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if you're a beach lover and you're  coming to the Fethiye region of   Turkey on a holiday you might want  to know where the best beaches are ? everybody has a different idea of their  favorite Beach so in this video we're   going to show you all the beaches in the  Fethiye area and you can choose which is your   favourite and make a comment that might help  others that are looking for the ideal Beach,   especially if you've been to any of them  before so let's have a look at the first beat   so the most well-known beach  has got to be Çalış Beach so this is Çalış Beach it's  a shingle and fine sand beach   and it's one of the most popular beaches because  it's quite close to Fethiye in fact there's   a cycle track that comes all the way up to Çalış  from Fethiye and you'll also get a boat taxi up to   here as well from Fethiye so it's an ideal place  for sunbathing unfortunately this beach hasn't had   great press recently because of the rubbish that's  been left on the beach and a lot of that is to do   with smokers who are leaving their waste pushed  into the sand and not using the dust bins provided   maybe they should ban smoking on all beaches that  would be better for the environment altogether   it's got pretty good facilities and of and  of course it's lined with lovely bars and   restaurants and probably the best place in Fethiye  to watch the sunset to the west of Fethiye is a   forest covered Peninsula with several coves and  well-known beaches so this is Aksazlar and this   is probably the closest beach to town Fethiye it's  a Sandy Beach but the sand has been brought in it   looks a bit more like salt actually and although  it's nice and gradual to go in swimming it is a   bit sort of murky the water here but what a  lovely place and it's not that expensive to   come in and use the beds they've got a nice bar  nice restaurant area and also they do camping   here and there's also a picnic place as well and  I don't think many people know about the camping   here because there's no one here to be honest  it's probably the best campsite near Fethiye if you travel around the peninsula  after the Latoon hotel which of   course has its own private Beach and Beach area there is this little Cove which unfortunately  seems to have been used as a dumping ground   there's a lot of boats started Mooring here as  well but it is a free place where you could swim So the next   beach around the peninsula is this one and this  Kuçuksamanlı beach its privately rented off the   government but it's got quite good facilities  they've got a nice little bar and you can even   sit and smoke a nagili if you want here they have  traditional platforms here what they call the Köşk   in turkey and obviously there's an extra charge  for them and there's a charge for the sun beds A bit further around the peninsula is a very  special Beach so this is Büyüksananlı beach   now this beach isn't quite finished at the moment  but because they're doing it up and this is one   of the only beaches in the area that's got  a Mavi bayrak blue flag it's a clean Beach   it's rented by the ministry of Tourism and  usually it's not open to the public because   children come down here from that are at  the tourism school but when the school's   finished they open it up for the public this  is all going to go on the beach this beautiful   white sand which is actually come from Mersin  and in the summer there won't be alcohol on   this beach unless you bring your own and  if you rent a koşk you can eat and drink   whatever you want from your köşk of course no  bar here but there will be a really lovely Cafe   which they're constructing at the moment so by  the time this film goes out they'll probably   have finished there so I'm excited because I'm  definitely going to come back down to this beach a bit further around the peninsula  to the West is a Muslim concept Beach so this is Zehra Kuleli this beach is very special because they  separate out the ladies the families and the men there's no alcohol on this beach at all next about a mile away is  the very popular Seame Beach it really is a lovely place the it's not a  Sandy Beach it's a sort of a fine Stone but   they've got entertainment on here they've got a  bar it's really something special and to be honest   think I'm gonna come here myself thank you   in the next Bay South of Seame Beach is another  very popular Beach these beaches are usually   accessed via the shorter scenic route from Fethiye  turning left just after the Marina Boutique Hotel that owns this place or rents this place used  to be in ÖlüDenis and they used to be a very   popular bar then and it's still a popular place as  a beach this beach is very fine sand I think it's   been brought in this is a really well organized  beach with a bar and a lovely restaurant area it's very busy in the mid-summer with  young people who like the loud music the easiest way to get here  is just to jump in a taxi the last Beach accessible to the west of Fethiye   is the private beach at the  exclusive Hillside Beach Club   this is another blue flag Beach unfortunately you  can only access it if you're staying at the hotel now let's look at the beaches to the south  of Fethiye about a 20-minute drive away   with a regular bus service from Fethiye is  one of the