How To Hammock Camp - DD Hammock - DD 3x3 tarp - DD under blanket - DD Whoopie Suspension

How To Hammock Camp - DD Hammock - DD 3x3 tarp - DD under blanket - DD Whoopie Suspension

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[Music] [Music] now then how do so decided to go for a bit of a ride today um i've used my mountain bike in a long time so i wanted to come out scout out a few wild camping spots but also i've been promising a hammock how-to video so as you'll know from the tight litter video we're here today to sort of show you the do's and don'ts about wild hammock camping basically what i found has worked and hasn't worked for me people are actually in delamare forest today which isn't too far from me and uh yeah we've been all the way around the lake got back near the road and i've actually found this pretty little place here i don't think i'd be drinking water out there it's not exactly the water source i'd like with the moss on top probably a bit poisonous i'll show you what that's about later in another video so first of all if you want to go hammock camping you're obviously going to need a hammock the one i use is just a dd front line multicam hammock it's an older version dye's got a later version um and the spreader bars across the top of the net are actually wider so it gives you a bit more space less claustrophobic but yeah we'll show you them when we come to them so multi-car hammock next is a dd 3x3 tarp again mine's in multi-cam just blends in a little bit better these i use these because excellent quality so many different attachment points which i'll show you again if you look at that picture there there's all the different pull out points that are attached really strong and yeah i i think it's brilliant i've got a cheaper one as well which we use just to show throw up shelters when we're out in the woods when it's raining and it's not a patch on this but we'll get that out a bit next is a more recent investment it's a dd on the blanket so basically what it is same sort of material as sleeping bag but it attaches to the underside of your hammock so it creates a nice little space of air underneath and what that does is keeps you warm so i didn't bother one of these at first what i was using was and then i'm at underneath in the the space in between there's two layers inside the dd hammock i was putting a mat in between it works for some people die swears by is he loves it but for me actually woke up one night and the mat had popped out 90 degree to me so when i woke up freezing cold with a cold back it was sticking out the side um bright red as well so not exactly inconspicuous um anyway yeah i've gone for this and so far well impressed but we'll show you how to set that up in a minute and then finally for when it's really cold what we've got is a a wool blanket so i did a bit of research on these and i've actually gone for an ex-army swiss army wool blanket so it smells like it's been stored for about 30 years but these things are incredibly warm and even when they're wet as well they can still keep you warm so yeah a good bit of kit i did cut mine down to save on space but you know you don't have to if you've got a bigger bergen or a bag then be perfectly fine for you really they are heavy though and a bit old school but you can't be old-school old-school heat sometimes so what we'll do we'll start with the hammock i'm gonna show you a few bits that make up the hammock that i've added to it so the initial suspension system is basically this is what they come with it's just webbing it's all right does the job it's quite long however can be quite annoying adjusting it basically what happens when you get it is the loop attached to the hammock and then these two bits literally find a tree and you tie them round it that could be quite annoying if you get your hang wrong in the first instance you have to untie everything again and then pull it more towards fairly long but i wouldn't say the longest to go around any sort of decent trees for a double wrap but we'll show you what we've swapped these for now anyway so if you do go and buy a dd hammock uh when you're on their website you'll see an option for a suspension system called whoopi slings and tree huggers and basically all it is is two carabiners really strong and two tree huggers tree straps so next up is the hammock itself i've done a couple of modifications to this since i've had it and just a few extra bits that i've bought um first of all what comes with them tree huggers is a whoppy sling system and essentially when i showed you these the original webbings what you're doing is you're replacing it with this so this is a whoppy sling and believe it not that'll take up to 125 kilos i want to say it's really good it has a bit like a chinese finger trap sort of mechanism which holds it in place so essentially what you've got so you've got your loop here you attach to the carabiner and then this here which is like your chinese finger trap so if i put some pressure on here and show you it's short there you go i can pull that shorter and my loop's really small what else it can do is i can also pull it that way and make it much much much longer so what i'll do we'll hook this up now onto the two carabiners for our suspension system and we'll also explain why it looks like this so i've chose these two trees here nice spot right probably wouldn't build camp here because it's so close to a road under his footpath but just for the purpose of the demonstration perfect nice little picturesque place and also a couple of christmas trees some merry christmas and basically just hook it on simple as that i might say as you can see that side's far too long and that size might even be a bit too high on that tree in fact it definitely is so what we'll do is make a quick adjustment so as i've mentioned there's another little modification to put on which is this multi-cam sock and all it does is it keeps the actual hammock protected especially if it's raining like it is now and when you've got it on the floor as well it just keeps it all nice and clean so that's another little addition you can get all from the dd shop now it's starting to rain so i'm going to throw up my top and show you how that's done so for your tarp what you're going to need is a ridgeline again it's just 550 paracord thanks to a friend for donating this multi-cam paracord just kind of matches the kit you don't have to have it it's a bit of a gimmick really but i like it it's cool so yeah for your ridgeline you want a nice long length i haven't really got any measurements for you for how long this is but it's fairly long and you'll see in a second so on one end of my my ridgeline paracord i do a simple knot like this and what what that enables you to do is pass it around the tree slide the rest of the rope through it and then what happens then is it just you can bite onto the tree without having