I Built a Rollercoaster in my House! ft/ Ben Azelart

I Built a Rollercoaster in my House! ft/ Ben Azelart

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okay guys as some of you guys know we have a son three-year-old son named Noah Noah every single time we take him to a theme park he gets so mad because he's literally like so short that he can't get on any roller coaster ride so today we found a solution so we decided to build an actual huge roller coaster in our house it's going to be huge but we're not the ones who are going to be building it because we found out at the best YouTuber at building roller coasters is actually Ben AAL art so today he's going to come and build one for mil and Noah oh my God they're going to freak out so Ben aart is going to be here in any minute now and I know you guys are wondering where is Mila and Noah so we actually sent them to the neighbors and they're going to be there for like 3 hours so we have literally 3 hours to build the biggest roller coaster dude this is actually excited this is actually crazy he guys he's here he's actually here hello hi Ben hello Noah has never been on a roller coaster in his life you do you will make his dream come true are you guys ready for us to build the best roller coaster ever all right guys follow me follow me okay I got something to show you when I open this you're going to see something you've never seen before Oh my God okay okay why are you nervous I don't know are you going to do this in 3 hours trust me I think we can I think we can figure it out he said I think he said I think do this we got this okay here we go all right okay oh my God why am I scared in three two one oh oh what is is that scrap this is a roller coaster right here what where's the no it's in there it's in there all this wood see the pieces back there we're going to put it together in 3 hours there will be a working roller coaster this does not look like a 3 hours worth of work I thought roller coasters are metal not wood it's fine it's fine okay well listen okay we have dude I'm doubting you now V yo I don't have time this so we got to get this in the backyard as soon as possible okay let's go all right team let's start building this thing let me show you how it's going to work follow me here we go oh my God I have a master plan for this okay go come on quickly quickly quickly okay okay okay so here in the backyard is where everything is going to happen the roller coaster is going to start on this side of the backyard it's going to be like okay extremely tall way taller than me going to drop down come over here it's going to be a bump in the middle a little jump going to go back all the way over here and then it's going to finish and do it all over again oh my God okay honestly okay okay guys guys guys I've seen Ben build the best roller coaster I've ever seen in a home before so I want to trust you trust me but the things I just saw in the truck no it'll all come to life do you think it's going to be safe is it going to be safe absolutely it's going to be okay okay trust me and as Ben's team started to bring the roller coaster in the house things were looking good I'm I'm ly excited can I go on the ride I think so hey Ben Ben can I go on the ride of course there's no age limit there's no height limit which means you can ride too guys look at this this is actually some serious work good job bro that's not bad look at this oh wow this is actually incredible holy bro thank you so much if it works out this is going to be cool but with a few hours left we had a serious problem hey real quick uh I'm not sure exactly how we're going to get the big tower in the tower what do you mean by Tower the this is going to be higher than this oh yeah we have like a giant Tower where you start you know it starts very high then it goes down so did you measure the front door no but it'll fit it'll fit what dude we don't so it might not even make it in no no it's going to fit it's going to fit Ben we love you but I don't trust you Liam we can't trust him right yeah I saw the roller coaster he built in his house and I actually think we can trust him do you care if we scratch a few walls bro what are you talking about did you not hear well we have this giant Tower to bring through the front door and we might scratch a few walls so I'm just making sure it's okay is it okay if you want to sleep with one eye open yeah I know where you live by the way I won't scratch any Wass thank you oh my God that's what they're trying to bring in through the front door oh my God okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God they're going to break the house they're going to break them ah okay okay oh oh listen I'm going to take this to the backyard okay cuz she looks like she's going to kill me okay let's hope it goes through the back there okay so they have to make it through this door right here oh my god dude this will not make dude this would oh God okay oh God yeah we might have to lose oh man oh I