House Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee 3/14/15

House Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee  3/14/15

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Good. Morning members I'd like to call the environment Natural Resources policy. And Finance Committee to order. First. Item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes representing, Furcal summoned you move the minutes please, mark. Is like the minutes of the last meeting mr. chair, thank you. Those, in favor of the minutes as presented signify by saying aye. Emotionally. The, minutes are approved. First. Up represented. The Metsa house file 30 89. And. Would. You like to move your bill you want me to do it there I. Can move it that's very good thank you, well. Thank you mr. chair and members House. File 3089, is. Essentially. A similar, project to what representative, Lucas, works out on down the Cuyuna range, enabling. Us to, partner. With the city of Chisholm and other. Agencies, to develop. A mountain, bike trail and, tap. Into some of the fun. And stuff. That comes with that we've got some. Resources that were investing, locally, to expand, on, northeastern. Minnesota and, put it on the map as a, mountain. Biking Mecca and. Enabling. Folks. To come in and spend more than a day or two in the region and hopefully make a week's vacation out, of it what, this language essentially, does is, allows. On. Mining, property, we have mine inspectors, and we want to make sure that it's safe and so this allows an, exemption. For. That and enables. Our, mine. Inspectors, to work with, the organization. And community, to develop the trail and make, sure that we're keeping folks safe while. They're in those areas. Thank. You. And, then the amendment the a1 amendment, I'll. Move the a1 amendment. To. Get the bill in the shape that the author would like all those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed. The. Amendment is adopted, representative. Met sat through your bill. And. Thank. You mr. chair and I will turn it over to our, testifier. Here in st. Louis County and, go, through some of the basics thank you identify, yourself for the record please and proceed with your testimony mr.. Chair representatives, my name is Joel Austin, from. The director of safety and risk management for st. Louis County for the last 19, years I oversee. The mine inspector function. For st. Louis County and by, contract, for Itasca, County. The. Bill before you house file 3089. Is the product of communication. And cooperation between, stakeholders, to, facilitate, beneficial, reuse of, abandoned. Mine properties. Towards the objective, of economic. Development, on Minnesota's. Iron Range. MS. 180 commonly. Known as the mine inspector statute. Currently. Impacts, only two counties st.. Louis and Itasca and, it, dictates, four primary, responsibilities. For the mine inspectors, office, these. Are one. Inspecting. All active mines every, 90 days. Two. Investigating. Serious, accidents, and fatalities at. The mines three. Communicating. With stakeholders via, our annual report, and for. Safeguarding. The public against hazards associated with abandoned, mine properties. Item. Before you relate specifically, to item, four, under. Minnesota, statute. 183. Subdivision. For. The. Intent of this part of the statute is to assure that the public is not inadvertently. Subjected. To hazards associated with abandoned, mine properties. Examples. Of these are person. Falling off a steep bank into a mine pit, person. Falling into an abandoned, mineshaft in the woods or near a city. Per, 180, we mitigate these hazards, by requiring the landowners, to erect and maintain fences, or equivalent, safeguards.

Around Them, the. Changes, to the statute, that we, holls will, enable certain, public projects, to be removed, from the fencing requirements, of the statute been. Ordered to grant intentional. Access. Examples. Of these include properties, owned by municipalities, intended. To be used as parks campgrounds. Or boat landings, also. I Triple, R development, projects, and the Red Hat trail that was particularly, mentioned, a representative, Mensa. These. Changes will enable some existing situations. Where. Public parks boat landings, and campgrounds, currently exist, there. Are several examples of these I'll name a few one, is the Ely minors pit fishing, dock and boat launch, the. Kinney boat launch and landing in park and. Then the Lake Wobegon boat landing in Gilbert all these currently exist. The. Changes, will also enable future development, has previously, mentioned including, the redhead bike trail currently, proposed near the city of Chisholm all. These projects, are positives, for Minnesota and the Iron Range and all could potentially, contribute, to economic development. We. Respectfully request, that you support, House, file 3089. And these future possibilities, for Minnesota thank. You thank. You. Questions. Members. Okay. Okay. All right it's. Dunham Itza and including comments on your bill, thank. You for your consideration. Members. And mr. chair and just, one additional, ad in lines, 3.17. Through. 3.20. Safety, as a major, concern, moving forward, and, there. Is enabling, language, there for. The mine inspector to continue, to go on to the property to make sure that we're keeping off, folks who would have access should, this bill pass, safe. So with. That those are my closing comments, and that's, all I got for you so represented myths I have a question for you. Online. 3.18. The word reasonable in there that's northern Minnesota reasonable, right yes. Thank, you. Any. Questions members. Representative. Layman yeah, yeah. Mr. chair. Representative. Mehta does, this will this impact. The Tioga bike. Trail as well, dementia. Thank. You mr., chair and representative, layman. I believe, it would enable in, a broad generic way, for the mine inspector to. Have. The. Authority in Itasca. County as well I'm, not for sure on, the, specifics on. That project, but, if it did include, abandoned. Mine property, yes it would include them, mr.. Ralston you have a comment on that, mr.. Chair representatives, and I concur with thank, representative Metz okay thank you thank, you anything. Else, okay. Then I will renew. My herbal, representa, Metsa renews his motion, to read refer house. File 3089. To the general register as amended, all those in favor say aye those. Opposed. You're. On your way representative, Metsa good job Thank You mr. chair I love unanimous, support from this committee yeah, thank. You all thank. You. Next. Up. House, file. 3095. Representative. Dennis Smith. I'll. Refrain from commenting, on what time the committee starts. Representative. Smith I will move to re-refer, house, file 30 95 to civil, law and. You, also have an amendment you can proceed. As you want there and I'll help you out with the amendment yes, mr. chair members thank you I would like to have, this amendment, adopted to get the bill in the shape that I would like okay so with that I will move to adopt the a1 amendment any discussion, on the a1. All. Those in favor say aye. Those. Opposed. The. Amendments and adopt amendment, is adopted, and the bill is in the shape you'd like representative, Smith proceed with your testimony, Thank You mr. chair members this, bill amends. The process, for solid waste collection and, as you may know on this committee this, area the law often creates. Some interesting discussion. But. I'm happy to report that this bill is, a reflection, of over 10 months of stakeholder. Meetings and this, bill is the reflection of over 100, hours of, discussions. And there is no controversy and to the specifics, of the bill I'd like to have the. First testifier mr. chair, okay. Good. Morning mr. dealer Forrest and I'm stunned that we actually have a piece in the valley here over trash that's amazing, mr.. Chairman I know you were a doubting chair yesterday afternoon, so perhaps you'll be a believer, in this Lenten season regarding. That mr., chairman members of the committee for the record my name is Christopher D LaForest I'm here this morning on behalf of, Minnesota's. Chapter the national waste and recycling, Association. As, representative. Smith alluded, to the, bill is the product of lots, and lots of hours of work done over, the interim, perhaps.

