welcome back everyone to tenor in my pocket Cornwall Edition we are Midway through my quest to travel down the Cornish Coastline in true Vagabond fashion and aside from some questionable night's sleep and an incredibly dangerous detour it's all gone swimmingly I've already met some great people gained plenty of free food and beer and somehow ended up with more money than I started with join me in part two as I work my way through that money attempt to forage and cook seafood on an open fire wake up in a strange house and become embroiled in a longstanding village dispute in help I better get up actually well not a bad place to arise that was such a better night sleep not perfect not without pain but yeah so much better that cardboard really did the trick to be fair I am slightly hung over there as I began to get my sorry act together a middle-aged woman here for an early morning swim voiced her disapproval of my decision to sleep here she wasn't happy one thing I didn't consider was that this might be used as a changing room for early morning swimmers who do tend to be women I wasn't going to lose any sleep over it though and after a custard cream breakfast I moved on ooh abandoned beach toys do I take the net no too awkward to carry and speaking of witch but I head back into town now to put this cardboard back didn't consider that there might not be a recycling bin down there but the morning views over Foy Harbor more than made up for it wow what do you think of that mate not much to say really is there my fourth entry into the center was definitely the most peaceful oh it's quiet this morning but I wasn't the only one up and about right I want to get going now and head off along the coast again but I really do need a public toilet for walk I've got hardly any water and I'm looking along the coast and I don't think there going to be anything for ages on a positive note I've still got is it 1732 I could do another plan Pub o a pair of socks they do smell clean and I could do with them it man I know that looks disgusting but I don't care um yeah the world's my oyster today I could even buy some oysters no I won't do that as I strolled back to ready money Cove for the third time past Dawn French's former Abode there was one more thing left to do apparently it was up here somewhere this is it isn't it oh that lady's watching me again hi she's the one who told me off earlier she doesn't realize that I know the owners of this wow this is amazing this is so good Harry was right the view from up here is incredible wow and here's the decking for the summer house which he didn't have a key for otherwise he would have let me sleep in there but that is amazing well I didn't sleep here Harry but you've done your nan proud this is glorious right let's see if this lady tells me off is this the way no I've got lost I'm lost in your garden Harry eventually I found my way out of this enchanting plot said toodle pip to my concerned friend see you and finally headed west from ready money Cove up a set of Steel stairs that's where I slept last night back on the trail and within 2 minutes I'd found an eerie abandoned looking building and one of Henry the8's castles St Catherine's Castle I'll go on then here we go oh man couldn't have slept in here but still really cool [Music] place ooh wo oh this is different got a lake over there freshly mowed grass which you can't go on and then the beach there as I excavated further into my custard cream Supply I chatted to a friendly dog walker nice man and tried to catch the eye of the old fellow that lived at this Cottage in the hopes that he could be My Water savior but he seemed to vanish into the Rocks so I can only presume he was a ghost got a really interesting structure coming up here some sort of Lighthouse I can see what's going to happen here I'm going to be really tempted to climb the scaffolding here we go please don't make it too easy for me no they haven't good I could do it if I wanted but they've made it sufficiently scary especially with that sign well this is what it usually looks like and this is where we're heading today this stretch of Coastline here my water bottle may have been empty but there was sweet juice to be found in these bushes yep I'll take these right now I'm just so thirsty on a deep level that these are hitting the spot o look at you lot hiding down there I don't think so and then I noticed another less familiar type of berry what are they are they edible are they slow berries seems like it going to try this app Black Thorn slow sweet or not as it turned out no no no no no that is the weirdest texture ever one thing that's been a bit disappointing and surprising is the complete lack of apple trees and plum trees haven't seen any maybe they just don't like the salty air so my idea today I think is I'm going to head slightly Inland and find a supermarket like an Al I think there's an Aldi get some more cheap food tinned fish Etc and I'm going to see if I can get me a really cheap flimsy tent or Beach shelter now the reason for that is quite simply I want to spend a night on the beach and that's one of the things I envisioned that I would do on this adventure spend a night on the sand with a fire going and some welks sizzling away I I don't know if it's going to pan out quite like that but I want to