I Dated a Korean Girl in Seoul

I Dated a Korean Girl in Seoul

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today we're taking a crash course in South Korean  dating because apparently my subscribers love   watching me embarrass myself in new and creative  ways who pays on the first day does it say   anything about being really good in bed I'm going  on a date with a Korean girl where I'll try to   blend in fail miserably and probably get corrected  on how to hold chopsticks what she's just called   me a cow I'm a rabbit along the way we'll do some  culturally Korean things like getting blackout   drunk pretending I know K-pop lyrics and me not  being able to pronounce anything off the menu   Korean guys and foreign guys you don't you don't  have to like go too much in detail will I impress   her or just confirm every Foreigner stereotype  let's find out you want to be my boyfriend okay   I'm going to meet my future wife right now wish  me luck didn't learn any Korean it's time to   show you a masterclass in dating Korean women just  kidding I don't actually know anything about that   okay we're meeting her hello how are you good an  nice to meet you how are you doing good to see you   you look beautiful thank you you have a you have  an American accent I was expecting you to have   a like a Korean accent I can do both okay let me  hear your Korean accent huh do do a Korean accent   say say um say hello my name is Jen in Korean  hello hello hello hello hi my name is oh yeah   that's good that's good that's good yeah so do you  come to this area much noong Mong Mong Mong Mong   why does everything end in dong know okay sorry  do you know what dong means in English yeah shut   up okay here we go oh yeah a little bit hello I'm  back thank you spicy no spicy yes um which one is this do you want the spicy one or the not  spicy uh which one's this one I want this   one you want the spicy one delici delicious  okay delicious delicious K okay thank you be   careful with that flame I love you I love  you okay I love you I love you I love you   is he saying I love you yeah okay 10,000  hey I love you I love you 10,000 I love   you okay thank you I love you thank you  thank you you love me he thank you thank you got good energy Del delici I love energy is this something that is  typically Korean or is this more me and my friends   usually eat this after a night out oh really yeah  oh sick and what's what about this one it's like a   Gua dings yeah okay nice nice okay whilst we wait  I'm going to ask a very annoying question is about   North Korea so what what do South Koreans think  of North Korea I don't think a lot of people care   they don't care but from from the news that  I don't really watch the news but from what   on social media there's like a lot of like  it looks like North Korea makes like a lot   of threats because we're quite close in Soul  we're like an hour away does it feel like do   you think any Koreans are like ever worried  about how close you are and the threats with   all the nuclear power that they have times yeah  there's like I got like a security message on my   phone and I heard that like North Korea drops  like um balloons in soul with like propaganda   is that true yeah no way wow imagine that  in your own City like a rival country or   like a other country dropping propaganda  it's crazy we're only an hour away so oh well oh you didn't get spicy oh  [ __ ] okay good luck thank you oh my God it's so nice Okay you show me how it's done show me the  elegant way of eating it this is literally like dripping there we go oh delicious delicious  yeah yeah showing me how to eat it okay ready wow oh spicy delicious delicious delicious M  Mas die back die back die back die back oh de de I did not know we had a Korean friends uh sorry   Filipino friends in Korea we are going  to do a cute caricature oh like they   they they draw the picture for you look  they're like they're all waiting here hello two people together separate  together together cop okay this is   my wife no I'm not okay that that didn't  go well okay this is so cute 18,000 sure hello he's doing you first okay oh secret oh okay okay sorry  sorry fair enough fair enough but   this is what it's going to look  like it's going to look maybe yeah   I thought this is such a cool idea  and it's like $8,000 is like uh1 $103 yeah that's not too bad actually for like  2 minutes work that's that's pretty good money   so what's life like in Soul it's okay it's  fun a lot to do in the winter also fun yeah   okay you have like a lot of stuff to J indoors  as well nice you um haven't lived in so your   whole life have you no I I moved to Korea like  for good and 2018 okay so you've experienced   foreign life and international life and uh Korean  life yeah that's like you're wearing like a bear   what if I don't like the result what if I'm  like I look like this we get our money back   yeah I'm nervous as well okay he's  ready he's ready oh we're done we're   done oh that's so good thank you so much  wow wow look at your hair I'd say that's   pretty identical there you go you can  you can keep it he's even got my beard thank you you can take that thank you so much  thank you we're going to a a tower a Viewpoint   oh okay cool to see the whole city butan the issue  is this phone Google Maps really doesn't work on   this phone which is very strange but there is  like a Korean Maps app it's all in Korean so   you kind of have to wing it but luckily Jen has  uh Google that works that is Google Maps no oh   it's not that caca oh so you don't use Google Maps  I don't not in Korea oh okay okay I get it I get   it so this is the Korean street everyone a Korean  fire hydrant oh my God it's like if you dropped   me here I probably would think that I'm in Japan  but wow there is there a lot of security cameras   in South Korea yeah everywhere everywhere do  you think that's a good thing or a bad thing   it's a good thing okay yeah it's for it's to  protect you yeah you okay yeah don't me to push you we're at the top we made it we got to figure  out how to get that cable car up there can't be   that hard we made it to the cable car and  the sun's about to set this is perfect two people we going to stay there forever only two or three people  die from this every year let's   test out the uh the night vision on this  camera as well not very great actually wow is this the middle of Soul right here  or we on the edge we're in the middle oh   wow wow so Soul goes all the way around  this hill this is just one quarter of Soul wow we are just in time for sunset wow  beautiful oh my God oh my God hello I say a   de de de de I'm freezing right now  okay let's go so we're going to find   out I actually know there's a tower but  I think there's there's a lot more to see   up here so we're going to explore  oh this is where oh we could have walked damn it you know what it is  yeah it's just showing your luck   this year when were you born in 1997 so  you have this you don't know my birth yet   so you're a cow huh I'm a cow excuse me you're  a cow okay she's just called me a cow I'm a   rabbit there like