don't know if he's taking down the gate or he's taking down the roller coaster was this part of the plan yes yeah okay oh God oh God the over here you got okay okay down there you go okay the bottom of the leg okay this is making oh my God oh my God it's going in it's going in it's going in oh let's go wait that's just one wait wait that's just one side it's going to work it's going to work it's going to work oh oh my God this is flipping that's normal that's normal yeah that's normal okay okay this is break ah woo we got it through we got it through bro it's upside down listen I want this roller coaster to be big okay so we need big pieces like this you're right you're right okay and guys we actually have to pick up the Kid 2 hours and 10 minutes sharp cuz the neighbors have to go somewhere so we can't actually stay longer than that quick wow CH oil it's chili oil well we've been building a lot so this is going to be great here we go and everything seemed like it was going well until yo we have a problem what's going on um so so they're building it right now but uh we realized we forgot a few pieces a few pieces yeah like we're missing some stuff okay and um if we don't get it from the store right now then it's not going to be finished so so we have to go to the store buy some more wood some more wood panels some paint come back and then finish it and we're supposed to do the that all before the kids come back home now we have like 2 hours yes plus painting let's just go to the store because yeah the clock's ticking all right let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my God so we just got here to Lowe's I can't believe we're doing an actual roller coaster in our house guys all right my goal is to get all this stuff in under 10 minutes let's go let's go let's go time started okay where do we go so what do we need paint paint is here the only way Noah will get on it is if it looks really nice so that's why we need nice colored paint spray paint we need to alanate we need a key we need a key oh what L is that excuse me how do we open the spray paint so they're opening it now for us look you have gloss candy pink Cherry Berry pink I don't think pink do we do do pink no he likes Spider-Man red and blue red and blue I think red and blue red and blue it's going to be called the Spider-Man roller coaster here we go just open red here we go red what's the Spider-Man blue that's not Spider-Man blue this is Spider-Man blue yes yes yes yes this is it this is it okay how are we on time 6 minutes 50 seconds left okay we need um um um okay what else grab these okay dude sorry thank you do you need help I would like some help baby we need to run literally we will have to pick up mea no and literally an hour and a half right now so Liam your job is to get more of this paint stuff any type of paint any type of paint this is getting really really tight okay so what do we need wood let's go let's go let's go guys we literally have 3 minutes left wood we need wood okay start grabbing wood okay wood wood wood is that going to fit in the car we're going to cut it and then they can fit in the car okay here we go okay way we need some of these too smaller pieces of wood perfect okay got it oh hurry we got 1 minute and a half we have 1 minute okay help him screw screws screw screws screws screws you got that okay good good good good good good good good the team needs extra screws okay okay we need yeah longer screws longer screws here we go oh what get out of my way what did y'all get what did you get well I I got a bit worried so I got some bubble wrap helmets safety goggles there's no light light cars he loves cars okay well if he likes the colors red and blue I'm getting it I'm going to buy him these you're so nice Okay red and blue lollipops too everything today is going to be red and blue I'm actually a bit worried that no one might not want to go on the roller coaster but I think this will really help thank you bro it will help appreciate it man yo the timer finished like 3 minutes ago we're so bad at this how much are you paying I don't know we need these for the build oh really this is important to build for you or for Noah no it's for uh it's for the construction dude can you tell me how much did I end up paying for the whole roller coaster you don't want to know actually no okay is it above $1,000 yes is it above $5,000 yes o yo we're late come on so look we got to pick them up at 2:00 and now it's almost one 1 hour and 20 minutes left to go home let's go let's Go's okay we just made it back home okay the roller coaster is done it's actually right I got to show you guys dude this is actually exciting I'm actually oh my God before you go outside just trust me sounds like they're still working on it are you sure it's done you seem nervous so just close your eyes close your eyes Just Walk This Way okay okay Walk This Way t t guys this is so cool don't see it don't see it don't look don't look don't look don't oh my God guys I kid you not this