How Locals Treat You In DA NANG, VIETNAM

How Locals Treat You In DA NANG, VIETNAM

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I'm taking you today to a very residential  neighborhood to try this coffee shop yeah   called Mor Ca Phe It's so random  it's out of nowhere I know you   were kind of confused as we were driving  in here like where are you taking me but   okay there's something you really like  here so let's sit down and order some coffee this is what we're here for I  don't know how to say it in Vietnamese like   Xoi Com it's basically that green sticky  rice with the coconut that you really like   and I saw that they serve it here coffee  looks really good too so that's order some coffee wow everything looks so good there's lotus seeds inside the sticky   rice and what is on the side you think  peanuts and sugar yeah peanuts and sugar delicious that's a perfect breakfast wow it's  not too sweet right it's just a little bit of   sugar in there the chewiness of the sticky  rice the crunchiness of the peanuts and   some salt it's so delicious I didn't get  lotus seed on the last bite though let's see what did you end up ordering  for drinks oh I got you the it's   the racket coffee with orange um and you  can see the orange here is like the green   skinned orange and I got the salt coffee I  mean you're in Da Nang you have to have salt coffee that is so delicious that is really  really delicious just like you remember just   like I remembered how it tastes like salted  caramel latte oh that's good does it taste   different it's like orange Americano but because  they use a different type of orange and they use   the strong um vietamese coffee it's even better  really cuz usually orange Americano that I used   to drink it's a bit more diluted yeah this is  more full you usually say like you need more   coffee taste in it so this is perfect  perfect balance with orange and the coffee   so this is the racket coffee orange and I  was looking at what racket coffee was and   it's actually that Chinese traditional pot that we  see you know people go see the Chinese traditional   doctor they give you the herbs and then you  boil the medicine in the pot and then they   pour the medicine out so they brew the coffee  using the pot and not a lot of places still do   this so they said this is a traditional Saigon  method so you can probably find it still in Ho Chi Minh City so we're always happy to be back in Da Nang it's still you know the most livable City in   Vietnam it's clean the beautiful beach  it's so easy to yeah get around and it's   affordable everything's like 15 minutes  away from each other we are staying this   time at kind of really close to My Khe Beach so  we found a nice very modern looking boutique   hotel called Pama Hotel it's 4minute walk  to My Khe Beach or My An Beach but inside it's   like it's perfect for us like a spacious  room super comfortable bed downstairs they   even have live music for one or two nights I  think weekends maybe but it's more about the   location that we really love and it's a good  price I think it was under a million VND per night so we are here at the Cho Con I need to  stop smoking I was talking to the owner of the   cafe and I was saying which local market should  we go to because there's two major ones the Han   Market by the Han River and the Con Market that  is only like 6 minutes from the cafe which is   closer to the airport side of Da Nang he said this  one he said for cheaper food cheaper prices and   for more like local like where local people go  this is a place to go to but if you were looking   for a more beautiful Market to take photos then  you go to the other one no I like this place I   like where the local people go to yeah I want to  get some like traditional snacks and stuff like   that even though I'm not really hungry right  now but we can take a look yeah I don't know   where to start bunch of uh watches you want  get a Rolex sunglasses I do want sunglasses   though I want the round one they maybe you can  find them look at all these yeah we don't need a watch I think we're in the wrong section  we should go in here yeah we need to go in here   so this Market is divided in many sections um  just now we were in kind of the gold accessory   watch section and now this seems to be where  all the clothing is the textile section um   there's also like dried food section indoor  food section outdoor food section wet Market   um is pretty typical of Asian markets I have  to say that they kind of have everything in   this little Center and then you find what you  need I would love to take that home dried jackfruit so delicious it smells like plums so  doesn't it oh yeah because they have plenty   of selection of dried plums if we see a hair  clip I need a hair clip too just a random thought there you can uh test your bargaining skills  here in Vietnam can you please bargain for me   but I see a lot of places have price tags on the  items oh so it might not be that kind of Market maybe you trying to get something  yeah there is something I want to   get because we were at the massage place  the other day and we had some of the dried   Ginger it was so good so I think I want to  get some dry ginger I'll ask her cuz I'm not sure oh this one is ginger yeah try it oh happy New  Year Vietnam oh they eat this for New Year for New Year good