How To Do Mud Bogging

How To Do Mud Bogging

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There's. A Florida most, have never seen until. Now. My. Name is Chad Crawford, I'm. An adventure, seeker and a lover of all things Florida, my, mission to. Show you how to experience, authentic Florida. Florida. Chef just intermón area will prepare world-class, recipes, fresh and, yummy using, the best ingredients fresh, from Florida everything, I love in a seafood disc. To. Sit back as. We show you how, to do Florida. On. This, episode of how to do Florida, chat challenges. Himself with a Lake County adventure. He'll be taking a glider flight. Skeet. Shooting. Go. I lost. It muddy, a. Fresh. Game feast, over there we go, and winding. Down with a spa, treatment, fit, for a hard-working. TV. Show host towards, the jungle and. Chef Justin, will serve up a fermentation, fruity. Sensation. Tropical. Sangria. Oh. This. Is a Florida, adventure, you don't, wanna miss its how, to do, Florida. Hey. We're in Lake County we're gonna show you how to have an adventure weekend. You. Know Central Florida is not all theme parks and crowds not, far from all that hustle and bustle is beautiful. Lake County located, in North Central Florida just. Outside of Orlando this, nature lovers paradise has, over three hundred thousand, acres of outdoor, beauty and, 1,400. Named lakes from. Camping, and kayaking to world-class fishing, Lake, County's central location, makes it accessible from anywhere in the state I've, been bringing my family here for years, we love the old Florida appeal historic. Towns unique. Shopping isn't the price of the dank and quaint accommodations. That's so much character. Today. I want an adventure quest my, goal to, pack in as much adventure as southern, Lake County can dish out this place, smells. Like adventure. First stop Seminole, Lake glider port or they offer glider, rides and lessons, rich. Rich. I'm good for a thrill ride with, a veteran, pilot hey have you guys seen rich yeah rich is over there somewhere he's over there yeah.

Sir. Can I help you whoa. You. Can if you're rich I'm. Rich are, you Chad I am well, I spent 22 years in the US Navy flying fighters, off the aircraft carrier, and now I'm a glider pilot and I absolutely love. It this is a DG, 1,000. Turbo this is a glider in the sense that there's. No engine. We. Fly strictly, with the help of thermals, which, is the Sun heating the ground the, ground heats, the air hot. Air rises, and underneath. All these clouds is left, so. I think we should go up there underneath, one of these clouds and go fly today. Today, this, German made aircraft, is capable of a hundred and seventy mile an hour air speeds. And. Then just. Nice. And comfy okay. And. It works just like a normal seat belt this is not a normal seat belt it's a seat belt just like in a fighter aircraft, yeah well most people aren't familiar with the seat belt in a fighter jet that's. How you reach your rudder pedals oh my. Gosh that's I'm steering right there you're steering so when we're flying you. Can put your feet on the rudder pedals and your, fingertips, on the control stick and when, I'm flying the airplane you'll see how much I'm actually moving the controls. Okay. I don't want to be controlling. Anything oh you're, gonna fly the airplane, first. Thing you do is you follow me through and then after that you're doing it all on your own this, is your airspeed, indicator, this is our radio this is our die brakes very important. Big. Thing is I wouldn't touch anything read this. Handle right here is read nothing, that jettisons, the canopy, so it turns you from a hardtop to a convertible, real quick I. Think we just need to get up in the air before, I, have. Too much stuff in my head and I don't want to do this anymore so let's do this let's go fly let's go this, is gonna be spectacular right, rich it'll. Be fantastic you'll, have a blast all right I keep telling myself dick I'm a little nervous to be honest we have a lot of people that have flown with us that I felt the same way but. I know they're chad's in for a treat that he won't ever forget. A. Small. Plane is used to tow the glider up, to an altitude of 4,000. Feet. This, is a really, safe operation. When you're flying a glider mainly, because you, don't have a motor so there's no mechanical, breakdowns, okay, I'm, not sure if I'm ready for this next police time, to detach for the tow plane. We. Are. Released. The. View from the glider was almost sensory, overload it. Takes your breath away how beautiful. It is up here let me know when I'm actually officially driving, okay you're driving, this fly you're, the pilot it's, very sensitive it's.

