I got Kicked out of the Golden Temple for this

I got Kicked out of the Golden Temple for this

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welcome to India I'm back after a year it's  good to see everyone and no one's come to the   airport for me but we're in amarit and first  I've got to get a taxi it's nice to not get   scammed as soon as I arrived in India it's it's  a great start we're going to check how much the   prepaid taxi is here we go namaskar up how  much uh taxi to Amara okay okay number uh   City Center City CER 750 750 750 brother it's  expensive okay I'll get I'll get it oler it's   okay I'll get it oler the negotiations already  started I'm uh becoming Indian by the end of   this trip with my negotiations okay we're going  to book a new Ola I'll get a Ola it's okay uh   400 okay 500 Amar okay 500 500 okay harit okay  let's go CH chal can I get a coffee heart can   I get a coffee coffee yeah you want a coffee  no coffee can I get coffee just come back this   side okay sure okay don don just a 200 coffee  glass oh really yes oh wow expensive camera YouTuber I'm not filming now I just film  myself just me so I got stopped by looked   like undercover police just then and he was  like what are you filming he was you know   nice actually just asking me show me and I've  never had that before where they made me show   them my camera what I'd been filming and  I was like I'm just filming myself and I I   spoke a little bit of Hindi and everything  was good and then uh he he was smiling at   the end so just a little tip for everyone if  you can speak any Hindi call him call him a   and then uh you can usually get them to smile  this is the official exit of the airport it's   good to be back here he is oh look at that whip  there's the security man should we say bye to him CH chai CH oh yes please kid ch ch K  PES are you [Music] sure I I keep or just   one sip okay Finish oh W Don by you're  very kind thank you so much I was just   asking uh har my driver for a a chai and  then it's like my dreams have come true   thank you but I think he's already been  drinking oh okay I pay oh it's good to be   back in India drinking the famous  chai milky and so sweet so bloody sweet good to be back hello hello  namaskar it's the end of the day so   everyone's heading home for rest and it's  got busy actually the road not too busy   but yeah lots of people starting to eat  street food the sun is coming down it's a   good vibes in in am I've heard I've heard  amazing things about this place obviously   we've got the golden temple but I think  there's much more there's a lot of food   to do here and a lot of history I'm going to  amarita yeah where about you where are you going nice to meet you chello CH wow we got  this elder gentleman who's cycling he walking   this hotel I walk this oh traffic okay how far  do m 2 minutes do M walking do meter yes I think   that's 200 M okay okay sure I think it will  be fun anyway yes okay Calo the cheddar cheese   500 Poncho welcome to Amar sir the busy City in  Northwest India we're actually by the border of   the Pakistan border with India so I'm going to  be showing you around this city with my friend   will will I'm going to teach you I'm going to  teach you one phrase you need to learn for India okay yeah we'll work on it we'll work on it  you you must learn this phrase okay okay it   means I I don't want it I don't it means I  don't want it would you like yeah I'm I'm   selling 50 rupees 50 rupees I'll I'll I'll make  one for you okay boss boss we've got we've got a customer boss we've got a customer quick she's  waiting we've got a customer a lovely lady so   we going to make her a sugarcane juice come  on quickly quickly by some he's working very hard so we are this is my new joint venture  my new joint business and um a lovely lady   C nice you like sugar cane juice it's very  good B okay I'm I'm not really doing much uh   we have some local water oh really so we're  not sure if it's uh very CLE clean you you   should drink that I think that that looks that  looks really clean can I drink I think I'm going   to give it her I'm going to pay for her drink  because uh because she's very kind lady uh this one because when people pay for you you got to  return the favor and uh pass it on to the next   person that's why that's why preach so I'm going  to show it in action okay we ready okay you live   in Canada uh England main England sir okay yeah  yeah England this is for her thank you okay there   you go no no no I pay okay thank you so much  thank you nice to meet you you have a good day   than for you thank you so much we are going to the  golden temple this way okay uh I'm only shopping   mall little bit shopping you are from Amara no oh  you are here for shopping yeah oh nice okay uh my   child in Canada oh nice yeah and you your children  work there or studying uh uh at working working   okay good okay thank you brother thank you so  much if you like my child you're welcome thank you   nice to meet you