is it insane okay okay I don't want to show you yet I don't want to show you okay honey are you ready I'm ready okay one two two and three [Music] go W oh my God look at this guys oh my God so it goes from here and then it goes down oh my goodness is that where Noah going to sit yeah Noah's going to sit right here we're going to have a seat with a shoulder harness he will be stuck on oh there's going to be a seat here yes with with seat belts we're going to install it before he rides it Noah will cry I'm swear Noah will cry although I am not too too sure if he's going to want to do it all the way from up here okay this is way too high wait guys let me show you this I think Noah will be too scared oh my God guys look at this oh my dude this is in the backyard that's crazy wo man this is actually insane bro thank you Noah is going to love it guys let me just show you what my biggest worry is this right here you can't show me enough physics to tell me that this won't get you flying off there's just no way okay my question is how are you so sure it's not going to go off the edge uh we're just going to let gravity kind of do its thing and we'll put a stop block at the end so there's no way the cart could ever come off the top of it so you're trusting your physics and it I'm not saying you failed math or and before trying the roller coaster we needed to customize the entire build with Spider-Man colors so that Noah doesn't get scared okay guys so we literally have 50 minutes before we have to pick up Noah so we got to spray this thing now okay let's go look at this look at this look at this look at this oh maybe I should hold blue then hold on my plan is to make a sign for the entire roller coaster and I'm going to call it the Noah coaster that's that's good you like that yeah yeah go for it go for it do you know how to spell it of course let's see oh wow he went to school I'm good yeah but let's see the rest of it okay we're going to write coaster with blue Noah coaster [Music] who we're going to add something that's very important we're going to say made with made with love here we go it sounds you ruined it dude how' you how you manage to ruin this looks like him okay she ruined it okay okay we actually have no time by the way okay let's go [Music] okay wow bro you have one job come on [Music] so normally to ride a roller coaster you have to be this tall which is you know obviously taller than Noah and this is the thing that always stood between Noah and roller coasters dude every single time he stands beside one just starts crying they never let him so seeing this he's going to know like oh I can't make it no no no this is the Noah coaster so we move it all the way down here a hey so now I'm going to cry I swear to God is that crazy oh my God guaranteed he can ride it guaranteed this is actually really incredible I can't believe now now you can ride too okay are we ready we're ready okay guys so we painted the sides here it is time for me to go pick up the kids so I have to leave to go pick them up but first we got to try the roller coaster who's trying it you you Mr Benny you I'm not who's trying it I think you what do you mean it's Rambo R Shambo I'll go I'll go I built it so I'll ride it okay Ben are you ready okay so Ben is up there oh my God oh my God scary oh my God God oh my God God no he can't even fit I'm barely fit in here oh how's it looking I'm ready okay I'm not worried about it because I built it right we're good are you ready okay now I'm kind of terrified okay so Ben I'm coming up to push [Music] you T oh my God all right A Moment of Truth okay are you ready oh yes are you ready yes 5 4 3 2 1 oh my God oh my W oh my God oh my God oh my gosh yo this is crazy oh my gosh how was it I'm so glad that worked I'm so glad that worked I got a little worried that it might just go but you know we built this correctly and it is safe I think it's I think it's time for either you or you to go no yeah this is your no because I think I need the bathroom and like yeah I have I think my son need come on come on L you'll definitely have to use the bathroom after this no I'm going to myself guys she's so scared of roller coasters why me no baby it's you come on I don't like this adrenaline rush do you think Noah would do it no all right so when Noah actually does ride the roller coaster I have a full harness safety gear so that he doesn't go anywhere cuz you want to make sure he's safe Ben I just want to say really really genuinely thank you you're going to make the kids have the best day of their life so I really appreciate you for that thank you so much man okay honey your turn t t maybe I need this okay go to put that on don't you want to try it for your kids no honey I have an idea for you here we go look what we're going to do here here here here here hold this hold this hold don't move don't move y you're going to be safe now yep just stay there just in case anything happens you will be extra safe here we go what do you mean what's