very good for you  oh for me m here I'll grab one more oh very nice very good how much for a bag small half kilo is how much 19,000 how much  is that 90,000 half a kilo that's plenty that's too much   right 70 70 this is 70 oh this is 70 is is $2.87  that's very good this is $2 it's so cheap like   I don't even want to bargain but my problem is I  can't finish that just too much I think you can   get half of it because look she's weighing them out  so I'm sure you can choose how much you want maybe   I just want 200g yeah can I get can I get 200g  yeah 200g this one and I put this one back okay 40 that one is 40 40 40 no it's okay it's still very cheap right  one kilo very cheap oh okay okay I think all we need to do just go stall after  stall and try everything and we will be full   and we don't have to pay anything that's what I  saw the policeman doing yeah he was just trying   them I wasn't sure if it was quality control  or you know he had special privilege around   the market it's good yeah mhm be perfect  for in the morning with tea and coffee 40,000 didn't even want to bargain  can I try 1 kilo 1 kilo how much how   much is it 1 kilo 200 200 well jackfruit is a  little bit more expensive can I try a little bit 1 kilo 200 that's a lot more 40 half  kilo 100 oh oh no half kilo 100 yeah okay   I'll take this one it's delicious you want to  try it yeah let's try from the bag oh she didn't look 70 strawberry Japanese no no uh Thai Thailand   beautiful thank you Vietnam too no Vietnamese not beautiful Vietnam is beautiful you're beautiful Thailand beautiful can I grab one more they're so friendly I love it are you  getting your money's worth mhm it's   funny because we got it wrong yeah we  both got it wrong she said Japanese   and you said strawberry and you said  70 language barrier in Vietnam is uh is real   I like I like you you like me I like  you I like you I like you I like you yeah that one okay okay wow thank you so much got another  subscriber happy New Year hello hello Chiang Mai I'm from Chiang Mai yes thank you byebye I didn't get what she  said the last part maybe she meant she was   the queen of this Market in Vietnam she  looks like it so fun I need your help   ah can you come with me okay I found  the hair accessories but I need your   help bargaining yes well we didn't do a very  good job back there we didn't bargain at all okay you want fake hair on top too oh what  is that it's like a fake hair I have I have too   much hair can she give me something to take  away some of my hair okay which one you like   you choose one first and then I'll bargain for  you okay I think I want this one it matches your   glasses yeah same color I should ask first  right do you want me to bargain for you or   you want to do yeah you should you should you  just watch okay you watch how much 60,000 60 uh 60,000 uh 30 can you do 30 no how much you willing  to pay for it are you willing to pay 60 no but that   one is good too let me just try that one good  too this one 30 oh okay let me see let me try   this one 25 oh okay this one 25 this one 20 oh  okay wait wait let me try the 20 25 this one 25 okay I'm going to get 25 wow great job at uh no  it helped it helped me uh help because she told me   the price of the cheaper ones she didn't think  I was going to go for the cheaper ones oh but I   don't care that much I just want a cheaper one  so we did bargain then it worked I think so it seems like we just entered the  cooked food area there's just so   many choices here and it's all local  people enjoying probably lunch hello   xin chao and yeah there's like different  types of things like this one oh say hi hello he just stopped in I think wanted to  say hi to the camera anyway there's like   noodle soup there's grill pork inside the  rice paper and everything must be really   fresh here because the market is just  across from here and I think that one   is avocado avocado and dessert this one here  avocado ice cream and dessert I think we're   not hungry enough to get a full meal let's get  something like that okay let's go take a look what is this one here avocado smoothie oh  okay okay what do you call what do   you say it in uh Vietnamese kem bo  is it good very good okay let me try that eat here or better to go she's already putting it in the   to go cup okay thank you so much for your help byebye let's see oh wow this is a avocado  it's like a smoothie but they also call it   Vietnamese avocado ice cream because it's like a  coconut ice cream I think with avocado smoothie   it's a Danang thing I was just looking  it up online it's actually a local thing coconut ice cream tastes really good oh  I really like it it seems very uh avocado-y it's   super avocado-y they actually grow a lot of avocado  they also grow a lot of avocado in Vietnam so   I think maybe that's why this is such a trendy  thing and it's not expensive this is only 20,000   very refreshing I love this Market it's chaotic but  it's fun and I think a lot of people want to help   us which was quite neat but the family that was  sitting here they're actually uh they live in the   US and they came back for the holidays so that's  why they they spoke really really really good English Flora is really enjoying this she's so concentrated you look like you're really enjoying it I am wow it's quite windy today isn't it  it's so windy people are