most popular beaches in Turkey   so this is Ölüdeniz public beach which is famous  of course for its paragliding and this is where   they land when they take off from the mountain  at babadağ which is about six thousand feet high   and it's nice to just sit at a  bar and watch them all flying in the public beach has got great facilities bars  restaurants all the way along it and of course   accommodation so it's very popular The Prices  right on the beach bars are a little bit more   expensive than you'd pay in the normal Resorts  usually between four and five pounds for a beer   but Ölüdeniz which means dead sea in Turkish  is actually referring to the Lagoon which is   the other beach at the end of the public beach  and you do have to pay to go in there because   it's a national park the public beach is fine  sand and Shale but the Lagoon beach is Pebbles   but at the back of the Lagoon there's  several other fine sandy beaches   all these beaches are accessed  via the back road of the Lagoon most of the beaches at the back  of the Lagoon are owned by hotels   but some are free access so  long as you use their facilities you have to come through Kaya village to get to  this one about 45 minutes through winding roads Gemiler   Beach which is actually opposite Saint Nicholas  Island you can camp here you can put a tent up   here but there they do charge an entry fee which  is 75 Lira at the moment for a car for a whole day but there is some facilities here there's a nice  little restaurant the beach is quite secluded   although there are lots of boats pulling  in here all day long it's a nice place to   hire canoes and Peddlers and there are boats  from the beach here to Saint Nicholas Island   not forgetting that Caravans and camping  is allowed here and it's not expensive between Gemiler and Ölüdeniz there is  one more Beach which is accessible with a   vehicle from Kaya Village although it's not an  asphalt road and it's known as Cold Water Bay thank you this is a beautiful beach  with a small restaurant which is high   up overlooking the whole Bay the water is  crystal clear and the Ambiance is lovely   only spoiled occasionally when the dragon  boats happened to call in from early Denise it's known as Cold Water Bay and this actually   includes Camel Beach which  is only accessible by boat heading south again and passing through Ölüdeniz   on the coast Road you come  to another large Sandy Beach this is Kudrak Beach and there's  a small entry charge to this beach   and the sun beds and Köşk platforms are not  cheap but it is a beach with good facilities   and a lovely shaded restaurant which also  serves alcohol the beach is fine sand but   it's Pebbles right on the shoreline which means  it's a little difficult to get into the water   this beach is a national park it closes at 7 pm  there's night security and no camping allowed,   down just a couple of hundred meters away  from kudrak Beach is the huge all-inclusive   adults-only Liberty likya Hotel which  has its own private beaches these are   only accessible to the hotel guests or if  you buy a day pass which is quite expensive the next Beach is only a mile further  around the coast is one of the most   beautiful in the area but it's only  accessible via boat from Ölüdeniz please butterfly Valley or Kelebek vadesi as they  say in Turkish is a stunningly beautiful beach   you can rent a beach hut and a  tent on this beach or take your own and there are lots of boat trips some very noisy   visiting here every day in  the middle of the summer   but if you don't want a full day boat trip and you  just want to visit or stay on this beach there's a   regular taxi Boat Service it goes about every  hour it's not quite as smooth as the big boat you can rent a beach hut and a  tent on this beach or take your own   if you're thinking of coming over here to  stay the facilities are not exactly Grand   and there's a small camping  fee if you bring your own tent but there is a bar at one end of the beach  and there's some facilities at the other end   of the beach as well and be aware that the beach  might not be as quiet as you were expecting you   there's a lot of people here the walk you see the butterflies is  actually quite a long way especially   in the middle of the day in this heat so  make sure you take some water with you the last Beach that we're going to look at to  the south of Fethiye is Kabak Beach which is   accessible from Ölüdeniz passing past kudrak Beach  through feralya which is I above butterfly Valley   eventually reaching a point high above Kabak Beach  then it's a steep track road down to the beach   if you're able the walk down to  the beach is actually very scenic this is another beautiful  beach but unlike butterfly   Valley there is plenty of accommodation  here from beach bungalows to nice hotels and there's a nice large rustic restaurant  and bar on the beach which also serves alcohol   thank you in the middle of the summer there is  sometimes a service bus to and from the beach so now we're gonna head back  to the north of Fethiye.   