How To Write and Launch a Best Selling Book in 6 Weeks (and change lives at the same time)

How To Write and Launch a Best Selling Book in 6 Weeks (and change lives at the same time)

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Hello. Everybody Jenna Beck is here and welcome to romance your tribe radio I'm really excited today because I'm, feeling like I'm super, cool kinda like today. Because I've got. Steve, Mastriani, today who is about the rock star mine so hi Steve, hey. Janet thanks so much for having me it's. Steve. And I met, we actually met in Puerto, Rico do we, know. About. So in Austin and jet reverser yes yeah yeah. I like very briefly, quiet, about a year or so ago which. Steve reminded, me because we just recently connected, through a forum, through, a mutual, friend James, Franco and um and Steve, was sharing, this fantastic. Win, that, he had done and I'll. Tell you what it was in a minute cuz I just thought you know what Steve I have got to get you come and share. This with everybody. That is listening so, um. Can, you just briefly, say like what, the share was what the win was and then before we go into the details I'm just gonna introduce. You a little bit and find a bit more of a backstory no. Problem, yeah the win that I shared, was. That my new, book practice. Less play, more, hit. Best. Seller on Amazon in. 30 categories, across five. Countries and, I, did it all from idea to bestseller in only six, weeks wow. That. Is just from, somebody who has, written. I've written. Quite a few books and also. Taken. Books to Amazon. Top. You know number one and I can tell you there's a lot of moving parts there's. A lot of moving parts involved, in that so when, I heard that it's, just like this is pretty, astronomical, what. You have done Steve so, thank. You really so we're gonna dive into that today I've asked Steve if he can share with us how did, he do that and some. Really you know what. Things were important, and what things didn't you worry about doing to be able to achieve something, like that so, we're, gonna go over and I, want you to get ready to take notes body because, you. Know you're going to get some great ideas on things that you can be doing in your business now before. We do that because there's one thing to say yeah write a book but. That's. Kind of just something. That is a message that is getting out there I mean the message comes. From that, you know there's the person behind it who has the message to share and why. They, are actually, wanting to share that message and so. That's. What, I really wanted to dive into a little bit first with you Steve so people get to know you and as, everybody's listening here I want you to also think about the. Way that Steve is sharing, his message, he's why the. Reason, he has his business and why is doing it I want you to think yourself what. About with me I'll do as as much as I'm loving listen to Steve story, how. Would I tell it if I was, Steve and how. That would relate to the future book that I might write so there's, my challenge everybody. So. Over, to you Steve um. First. Of all who. Is it that you help and how. Do you do that. Yeah. So my, my, audience, is. Primarily. Guitar, players I would say beginner, guitar, players, adult. Beginners. Typically. Ranging, from about, 40. Years old to even, I just, beyond, I mean I I mainly, focus on, bucket-list. Goals and, helping people make you know those big rocks our dreams come true I. Really. Love it when someone says oh but you know my hands aren't this or I was in a musical, family or whatever and then just proving them wrong by, you, know blowing their mind I love. Helping, guitar players. Guitar. Is one of the only things one, of the only activities, that activates, pretty much every part of the brain so I also know there's so many other benefits to, learning guitar and so, guitar.

Has Been something, it's been a big part of my life for. For. Many many years and. Basically. I started playing guitar because, I kind, of reverse engineered, a whole plan, even, as a teenager where, I wanted to travel the world in, order to travel the world I knew that it would be more, likely if I was with other people and, and. So to. Do that I thought you know be fun maybe putting together a band in, order to put together a band, I should write songs so in order to write songs I should probably learn how to play guitar I was a drummer back then but I thought you know let me pick up guitar and and. Learn. How to do that how to write songs and so one thing led to another and, eventually. You. Know band after band I ended, up getting I, started. A band in. 2009. Called. The envy and we. Were the first signing. To gene Simmons his record label called, Simmons, records he. Was coming up to Canada to, scout. New bands, and we, were the first signing, Wow. That is huge and for anybody that, doesn't know, gene. Simon's. Like shame, on you I. Mean. This is kiss. I was sharing. With Steve, just. Before we came on that, the, very I remember the very first time, that I go up on the shoulders, of a my other boyfriend, and a music, festival and, did, the whole yeah, yeah. It was at a kiss festival. That's. Awesome what you wearing the makeup. Okay. I was, at that age where, you know what the makeup, would be. That's. Awesome. Yeah. That's a pretty big, claim to fame and, so first of all like, just, congratulations. On excellence. Because. You. Know you, don't just get picked up by somebody like that because. You you, know you've shown potential you, know you get, picked up because you've already demonstrated, excellence so and I, just love, this, and. This. This is something that I just picked up them from what Steve said he didn't, start from I love music I played the guitar a lot and then I just thought I would go further I love the whole idea that you, had a vision for how you want your lifestyle, to be and. That. Vision, was I can't, I want to travel and I want to do it with people so, let me reverse, engineer, that's. I love. That hold idea because really that's, what, I'm. What I'm passionate about in business and we were talking about before Steve is as well that you know creating, a business doing stuff you love and creating. The lifestyle, so I just, loved it you did it right from the beginning, that's pretty, thank you actually, and, I reminded, me of something, that.

