uh this is really cool so yeah this is where I slept right here yeah and uh what's really cool about this house also is it's an old traditional Korean home yeah, right? how old is it do you know 6 60 it's 60 years oh 60 years old obviously it's reformed and everything and it doesn't look how it used to but it's really cool it's really hot very hot it's really hot actually no need for a fire right now but it's cool visual hold on oh look at that oh my goodness congratulations wow thank you so much it's a life Valley residence card amazing amazing look at that it has the address here date issued on the first yeah perfect thank you that's pretty cool wow Sokcho might be one of the most beautiful cities I've seen in Korea so far I mean look at this you have the mountains in the background you have this nice beautiful Harbor this Lake you have the beach it's a beautiful beautiful city but we're leaving today time to get out of Sokcho and we're heading to Yangyang we're not going too far from here apparently it's supposed to be like a happening young place so since I'm still young I'm heading that way let's pay attention to the road

2024-10-16 17:35

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