we check out the beach area I don't know where I am but I'm in one Beach area in Santo Domingo like I maybe go to one Hood today maybe maybe I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure up to you wow I must say like the beach CH is nice bro I need to try the water oh finally I'm going on the beach man this is nice I'm not like I travel a lot but I don't swim so much maybe need to start swimming it's time to to go for the it's time to go for the you know the but it's really crazy how much I I I cannot speak Spanish anymore man I just speak Portuguese [Music] now here is like the they they are like they patrolling the beach so we not have any snitch in the beach and what am I doing sitting here drinking one beer hey [Music] [Music] follow [Music] [Music] [Music] wow o I'm going to try the water but I've not been swimming since I was in Malibu man you know I'm going to go now and pee the water is good for the you know for the H for the for the is good to be in the water you know I don't know if you know this but uh if you smash a lot like me you need to pee in the water in in like salt water it's really good for the I don't know bro why I not got AGS man ah and I have all the money in the world if I was a rich now I'm going to pee here thank you now my H say thank you man welcome to you know I heard in the in the I have heard in the amazonas if you pee in the water some fish can come and and and bite your and bite your h b girl girl a hey you know this song like I've been around the world and I I can't find my baby I don't know when I don't know why that's my song man I have been in all over the world how how come one girl never stay with me like why do I never make a video like hey I love this girl I'm going to stay with her why why because I go no I think it's because I'm very dedicated to make content I can also have a girlfriend and make content but I don't know I don't think it's going to be the same I have some kind of spell over me that I'm not going to succeed if I have a girlfriend and that's why you never see me have a girl and maybe I did not also see like the you know I maybe did not meet her yet their best one hey you think I meet her you think I meet my girlfriend money in the world if I was a rich okay so the plan is like this we're going to chill here maybe we're going to go to the hood tonight and uh I want to go to saua man my the security bro he say it's crazy I have like the bad disas I just want baddies all the time bro no monstro o I'm happy I did not film yesterday what I did and did something really crazy man like if this was a in La bro everybody would smoke now I stop smoking we going to I I not I not stop I just relapse you know like I take a break bro it's only FES I need to tell my Dominican friend I I must put the pressure on him little bit like hey you know now for instance now I want to see the girls it's not like oh I must see the girls for the content I personally want to see them so let's go you know I just sometimes I personally get tired of seeing girl and I don't know I'm little bit you know when you are like social influencer and this you're a little bit like I think I become little bit like yeah I don't really know but I feel good strong send it [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] hey this is like langos in langos okay I will try this [Music] one actually now I'm chilling a lot D wow it was good man Bo to be a YouTuber yes I have the suit on new freshly washed now I'm going to go out crazy in Dominican Republic but before I say something I want to make a shout out to my this one has been with me strong and I know you love it and yes I shower it and I want to say only when you work and [ __ ] like this this this this how it looks like you know all the time p po po poow wow and just got some things back from cleaning and now we're going to go out and we're going to send it my friends we're going to send it we are going to send it I think I have some Don chulio somewhere [Music] [Applause] hey this is one real ghetto I come to here man hey I don't know where I find this guy but I think he's the perfect one to be hon I don't know bro I'm in it for win it maybe it's the last video you're going to see from me but if I die who going to post this I don't know anyways watch the video bro yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go let's go let's go wow wow I like music like this because it makes no sense but it makes the girl ass bound [Music] so gang all that bra see bro I I'm coming to one Street party here now the clock is not so it's not so late thank you baby bye [Music] oh hey what the this is like the funk like this is the like like Vibes right here my friend like the video man like it hey let's send [Music] this hey if I show this to the farmer my friend from Sweden you're going to get crazy bro this must be some strong setup no man look at this bro sh