How Bad Is This Town In POLAND

How Bad Is This Town In POLAND

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and this trip since I came in I wasn't like that  like feeling very good uh since uh a day ago like   two days ago so I wasn't like feeling good  so it was like kind of affecting my my plans   like I'm like just like managing myself but it  was unexpected until until arrive oh what is this be careful guys kind of swabbing so I wasn't  really feeling good before so I was kind of like   really really uh managing myself so if not I would  have make a lot of Vlogs but I'm kind of managing   myself I think this is the start of nov yes  this is a football stadium they are constructing   it or like renovating they are building the  stadium novag stadium football stadium is it everywhere is clean neat and tidy very beautiful country so where is the central hello I got to look at me who is this guy  that is the central I'm tempting to go this   way and I'm also tempted to go this way and I  don't know which way to go okay let me go this way because I tried to get it through GPS   I don't know GPS sending me to he cannot give  me uh what I really want so or maybe I didn't   really know how to use it so I tried to  type Centrum Centrum with the Polish map   it's not giving me anything so I will ask  the locals local people let me meet some po scar some people from the town yeah they are busy  constructing the the stadium I don't know maybe   they want to put something like uh because even  the grass they have taken all of the grass I don't   know maybe they want to make it synthetic I don't  know yeah they want to make it maybe synthetic   because they have taken here it's synthetic  they want to do they have taken all the grass hello hello how are you sentrum sentrum sentrum noi novag okay okay so I'm trying to get to the central I'm trying to go to the center I  also you also yes okay you are not from   Novak no ah okay but you from Poland OH  where you from Ukraine Ukraine okay where   you from here uh Nigeria Nigeria  Ukraine Ukraine oh shout out to   ukrainians studies in the community because I  I have everybody anyway what's it in Ukraine oesa no after oesa oh one of the city that  everybody's like recommending me to visit   but not now not now this is it maybe later yes  I just prayed that everything should stop and go   back normal the one need to be stop first one  need to be stopped this one yeah yes yeah no   sometime conflict City me you live in here no no I  live in France actually yeah yeah but now I am in   kov I came from kov for years like to come and see  this town this is small City for me much better to   visit the uhhuh I know you already been there no  I've never been there I decided to come here first   okay then maybe after maybe after I go to zop I  sawo you on the train station ah okay okay you   you we in the train yes the same train like me  okay Enter so you you stay this camera yes I try   to make some Vlogs try to uh you know uh uh uh  share my story share my journey to help people   that is traveling fellow Travelers and by by the  way the ticket cost me uh 54 Lotter because I   bought it so late so but when you buy in time or  maybe if you uh want to travel late more late or   more early it's less expensive if you're a student  I think you have like 50% discount something like   that so you are you are covered in Poland when  you are a student you have a lot of discount for   you even in restaurant like what normal person  like what I will pay for 50 Slaughter like for   example I pay I pay 54 Slaughter for this train  if it's a student like the young girl I met now   the Zimbabwe girl I met a few minutes ago she will  pay like 25 I'm not sure but this I think I think   we supposed to go like this so this is it you as a  student you have a lot of discount so you need to   ask them and show your card I think it's like this  we suppos like to be watch Olympic now I don't it   will be very crowd it will be very crowdy so  Paris will be very crowdy now because of the Olympic how will we do it I don't  know will cross like this I don't   know if it's possible it's not good  is a big chance to penal mhm in some   countries that give you penalty  when you cross like this yeah yeah yes I think we're supposed to go like this this way oh there is no way uh I think there we  supposed to cross from there where that lady was hello to look it she's kind of looking at us I say hello yeah for me zakan is number  one H number one in in uh Poland ah   he's very beautiful Smalls building  completely different let's go like this so tomorrow I will go to zop again tomorrow or next tomorrow I'll go to because  I think I cannot go there for only for like 1 hour   it's too small so maybe no no no no much better  to one day is minimum yes CU really there have   a lot of a lot of interested places yeah oh  this is Happ yeah yeah uh I think we should   ask this girl uh she tell us exactly the mean  beautiful place excuse me hello excuse me sentrum Centrum C okay okay thank you almost 30 km from here M and have a two  options you use uh by train okay or Shadow   bus m it's not expensive shuttle box is uh uh 10  looted this oh 15 is loot 10 10 10 with a boss   yes oh that means maybe maybe for you have uh  discount for the students no I am not student   anymore yeah okay but yeah student can even  have that means student will be five five l so   the 10 letter is from krackov or where no no no  from here from the no to the Zak okay yes I see   this from Zak to kov shuttle bus yeah this cost  32 SL yes yes by train I have one of the um low   cost okay the second one have a little bit higher  uh comfortability okay it's also not so expensive   okay where is Centrum I think is this yeah  everywhere Centrum Centrum C I think it will be   let us go like this because I think there is a sh  there mhm I think that will be the central the big CH so guys I hope you're enjoying the Vlog so far  this is noag the town I was suggested to come to   share with you by