Very Responsive it's, very, respond. Depending. On the flight you choose they, have rides that can take you from 3,000. To 5,000. Feet with, soar times lasting, from 15, to 75 minutes, okay. I think it's time to buzz the tower maverick. We're going. Landing. Or buzzing we're buzzing, the tower. Oh. Oh. Here. Comes a landing gear, nice. And, calm. On. The ground oh I, love the ground, for. Anybody that wants to come out and try a glider ride you're really gonna be impressed, to see Florida, in a way that you've never seen before. Oh my, gosh well did you see Central Florida, in a way you've never seen it before, absolutely. Spectacular sir, I can see why. You, love this I'm, keeping, my feet firmly, planted on the ground for this next adventure, I'm headed to Mission in a beautiful. Spanish colonial, style resort located, and Howey in the Hills I tell you what this place is spectacular, over, 1,100, acres of destination. Resort, paradise, with. Activities, and recreation, galore here I'm headed for an afternoon, at their trap and skeet range safety. And fun are top priorities, here even. Though I've been around guns my whole life gun, range manager, Steve Jones puts me through my paces look, at this oh, yeah. All, right let me see you aim. Awesome. Chad I think. I'll hit one you look good though mission, in provides everything you need for a day of clay sport activities, Shell's, guns. Iein ear protection and biodegradable. Targets. They should put like grass, seeds in these you know you, know that's a good idea yeah market. That okay. Time to see if I still got it well. Nice. Job Chad, pull. Nice. Job. Nice. Job, halo too low. To chat always gonna load too for me ah now. We're talking. I. Don't. Think I've ever done that Steve that was cool let's. Do it again I'm, gonna roll time, to kick it up a notch have, you ever seen somebody, shoot ten and one shot. No. The, universe is record, right here okay, here we go. You. See that nobody painted, one shot, let's call Guinness we gotta call somebody Steve let's do it let's do it you got I got a phone yeah but. It we call let's, try this, yeah. There you go that's a great idea. Up. Next chef, Justin's, got just, what you need to quench the summer heat, this is a great, drink, when, you have a gathering want, something nice cool and refreshing, and later Chad, continues. His Lake County adventure, with a motor, approved, date with a duck, the duck and, the muck like what's the duck part high jinks, on the links it, popped out over there and the fresh game, feast, I've lost track of what is what it's all good. This. Florida, cooking segment, is brought to you by fresh, from Florida. Remember, delicious. Is always, served fresh, from Florida on, today's.

Show Florida tropical, fruit sangria, you. Don't have to drink by, year. About. This you, know Chad this is a great, drink, when, you have a gathering few. People around want, something nice cool and refreshing, this, is gonna be perfect we have our wine you want to go ahead and get our wine into our Bowl here I've got a punch. Bowl that we'll be using because we're gonna serve multiple people we, have strawberries. Blueberries. I, have some pineapple mango. Some fresh citrus, and maybe a little bit of mint and then we'll finish it off with a little bit of ginger ale it's time to start adding fruit fruit, yes sir what do I cut okay, you, take the tops, off the strawberries. And maybe cut them in half and you don't want to get them in there you don't appeal it yes, I, mean I need skinless, blueberries. For, the recipe okay. Quarter. Them that means make one, into four yes take. Out the little center here. You're. An ear there's. A line right here there is this try to verse do not respect. That line, okay. Pineapple, in okay. I'm gonna cut some citrus, for you to squeeze in there this, has got to be just some great television right here so. Chop Athan chiapas. On and. Then I'm gonna start working on this mango, now there's a couple different ways to skin a mango. What. I'm gonna do is I'm going to take a slice down either side just, like. This and. Then using, my knife, I'm. Gonna make some crosshatch. Pattern, in. Here mmm without. Cutting myself and, then turn this bad boy inside, out ha and, now that it's inside, out I could just kind of run my knife through that's, awesome around through here and. Get as much of this off just. Like. So without getting that skin on there that is really cool not bad that's what there. Are. You squeezing you squeeze the rest of those in there I'm squeezing, I was quartering. Oh I'm, quartering everything, can. We squeeze these, yes. Like I asked you to do squeeze the help. That's. Right no problem okay. All. Right now. Let's. Get some blueberries in there you peeled those already all peeled ready to go, skinless. Blueberries, oh one. More thing I want to put in there well underneath this amazing. Sea grape tree right. There doesn't. See grapes in there sea grapes in, the. Sangria, come on just one or two sprinkle, them in there okay we're gonna try this at home with, any berries. Off trees can be good all, right we're looking good it's time to get this over ice, are, you ready I am actually I'm ready, we're. Gonna serve it up just like this. Mmm. There's one for you sir, I'm. Actually cuz absolute, gorgeous the way it garnish. This view just a little bit of fresh mint on top nice. This. Is a great just hot summer trophy.

