House Hunters International ( June/01/2018 ) - The Beat of Playa Tambor

House Hunters International ( June/01/2018 ) - The Beat of Playa Tambor

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Introducing. The most advanced, Infiniti ever made the. All-new 2019. Infiniti, qx50. Finance. The Infiniti, qx50. A 2.9, percent APR for 60 months visit, your local Infiniti, retailer. Where. Are we gonna sit ha, ha ha Amy and Clyde are ditching their demanding, careers and are, ready to unwind, in Costa, Rica, Wow, but, buying their forever home in playa tambor, isn't, going to be stress-free, if, we, can see them they can see us but, we're right on the golf course just like we wanted uh what's this we stuff I could, be a hermit really, easily. That's pretty secluded is there such a thing come, on be. Great for entertaining. Entertaining, who he, is that social, butterfly. What. A beautiful afternoon huh is, glad. And I met about two. Years ago, first thing Amy said is I don't collect things for my house, I collect, stamps in my passport and. I knew we were matched you. Know we both been previously, married with two girls and her two girls I'm. We. Both live in Highlands, Ranch Colorado and, I, love, to get out into the hiking trails and not, to mention all the nature. That. School, still is not in my queue I manage. A bunch of higher ed marketing, campaigns ready, for a full day. Absolutely. And I'm in private practice as a oral, and maxillofacial surgeon. Brush your teeth kids or else you'll have to see him. How. Many I got today for, working. Every day you don't realize the amount of pressures, that you have day in and day out so with this move hopefully. You, know we can enjoy life at a much slower pace we, got to go by. So. We traveled around pretty, extensively, to different, countries and, trying to figure out what would be the best one to do this and then we stumbled across Costa. Rica and playa, tambor, seems to have a lot of what we were looking for there's, some more shirts if you have a place to put them yes. It's. Green and beautiful, and lush there's, a beach real, estate is that less expensive, there and we, know that there are a couple of golf courses in the vicinity good news for him ran the numbers and it's, like why would we wait you never know what tomorrow is gonna bring can't, believe we're packing up but. For us to buy our first home together I think that's gonna be a big change for us too mm-hmm, this. Move is going to be a very good test of our ability to play. Well together when there's not the distractions, of work and things. Pulling us apart from each other but I think we're willing to take that risk just for quality of life even with, playa tambor, sparse, population, Clyde. And Amy will have ample opportunity. To explore, whichever, way they'd want to relax in this hidden gem of the Nicoya Peninsula. None of people have found timber yet but. It has good wildlife too the infrastructure and, obviously a good Beach and we've got good climates all year round, welcome to paradise, thank you can, still find good value for your money here but sales have been very steady so, it's actually an upcoming market, how. Many bedrooms do you want three, three, minimum, we've got four kids so if there was a four bedroom we'd, certainly look at it furnished, if possible, and, golf is important, to me we'd like to live close to the golf course closer the better I'd prefer to live in a community that has a golf course I'm not necessarily so thrilled about the thought of living, in a community where there's people, on top of you I wouldn't mind having a little bit of privacy, and personally. I would love a view of, the ocean whether it's on the beach or over. The beach it doesn't matter to me but I would just love to be able to see some water, nature. Is something that I absolutely, adore, I could be a hermit really, easily, so. I'm kind of you know we're gonna have to give and take with that. What's. Your budget, I'm an oral surgeon and I haven't sold the practice yet so, four, hundred thousand it's pretty much our limit, flight. Easily with more social and for him golf is very important but she doesn't really like to socialize with a lot of neighbors so, it's, gonna be hard for us to find something she's gonna like but. If, we don't look at it we don't know right. Here's. Boss. This, is, interesting. All these houses right on top of each other and that's, sharing a wall huh it's like a duplex yes yes it is what is a double wall so it's not gonna affect you at all you will not hear the neighbors boy, there's a lot of houses right next to each other how. Far are we from the beach yeah, only, five minutes walking okay, it's actually houses on the golf course nice you, were looking for golf you, got it sounds great how big is it then three, bedrooms three, and a half baths Wow that's awesome what's the asking price.

