I found the World's MOST SCENIC flight

I found the World's MOST SCENIC flight

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I have always had an obsession with flying even  after taking over 1,000 flights in my life yet   today I am just as excited as I was the first  time I ever flew because we are going on one of   the most scenic commercial flights in the world  this flight is known for many cancellations and   that's often due to the unpredictable weather  conditions that you fly right through so I'm   really hoping that my flight won't get cancelled  because we're going to be flying next to the   mountains not above them so let's head to the  airport cuz I've got a good friend I'm going to   be meeting I'm I'm how area all right bye we  got our good man here who's driving us up there   shukria brother thank you [__] Manan  nice to meet you Manan Hussein and he's taking   us all the way over to the Islamabad airport it's  about 45 minutes 50 minutes from the main city in   Islam Abed so it's a nice morning here my flight  was originally going to be at like 9:00 a.m. now   it's at 12:00 so I guess there's only like one  or two flights per day that operate between   Islamabad and scardo so uh got limited options  but I'm pretty sure we're going to be going at a   great time where we're going to have some amazing  visibility I'll show you what it's like once we   get to the airport as well the Islamabad airport  is probably the best airport in all of Pakistan   at least from what I remember and all the other  airports I've been to so you're going to see how   big this place is and we're obviously going to  be in the domestic terminal so as we say chal Chalo all right my friends we are arriving  to Islamabad airport it's nice to see this   place during the day too cuz the times I've  been here in the past has been pretty late at   night so here we are shukria brother K 15 50 15  15 there's 3,000 tip for you brother thank you thank you very much all right goodbye brother okay no problem thank you brother goodbye  all right my friends we have made it to Islamabad   International Airport and uh I can tell you I gave  our guy double the price cuz it was literally an   hour drive and double the price was still only  like $15 so for me that was a great deal now   we're going to head over to domestic departures  which is down this way as you can see from what   I remember Islamabad Airport's pretty much busy  247 there's always people waiting for family to   arrive family leaving friends leaving and yeah  great to be back here though and there's where   we're going over there domestic departures to  the left it looks like all right we're going   to be taking which one either Pia or air blue  I think to Scaro so we got to figure out which   gate we're going to be checking in hey you  need to come with me what's up brother how's   it going reing reing so me and Mr Aram post  didn't realize we're both on the uh same 8:   a.m. flight here he told me yesterday he's like  y I'll meet you there I'm on a different flight   and meanwhile I already knew it was canceled he  got to the airport this morning is it possible   to get a seat on the way on the right side of  the plane please thank you so much you know   that trick see the mountains yes you've seen it a  few times all right looks like we both got f 10 F   and you're what 9f all right so we both got  the good window seats then hopefully inshah   right good yeah all right and a quick process  to go through the uh whole security thanks to   our good man Mr POS who had the spot reserved in  line for us so would have doubled the amount of   weit time we had and uh now it's time to get a  little coffee as you guys can probably tell it's   bright and early for me so I'm a bit tired but  a nice big cup of iced coffee shall fix me and   I think this is actually the coffee shop I went  to like 2 years ago when I was flying somewhere   yeah same one right I can't remember where  I was flying that time but maybe it's back   to Karachi o we got brownies here Salam alaykum  brother oh we've got cupcakes too I got one of   these I think last time this one and choco buun  I think I got either this one or I got the Oreo cupcake all right I'll take I'll take one  of the brownies without nuts please yes one   of the brownies uh no nut no nuts yeah the  one called the ganache yeah and then also IC latte and what what do you want Mr Po  cappuccino and cappuccino please snack   no no small gra uh small small large no small  that's it I'm chai guy chai he's a chai guy   all right all right oh perfect we got a  nice delish brownie on there is that one else we got two cappuccinos all right you  better be thirsty no no oh shukri thank you   look at that we got half for you hey we order  two capuco I guess so oo that's exactly what I needed you like the ice one I love the iced  one especially when it's hot out if it was   cold outside I would be having uh a hot coffee  but um there's just something about that iced   coffee for me I feel like I get a stronger  caffeination uh from it too like a KAC chai   yeah like KAC chai exactly we'll be having a lot  of those the next few days M mhm that is what we   call a bahot bahot bahot mazadar Brownie triple  o triple GLE o d good you remember that one well   we've got one extra cappuccino so I guess the only  way to take it down is to finish it what do you think ah another cappuccino done that was fantastic two coffees to   start