Right For the summertime yes, absolutely. Mmm. You got a secret I see the sea grape in there you want trade yeah let's trade. Thank. You all, right Cheers here's the florida tropical fruit sangria, oh. Yeah. Good. Stuff I already feel a little tipsy yeah good, hey, for this recipe and many many more go, to how, to do Florida Calm know. Me this. Florida, cooking segment, was brought to you by fresh, from Florida, remember, delicious. Is always, served fresh, from Florida. Come. Now. This is fun, Chad powers. On with, his oi County, adventure, as this ultimate. Guy get, away, continues. Can. I go again go for it. You. Are shattered in Florida we'll be right back. We're. Showing you how to do an adventuring, beautiful, Lake County Florida, we've already soared, to great heights in a glider and. Shot. Ten clay pigeons with one shot oh. Well. Kind of, tainted. One shot I tell you all this adventuring, works up an appetite fortunately. There's a place in Lake County or even, eating is an adventure, oh it's. My kind of place, Redwing. Restaurant, offers the finest, in fresh game from all over the world restaurant, was built in 1948. This, place does protein, right look at this at any time you could have eleven different game items on the menu oh there, we go, I've got quail elk deer, frog, legs, Gator duck this is adventure, eating at its best here we go. Mmm. Gators, very tender chef, Justin you will be proud I tell you what if you're ever in Lake County try. Red Wings you will not be disappointed. Mmm. Oh that's, good I don't, know what it is I've lost track of what is what it's all good, all right fueled, up for my next adventure I'm, going from eating duck to, riding so the next adventure on our list is, revolution. Offroad, this place is renowned. For, its off-road, vehicles, they have a new vehicle that I've been dying to try revolution. Owner Kevin Joey wastes no time in introducing, me to the latest sensation in off-road vehicles, well Chad This Is It this is the Mucky Duck so, let me wrap my head around this okay so what's, the duck part well, it goes in the water it's amphibious, so it floats it floats, oh absolutely as, long as the plugs are in at the back it flows let's make sure that.

What's. The muck part we go through all the tracks and trails and when it winds out here in the wetlands. And stuff it's really muddy, so that's the muddy part yeah I cannot, wait to get on it you're gonna have a block. Yeah. And, you sure it floats we're, an off-road, adventure, park located, 15, miles west, of Disneyworld and we do lots of fun activities, out. Here like ATVs, dune, buggies, mucky. Ducks archery, bass, fish and skeet shooting, I quit checkout with my guide and I'm ready to roll you might want to use these goggles here keep some that dust out of your eyes okay. It. Takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it this thing is fun and easy to drive. Now. This is fun. Okay. Let's see if this thing really floats. This, has got to be the ultimate Florida, vehicle right here you. Go to the mud you go in the water you can fish out of this thing this is my kind of fishing right here. All. Right, that, is awesome. Excellent. Gosh. What. An amazing, ride, can. I go again go for it. After. A full day of adrenaline. Jacked adventures. It's. Time to wind down a bit I thought it'd be nice to come out here for a round of relaxing. Golf oh yeah. I'm back, at Mission Inn where, two champion, golf courses are beckoning, recently. El campeon course was recognized by golf advisor as the, number two golf, course in the nation, so, yeah this course meets up to my high standards but. First we've, gotta gear up you can wear flip-flops on a golf course so I need golf shoes two. Or three thirty two oh three thirty, yes sir you sure there's no way to rent these this is the most adrenaline I felt all weekend buying these shoes 200 bucks. Now. Florida has more golf courses than any other state, and I host a show about Florida, so. The logical conclusion would be that I play a lot of golf. Sadly. That's just not the case. Do. You see it I lost. It ok let's. Turn to the whole. Should. Want a caddy oh. Yeah. Come. On over here come, here sit right here what's, your name, Chris. Okay I need you to carry, this because this is too much for me to carry and swing at the same time. Look. Like loon over there. It. Popped out over there, you. Know I came out here to relax but. Turns, out golf can be very frustrating. Fortunately. I did find one way to relax admission. It's. Hard to believe all of this exists in one central, florida county come. To Lake County and experience. The real Florida to plan your Lake County adventure, check out visit, Lake FL, calm. Oh, now. This is relaxing. Yeah, so your muscles are really tight right now oh thank, you. What. An adventure, I want, to encourage you to come out here and have your own adventure, well, that's our show I hope, you learned something but more importantly, I hope you feel encouraged, to get out and do, Florida. Want. More how to do Florida get on how to do Florida calm there, you can browse our collection of videos it's what I bring watch full episodes need. Florida recipes we've, got plenty nice shirt get you how to do Florida gear on our online store how, to do Florida calm your, resource, for experiencing, authentic. Florida bone fish boat works proud builder of sabalo, inch or powerboats, rocky creek and old pick ran boats is the official, boat sponsor, of how to do Florida go to Palm Beach Boat Works calm, to find your ultimate, Florida, boat welcome, to the show and. This. Is a cooking. Show. Yeah you're in my way. Congratulations. You almost beat the nuns that were here last year last week. So now where will I be sitting is there in a jet, I'm hungry is there an in-flight meal on this thing I don't seem steward I think. I'm gonna go hunters platter but bring me on a side of frog. Legs duck, and Gator okay, you want a bite and, then it's for me mmm, this bother you.

Accommodations. For the cast and crew in Lake County provided, by mission, and resorting, Club visit us online at, mission and resort comm, or call, 884. 915. Florida. Provided, by the West in Lake Mary reserve, online at Westin, Lake Mary comm. Call, for reservations or. To book a group at eight hundred nine three seven eight four six one. Lake. Lou over there. You.

2018-05-11 12:12

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