So. There's the reverse engineering, which is it kind of insane that I understood, that back, when I was like you know twelve years old that I I just thought like that by. One. One very, important, thing few, years later when. I was out of high school was. That I wanted to be a professional musician obviously, because that. Whole plan and I thought you know there's no way that I'm gonna be able to do that if I'm you know flipping burgers at McDonald's, guys. Like you know a kid might might do out of high school and I thought I have to have a guitar in my hand all day and. In order to do that in, order to technically be paid to play guitar first, I start by teaching guitar so, back when I was you know 17, II I. Started. A guitar, teaching business going, house to house and and. So I had a guitar in my hand all day and that was the plan because if I was you know smelling, like cheeseburgers, when I came home and tired from, all that playing, guitar and writing songs wasn't gonna be as effective, so I kind of hacked away. Into. Becoming, becoming a professional so, that all I was doing all day was guitar and writing songs and getting, better at coaching, things like that and, you know what this reminds me of the Beatles. With. You know the 10,000 hours that's in. Malcolm. Gladwell's is. That. The Beatles, got to be so, fantastic because, they went to I think it was Germany where they had like, you know 24-hour. Clubs. Where what he was this, plane and they, went there and played and played like for hours, every single day and they went there because they wanted to be you. Know the experts, they wanted excellence and it was getting most thousand, hours in so that's. Um, that, was pretty wise actually, so that's a really great thing to bring into your business that if you're aiming, to, create a lifestyle, business and you have to have excellence, doing whatever. Well. Make sure you find a way of actually developing. Your expertise, in there there's so, many ways I mean there's so many different ways to make money out there and and. It might not be a straight, line it might not be obvious you know you just think a little bit outside the box and, and, you could find something for sure if I was able to make, you know I would have different pairs of jeans and I remember because I was living at my dad's place that, I would kind of forget like I go into the closet and I grow up hurting jeans and I put my hand in my pocket I have like a lot of cash and as a 17, year old I was like I was rich like 400, bucks in my pocket I'm, you know that. I forget about this like free, money right and. There. Are ways to make. Money for sure and buy better in line with your goal, I love it that is I mean even even. If you don't remember anything that, we've done Italy today week of course it's not gonna happen that's, one, really, really good point yes you. Know what if they're if you're aiming for you, what can you be doing that's gonna you can be making money that's going to give you that expertise, at the same time like knocking over that is that.

Is Brilliant so now, let's move on because. We're moving over to the business that you've created and, book. So, we're leaning towards the book so, one. Thing that I found really interesting is, your, book. And. You've also tied it really closely with your business is also. Has a link with cancer. So would. You mind sharing, with. Us how, you've linked. Cancer. With, your book and why. Yeah. So, I and I know for anybody listening to that it's. Like you know the, story kind of jumps. From some unexpected, twists, and turns and, you know this. Was this. Specific one is actually. This. Was the definitive moment in my life you, know obviously, getting signed by team Simmons we my. Band we we, opened for kiss across. You, know North. America, and Mexico we, played. 34, shows with them and there. Was just it was a crazy crazy time in my, mid-20s. And what. Happened was in 2013. When we were making plans for you know what to do for, the rest of the year I, got a phone call from my father telling, me that you just diagnosed, with stage four colon cancer and you. Know there, was one of those moments where you just ever like everything stops right everything, is like in the movie everything just just sort of stops and in that, one, moment I, knew, that. My. Music career like pause, there's, nothing, like there's no way yeah I calculated, in that moment that, if I were to continue it would be unfair to my father and fair to to. Me unfair, to the band unfair to offends there, be cancellations, like crazy I just understood, that in that one moment and as hard. As it was to. Make. That sort of the the decision. To. Sort of to put that on pause because we were you know we were on the way up I had. To be there for my father my father is the reason why I was mentioning before I play drums he's. The reason why I play, he bought me the drum kit he's always my, number one fan and, and. So this was my turn, to, to, give back and and to take care of him and be, there for him and. And. So yeah, cuz I mean stage 4 colon, cancer it's a pretty grim diagnosis. And we. Didn't know what, to expect it, was the closest, thing that like, I just never experienced, that before him. So. Naturally, I'm a problem-solver, and a, coach and so I wanted, to make sure that I was there from inspiring. Them and I'm, just finding any, solution. That I possibly can and that's, when I started my business rockstar, mind because. I couldn't sit around I want you got to remember I went from so my stage name wasn't, Steve like I mean people know me in the music industry is void and so. That. Was. Very hard, going from sort. Of the the. Alter. Ego. Traveling. The world you know hanging out with fans signing autographs playing, big stages in front of tens thousands, of people every night and then going to you, know just some Italian, kid at. Home every. The same place, all. The time being Steve you know, it. Was just you, know it was a bit of an identity crisis, in a sense um though, I had to be creative I had to do something, and so you. Know years of coaching on and off tour started. This business Rockstar. Mind or really I was just learning, putting concepts, and and. Getting, you know helping as many people as possible and, and. My, dad was about to turn 60, and I, just had this moment where. I just. Saw everything happened I had this guitar training, and I was like I'm gonna teach people how to feel. Like a rock star and at. The same time I had the sort of cathartic experience where. I created, this fundraising initiative, called void cancer, which, was, is. A tribute, to my father was there's. This video a documentary. I made that. Was, my father's 60th birthday, gift and. And. Basically, the idea is that proceeds. From everything, that I make with the, guitar training. Proceeds. Will, go to help new, create. New programs for patients and caregivers because. That was the position that I was in and I felt like if I can help other people then. You. Know it's just gonna create a really, really I just, I didn't, know exactly what it would create but I knew that it would be awesome it would be helpful, it would people. And both. Guitarists, and people who have been affected by, cancer I, just knew that it, was it was what I needed to do it was which is one of those things that just something clicked, and I knew that that's what I needed to do and the. Thing that I loved from that this is you, know there, will be times when, you. Know the. People who are listening where, there, is something that happens in your life that is going to be one of those boom you know you, know sometimes it may just be a gradual, awakening where, you come to realize and I love, what you've done there Steve I love how you talked about the alter ego and then you've got like you. Know real. Steve you know it's like the clarity right thing. That's. You. Know you can, you, can treat that as a reason why are will it was never meant to be or I'm not going to succeed it's a reason to give up and change what.