off the day we're going to be  screaming on this airplane let's do it all right and it is time to head over to  one of the world's most beautiful flights so   we're going to be boarding in just uh maybe  15 20 minutes or so and then the fun begins   C4 all right that's going to be us down  this way so here is a nice look at the   Islamabad airport here oh did we miss it  down this way C4 is going to be us C5 C5   all right I think I might have flown out of  this area before I'm starting to recognize   what um some of these Gates look like when  was here a couple years back so it's a nice   little uh reminiscence at the moment and that's  going to be us right there air blue they just   fixed their mechanical issue so hopefully that  means we're going to have a nice smooth flight chal all right here we go as Salam  brother all right and here we go the   adventures begin with the man the myth The  Legend all right and we're taking air blue   when was the last time you flew it's  been a couple weeks no it's a month a month the gilg so guys um some of you have  probably not seen the Pakistan series from   20121 me and the PO Brothers we did a trip along  with Harry jaggard who I'm sure you know up to uh   all over actually Pakistan but specifically with  the post brothers who run a tourism company in uh   all over Pakistan we took a road trip like  12 hours or something all along the uh Dam   project all the way up to the hza area and had  an amazing time this time we're taking it easy   and we're doing the flight up there so this is  going to save us like 15 hours of driving nice   WEA exactly yeah true last time we were here was  like December time frame so it was ice cold in   hanza now it's uh like fall time so it'll be  much much better hello good morning oh thank   you we left hand side oh which is right hand side  for the mountains change okay perfect yeah yeah perfect gentle all right 10f looks like I'm right  behind you see there are oh unfortunately   the windows are a little dirty this one seems  a bit better we can see out of it yeah this   one's got like some head grease on it so we  might need something to wipe it off here we   go y you ready for this bro ready all right  so the beginning of the flight up to scardo   is starting now and it's about just over 1 hour  and then we're going to be exploring one of the   most beautiful places here in Pakistan so  I hope you guys are ready it's going to be amazing yo brother how long after we take off  are we going to be able to see the mountains   like in half hours half hour yeah all right so  you heard it from Mr Po himself after about 30   minutes uh leaving Islamabad right here this  is kind of the outskirts of the city that's   when we're going to start to see these incredible  mountainous Landscapes so this is the uh special   team meal they hook you up with on air blue  we've got a little mango juice in there and   this looks like I don't know maybe some sort of  like chicken croissant with banana cake so M I   think that brownie I just had filled me up though  but uh the mango juice will give the us a little   bit of energy as you can see we're starting to  get pretty high up into the clouds here you can   only imagine imagine seeing these like clouds  like this and then shortly after we're going   to have the mountains peeking right through  there the interesting part about this flight   is you'll see that the mountains are higher than  we're flying so we'll be flying like right next   to them and it's going to be a sight I've never  seen before 1248 people see the mountains it's a   bit of a teaser like right when we were flying in  here you could see just a small little speck of   some of the snowcapped mountains and now we  just hit this really like I mean it is very   beautiful seeing all these clouds like this  cuz they're very they feel like very um dense   clouds but and like fluffy clouds like something  you'd imagine um but obviously like uh you come   here to see the mountains on the flight so this  is what I'm hoping we're going to see in just a   couple moments but might have a little uh peek  through right down here we shall see okay all   right we might have something coming up so we're  getting a little sneak peek here as you can see   we've got the uh snowcapped mountains right  here we're still not at the ones that are at   the same level but we can see okay I think  we're coming up on some in the distance here   so we've got the legend uh Mr POS catching  some CIS right there and as you can see we   are now getting into these views the clouds have  cleared up a bit probably because there's so many   mountains that are starting to raise above the  clouds like this one right there at this point   I was starting to wonder is this actually the  world's most scenic flight or did people hype   it up a bit I decided I'm going to wait a little  longer and still give it another chance to see   if it is the greatest starting this trip being  in Karachi where it's so hot and then all of a   sudden going to the northern side of Pakistan  and we're literally in the snow and it's you   know obviously I'm in a sweater now we're going  to have to get ourselves a jacket tooo ons we get   up here because it is much colder than uh the  southern side of Pakistan but one thing uh to   mention if you're if you're going on this flight  you have to ask the checkin counter to put you   on the right side now don't sit between 9 and 10  I