Horsepower,equestrian hunt tour of france venues,classic sportscar,Camargue,French pop,ye-ye,chanson

Horsepower,equestrian hunt tour of france venues,classic sportscar,Camargue,French pop,ye-ye,chanson

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horsepower one horsepower is a lot of fun 100  horsepower will drive you round a tour of France   we're going to be stopping off at the versil  the chantilli equin establishments making our   way towards Bordeaux past a couple of stag hunts  a Canter along the beach not far from Dune deila a   little village in the foothills of the Pyrenees  we're heading off to MEA but we're only using   that as a vintage sports card staging post while  we investigate the pow area bernes Source from   cooking between Wellington's victory at watero and  the Second World War the British used to love the   PO area so much so that they set up their own Golf  Course Racetrack and Hunt hunting on Horseback   like the kings of Versa Stables of Versa really  worth seeing and chanelli makes quite a spectacle   for a horse race on the flat power proper steeple  chase course like cheltam and the cotwolds that's   in England where we've set off from there's the  three main disciplines there just the same it's   dressage which I always find a little bit cruel  to put a horse through that level of control but   I understand it's not I think we just have to  choose that PR those May HD horses they might   be good for racing on the flat but cross country  or point to point or steeple chase you wouldn't   want that tendency quite so much not in its roal  form not fox hunting so much in France though   stack hunting which do get in Deon and Scotland  we'll be popping in on Kasson and then heading   across the langad Wong Coast across the bushon  to Paka provon and Alps Co to a real Festival of   horsepower thousand horsepower to every Formula 1  car 100 horsepower to your average passenger car   one horsepower to every horse oh heavy Dre CH Pony  that pulls a wagon full of beer it's got to be   more than one horsepower compared to the pit Pony  that the Grandad took charge of great Grandad but   there's an ever increasing amount of horsepower  in the world um an Ever decreasing number of   horses we just don't need them anymore after the  first world war and if Stags and foxes aren't a   farmed resource we won't need them anymore so  there won't be any there's the pre-ir world war   thing of hunting things out of existence Like the  Wolf that's now been introduced species and only   government approved colors kill like those idiot  big game Hunters that just come and shoot and   stalk why not create ritual pump and Circumstance  and try and keep it as Humane as possible ceremony   gives respect to the animal and the blood lust of  the hunt needs feeding through the farmed resource   supply of foxes and Stags in France this is the  grand chass the vener is a rather involved term   shast course how would he do if Lewis Hamilton  had to do three disciplines throw in a bit of   off-roading for him and perhaps has to be in the  same vehicle I've never really quite understood   how horse riding is a female dominated sport I  think it's partly given the Assurance of control   that you can control that big beast between your  legs don't worry about men they're hopeless but   men are hopeless they don't like to get involved  with horse riding I've had it quoted to me don't   like to ride anything that's bigger than me in the  certain departments if you see what I mean so many   men are scared of horses so Monaco of course for  the Grand Prix and that's the Grand Prix Formula   1 grand prix Grand prix's also come from horse  racing along the coast to can which still has a   Sundy Beach and then on to nce which is like Stony  like Brighton we'll then have to head north Hood   bound Leon pop in see what mer Bell in the three  valleys is like in summertime I've chosen shallows   and champagne and Troys as convenient stops on  the way back to Cal so at one horsepower cross   country show jumping and dressage what would be  the thousand horsepower equivalent this is a bit   more like a fantasy football league than every  any sort of reality that's ever going to happen   and who would be the best driver no this is so  academic because Formula 1 is more like point to   point or horse racing on a track Like You Bet on  Formula One is like racing consortiums so let's   stretch it a little bit which driver of all time  would be best if it was a combo of the race not   a steil Chase race because there are no sleeping  policeman speed bumps in Formula 1 the Formula 1   race is like an enhanced th000 horsepower of a one  horsepower racing on the flat rallying might be a   little bit like cross country both of those appeal  to be the most but what would be the Motorsport   equivalent of tress I can't say evil can evil cuz  no one knows what that is I'm tempted to