he's ready for party all [Music] [Music] night hey Dominican Republic is like Brazil they have Samba but that's like salsa you know like the more classic and then they have this is this is like the fun bro I love this country man and you know I [Music] love if somebody want to live in a dangerous hood they rent this place out okay so uh if anybody want to rent a house in a dangerous hood in Dominican Republic here it is my friend here it is he rent this place here you can make the food here you can make off wow bro you have double bets bro you can put your ex-girlfriend there you can put your currently girlfriend here here is space for video oh bro I I don't understand what he told me bro I find yeah if you want to rent this house go to fr.com and you can rent it [Music] you the content hey I have a question bro is this good set up it's good what is this brother what is this you know this yes of course this is my friend the former he loves cars and electronic [Music] things yeah this is like the hey two cops just pull [Music] up hey two two like I don't know if they're military or I don't know what they come up with two guns man [Music] one gun man bro he just shot one shot man I did not feel it man hey hey just shoot no no my friend here you know who I'm with bro he literally take it easy yeah take it easy okay he literally take the guy's gun and he he shoot and the guy say why you shoot and he said to me hey you know he want to show me the real [ __ ] I did not film it but I swear he shot one shot man he's crazy man I don't know where we are going now but let's see oh they go with all all somebody else no no no sometimes I think about Sweden like many times like a lot of time I don't explain my emotions so much in my YouTube anymore I used to do it when I was a Swedish YouTuber I have 397 videos that is unlisted you know that how I came here you know and anyways shout out rlo shout out Anar rest in peace Anar bro hey let's send it no money no funny I think that rule is uh like uh it's very important rule like no money no funny but in Sweden you don't need money to have fun funny and you know here you can only withdraw like $18 a night oh no I'm in Dominican Republic they're going to rob [Music] [Music] me bro I don't know what this food is you know me by now you know me I I I don't know if I like this food man and I'm so hungry Hey kid hey amigo hey he's crazy man no no no E bro he's the real G this guy man he's a real G man he's a real G [Music] man hey hey hey no disrespect I cannot eat this [ __ ] man [Music] heata and if you get hungry here's some cheese puffs know [Music] bro I'm so hungry maybe I can have one apple hello my name is uh I'm really hungry and I want to sleep but sleeping don't give me any content so I cannot sleep now it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay but you know what I miss now no I don't miss like m what do I miss now I don't know yeah I'm really hungry and I don't know how to do this [ __ ] man this is the problem when I travel I don't like the food you know I eat the top Marto eat only top stroganov s gra pasta where can I find Now One pasta tell me here we have the crazy guy man eating this food I cannot eat this bro you know one big part of me now only want to go sleeping he okay we're going to see what he going to say about this hey amig no drinking no smoking only vlogging now I'm really going to live inside my camera again you know I have been streaming like for a long time and I I I did not I don't know like I I think like if I look at it in a bigger picture I think that I did not really put all the effort on myself on YouTube and streaming and all of this [ __ ] so now I'm back again really vlogging like Vlog this is 20125 you know this this is this is no time for laging anymore slacking or backing now I'm going to Vlog a lot a lot so now I'm coming to my Airbnb here she's really like this girl I don't know if even why I'm calling her now but why not man why not she's a motor also she have like two kids imagine me I was bro it's a lot of things you don't know about me man I was like I was like Father bro I was like a step f for a long time long okay I just woke up I'm going to change hotel now it's New Year's Eve tomorrow I'm listening into the National Theater or from the 70s even [Music] YouTube hey look this fence here I have I I think you have it so nobody can come in and steal something [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay so now I just checked out from mybnb I'm going to meet one old friend now and uh then I don't know I don't even have Hotel I don't have nothing I just have my friend there we chilling and uh tomorrow is New Year's Eve and the Vlog is up and this is a strong Vlog and my how we do it baby yeah here we are like the like in the center oh sorry okay my friends so I'm going to say the plan here the plan is like this today is the 30th of