mean probably where acam is is good I'm at 10:   and we've got the wing here which is pretty  much I mean it kind of gives it a cool look   having the wing here but if you want unobstructed  views you probably need to be between rows maybe   1 to 7 and then maybe after rows like 17 on the  right side when you're flying from his llama bed   to scardo now obviously when you're flying from  scardo to his llama bed you're going to want to   be on the left side of the plane and when I say  left side of the plane on the way back it means   when you're looking up at the uh captain and if  you look like right down there in that Valley all   along here we've got a small River down there it  might be hard to see in the GoPro but that gives   it such a cool look like it carves The Valleys  through these little uh mountains through the huge   it's a small little Valley in between and you can  just see where it goes from like this dark brown   leading up to the snowcapped mountain really nice  Crossing now all right seems like we're starting   to come in for a landing and we're going a bit  closer to the mountains now that we're getting   a bit closer we're really going to find out if  this is one of the most beautiful flights in the world [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] we going in it's uh quite interesting the  closer you get to the mountains the faster   you can actually feel the planes moving cuz  obviously when you're up in the air you don't   realize how fast the plane's actually moving but  like the concept of depth like once you're really   close to the mountains then you can really feel  it so I think the closer we get the more wild   of a feeling it's going to be yeah it's kind of  like uh hit or miss some of the pockets that you   can see clearly and then other parts it just  becomes like super hazy and cloudy but it's a   really really beautiful flight I can tell you  it definitely lives up to its name it's pretty   well when you think about it like of course the  pilot can't see a single thing he for sure only   relying on the radar cuz look at this you don't  even realize if you just look out the window that   you're surrounded by mountains it's just uh now  you can see a little Peak through there and once   in a while we can see a little bit of snow flying  through the uh engines we'll definitely see a lot   of like similar Landscapes to when we went to  hza but you know it's going to have its own   unique personality and charm here we're starting  to get a little bit lower now so we're almost at   the same level as where the snow cap parts of the  mountain starts and then under that you just have   that you know like dark brownish blackish Rock and  these right here are the views people love to come   for cuz now we are in between the Valley of the  mountain I mean to the right we would go directly   into the mountain you can see some like of the  mountains uh landslides as well I can't point cuz   as you can see I'm doing uh two cameras at once  here but that is absolutely gorgeous look at this   we're in a wide enough part of the valley all you  can see is the wing here but you can just imagine   it from what I'm saying we're in a wide enough  part in this Valley where we're able to turn the   airplane around like 180° sure cuz the airport's  probably uh this way and just descend right in   between it we kind of have like a grayish version  of like Grand Canyon type of Landscapes like right   up there at the very very like just this little  part right there and then the rest is like this   lightish gray Sandy Rock From Afar yeah you know  like this looks like the cousin of the Grand   Canyon with some of those like formations at the  top almost like a plateau type of land formation   that is really unique yeah this is actually a  pretty wild flight I've been on probably at least   1,200 flights in my life and never have I had such  a major descent while also doing a 80° turn again   I'm I'm very curious I got to look at the flight  path cuz I wonder if we just do like turns until   we get low enough cuz that is wild I mean as you  can see these mountains are towering so that's why   you got to do all those turns but I think we got  to be getting pretty close to where we're going   to land oh look at this this is just gorgeous  this green and yellow type of like uh leaves on   the trees with a river running through that kind  of like a desert landscape there such a one-of a kind and when I was in hza last time it was  like December so a lot of like the similar   type of Landscapes were very like gray and  brown this time since we're here in the fall   we still have some of these trees and plants  looking uh quite green and it looks like we   are entering the the airport airspace  and we're coming in we are now over the tarmac and we have successfully made it to Scaro and it looks like up here on the  mountains you can't see that there's a lot of brighting and there we are we are on the tiny  little in the tiny little Airport of scardo   that's the Pia plane that's the other airline  that flies here pretty much there's only one   or two flights per day that fly into here air  blue which is what I'm on and then Pia which   is like Pakistan's International airlin but yeah  that is the small little tarmac we just flew on   to and these are the Landscapes we're going to  be exploring for the next uh let's say I don't   know 10 15 videos we shall see all right we have  made it