give it a go the problem is it's going to rain not much just a bit during the night but it is going to rain so I need shelter I picked the wrong night for it really I should have done it last night but oh well so if I could just get me some sort of cheap ass tent or a tarp or something like that we can give this a go so that is the main aim for today down in the nearby Village of Paul Caris the hunt for a tent or any sort of useful object began see this is the kind of stuff you might be able to salvage CR but more importantly the hunt for water ended yes is this open yeah is the water drinkable uh I think so the water may have been cold but there was a slight problem with this tap that's going to be hard but this cloudy headed chimp came up with an ingenious solution this could make me very [Music] wet by using the bottle lid as a sort of ramp I could divert the water flow up and over the rim of the bottle that is genius now though H maybe I don't need to go to an Aldi [Music] nah this is going to be too expensive is it lovely place though there's a pub the rashley in on my next stretch of Coast I decided that I would return to Corall on a sea kayak and search for some old pirate loot Deo some rum down there do let me know down below if you want to see that become a reality up ahead though an opportunity to search for some much more attainable treasure W this is a big open beach here haven't seen one like this yet I want to walk across this sand now that the Tide's right out and just see what there is to find on the on the sand like welks muscle I don't know those those long ones see there's muscles here already would they be edible got to be right unsure I decided to ask some locals do you know anything about Coastal foraging like muscles I'm afraid I think i' I'd only poison you yeah okay fair enough yeah sorry we don't want that there's lots there isn't there if you could eat them but I'm not I'm never sure well these muscles you can eat can't you to our surprise there were oysters I think they are old old oysters yeah that' be good oyster I've never noticed them before don't know you breaking them open then isn't it yeah that's promising sign yeah the only one I'd be sure of was blackberries and everybody knows them and there's only so many of them you can eat though exact I've already had too many of them yeah and what I presumed was a sea snail there's loads there's an abundance here this is really promising isn't it I've just got to find a beach similar to this later on in the day and then we're laughing these birds know there's stuff around here they know this as well this sort of stuff it's got to be edible it's not bad but I have just made my mouth really salty for no reason unfortunately I had to leave this big flat platter of Briny treats behind but it left me feeling hopeful that there would be more on the journey ahead oo The Beehive shall I raid it for honey no I'm just kidding that would be a terrible idea for so many reasons for now I was heading Inland to the Village of par and suddenly for the first time on this trip it felt like I'd stepped out of touristy Cornwall and into the real one the Cornish are very proud people because of their history and Celtic route so there's loads of Cornwall Flags but then there's England flags and then there's like irand Scotland and Wales flags and even Isle of Man but then there was an Australia one I don't know it's wonder why there's so many flags on this street down an Alleyway I found some more Curious looking berries let's try this again Bitter Sweet poison Berry Woody night shade causes nausea weakness fever vomiting slowed heart rate and Par paralysis of the nervous system I think I'll give that one a miss m Blackberry harvesting has gone up a few levels today guys mostly because I am genuinely hungry and all I've got left now is about 14 custard cream biscuits cuz I ate my Cliff bar back there then on this weird foot bridge I spotted the very thing I'd been searching for no it's exactly what I'm looking for a freaking tent it's got all over it but as if do I try and get that I don't think I can get down there if I had a fishing line with a hook that is L that's so hard to get it's good though that there's one just well not for the local environment but for me it's a promising sign I guess as I explored this world War I bunker and strolled along the edge of a golf course I strongly considered trying to find a way to retrieve the tent if anything just to help the environment but again it was so early in the day and without its bag I wouldn't be able to fold it and it would be a nightmare to carry not mentioning the various bodily fluids that could be trickling from it further down the coast a much nicer looking tent here's our next Beach guys that tent is perfect for sleeping under isn't it this belongs to some sort of cafe or something or bar let's get down there and have a look this might be where we sleep I see plenty of beach tents flapping about maybe there's a discarded one down on the beach I was greeted with more ridiculously tempting establishments the muscle sh sounds expensive Cornish craft beer local fresh seafood oh but that wasn't the end of it there were bars more scrummy looking food joints and Sandy seating areas of Plenty that is too good so tempting just to go to Asda now