345. Oh I, love it already bet. You do. Here. You go wow. This, is beautiful, nice. Furniture yes, everything you see stays in this house and it's quality furniture yeah it looks like it nice, kitchen yeah. Hi, granite, counters flows. Right into the living room I love that y'all living area from the kitchen it's, awesome, yeah 3:45, yeah can't, be done, I can. Definitely picture quad living, here because it would be surrounded by people with, everybody, coming and going because he is that social butterfly. Let's. Go see the master bedroom, all right, hey. It's, nice kind. Of small, king-size. Bed yeah yeah high ceilings, in an ensuite bathroom. Nice. Bathroom, double. Vanities, Oh what. We have saloon. Doors to. The. Shower oh okay. This one this works it's great that's, great this. Has two more bedrooms right, yes, two pupsters uh I, really. Prefer. Not to have a two-story of but, for like a ranch, you know everything on the first floor the. Stairs wouldn't bother me so much but, I think if we plan to live here for. The rest of our lives at some point may become an obstacle yeah, yes, well. Look at the view this, is absolutely. Stunning it. Is beautiful. It, was lovely but. You. Know if we can see them they can see us and there's. No privacy well you can plant some palm trees and. In Costa Rica everything grows really fast but. We're right on the golf course just like we wanted what's, this we stuff. We. Wanted to be on God. Hmm. A place, is absolutely beautiful. Love the way they've decorated yeah, a little concern that it's a duplex, the. Lack of privacy and no view of the ocean either it's, true but, it's below your budget remember, that she is important. Not. Crazy about the two floors but, I love it I think. In the long run having no privacy in the backyard, that's gonna get old after a while. So. Where are we but you hear the ocean we're. The second row off the beach right here in ten more oh nice boss gets, Amy closer, to nature but, where's my view. The, all-new 2019. Infiniti, qx50. The most advanced, Infiniti, ever made finance. The Infiniti, qx50. A 2.9, percent APR for 60 months vizier. Local Infiniti retailer. I. Came. From five, generations of. Teachers. Losing. My job was. The. Bottom, falling out of my world. The. First time I got more is the door flew open and, I got this larger time personally. Talking at the top of his lungs, Hey you, doing the day oh man, oh I totally forgot hold out let me get this for you oh just, had a magnetic. Energy. So I thought all, right we're, definitely gonna be friends drop, off a warm meal and get more than you expect. Volunteer. At America, let's do lunch. Let's. Do, lunch. Hi. Meals on wheels I'm. Marco I'm a college student and I volunteer, as a driver for meals on wheels I. Think. It's awesome meeting these people I mean they're so interesting, they've, had so many wonderful, experiences. In life your, community, helps to raise you up into the person that you become meals, on wheels is a great way to give, back to that community. When. We found out that we were pregnant we, were just elated we, were just sitting there waiting for the pediatrician she.

Said She won't be taking you on as a client. We. Are a lesbian couple but, she's just a baby, she's. The one you're denying the service you. Look. At all the trees and the vegetation. The. Demands of Clyde and Amy's careers became, too much to take so, they decided to start enjoying, life would you go after your ball no. They're. Looking to decompress, and buy a forever home in one of Costa Rica's hidden gems playa, tambor, a little. In the rough here huh how, about an 8-iron, sure. Sounds good to me I'm. Looking forward to not. Working, long hours. O'clock. There's. An oral surgeon I'm not gonna miss starting, surgeries, before 7:00 and operating, 810 hours a day I. Quit. I. Would. Rather enjoy. Simplified. Live you, can do this I really, enjoy collecting. Experiences. While, we still have our health and, our vitality, instead. Of putting it off there it is. Yes. Having. A blended family that, plans to visit often, they've. Got a lot riding, on their first home purchase together, with. Clyde wanting, a more social, setting and Amy valuing, her privacy, they, couldn't be more at odds over where, to settle down you were looking for golf, you got it sounds great boy, there's a lot of houses right next to each other a little concern that it's a duplex, the. Lack of privacy and, no view of the ocean either but, it's below your budget remember, that is important, I love. It but not, crazy about the two floors I don't. Want to jump on anything that. Just, because he presents it yeah or just because there's a golf course. Boss. Knows Amy's, idea of, a secluded natural. Setting doesn't involve the Greens of a golf course so, he lines up a place that gets her closer to the beach, but, it still may be far from what they're looking for. Good. You guys found it yeah yeah so. Where are we well, you hear the ocean we're. The second row off the beach right here in ten more oh nice it's a 4,000. Square feet home holy cow, it's huge, it's four bedrooms four. And a half baths Wow very nice backyard uh-huh it's a little bit over your budget okay. How much over our budget just a little it's 425. This. Is enormous. Check, the Sun okay. But what, what is this thing certainly. Catches, your eye when you come in huh, it's. Interesting use of space isn't it yeah, and it's working it's a it's. Turned off right now that it does work oh that's, bananas, that's crazy, so. All the furniture comes, with everything. Stays here that's why it's a little bit over your budget, yeah that's understandable. Look. At the kitchen it's, a little blue it's don't. Worry hello, well, you can change that if you want to right yeah. But, yeah. It's still over budget but. Be great for entertaining, entertaining. Whoo, all. Her neighbors, this, would be great look this place isn't perfect, for entertaining it's set up to entertain uh-huh, I, wish. I were, as gregarious. As he is but, boy that's hard for me, so. This is the master bedroom oh, yeah. It's a really, small master, bath it's tiny you, have to go upstairs to, get into the, tub that's, a broken neck waiting to happen. And, that's a sure about that one but, we, can't pass up a renovate down the road or. Cost. This. Is nice, good. Size, yeah that's adequate yeah. Yeah look, at that view. This. Is oh this, is absolutely, beautiful stunning. Look. How big this pool is Wow but. Where's my view. View. But you're like 10 steps from the beach yeah but still we got these neighbors really, close there's one right there I can tell with one's right there what, about the golf course the golf course is only five minutes from here it's absolutely amazing this, area it's just stunning. This pool is enormous, open. Floor plan is really nice, there's plenty of room for the kids at, the master is pretty nice, there's. A little tiny master. Bathroom. Master bathroom, the chore to even get into the tub but I really, like the kitchen don't, you think it's a little bit overkill I think it's perfect, more of a kitchen that I certainly can athlete it's perfect, we are over budget here but this is just absolutely beautiful oh. I'm. Getting. About. This place, Clyde, may have a tough time convincing Amy, that's what I wanted to, pass up privacy, that's, pretty secluded is, there such a thing, come on I'm, getting, a little tired of quiet whining, frankly. Hi. Hoping. For a crisp breeze help keep you alert oh. Oh. He, took a sip of water to that'll, probably help, you're probably gonna turn down the radio too so, you could focus right.

