House Hunters International ( June 6, 2018 ) - Facing Fears in Ecuador

House Hunters International ( June 6, 2018 ) - Facing Fears in Ecuador

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Matt. And Amy are leaving Colorado for, a new experience, in San Clemente, Ecuador. We sponsored, a child in Ecuador for many years and we fell, in love with the culture I think I found my new career. I'm. Looking for a condo and the pool someone else takes care of no. I want a traditional house, Tom this, feels, like coastal, Ecuador to me I want, to hear the ocean I want to see it and I want to feel it that's strange, because Matt has this irrational fear, of the ocean what, is in the water and she, has this fear, of tsunamis, every. Room the ocean could come crashing, into our house it is time to face, those fears. There's. A lot of people here that we're gonna miss huh yeah, there is I basically, grew up here we raised our kids here you know went to high school here played, every. Sport imaginable not, gonna miss the work so much even though it's been a great job I have, been in the package delivery, industry for 34, years I was working as an office manager on, Matt's route I mean I had never seen. A woman that, beautiful yeah, I fell in love with him, don't, start crying already all, of our kids are on their own we're at a new phase of empty nesting and I just believe that it was put, on both of our hearts that there's more to this life and just working a job to, pay the bills. It's. Gonna be okay so we started talking, about the idea of what. Would it be like to go somewhere else to plug into a community, where we can help other people everybody's. Invited one at a time no no no. I. Have always wanted to live on the Pacific, Ocean to face my irrational, fear of water and San, Clemente, is affordable. And take care of this guy okay I will he needs it we've, sold our home all of our possessions and we will be living on a fixed income there's, no going back at this point we got our suitcases packed we're ready to go so this is one of those things that just kind of like a leap of faith we're going in, San Clemente, it's just a beautiful beach town it's a fishing village it's also a tourist town and now there's more and more expats, that are starting to move in as well a.

Lot. Of people are in Ecuador looking for a high quality of life and a low cost of living in, San Clemente you find huge values till you can find beachfront. Under, a hundred thousand, I wanted. Something more Ecuadorian. I want to get to know the community here, so I want something with a big, open space where everyone, can kind of hang out I'm. Looking for a condo, I don't, know what to expect about, the conditions. Of the homes and I, do not, want to spin, a lot, of time and money fixing. Things but. I want something completely, different than we would have in America I do not want it to look like the house that we could buy down the street I would love to have a pool and I want to hear the ocean I want to see it and I want to feel it just something, that's just going. It don't, want to go in it and I. Don't want the tsunami coming over at the top of my roof I, could be back the. Ocean, is very deep it's very wide they, both have this love/hate relationship with the ocean they want to see it but I don't want to touch it that's, gonna be a challenge the, important thing I really need to know is is what your budget is our, budget, is. $125,000. It's. A low budget but here you can buy a nice place for I bet, after a few weeks here you'll end up in the water and then you'll end up enjoying it because it's really nice Tom. Starts, the hunt with a modern, condo format, and is hoping that a safe distance from the ocean will win Amy's favor as well. This is particularly. Amazing do the, price I think you're gonna like it's $85,000. Oh wow. It's. 3-bedroom, 2bath and there's, a pool oh well okay, and the pool someone else takes care of because if it's a condo then someone else will take care of it right it I'm, not sure I want to go in this condo, Tom it, doesn't feel real Ecuadorian, to me oh. Wow. All. The furniture comes with the house okay. It's all brand-new I like that I think. You could have people in here just a couple just, a couple that's perfect. We don't find too many furnished, North American style condos. For eighty-five thousand I don't. Think it had the space, that we need I want to have, that open field so we can have people over. Here's. Our little. Bathroom a little, small but, you, know it's. Your time no man I know it's my condo I'm actually what I meant to say was this, is great. Look. At the size of these windows, look at the big mountains Wow. This is the second bath right next door here so it's, kind of modern you. Seem a little disappointed, that everything's modern, you know that's not what I'm looking for it's, a condo, I mean. What. More do you say, look. At that this. Is exactly what I was talking about yeah but this giant transformer. Right in front of us. $5,000. We, could put the chairs facing this way but. I still, would like to see something a little bit closer I'm, fully convinced, that Matt doesn't know what he wants I'm, good with this distance, waves are not gonna come crashing, in on us it's safe it feels safe it's, probably good time to go up and take a look at the rooftop terrace. This, is great, beautiful, so, can you imagine having people over up here you could have hundred, people up here remember, you said that I can have a hundred people over here right other people for a very short amount of time yeah I, definitely.