come back for about 4 chill here with a couple of pints and sleeping here 650 a pint though frightened by these numbers I retreated to the rear of the beach to rout around in some bins dumps to diving not a good look there were a lot of bins but all they had in them was cardboard dog and just generally foul smelling rubbish until oh my God there's one in there but it's covered in damn no that stin that that stinks so bad it's not even a hard decision I struck up a bit of dialogue with some student AED bar staff in the hopes that it might lead to some sort of campfire par party they kindly filled up my water bottle but the conversation quickly reached a natural end right to the brim thanks mate cheers and with it my time here see you it's so hard leaving a place like this when it's such a perfect place to sleep and it's raining tonight but I've just got to have faith in the Cornish tourism industry that there'll be something else further down the coast this leg of the adventure felt very different Less Hills and cliffs and more of a modern feel to the tourism it made a nice change and a welcome break for the legs but the Temptations were strong W swimming pool that's like paradise to me right now oh man what gifts at around2 I stopped at one of the many Lookout posts that are dotted along the coast and met one of the amazing coast guards that volunteer there how often will you see someone in trouble and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but we do there a c of the further out at the moment's G broken down really prob down so we're just listening on the radio yeah yeah we can't see it too far out I'll leave you to it anyway okay nice to meet you thank you cheers before arriving in my next Village and this one was quite unique oh yeah this is well nice look at these old boats completed in 1799 the Charles toown dock is a curious thing and while it's still home to some incredible boats and War relics the outer rim is now peppered with craft shops and more gourmet burger Shacks meanwhile in my crusty blue bag the custard creams were running low got 11 left it was time to go shopping right asda's a mile away it's 20 1 let's go to AER cuz I've got next to no food now and I've eaten way too many blackberries on the way up to AER I found another edible organism growing on the side of the road I've only gone and found some chicken of the woods I think I don't know though Ben's not here so we can't Harvest it I couldn't help but think that if I'd have kept the onion and the mushroom I'd be well on my way to rustling up a seafood dish Rick Stein would be proud of this is proper Cornwall now feels a lot like Wales I don't know who that offends probably everyone right now though I was quite looking forward to seeing what filthy Bargains could be had in ASDA this is a massive Asda can't see any beach tents man all right let's have a look at food or drink it's not terrible unrefrigerated beers though in the heat right let's see how do these fish prices compare then sardines 52 okay but the Catch of the Day was in an unexpected oil what 52p I'm taking two of them finally I grabbed some very childhood biscuits for 49p popped my coins in the hole and off I went okay I'm fairly happy no beach tent but I've got some good Bargains here it is what it is processed food it was kind of nice being back in an urban setting and while I was here I made sure to check a few bins for the tent that Asda failed to provide me H beach chair not worth carrying with me though is it so for now I was returning to the coast tentless and lighterless having for got to buy one from AER some sort of Lookout post let's check it out yeah nice could sleep in in the next Beach had more empty bins Cliffs far too crumbly to Camp under and a useless toilet okay stinks of piss anyway and to make matters worse the flat Sandy Coast was about to make way for the hilly Cliffy not so Sandy Coast again pent and I think is the next one and that's 3 and 1/4 miles for the first time plan Beach was looking iffy but there was still hope plan Beach is still on but there is another tantalizing Town four or five miles away called meissy definitely potential for a plan Pub um but I don't think many of you want to see another planed Pub the good thing is is there's beaches around that area um and the tide will be going out in half an hour or so so I've got both options if I want them more bulging black Breeze helped me through what was possibly the most undulating section yet this is up and down but apparently I was sweating my blls off for nothing uh I'm sorry what so I've done a mile and I've gone nowhere apparently I know that's what it feels like but didn't think it was actually true [Music] in the actual 3 and 1/2 miles to penan the hills were even bigger know and with drops steeper than co-op's tinned carrots no there were some great views of where I'd come from that day and the reward for all this marching quite a promising looking strip of sand ah it's like a holiday park on the beach good chance of a tent I think yeah definitely first I called off in a rather Eerie church God it's silent in here W can you hear that I can literally hear the blood pumping in my head that is how quiet it is in here I can hear a a high pitch ringing as well we are gathered here today I don't know why we're gathered