to tie it on both ends so that will be as tight as ever the harder you pull the tighter it gets so one end's done for you so we'll chuck it on now and then i'll show you the knot for the other side you want to go as high as you can really for this the last wild camper had it pretty low because we had some wind coming in and we were on a hill but for the example of this we're going to do it nice and high and sit in there chill out for a bit so i'm just going to pass this around the tree the easiest way for hers is probably just chuck it round and again all i'm going to do is pass this through here find your desired height and just pull it tight so we'll pull this over to the other side and tie off a knot and then you've got that like a guitar string okay so ideally you want to be able to get it right right around the tree for this example we can just tie off on here so in this example i've been really lucky the fact that we've had this here so all i've done is wrapped it around come back on itself back around the back of the tree which is putting tension on this and then i've had this stump here where i've just been able to do a simple double knot that's all that is there are plenty of other knots that you can do i usually like to tie it back onto the ridge line so it pulls it back again and then i use a trucker's hitch if you want to see any videos on tying knots and whatnot simple google search and you'll find loads of youtubers out there doing that so next up is attaching the top to the ridgeline so with your top actually i just stuff it in my bag it's probably still wet from last hand to be honest didn't have a chance to unpack yeah it smells musty we have a few pegs in here i'll explain what they're for in a bit so with tarts these little carabiners are your friend these i'm super cheap off amazon i think i ended up with about 20 odd um i ordered six 20 odd came from amazon and it must have cost about four quid basically what i do this top's folded in half okay so that gives you your center line for your tarp okay there's five connection points as i said dd tarps are fantastic so for each one what you want to do do you want to connect carabiner across the top and here so i've got five carabiners here i'm going to do i'm going to go and hook them onto the ridgeline well the biggest problem i had when i first started setting up my hammocks on my tarp was getting a super crisp taut top and basically how that's achieved is a combination of the carabiners and also perusic knots so i'm going to show you a perusic not now super simple to make and it make your life so much easier with these tarpon hammock setups well that is basically a perusic knot okay incredibly easy to make i'll show you how to do it it's dead easy it's basically a loop a pad a cord with a knot side in the end and all you want to do is go over there go through through twice and that's your previous knot okay purpose of this is that it's nice and tight but you can also move it there you go nice and taut next bit is pecking it out so on the bottom basically what you've got is guy lines like a tent okay one in the middle and one at each end both sides so we'll quickly get these plugged in and make ourselves a quick shelter and there you go it's our shelter made just in time as the heavens are opening so we'll get inside and show you a bit more in the hammock under the top now so i've got myself a nice shelter out of the rain some people prefer that a little bit higher um i just like mine like this i like to be able to get get underneath there when i'm sat in the hammock it's nice and low on me maybe it keeps a bit of heat in maybe it's just me i don't know so yeah what we're going to talk about now is this sock here as you've seen that's now kept my hammock dry during all the rain which is fantastic it's exactly why i got it and i recommend everyone else get it so it does have this little toggle here so we can keep the inside dry just exactly what it's made for so all you need to do now is just pull that back and there you go that's revealed your hammock so on each end you have some bungees and all your bungees do is essentially hold up your bug net so what i do so clip them to this carabiner here that's simple straight in there and as you can see that's held up there so do the same the other side and there you go so i mentioned earlier about some sort of stay bars at the top of the hammock bug net that hold them out so it's not as claustrophobic just like mini tent poles fiberglass tent poles and where they go it's just in here can you see yeah in that little hole when you spread them out and that's it literally just hold it out so when you're in a nice bit of space keep the bugs off yeah yeah so the inside of your hammock quite a nice hang just got a little seat in here yeah yeah that's comfy for anyone that that's all right there's no under blanket on at the minute but i'll bring you that in a sec something else i want to show you with a tar first which is lifting the front of the top so you can keep the view not too shabby i'll show you how to do that now so basically all you want to do take your cord off your center wrap it around anything long enough in this case a broken tripod selfie stick great wrap it round once pull it down there stick it in the ground and then you've got fantastic view straight out of your hammock looking at christmas trees marvelous right so i've mentioned the dd on the blanket now this for me was a game changer with the hammock basically just kept me toasty warm all night from underneath unfortunately my sleeping bag let me down but we'll go into that in a later review i'll show you how this works you know it's like kind of beans at your friend loads of kind of things i'll attach it on and then we'll run around it so there you go full blanket inside with the right sleeping bag and this setup i think you'd be good well below freezing the dv on the blanket claims to protect you down to minus five degrees with the addition of a good army wool blanket especially the swiss army without razor that is you'd be good down to minus eight i'd say with the right sleeping bag of course so right so thanks for watching i hope you learned something from that hope you've learned from my mistakes i've made in the past and yeah let me know what you think if you want to see any more instructional videos or if you just want to see me out on my usual adventures getting drunk with dye then let it be known either way i'm happy to buy whatever videos that you want so thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video give us a thumbs up and if you like the channel then don't forget to hit the subscribe button really does help it's also a bit of motivation for me to get out in the rain on days like this just to make videos to show you how to do things peace out [Music] [Music]

2020-12-20 09:49

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