going to happen I know my luck I swear you're safe now ow I just ate here we go how how am I going to go she has no arms no I'm a penguin now why am I SC oh my God this is scary this is bad bro oh my God it's so much scarier up here come on baby okay honey let's go honestly guys the only reason I'm trying this is because I will not let my kids go until I make sure it's super safe okay let's go come on T stop don't push me okay but promise me if you do it you'll let no one do it if if okay okay let's go okay on the count of five five four three 2 one okay here we go wait can't do this one two leave okay okay stop okay I'll let go one go two [Music] [Applause] three y i PE dude your face is so funny a Moment of Truth big question are the kids going to try it yeah I think they'll love it yeah okay so now I'm going to go pick up the kids we'll be back look who's here here we go here we go they're here they're here hi Mimi hi Daddy hi Noah hi dad Hey listen Ben has a big surprise for you okay are you excited before you go in you have to close your eyes close your eyes Noah close close your eyes do you think he's going to ride it yeah yeah do you think he's going to ride it no I think he's going to ride it okay Noah keep your eyes closed now Ben is going to help you keep walking keep [Music] walking so it's right here okay okay we have a step okay we have a step be careful one more okay A step okay yep step down perfect perfect perfect okay don't look keep your eyes closed what's your favorite color um blue and red and black and white blue and red and black and white got okay Noah are you ready okay we're going to sa three two and one open your eyes yay oh my goodness what is this a roller coaster Spider-Man roller coaster I knew it I knew if you guys saw B build um oh yeah one of his videos another one all down he saw your video when you did the roller coaster that's a good thing that's a good thing that's a good thing okay no so for you to ride it you have to be this High look at this look do you think you're this High yeah show me show me go stand yeah [Applause] okay so Noah now the big question do you want to ride the roller coaster no why because it's too tall but Noah this is for you but it's big yeah but you're strong show me your muscles no I knew [Music] it I I like the color but it's scary okay Noah I have a question for you what if I ride it with you no what if Spider-Man rides it with you Spider-Man is not even here maybe if he sees mil first okay okay okay if you see ma go first would you do it maybe [Music] MAA okay Mimi are you going to do it yeah she's done okay are you ready I'm scared okay so we're going to do put your left foot in there put this foot in through here there we go guys safety is always number one I really hope this makes Noah Want To Go's trying to convince Noah to do it that's great do you like roller coasters but not too high not too high but do they seem fun yeah but they're too big too big okay this one's not that t so you're in good hands where the Too Tall you could to like go like down here and then they like go up and then they like go the fly away and you can't even get down but you it doesn't go to the top yes so if ma does it will you do it we have to see at the end we have to see at the end I'm scared okay are you ready Mimi okay t t why are you scared yeah okay are you ready come on boooo mil it's very fun I don't trust that she's like I don't trust that I didn't okay so now we're doing the whole thing there's a safety piece in there this one and then this goes right here for this to be super super safe Mimi so Mimi you're not going to go look what's going to happen Ben is going to take you from here they're going to hold it they're going to hold it they're going to hold it look you don't have to worry keep your hands on keep your hands on here we go okay hey Noah so look at Mimi and you're going to do the same okay maybe okay okay don't worry don't worry M look look they're going to take you from here they're going to hold on to it oh my God they're just going to run with it with you okay okay one 2 and three yeah [Music] [Laughter] y good job high five give me a kid Noah are you ready I think no oh I have this and I have one of these Spiderman cars do you want them yeah okay do you want to maybe sit with MAA and try it not all the way from up here just there here we'll start right here look okay okay oh just a little bit just a little bit sit on your lap no way y okay give him give him the lollipop you could have it on the rise NOA okay mil hug Noah hug Noah one [Music] two that's it you see that's awesome is it scary [Music] no thank you B thank you so much ben we really appreciate it I know I doubted you but we did it that was sick and this this is it for today thank you so much everyone we love you all so much and we'll see you in the next video and make sure to subscribe to Ben's Channel we love you for all thank you

2024-06-03 19:23

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