Probably. Okay isn't. Okay if you see a warning sign stop and call a cab a car or a friend I think, the water line is what really drove at home I blew, on them. Eva, muri smoked. 12,000. Packs of cigarettes over, 15, years she quit, and, now there's a new lung cancer screening that could save her life you. Stopped smoking now. Start, screening no. Matter how much you smoked, early. Detection could, save you talk, to your doctor we'll learn more at saved by the scan, morg. My. Heart was a sea race love. Is love. Listen. I realized. That I'm not perfect but it all really started to, change because. You judge me for, having a problem. No, one is going to know that. I need help i. Need. Help I know that no one is going to judge me for having a problem I realize. That I'm not perfect, but it all really started to change because. You, listen. Here's. To the things that can keep us safe. Those. We use all the time with hardly a thought. Those. That are silently, standing, by to save our lives and now. Those that we carry with us everywhere we go. Many, mobile devices will, now bring you Wireless, emergency alerts, real-time. Information directly. From local sources you know and trust with, the unique sound and vibration, you'll be in the know wherever, you are. Wow, this. Is gonna be perfect, yeah light. And Amy connected. Over there love of travel so it's not surprising they, look for their forever home outside. The US where, are we gonna sit I know pretty crowded up there leaving, their stressful careers in Colorado, to. Find something, in playa tambor, are you guys gonna make sure that I have my own room or do I have to share with Hannah she soars. Big. Enough to host their blended, family if you base having, your own room on someone, snoring maybe I should have my owner. But. They're buying their first house together so. It's bringing to light some of Amy and Clyde's differences. We. Are so, accustomed to not, being together, a lot through the day that, you hear people that, sometimes. Their relationships, are strained by being. There 24/7. I told, you I don't like crowds.

Here. You go, she. Is kind of like this smooth. Lake, of water. And. Sometimes. It's killing ya come on turn it up some. When. He finds something that he's very excited, about he, will go, full throttle for it if we can see them they can see us. Do. You know if I start get on your nerves just tell me go play golf. The. Golf course is only five minutes from here but where's my view. Don't. Have the view but you're like 10 steps from the beach it's absolutely, amazing there's, plenty, of room for the, kids don't. You think it's a little bit overkill I think it's perfect, more of a kitchen and I certainly can nothing is perfect we are over budget here but this is just absolutely beautiful. Boss. Realizes, that Clyde and Amy aren't backing down from how they want to unwind so. He's hoping if he skips a little on size they'll. Each get something back in return oh. It's. So nice. But. Do I get a few you have the ocean view oh thank. You thank you what about a golf course ten, minutes away ten. Minutes away and, then we have to Beach five, minutes walking great, five, minutes walking nice beach it's. A rocky beach it's. Still a very nice beach yes okay, how far to a sandy beach ten, minutes writing. Okay. Well, so tell us about the house, 2,500. Square feet perfect, three bedrooms three baths uh-huh. Okay so now the most important, part what's, the asking price drumroll, please. 380. Thousand, dollars sounds, wonderful. Big, and open and. Light. What. Do you think light seems. A little small when, we do have company, and the girls come to visit Jay, can, sit outside. Does. The furniture come with it yes the furnitures included that's, really dated yeah. Really, dated, kitchens. A little small not. A tremendous, amount of cabinet, space I mean, it's functional, it's, totally functional, the. Master is upstairs yes. It is, all. These stairs it to you I have to tell you I'm not really feeling this. Exercise. I'm. Getting, a little tired of quiets whining, frankly. Oh. Nice. Big bedroom nice, movies, ah. Is. Stunning. The. Pool. Vegetation. I could, sit here and look at this all day long that's, what I wanted, that's pretty secluded, is, there such a thing, come on.

