How is this MTB trail even legal?! One of the Best Trail I have ridden

How is this MTB trail even legal?! One of the Best Trail I have ridden

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because of the nature of the jump sick oh i can barely slow down whoa welcome back to the channel guys for today's  video i'm taking you to harper mountain here in   cambridge bc we left squamish a couple of days ago  to escape the bad weather we had beautiful drive   and we made our way yesterday to the bike ranch i  actually posted a video on my raw channel it was   really good time on my donald bike i put some  flat pedals on for the first time in a while   and now it's time to ride the trail bike i took my  propane thai we're going to make it to the top of   the mountain all those trades are on trail forks  we've chosen a local favorite let's go and ride   today i'm gonna be riding with the french liner  you've seen him on some of my videos before   we made it to the top of upper mountain there's  actually a little ski resort in this direction   and it's familiar it looks super cool  and this is the zone on trail fox   so we're gonna start with unicorn dh then  we're gonna make our way to pimpernut upper   back onto unicorn dh and we'll finish by another  black trailer around here to get back to the car   it's going to be super sweet let's go unicorn gh single black diamond  trail it's central fork check it out so well huh yeah it's really fun  really fast some good corners   dirt is pretty good but the rocks  on top they look very slippery drop sign steep section  ahead let's go check it out my feet got caught on a rock oh  here we go okay that's that's pretty   yeah from a head there yeah nice  little drop to start the trail okay actually my first time i ride hyper  mountain and i love riding trails blind yeah is that like a hip that's a big one sec with that gap out of the corner it's  tricky i had to really pull it was still   a little yeah you have to you have to carry so  much speed coming into it nice little surprise   okay let's try it again and i'm  gonna eat that uh that hip jump okay okay first attempt on the hip nice it's actually really smooth yeah looks good  man i was pretty nervous because i don't often do   like hips like this especially this side it's  pretty blind but if you clean the drum before   you carry good speed you can really set up nicely  fight okay great is it the corner go straight   and aim straight yeah basically that's  a big one that's very like sharp leap   huh yeah i know it's like almost  a dodger clip i like first attempt it's pretty hard to get the speed for it actually  but i felt actually better than i thought   i didn't know what to expect or it's so leapy and  it's my wrong side it kind of went well despite   the little case yeah no it's uh it's actually  really well built as i was going back up there   i noticed a big drop over there did you see  it no should we oh yeah of course all right wow okay so that's actually the big drop   someone told me about it and i thought it was this  one we just did before okay now that makes sense okay it's actually pretty big nice steep  entrance to it you see they put concrete   so that way it's not gonna erode and also i  assume the rocks are pretty sharp so that would   be difficult to have like a nice smooth take off  looks like there might be a bit of an impact huh   yeah it looks a bit flat well  i'll go first to test out okay first attempt on the drop all right so good it's really smooth yeah nice buddy let's do it yeah remember to go really  fast onto the tip you have to go real fast okay   i follow you so i'm gonna follow alex onto  the drop then their hip i'm gonna leave a   bit of space especially for the hip because  of the nature of the jump yeah but so funny yeah buddy so fun and down to the 50-footer do you imagine  that this is a double black sanctioned trade   that would be pro-line in a lot of areas this in  the whistler bike park would be a pro line for   sure i think it's stackier than anything you can  find yeah the landing is shorter i mean it looks   amazingly well built but still it's like  consequences so it looks like there is a   jump line and this is the first big jump it's  like 50 feet long so it's really big and then   you got like a smaller one onto what looks to  be another double let's go check it out so we've   got the 50 footer and this one it's actually  a rod gap and it's still like 40 feet long so following that jump line we've got  a triple into a right hand corner and   you got to carry a ton of speed open  your line and stay a little bit inside   and it's a huge step up it's actually really big okay full speed how did i mess up that well  you went deep yeah i know i'm just like no choose to ride  there with a full face that mat   on the trail bike it kind of breaks my  speed i'm riding with a a windproof jacket   so i didn't actually feel how fast i  was going that's fair oh you came in   like pedaling into it yeah i know i don't know  why i did that yeah what well let's go again   to be honest on a legal sanction trail they  will not have made a jump that are too clear   so i should have take that in consideration  and look a bit smaller let's do it okay i'm gonna start from the  hip i'm not gonna go as fast