You Do but. I love what you've done there it is sometimes. Those things that are, there. Can be seen like the other thing that's going to stop you know hugest, obstacle, can, really, drive you why in business and drive, your creativity, in business and that can be as simple as I, was, on the career path and I've had children that can, be the wife for you it's I'm on the career path you know what I have, responsibilities, to somebody love to, be there and so. Yeah. That can really drive your reason why in, your business so um. We'll, we'll flick over now and talk about the book but before we do if, you can share cuz, I watched, that documentary this morning and I was just like I was applauding. At the end just there with me and the dog because, you, know it's it is really as short but incredibly, moving and and. It's, also where people can go, to get, some. Information so can you just share that URL for people yes. So it's void cancer, calm. Vo ID cancer. Calm. And on. The page it's just a very simple site basically, it's just the documentary. Needs for about five minutes I, think, it autoplays. Depending. On your browser click, that you, pretty much learn everything about me you'll learn why. I, mean void why the how the came about it's actually, it. Was pretty interesting and sort of this cosmic, thing that that happened ABB's down, like. Interesting. Like I'm very grateful especially. Being a coach that I can help other people based, on some, of the the victories, and the losses in, my life, and. And. Basically the video it'll it'll. Kind. Of tell you the whole story. That, and then you, know under there there's a button that you click and then there'll be a few different ways that either you can contribute or you can you, can contact me. The. Book and, the. Album, that I recorded so, the book that I wrote recently that, we'll discuss and also the album that I recorded I. Believe, it was Wow, three. Four years ago at this point now all. Proceeds, from from, those a hundred percent of the proceeds will, be used for new, programs, so it's, very, very happy about that yeah. That's fantastic. And and. I love also that and. We'll talk a little bit moment, yeah about. Yeah. About that contact, button. So we'll talk about that at the end as as well yes I don't have a look at that because I just love that video and I loved all the stories behind the tattoos, and how, that yeah I'm, not going to give it away everybody, can go and have a look. So. Now, let's look over I love, that we've got the whole story here about us you. Know just your entrepreneurial, mind and then. Your. Reasons why and I just love how, you. Saw this as your, way of giving back at with your turn to give to you dad I just love that. You. Know what. Integrity, that shows truly, and priorities. Now, if. When you've got your business so for you you, know you've got this business where you've got programs that, can help people you, know I'm. Your total demographic, by the way yeah, you're playing guitar jack I, heard about this guitar a little birdie told me that there's a guitar that's been sitting and. In your in your room there for, 25 years or something like that yes, that's unacceptable. That, it's dusty, and I, mean or that it's just there for show that's. A sidebar off-camera, we're gonna take care of that no. Yeah. John we, were done there you go I will have to um I'll have to stop. Totally. Totally your market so. So. Now let's look at your. Book so let's look at first of all. Why. A book so this is if we'll approach this in, your coaching in your coaching sort, of hat, is. Okay. So we've got six, weeks to create a book so we can look at what, happen. Or dur to make that happen, but let's first of all take the step of there. Are so many ways that you can get your message out there there are so many, different, strategies that you can be putting your time into you can only do so much, so, why a book and why, would other people be. Looking, at using a book as part. Of their, their marketing mix, it's. A great question and and. I think to really, capture the sort. Of six. Weeks the, the understanding. Kind of why that all happened, the way that it did and just, quick.

