HTS34E1: Final test industry: Tourism | How to start realistic | workers and resources

HTS34E1: Final test industry: Tourism | How to start realistic | workers and resources

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Back in 18. May to another and this time final industry test: Tourism. For tourism we need research from the Headquarter university. At the moment we do only have a technical university. In the end we'll need both types of university. At first we need a lot more workers and higher education for some of them. So it does not matter where students are teached. The next step is to grow the town.

Starting with the construction of the CO. As long as our number of worker is still low it is better to use foreign workers for construction. And we can replace large busses with smaller versions. There are a lot of small constructions to be done.

All the construction waste recycling can be removed. With tourism there is not really that much construction waste. This time we do not save space for industry - so lets place the open storage for construction material early - and in range of a power substation. With fire station done we need some fire trucks.

This time we gravel up the road to the heat exchanger early on. Another house is constructed. We have space for uneducated third world immigrants. So lets invite some.

One of the next constructions has to be the HQ for all the tourism relevant researches. And always start with crime buildings early on. Allowing citizens to move in as long as there are free flats available. For tourism we will transport western tourists. The construction of a faster connection to the NATO border should start too.

Lets add a prefab bridge. No steel needed. The first CO is done and we can copy tasks, settings and move some vehicles. And planning for an asphalt road to the western border post. The first available free CO can be placed in the town. When we have enough free workers we can use our own workers as workforce for the constructions.

No need to load 100% of workers in the bus. We do not need that many in the industrial area. 30% for the beginning. And the higher educated workers should also stay in the town. Moving more and more of the vehicles to the new COs. And don't forget to setup the CO correctly. Auto search of all construction always leeds to chaos. We want to decide the construction sequence of the new buildings. With the bus endstation we can now also change the configuration of the bus line.

Lets use the NATO customs for build material import right away. We do not need the dollars that soon. For the concrete plant we will need a dry bulk truck to import cement. Still no workers available in town for constructions. Better to switch back to the customs. Starting construction for the next houses and preparing footpaths for the next area. Always try to create larger construction sites first. Less individual shorter constructions.

The free brick storage is already empty. Time to switch to our new open storage for buliding material. At the moment we have more professors than needed to educate our students. Lets plan for the CO in the town. Shorter ways for construction vehicles. And asphalting the main road to the town is useful especially in the winter on snowy roads. A lot of gravel consumtion due to gravel roads I guess.

Now the board storage is empty and we can switch to our larger storage. Our fire station in the industrial area is now completed too. We can add fire trucks here. We need that power substation to supply the CO with power.

A new house is done and all supplies are in range. We still have more professors than students. Lets start with research for higher quality homes. We need it anyways and why waste professors waiting for students. And there the HQ is constructed. Time to start the tourism research.

But wait - there is no power. We need to focus on power substation first. Already 18%? And we still have more professors than students - so we can increase the research focus a bit. Some capacities for uneducated workers. Then we invite more immigrants.

The first reported crimes - we need to force the construction of police, court house and prison. Some additional attraction at the usual places. A technical service for some snowplows in the industrial area.

No production in the heating plant? With -13°C? Not good. We have now power in the HQ and can add some staff for the research. Now the last free open storage for prefabs is gone. Time to move completely to the new open storage as construction material source of our COs. The asphalt upgrade of the road is now close to the town. The court house is completed and need some setup.

With the first cases in the police station we also need the prison soon. At least at the bus stop there are now some workers available. The open storage is pretty empty. The import trucks are not fast enough filling up the storage at the moment. And the small prison is done. We can reduce the number of wardens and supply some goods for the prisoners. Finally we are in January of 1962 and we've got the Mark E western trucks. Larger transport quantities will speed up the build material transport.

We can already plan for the south part of the town. Upgrading roads first. The concrete plant is done. We need to deliver cement and speed up the water well, pump and pipe construction to not use drinking water for concrete production. We can allow more staff in the technical university. So research speeds up and we can educate more students. Upgrading more of the town roads. Some more third world immigrants won't hurt.

Priorizing some of the short footpath constructions. The gravel is already there we simply need some workers here. Already planning ahead. Here another brick house can take place. First research for tourism done we can go to advanced Hotel Standards for better quality hotels. Because we need hotels first before we can invite some tourists. And always the best. I like the Hotel from the ukraine DLC. 100 Workers can service up to 600 tourists. And a high stars rating.

The third CO is now completed. Fuel and settings need to be done. Now we can move the last of the vehicles from the free COs to this new CO. I'll upgrade the road to NATO customs to asphalt too. So we need the parallel mud road again - at least temporary.

We have 5.45% crime reduction per cycle in the prison. This is required for the setup sentence length. So nearly all prisoners released will have 0% crime rate left. Some water infrastructure can be prepared too. Starting with better footpaths. Just checking if enough workers are in the buildings (or too many) and no problems occur. We can upgrade some footpath to asphalt for faster travel speed. Lets add more staff to the HQ. This will increase the research a bit.

The bridge is finally done. But we should upgrade the piece of road right infront to asphalt. We have better hotels now researched. Lets start with soviet tourist visa so we can invite some soviet tourists. And we can place our first Hotel in the republic. It should be in range of heat, water and sewage too. 20% higher educated workers is a pretty nice rate at this stage.

We are missing some power for the new hotel. Then add a power substation close to it. The second tram station does not need any citizens yet. Lets deactivate all kind of passengers. Now we wait for our first Hotel to be completed while also waiting for the research for soviet tourists at the border.

2025-01-15 21:25

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