I Entered China's Forbidden City

I Entered China's Forbidden City

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I am in Beijing China and in this video I'm going  to visit China's Forbidden City okay the security   tells me I need to follow them I will also visit  two more Super famous places and try the most   famous Chinese dish but I heard that it can be  quite stressful to visit famous places in China   as they are usually very crowded and you need to  buy tickets online days in advance please show   your appointment record do you need an appointment  to enter here is that really going to be the case   will it still be enjoyable join me and let's  explore China's capital okay and we are going   to start at one of the most famous places in China  at the Great Wall of China and yeah I'm just about   to enter the cable car to go up to the wall is  currently about- 3° so this pretty cold here as   well okay cable car up to the Chinese wall anyone  afraid of heights here uh let's see let's see oh   pretty fast oh oh but looks beautiful now with the  snow I actually feel exciting to go up here now I   mean this is the Great Wall of China One of the  most famous places in the world it's one of the   seven wonders of of the world so this has been on  my list for a long time to visit do you agree do   you also feel excited to be here by the way I just  met these guys here on the ground because they   were looking as clueless as I was trying to find  the ray friend inde is friend indeed so you are   from Lebanon I'm from Lebanon bellarus uh Russia  and Russia and Russia and Dubai you live in Dubai   that is a much warmer than it is here now yeah  in theory it is possible also to walk up here but   there was a guy down there recommending us to not  walk because he said it's like 3 hours oh that's   it that's it already that was literally like 3  minutes yeah and yeah I actually have a mission   for today so throughout the video we are going to  visit Three super famous places the Great Wall is   the first one and I have the goal I want to take  a beautiful picture in front of all these three   famous places so throughout this video I want to  collect three pictures but first you have to walk   quite a long tunnel here and I'm just realizing  that maybe it is too foggy today to actually see   the wall because I could imagine that usually  you can see the wall from here already but now   everything is covered in [ __ ] oh it seems to be  very slippery here oh yeah this is like like ice   here so you need to be careful here walking up  here here it is guys the Great Wall of China and   it looks very Steep and very slippery wow this  is a great moment for me world famous place and   now for the first time seeing it with your own  eyes I love moments like this oh it looks very   steep actually okay I think he said move on move  on that was just a guess okay the goal is now to   make it to the top of the Great Wall to admire  the views and get the one picture that I want   but getting up there was pretty intense and I know  usually it doesn't look that steep on camera but   let me tell you this is pretty steep careful yeah  right look how they are going down here oh oh is   this the worst day to visit the Great Wall I'm not  sure check it out they're just sliding down here oh she seems to be a bit scared be careful  be careful W this is great actually I think   the good thing about coming on a day like this  where you don't have the best visibility and   it's cold it's snowing that probably reduces the  amount of people here a lot cuz you can imagine   a world famous place like this especially in  China is often very crowded this is pretty   cool although it is pretty freezing here but as  long as you keep moving you actually don't really   feel the cold that much oh but check it out  it gets significantly more busy up there okay   this is the busy part but it's not as Steep  and the stairs are not as high here anymore   so it seems to be a bit easier to walk hello  ni where are you from oh you China from China   China okay okay I from Germany are you stuck  there uh yes for last 5 minutes for some reason this kind of looks like The Stairway to Heaven  right because we are basically walking into the   right cloud and I can't even see the end from  here this is interesting look how tilted the   walls are here I'm wondering if this is just  because it happened over the the years of they   actually build it tilted like this or if the  original position was more like this you know   but very interesting like keep in mind that  this was built I think over 2,000 years ago   so people were building it in this position and  it's still standing here so many years later but   yeah you need to have a little bit of patience  to go up here keep in mind this is a not so   good weather day imagine this in good weather  conditions interesting view here oh I just met   some Chinese people here who can speak German no  Chinese people K Korea ah Korean people but she   was just saying Danka and what was the word you  said Morgan Morgan good day good morning what's that you can teach me one word in Korean one  word an that's hello right yes hello ano an ano   yeah you come to visit China hey China is second  time second time in first time great first time   no yes first time in okay okay you first time  yeah yeah yeah how do you like it I'm oh I'm   very interesting how about you oh it looks very  nice you first time the weather is not so good   today but I like it it looks still beautiful  okay and it's slippery here