thank you so much okay bye-bye  namaskar it's like the fire is coming out of the   teapot and then he's using it to a he's using  this to blow the fire against the little metal   pieces never seen that in my life he looks like a  older gentleman just working very hard in his like   little mini shop on the side of a road hey guys  huge thank you to today's sponsor which is cyber   ghost vbn if if you're online you're at risk from  hackers or malicious websites but don't worry I've   got the solution for you with cyber ghost VPN your  internet traffic is like a secret agent traveling   through a secure VPN tunnel your IP address  is hidden and your data is encrypted and with   just one subscription you can share it with up to  seven people so your friends and family will also   be completely protected and you can access Geor  restricted content unblock social media Network   find amazing online deals and also protect your  identity with encrypted data you can even unlock   libraries from over 40 streaming services like  Netflix Hulu Amazon Prime Disney plus and more   cyber ghost 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we've just ventured off onto one of the side  streets and I feel like I feel like India's been   put on quiet mod it's like they've put been  built on silent mode we're walking through in   this just it's quiet it's like I'm in a library  apart from this one guy on a bike behind me but   obviously because there's no cars allowed  down here your first impressions of India   because I think a lot of people build it up  to be this not scary but overwhelming place   which it is but the people were just so friendly  inviting yeah and welcoming I don't feel unsafe   at all nice how's the work going what are you  doing fixing the roof keep going keep going very good good work so we were just walking  past the street and this lovely gentleman   invited us in for tea and of course we we say  yes if someone invites Us in for tea Don donad   by or maybe I should not say bye to the young  to the older gentlemen I been 10 year in USA   oh wow in in New Jersey do you like USA  you like USA India India is your Homeland   Homeland yeah what do you what do you think  of Pakistan oh p no no argument okay okay we   appreciate the Israel oh okay okay actually you  can't believe on the Muslims you don't like the   Muslims not believe in musl Muslim you don't  believe Muslim not believe okay yeah all right   not believe in Islam they even cut his of his  own father and mothers interesting but I have   been to Pakistan and very nice people actually  no no no the promise okay I'm sure if you met   some of them they would be very nice but  unfortunately uh I should probably stop   talking anyway but but these people you  know they invited us for tea and that's   maybe I shouldn't have asked some some of the  questions but anyway [Applause] namaskar how are you he just staring at me they got nothing  to say they're just staring I've never had   that they were just like it's like it's like  we're aliens it's camera camera Say namaskar by he's just Frozen he's like I've  never seen a camera in my life oh   well this is the tea thank you is  different kind of person oh he is   friendly don't worry this thank  you so much okay thank you very much he just came out of nowhere with  the tea I'm wondering where he got it   from nice to meet you guys thank you  very kind people and very nice tea Nam do you speak English no English what are you  playing card game poker no English oh no Hindi only maybe they're playing like uh  I'm not too sure what game is huh huh oh me oh no it's [Music] okayama all right well looks like they're just  um they're having a little break from work and   maybe they're you know they have 20 minutes off  or maybe they have half an hour and they're just   playing some games smoking cigarettes drinking  chai and they all I'm trying to guess what age   they are but maybe between 30 and 50 are he win  you win unfortunately one of the downsides to   the huge population increase India has increased  its population by double in the last few years   one of the problems with that is the pollution  and the rubbish and just so many issues I'm I   can imagine sewage just how can you deal with  1 billion people in one country over 1 billion   it's just I mind-blowing that they're even  able to function properly so unfortunately   it is a little bit dirty very dirty but you  got to look past those things we've arrived   at the golden temple this is the most famous  sik temple where the original founder of the   seik religion started and it's famous because it  provides free meals for over 100,000 people and   you may even be able to sleep in there we'll  find out soon but first of all Will's got to   get some trousers and we've also got to get  something for our head so I'm thinking I don't   know what you're thinking but I'm thinking  we go full seek and get the turbin 100% oh   [ __ ] that didn't sound good I think they  might be for the pigeons