say like   BMX or skateboarding but no it's not Motors it's  not even one horsepower is a human power compared   to a horsepower got to look that up Lewis Hamilton  and Max for staffen do give good Donuts that's   not freebies when you do the pit walk it's burning  rubber on the track God that gets up your nostrils   Kimmy reenan without doubt the best driver of all  time he could even do movie stunts he could be   the stunt man in the car he could do it better  than them but he's doesn't need to doesn't he   dress that's got to be the same as movie car  stunts oh I do hope that auto translate works   well for this cuz this is going to be another  one video and the whole channel gets demoted   that was movie car stunts movie cast stts which  in anywhere else in America that speaks English   would be film castt I'm disappearing off down  a rabbit hole here the Duke of Wellington Brin   nose that claims to be the promoter of the last  stronghold of Britain in France in the B region   in France establishing the first golf course on  the continent and fox hunting and horse racing a   grand tour era and 1930s perhaps 1920s 1930s era  expa Community since Wellington times still muddy   is still Wellington times I suppose but the club  has had three increasingly less surious clubhouses   though the first two were truly representative of  the sport of Ging nowadays everyone in the club is   French they wouldn't necessarily identify as Anglo  files which isn't remotely influenced by Jimmy s   l Suk dle is currently in a rather rundown Mana  house I suppose you'd say in as Irish damp corner   of a foreign feed old as you'll find rightly as  many would say because the Irish produce some of   the best affordable hunt horses and race horses  for a couple of hundred years they were a big   part of of the scene I am only focusing on L Grand  chass there is the PE chass where you're chasing   rabbits and little things like foxes that aren't  really worthy of horseback riding I think it's a   license it might be a club membership I'm not  too sure about £300 a year compared to £3,000   a year for hunting Stags on Horseback and still  the clubhouse a bit run down but in CWS anyway   it's all centered around these days stately homes  used to host a hunt just as a matter of Pride and   identity but it tends to be mainly pubs since  the sabur Hefty finds in France for hunt sabur   less so if you have to real pray rather than stick  to the drag there are still some purists that go   in with what I'll describe as a oyster knife but  a much in l no knife turned into a spear imagine   that that's what you go into the exhausted stag  with the head of the hunt and straight into the   heart put out its Agony then you cut off bits  give it to the dogs they have their time cut off   the Hooves give it to the ladies and the children  gosh the pride of receiving a chopped off deers   Stags my hoof but just as the Petit chass on foot  it's all done on a budget even the presentation   is they don't even plat the MS of the horses they  don't put the not nail varnish they don't put the   vegetable oil on the Hooves to make it all shiny  the turnout isn't the equipage of the cotal and   North cot Old Hunt which is all I can comment on  have I been on one I'm good on jumping 3 foot six   fences which would be fairly low on a show jumping  standard but perfectly adequate to join a hunt yes   I would need a experienced horse blind hedge is  quite a different thing to red and white poles I   confess but it's the money the annual membership  so I used to work sort of 171 18 in a Country   Pub serve good food and good real ale and see an  additional blog and the horse riding set that used   to come all the way out 2 hours from London they  used to have beautiful such Cottages in various   Villages or just get away from their City Trader  husband on a Sunday morning my architectural   Prospect University of the time Lifted Me  Above the status of the stable girls which   wasn't insignificant quite a class Crossing career  but I was considered more of a potential Toy Boy   than a prospect for the daughters or Sons but they  liked me I got to go to a hunt ball I watched and   I think followed is the phaser a fair few hunts  that go from different locations all the time yeah about £3,000 a year for the grand sh about  300 for the petite chass little things like boxes   and rabbits wild boar for that matter are hunted  on foot with dogs idiots with guns there's about   500,000 foxes a year killed hunting's highly  regulated in France you get a little bracelet   that shows your allowance of what little things  you're allowed to kill and get fined if you kill   too much even if it's two different people  in the same pack so to speak there's been   scandals about people getting shot on hunts  as well children you don't get a bracelet for   that but that bat there's no real liturgy to  it the equipage of it it