here today I'm sorry I'll let myself out JC and in the village another temp Pub tried to convert me Oo we like them this looks like a great Pub but I was determined to make my night on the beach happen just felt a Sprinkle of rain the first since the very start see what we can find in this holiday park we need a recycling Point preferably [Music] this is sick to be fair to have this right on the beach I don't want to film here too much cuz it looks a bit weird but see if I can uh fill up my water brush my teeth and maybe even have a shower whilst in the shower room I noticed I was getting a few funny looks from some fellow dads and then I noticed that they all had wristbands on so I decided not to shower even if I did honk 15 minutes later and I was already out the front Gates right that was an incredible Holiday Park I've got to say there it is I actually think I'll take my family there one day but as cool as it was it didn't or couldn't really serve my adventure too well I had a good rumage for a Beach shelter or beach tent which I didn't really want to film too much cuz it looks weird enough opening all the recycling bins as it was without filming it as well cuz there was so many kids around I think everyone in there is in a family it is so child orientated anyway didn't find anything can't stay there so we move on Speckles of rain carried by stronger winds only compounded what was now looking like a disappointing outcome my only realistic hope of a beach camp now was the big but secluded beach just shy of me never gissy a mile down the coast and both town and Beach were in view here we go really hoping I don't end up sleeping on the pier tonight do you know I think that is the beach that I was thinking about that I'd seen on the map look at the stairs going down to it that is insane and the cliffs might be a worry as well the problem was of course I needed to Source a tent and lighter in the town and head back to the beach and it's gigantic staircase by the time I'd reached that reality had reached me it ain't going to happen is it I've just realized cuz it's it's 10 to 6 now maybe we'll get a fire going tomorrow and uh do some Coastal foraging so it's inter Mega visi meisi sorry we go isn't it and once again shelter searching mode that daunting task of trying to find me somewhere to sleep but this time we have rain it was another delightful descent down into my latest ancient Cornish fishing Village oh this is so Cornish oh oh yeah look at these hugs man but for some reason I had a bad feeling about it I'm calling it now I don't think I'll find a shelter first I explored the center I'm not getting a good vibe in terms of potentially sleeping here and then the outskirts where all my hopes now rested shortcut you want some de well you ain't having it according to Google Maps which I was only using in emergencies to preserve battery there was a park right on the edge of town but would it be worth The Long Walk okay this is this is all right honestly mate the places I film um yeah made of metal we need a lot of cardboard but it's doable I'll put the camera right on for God sfe we got that too contingencies but it's just a bit isn't it I spent a bit more time searching the surrounding Hills Cliffs and Jetties in the harbor but as predicted there was nothing so the skate ramp would be my bed for the night and I was going to need a pint just to take the edge off that oh it I'll give in let's get a pint but maybe just maybe I could make something bigger happen while I was here it's not a question I usually ask but I'm on a strict budget in this shipping the staff were equally young but couldn't have been less interested in what I was doing so it was down to me to meet some punters which went equally unsuccessfully thank you cheers H cheers a FIV worse off and basically still sober I had two choices call it quits and sleep on the concrete or double my money I was quite torn but then I was given a sign oh God the friendly Cockys who owned this bar were much more interested in my plight you're heading that way tomorrow anyway quite nice I chatted to them sporadically but the fact was I'd purchased my final pint of the night and with every sip I took the pressure to meet some punters was increasing there were a few couples dotted around but no one I really wanted to disturb but then the karaoke man turned up when I you this kooky lady went up first and did Duffy proud but during this kuner's passionate performance my pint began to run critically low I was quite tired to be honest and I didn't really feel like it but if I wanted to avoid an early Retreat to the skate ramp I was going to have to get stuck in so I parked myself next to kooky lady whose real name was Helen got chatting and before I knew it I was up would you like to modle for me I just want to feel real love to the that I [Music] live she didn't quite get the hang of the camera but Helen took a shine to me and not only did she offer to buy me a pint but she insisted I keep the change originally from the Posh part of London Helen was a larger than life character who despite having not much of a filter was very friendly and generally just wanted to have a good time she was also very generous and as the night went on and various other talents took to the stage including Welsh songstress Sonia and