December tomorrow is New Year's Eve and today anyways I'm going to spend New Year's Eve in Santo Domingo and I'm going to go to saua beach the second like I'm going to go there by the time you see this video I think I'm already going to be in so one my friends and now we smash it now we make the content and I feel good I'm with a old friend right now and my old friend he always do like this oh my God wake up wake up wow this looks like fabella man it's ghetto man this is like a ghetto bro look at this place bro it looks like a fava over there and yeah I mean Santo Domingo now everybody tell me go to saua go to saua I don't know s Domingo I don't know like it's nice but I don't really know I don't know amig [Music] making any good collars lately or were they leashes see vamos hey vamos taking time is money time to find a girlfriend I'm going to go soon to SOA but I want to explore the [ __ ] out of sant Domingo first hey baby you know all the time the dogs he bite me because he's his teeth are itching he it didn't sh hey [Music] okay I just send beer after beer after beer and we want to find the heat I don't know about Santo Domingo man I don't know really I I tried to find the heat but I don't know but my vibe is strong and I am very strong strong Amsterdam dam look at this [Music] Wonder [Music] [Applause] Wheel no no no yeah he's very passionated about this thing bro I will not go on this thing even if you give me $500 I will not go on this [ __ ] bro I don't I don't trust this [ __ ] man [Applause] [Music] in front of me I have one girl Daniel fix for me one [Music] [Music] girl I think smash hey you think I'm going to smash hey I'm going to oh oh oh I'm going to send the whole button [Music] [Music] wow hey man she's old like my mother almost man she don't look like man I think I'm going to [Music] smash me bro he drive me all over the Santa Domingo bro and I don't know this is what I find I'm going to be honest friend like we can't trust her hey [Music] you speak English yes what's your name how old are you hi I and this is my first official Smash in Dominican Republic first smash ever in Dominican Republic [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey B the fire [Music] [Applause] hey for my boy Danielle man he take care of me good here man really he take care of me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good hey bro I think I'm going to smash man who cares you know what we say in Sweden like if you want to come to the mountain you need to start with the like you know I don't know what to say but I think SM wow hey you like yeah I like I like Bond oh Bono you know never try never know if you put you f hey I don't know like this is the Dominic sty I'm who cares who cares who cares you care I don't care who cares who cares who cares who cares hey this a who cares who car who cares who cares I'm going to smash wow hey we really come to my hotel man EX [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is what I do and I'm never going to stop doing who cares who cares who cares who cares who cares I'm going to really smash tonight goodn sbnn [Music] hey I'm on a crazy Mission here but you know it's my first time in Dominican Republic so I must try and I like this crazy [ __ ] man all my ex-girlfriends who see this I'm crazy I think she speak with her boyfriend [Applause] I think I sent too many beers tonight oh [ __ ] oh I just send it big time bro brother when you drink shots and too many bears sometimes bro she look like Kodak Black really she look like what like like anyways uh yeah so I smashed and uh we are in the middle of uh we in the middle of the first Dominican Vlog what do you think about this Vlog hey let me check if her Jordan is original but bro she actually have original Jordan that's a flex so uh hey okay [Music] smash whole L gang [ __ ] today I send it really much but you know what this is 2025 this year I'm going to put even more speed you I must stay strong bad is did not make me famous bro monster make me famous I'm now back in I don't know who cares who cares let me I find it I find it this is what I look for this is what I look for SOS hey this is the new 2025 [ __ ] we have long here hey maybe I should okay now I have some work here oh here we have the RTX here we have some cash if we need to bribe somebody and here we have some microphones here we have a power bank here we have my ticket to our United States it's one of my no it's not a hook Rock here we have W lubricante from Brazil here we have Spotify code Trenta doares I did not take it yet because soon I'm going to make a b Funk list and uh yeah you know I'm so crazy this year like it's still 20 2024 like but no it's 2025 this year going to be crazy I'm going to put all my time and effort and soul and love in the YouTube videos I swear I'm going to go crazy this year my friends stay strong welcome fight well I
2025-01-03 04:17