I Think. Amy's blowing me off it's, nice having the sink on the outside, that way two, people can go, about their business in the morning and not be bumping into each other yeah it's nice but it seems like it's at the hallway, though that's, all right. Hmm. I'm, impressed. I really, like the house the, backyard is, beautiful and, I, love the view the, only thing that I'm not wild about is the furniture it's a little dingy invaded, I don't, like having. To climb stairs to master, there, are two other bedrooms downstairs, but. Don't have a quite the view today I don't have that vo period, it. Is beautiful, but my favorite part of the house is a price of course at, the same time the proximity, to the golf course. I really can't change that and it is a little bit secluded, for me well. I have to think about that hmm I don't, think I am nearly, as sold on this property as she is. Sometimes. I was a little whiny but it's. Because, that I had specific, things that I wanted it at home that I'm gonna live in for the rest of my life so, how do we decide which house. Hi. I'm, Peter there's. Nothing I love more than sharing, vegetables, with my friends. That's. Why we give out food the utmost respect it deserves. Did. You know there, are simple steps we can all take to help save food you. Can cook it and store it even, share it just don't, waste it because. When it comes to food better. Late than never to learn more visit save the food calm. Won't. Be long we'll be living here oh my god it's starting to sink in really. Nice, Amy, and Clyde are done dealing with their demanding, careers in Colorado, and, want to slow things down and, fly a tambour beautiful. Surrounding, is wonderful, food can't. Wait I can't, either with, the stress of buying their first home together in Costa Rica with. Enough space for their visiting kids isn't. Helping them to relax boss. Has done an amazing job getting, these properties, together for us hope we didn't drive you too crazy huh hey, I, think, we probably did if that's okay. Clyde. Sees golf is his way to unwind, so. Being able to roll out of bed and be on the course suits him just fine it was a great, price, perfect, location, everything. Was absolutely. Magnificent. But there's not gonna be any, privacy. Whatsoever if, we, can see them they can see us, but we're right on the golf course just like we wanted what's, this we stuff, Amy feels seclusion. And being, in a natural setting would help her decompress, but. Just hearing the nearby waves, isn't, cutting it for her the fountain, house I'm, not sure what you're supposed to do with that fountain now I mean either but you know it has just an enormous, entertaining. Room mm-hmm, and I thought, the backyard, the pool everything, was just magnificent. But it doesn't have a view of the ocean and it's, over budget, how. Much over our budget just a little it's for 25. Having. Privacy, is perfect, for Amy but for, Clyde not, so much but, what about that view house no, neighbors around, views. Of, the ocean but it's small there's, only two of us yeah, but when the girls come down we have people, that visit Jay can, sit outside. If. I had to eliminate one i think it would be and. I have such a struggle with this the home on the golf course I didn't. Like the second floor I really, don't like climbing, the stairs having, to carry furniture. Or, clothes. Or, whatever. That was a very, population. Dense. Area. Of the wall that's, gonna get busy okay. The. Fountain, house it's gonna accommodate easily. Twelve people it's true I, can. Live with blue actually. I don't like the master bath and, 25,000. Over budget a view house though it leaves us plenty of money to refurnish. It and we would have just a lovely, lovely home, the house is pretty small and I, can't change the size of a little tiny living. Room in a little tiny kitchen you know the area right by the kitchen, is, maybe, just for dining, whereas you spend the rest of the time enjoying, their, surroundings, as much as I struggle, with spending. The extra money. You look long-term with. The grandkids and our kids the extra space we're, gonna be happy down the road that we got it you. Know the other thing we're across the street from the beach there and I. Can drive a golf cart literally, three, minutes and be on the first team it's, one, level so. We. Can do this. I'm. Still trying to get over the view but, you're, right I mean ultimately what's the point if we're, not gonna be happy there in the long run, who, cares if it's under budget right makes sense to me so, I get my beach I get, my golf course fountain.

House Bell Mouse all right. You. See those monkeys back there yeah there might be somewhere up here Costa. Rica, is a special. Magical. Place how can you get shot yeah. Hearing, the howler monkeys, and the nature just melts, my heart. Wow. That's. Pretty amazing. A little. Treat oh you. Rock. What. I enjoy most about this home is it, does feel quiet, and I love, the backyard enjoy. Thank, you baby so, far we, have not made any changes, and when, we've had the girls down here everybody. Has their own bedroom, we're, not bumping into each other, it's, been great this. Is truly amazing yeah, I think we are closer now than we ever have been life doesn't, get much better than this, nope it, was absolute. Best decision, I think we've ever made.

2018-06-03 16:30

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