can't be elaborated   into culture there is an additional aspect to  the V that this can be translated almost like   going on the pool going on the hunt for  a woman but in tone it's more like going   out on the hunt for where the ladies of the  night are hanging out if it's used in that   way Lio and Bordeaux there have been scandals  as far back as elanar of aquatan and Henry II   of England the basis of that British claim in  Bordeaux on there's 30,000 of us 11 50 to 1450   this is back when artists were able to do little  more than caricatures and tapestry was the high art we're on a two We Tour of France this  is as the end goal of the game of catching   up with leis Hamilton yes pilgrimage is a  grandiose phrase it is a slow process just   the same traveling around France for two  weeks but could be described as celebrity   stalking really I suppose or perhaps we could  align ourselves with Paparazzi it's not much different now in a pro sports car if you can get  into it you're low slung you are sat on the floor   and it's hard sprung suspension you know about  every mile that you're traveling not saying the   roads bad in France at all certainly the page  that's their business we did want to take the   B- roads the back roads andly speaking though  there were exceptions I was pretty much limited   to about 4 hours of traveler at a time now at 90  M hour that's a fair distance straight off the   ferry you're fresh and enthusiastic and you think  you looking at the Pentagon I'd love to say hang a   left into the lair but that would throw you all  ready you'd be off to belgic and Germany in one   go through the night you get most of the way to  Bordeaux and you there for breakfast pretty de now I don't want to harp on about the britishness  of Paul because it's all those exaggerated after   dinner stories written almost a century later  I'm sure there were French calori hanging out   in tarar didn't really want to accept watero but  the variations on the story of the British and   French caloy up for a battle but then decided  to indulge in the sport of kings and go off on   a stag hunt instead you can find on Wikipedia  and it's nice to think of it as some sort of   surrender like meeting but it's as fake as that  first world war thing of the British and the   Germans playing football in no man's land just  impossible because of the craters there wasn't   a flat bit of land anywhere to kick a ball but  by 1915 not 1815 that Century the anglicizing   was pretty much over with by the shouting but back  to Bordeaux which has been a French Capital during   the first world war and the second world war when  they've had to move out of Paris temporarily oh   2012 a more recent Scandal um a matths teacher  I shouldn't laugh and a 15-year-old girl from   Britain um escaped on the day that he was supposed  to be sacked and was found in bordeau the French   police couldn't help there's no crime being done  perfectly legal if they're at it like rabbits in   FS If the parents didn't want to press for a  kidnapping charge but elanar of aquatan um she   married a French one of the Louis one of the  French Louis she got the pope to send him off   to Jerusalem and she followed but her Knight  in China arm died she was married for 14 years   and had daughters then a month or two later she  married the English king of 18 years old who she   had Sons with 30 and 18 for your judgment  does it make a difference if it's male on   female or female on male Henry was King Steven  of England's son you ever heard of King Steven   I haven't but you will have heard of one of her  Sons Richard the lionard but it was the Bordeaux   limo area that she had most success in trying to  put her son on the throne by deposing her husband   regicide because they're ordained by God rather  than just homicide nonsense but there's always   going to be scandals around wine 10 ch Chinese  chatau owners have been investigated prosecuted   by French police for tax evasion and fraud and  tampering but the problem of Spanish wine getting   into French wine bottles is much more widespread  um a bit like wool there's the problem that wine   costs more to produce than you can sell it for  even more and more French people are drinking   beer I don't I can't I can't understand it  either like all farmers in France you might   think that landowners or the vineyard owners are  they much more like gentlemen aren't they there's   a militant Wing French wine is being adulterated  for profit o la la voila there were cavemen 20,000   years ago and Kelts then Romans in b d along the  water to him giving way to sugar and slaves but   the 1700s were bordo's Golden Age architect  Victor Louie brought the enlightenment era   the girondins were the wrong side of the French  Revolution the montagnards generally having the   upper hand but after the Duke of Wellington had  inspired Abba Lou nephew the Duke of Bordeaux