learning   to surf over there but I don't think it  would be fun when it's kind of strong the current there's no one here it doesn't look as beautiful  but it's it's very relaxing and you can see there   are some people who prefer to sit over here  than I guess over there because there's just   more people walking around yeah sometime there's  music playing on that side because they set up   the beach chairs and this beach here has a really  nice view of the the Lady Buddha and the Pagoda   over there and we did go up a couple days ago  when my mom came to visit and it was her first   time in Vietnam so we thought we would take her  up to see the Buddha the Lady Buddha and just   enjoy the atmosphere and the beautiful bonsai  trees it's free entry which is very nice so we   spent some time up there if you come to Danang  you have to visit that place once or twice you   will see it all the time when you're sitting on  the beach and you would just see how majestic   it looks up there and you also get the city  view from there beautiful view of the whole coastline of Danang I think it's in here uh you said  it's in someone's else's house yeah but okay   let me pull up the map let's stop here so I  wanted to bring you to try something different   um this place is called Mom's Kitchen it's  basically this spot but the next alley but   I don't think this alley takes you there I think  we have to go back everyone looks confused why we're here so go out and turn right out and  right yeah I I knew it was someone's house   but I didn't know it was another like part  of a residential alley bringing you to all   these hidden gems today huh I love it oh this  one maybe yeah how did you find this place is   it Chickpea Eatery yeah Chickpea Eatery oh wait  there's actually a sign here Chickpea Eatery just   straight straight down this alley okay let's go  okay keep going straight wow this   is a hidden gem all right I hope it's open me too  it doesn't look open from here but the sign is out I don't understand this Vietnamese helmet it's so hard oh my God come on do you need help oh  got it all right beautiful oh wait can   we can we rinse off our feet then cuz we have  sand on our feet we have sand okay that okay   yeah I want to sit on the the inside seating  yeah the inside looks cute but our feet we have too much   sand on our feet the house is so cute  as you can probably tell by the name of the   place though Chickpea Eatery it's a vegan place  vegetarian place we like to eat uh vegan every   now and then yeah it just feels good and get  our vegetables in and this place has really good reviews so inside the menu they actually share the  story of this family and why they started a vegan   restaurant this is not the first one the owner  which is quite young I think she's probably our   age to be honest she opened two vegan restaurants  in Hoi An called Chickpea Eatery and Vegan Soul Kitchen but when covid hit I think the business was not good  there so she came back home this is her parents'   home for a 7-Day Retreat to you know just calm  down enjoy time with family so is this her dad   this is her dad yeah her dad is cooking for  us and coming back here for 7 Days the family   decided that you know they were enjoying cooking  together eating vegan food together and I think   that they are a Buddhist family as well as you  can tell with the decorations so they decided to   open their doors and share their home with others  so offering them a chance to indulge in delicious   vegan cuisine that is cooked by her parents  at this location that's so awesome so it says   usually you would see her mom and her sister and  her dad here um but we are a bit early today like   like an early dinner time so only her dad  here is cooking and making the drinks for us I ordered the Tempeh Banh Mi and  it has chickpea tempeh herbs cucumber   fresh Vietnamese baguette and lots  of sesame seeds vegetables amazing yeah I was expecting you to introduce  the second dish oh but you couldn't wait   I'm hungry um how was it though it was  very good okay so yours is the Bun Cha Gio it's crispy spring rolls tofu veggies  cucumber pickled carrots homemade sauce   and with lots of love and care that one  looks yummy too put the sauce all over this how was it well your face kind  of tells me already the sauce is   really good the peanut sauce this one is tofu now mhm hands down one of the best meal  we had so far and we had a lot of   yummy food mhm good job babe finding  this place found two super hidden gems today that was a delicious meal and so affordable  everything we ordered the one drink plus the   smoothie Bowl plus the Banh Mi and the noodles  all came to 190,000 Vietnamese Dong so that was   $8 less than $8 it was so delicious and you  easily could have had another bowl cuz it was   so so good hope you enjoyed all the places we took  you to uh in Da Nang it's a little bit different from   our last video where we focused on more of the  popular tourist places this one sort of ended up   being kind of a hidden gem in Da Nang kind of  day as always thank you for joining us and   next video we will be in a new country so we're  starting a new series so make sure to subscribe   and follow our adventures have a wonderflo day and we'll see you in the next country byebye

2024-04-02 20:04

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