Mr. Johnson and I decided to see if we could finally get a consensus, bill done but, that's what we have so it makes some changes to the organized collection, statute, that we believe are. Win-win. As some, members of the committee will recall there, were some significant, amendments, to the organized collection, statute, just, a few years ago so we got together based on our collective experience to, ask, ourselves how the statute, was working and where we might improve it so the bill you have before you as amended as a reflection, of those, mutually. Agreed upon the improvements, I'd be happy to run through them and take. Any questions the committee might, have, mr.. Chairman and members I draw your attention to section 2 that's one point 1 3 of, the, bill and what that does essentially, is it changes, the name of what, used to be the organized, collection, options, committee. And adds, just a couple of brief duties, to it again this is a reflection of experience, we've learned that when, cities and it's their prerogative to constitute, this committee when they do so that committee, has a broader mandate and generally undertakes one to look at sort of the whole system of waste management in the city that, can run the gamut from keeping. An open market system to examining, organized collection, so we believe this is a better reflection of, what's actually happening out in the field. Mr.. Chairman and members next I would draw your attention, to page, 3 line 1, of the bill and, that, talks about the period of exclusive, negotiation. Between the currently, licensed, haulers in a city and the city itself when they decide to engage in. Negotiations. To try and strike an organized collection agreement. And when, we made the changes last time perhaps. In artfully we talked about a 60-day, negotiating. Period it, was never the intent of the cities or the haulers, to, straitjacket. Minnesota, cities into a strict 60-day, period it, was designed to create collaboration. Between the haulers in the cities and as mr. Johnson verified, there 853. Cities, in Minnesota had it right various. Sizes, shapes needs, some have a few hollers a lot it doesn't make sense to straitjacket. Them into a negotiation, period it's supposed to work for the cities and the haulers not against, them.

Mr.. Chairman and members the next, significant. Change you'll find on page 3, line 12. When. A city, moves from an open, system to an organized collection system, obviously a contract. Is struck. In the current law says. That that initial contract. Period may, run from 3 to 7 years based on negotiation. We, move that period, to just a straight seven years the reason why we did that. Is because seven years tracks. The capital, depreciation. Schedule, for the capital assets of waste haulers, you, may not know that today's. Garbage, trucks are not what they were a generation ago, they cost about three hundred and thirty thousand, dollars each that, general acquires going out to your bank and so. Banks, would like to know especially, since our collateral is generally that book of business in a city that we're going to have that time to depreciate, the assets, and get that comfort, and certainly that's a benefit to the haulers and we're glad that the league, has agreed to that the. Next, significant, change is found in page 3 line 20, that's, parties, to meet and confer, again. Based on our experience, mr. chairman and members we found that that, exclusive, negotiating. Period is very formalistic, lawyers. Get involved there's a lot of time and effort put into it we, have discovered that when, we, can when cities and haulers get together prior, to walking. Down that road they have sort of a conference beforehand to discuss the issues it, can make for smoother. Negotiations. But also sometimes it causes the city to say wait, a minute we can solve these problems, without, walking, down this road that can be very contentious, so, we, found that it's helpful but sometimes. You. Know cities under the advice of their council may say don't, talk to the haulers we may get into negotiations. We want to make it clear it's okay to informally. Talk beforehand, invite, stakeholders. In and invite the public in have a broader conversation before. You decide to narrow things down because once you get into those exclusive negotiations. For example the public's frozen out for a period of time it is what it says it is it's an exclusive negotiation. Just a, couple of more changes, mr. chairman and the next one is page. 3 line 27. Regarding. Joint and several liability. Mr.. Chairman and members when haulers, in a city get together to negotiate or, strike a contract, it.

Makes Sense for cities a lot of times to ask the haulers and you may have a multitude. Of haulers right more than ten to ask them to get together to form a legal entity to, negotiate, with the city and do a contract, but, we've discovered there have been a couple of instances they're, rare but they. Cause us, significant. Emotional, stress, as haulers where cities have asked, us, just because haulers, which are in competition of course to, get together and assume joint and several liability for. Each other's errors, and omissions and, clearly. We can't do that and so that's, a consensus, item we, have agreed that the cities need to have that ability to ask for a separate entity the cities have agreed that it's okay to prohibit, joint and several liability in. That respect. Finally. Mr. chairman members the, effective. Date is found on the author's amendment, in a1 and. That. Effective, date is found on the backside page, 2 line 6, of your a1 amendment and we, have agreed to move the effective, date to January 1 2019. Because. We truly want this bill to be prospective there, are some cities right now that are exploring organized, collection, and we want to make sure they're operating, under the current set of rules and we're not sort of changing the rules midstream for, them so we, picked January, 1 2019 as, far enough out for, everybody you understand, kind of the rules have changed, so that mr. chairman that that's. The bill and be happy to take any questions okay thank you I think we'll have mr., Johnson come down and testify, on behalf of the League of Cities. Good. Morning good. Morning mr. chair members of the committee Craig, Johnson, with the League of Minnesota, cities, happy. To be able to be here in the way that I agree with the comments. In the testimony that you just heard from mr. Dooley forest and very much appreciate, the work of the proponents, and the author in, helping. Make sure that the concerns of cities were addressed in this as, many of you know this is a tool that a. Number. Of cities consider, and very few cities adopt but we have had in the last 20 years five cities. That. Have moved forward with organized, collection, and these, changes, were brought up over the summer as things where haulers were experiencing, particular, difficulties, with the changes that we made to the statute, a few years back and seemed. Like reasonable ones to try and find a way to address to. Minimize. The stress and the conflict, this is already a controversial, enough issue when it comes up without having, unnecessary, ones so very. Much appreciate, the amendment, to address those concerns it, is prospective, it. Is not intended to effect any, that has already initiated, under, existing law they're organized collection, efforts and all, of the changes that are being made only.