again now you see   I I have almost no goup here with my shoes yeah  so here you really need to hold on here because   yeah I'm literally just slipping uh slipping down  here again yeah you can go sure sure sure hold on   okay so this is the part that is causing the jam  because it's very Steep and very slippery here so   this is slowing everything down but yeah have a  look behind me I think I spent over half an hour   just in this part here now you can he me oh thank  you so much you're welcome hold on to the rails   and then you can go up here oh careful careful the  boy there is deciding to go on his own and I think   the dad is worried oh no I should concentrate on  walking now not on talking okay this is intense here okay I both hands now yeah this is the  section that slows everything down holding the   jam okay so we have a tower here I think they  are called Watchtower so I think what they did   here is they they closed it because usually I'm  pretty sure you you were able to walk through and   then continue walking on the wall because yeah  the the total length of the wall is uh 21,000 km   stretching all around the area here and the  main purpose of the wall was to protect the   Chinese from the from the Mongols coming from  the Northern parts in theory when the weather   is clear you can probably see the wall stretching  all over the mountains here to be honest I kind of   enjoy it especially because of the this weather  conditions you know never let the weather ruin   your experience if you're in a place like this not  everything has to be perfect in order to be worth   seeing and yeah I just took the first picture  of the day so this is the first out of the three   pictures that I want to take in this video yeah  so after I got the picture and admir the views   a little bit it was time to head down again some  people are sliding down here and check it out what   food are they selling on the Great Wall of China  what do you think what would you expect to be sold   here it is hamburger and french fries and fried  chicken and then I had it back to Beijing for the   next famous place and I am now in the city center  of Beijing about to visit the second out of the   three famous places in this video the jaman square  which is not only the largest Square in the world   but also very famous place here in China you have  probably seen the square before or heard about it   whenever China is having like a big parade or big  celebrations it's usually at this Square okay so   the square should be about 100 m in front of me  and there's also this famous building which we're   going to have a closer look at as well and this  is the main road here it seems to be a very big   road I see at least 1 2 3 four lanes on each side  maybe even more and then also a big part here for   the bicycles and yeah as you can imagine the area  around here looks very well maintained very clean   but that actually is no surprise anymore for me  in China you probably have seen my previous China   videos as well basically every place especially  the tourist places the famous places they all look   very tidy and clean and wellmaintained and that is  also the case of course here and there's a lot of   security here this is already the third checkpoint  that I have to pass okay so you do need to have an   appointment SL ticket to enter the square which to  my understanding you need to book at least one day   in advance so yesterday my Hotel staff helped me  to do that but the ticket or the appointment was   free of charge for this place and yeah 1 hour  later and I just visited the channan square but   unfortunately I just learned that I am not allowed  to film the square and put it inside a YouTube   video you are allowed to film there but only for  personal usage so I didn't know that before but   yeah I just learned that so if you are a YouTuber  coming to Bing just that you know you're not   allowed to put the genan square inside a YouTube  video unless that's what I have been told you have   a special permit but to be honest I'm not sure  how to get the permit and it's probably a lot of   hassle so I am of course going to respect that I  am not allowed to put that square in the YouTube   video but I can tell you it wasn't very impressive  Square the largest Square in the world so it was   really cool to see that with my own eyes and  most importantly for today's video I was able   to get the second out of the three pictures for  this video and yeah before we're heading now to   the last place the Forbidden City I'm actually  quite hungry and there's one specific dish here   in Beijing that everyone who comes here has to  try so let's see if I can find that and yeah some   general first impression of Beijing that I have  so this is now the third City I'm visiting in   China in Chinese Mainland after Shanghai and after  guango and to be honest also here this is a city   of over 20 million people but it doesn't feel like  that because the roads are not chaotic everything   seems to be well organized everything looks clean  and decent here so this right here is the city   center but it doesn't feel like the city center  of a city with over 20 million people and also   here most of the cars are electric or many of them  at least but I do see a difference here compared   to Shanghai for example Shanghai overall seemed  to be more modern everything was newer and there   were more like huge skyscrapers and super modern  buildings I haven't really seen that in Beijing   here yet so here we have like a lot of these  typical residential