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i have a mission for this vlog a very interesting mission i might say and that is for me to take a bath in um the black sea and i'm going to do it in may and also around it's going to be around the 6 or 7 am so yes it's going to be interesting [Music] and the first step in us in me actually taking a bath in the black seas i arriving to the black sea in order for us to do that we are going to take my cousin's car which is one of my dearest cousin and also my grandmother is going to come with us and we are going to spend the night at the black sea we are almost again near the border with bulgaria this is the danube river we're going to wait for the ferry to come and to take us from one shore of the river to another in order for us to reach our first destination because when we are not going to go directly to constanza to the black sea we are going to take some detours for uh some sightseeing we are going to see some monasteries and after that in the night we are going to reach [Music] constanza so [Music] we are preparing to start and go with the ferry and it's very strange because it's my first experience doing that and i'm a little bit nervous i don't go in boats that much and i must say that also i'm nervous but i'm excited also so let's see what's going to happen [Music] that's bulgaria [Music] our first stop is going to be derwent monastery and here it is [Music] i'm going to go try now to go with the drone and film uh some legs lakes or i don't know exactly what they are but they are here near the monastery and um i hope that i'm going to be able to launch the drone and i'm going to be able to to film everything because i don't know exactly there are a lot of birds uh here and uh it's a little bit uh dangerous i know and i saw on the internet uh drones that were attacked by birds because they think that the drone is a bird of prey but yeah let's let's hope that it's going to be everything okay [Music] down down down [Music] oh [Music] this is going to be our second stop here is let me show you is saint andrews monastery here the saint andrew the one that was the foster of jesus came and here is also a cave where he lived and from where he preached or he did his thing and a lot of people are coming here and praying and uh it's a nice place because it's surrounded by forest and it's quiet very nice [Music] this is kodrim from the future hi i wanted to share with you the reason why i want also to go and have a bath there in the black sea now when it's cold like two years ago i started taking cold showers because i researched about the benefits of the cold shower and i wanted now to take it a little bit to the next level that's why right now i want to do that to go to uh to the black sea and to see how and how my body is going to behave and how i am going to behave because you can imagine that it's going to take me out of my comfort zone now let's go back to the monastery [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] we reach the place where we are going to stay so let me show you uh that's it no it's quite cool here we it's nice here because we have also a little bit of a terrace [Music] it's not a big view it's not something wall the black sea is on the other side but that doesn't matter because we are going to go there is a step here we are going to go there right now again also let me show you first closure and also the bathroom that's it we can come a little bit but yeah it's small it's just exactly what we need because we are going to stay here like just in the night tomorrow we are going to wake up very early in order for us to see the sunrise it's in and out it's nice it's simple just the way i like it so we left our luggages at the villa that we are staying and here is the flexi there is there [Music] um [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] crazy it's the first uh day or the first time of this year when we are uh to the black sea when we are on a beach and it is nice even if it's may right now and it's a little bit chilly it's windy but it's still nice to to come to the black sea and feel the sand in our between our feet it's it's nice i'm excited about tomorrow morning because i imagine that if right now it's a little bit chilly tomorrow morning is going to be even chillier maybe i made a world [Music] now that we were on the beach we need also to eat a little bit so we came to this place to see if there are any places any free spaces for us to eat a little bit [Music] crazy [Music] we are in constanta and let me show you where the restaurants in constance are i don't know exactly if you can see with this phone this camera is going to be able to capture it it is very nice the way that the sky it's getting in touch with the sea because it's very it's red and after that it's blue and bluish and bluish and it's going to touch the sea where it's very blue it's better for me to show you than just to say to you that [Music] i don't know if you remember that but in previous vlogs where we visited other places i told you that there was a tower that it was in construction under reconstruction there were other things monuments historic monuments that were also under uh reconstruction and we were not able to visit them well this is the casino from constanza and guess what this one also is under reconstruction [Music] okay well we are back to the villa i'm just going to go a little bit take a shower and after that go to bed because i'm tired and also at around 5 00 a.m tomorrow we are going to wake up in order for us to catch the sunset and also after that to take the bat which is going to be interesting like i said so yeah that's for uh for today i realized that this vlog might be long it might be really a long vlog but that's cool also it's interesting so let's see each other tomorrow it's five and nine am we are sleepy we are cranky and we are going to see the sunrise [Music] i'm not the only one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we saw the sunrise it wasn't the greatest sunrise but still nice i was able to take some uh videos with the drone and i had a little bit of a problem with the drone i don't know exactly why there was some interference with the signal i hope that the drone is okay and like i said we are keeping the tradition alive of us eating some biscuits or something sweet when we are arriving to a destination or to a place where we wanted to to reach and today we have some m ms biscuits biscuits and yeah they are pretty good we are going to go back to the villa and later i'm going to take a swim [Music] i didn't mention why i am taking cold showers while i'm doing this it's also for the health reasons because there are a lot of health reasons but for me it's more for the mental training because you can imagine that when you are taking a cold shower when i am going to go right now and go into the water it's not pleasant it's not easy and i'm training my brain to do things that are outside of my comfort zone to do things that are making me [Music] uncomfortable [Music] testing testing testing it's very warm outside to be honest and that's very nice let's see how it's going to be the water andrea my girlfriend is going to ah help shelf shelf you're going to come with me to the shore and here we are going to touch the water let's do this oh you're not that cold it's okay oh it's okay okay look how nice it you can see the sand beneath it it is cold but it's not very cold which is good that is very good now let me take a little bit of a swim it's refreshing it's going to wake you up that's for sure it's going to wake you up it's uh the water it's it's okay it is cold but uh it's not that cold like i said there are some algaes it's pleasant it's pleasant yeah let me go back because i'm going for four seats this is the earliest day or time look let me show you something nice the jellyfish i hope that you managed to see it well that's kind of guys for this vlog i hope that you enjoy it i hope that you like it leave me a like below leave me a comment telling me when in if you are going to go this summer to the seashore and until next time don't forget you're amazing

2021-06-03 09:26

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