Want To see something larger, that has more. Of a different. Feel I don't want to feel like I'm still living in Colorado I know, that. What she's thinking is. Probably, you know what I'm thinking yes wow that's gonna play well to millions of women. Tom. Shows a large, traditional home, for a me this is what I was picturing my head something. Completely, different than we would have in America but it's missing the one thing, Matt wants, most how far is the walk to the beach where it were three blocks out to be three blocks do you have a Kleenex cuz I'm crying so much about the beach. Are. The credit cards in your wallet actually. The best ones for you at nerve wallet we, sort through hundreds of credit cards to, find the top cards for balance transfer traveling. Learning rewards and, other perks, using. Your unique in boat to narrow the search nerd. Wallet makes it easy to find credit card to work harder than the, ones you have now. Stop, missing out, visit. NerdWallet calm, to find the cards that are made for you. NerdWallet. Calm, knows that it can be hard to know. Sometimes. Options, seem similar. And. You don't want to wing. But. When it comes to credit cards you. Can breathe easy NerdWallet has all the info you need in one place to, help you find the lowest rate most cash back or sweetest, perks, nothing. Beats knowing, find your next card today at nerd wallet calm, try. Kate Hudson's fabletics and get your first two pairs of leggings for this $24 spring is the time to, get yourself motivated for, something this collection takes you from workout, and today to day life we got our leggings, down we kill it with the leggings, so we really honed in on our sports bras you can wear it as just, a bra as well as something to workout in if we're not making it to move we're not doing a good job the, world's best leggings, now come the seamless join fabletics today get your first two pairs of our new seamless leggings for just $24. Only at subletting comm. Hey. What's going on here. Inspired. By places. Unknown Amy. And Matt are leaving all they've ever known in Colorado. We. Had sponsored, a child in Ecuador for many years so we were learning about Ecuadorian cultures, and we fell, in love with it I. Want. A traditional Ecuadorian, house, something, completely. Different than we would have in America but, to fully immerse themselves in, their new surroundings, they'll, have to solve one surprising. Dilemma, I have a very irrational, fear, of what's in the ocean I want, to be on the beach but, I don't want the tsunami coming over at the top of my roof I, could be back I, think.

A Part of personal, growth is, to identify those fears and face, them I think, I found my new career I don't, know what to expect about the conditions, of the homes so, I would prefer a condo. This, is exactly what I was talking about and the pool someone else takes care of I love that you seem a little disappointed you, know that's not what I'm looking for where, am I getting, / it's, a condo, but where do you say and Matt, doesn't always know what he wants, I still, would like to see something a little bit closer no no I'm good with this distance then waves are not gonna come crashing, in on us no I'm, gonna thank you. They're. Like piranhas, I kind. Of get a little concerned that I'm not gonna be able to find them exactly what they looking for given, that Matt, really wants to be right on the water and Amy, is okay. With the meeting a little bit further back. Are. They riding donkeys they're, riding donkeys. This. House is definitely something, that Amy will be interested, in it's further off of the beep so she feels safe and secure it, has plenty of bedrooms, for guests, but I'm not sure if Matt's gonna be, so into it this. Is what I was picturing my head this. Feels, like coastal, Ecuador to me it's five bedroom five baths, so. It's big it's big how, much is this one, this home is a hundred and five thousand dollars okay, do. You see what's missing you're, looking for a pool looking for a pool what, I'm also not hearing, seeing, or feeling is, the, ocean well how far is the walk to the beach we're, three blocks out to the three-box, that, was the one thing. Garden. Space I like it we need a look. Yes. There's a separate outside staircase, that leads up to the balcony but you'll also have your ocean view up here Matt. Yeah. Barely I gotta. Tell you that's that's really not what I'm looking for this, is cool we, got all the traditional, Tiki. Roofs. Over there the cute little traditional. Houses this, is the neighborhood that we're gonna live in we. Were far, enough up that I didn't feel like the ocean could reach us it felt pretty safe being up there Wow. Oh this is the cute, so. This is it as far as living space it's all right here in this one spot, yeah traditionally, here in Ecuadorian homes the kitchen, space tends to be less of a social space and more of a utility space it's. A good-sized room we. Have the staircase to nowhere where's. My 56 inch TV gonna go yeah, are gonna have TV in here. Have, a ensuite, bath. We. Can't even shut the door if two of us are in here we we're not gonna be in here together. Okay. Well this is big yeah. This is a good-sized, room and, these. Are nice I, mean yeah it's all handmade cabinetry. You know it's really well done. We've. Got a lot of good things here Tom I could see myself with me she's not was there's no pool here there's. A lot of maintenance here, the, ocean. View even, from up high was just not what I was looking for and I've told you repeatedly that's. The one thing I want I don't even care what country we live in do you have a Kleenex cuz I'm crying so much about the beach I know, there's.