buildings here just walking   into a random small alley and there's a there's a  smell of of something being grilled in the air you know yeah okay okay okay thank you all right okay okay looks like I can eat duck  here traditional hanging method Foods wood used   for roasting in old Chinese country Ard but  minimum order size one whole duck that might   be a problem I don't think I can eat a whole  duck do we have a small portion for eating the duck she was pointing to this dish right here  which is one duck for one way of eat include   duck pancake Duck Sauce spring onion and cucumber  is that a good portion for one person this is for   for one person yeah 273 pay now pay now yeah okay  okay I think this is going to be a very expensive   meal it was 273 unen now to be honest I think  it's quite pricey but uh maybe this is a famous   restaurant here so let me know in the comments  if this is a normal price for this meal I feel   like this is an expensive place yeah I do have  this little uh translation device with me now   which I have been using since I arrived in China  it's called time Kettle and this uh specific model   here is the T1 mini and this is actually pretty  helpful like uh you saw me just speaking into   it and then it translates into Chinese immediately  and there's also a camera function here so in this   case I don't really need it because the menu  is also in English here but yeah many of the   restaurants in China do not have an English menu  so then I can just translate it here so I take a   picture and then in this case I have put it to  English so Chinese to English so get translates   into English and yeah maybe you think now why  don't I just use my phone for translations but   yeah the thing is if you have a long travel day  you're out exploring a new place it is actually   pretty good if you can save the battery of your  phone for as long as possible so if you constantly   have to get your phone out to get translation  services done that can empty the battery pretty   fast so I actually like to have a separate device  for that which is not using my phone's battery and   also the most popular translation device that  most people have on their phone is not working   in China it is blocked here and you can use it  if you have a VPN but I can tell you from my   personal experience now that even if you have a  VPN in China it's not really reliable it doesn't   work 100% of the time and yeah I just don't like  the feeling of being potentially stuck somewhere   because I don't have a working translation device  on my phone and also sometimes you don't really   feel comfortable to give your phone ARR to  strangers in order to speak into the device   so I actually think it's pretty handy if you  have an extra separate device for translation   services and yeah this device currently off for 37  different languages with 88 accents and yeah you   can use this device even without being connected  to Wi-Fi it comes with one year free global data   so even if you don't have a local SIM card or you  don't have Wi-Fi you can still use it so if you   traveling to a new country where you don't speak  the local language I think this is a very useful   device or if you have friends or family members  who are going abroad soon this would also be a   great gift for them I think and yeah I also have  other devices available you can check it out all   on their website if you would like to check it out  as well you can click the link in the description   okay I do have duck in front of me now I'm not  sure if this is already everything I order it   so we do have delicious smelling duck meat here  then there some cucumbers and I'm not sure what   this is actually and this is I think soy sauce and  then I have the hot water here which by the way if   you go into a Chinese restaurant in Germany this  is one of the most popular dishes to get there   okay thank you and I got a little bit of pancake  as well on the side so this actually looks like   a almost like a ro Shai in Malaysia thin pancakes  like this oh I got a second yeah okay maybe this   is a bit too much for me okay but first things  first let's try the delicious duck meat okay   first time trying Beijing duck in Beijing oh wow  this is amazing I can already say this is the   best Beijing deck I ever had the meat is so soft  and tender it's almost melting on my tongue and   then the outside part here it feels like this is  glazed with something and it's very crispy how do   I I eat this I put it inside here trying to eatat  the correct local way ah you do it like this okay   ah so you basically make like your own rep out of  it okay thank you so much yeah this seems to be   the the proper way of eating this so you roll it  like a little rep basically let's try it like this   oh yeah now we have all the flavors combined the  fresh flavor from the vegetables together with the   delicious soy sauce the delicious duck meat and  then these very thin pancakes they don't really   add a lot of flavor to it to be honest but the  overall combination in my mouth now tastes really   good and then basically use the meat to spread  the the sauce on the pancake together with the   cucumbers and then these uh onions okay and just  like that I have done it by myself pretty easy   Once you know how to do it please let me know  in the comments if this is the most common way   to eat it or just one way out of many ways okay  I am almost done now and to be honest at the end   towards the end it gets actually a little bit  too oily for me the pieces here