Little Aside, is that. My. Life is just, about as chaotic as you can imagine this. Is where I teach. And is where I run the business I'm inside. My house right now and my wife and my daughter. Who, is now 13, months old. My. They were home for, a full year so. In 2018. They were home every. Single day and I'm trying, to run a business over, here I do you. Know songwriting, and production as, well and I do have a studio, downtown that sometimes, I go to but, it's just me and my wife here and we're, taking care of our daughter and so. I made a conscious decision that, in 2018, that I'm. Gonna be here, during, you know the most, pivotal. Time, and in a child's life and also bond with my daughter I have no idea what I'm doing as a father even, though you know I had some audio books and stuff that I listened to and but. It was absolute, chaos here anything, business-related, was, gonna be a bonus, like anything knows any. Asset, that was created is gonna be a bonus and trust me I've tried everything. Webinars and, there's every method of delivery okay and and. So what. Happened on December. 21st. Of 2018. You know just as we're getting into Christmas, lightning. In a bottle happened, like something just I just got inspired to, write a book it was actually James Schramko had, a podcast, that. I listened to and there's another cosmic, sort, of situation, where certain, things aligned, I just thought oh my god I'm, gonna write a book and in, that moment I understood that. Books. Are still so powerful it's where I get. A lot of my information whether it's an audio book or a, written, book but, the basically, the the book I just. Knew this was the method of delivery because I know my audience as well that they, they've, asked me in the past if I have a book they have, because. They're an older demographic I know that they want to get away from the screen because a lot of times that's that creates anxiety so.

Holding A book in their hands is something, that they have and it's very intimate that they could read at their own pace they can markup it's a very interactive medium. Whether it's a ebook or paperback and. And. In that moment I just understood all of that so I almost like black though and next. Thing I knew 20, minutes later I have a little, outline or as sort of just a sort of my heart and and. So but and, there was this is a reason why I'm telling you all this is because number, one there's no right time to start a book like when you're when. You're inspired. You. Have to take, hold of that I've realized, in my life because I've gone through these two weeks spurts of learning. Something or or, being obsessed with something and what I've noticed for, myself is that after two weeks it dies down like and, this is the worst possible time Christmas was about to get started holidays, a madness, New Year's all the madness right and so I could have easily said oh I'm inspired to write a book you know what let's. Put it off till, the new year you know what yeah the new year when everything, comes down I'm gonna get to the book is. That inspiration. Does not work that way being. Obsessed, with something you have to dive in and and. It doesn't mean that you have to like you know hibernate, or anything like that but dive, in and make, sure that every, day and as much as you possibly can now you hold on to that inspiration, and that fire inside, you because, it will go away you might not think it will but it's not gonna feel the same I'm so grateful that, I wrote the book last. Year in, that time in that short time because, um if I didn't I know right now there's no way that like I can I'm not gonna write a book from, scratch my first book the pressure of all this stuff it's just not gonna happen so you have to hold on to that inspiration, ride the wave of inspiration. And be obsessed with it during, that time especially in the first two weeks it's crucial, in the first two weeks so, what I did was I outlined just whatever it's got whatever outlook, you. Know um, books. By experts, are very, in, some ways it's it's much easier, than if it was let's say it was fiction because, there's things they talk about with clients, that you just get it on paper like get it on the screen or get it on paper just as much as you can don't judge just write just get it out you're, just in sort of purging more and, um, and then, what. I did was I so. I did, a detailed outline there are sorry I outlined, it just the first one and then, I bought, a book on how to write a book. I. Also want to leverage experts, I don't want it like love. It like I wanted. To make sure that, I got this book done before, the new year like which is absolutely crazy the December 21st I'm inspired and like. December 22nd. All, I have is like sort of a short little, and I. Read I'm reading this book what. Was it it was book in the box which is now called the scribe method by Tucker Max and just I wanted to get as many ideas as possible to. To, write and and. So, December, 22nd, that happened and December 23rd I read a detailed outline yeah. 20 2015. Day. I start, writing the book and. All. By this time I had a detailed, outline and, all, that means is just basically you, know first I kind of you know here are some sections that the main sections, that I want to talk about not thinking the vote this is for sure just. Staying. In dreamer mode stay. In dreamer mode get, it out there you're still holding on to that of that inspiration and you're, still. Just. You're not judging you could always edit later but you have to get stuff out there onto. Paper or on the screen and, so. Yeah Christmas. Happen, December. 26th, I had, a crazy thought in my head that, okay. I'm gonna start the book anything. Is gonna be good because it's gonna be tangible and I. Designed, the cover as well, I designed. A cover and I made, again. It didn't have to be perfect I just had to get it on there because if I, had a cover then, now the book is real Ayumi, the most 3d outline, our 3d mock-ups so I saw the book. It's. Like a little mind tak and clearly. You know my company's, called rockstar minds like I study. A lot about like how the mind works in everything you, have to make it tangible you. Has, to be real, and you, went you did enough work where there's an outline and you write, a little bit as, much as you can in the the first you, know crucial little area I'm period. There but. The more real you can make it then you're hooked in then, you actually start feeding the fire a bit so, that two weeks doesn't, dip anymore now what's happening is you get a little boost because oh yeah I've, got a no line or I've got a cover or you know you're giving a little a little boost.