Apply To new, organization. Of, organized. Collection, except for the liability, clause which would apply to any existing you know contract, in the future, that's. Limited to we. We can't require haulers to cover damages each other's trucks cause or, you know those. Types of liabilities. We, still can have a joint service requirement. That they have to make sure all the garbage gets picked up in the city if they're part of a consortium that's. Supposed to be working together to cover those needs so with, that mr. chair we feel this is a workable, compromise and. We're fine with, the. Amendment thank you very. Good represent, Thank. You mr. chair and representative. Smith. In. Assembling. This coalition did, you reach, out maybe. Any consumer, or neighborhood, groups to, have I. Understand. The, stakeholders, but is. There a, better business, bureau or. League of Women Voters or, somebody who would be. Representing. Maybe, just. People. Consumers. Mr.. Dealer forced and representative. Smith. Mr.. Chairman and representative. Hansen, as. Far as the formal negotiations, were concerned no it was the haulers and it was the League of Cities but, there are always informal. Conversations. That happen with various stakeholders groups, I know for example with. Councilmember, McGehee, and Roseville for example, and I know they're League of Women Voters it's, very active we. Have regular ongoing conversations. About. Organized. Collection, etc, etc so, formally. No but informally, they're always happening, it seems. Thank. You mr. chair and mr. dealer Forrest as as you know the public gets very engaged, in these issues and I. Just. You. Know it sounds like you've assembled. Workable. Compromise here, I'm just you, know sometimes we move forward and then all of a sudden there's, a what, if that. Occurs and right, you. Know I think. There's, rare times when when. There's agreement I'm just, wondering how much. Support. There is from the. General public on this or. If they're, if they're even aware of it you. Know. Mr.. Chairman and in representative, Hansen your point is well-taken. I'm. Not aware of any negative feedback coming, from those groups we, this is our third committee hearing, and for, better for worse I'm kind of well known as be kind of the organized collection, guy out there in a lot of places and I have not heard any negative, feedback regarding, the. Bill from any, of the groups but always happy to take feedback, as you. Said. Representative, Hansen there are a lot of stakeholders for organized collection, a lot and, and. I think also in reading the bill we've tried very hard to take, into the account into. Account all those stakeholders and, think we've got a really good compromise that can work for everybody. And. Mr., chair and mr., d LaForest I think you are well known I. Do. I think. There's value in the committee process and, having, these discussions, I appreciate, that yesterday. Members, of your coalition did approach, the minority, to talk. About this and so you know I think it's a good, bill and. Thank. You at, that point I would say that you know there are a lot of those organizations. That watch what's going on here in the legislature, this is an open meeting if there's anybody here which depends to filing for. Or against the bill I'd be happy to welcome, you to the table at this time. Seeing. None any other. Questions members. Thank. You for shedding, some fresh air on a smelly. Copy. Representives. Snip any, closing comments mr.. Chairmembers I appreciate your consideration thank you thank you so. With, that I will renew, my motion to, refer, house. File 3095. To civil law as amended, all those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed. The. Bill. Is passed and you're. On your way representative, Smith. Next. Up we. Have. Tourism. Industry. What's. Here and. We're going to get an update from. Joel. Carlson and the community of Minnesota resorts. Damn. I'll turn the gavel over to. Mr.. Chair well they're, getting ready if I could just do an introduction. Who. Represent of Hansen Thank, You mr. chair and you. Know I think as folks. Are coming up some folks may, be aware that Peter, Strohmeyer, his. Family is expecting, and, the. Baby hasn't arrived yet but. Jamie. Swezey is going to be, serving. As our caucus research, person. During the while. Peter is gone so I'd like to welcome her here and maybe. Jamie if you want to say a few word you. Want to introduce yourself, Jamie that'd be great thank you hi, I'm Jason. Rightfull. Glad to have you why don't you give her a quick hand. All. Right thanks, for coming up, thank, you all everyone, for coming to the Capitol, today I appreciate what. You guys do for. Vacationers. Across the state and with that if you'd introduce yourself for the record and that's, what you're going thank you Thank You mr. chairman and members i'm joel carlson they own a government affairs business in st. Paul and for.

At. Least two, decades I've had the pleasure of representing, the community of Minnesota, resorts the family owned resort industry, in, Minnesota, and it is our day on the hill today and we always come here with that impactful. Reminder, for you of. What. Resorts, mean to Minnesota, and, we. Appreciate, everything this committee has done to make resorting, viable, in Minnesota, with. Me as Carolyn, ours Walt who is an appointed member the Explorer Minnesota Tourism, Council and. You're going to hear from them, shortly. And. You'll see me, or Serapis, accord own Equalists, or toddy Hill people that represent, the tourism, industry here. But, when people think about tourism, in in Minnesota, they. Really think about resorts, they. Think about that Lake experience, and what these and what these businesses, do is. Provide, thousands. And thousands, of memories, for families, across all of Minnesota and, and. We're losing our numbers. When. I first started working with resorts, we had about 1,200, resorts, in Minnesota, we. Had a peak of about, 3,000, in the, late 60s, we're. Down to a little over 800. And. Once, a resort is gone it, really never comes back and that is, the access, to our great natural resources. That. Minnesotans, enjoy so all the efforts that you take some of our issues not. For this committee but are on the back of these, hand-turned. Daredevil. Lures that one of our members, spent. His winter making for you. Clinton. Patti Mueller from Boston Bay Resort spent his time. Making those for you and so, that you can have a reminder, your desk of. What resorting, means to Minnesota, so, mr. chairman and members that's really all we needed to say the resort are here, you'll see them around the hallways, during. The day today and. In. Addition to them wanting to talk to you feel free to talk to them and I. Know I, personally appreciate everything, they do to promote tourism in Minnesota, and. To. The community but that's what we wanted to tee up for you mr. chairman as you talk about tourism, today thank. You very much. If. You'd introduce yourself for the record and make, sure you speak into the mic closely, so we can all hear some of us have better. My. Husband Tim and I on Geneva Beach Resort in Alexandria, and we're working on our 23rd, year. It's. Quite an experience being a resort owner, we're. Proud of the heritage of resorts, and we know that that's what's made Minnesota. Tourism great, is is, the resort's that developed, up here. They. Talk about the numbers going down but we always like to remind people that the, resorts that are still. In operation are, growing. They're. Amazing, people that run it and we, really appreciate the people that come to Minnesota from all over the world to. Enjoy what, we have to offer, awesome. Thank you no no is your resort the. Do. You have the big red chair kind of along the road there. Well. I. Do well, we just. Stayed there with our family in your resort maybe, two weeks ago so that. You're at your. Your. Big thing hey I'm sorry man. Representative. Thank. You mr. chair and I was able to speak, at an event and, do a lot of listening as well earlier. This year over, and brainerd and learned. A lot about the issues and I know my parents, are a small resort owner up on Pelican, Lincoln, or and I. Think they've got a lot of important, things they need to tackle and I hope we can support them in their efforts this, year and provide a little more fairness, and the, playing field that they're working with it. Representative, Johnson well, oops. We got coffee spill. Okay. I can I can adjust to this because I want to make this comment because I suck thank you for the gift. And. This reminds me of a story where years ago when I was a young lad a young, man went. Fishing on a lake near, a. Buddy's family. Were saying the resort I was under Detroit Lakes we went fishing and we came in with a string or a relatively. Small fish and, and. The guy who owned the resort, says you know what, were you using and. We, showed, him the lures, are the bait we're using any reminded. Us that, you, use big bait to catch big fish and so I think this is an appropriate gift maybe I'll try this next time thank, you very much. Mr.. Chairman, I can't.