oh this is Chinese is this  Chinese New Year Chinese something similar I   don't know how to expain this I've never been  called a cow on a date but cow okay okay go   for it so we put it in the cow box okay put it  in do you know how to do it oh okay there we go maybe there's like a special treat like Viagra inside oh gum is there an English translation  nope ah you going have to translate for oh so   you have like for every month in 2025 uh like  a I have a what it talks about your luck every   month like January February you January what  January am I going to have a good month on   YouTube it says you'll have a conflict no  way oh my God I'm not joking you're really   going to have a conflict in January oh wait  I think that was a wrong translation really   yeah it says you're going to achieve something  really good no way wow jary maybe our marriage   and Sh and in February let's see says everything  you do it's going to work out in February such   such like a generic thing to say like oh my God  yeah that's so true yeah couple some months it   says it's not good like really oh [ __ ] does  it say anything about my receding hairline in   there yeah really in June it says it's going  you're going to go oh no just I have to go to   Turkey for the for the uh head transplant  in October yeah does it say anything about   being really good in bed because that's  what I've heard on the streets I don't see that so there is a couple lock which  I've never done you've done this before yeah okay thank you wow you have really nice  sound writing no that's so bad oh my God it's so   beautiful I know here we go like And subscribe  everyone if you find this lock and you take a   picture and you send it to me I'll send you $100  only the first person not everyone who does that   you're just going to come back here tomorrow and  send me a picture guys we are experiencing sorry   about the wind we are experiencing history right  here these are the beacons that they used to light   up when the enemies were approaching maybe the the  Japanese were coming and they would lit like these   on fire to warn the city because we're at the  highest point and let me let me tell you you won't   be able to see on camera but surrounding the whole  of this hill is City just goes to show the size of   Soul you know what the only way to show you is  to go up to this Tower here so let's go to the top wow this just goes to show the technology  right I mean it's not crazy technology but very [Music] cool we've come to the top of the tower  it's just dark so you can't see much but it's   still cool to you get a good idea of how big the  city is because it's like 360 and Everywhere You   Walk you can just see city as far as I can see so  it's cool but probably better to come in a day or   sunet but it was just such a long wait Che I did a  bit of research into like the traditions of Korean   dating okay and um I saw something about like  them being very uh big on anniversaries is that   true like a 100 day anniversary yeah yeah this  is 100 day and 200 day yeah every 100 days why   100 days I don't know I actually don't know well  so I found out today that there's a Korean age   in like a American age yeah so your Korean age is  I'm 26 Korean North age you're 25 USA age or just   the rest of the world and then I'm I'll be turning  27 20 wait on January 1st wow but does the Korean   age still the age you tell people or they new age  because apparently I meet oh okay okay also like   these days Korean trying to get rid of like this  Korean age thing CU confusing so um I would like   ask people Korean age or like my no way what's  dating life like in South Korea for Korean people   like I think it used to be really conservative but  then not anym okay I hardly can do it I just gave   you one oh you only do one at a time what did you  dip it in I in yours I'm Jing oh God I dropped it question to be like actual girlfriend boyfriend  like you want to be my boyfriend you want to be   my girlfriend yeah yeah yeah exact same and that's  a good that's a good thing that you pointed out   because in the Middle East or in South Asia you  don't you don't need to say any like I think going   so what about like um Korean etiquette like who  pays on the first day for depends on the situation   but maybe the guy would pay for us guys rich  if they're broke they're going to be like can   you split or like I think in my experience when  I date guys used to be like guys would pay for   like dinner and then I pay for like like coffee  okay yeah or like I would get dinner sometimes   mhm okay nice that's like into the relationship or  at the start into the relationship okay nice nice oh yes thank you that was the most  delicious beef I've ever had your Chef   deserves a Michelin star and your skills of  waitressing have blown me away I love per and you she did the she did the triple bow she  was like do you have to bow lower than the   person who if they're older no what about if  they're your boss no oh really okay what do   Koreans love what's the go to drink soju Soju okay  let's try some Soju can't go wrong with a bit of   Soju oh this ISS Korean no beard no word nice  theyes first what's this crazy Korean dish oh   it's popcorn okay so in Korea everything's on on  the electronics so they got the iPads don't worry   I I speak Korean so this say is uh chicken  nuggets KFC it's a great deal uh basically   we're going to go to the blackout section see  this one blackout this says like And subscribe   no it doesn't yeah it says it says Harry is  very handsome wow it's weird that they said thatai tap it got to tap it seven years about a  lot of Korean girls drink beer or just you because   Eng mys love beer really cool so stereotypes to S  of of like the Western World I think a lot of my   friends they actually want to move to America like  they're trying to move to America why why didn't   they like South Korea they just my friends would  say that it's like it's too conservative for them   like if you have like tattoos or like if you wear  like revealing clothes on the subway like old old   M like ladies would like look at you like the  grandmas would look at you and like yeah like   they would literally stare at you wow it's  all about it's all about the grandparents   really like they're it's like that generation  is is still they still want to keep if you are   able to pronounce this place I will give you  $100 what place is that okay this is the place   or we can't say it maybe put it on screen  gu it I me orchester Worchester Worchester Wester whater wer is there any South Korean  city or town names that would be hard for me to say oh I don't think it's too hard that's all I  can think about though oh my God Jong Jong Kong Hong I mean you were you were  in that I just can't think of   any but you said you sound like you're  saying with a K but you're saying with a G and there you have it my crash course in  South Korean dating I laughed I stumbled   and I may or may not have mispronounced  half the menu thank you for watching me  

2025-02-02 22:28

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