was   trying to become king beg pardon since 2007  Bordeaux has been a UNESCO world heritage site France so easy to fall in love with every  scrumptious little cute morsel of it even the   remble that is p but if you decide to live  there it can be a demanding High maintenance   relationship the gossip can be hard work  the municipal that form the control of   the interactions of who are brought up through  school to be good citizens and de now Bordeaux   is a pilgrimage in itself for many of us worth its  weight in Claret this is perhaps one of the first   instances that you get the sense of exp Patriots  certainly if you're in the wine and Hospitality   business this would be a bit of a mecca for you  in training terms same as you might think central   London restaurants might be and cultivating your  French language skills would help you with your   wealthy Russian private clients may be looking  to go into that yacht charter business or just   work your way up and through somia ISM that  elitist accompaniment to elitist food there   are many small Parcels of Vineyard come up for  sale and there's many an expat that's wanted the   lifestyle choice of a Vineyard the social cache  of it all you can meet the Sons and Daughters of   these people that are the face of a business  in Bordeaux now Bordeaux is on a river Ester   a bit like the Mery I'm going to say a bit like  Liverpool is on the Mery it's not really by the   seaside as such but there is not a Million Miles  Away and there's also L Rell in where apparently   half of Paris disappears off to every summer  we're on the west coast of France the gond   River on a map almost seems like it's been wind  swept away from perpendicular to the Atlantic   winds June deil is like a huge expans like a  city but just of sand they few campsites and   trees behind it there's an enthusiastic fraternity  of kite Surfers but really it's so windy so much   of the time the majority of Dune deila and the  extended zone is good for nothing paragliders I   pass over that Coastal soaring there are slightly  hippie aspects of Bordeaux the city it's got a   feel to it a little bit like Bristol perhaps  but without Edge privilege and money yes but   working not the idleness and vacant of theer lell  appendage there's good reason why there's so many   British in Bordeaux and really the luir as well  and the do further south real British enclaves   within the Pentagon and traditionally Britany I  understand to the north but don't know anything   about it is coral as far as I'm concerned for  centuries Bordeaux and the laa were L hours in   the days of nights and shining armor the industry  and currency were largely established by us the   British claran Brandy for centuries having more  use as a legal tender than gold coins or any sort   of early promisory note coins could be clipped  yes there was a lot of cooperation towards the   holy land during the Crusades but the British  and the French squabbled Kingdom by Kingdom   for centuries over the luir and Bordeaux region  far in land and then beaten back until just the   island of Bordeaux was all lasted on the mainland  of France until all the those base Estates that   gave rise to all those dramatic Forts and  castles Shadow turrets Moes local marriages   and allegiances changed centuries of slow change  until we were beaten back with battles but still   a sphere of influence historically there were  two ways you could avoid the barbery pilots   and the Spanish main the Fortified Hilltop  City of carasol guarded one along the base   of the Pyrenees just like Genoa school children  in Britain relish reading how the Mongol Empire   helped extend their territory by flinging plague  victims dead bodies on catapults into the walls   of the city I often have to point out that  there were three main plagues EIC plagues   one about 500 ad another one in medieval times  there one mainly in China and India in 1880 we should sophisticated means of  transmission and catapults over [Music] walls send them on out automatically  Bordeaux wine Villages don't miss them so you get different flavor to the r or the bgo  Burgundy wine regions do three in burgundy of   course djon and if you're in the southern R um  you could do much worse than a and proval but   you might want to go for AV your try and fit  in UNESCO Point PTO guard but really that's   more relaxing thing and you have to do give it  a day not have a day but that's still a long   drive off yet the whole the south west coast of  the gulf on the bottom edge of the Pentagon of France muscles and oyster it's long  low muddy TI B region perfect for   the [Music] sh miles miles and miles of  [Music] Drive bed Terraces are posts in [Music] mwh which is the nudest beach sort [Music] of commoditized by  swingers drive on by and what's given freely art will eat [Music] itself ailable opportunity when  it's ask silly questions that go against it