Let That one pass just, so you know these are not gifts this, is this. Is our delivery, of information to, you we, can't give you any gift. We. Just wanna make that clear on the record. Representative. Green Thank. You mr. chair and thank you for coming I did, want to point. Out number three on here people keep an eye on that as that moves through that's a good bill. On. A serum or serious note can you tell us what some of your biggest obstacles, are I know I've visited, a lot of resorts and and, there's, a, lot. Of stuff. Out there that that they deal with from. Sewer systems, to to lake shores that. Really. Impede, their ability to do business and. From what I'm hearing from my resort owners there they're always on the edge of you. Know maybe not making it this year can, you tell us what some of the biggest obstacles are. Sure. Mr.. Brannon Burlison, you know when when we come here and we've been doing this a long time we don't ask you to make the Sun Shine or, the fish bite you, know what we ask you for is that you have reasonable. Regulations that, you have sensible. Game and fish regulations. That you have a property, tax system that works, you, know we got testifying a bill in the Tax Committee today that changes, how, these businesses, would be classified, as. Basically. Trying to move them more towards commercial, properties, these are residential, resorts, they live at their property, property. Taxes are probably, one of their biggest expenses. That they have so. You know the things that impact, their bottom line that they do last. Year you guys adopted, a bill where we were buying four different. Licenses. To, sell minnows at, the resort, each. One with a fee all. Doing, the same thing and you guys streamlined, that for us those, are the things that are impactful. I mean I've been to the their conferences, I go to their meetings they're. Really talking about how much money can you can, you really get out of a Miss pacman game that the kids love whether it was thirty five years old and I, mean they really do, try and be as efficient. And as. As. Sound. Business practice as they can deploy but, when I was singing out a three hundred dollar bill from the Department, of Health to, be inspected, for something that you've already done those, are the kinds of things that just make, it tough to stay in business and most of the members here not, all of them like going the. Chair stayed out last week but many, of them are seasonal. Businesses, only so you've got nine. Ten, weeks to make your business work and, those, added costs, and changing. Your tax classification. That, really, is impactful. So those are the things that we watch. Out for the most, and. And. This committee. And and, you, know resort area legislators, that have been waving. This flag have just been just critical. For, make. Allowing. Them to continue to be viable. And and. We appreciate, that very very, much because, when they're gone they're not they're, not coming back no one's creating, a new resort in Minnesota, represent. Have green follow-up yeah, thank you mr. chair and thank you for that and so I you, know I know that you've stated here, we're just to make it really very clear you know when you're pushing these businesses, into commercials, these are these. Are mom-and-pop, operations. And they're vital, to, Minnesota, especially in northern Minnesota where I'm from so I. Hope everyone keeps that in mind as we come with the regulations, and and hopefully, you'll be here to give. Us. Instruction. On that Thank You representative Becker, Finn. Thank. You mr. chair and, just. Just a reminder maybe not to folks on the committee since there aren't many suburban, folks like me on the committee but, just. A reminder to all Minnesotans that really. Kind. Of it takes two it takes the folks from my district visiting, the, resorts, to. Really to make the system work and, I know I. Even. Though I have family up north and didn't need up need a place to stay we we visited high banks Resort on when, he you, know a month or two ago and I, you. Know they really are vital. To. The community you know it was a like blend of local folks and people. Visiting. From out of town and really you know there are the the seasonal, resorts but there really are, good. Ice fishing, and good, opportunities. Year, round and then, I just wanted to kind. Of to get to a representative, greens question, too and and.

What You said I think it's really important, that we all work on, addressing. Aquatic. Invasive species, and. Chronic. Wasting disease and, all, those, things that, indirectly. Impact, our resorts because if there are no fish to catch and no deer that are safe to eat then, that's. Going to affect all all the businesses, in, rural Minnesota as, well so just kind of wanted to make that. Connection. For folks because it does all you. Know, it. Really does matter, if, if. We're not taking care of those natural resources too, so thanks, for being here today representative. Fabian. Thank You mr. chair mr. Karlson in the previous bill we had before us House file 30 89 but authored by representative Mehta, and there there was a reference. To reasonable. Times of day and you talked about reasonable. Regulations. Would. You also ascribe. To his. Philosophy. That we should define reasonable as in northern Minnesota reasonable. Mr.. Karlson. As. I, always say is the case in this committee the Chairman is right of course. But. But to, represent Finn's point and others I mean we've been active, on the AIAS, front our water quality is critical and these there's, less than 1% of the Lake Shore in Minnesota is used for commercial purposes, less, than 1%, and. And. And the value, of that water, is critical, to these businesses, being viable, so. We've been active, on being like service providers, on checking, boats. When they get docked at our facility, so we're very very. Cognizant. Of the of the huge problems and just look at the resorts that we, work with on Mille Lacs Lake and. The. Problems, that we have seen on that Lake, driven, partly by, zebra. Mussels and water, clarity, and water temperature, and the wildlife population those. Those, businesses, are really, hurting and, when, you have a walleye dominant, Lake and you, can't catch walleyes or you, have the ultimate problem where they close the walleye season, on you like, they like, happen to August 4th. I'm. Not blaming. Anyone for that I can appreciate them, managing, the lake but, imagine what that does to your business I worked with businesses, that had thousands. And thousands, of dollars of bookings, that, were canceled, after that date. When. They when they closed the fishing season and, you don't make that up and. When they say gee well, we'll try a loan program to help you I got. To pay that back someday right this is income, you never get back and that's what we asked you to consider, when you're thinking about policies. That impact these resorting, properties. Represented. Laymen. To. The testifiers, I'm gonna pick up my. What. Is this called instrument, of information, yes, vehicle, for information, information. Delivery system okay. And. Looking, at and this is such a great way to deliver your message I still have your piece from last year it's in my office so, but. I'm really interested in number two. Supporting. Expanded, expedited, installation, of broadband, internet to rural Minnesota and, I'm, just wondering if you could just speak, to that and and why it's important, in how your, resort, members, use the. Internet in your daily work mr.. Carlson. Represent. Layman we are actively. Meeting with members to support your. Border-to-border. Broadband, bill well, we're here at the Capitol and. It's important, not just that people have access to for bookings and reservations it's. Act it's important, because the. Guests that come to Greater Minnesota expect. The amenity, to be there they expect, their equipment. To work and. You, know the, grants, make it possible. For a, company. Like arvig, to string, that fiber.

