Okay, I said something about not taking tiny back roads in Iraq Like this Aqrah, Iraq Season 8 - Eps.20 Good morning Internet, it is 8:05 in the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here Aqrah in Iraq And I am off into town again for some breakfast. Um, they don't do any breakfast here So short walk. Eat something and then I am on my way to I don't know the place. I'll get the map out later The only thing is I have a feeling I'm coming down with a little bit of a flu You know that feeling when you can feel it in your throat and you're like, I'm going to be sick soon So. Oh look at this view
So anyway let's hope I will not get sick It won't be a long ride today, it's again a shorter ride Probably again around 100 150 kms or something Seems like town is still sleeping So this is for breakfast Thank you I think honey Tahini Um, this is.. I think also, these are cheeses Chutneys and bread, wow What a feast Okay, the plan, the plan I am now somewhere in between Duhok which is here and Arbil Erbil And today I'm going to ride a little bit towards this area And then come down and then I'm hoping to stay just north of Erbil Yes Thank you [Kurdish] Okay, bye-bye Bye! I have learnt one word in Kurdish! Sopas Which means thank you Yeah, I know, I know some more words in Arabic. And the people will understand Arabic here as well But obviously they are Kurdish speaking people here so I should try to speak Kurdish but anyway, first word is in, sopas Thank you It's easy to remember because it sounds a little bit like suppose in English So I just think about I suppose Sopas Easy Okay, so 147 kilometers to go With uh, two I think two stops on the way So yeah, I'm just going to take it very easy today Because yeah, I'm a little bit low on energy But this wasn't the place to be sick If you know what I mean. They didn't have food or anything So then for every meal you have to walk up the hill Um, and go outside So if you're sick that's not really ideal so Maybe the place where I go now, maybe I'll stay a little longer until I feel better Anyway, let's see how we get on today I really love my little sun visor It's a hit I've also figured out another thing that makes a noise. Ha ha ha See? This It's my um.. my clutch lever It's vibrating against the hand guard I probably just have to tighten it a little bit But anyway. Do that another time
Um, I do need to fuel up somewhere Kind of soonish See if I can pass Surely there's a petrol station in this town right? You think so Possibly Ah there! He he, I knew it It's quite a big town so.. surely they have a petrol station This is my first fill up in Iraq actually Petrol. Okay Full yeah Wait 12 Is it only 12,000 Like this? Yeah? Okay It says 1200 but it's 12,000. Okay, 12, 000
13 liter. So it's 920 Dinar per liter And it's about 1,500 Dinar for a Dollar So what does that mean? Fuel is like, 70 cents per liter or so It's cheap It's not bad. Where did my other glove go now? Right, first I had two gloves, now I have one Where did it go? I'm going crazy I don't get it [Dutch] I don't know.. where is my other glove
Where did it go? Ah! Ha ha ha ha! It was stuck to my bag Bye Okay That's sorted! Got both my gloves They make you feel like such an idiot right? That you're like.. how did this just disappear into thin air? It's not possible Anyway I'll be riding parallel to the mountains most of the day I think On my left hand side Just riding on the.. along the southern edge of these mountains Checkpoint Yeah, I would love to be able to ride in the mountains here On my left Let's see if they let me through Salam From Holland Holland? - Yeah Kurdish no Okay Not sure what he said Anyway Nah, I would love to be able to ride in the mountains here, on my left But it's not quite safe there. And most roads
Well, some of the roads there are closed at least for foreigners Uh, for safety reasons So uh.. so in Iraq I just have to stay kind of on the main roads You know how much I love off-roading but here it's just.. I just don't know the area So I just don't know where I'm riding and that's just too risky So besides my own safety, it's also very likely that I'll be turned away Also because of safety so there's no real point in trying In that sense, so I'm just going to stay on the main roads And it's super beautiful here as well And the same goes actually for drone flying I mean it goes without saying that it's not allowed here Um, also because IS uses drones for attacks. Like small drones So besides that it's not allowed. Um, I also don't do it because I think you would scare everyone to death
If you fly it, so no drone flying here Look at the tracks that are kind of just bent into the asphalt I always wonder how that's possible? Isn't that just like, summer heat and then heavy trucks or something Like how on earth do you get this? This was not done on purpose I mean this area also gets boiling hot in summertime This is actually a very pleasant time of the year to visit 'Cause the temperature is just lovely I really expected more like winter conditions already, but it's definitely not, it's warmer here than it was in Turkey Salam - Hi Hi - Hello Salam alaikum - Hello - Hello Passport - Yes Where do you go now? To um.. uh Uh.. here canyon Oh Soran - Yeah And then to..