the returning Terry who genuinely b a tear to my eye with this heartfelt rendition of my way my yeah Helen had invited me to come over to her house in the morning for breakfast boyed by this act of kindness and some 5% beer I did a very Burmingham [Music] thing thanks to Sonia's husband over to my right I was now on my fourth Point making a night beneath the skate ramp a lot more palatable but the story was only just beginning because Helen asked me if I wanted to crash in her living room I'd managed to catch an alcohol fueled wave straight to story beach but the night was still relatively young and with an all too short waiting list for the karaoke my turn was coming around painfully quick you look wonderful [Music] ton it became a bit of a free for- all after that at which point Helen actually went home but she urged me to stay at the pub and come over and ring her doorbell at any hour shortly afterwards I said goodbye to this random assortment of lovely people and did just that right hell of a night in that Pub but it's not over a did I write it on my phone I'm literally going to ring the doorbell and she assures me that oh it's September she assures me that she'll be up and I can sleep on her carpet and what do I say if you're ever unsure what to do pick the option that makes for the better story but at the moment how do I find it do you know this area mate V do you know Street no sorry okay no worries no worries get out anyway where street is Street turn oh okay all right Cheers Cheers good night good night let's do it I was slightly too drunk to know for sure if I had the right place but just about drunk enough to ring someone's buzzer at 1:00 a.m. just got to be wrong just push the door oh come on [Music] in thank you off to your right okay thank you how are you I'm not too late am I no not at all I'm my wa oh I'm glad I'm glad I just didn't want to intrude go and pop the kettle on in the kitchen okay do you know I actually don't drink hot drinks but I'll I'll put it on I've got cold drinks the only cold drink I've got is O milk I passed on Refreshments so it was time to check out the sleeping Arrangement the floor it's better than being okay that's your Stu I had been granted a bed for the night while she cleared it I I tuned her guitar and chatted to her about' 70s music but it was soon time for what I was hoping would be the best night's sleep in 3 days Okie doie you want a light left on um out there I'll leave the light on only if you want it on yeah I don't mind and I'll shut this door great sweet dreams sweet dreams good night take a loaf of bread with you then I'll take a slice of bread but take a loaf with you no honestly I'll just have a slice I'm actually quite hung over that morning she told me she needed to Head West herself to nearby Port melon to retrieve some old post belonging to her late husband so it made sense for us to walk there together first I helped her move her TV filled up my water bottle from the loudest tap on Earth I appreciate it you sure you it yeah I'm positive and off we win let's go let's go to Port melon let's go to Port melon in the village we bumped into the first proper Cornish person I'd met on this trip she's more local hey are you proper Cornish yes yeah that's cool you're not from this village where are you from I've been living here 32 years all the best and you cheers and on the way over to Port melon Helen told me all about an ongoing dispute she had with her old landlord whom she didn't get along with here we are that's quaint we then arrived at the property her and her husband used to live at I'll wait at the end I said but Helen ushered me in we can go in I didn't want to come in but Helen assured me that I was more than welcome are you sure yeah don't want to intrude yeah you we then proceeded to the rear of the property where many items allegedly belonging to her lay there rotting away oh great I'll get the letter I'll come back for that this continued inside yeah lovely well here I am in someone's house oh our little bows but we weren't welcome here and out of nowhere a rather ticked off young man appeared that hasn't been stolen by you Dad nothing's been stolen you've taken please leave this is private property house to see if any of my property is left can you please leave it's don't be rude I'm not being rude I'm asking you nicely listen as grateful as I was for Helen's generosity and accommodation I was just Keen to hit the dusty trail at this point unfortunately though there was more drama waiting for us in the Village Center now as much as I'd like to show you this I've chosen not to out of respect for those involved cuz while Helen didn't mind me filming I can't speak for anyone else I'm also not going to go into who I think was right or wrong all I'll say is this argument raged on for quite some time eventually though with a dramatic flourish in h the spectacle was over sorry Tom no it's all right lovely to meet you and you and thanks again again send you a letter and I'll make sure I get it to the right house bye now cheers oh my god what have I just seen what the I've just walked into someone's house I don't know who that young lad thought I was I was like all right mate I'm just in your house yeah just just wondering around and then that scene outside I mean what a bizarre episode I'm