some group of young guys from  this town that met me in the city center of kov   so you know as I I've said I want to visit  as much places as I can especially the mean   cities all in the country so it's going to be  explosive and this is just the beginning so hey   and de with me you're going to get the  best the best I can possible give to you in Poland how how long you in Poland Now 1 month one  month yes okay you just came for Holiday yeah this   is my holiday okay I'm s okay s yes oh nice I  think I met one Sean one time where did I which   country did I me this SE guy he's from uh Ukraine  also okay it is in Bulgaria Bulgaria Sofia yeah   it wasn't I think like in early day or something  like that yeah we're planning to two months more   and then need to the start again start again okay  you sell to like all around the world uh depends   depends of the company depends of the ship okay  okay actually I I I working on the passenger ship   okay passenger ship okay the last time I work on  the uh heavy lift vessels yes heavy LIF vessel oh nice Soloman ah I'm working on the not not now M  the ship's already live from the Africa okay but I visit uh maybe five countries in Africa yes I don't know how to this correct maybe say  maybe say I I know this Nigeria n Nigeria my   country yes yes uh and then uh Ghana okay  um for p NOA p a guinea I think P what is his that is yes is a Ben Republic yes  yes Ben Republic yes oh it's great   yeah just uh my place it is my place  here exactly I been place yes temp I   think yeah we get it very yeah for this  it's small stre uh small stre small town yeah anyway it's good not bad it's very  calm very beautiful one thing I like about   most of these parts of the world they are  not that known some are really underrated   and also but but very very clean and  welld developed very clean and well developed they are very well they  are very underrated I heard Ukraine   is very beautiful as well everything  destroyed oh God this is problem of War don't any direction you know we  are going we are all active here we   I thought it's a sh that I was located I don't  know how we we kind of lost it's kind of abandoned   or is still working it's it's hold reced it's  like abandon See Fire yeah there's fire that's   that's the reason yes abandon oh I wish we  knew SE centr uh-huh ah I see so it's like this yeah I think we can go like this yes yes I make mistake we supposed to  go it is my fault sorry you in I like   to be walking uhhuh every day I walk  in minimum I don't know 30,000 35,000   oh good like me like when I'm like out  like this now vlogging and visiting the   countries every day minimum 35 30 this  one have Z maximum close to the this yes yes so maybe tomorrow I will go to Z are you  ready booking the ticket yes phot no no I will   go for a Daye trip a day a day trip because I I  go back to uh kov yes I stay in kov MH normally   I would have go there after but I already have  appointment today today I have appointment with   some friend so with a friend so that is why  if not I would have uh uh just maybe 2 hours   from now I would have go to uh zakopane  until in the evening then uh check check the the train yes no there is another there  is a one that is like uh 130 or two something of blue the last one M see this is the   yeah but the thing is that I have appointment  at uh 8:00 p.m. in kov this is the problem   if not I can go and stay so uh that is  just the only thing so I think it's this way you see yes centr so this is the side of Poland  shut ball station ah okay the   side of Poland you normally don't see  in the media man this is Eden area Eden side difficult to know except you in the country   and uh an explo lawyer like me  that like to visit unknown places D uhuh Centrum yeah this is  Centrum okay let's go like this oh we'll make some interviews also so chind excuse me uh Centrum C here and you can  go on a this way the mountain there's a mountain   here Mountain no there is no mountain no mountain  okay you can go there okay uh right to the right   put left and left right and left okay what can  you tell me about your city your town no we are   not from here oh where where are you from we are  from kov no no h from zakan zakopane yeah yeah I   have to I wanted to visit there now but I think  I have appointment tonight so maybe tomorrow I'm   going to visit Zak yeah that's tomorrow great City  so you were here just for a day trip or what yeah   day trip oh nice so what can you tell me about zop  a little bit it's a beautiful city it's a lot of   tourists there because now it's a popular city  mland and I don't know and you can go at to the   mountain okay yeah and you can we can do a little  trip or something oh so that is why I have to go   uh tomorrow because if I go today it will be like  maximum 1 Hour 2 hours it's not good to really exp   explore I need like almost a day take my time  and go around and explore more wow so this way already a big town we can go okay is it uh brl yes brl uh posan posan not  yet but on Transit very nice city also oh uh   Shin not yet this is also wonderful  City W uh the next one close to the   Sea Gans Gans yeah I've never been  to Gia but G and support uh so I   think I have have to go there to G  so I can visit all these places mm but stretching is the best it's from  there you know from the Germany previous   previous city of Germany M that's  why have complete different building oh I the style it's different yeah oh get some fresh fruits vegetables not  so expensive yes but now it's even expensive   now in Poland is like 10 Slaughter before it was  like five of Slaughter yeah so even Poland now is   becoming more expensive now now yes but compared  to other but if you see every count have the pric   is going up yes because of all this problem that  is happening in the war so where it need to be   maybe next time yeah maybe she's supposed to wait  she don't care she's very busy I think this is the central yes okay I think this is the  center yeah this is the center I