Oh Are you a tourist here? Sorry Are you a tourist here.. or? Tourist yeah Welcome Thank you Bye Wow! Look at this Okay, guesses which river is this? Has to be the Tigris or the Euphrates right? What else or not? 20 giga internet 15,000, €10 or $10 I got that same deal Okay, where to go? Oh wow, look I think I'm heading into a super narrow gorge there Ah chai, I think I'm just going to have a small tea break For my poor throat Salam alaikum Chai? No chai? This one? Okay, thanks He's out of chai but the neighbors have Okay okay, I'm coming I'm not sure what he's saying English? No Huh? Where are you from? - Holland Your name? Your name? Mohammed - Noraly Family? No - No family No family Friend Friend - Friend This for me? - Yeah A video? Uh.. YouTuber YouTuber I'm too old, I'm too old Very nice, very nice Very nice What's that? It's good - Good I have no idea what it is Very good For me? Thank you [Kurdish] How you say in Kurdish? Hello Slaw Slaw - Ah slaw Slaw - Slaw How do you say in Kurdish.. very good?
Very good In Kurdish *inaudible* I need to eat this Eat eat I eat the salad It's from the garden? Oh, I am so stuffed I had like three cups of tea and then some soup and salad And there were so lovely again and of course.. refused to take any money Um, but I'm passing this same place again on the way back So where I'm going now, I'm doing a little loop and then I'm coming back here So I'm going to see if I can buy something along the way like something to give as a gift Because they will not take my money but I want to give something back They were so nice and I think Mohammed wanted to marry me off to his son Even though his son was 18 and I told them, but I'm, you know I'm 37 I am way too old but I don't think that, they didn't care about that Honestly, the people here are.. are so nice Salam - Hello Hi, how are you? - I'm fine, how are you? Where are you from? - Netherlands Holland Hello [In Kurdish] Where are you going? I'm going to see the canyon and then I come back Where are you from? - Netherlands Netherlands - Yeah, Holland Sorry? - Have a nice time Thank you so much. Thank you
Bye-bye Um, wait which way? There's a waterfall here somewhere. I think Here Ah, there's the waterfall Look how cute this is I help you? No, I'm good thanks Where are you from? Netherlands Where? - Holland Holland Welcome to Iraq Photo photo Sure. Yeah No problem? - No problem Okay Let me see how to get out of here 'Cause I think it's only one way Anyway Beautiful waterfall And I bought a huge jar of honey I think that's a good gift for Mohammed and his son Oh, I could also try and buy a sheep but maybe it's overdoing a little bit Ah, over this Somehow I thought this road was a one way, but no okay great then I'll just go the other way This way Onwards Okay, I said something about not taking tiny back roads in Iraq But this, this should be possible This is no problem I think Look It only says no swimming, it doesn't say 'no driving' This is way more fun than on the other side right? Think there is a fly in my eye Wow Incredible right? What a stunning canyon this is Oh, see there's a bridge there so.. can just cross there, I think Maybe this was the.. the old road before they changed it to the other side of the river What a ride! Did not see that coming. I mean, I knew there was a canyon here
But I didn't realize that I would be riding through it like this He was signaling that my lights are on That's the point Wow Oh, I'm so happy to see some of the mountains of Kurdistan Because this is, I think the most mountainous region of Iraq And I thought I really couldn't see anything of the mountains because of security issues But now I still get to experience some of the mountains in Kurdistan Which is amazing Come on. Come on, gas Keep your momentum You are a Toyota Hilux, you can do it Easy Look at those mountains there Yoh, they are incredibly tall It's funny 'cause every now and and then I see a motorbike But there's not a lot of them Pretty much everybody drives cars Here Woohoohoo! Mohammed? Oh! Ah! I only noticed now. The river is.. that's rather scary I think I'll stand here. It's kinda cool Salam Mohammed For you Honey Okay. Bye-bye!
Bye-bye Until next time! Bye! Bye! Mirawa Tunnel Woo! It's dark in here Absolutely, no lights Luckily, it's only short Wow, look at the backdrop of this place hey? Incredible It's so quiet It's here, this one Not sure where Frankie has to live then All right, I have a room and it has a window I'm always very happy with that So I can have some daylight coming in This is the view. Wow, look at the sun down there And then this is the bathroom Looks fine So Frankie is parked safely in the underground parking I managed to drag up all my stuff to the room So I'm going to lay down, I'm going to lay down And uh, probably stay a couple of days here Uh, until I'm better and have a little bit more energy So I'm sorry that yeah, today I was very low on energy I kind of had to drag myself Um, but at least now I'm in the place there's like food here in the hotel There's a little bit more comfort here So this is a good place to be sick Anyway, so yeah I'm gonna end this video Um, besides not feeling so great, I did have an amazing day, I mean Meeting Mohammed and yeah, yeah what else can I say? It's just amazing and um, yeah it makes me very happy to meet so many incredible people that are just so nice and welcoming and open and yeah So another day in Kurdistan done That was it for today, I really hope you like this video If you did please give a big thumbs up, subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video
2024-12-20 16:14