to scardo my friends welcome welcome and all right oh yeah welcome to scared we've even  got a little precipitation coming down a little   ice cold rain there he is Mr POS waiting  at the Finish Line let's go baby what is   up brother here we are in front we got to get  one right in front of the plane welcome to scardo all right so oh and we  are missing it we missed it brother looks like we'll be the first ones on  we got the uh big bus coming this way that goes   to show you how small of an airport stardew  is there's no sign of a terminal around here   it's just a landing strip we've got a couple fire  engines a bus one plane and then on the other side   I think somewhere over there was the uh Pia flight  bigger Gil bigger than Gil oh okay so this one's   considered big then all right and we are entering  we got to go sit up by our uh our bud at front row seats all right look at this we've got the  front row seats oh yeah here's good no problem   all right M all right nice to meet you Mar okay  I'm practicing my U very much all right so he's   going to be taking us how far of a drive to get  to the how far 3 minutes 3 minutes okay oh look   at we can see Pia taking off right there that's  the other Airline oh yeah goodbye goodbye alaha   to the plane all right and we're starting to  go we got the do still partially open and here   we go all aboard hi ho hi ho off to Scaro we  go and I'm liking this uh window much spre it   down on the airplane it's so clean you can see  everything perfectly as we're cruising through   here so there we have it Pakistan Air Force  Air Force welcomes you at scardo welcome to   scardo by SEO also and it looks like we're going  to be going to this small little passageway which   will bring us I'm guessing to where the small  terminal is that is a view you can't find in   many places in the world just a road that  leads directly to these massive mountains   snowcapped up there definitely going to repeat  myself because I'm just blown away right now   so if I'm talking about snow capap mounts how  beautiful they are all the greenery that'll   be a common theme that we experience as we are  exploring this part all right and we are coming in all right and there it is get a close-up  view of all the uh markings on the mountain   and this tiny little terminal such a  cute little airport I mean it's like   the size of a a long apartment building  a single floor apartment building I guess   with only two flights per day you don't need  uh that long of an airport to check people in brother nice to meet you tip for you  brother oh yeah for you all right we have   arrived welcome brother it's been what  a month for you no two 3 weeks a month   since you flew 3 weeks since you were here  but I the mountain but not this way oh not   this way all right well this is going to  be awesome so you've probably been a scardy   what like a 100 times in your life or more  like on and off yeah on and off yeah a lalam Alum there is my sidekick it has arrived  just in time is that yours next to it no all right see if this was in a US  airport there would be like 50 bags   like this the nice part is is they only  sell these suitcases I feel like mainly   it's like an a away suitcase in the US so when  you're in US airports it sucks but when you're   everywhere else in the world it's pretty  hard to find one that looks exactly like   this knock on wood I bet I'm going to lose  it later hopefully all right our good man's   doing a little checkup for us asalam Alum Ali  all right oh almost made him a subscriber by   accident shukria shukria Allah all right we  are here in oh entry foreigners registration card I'm [Music] Pakistani asalam Alum brother brother all right we have arrived  oh [ __ ] B B brother oh no I got my man a   right here brother all right and we've  got Peres what is up brother it's been   two years how are you good to see you brother  how's everything good to see okay very good   very good oh never been better now that I'm  in Scaro the Clean Air here that is great   oh you're freshly shaved yeah yeah all right  you look like 10 years younger uh-huh awesome   good to see you good to see again how's  life and scarter these days good amazing amazing Alum brother Tik Tock Tik Tock all right  all right where are we going to be going all right   perfect how far of a drive is it perfect guys I  will say it I've been in hot weather for the last   I don't know probably like 6 months so it's nice  to have a break and be in the cold it's nice to   be cold for like uh you know outside of being in  like an a very cold AC room oh we're going this   way you know to actually be outdoors and get that  sweet smell of Mountain Air time to load them up   sh brother now it's time to head into scardo  but we're going to save that for an upcoming   video overall the flight was definitely one of  the most beautiful flights I've taken in the   world I couldn't show you guys as well as I wish  I could because the window was pretty greasy but   aside from that the light was so impressive  so if you get a chance to take the flight up   there it is an absolute must but don't worry  the beauty does not stop there we are going to   be exploring all around Scaro in these upcoming  videos so you'll definitely want to subscribe if   you're not already because what we have planned is  incredible see you in the next one chal Chalo Bans

2023-12-06 14:44

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