Conflict. Going on with math because he knows that I love him and that is very, important, to him but, I know he wants to be close to the ocean because there's only one way to get over the fear is to face it head-on. Tom. Looks for middle ground perfect. I need to have space to have people come and stay with us but compromise, won't bring them closer to a decision it's, a lot of wood I don't know it's too tradition, you, said it no maintenance I won this condo, I mean you're gonna have to yeah I know I'm, conflicted it's like the story of our life. Hey. Listen, up we're, here. And. We help you stay looking like this. Most. Guys start losing their hair by thirty-five but thanks to science, baldness, can be optional. And so are other man, issues. We. Deliver products directly to you at home it's, easier, to take care of yourself then fix it later try, it out before hands, come, hey. Listen. Up we're, here. And. We help you stay looking like this. Most. Guys start losing their hair by 35 but thanks to science, baldness, can be optional, and so are other man, issues. We. Deliver products directly to you at home it's, easier to take care of yourself then fix it later try. It out beforehand, Scott, hi. We're, Warby Parker an eyewear. Company that offers high quality glasses, starting, at $95. Including, prescription lenses our, frames are designed in-house, and made from premium materials. Like cellulose, acetate and, lightweight, titanium and include, scratch resistant, and anti reflective lens coatings, it. May sound too good to be true but we believe glasses, can be well-made stylish. And affordable and, have set out to prove that with every pair try. Five frames for free today at, Warby, Parker comm. Hi. We're, Warby Parker an eyewear. Company that offers high quality glasses, starting, at $95. Including, prescription lenses, our, frames are designed in-house, and made from premium materials. Like cellulose, acetate and, lightweight, titanium and include scratch resistant, and anti reflective lens coatings. It, may sound too good to be true but we believe glasses, can be well-made stylish, and affordable and have set out to prove that with every pair try. Five frames for free today at Warby Parker comm. Want. A better way to watch TV upgrade. To AMC, premiere bench, all a James Cameron story of science fiction macmurphy. A-- and the. Terror you, see it among us here plus get weekly sneak peeks of fear The Walking Dead and exclusive. Bonus content best of all watch everything at free say, AMC, premiere, into your x1 voice remote to upgrade for only $4.99 a month that is what we are all about and, start, watching better today. Matt. And Amy's moved to Ecuador is, turning out to be harder than they thought I like to avoid conflict. So, I live in the world of denial what, is in the water at. Certain times here we have some fish that have spines on them but they're out there buried, in the mud oh my.