Three. And a half miles to only one user at the end of the line and that's. What's critical for us and so we really do appreciate your, efforts, because, it isn't just being. Able to get on the internet and find these resorts Minnesota, resorts calm. The. But. It's important, for their guests, when they come there you know a lot of people conduct business when they're still on vacation and, they need to have that access that's, the Internet so it's really critical we appreciate, it right. Every. Time Johnson, okay. Thank You mr. chair thank you for the opportunity, to tell my story it is a really, nice memory, and I've. Often thought that you know I've traveled overseas, and I've, met people from other countries and I think they're really seeking, a lot, of people from other countries are asking seeking a genuine. American experience, and. I've often thought that the family resorts, in Minnesota, are just, perfect. For that and so, my question is, what. Is the level of foreign tourists that come to. Family resorts, and what are the efforts to lure them where why, they could come over and spend a week or so at one of your resorts, and I think, go home with fantastic. Stories. About, fishing. And the experience at the resort but also fantastic, stories about America. I'm. Gonna defer, to the next witness on your list the, tourism, director, John. Edmond who's gonna guess that question, and we don't want why. Don't we just put a pause on that one and when he comes up we'll have, make sure you address is that so. Represent, offense Minh. Are. You know Thank You mr. chair, more. Of a comment just, first. Wanted to thank. Those, of you that have been advocating, for your. Businesses, and for your communities. For. So many years, and in, ways you, have to adopt, legislators. You, have to come, at um to their doors and they may not understand. So. Many of the things that your families, and your businesses, face. And. You'd. Like to think that you. Know once you've communicated that, message, you can go home and and. Never. Have to maybe, revisit some of those issues but clearly. There are times when you do and, we're, we're grateful for your effort. And work on on. Not. Just representing. Yourselves was like we had discussed, earlier literally, the hundreds. And hundreds and and at, times thousands. Of resorts. In the area and we were listening, we're, working on issues, like the aquatic invasive species issue that was brought up earlier we're, working on making. It easier, for you to control some. Of those species like even narrow leaf cattail, that's a bill that's coming up again this year and sometimes. A problem on, lake shore in areas where the, native. Species has been crowded, out just one small example and I just. Want to say thank you for that and appreciate. So, much those, are relationships that, have been created over the years what. Was that back. Represented. Becker fin sorry, about. It's. Okay mr. chair i just. Just wanted to point, out to, missed. Me on the, discussion. Of Mille, Lacs that, I. Was able to attend the aquatic, invasive species, research. Event. That they have for legislators, and I. It's. So critical, that we address these. Invasive. Species issues, sooner. Rather. Than later, especially. With Mille Lacs where it's the combination of both the zebra mussel and the spiny water flea that. Is really, the, uniquely. Troubling. To. That particular, Lake so just. Kind of a plug other members if you haven't. Gone. To that event, at the U of M we really do have some good research going on here that's really on the forefront of addressing, these things before, they get. To a point where we've got real problems so thanks, mr. Karlson all. Right I concur, so don't, eat our wort and everything else yeah we need to worry, about that it can be even worse than zebra mussels yes those are those are big issues representative, Metsa. Thank. You mr. chair I just want to add a couple things I've learned. J-1. Visas, and how important, it is to, make. Sure that we have access to folks who are willing to come in for a whole summer dedicated. Workforce I, know in our smaller communities, it, can be really tough, to. Compete with the grocery, store or other. Summer businesses. Or kids who are going to college and, not, around over the summer and trying to you know get their networks so I wanted to bring that up on the importance, of keeping that program, in place here in the state, a representative.

Becker Friend I agree we love it when you come up and spend money. In our communities, and it is appreciated. And. So I know I can probably speak for everyone in the audience saying they, appreciate, it as well they know how important the dollars are and then. To, touch on the broadband. With. What representative, layman, brought up I'd. Really, encourage you, to work with your local townships, on the, grants it. Takes a lot of energy and. Time to. Put together a grant application make. Sure your competitive. Make sure that the matching, funds are in place so you can move up the list and. They're. One of the best vessels, especially if you have a few townships, surrounding, I worked on one over, by side lake and Chisholm with six, townships, over there about four years ago, and we were successful in, getting one, of the first grants so I'd really encourage you all. Not. Over the summer of course I know you're busy then but, to work with your townships and, because it is important, to have that teamwork, and a cohesive. Relationship, in working with deed on getting those grants, distributed. Representative. Hansen. Thank. You mr. chair and. You. Know we've had a 10, to 15 year journey on, aquatic, invasive species where. The, legislature, may act and then there's a reaction, because of inconvenience. Or the impact on on, Commerce. And so, you. Know in 2018. Where. Are we now what how, do we you know as a resort ORS and as the, as the businesses, how do we. Deal with this issue if we have. You. Know I know we all say we're going to support, dealing. With aquatic invasive, species but whenever we come down to the, boat. Hitting the water I guess is about, the boat hitting the water you know. If. Folks are coming from other states, or. Coming. Within the state and. Then, we. Do. Inspections, or, we ask them to do something that they're they're looking to do recreation. Rather. Than. Work. Soha. Where. We've we've. Proposed stickers, we've proposed, inspections. I'm using we here broadly, both parties over the years. But. It always comes down to what. Happens, with those. Customers, and, what. Do. The resorts, how. Do you how do you deal with that because do people they can in the market they can go elsewhere but. If. Stuff is moving between states. You. Know I think the model is like over in, Idaho, or Montana, they have a very rigorous inspection. Program. But. Still seem to be, having. Commerce, how. Do we do I mean I'm asking how do we actually practically, deal with this issue. On. Aquatic, invasive species because, we we've. Done the education, I'm, sure you all have all the materials, but, what happens when.