just north of Çalış beach the continuation of  it comes into koca Çalış so this is the beach   at Koca Çalış which is an extension of Çalış Beach  actually but it's very pebbly up this end of the   beach and there are several bars and restaurants  I'm outside Zentara at the moment which has got   sunbeds and a lovely restaurant inside but there's  also the Surf Center here and as you probably   realized it's very windy here it's a great place  for surfing and the surf Center is a great place   for learning to surf as well as hiring stuff  out if you just want to go surfing yourself heading Northwest from Koca Çalış on a back  road you arrive at a small Bay which is next   to a much larger public beach so this is Karataş  Plajı or Karataş beach now this beach is unusual   it's rented out but there is one part of it one  side of it that you don't have to have a sunbed   if you don't want one and you can just you're just  free to come on but it is a very lovely walk into   the sea here it is sand and Shale but walking  in it's fairly Sandy and quite quite easy it's   nice for kids as well they do play music here  at the little restaurant but you can ask them   to change the music and turn it down a bit  and turtles do lay their eggs on this beach just 200 meters away over the small bridge is the  other part of Karataş Beach so this is another   part of Karataş Beach and actually this is the  long part of Karataş Beach but it's Stony and   the Fabe hotel has rented part of this beach and  they've put sand on it and made it a bit of more   of a luxury Beach and this part is still public  but there's some construction work going on on   a new hotel over here and when that construction  is finished um apparently they're gonna rent this   part of the beach as well so it will be part of  the hotel unfortunately because this was one of   our favorite spots and the restaurant at the  back was one of our favorite restaurants too   progress further up the coast is another hotel  beach but the best way to access it is to go back   onto the Dalaman Road and turn at Yanıklar this  is Tuana hotel and the only way you can access   this is if you stay at the hotel or pay the  daily fee because it's an all-inclusive hotel over a small Bridge from this hotel is a  huge public beach a bar and a restaurant   so this is Karaot public beach and this is  right next door to the Tuana Hotel unless   you come across the little Bridge Walk  Bridge from Tuana the only other way to   get here is by car it's a really nice drive  for a car although it is quite a long way if you're coming from Fethiye  it's the same turn off for the   Tuana hotel but you stay on  the right side of the river oh the beach is probably about five  miles out of Fethiye and apart from   the restaurant there are good facilities here too   and right at the other end of the beach is  a reasonable area for Caravans and camping bear in mind that at weekends and the middle  of the summer or any Byram periods this area   is packed with Caravans the last two beaches are  even further away from Fethiye on the Dalaman Road   to get to the first one after passing Yanıklar  you go up the hill and on the brow of the Hill   there's a left turn to katrancı this is Katrancı  Beach years ago me and Trudie camped here with   the kids 20 years ago there was nothing much here  apart from trees and grass and I think there was   one tea shop but now there's a lovely restaurant  and many of the people seem to be staying here   all year round they've even got fridges and  freezers outside their tents and Caravans   and there's also cabins that you can stay in as  with many of the forestry controlled Beaches they   are sub-rented out to the bars and restaurants  so they do sometimes serve alcohol and this one's   no exception so Katrancı Beach you can get a  beer here and a restaurant meal if you want it's a fine Sandy Beach and it's great for  the kids very safe there is obviously an   entry fee because it's forestry controlled but  the bars and restaurants are private so if you   want sunbeds and stuff like that you you have to  pay extra and there's some good facilities here and for the final Beach going past Yanıklar up  the hill and past the turn off for katrandia is   a left turn to Günlüklü beach it's sometimes  called küçük Kargı and it's also called   Ömer Eşen Nature Park it's  about 12 miles out of Fethiye   so this is a lovely Beach this is Günlüklü Beach  which is on the way to Göcek and it's forestry   controlled so there's an entry fee it's not that  easy to get to unless you've got a vehicle you   could of course cycle if you're a good cyclist  and they actually a bar and restaurant here   and surprisingly they serve alcohol and the beer  is 150 lira which is a little more than usual but   that's what you pay for a beautiful beach it's  a very fine sand which I think has been partly   brought in it is a nice gradual walking to the  sea and they're also extending the beach so   they're putting fine sand on the other part of the  beach and making it bigger there's also a lot more   facilities on the other end of the beach which  were being renovated when I was there in June there are of course other bays and coves  around the Fethiye region many of them   you can only reach by boat and some  are quite dangerous to climb down to   a bit further away about an hour's Drive  of course is Patara one of the best beaches   in Turkey so that's it from the lovely  beaches here in Fethiye don't forget to   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2023-08-05 14:45

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