We Had sponsored, a child in Ecuador for, many years so we were learning about Ecuadorian cultures. And we fell, in love it it's, got the Andes, Mountains, it's got the volcanoes, it's got the 20,000. Foot peaks and I want to be able to see, the ocean feel. It hear, it but. I don't want to go in it can we just stay here on the beach on the sand and act like we're paddleboarding, no but when you get really good you can paddle to the Galapagos, and she, is afraid of a tsunami the, ocean, is big and scary you know it's, deep it's very wide. But. I think a part of personal, growth is to face, those fears straight. In the eye a. Condo. Gives Matt the maintenance-free life, he's hoping for it's, all brand-new and the pool someone else takes care of I love that but, I still, would like to see something a little bit closer no, no I'm good with this distance and waves are not gonna come crashing, in on us feel safe but you seem a little disappointed that, everything is modern it's, a condo, but. What do you say. This. Feels, like coastal, Ecuador to me this, is a good-size room do. You see what's missing you're, looking for a pool but what I'm also not hearing, seeing, or feeling is. The ocean or, three blocks off to the three box. With. A final, attempt to make sense of it all Tom, takes a shot at compromise. But. Matt and Amy will have to face their fears head-on. It's. Clear to me that Matt anaemia or not on the same page and they haven't been in Ecuador long enough to really know exactly what. They want I mean there are trade-offs living on the beach is beautiful but you also get some salt spray, and, you get a little bit more intense breezes, and winds wow it's right there. Now. We're getting a little closer to a happy medium it's gonna have a lot of maintenance Matt's not gonna like that but it definitely has the traditional, feel that amy was looking for it ticks, Matt biggest, checkbox which is being close to the ocean and having that ocean view and I think that they're both gonna like that look, at that yeah it's. Right there you see it from here and you can hear it I know Matt, it's, really, close I mean that's a little bit out of my comfort zone there it's. Five bedrooms and three baths perfect. That's what I need you I need to have space to have people come and stay with us and, so what's the price on this one tongue the price is, $119,000. Wow. I was, expecting, it to be a lot more. This. Is hey look is that cool, what. Do we don't see it in this water Amy sharks. Sharks, or any kind of scary fish. Loving. That, so. This is the bottom floor. Okay. You have two bedrooms and, a bath okay, so we got a ground level apartment yeah. Something, that has rental potential something I really hadn't even thought about this, thing looks like it's fairly, new fairly. Well done so there's not a lot to do here well. We should look upstairs we should look upstairs okay, not, liking the way you said that it's. A lot of wood I mean I don't know but, you said you wanted traditional, yeah but, you know I didn't, I didn't realize that there was gonna be this much wood it's so now it's too traditional, it's right, on the beach that is, what I wanted you think about the maintenance in this you said it no maintenance I'm doing this condo, I want it all new and modern I mean you're gonna have to yeah I know now I'm conflicted like the story of our life we. Want one thing and we end up with another it's, very confusing I might, be shifting, in a little bit of a different direction and. There's a really green, kitchen, I don't, know that might be just a little bit too traditional. Ecuadorian, feel. For me you. Are not gonna find this where. We're coming from this. Is true there's a good point Matt did you say I had a good point, you. Have a good point. I love, that that, needs to be my ringtone you, had a good point you, had a good point. This. Looks like a fairly large room then, I'll tell you what the the views even, from the bedroom over here as a matter of fact I think you can see the ocean from every room in this house Wow, every, room. You. Know what that means every. Room the ocean could come crashing, into our house yeah it's, not gonna come crashing close. Everywhere. I go there's no escaping, it is it ever gonna stop am I ever gonna stop hearing those waves no the ocean has been doing that for years it's not going to stop. So. This is what you call the master yeah, this is where they put the ensuite bath oh okay.