When. The boat comes and it has something on, mr.. Karlson. Mr.. Chairman Hansen, that is obviously. A vexing. Problem. And. You. Know when, we first started talking about invasive, species, we could look at the ear trailer and see milfoil hanging, off of it that's, not the issue anymore it's, in, it's, in the. Stern. Of your boat it's in your bait, tanks, it is microscopic. You can't see it you. Know the. Industry, collectively. Is I think working together, through. Boat manufacturers. Through best practices through. Ramp inspections. To, try and get more best practices, out into. The field. Because. It's not just seeing a weed hanging, on a trailer, anymore to prevent, the spread. Of invasive, species, and. We're. Committed to being part of that solution, not, every resort has a ramp where, where. Their guests put their boats in but, I can assure you that they are, educating. Their guests, they're telling them if they don't have the ramp what the requirements, are what they need to do. And and. It doesn't start at home I think these businesses, will tell you, and. This is why I think it's important, to all of your constituents. You, know at, least 80% of their business comes from Minnesotans, and. And. That's an important, thing to remember because. That's the access, for all of your citizens, to have. Access. To the lake and and, so, we need to do the education at home as well but, things that didn't make sense I'll give you an example that you guys pass and then figure it out this doesn't work we. Had a requirement to get a sticker for a boat that was traveling, from Wisconsin, to North Dakota never. Dropping, in a lake in Minnesota and, everyone, was mad about that, and. So. We need to we need to be. Respectful. Of what the the traveling. Public is doing as well because you, need to have an impact on a Minnesota, water body to, be subject, to the requirements, that we have so we need to be reasonable. About it as well representin, Hansen Thank, You mr. chair if I could maybe hear from the resort er just, on what in your, day-to-day business what, are you seeing what are customers, what. Are your customers saying, or what how much awareness, is there how from. The practical, business side that what are you hearing and out. There. Thank. You for a question I think you should know that the resort community, is probably one of your biggest. Pool of educators, that you, have. From. The start of a reservation, these, resort, owners are educating. The guests that are coming as to, what's required, what, good practice is. We. Talked about the boat landings, we personally don't have a boat landing many. Of you do. We. Talk about the problems of you know they're hidden in there and you just have to be so. Diligent. But. The customers, that are coming in, our area of the state and central Minnesota seem, to be very, educated. We have many. Boat. Landings, where there's. People checking their boats they seem to be respectful, about that many. Good conversations, happen, at those boat landings. About, the problem, and things, that you can do to help them. So. For the most part but what, we see is people. Are. Aware the problem they're respectful, the problem they want to do what they can to help.

Just. Because of the love of the lakes and the value of the lakes. Right. I think we've gone a long ways in educating and. Making. Improvements that's, not to say the problem. Still isn't there. Thank. You Miss Arvold anybody else all, right well thank you very much. You, bet all, right thank you great good great job as our result all. Right with it mr. Edmund would you want to come down and bring, your crew. You'd. Like to introduce yourself, and for the record mr.. Chair if you don't mind I'm going to start my name is Sarah Parcak and I represent the Minnesota, tourism growth coalition, we're, an organization. That is. Supported, by public. Private. Nonprofit. Resorts. Businesses. Across, the state of Minnesota, supporting. Tourism, funding, is our, main focus, and so in your packet is a, handout. That we have that just talks about some of the economic benefits of, tourism, the return on investment, how. The state benefits, from tourism we think that tourism really, is the front door to economic, development, one. Of the things that we've advocated for and, you the legislature, have supported, in a couple budget cycles is funding, for what's called the major events grant. Program, and that, was a new program that was started we. Had appropriations. Last, session in 2017. And in 2016. And, it, was focused on creating. Events, across. The state of Minnesota not. Just the Super Bowls but events across the state that will, attract people, to come to communities, spend. Money stay, at resorts stay in businesses, and, raise. Awareness of, that area so, that's what we wanted to take an opportunity today. To come, and talk to you usually, we come and ask for money we're not asking for anything but we wanted the opportunity we appreciate, the, time to give you a couple, examples of, events. That have happened because, of that grant funding, and John. Edmond from the Explorer Minnesota tourism is going to talk about the program and the, first couple rounds of grants and then we have some folks here who are going to talk about specific. Examples in their communities. Where they've received, one of these grants, so we really thank you for the time, mr., Edmond, good. Morning mr. chairman members my name is John Edmond, I'm the director of explore, Minnesota I appreciate. This opportunity to, talk a little bit about the events grants program as, Sarah. Mentioned we don't have any ask here today money, or policy-wise we just wanted to inform you and kind of what's the status, of this program, and I guess I just wanted to start out by thanking you. Mr. chairman every one of the members of this committee for your support, for travel and tourism. It's. A 15 billion dollar industry a 265. Thousand, people all throughout the state large businesses, and small we really appreciate your support all, right so the events, grants program was a new grants, program, that, was started out in fiscal year. 2017. As. A pilot, program to support, the acquisition of, new, events to the state of Minnesota there. Was in the first go-around. 673, thousand, dollars it was available, then. The next fiscal year there was an additional, $900,000, that. Was included. In our budget specifically. For. Events. And this also is actually I should point out this was a program, that came from the industry, because, there were so many people throughout the state that wanted its help, with bringing into events but they just needed something to get them over. The line and that's why this this program was created the. Purpose is to create a you know new, events to the state of Minnesota encourage. Economic activity. Media. Promotion, large and small they don't have to always be the big ones like the Super Bowl they'd be a lot of small ones throughout the state you'll hear about some. Of those now, eligible. Organizations are, nonprofits. Chambers. Organization. Colleges, facilities, these, are for like exit, exhibitions, festivals, competitions. The, grantee, has to come up with 2/3 of the cost. Of the operation, we provide up to a third. Of a third, of that and it gets four new events, that haven't been to the state before so the idea is to bring new events, new act and economic, activity, and promotion, for the state. Organizations. Greece Eve is up to twenty money. For bids up to twenty four thousand dollars as well, as money for operations. For, from, anywhere from five to two hundred thousand, dollars, these grants, come to exploit Minnesota you think you have a copy of the guidelines, in. Your packets, that review it internally, we, do have funds reserved for Greater Minnesota and, there is monitoring, and reporting, this.