possibly oh my god   well they they near killed me as well as the  pigeons you can see how many people are here Namar um can I get do you know where I can get  yeah I want one which one number are you going   to get commission from this one all right we'll  try it it's okay I'll find it thank you Donan welcome can I get a turban yeah he dragged me into the shop namaskar can I get  uh the turban the full like this one okay uh   can I get blue blue yeah K [Music] peser Charo  for $5 all right that seems fair so you take a   video I take a video yeah sure why not thank  you to show to show people Amara and the seek   Hospitality oh nice thank you so you ready for  T sorry you ready for tight Urban oh yes yes   I want to be a seik put your mouth firstly  thank you so you came first time in am or M   second time first time first time mhm really mhm  alone oh yeah friend oh your friends okay okay nice already you thought when you go to Golden  TL then you will try the turban or no M oh nice   your good name sir my M name Harry Harry Harry  Harry okay nice so do you you have to do this   every day yes you make this every day yes by why  do you have to wear the turban why why why I make   the turban why do you wear it why do you not  show your hair actually not not only me mostly   all sick guys I know I know the turbans what's  the reason because actually uh we religious uh   called to us yeah we are not uh for to open the  hair the open the hair all guys cover the hair   with turban spal and some cloth materials mhm  M so mostly it's urgent to everyone okay yes   and there's different types of style many type  many types many types so when I uh and you get   lots of uh lots of uh seek tourists coming  here yes many many more some other states   other countries wow I I didn't expect it to be so  kind of restrict I cannot see can you give me a   seek name so my name is Harry Harry Singh Harry  Singh Harry sing or har har Singh Harry my name   is har Singh Harry everyone subscribe to my new  YouTube channel harat sing yes it's so tired it   feels amazing though feel it's good though yes  you're very good at making it thank you I this   style very suit on your face many stying tban  that but this style it's called the freestyle   tban what's the name freestyle freestyle okay  okay nice thank you so much my name is Harry   Singh har s you got to go bro I reckon you get  pink okay I'm now feeling like a seik man my name   is Harry Singh and I am ready we got to pay die  do you use the word die instead of BU I call him die not not bu die I'm not sure if they use  that in Nepal and India okay D thank you they   they had no idea what I was saying anyway we're  back and we're feeling good what Indian service   namaskar without text no it's okay funny can I  get one chai one chai egg chai huho 10 Z okay deal to sugar sugar sugar to you need a Hindi my name is he's like an NPC my name is bonum  is NPC oh my God I've never met one in real life   Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger  Ginger I'm from England England England okay okay do you speak English H yes yes oh okay okay  you want seik no I am Hindu Hindu Hindu oh nice   okay very interesting it's boiling it's boiling  huh boiling boiling boiling boiling I'm going to   have to do your job for you as you can see the  hygiene levels in this coffee shop are could be improved coffee can cof how's my Hindi  oh okay it's small it's small small no highlight that was very good oh wow it's sunglasses man yeah look  you bu you look like you're in like Paris   Fashion Week okay very nice H looking guys  he's he's working for the amirit Fashion   Week okay thank you so much even very  clever man it's a 500 500 500 500 Chey man 500 man he he's a funny man  he's very funny he's a bab he   he he's like a Bollywood movie star  yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a star yeah yeah yeah he's he is going to be in Bollywood  he'll pay okay he'll pay I get 100 B he'll pay   I'll pay I pay I I pay I pay also today  I found out that my second name jagard   is a Hindi word for someone who makes up  their job so who kind of like uh makes up   uh a job through um I don't know how to  explain it through making up things on   the spot is good it's amazing nice so  good okay sit down sit down sit down down the best Hospitality you chose the finest  tea spot well it's there's a lot of flies here   but it's not about the uh it's not about the  hygiene it's about the people and this man   is is a very good man how much was that again 10  10 20 30 very cheap yeah good it's like 10 cents   for a chai just whilst I'm waiting for my chai  I'm going to have a look around you are waiting   for chai good good good all right let's have  a look around this amazing restaurant we got   the man working for the Delhi fashion week  and then we've got the Hindu offering over   here we have a famous man over here looks  a bit like Gandhi and then storage and some   Diwali celebrations and then the thumbs up typical  chai spot he's he's