Momentum. Going right and. Then I literally, I actually. I know, how I did it but I also don't, know what happened where, I finished the book in five days I wanted, to make sure that, by the 31st. New, Year's Eve this book was finished because I did not want to go into 2019, having. To write this book my mother-in-law was moving in from Italy, my. Wife was getting ready to go back to work my daughter going to daycare January. Was an insane month so, I wanted to make sure that the book was done so. Deadlines, obviously, very important, it's like all the things that I've ever learned to both success all kind of converged, and vibe, I had, I had a book of in 11, chapters 256, pages done. I was gonna ask you that how many pages the, thing that's come from here that there's a couple of really good. Lessons, for everybody here that I really want you to take away from this because, you might be listening to this and go you. I can imagine for a lot of people it's gonna be this little voice in the back of your head going yeah, that's him but not me yeah, yeah yeah I couldn't do that I couldn't no Christmas I've got these responsibilities. Or whatever so, number. One is I want to say to use that little voice that, you can hear in your head tell. The shut up okay, that's. A great point by the way the voice doesn't, is not actually, it doesn't mean anything, the voice is just the prompt, you could say yes you could say no all it is is just a rigid checking in that's it and by the way it could be five days would be fifty days like for me I was just what I did, right and I'm also competitive I wanted to kind of like I got into it after a while I guess I mean like a telethon, or something like that the thermometer going, upward like I was getting competitive, right that, was a bit insane you don't have to write it in five dates I just did that because things, are nuts around here with the baby yeah I, just I wanted, to do it so I could inspire other people to do it in in chaos and. You know what this for me there are three lessons that. I'd really like to point out from people on this so. Number, one of them is first of all we talked about strategy, and that you had used all different, things as a format, for getting your voice out there but, you had the are hair on the book that you already know your demographic. Will really appeal to a book and for me a book works really well because it, gets it into the audience of people you may not actively, be searching, online it's, another way to reach them so this, was not a bright shiny object, so your first thing you got to ask yourself is I've got, this inspiration to a double check to make sure is, this a bright shiny object, I shouldn't. Be myself, you. Know should I put it in my book of great ideas or. Or. I caught my book the squirrels because it's sort of like what there's a squirrel so should, it go into the book of squirrels or should I action, this now so there's number one the. Next thing then was. I absolutely. Love batching, so like I create, all of my content in batches because you get a certain energy and you can get on a flow so I love what you've just demonstrated there. Is batching. Totally. Intent now. The other one that I really love how you said for, you you're very competitive and so you kept.

On Going you wanted to do it in the short time that was really important, another, good thing to know here is know your personality so any kind, of work that you have done on knowing your, strengths, where you work well is have, a look at that because, you so for some people, that, would, stop, them still then. Hold to your idea, but I've got a plan this if, you're if you know that the way that you work well there's. I am. A person that I am going to focus and make the most of dispatching energy but I am, a person who if, I don't have my laid out plan at my calendar of where this fits you're not going to be so stressed out by the whole thing I can't do it know. That but, take action, to get yourself organized and make it happen, and batch it and do it quick, I don't, like, that taking at least a year to do a walk your perfectionist, voice will just keep coming in you'll just want to make that part better and yeah you, have to you have to just keep moving forward and one very, important thing that works for me is I made it easy for myself to create look I didn't I didn't I'm hibernate, for four, five days straight it was Christmas visits it was the holidays and so what I actually did was so, I used, a program called Scrivener, which, is a pretty popular writing. Program but I had it on this computer out on my laptop I had it on my phone and they're all sick, basically. And, that works for me like if you you know like. You said like you write on a piece of paper like whatever works for you the most, important thing in the first stage because remember it's just the first draft right um, is. Your getting it out there and making, it easy for yourself if you write it with pen and paper have a pen and a, piece of paper on every single floor of your house, like have, it everywhere because ideas, would come to me I'm, frying up an egg oh you, know oh my god that's great idea for chapter so I start writing writing, writing writing and now it's synced up in all of my areas. Here yes. A, great productivity. Tip I love this that. Is really, really good because that's yeah because I know I'm just checking my tongue to make sure honestly. I could talk about. Yeah. I know when I write my own my, solo book that wasn't collaborative. I, work. I like batching, so like you've described but I'm also very. Organized. System honest so, I found for me I had to have a spreadsheet but I also had a folder because I'm very old, oh, I like paper and I like pens but, it was all very very systemized but I had then I carried. Both those things absolutely, everywhere because I love how you said you know. You're gonna get your ideas get it down otherwise, it's that. Is brilliant okay so we've talked about I, love. The idea of get, your brilliance, focus. On it now in that batching for that too we can keep that energy that's knowing yourself super. Well so, the next step then so if you've got your draft and, good.