Well It's pretty small, this. Looks like the smallest bedroom in the house. Amy. How many people can say I'm. Sitting. In my bed, looking. At the ocean or, you're dead asleep in your bed and the ocean comes crashing, through the window it is not going to come crashing, through the window. Yeah. That is just beautiful, this. Is why people, move to the beach. You. Can actually sit, here, all, day and never move you have to get out at some point there's a lot of maintenance to do in this house remember that's right I. Think. Matt was just laser-focused. On that ocean but I'm, a little bit concerned that, maybe he's. Not gonna, be thinking about the maintenance because, the ocean is so, intense, for him right now, we've. Got to, traditional. We've got too much ocean, we got not enough ocean, it's like you totally need to have like almost zero, expectations. So that you can navigate through the process without being constantly. Disappointed, what is gonna be best for me is. To do something. Different, but I want. To be on the beach that's, the whole point maybe, just too traditional, for me too traditional. I have had these experiences my life where I think I want something and I push hard to get it and then, I get it and I'm like oh my goodness what did I get into so, I'm accusing, you of flipping but I'm going it's flipping. With. Xfinity home you're connected to total home security from anywhere we're. Gonna need to turn around, what. Happened Xfinity. Home simple, easy, awesome, call clicker demo in an Xfinity store, today. Most. Of us don't know how much data we use but, we all know we're paying too much for it enter, Xfinity. Mobile America's, largest most, reliable, 4G LTE with, the most Wi-Fi, hotspots, combined. For the first time when. You're near an Xfinity hotspot, you're connected to Wi-Fi saving. On data when. You're not you only pay for the data you use one, gig at a time use, a little pay a little use a lot just switch to unlimited, it's a new kind of network call visit, or go to Xfinity, mobile comm how. Can I get Wi-Fi in my basement, easy. Xfinity. X5 and these pods how. Can I make my basement cool, fill, it with cool stuff. It's, an original. Xfinity, the, future of Awesome Xfinity. Mobile combines America's, largest most, reliable, 4G LTE with, the most Wi-Fi hotspots, when, you're on one you save on data when, you're not you pay by the gig or just switch to unlimited, it's a new kind of network, learn more at Xfinity, mobile comm Xfinity. Presents, the meme steams. How. Do I get super fast Wi-Fi easy. Xfinity. X5, how. Do I use it to bond with my daughter easy. Reality. TV. Called. It. Called. Xfinity, the future of awesome how do I get my family to take a break from Wi-Fi easy, Xfinity. X Phi and the X Phi app now. What do we do, little, tetherball. Let's. Go download. The Xfinity x5 today hi. I'm, Peter there's. Nothing I love more than sharing, vegetables with my friends. That's. Why we give our food the utmost respect it deserves. Did. You know there, are simple steps we can all take to help save food you. Can store. It even, share it just don't, waste it because. When it comes to food. Save. The food calm. Absolute. Chaos surrounds, Amy and Matt's decision on their new home in Ecuador, I don't like change I you know I kind of I want things the way I want them but, when I do want the change well then I'm gonna push for it oh. I. Want. Something completely different than we would have in America I do not, want to spend a lot of time, and money fixing. Things and Matt's overwhelming. Fear of the ocean is complicating. The house hunt I don't know what the genesis is of my irrational fear, of water but, it is time to face. Those fears straight. In the eye. To. The rescue. The. Condo, gives Matt nothing, to do but relax and there's a pool oh okay. And a pool someone else takes care of I love that the, condo is very, small I don't like the modern finishes, in there it's a condo, what more do you say and. I love the garden house this is not something, that you would find in Colorado ever, do. You see what's missing you're. Looking for a pool looking for a pool the, beach house gets them closer to the ocean but farther from safety, look. At that as a matter of fact I think you can see the ocean from every room in this house that's, a little bit out of my comfort zone there, and you're wanting, something, traditional. But all of a sudden now you don't want traditional. So. For me obviously. Choice is going to be the condo we eliminate, the condo you think so yeah. Surprising. I'm surprising, myself with this whole trip. The. Garden home was in a great location for me I loved going outside and, being able to see the whole neighborhood it. Had everything we need so we can have people over have, people over where it, was just too far away from the beach three.

Blocks It's not that far it, was safe, and comfortable there might be a senior might be a tsunami but it didn't have a pool it, had a huge garden I started. Seeing all the maintenance there, the. Beach house it's. Got the big huge, open, space on the inside but you imagine the maintenance in that place out of all the places that was owned there's gonna have to be some upgrades in that kitchen and you. Know this is more like a cabin, feel than Ecuador. Maybe, just too traditional, for me too, traditional, maybe, I didn't know what I wanted for, that open space that I know works for you there's. A lot of space there I'm gonna want to have some people over if, we open it up to that well then I'm gonna fill it with people but it also had a pool it. Was a cute little pool, with the little cabana there and. I really, loved that back patio, sunroom, area it was very relaxing, in there so, that it, almost sounds like you have fallen in love with the beach house I. Think. You're right Matt you, know my heart and you know what. It is that it really truly want and. I think. We should get the beach house you, just wanted to be close to the ocean I can, move past the fear of being close to the ocean I think it's gonna be a good fit for us. If, you would have told me a year ago that I'd be standing ankle. Deep in the ocean I would never believe this our world has just been changed it's been opened, up to a whole new. Point of view I'm. Just gonna keep right on walking, don't keep walking no no. The. To-do list doesn't stress him out like it used to because he's, not working 12, 14 hours, a day there's, no more rat race I think, what you do is you're gonna have to crack it down the belly here. Let. Me cut his head off I've, overcome the fear of the ocean, overtaking. Me and the waves coming, in and crashing over our house we, made survey team ceviche. Ceviche. Sore vici, I don't know all right. Don't. Let fear overcome you, this is a lot safer than the ocean the reward on the other side is just it's it's worth it here's, the Ecuador Ecuador. And, a new life your, life.

2018-06-08 15:49

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Hurricane season comes they'll be outta there haha

loll the tsunami isn't going to reach 3 blocks up? dumb ass

Hurricanes are not a big prob in Ecuador. Bless them on their new adventure.

What is with all the damn commercials? It's like watching t.v. not you tube.

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