Timber framed town with wooden [Music] Bean  the time Square on the ground floor that protect   people from the [Music] elements in days gone by  from the rain was where we stayed before this long   Coastal blast sweetest time lovely restaurants and  a nice hippie vibe to some of the street musicians   it feels homely and so much that it's void of  the mercenary touristy aspect that carason has   you will eventually reach bu Ron the mouth of the  river ran where since Greek times the Traders the   gallions have gone up the river ran a little bit  taken a muddy slipway across to the river Lair   which then takes you to the Atlantic and the  Cornish tin mines would have been a value then   the slipway where big boats were towed by horses  and mules is now a bit of a sort of industrial Cor   and the same parts of the ran the lair aren't  quite so navigable but what by what we see as   reasonable means of Transport you don't want to  go down a river for days on end in a caracal de   carrying it over we and Rapids the equivalent of  a man with a van in those bygone days where what   you could carry was a major investment and your  profit was largely determined whether you would   risk carrying it near or far to increase your  investment recoup Leon you do I know you do go   on holiday for a week or two and you don't want  to leave but if you're honest there's more than   that you consider whether you could live there or  not you give it head space probably if you weren't   working if you were retired what you see is the  height of the Season though everything closes when   the schools go back there is a long long School  holiday there are a lot of public holidays but   it's almost as short and brief a season as Greece  but that really just means that you've got all   that to yourselves sure it doesn't have quite the  same buzz when it's just Northern Europeans you   might even see business opportunities which might  be deceptive the French are quite particular in   their ways you might do a fantasy property hunt  and realize there's a bargain to be had but there   might be some practical hurdles in that process  but that's not the half of it you got to learn   another language fluently in your Anglo-Saxon  world you make friends partly by being flash   buying friends in France is very transparent  doesn't really come off there has to be some   really quite significant push factors back home  as well as just a pull factor of that bargain a   bit like the analogy of the Vintage vx220 sports  car getting you into that club if only at entry   level you will find that you become part of really  quite an elitist xack Community but the frequency   of those interactions might be a little more than  seasonal perap not satisfying enough if you're   looking to be integrated into an xack Community  you really probably want to be looking at the   Spanish classes in France your children will be  accepted as locals much more than in Italy where   it would take generations and where old money  isn't really so clean of conscience there's no   getting away from it there's a certain Gena most  class to France that the junas the dictatorships   of Spain and Italy just don't bring but there is  often little patience for that class beyond the   Mish of Parry in large part because so much of  France is that rural conservative with a small   sea met in front of the rain shadow a number  of sunlight hours per year really to most of us   that's the most important [Music] thing foothills  of the Pines almost Spain offers a high number   of sunshine hour hours per year and often High  rainfalls straight off the Atlantic I went for   where that rain falls as snow in the Eastern Alps  south of Geneva seavo not traditionally France   traditionally [Music] Italy can you see France in  a two week vacation is one of the questions which   we ask ourselves here many Americans think they  can see the whole of Europe in a two week vacation   they can't get a flavor of get to know two very  different things if you're excluding Paris and   the eeld of France which is all that France is in  way yes you can get around the country and start   to feel like you're getting to know it it's varied  history and Landscape climate people and Customs   give it a very different air in very different  areas all over not so long ago were city states   we're off to to Monaco one of those last city  states theoretically outside of France it's on   the bulous protrusion of provance that has its  own special microclimate slightly extended away   from the Alps not in a rain shadow it has more  than its fair share of sunshine hours per year   or is that just sales patter to accentuate it  tax Haven status what is The Enclave of Monaco   and Monte Caro like and perhaps to some more  importantly what is the Monaco Formula 1 like to [Applause] experience

2024-07-28 12:13

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