Honda X-ADV Road Trip

Honda X-ADV Road Trip

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hello everyone and welcome to the channel. Today  I'm starting my first road trip with my new Honda   X ADV I had to reschedule it a few times because  first there was a job then afterwards we had some   thunderstorms here in Germany and a lot of rain  so I decided to schedule it a little bit later and   now I'm finally starting my longer road trip with  it and yeah what is it all about first it's to   test the Honda X ADV antage on long distance rides  second it's a trip to relax a bit because I had a   lot of stress on the last time and motorcycle  or scooter riding is always relaxation for me   and this is what it's all about I have no  goal where I'm going I have no hotels booked   so everything will be spontaneous and a little  bit of a surprise so I have no plan where I'm   going I just know that I'm going south today  we have now 19 degrees will be 24 25 Maybe   so quite Pleasant I have my summer gear  on also a vest this is an airbag vest   because I had an accident last year with  my BMW scooter I decided to be a little   bit more protected and safe because I  had some injuries last year broken ribs   and a few more damages on shoulder and on the  knees so this time I decided be on the safe side   get an airbag vest and so I'm wearing a helite  airbag vest this time and now I'm doing the first   50 to 100 kilometers maybe on  the highway on the Autobahn   just to get out of the Berlin Brandenburg region and after that I will take only  the small roads and then it starts   to be for sure a bit more relaxing yeah so now I will enjoy a little bit my music  get on the Autobahn direction of Leipzig okay I   left the Autobahn now one hour that's enough these  um much better roads than riding on the Autobahn Fields everywhere you look less traffic so this is good for relaxing just put some music on your communication system and  then cruise on these wonderful roads   weather is perfect not too hot it's 22 degrees now what a beautiful landscape here by the way the yep I'm using for navigation  as the kalimoto app sometimes I also take   Google Maps but no most of the time if  all roads like this I use calimoto app   and you can switch between Autobarn no  Autobahn curvy roads or very curvy roads so it seems we are getting closer to the Saale Which is my destination for today and again some beautiful winding roads so I'm quite happy so far with the tour  that Calimoto was giving me very small Road   Pleasant to drive so I just make a short rest now just find a   place somewhere in the shadow here on a parking  place of a supermarket you set up perfect uh got it so four four and a half  hours now it's enough I need a break so it's getting also much  hotter now it's 27 degrees I took my windbreaker off it's too warm  now now with just my summer jacket it's very pleasant when it's hot because it has  a lot of mesh here which lets the air through yeah that's part of and Germany is called Thüringen and we are going in direction of Siegenrook um we're just directly on the Saale which is a  river if you're in turing which seems to be quite   beautiful and never have been there so really  interesting to have a look it's a small River but   he's moving like a snake through the  landscape so I think it will look great to get some nice drone shots over there I really like the sound of the exhaust cool sound to my older scooters I didn't expect these kind of roads here also going a little bit up and down not  like mountains but very interesting to write very small Street as you can see if they  are coming to cars here will be interesting it's so relaxing to ride through the forest and I need some fresh air now smells good perfect yeah what can be better than riding  with your motorcycle through the nature this is relaxing yeah let's see you now we  should somehow get to the zala oh it looks like a Roman Viaduct fishing there yeah nice place climbing now a little bit so it's just six minutes and I'm in the hotel seems to be a nice hotel look  very beautiful on so I hope I can relax a little bit take a hot shower get something to eat okay so this  seems to be the way to the hotel   which is interesting and now I can  test the gravel mode so let's see I think you cannot really see it it's  quite steep here it's an uphill whoa   my first ride on a gravel road I hope this is uh the right route I think this is really weird I don't think this  is the right way to the hotel   find another one it's not possible that  someone is going with a car up here okay so first time off-road with the x80v  but I have to go down again this is uh this   looks too Steep and too muddy and I'm heavy  loaded so better don't risk anything and whoa and try to get down whoa the funny thing is on the action camps  you cannot see how much it is going down here wow rear wheel is blocking no I don't think that this is  the right road to the hotel no car can go up there oh slippery  slippery here wet and muddy wow yes for off-road I mean this  is really a heavy beast wow oh my rear wheel is completely blocking  because it's so slippery here okay did it bitter Escape but let's see  there should be another way the hotel hmm ah okay Google Maps did sent me the wrong way but  okay short experience with some off-roading I mean maybe if it's not completely loaded  the X ADV and um maybe not that uphill   and muddy should be no problem to do any  kind of gravel roads or soft off-roading but this way this Gravel Road here which was  going up like like this this was I think a   little bit too much ah Panorama restaurant Marine  Dome I think this is a one where is the hotel it's called the panoramic Hotel so you should  be it should be a nice view an overview   we will see in a second yeah  this street is much better Gravel Road not possible with us bike and the mud so parking where is the  entrance again heavy loaded so here's the room so for sure I have to minimize my luggage okay this looks nice bit old-fashioned but okay these are the first two bags I have another one in the scooter which  I will get in the second panoramic view   I think I don't have a room with panoramic  view it's the panoramic parking place View   okay my first writing day is finished in more than  eight hours on the Honda X ADV I found a quite   nice hotel so I will take a hot shower now go for  some food and then back up all my files and then   go to bed early because I feel my back now even  it was a lot of fun but uh more than eight hours   it's enough that's for sure enough and if  you like the video please leave a thumbs   up and subscribe down below I'll see you  in the next video have a safe ride cheers

2023-07-04 19:51

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