Page Number, by the way from somebody who made their book slightly. Too big and it costs a fortune to post it yeah. That's. A good it's a good size number, is, what. Was the next thing so you've got your book here, you've gone from draft what. Was the next steps to be able to get it so that you can actually get it to bestselling, yeah. So. In. A nutshell once. The draft was done. It. Was basically, I'm. Gonna I'm gonna fight this with two people who. Are. My customers who, know my stuff whether they've had to hear me yapping away they basically had to see this all these like crazy hands, and hear me talking about the same stuff over and over for, years and, I. Asked. Both of them to, to. Read the book give me feedback and. So. What. I wanted to make sure of because I knew that I would take the feedback with a grain of salt I know it wasn't just going to incorporate everything blindly, I, want. To just make sure that it sounded like me because. Look, I don't I don't want the book to to be stuffy, I wanted to be funny I told I tell tor stories in there, you. Know I talked about gene Simmons there's some funny stuff in there anyway but I wanted to talk like feel like a conversation with me. And so I want to make sure that felt like me so is my voice and also, that communicated. The same system, that I've been you know telling, these guys for, years so that was the main thing I wanted to make sure I made some edits to, to the book I also went through I used Pro, writing, aid instead. Of grammarly Pro writing aid I just did a sweep of, you. Know look I understood, it this is not gonna be a perfect look I just want to make sure that, I did due diligence, I went, through. And. And I got these guys to check it in and then after that you know or. You know I just I got a formatter, hired, because, I don't know how to do that for for kindling or. For. For, a paperback I just I don't know how to do that and if I learn which, I'm happy to learn it just teach much time I really wanted to make sure this thing could happen in a short period of time so I hired a formatter on up work and, and. Then, I also, I designed, the cover I just haven't had an idea for the cover why should, a book basically this, is one of the proof copies but I designed basically, this is, three, the rule of three is so important, in, my life that, there's three sections in the book there's three sort of things you know three core, sort. Of elements, to the system, and. You. Know it's it's so the rule three so I did. This and. All. The while boosting, that obsession because at any point you could sort of like you could crash I mean you have to have a good support system in. Place and you have to have a good winds quick quick little winds right so, I, get, as the guys are reading with the, book and I'm giving the feedback or they're giving me the feedback then I'm also constructing. And recruiting, a launch team from my subscriber, list and my customer, list you put. It together a launch team of people who, want to get, behind the scenes look at a launch be, part of something cool because also the, fact that I'm using all proceeds, for avoid, cancer be, part of something that's actually gonna change people's lives, and. You, know I'm in exchange. You know treat them like gold I'm giving, the, the book for free giving, them goodies and just, taking care of them and. They're. Gonna they're gonna share the, book and and. Spread the word and connect me with whoever, they. Can connect me with all that is happening, at. This at the same time that's what January, was all about I. Just. Want to just briefly say something on that strategy because this is something most people don't do and a. Lot of times you can get focused on the product and get, focused on getting it out there where. Is the realities, I mean this podcast. Is called romance your tribe so a tribe, people. Want to be gathered, around things they want to be gather around ideas they will get attracted to. A leader and the leader is a person who has the message and so. Invite, the mean what, if I can Jenna you know I've never seen it I've, never seen anything so crazy in my life people as soon as I announced that I was writing this book and like now I'm an author everyone. It's, just that they want him to be part of it then and I'm giving, all proceeds, to what to cancer they want to be part of that everyone, wants, to be part of something special, because yeah I'm not saying you know I'm not saying life is boring or anything like that but a lot of times we can get into a mundane routine and, and, being, part of something that's, that's important, special these are the things that people will say when they go visit you know their friend's house oh you know what do you would he been up to I'm part, of this awesome thing this launched you you.