so glad now actually that I didn't just wander off back to the the park and sleep under the skate ramp because I've just become roped in and entangled in you know mey's local dramas and going on really I'll never forget that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a bit of help from a breakfast of black Bree and a much cooler and cloudier morning the Sea Air washed this hangover away fairly quickly but I was fairly sure that this would be my last day on the trail partly because I'd lost one of my GoPro batteries and that wasn't the only thing I'd lost well this is the final day of the adventure uh but what's the plan today well how much money do I have left for a start it got a bit confusing cuz I did buy two points last night I should have more than that did I leave that money on the table yeah I've left £450 on the table and that was the change from Helen's drink which she insisted I key anyway that leaves me £425 apparently I'm feeling fresh cuz I slept in a bed had a great night's sleep and I've had a look at the map and I think Falmouth is a natural ending point so that's where I'm going to try and walk to today it's quite far it will be tough now I can buy some food along the way but I'm also going to do what I set out to do whether I need to do it or not and that is do some Coastal foraging I've got a lighter no I've given a bloody lighter back to her this morning sake right I need to buy a lighter then I've just found another1 10 I don't understand so with the tide heading out I went in search of a village shop C Bread's post office this should do Li us just the cheapest one we one yeah 1 12 120 there you go love it thank you very much thank you it was a little more than I'd hoped to part with but all would be forgotten if I could get me some water it was another smelly toilet with a risky gender neutral tap but the water was cold enough for me check this out to turn an old phone box into a library wonder if there's anything on Coastal origin no up and over a big hill I reached a majestic sweeping Beach but unless I wanted to straight lineing it down a gors covered Cliff there was no way of getting down to it but that was okay because a bit further down the coast I reached the perfect place this could be our beach guys yeah oh wow this is so I've got it to myself plenty of Rocky areas tid's going out revealing stuff just need to make sure I can find a little spot out the way to make a fire incredible spot this these little Coes that appear oh is there any wood I can't see any wood I thought there was just Driftwood everywhere but apparently that's not the case during my search I did find these wet boots boots but I'd actually been looking for them too on behalf of an irritated dad whose son had not for the first time left them somewhere found them hello hello I found him is that them they were so well hidden yeah they were just tued away but I'm trying to find wood like drift wood you haven't seen any drift wood at all actually think of it no I found this bit but that's it it's not very good a small fire yeah yeah exactly yeah I'd done my good deed for the day but there was a very good chance that despite this incredible setting I'd come across there would be no fire never mind a small one really really cool place but not the place for driftwood it seems but then I started finding some okay little bits here I was accumulating a fair bit of the small stuff yes but then jackpot okay man that's heavy oh where go I'll just take one more that'll be fine yeah I'll do it here out the way okay now we've actually got to find something to eat which is not guaranteed at all let's give it a go here we go be just typical if I found absolutely nothing but that simply wasn't the case there you go that is an edible organism we're in luck and there's another one I don't know what that is it's the same thing I found yesterday there loads up here I want to pick the ones that are lower down this is easy pickings oh my God nice big ones oh yes this is happening guys it's happening I mean are the ones further up still alive or what about this bad boy yeah they're all still alive so they cling on until the tide comes back in I mean there's literally hundreds of these things I can get them as and when I please should we see if we can find a crab or something I'm over the moon I'm really over the moon I just hope my fire works now cuz that would be really really typical if I gathered a load of seafood and that I couldn't light a fire I'm all right at it but there's every possibility got to turn over some rocks if I want to find a crab well there's one is he alive oh my God he is alive oh no that's that's dead he was just he was somehow moving but he is incredibly dead um it was quite awkward to get into the Rock pools without taking my shoes off but I did find a boulder I was able to shift whilst perched on the edge the reason you're looking at still images of it is because this particular clip turned out like this and it's bloody typical because as you're about to hear Not only was there a wee beasty hiding underneath it there's one there's a crb I don't believe it but my attempt at catching it could not have gone worse oh mate youing idiot sliced your finger right open great with quite a deep and wide cut on my right index finger caused by a tiny Barnacle