quite popular coffee they're   waiting hurry up brother my photo my photo my  photo my photo he you're working hard okay CH   some sweets yeah Indian my yeah sweet yeah sweet  this is sweet very good very oh looks delicious F okay okay this is you like playing a video game it's good just as I was drinking my chai  this guy's just set up his shop I guess you   it's a democratic World here in India you can  set up where you want this is capitalism not   sure if I'm going to try it cuz uh I got  to be careful with my stomach but looks goodas I'm getting film for you thank you good he realized he needed to give a good reaction okay all right thank you D goodbye okay  goodbye that is going to be the best seller   the best seller in India oh my God he is  number one guys jaha lold drinks please   come here please come here namaskar you're  looking like a Bollywood movie star yes o can I take one you need some help I'm helping  push all right good luck namaskar namaskar okay   I'm fine how are you for you I'm very good  I'm very good which country M England sir   England wow very nice I am seik Hindi nice  Punjab thank you take the picture I also   do the the head bubble picture let's do itow  you don't mind hello my name is monu you're   from Amara yeah am are you from I'm from  England yes sorry let's take a photo I'm   looking Indian in this looking Punjabi sick  think people think I'm Indian yeah yeah yeah   yeah round Queen collection is the round only  just picture no it's okay okay please request me is the window shopping it won't take no for  an answer is the round round no it's okay thank   you cost me only just try house my job is the  just I'm very busy I'm very I have I have to go   to the temple is that round round would you  like to come to my shop my shop king Temple   your name b no it's okay name no no no no I think  I I know what that word means okay when you're in   the touristy areas there will always be people  who are trying to get you into their shop and   you have to be very persistent on my first trip  to India I was saying yes yes I'll come to your   shop oh he's still trying no thank you sir  thank you brother nice to meet you you just   have to kill them with kindness he wasn't rude  or anything but he was just very very forceful   and when they say please it's kind of hard to  say no anyway let's head into the golden temple   M Harry Singh sing nice to meet you nice toet you  thank you do you know where the entrance is where   we go in uh that's where where we we put the SHO  shoes oh you you go you see the okay uh you just   give them their shoe they will give you the token  uh-huh it's not they will remember that perfect   you you are from Amit or you here for tourism  actually yeah I'm from not from am I'm from   harana harana okay nice you're here to visit  the the temple every every month every month   okay awesome nice to meet you nice to meet you  brother okay it's like a train station at the uh   shoe giveaway point but this is very organized  so I guess we take the shoes off I don't know   if we have to pay we'll give it away looks like  the train time's on here namaskar sorry oh socks   ah okay thank you do I have to pay no no no okay  thank you you have to take your socks off as well   hey man I remember you you got a YouTube channel  yes see I can't recall the name out there Harry   Harry yes my name is now Harry Singh Harry Singh  yes I do watch your YouTube videos I know you go   all around like in Pakistan and around and now  I was like I recall his name but I can't just   get can't just get it on top of my mind than you  nice to meet you you are here for the temple yes   we just visited and now we heading back where  up where are you from Canada oh you're from   it's nice timeo meet you yeah I'll follow you  back again now and see that have a good day so   we wash our hands and then we clean our feet I  think yeah and then you got to clean your head   as well I'm joking smoking namaskar we have  the the seek police namaskar [Music] Nam wow   this is insane just as you enter you got like  lovely music playing Super peaceful thousands   of people lots of them waiting to enter into the  actual Golden Temple and it's surrounded by water Namar what are you doing what's your name I'm  Harry Singh har sing my name is Harry Singh and   if you guys don't know this Temple is obviously  the main famous temple in the sik religion and   they uh give out 100,000 meals per day here  uh roughly and they also let people sleep and   um you can see people are just resting relaxing  it's a place of kindness and peacefulness Sikhism   started in the 15th century by Guru nanak in the  Punjab region of India who is a Hindu but went to   Muslim schools and Hinduism believes that there  is one God however believes that everyone should   treat each other equally and it does respect  other religions as well so far the seik people   have only been friendly to me in fact some of  the friendliest people on my travels just from   my first day here