Want Want. Important, things to talk about they. Want that and I mean you that it gives, them it gives them makes them makes, them feel like what they're doing is you know it is purposeful, yeah, I, love, that that is that, is a, that's. The whole thing of building, tribe building community and then you've got that groundswell. That, allows, it that you know what the book hasn't. Even been, released yet, I've got it on pre-order and, you've. Got it to number one so, how. So, was that launch team. Essential. For that happening. 100%. Yeah. They're. So so, everybody, they want to help out in any way they can so I mean they're, pre-ordering, there they're getting all their friends the pre-order they're sharing it on their wall there, some people are connected, to some influencers, and they pre-order, you, know they, message out to their list it's just you, know when you do good work and you treat people well they just want to help out and so look. It, doesn't even have to be I wanted, to Ellen to get the bestseller because it. Was just a bucket list goal of mine and that I remembered, since I was 8 years old that's been completely for God's like yeah I wanted to be an author when I was a kid, and I've, read ignited, this on this, spark and and. Basically so I have, this. A best-seller was something that yeah, I there's. A little strategy that I just want to share with that but basically getting. A bunch of people together this. Person knows this person and this person knows this person it's just it's a network so you can't. I heard I can, remember who said this but they're, saying that if, you want to do something if. You want to solve a problem, what is it is it's, if. You do it yourself it's like two times, effective, or something like that and if you want to solve, a 10x the problem or, 10x to this solution I'm totally butchering this you need to have you, need other people it's, basically it's it's saying that you can either go.

It On your own and try to do everything yourself but as soon as you add other people it makes it exponentially, more. Effective, and and. I truly, understood, this with this. Book this experience, because we. Hit bestseller. If. I announced it at 9 a.m. and, we were bestseller in the UK by. Noon. And. We, were we, were also then in the US at 2, p.m. and then in Canada, I just took forever for Canada, to for. The numbers come in that I was like by 4 p.m. something like that. Kindle. Our Amazon, oh this, was so Amazon, Kindle. That's. The only thing that you could pre-order at least for new authors you could pre-order that but the book is. Basically. It's gonna be coming out in all formats. And. Yeah. So that's very. Excited about that but. With bestseller one one thing that I made sure of is that you have to do good keyword, research you have to do good category research, and. What that means is just look, at the categories, that are relevant to your your, niche and and. Look, at what you're up against basically, and you can, you can kind of make, your plan based, on what's out there it's don't, be product, focused, as much be see what's out there get out there and see what's going on in the outside, world, and and. Start, playing off of that what are those titles, what are they saying what's on their page you know things, like that and, so. Making, sure that, you. Yeah you the keyword research and and, category, research was definitely, huge that, is brilliant and you know that's one thing I found with. Where. I've done campaigns, to get you know to number, one and done that with clients as well is, it's very much like SEO. Like search engine optimization. You've you're going to get a much better chance of getting seen if you, take the time to do your Kiwi drip keyword research and look, to make sure you get those categories. In the words that are not as competitive but there are also ones that people are looking for. Exactly. Yeah so, I love it's, not it's not as hard it's not as hard as it seems. Yeah. It's you just have to get out there like I'll, be you know on there's, there's, there's a little fear that like getting out in the in the real. World where you search something and like, sometimes I don't, know if anyone else has this but I'm kind, of a little bit scared to like type in my idea and see, that other people have that idea and then I'm like oh I'm shut down right now but it's so important, to put, yourself out there like get, your get like search you know and practice less play more are there any other books called practice less play more and it's important, to see what's, related, to that the different books that are going to be coming up and put, yourself in them those sort of shoes of the, person who's searching for this thing and yeah. Anyway I mean getting to bestseller on and, the books not even out that, was just I mean a dream dream come true I was, completely bedridden by, the way just as a as this little tidbit by. The time we got to UK I was gonna keel over I got whatever my daughter she went to daycare and I got whatever bug she, brought home and, so on Facebook. We've got like the airbrushed, sort, of life or everything's, amazing and all that but little does anyone know that I was actually like an eagle position, on my phone. Bats. And stuff, I'm just I'm hoping that launch day goes much better, health-wise. Then, then, pre-order, they did yeah, and, just to answering that you know the questions that people have got when you said you know you'll, do a search and your theme somebody else has done this you.