I had to try and pick the crab up with my left hand whilst balancing on the edge right come here you not an easy feat right I've got to abandon cuz of this cut I can't can't do it with one hand man Fu sake right guys this is the last battery I don't know how that's happened but it's okay I'll make it last um this is what I've harvested bit of a mixture actually these little sea snail things these mini welks and I even got two Barnacles or limpets let's get the fire going right we got one proper shot at this really I'm just going for it this is all while trying to avoid knocking into this cut go on now take take take come on need these sticks to take yeah yes I think by job I think we've done it I think we're going get in a you poor boogers over here they're having an or with a roaring fire and a much less bloody finger it was time to cook okay I don't really know what I'm doing but I've put a thin Rock on the coals there and then I'll pop the poor little Crustaceans on and I've got sand all in my cut great okay here we go that's got to H I think this should work in theory let's find out see you in 2 minutes okay let's get the first one off that I put on which was this one oh he's come right out look at that there it is it's exciting isn't it yeah tastes like a cockle wow I've done it I've always wanted to do that just hope I don't get ill oh he's a big one yeah you're big aren't you H it tastes good what about these snail ones how how's this going to work come on naughty oh I'm not going to be able to get them out one of them exploded how rude o look at this one it's like a worm more of a wormy type thing let's try you it's all right that I don't know all of these are edible I presume they are and finally this one the mini Welk I think that's a baby Welk but a lot fresher than the ones you get in Birmingham Market that's the best one yet really enjoying this cuz I'm genuinely hungry as well so it's like a novelty and really hitting the spot so I've got a burn on one hand and a cut on the other and thanks to my decision to put these ones on the Embers dinner time was over pretty soon oh get them out get them out yeah I've absolutely crated these guys so all of these now are not edible sorry fellas you've lived your life only to be killed to be eaten and then accidentally burnt and not eaten I've eaten four or five it didn't really fill me up but I've done what I set out to do this was like a mini challenge a pretty big mini Challenge and I'm really proud of myself for doing it right it's now 1 p.m. a lot of time has passed while I've been here believe it or not let's go and spend my remaining money on plasters and then nurse my one remaining 60% battery over a stretch of 15 miles in fact I probably won't be able to walk all that way I was right and that's partly down to the battery situation but also because to the west of me was what would have been the most remote stretch of Coastline on the trip with no guarantees of a shop for 14 miles that is quite open open and will get infected if I leave it too long so this point right here is actually the furthest I'm going to get West sadly partly because my batteries are running out partly because of this wound but also I think um this adventure has drawn nicely to a close so it was back up the hill and over the Headland to Goran Haven where I could hopefully get a plaster and some antiseptic it was a bit disappointing to end in this way feels weird to have the SE on my right but this was no straight line Mission and when I actually weighed it all up I didn't do too badly officially I walked this far and I've got £45 left in my pocket I believe so I spent 5.85 that's not bad is it that bl's tener really did go such a long way back at the shop a lack of antiseptic would force me back to the shore one last time I'll do what you recommended and put it in the sea I'll only thing I will say is be careful cuz there's lots of jellyfish down there get there is you know bear you'll be you'll find I'm trying my best to wash my finger and not get stung by the jellyfish this stings anyway to be honest and with a plaster firmly applied I was finally free to indulge in whatever Temptation my heart desired oh yeah uh H yeah at that Beast look at that man it scen like this that might look normal to you if you're British at least but after a grueling Trek in which you're constantly denied such luxuries these are moments of pure joy what's more I could Chomp on these chips happy in the knowledge that I'd forged myself another organic Adventure in another incredible part of the world well here I am in Truro in a lovely luxurious hotel room that was a great adventure not everything went the way I envisioned or predicted but yeah that's the beauty of it and yeah just got nothing but nice things to say about cornall and its residence I imagine this video has been a pretty good advert to cornall so yeah please do come but be respectful you've just got to be friendly with people and be nice and be confident as well and you can have yourselves a brilliant Adventure if you enjoyed this vid please let me know what you liked about it and if you would like to see another one of these tenor in my pocket type videos and where maybe you would like to see it drop the video a like and I'll see you for the next one [Music]
2024-11-06 06:58