The Spreadsheets. That you have in front of you shows you basically. Where the dollars have gone in, the 2017. Requests, about one hundred sixty two thousand, one two Greater Minnesota and, five hundred thousand, two the metro area and these are everywhere, from the Iron Range to Rochester, in Minneapolis, and, what you'll notice in here some of the larger dollar amounts or some of the bigger events where in Minneapolis, st. Paul not surprisingly, we. Didn't know how this program was actually going to develop and there's a lot of smaller events all. Throughout Greater Minnesota that, took advantage of this so the money was all utilized, in the first fiscal year and, then the second program the nine hundred thousand dollars for, the 2018, grants. $227,000. Was, provided. For Greater Minnesota. 438. For the metro area there currently is a balance, of about two hundred thirty three thousand, available that's, available through it and of this fiscal year as well as into next I anticipated, those dollars are probably be gone, fairly. Soon, and. The, economic, impact, we're. Looking at that right now that's a requirement, for these grants they have to report back to us and we and that's coming in now we, do require state, branding, but as I think, you'll hear a lot. Of these events would not have happened without. The support of this program, and. I just also wanted to point out and I know often times I hear from other colleagues, about. Any, state administration. Fees for these grants we don't charge any that we consider that part of our mission to promote, Minnesota. And personally, I'm very pleased that, how this grant program has, been operating. So I'd, be happy to answer any questions that, you have about this or you want here from seeing the other grantees. That are here also to testify. Mr.. Edmond why don't we bring some of the testifiers before us I think that will inspire questions. All right so. You'd. Like to introduce yourself to, the committee make. Sure you speak into the microphone, we. Enjoy the shooting sports it's occasionally, so we have some poor hearing in that good morning mr. chair and members my. Name is Nick Leonard I'm the director of economic, development for, Otter Tail County I also. Happen to be. A resort owner my family owns and operates family. Resort much like the folks that just spoke to you and so I'll be perfectly honest I'm much better at Moyne lon. Making. Beds and taking hooks out of kids than I am testifying, in front of a committee, such as yours but I'll do my best. So. I, want. To start by saying wearing, those two hats I want to thank you for your support mr. chair and members and, think your, colleagues for your support of the. Event. Grant. Funding. There's counties, such as ours rural. Out state communities, that simply. Wouldn't have the opportunity, to develop events. And initiatives such as this without this, event, grant and so I just want to thank you for your support and. There's. Some really unique. And interesting things, happening statewide. Certainly. In the metro but it's also an out state that. You'll hear a little bit about I want to tell you specifically, about you know what happened in Otter Tail County as a result of this event program. In, 2017. A group of business owners. Elected. Officials other stakeholders, came to me and said hey we have an idea for an event and. As. You probably know events are a ton of work they require a ton of volunteers. They're often expensive and never in the first year are they are they. Profitable. And, so, I, was, I I said let's hear about the event so they started telling me about their vision for the world's largest Super, Bowl party on. Ice, and. They talked about how they were gonna have bands and they're gonna have outdoor recreation, and they were going to have a snowmobile, ride and they're gonna have hockey and they were going to have all of this things. That are culturally, unique, and and, exciting. About what it means to be in minute, soda and specifically, in Otter Tail County and I said to them you guys understand, that.

Bold. North this is just a marketing campaign for, the for the Superbowl, you don't actually we don't have to prove it and. They said well we, want to prove it and so we set out to apply, for the grant program, we, received thousands. And thousands, of dollars. Through our private sector businesses, and we proceeded to have what. Was called the world's largest Super Bowl party on ice it was picked up by significant. National publications. Such as Sports Illustrated. Recognized. As one of the, top ten. Super. Bowl parties of 2018, we, got recognition, from across, the country California. To New York which. To. Be perfectly frank doesn't happen in a place like a turtle County that often and so it was a great opportunity for us to promote our. Area, our region, and. It was a great celebration of, what it means to be a Minnesotan, we had people from all over the state from all over the region and certain actually we had international people who did their Polar Plunge for, the very first time here. In Minnesota. But. That's just one of the reasons that we do this event the other reason is for the economic, reasons so you talked to these resort owners you talked to business owners in Otter Tail County. They. Don't to, be perfectly frank they don't want more summer events they need events this time of year when we can bring people into, their communities, when they're, not already busting at the seams so. So that economic, confusion at a time when they'd really need it and then third to be perfectly honest another reason that we do this is because we're trying to put our communities. On the map we have one of the lowest work. Unemployment. Rates in the state we, need workers but. More importantly we need citizens, and so we believe that when we get people to our communities, when they see how, nice it is to live there the opportunities, that we have for them this, is an opportunity for us to recruit, families. Workers kids in our schools and so, again. Just, three of the real briefly three of the reasons that you know this was an important event for us. Again. Thank you for your support thank you for the opportunity, for communities, such as ours in outstate Minnesota to. Develop. Initiatives and, and. Last I guess I just want to I have every confidence that this will be a reoccurring event, in Otter Tail County. Because. Of this event and I want to invite all of you next year to attend. Otter Tail County 's ot, Siena is the world's largest Super Bowl party on ice Thank, You mr. Leonard just a quick question and this could maybe go to mr. Edmund too but. Just really that ripple effect you, know I think of you know I'm just looking at your grant amount was 433 thousand and to be interesting, if we could do a calculation on that you. Know the the the, national, media that you received and you, know if you kind of did a calculation of what the true value of that was you know you look at an investment of, 33,000, by the state off obviously by the the volunteers.