Know I went. The other to it you know I always, have this love this refrain, that I use and it's so perfect talking to a musician about this is you. Know where if you have a look at all of the number-one hits you, know they're usually a love song and the top tens are usually, a love song and then has been for, decades and, decades and decades there. Is always, room for another love song and, that. Can. Be your book so. You. Know it's just keep, that as your as, your refrain if you've got yourself in your mind and the other other thing I just so I might do a little bit of a wrap-up now some key points, one. Of the things that, we've got here is like number, one when you've got that concept, double. Check not bright shiny object, yep this is absolutely, a great idea, is my, energy like totally, focused, on this now if I try to do something else is my mind going to be consumed, by it anyway let's, just get, it done as, much as we can and just stop perfection, get, it done so, there was that then. There's the next side of okay I'm, going, to be systematically. Putting, it all up so that you know it will be rating, and I've got you, know you've got that systematic side of you you eat your keywords but, then the magic, comes when. You actually involve. A community when you bring a tribe, in and one of the things and that was what you were saying was absolutely. Essential to the success, of this launch now. One. Thing that I know whenever, I've talked to people about this about involving. A community, around, something, like launching, your book very. Often people will go but I can't, ask people to do that for me like that selfish, and. It, stops them from moving forward, I loved, how, you said, how, this was such a gift to the people who were involved because, their values what the story they. What they want to tell this story we forget we forget that with what, are the cool things like for them to tell at a dinner party and and. To share on their wall I mean it's that's super, cool to be part of a project like that especially that we all get to celebrate together that we hit bestseller we did it you know if we could all have the champagne you know going, that's such a special, thing I couldn't without, without people and one, very very important, thing of why you need a launch, team is because, those, people on the launch team they will give you your first reviews, four or five star reviews on Amazon, and between best seller and Amazon, having the the reviews basically, it's going to kick, in the sort of the mechanism. For Amazon, to now put. That up there and it's just it's you need to have reviews, because when other people come in there you have the keywords and you, know the categories, that you've, ranked for you. Have to have those reviews because that's what gets people to pay attention and buy on Amazon every single day and of course I looked the reviews yeah, yeah, before you decide to I love it though, I think we could keep on going forever but we'd better wrap up. This. Has been a little bit longer but we've just honestly. You have given so, many, gems I'm so grateful to you Steve and I know everybody. That's listening you know if we look at the big things that Steve is shared with us today you know we have shared about you.

Know Just that whole idea of reverse. Engineering, from your lifestyle, to what have I got to do and then, also how, do I beget excellence, so, what can I be doing that's going to help me to, become excellent what I'm doing then, we've gotten, to you know what sometimes, you. Know sometimes. Life just you, know the classic thing of give you lemons so you, know you don't have to make lemonade you can just make, make a margarita type, stuff you know because you. Know you, know Steve's given a great example of that's what's you know started, even with this new bit with their business that is doing so, that you know the problems can become the whys and, then. The, whole process of making the book when we've talked about that you, know that more emotional, side of here's, my energy here's my inspiration, I've just got to grab it you know using what you do well bringing. In a whole, community to support you to do that and then, also time, anyway the things that really matter. For you which is around, the music which is around, you, know helping. Other people who are they suffering from cancer and the carers, like you mean you, know that it in there like that whole, thing, just. Like what, people have. Got so. Many facets, to their personality, like when you were saying Steve well we could go everywhere, people, have got so many facets, to the now do the same with your business you. Know you build a tribe and that's not just something, linear it's got, this, whole beautiful, faster. Than all these different parts that are in it and you, know it's great to involve involve, people in that whole process so, I'm so grateful that you've been able to take us and show. Us how all of that looks when, you actually allow. Yourself, to just bring all of that in together so, my. Challenge to everybody here is you, know look at these things that we've done today and, look at your own business, your own lies your own passions, what works for you what and and what, lessons can you take from this so, moving. Forward one of the best, things. That you can do for Steve and 4i is to give some feedback so. That. Could be wherever you're listening, to. This you know you. Know we'd, be very grateful for any reviews, of course but also just contact, Steve you. Know go over, to avoid, cancer comm. And they've, got that contact, there you. Know context, even tell him you, know what you loved about today, and. What, things, that you've taken action, on what our hearts because that's one of the most rewarding things you can do and. Steve, we were talking beforehand, about. Ways. That you can help people from here on in so would you mind sharing, with. That so if people want to contact you more and be, policies well for. Sure yes, so. When, you go to avoid cancer calm. Underneath. The video there's a button that you can click and, there. Will be three options that pop up there's by, the book there is by. The album, and then. There's also contact, me directly and what, writing, the book has has, done is actually inspired me to, help experts. To, create a book of their own and I, just had such a blast doing it you can see how I just light up and, want.

To Help to to, light up and help other people you know achieve their bucket lists cool because really you know what this does this is your legacy I mean my life is in this book and and. It's gonna outlive me and this is something that I realized during the process, and I, just those. Lessons, those tidbits how I feel I want to just help other people do that so. So, I am, currently. Offering. A free strategy, session that, if you are thinking about writing a book if you're in the middle of writing a book you've got stuck in a rut and you just need to be Rhian. Just. Contact me and we'll, have a chat about it and see. What you know where. To go from there yeah that's incredibly. Generous of you so thank. You so much Steve I've really, really enjoyed today and yeah. We're gonna talk attire when we get over here so maybe we'll have another one where soon we. Might do like, a duet. Jam. Session yeah, zoom, jam session, I'd love it that would be super cool okay, well thank you so much for your time Steve and everybody, I'm really, looking forward to hearing the. Lessons that you've had from today and share. This around to. Anybody that you know that, would really benefit, from it hey bye, everybody.

2019-03-04 11:08

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