actually quite   oily which is okay for me at the beginning like  the first plate was totally fine but then after   a while it gets a little bit too oily for me  thank you very much byee okay bye-bye oh check   it out I think many famous people have been  here the famous movie star the famous movie   star I don't really know these people but maybe  some of you know actors the famous movie star oh   I know this guy Jet Lee oh he has been here as  well okay so I do think that I stumbled up on   the very famous place by accident here maybe  that explain the high price because this was   the most expensive meal I ever ate in China so let  me know in the comments if this is a normal price   for this type of meal and you now let's check  out the last place of today the Forbidden City   okay and now the big moment we are going to enter  the Forbidden City I'm currently walking towards   the main gate and yeah we have a frozen lake  here which yeah looks very cool actually very   picturesque also there are many Chinese girls very  nicely dressed up with traditional clothes to take   pictures here yeah you see this a lot here it's  funny actually all around Asia always at famous   tourist attractions you always see girls nicely  dressed up I remember I saw that a lot in Vietnam   or in Thailand as well so you can see Asian girls  really like to take beautiful pictures and yeah   let me introduce you to yet another Super Famous  spot here in China here we go the main entrance   to the Forbidden City I think actually this is  the main entrance I'm not 100% sure and wow this   is already a great view from here and the big  moment for me I always love it to be at Super   famous places I think I said that already in this  video okay please okay okay see so yeah you need   to buy the tickets in advance and then yeah the  ticket is connected to your passport okay the   security tells me I need to follow them I think  my drone is a problem here this needs to be kept   by the police okay so I cannot take the Drone  inside yeah the Drone stay here you you follow   me okay I think I I need to leave the the Drone  here and then I can probably pick it up later   okay so my drone is now inside the police van the  whole process took about 5 minutes so if you want   to save these 5 minutes better don't take your  drone to this place but all good I can pick it   up later and yeah just quickly about the tickets  you need to buy the tickets online at least one   day in advance which I simply did by asking my  hotel staff and then they booked the tickets via   an app which literally took 2 minutes and then  I paid the cash to them the entrance price is 40   un so I paid it directly to my hotel staff and  he booked the ticket via his phone for me and   yeah now let's enter the forbidden of China yeah  a few hundred years ago this would not have been   Possible only if you are a member of the royal  family hence the name the Forbidden City because   for the regular people here it was not allowed to  enter this place but wow this is already a great moment yeah if you have seen any documentaries  about China before or any pictures of China the   chances are really high that you have seen this  place before and so have I and now being at this   place by myself that feels great wow if you are  from China let me know in the comments what is   actually the most famous tourist spot or the most  popular tourist spot to visit for the locals is it   the the Square from earlier is it the great wall  or is it this place or a totally different place   this is really great yeah can you imagine how  it must have felt for people like 5 6 700 years   ago to stay here and to look at the exact same  buildings and the area here is actually quite   large you can see it stretches out more and more  into the distance so this is a place where you   can easily spend a few hours in if you're really  looking into all the details all the different   buildings this is easily a few hours worth of your  time and at the end of the area we also have the   Imperial Garden which is quite a large Garden  area here so probably the the royal family or   everyone belonging to the Royals spent their free  time in this Garden area right here and you to be   honest the whole complex here everything looks  so typical textbook Chinese you know all these   ancient buildings here I'm actually just thinking  which place is the best for that one photo was it   the main entrance or one of the squares in the  middle I mean there are so many iconic photo   spots inside here maybe you can take the the same  picture for me yeah of course yeah that would be   great okay I found someone to take pictures for  me so this is the the spot I would like to have   because now with the the sky and the sun it looks  really nice sample yeah something something like   this you're from Thailand yeah yeah oh oh wow  myup wow where in Thailand are you from um Ben   yeah and yeah I do have the final picture now so  I'm very happy and yeah feel free to check out all   the pictures I took today on my Instagram kenro on  Instagram feel free to also follow me there leave   a comment that you coming from the YouTube video  okay and they literally just closed the doors   behind me so what a great ending to the day and to  end this video and if you haven't seen my previous   video my high-speed train journey from guangju  all the way here to Beijing then feel free to   check it out right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-02-10 05:15

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