in India what are your thoughts  bro look at it yeah reflect in the water and this   is your first experience of seek the seek religion  it's crazy everyone's so friendly and welcoming   yeah it's good to be here just so many tour so  many domestic tourists as well I've seen a few   foreigners around but so many Indian tourists I  think for locals and tourists that coming here   it's one of the best places to be yeah just a true  cultural experience yeah you can see like they're   doing lots of Maintenance doing loads of cleaning  they're all cleaning the floor is like super clean   and uh look look how many people cleaning the  whole thing wow and I wonder I wonder if they're   being paid this is amazing and then free food  24 hours somewhere to sleep for anyone not just   to seek people and this is why I love about the  religion namaskar [Music] I like [Music] your bye   all right we got to be careful we don't get told  off for filming but I'm going to be taking a dip   in the holy water I think maybe I'm the first  Foreigner to do this and we got to be careful   of the seek police they're going to tell me off  oh okay all right see you in a bit oh it's cold W [Music] Namar wow this is amazing you get yeah filming filming me there's women over  there so I'm not going to film the women but   these are the views you get front row seats  I want to dip my head under but I don't want   to get the turban wet so I don't want to  film other people who don't want to be on camera it's amazing okay we just had to exit the golden temple  I think the seek police weren't too happy with me   filming and also I jumped in the water so I was  kind of very obvious about my filming probably   should have been a bit more on the down low but  an amazing place and I was really shocked and   impressed by it so we're back out of the temple  now and onto the souvenir near and TOS area so   far I've Loved ambera I've absolutely loved it  and look at this I feel like we're traveling   through an old souk yes what you want ready  hello nam I know I know you go to border only Indian Namar he was like a damn it hello brother  sorry nice thank you wonderful mam Harry   Singh Namar is he being bad he's being  arrested you are police okay nice to   meet you you are very you are very nice you  are very cute you I love you [Laughter] to this is a crazy place this is a crazy Place namaskar Eng wow you looking is very h danad you are very kind   thank you handsome danad um what is your  favorite thing about India yeah favorite   about thing is India yeah the food all  the people which all the music all the movies [Music] very this is real tattoo wow long you you are  going to a wedding newwell party oh okay not it's   not not you're not marrying will you're marrying  my friend they just don't understand any of the   jokes okay byebye oh bye look at this what's this  guy selling oh the perfume man let's have a look   oh wow he's starting he's starting a fight  Nam are you okay W can I try you thank you oh wow I like this one k 200 200 10  what's 200 $2 that's not bad it's good AA okay uh egg thank you you see he got this  it's like a magic box with lots of different   perfumes and then he makes it himself there  we go it's like it's like a potion it's like   a wizard an Indian wizard giving me the  potion The Elixir Dubai you're from Dubai   Dubai made you were made in Dubai ah online  service available yeah okay so you can ring   up and be like I want some perfume I'm going on  a date tonight very nice sh sh yourself nice to   meet you see what the girls think about it oh  yeah that's a good idea okay I'll pay you and   then we're going to go and test out on the  girls you have change yeah yeah yeah one two three Don Rod thank you okay now we got to try  it on for the girls because she said I'm looking   very attractive slap it on cuz we're going on  a date or we should buy some flowers for the girls this oh there we go you roll it oh there we  go boom you want some mil yeah I'll try some here   and I'll try it out oh wow it smells good oh my  gosh I think the girls need to test it out yeah   yeah and it's uh $2 a lot cheaper than Dior it's  the new Indian Dior I think or uh I don't know the   other brands girls would you like to smell me nice  how does it smell yeah nice it's good thank you   thank you and my friend will oh he's going to get  some sorry I don't know what that means English uh English this is where a translator would  be great right now your friend my friend   he's looking for a my friend is looking  for Indian wife yes he's looking do you   know where he can find one he is single okay  thank you have a good day if you want to marry   my friend he is just here I'm going to end  the video there guys the sun is coming down   make sure to check out Will's Channel he's uh  making some really good YouTube videos and a   different perspective from India thank you  for watching I'll see you in the next video

2023-12-21 18:26

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