guess oh oh yes yeah I think this is the central actually  we have a chair and then yes seem like a buy Street like the Main Street like  I know it's a town so not but   towns are very more beautiful I've  been to some town that very very   beautiful but this one is cool it's NE  not that so extravagant but it's nice yes is the main street yes oh she's very young playing very  well and she's very young oh Georgia   food food yes there is small one uh for food yeah it's from the Georgia ah from Georgian food  yeah yes Georgian food oh and also have a lot of   Turkish I Kebab Kebab Kebab there is no Kebab  here yeah don't know it's different no I like   Georgia okay maybe I've never been there so I  also but maybe we'll see because I I haven't   taken my lunch so maybe I'll after the video  i' like to eat some delicious food and please   like this you can have very good traditional  food and even less expensive not like in in   the big cities like kov like the same food you  will get here maybe for like uh 20 l or 10 L in   the in the city you can get it for about 50  this is also a great place to heat very well   hello guys hello how are you can be better can be  better stupid man why you stupid it's not stupid   man what can you tell you from this town yes we  from here what can you tell me about your town   oh it's beautiful everywhere is a mountains  there is a g this area okay yeah there's a t   okay big mountains in here okay so this is the  most attractive Street in the town the be most   beautiful no there is a city center in here oh  okay you have some change I it's a Pity that I   don't have change I only have just direct it's a  Pity if I have some change when I'm coming back   if I see you I can take care man yeah oh so it's  we are not even get to the the number one place then oh that means we are kind of thinking  we thought uh this is the most attractive   place but no no no no no no there still  a very good surprise waiting us surprise hello y yeah I think Kan mean like I love you  something something like oh she said   I love you oh I love you too oh she said  mean I love you oh oh she said she love   me I love her too I don't really it's after I  really get it that hey she's telling me I love you lovely woman you go there I think ah excuse me okay no problem  hello this Centrum cro okay thank oh it's it's   a big town huh it's a big town it's not so big  but not so small I think maybe 4,000 or more okay population mhm a they are taking  photo of it also good good car ah this beautiful but very hello hell they got of smiling so I have to say hello yeah this is absolutely yes oh uhhuh this is what I see in the  picture was expecting to see this is actually the main Center of noar yes yeah like a model yes you saw this place on the picture yeah yeah uhhuh it's nice hello hello excuse me  how are you what can you tell me about   novit told I don't know okay it's very  beautiful it's very no she don't gree   he said no let me give you my YouTube  channel let me give my YouTube channel oh oh J you oh say oh you they are very YouTubers friendly  in this country so that is why I said I when I   make the I just said okay which country you  want to visit in the community majority of   people said they want to see this country that  I should come okay so this is a a long overdue   promise I think like almost one year ago  more than one year ago I promised to visit   everywhere in in this country so this is  for you guys it is a long overdue promise so think it's like this a little bit like this but there are mountains if  you in this uh town you can also   go to the mountain side there is  another great place that these guys   used uh they share with me that they  like to go and hang out there uh like uh this place like a a lake area mhm yeah they  said they like to go and hang out in this kind of places okay I think this is the finish for  me okay you you are going to kov or no no   no no no I have I have my PL CU they  come especially from the um Zak okay   I need to be visit one one of the shop  Market okay for year okay in this place   okay technical okay and then if you tomorrow  you will come to okay you are in jaoan yes   okay I will come to we can meet tomorrow so  that uh you can write my number yes yes yes speech speech spee speech foreign hello hello oh Excuse me yes what can you share   with me a little bit about your town  no uh sorry about my English is very hello hello hello how are you good so this is Novar guys so I have to look for a  good traditional restaurant to eat hello excuse me I'm trying to get a  traditional restaurant restaurant to eat yeah   here traditional uh silver uh house  silver house right oh okay good thank you see she say there is a sh there there is a sh there I'd like  to share with you guys before I go   and eat or maybe I need to look at my time anyway go with constructing this place the sh I saw there that I like to share spe yeah this is what I saw that  I wanted to come to share sh rovat 2013 is sh yeah I was thinking this is the show I  saw that I like the architecture I guess   from the train I'm sensing it Beautiful Inside Man hello oh it's nice like the environment of this sh is very cool nice oh you can even come and sit down and relax this part back of the I don't know  if it's back or the front I think it's the   back there is a garden here you can also  come and sit down like I have a picnic oh very peaceful quiet like where you can uh how would I say  where the people that is coming to the   church after church you can come  and sit down to meditate or pray   yes yeah you can come and meditate  and pray so it's a place like that yes I think yes this is  the sh I saw from the Train oh back man nice yeah taking care of the  grasses the compound neat clean the big Bell yes so let me go and look for food to eat now I need no local local restaurant local I am Joel Tamara if you like my 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2024-10-10 22:38

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