just made a step up i could feel my front tire  flexing into that corner   i'm not riding the edge casing and i'm a bit  low pressure to go that fast on the trail drop oh yeah i love riding my bike you shout out the troll builder because making  such big jumps that well built is really hard how was that not too bad when nice  i said i could do it probably better   with another try we got a good fear for it   if we have to go really fast break a bit for  that second road gap but yeah i love this that was perfect you have to open your corner a lot so you can see  the line and then once you set up you can adjust a   little bit your uh your line whereas if you come  a bit too much inside then you can't really make   adjustments to set up for that big step up okay  i'm gonna follow alex turn know three jumps and   then to the step up that he hasn't done yet so  remember you jump the tripod you stay outside you   look really far red and then the end of the corner  just before the takeoff doesn't have much support   so what i do is that i put my outside feet which  is the left one in this case so i can really get   the tire to grip and also there's so much g forces  you don't want to sharp you want to really carry   a good speed so that way you can make the step  up okay let's try it follow you buddy let's go yeah buddy look at this that was awesome oh it's so fun way better than i ever expected   okay let's check out trail fox cause there's quite  a few transitions so according to trail forks   we are on pimpernut we walked a little bit this  way and that actually get us to the access road   which must be a little line off the map so we're  gonna stick to pamper nut upper on the right if you guys are enjoying that video make sure you  subscribe like it and leave us a comment below   and also an easy way to support me is  simply to check out the link in description   when you purchase on jensen usa and you can  purchase basically any of the products i'm riding   that supports my channel a lot so  thanks so much for that that's right little jump to start nice call now yo whoa seems like it used to be a jump how do we get those so we've got a really nice  set of three super cool double   it's not often you see stuff like that on  trade no it's like they're jumping yeah okay first attempt on the three doubles nice oh so good i went really slow on the first one  yeah so you better go a bit faster than i did yeah   and push and the third one has to show a little  pedal yeah so you need a lot of speed yeah you   don't want obviously to overshoot the first one  though no so if you go fast enough you can just   go super smooth on it this is one of  the best exercises of mountain biking   is to learn how to carry speed with the terrain  on those gems the way i do it is that i look red   and i try to land front wheel first and  when my rear wheel touches the ground   i make myself as heavy as i can in the  compression just to carry speed and then   i do the opposite movement on the way up to the  next jump i'm basically pushing the compression   extend so i can carry good speed yeah proper  exercise your turn let's go alex first attempt you know fast you went quite big alex second attempt yeah let's go dude i'm the one at one dig i was following you on the wind draft i was  catching up and i already overshoot the first one yeah it's sick okay on our way back to unicorn the edge huh oh slippery so fast such a nice trade say yo wow that is so offended how good was that it's  so well built oh and the dirt is so different   from squamish it's different in a different  way but just so good no sorry different in a   different way it doesn't make much sense you're  all good i'm really about to trust the trail   not knowing it you could see ahead you can see  when it's shiny you know it's gonna be slippery oh so sick rock okay we're gonna make our way to the near wall so according to trail fox  it's quite steep so let's see on the right sick wow so i think it's right there buddy this way i think  so oh my goodness i was so sick so many lines let's do that i think it's the  last part i can see the lake wow it's actually quite slippery here dude it is so fun so good 300. oh i can barely slow down whoa all good i was trying to see where i was going you guys definitely be a bit more careful oh i was incredible oh my god dude  well how's sick help her we'll be back   yeah i was not disappointed oh my god this was  like i've been in canada for eight years now   not the first time i come here man this felt like  uh riding well now in honduras yeah just sliding   down it's quite slippery yeah it is it's a bit wet  yeah you got to be careful with your front brake   just not too much cause easy  to uh to lose attraction oh it's so fun let's try to go and get another lap somewhere  thanks a lot guys for watching that video that   was not even ten percent of our permanent we  had a blast can't wait to get back there next   year big shout out to tourism kamloops they  helped us out with the stay and as always   you want to support our channel make sure you  subscribe so you don't miss any of the upcoming   video turn on the notification and check out  the link in description see you next week

2021-11-07 04:11

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