And The community that, did it but you know what that meant from, a countrywide. Exposure. What the value of that would have been it would be interesting there's, a calculation out there if we could you, know kind of figure, that number out mr., Leonard Thank You mr. chair members, I will I, know the explore, Minnesota is working on that with the Super Bowl committee right now to talk about what the overall state, value. Was I certainly, think that it's we, can put some numbers to that and mr.. Edmond and his. Colleagues can get you that information sounds, good thank you very much, if. You'd like to introduce yourself, for the committee and yes Tim. Dunker with the Shakopee Chamber Visitors Bureau mr. chair members thank you for the opportunity, to speak we're. A small organization five. Total employees, for organization, and. Sorry. Can you hear me we're. A small organization five. Employees total for our organization, we are the chamber and Convention, and Visitors Bureau for the city of Shakopee, in the surrounding, area of, course we do have Valley Fair Minnesota. Renaissance Festival, in Canterbury Park so we do have a good, amount of summer travel, one. Of the things that we do miss out on though is people, coming to our area and looking at things, outside of those attractions looking, at our beautiful. Downtown area, we have a wide, area of, parks and trails and different things like that so, we talked about what would we be able to do to bring some people to our downtown to get them to go past Valley Fair if you get them to go past Canterbury, Park on a. Wednesday. Evening during, the summer so we created a concert, series for the city of Shakopee, that we held an outdoor concert series in the, downtown area because. Of our small staff because. Of our. Limited. Budget because. Of the small organization, that we our we. Were able to utilize the. Grant program with the with, the explore Minnesota tourism in the state of Minnesota help get this event off the ground to. Help us utilize other dollars from sponsorship, and different things like that to. Move forward with marketing, purposes. Bringing. Bigger acts and bringing. More, people to the area more vendors and stuff was, a five week concert series that we ran mid-july through early, August, we, were able we, estimated. Best. Nights 1500, people to attend this series in our downtown area our. Worst evening, was 2500, people our. Best evening was 6,000, people we. Had our downtown businesses, open during that time our bars restaurants shops. Which usually wouldn't, be in a later evening on a Wednesday, in the. Summer they. Had their best summer ever, in terms of weekday nights for, the bars and restaurants we, were able to make. This a very positive, economic. Impact for our downtown area we, were able to showcase Shakopee. Outside, of the big attractions that we do have gee people coming from the. Metro and regionally. To see our event and see what we have to showcase in our downtown area our shops are dining our restaurants, etc.

Because. Of the success. Of this event we are actually going to expand, it next year or this upcoming summer. To, another. Week we, are going to because. Of the success also we are able to book bigger events, we are hopefully going to draw more people to the event and showcase, our, what. We have to offer even, more. Thank. You alright, thank you very much any, questions for the testifier mr., ron, chairman. Members of the group. Introduce. Yourself for the record, and darren, rama I'm the director for the Marshall Convention, and Visitors Bureau. This grant program. What. It really does in a nutshell is it keeps people moving, and, I. Thank, you for your, involvement. In this. This. This, grant program has provided the gap funding that we needed to start an annual, event and. While. We didn't need a large, portion, of it the. Criteria, was set up so small communities like Marshall, could take advantage of this grant, program. Is, it possible that we could have gotten by without it I say no because. This. Grant program has provided us the excitement, to step. Out onto that limb and try a new event. When. You try a new event there's so many unknown, things that go into it and. When. You do, an event like we, did we did a hockey. Tournament which. Go. Figure in the state of Minnesota the state hockey, but we, tried a new hockey tournament, we invited teams from multi, states we. Had teams show up from Fargo we. Had teams from northern Minnesota, we. Had Metro teams come out. So. It really provided, an, economic, impact to our community, that. We. Valued, in the range, of three to four hundred thousand, dollars for our weekend, and. It's. Because, of this grant program that we were able to obtain that economic, impact in our in, our community. The. Exposure of our four-hour event has led to other. People. In the hockey industry, coming to Marshall and wanting to do additional. Events after seeing our Red. Baron Arena and Expo which, coincidentally. Was, a, part, of the bonding project, a few years ago so, that. Money, has just. Worked, in many, different layers and levels. We've. Also had parents since, being in our community, have, inquired, about. Southwest. Minnesota State, University. Kids. That were at our tournament. Saw the college. They've. Asked for information about, potentially. Their sons, or daughters coming. To SMSU to. Be. Students. There because, of our, tournament. So. The, the effects of what, we did while. We don't know all, the effects it, really. Has. A lasting, effect on our community. Awesome. Well thank you very much no.

I Think, you know just looking from a grant perspective, you know it's some, of these grants are larger some other are smaller but I think, the effect is the same it gives you know communities, a different. Opportunity. To share and partner with the state with those funds to expand. It. Tourism. And in the restroom across the state and bring people in from other states which is the ultimate goal so thank. You very much we, have mr. Henry. Is. He here, today. He. Is sick okay any. Do, we have any other testifiers, I would like to share, representative. Fabian well mr. chair if you want I can fill in on Lake of the Woods if you want well you know we could do that. I do. I do want to I do want to say one thing. Thank. You mr. chair we. Talked, a little bit about a is boom comedian we have for, many times in the past and one, of the things that, I'd. Like and, I've have some of the folks on my, schedule today coming to my office I'd. Like to get your perspective on how we can empower local. People. Local officials. Lake associations and, so forth to. Team up pair, up better with DNR, to help, come, forward with ideas and suggestions and, some, sort of a plan to. Battle the aquatic invasive species and the lakes that you live on and work on and raise your families, on so I'd, like to do that the other thing I'm been on public record about Mille Lacs Lake I think. That, and. It was referenced here earlier when the season closed on October or, August fourth or whatever, the. Impact and I've talked to the members, who represent that, area the impact in, their local economies, and on their personal. Businesses, is just extremely. Extremely. Difficult I, think. That part, of the solution to the Malak situation, is is we need to figure out a. Formula. To. Keep the lake open, from. The time that the walleye season, begins. Until the time that the walleye season, ends and I don't know what the guardrails, are on that with regards to pollens and fish and all that stuff but, I think it's just really really a sad situation that, the, season closes and we need to work together to figure out a way to keep that, season. Open. All. Right mr.. Hansen I represent, of handsome Thank, You mr. chair I. Have a question for mr. Edmund Edmund. Edmund. Sorry, I, think. The admin one. Represent. Hansen Thank, You mr. chair in looking, at the small grants and we've we've, met about, South, st. Paul with the upcoming. Centennial. For the first. Vote after, women's, suffrage, amendment. Coming. As so I think I heard you say there are funds, still available, for. This fiscal year or for the upcoming, fiscal year could you just clarify. Yes, mrs. Drebin mr., chairman, representative Hansen yes there's about two hundred thousand dollars left out of the nine hundred thousand, that the legislature. Included. In her budget for this year I would, encourage any community, that's interested in utilizing these dollars to get in as soon as possible because once they're gone they're gone, represent. Hansen Thank. You mr. chair and I don't know if folks, know that, the. First vote actually the day after the, constitutional, amendment passed. In. 1920. Were. By for, women was, in the city of South st. Paul for a water bond referendum. In. 1920. And so, we're leading up to try to hat what they've had a couple a couple, of events and we'

2018-03-16 00:23

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