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know foreign my is foreign okay a ah is and now let me tell you a few things  about the temple of afinan fair   the sanctuary affair was said to be a mountain and  hunting goddess who protected shipping and aegina   at the time was one of the most important shipping  areas of the region if not the most important   this temple was dedicated to affair and as the  legend says she disappeared on this location on   this very location where they built the temple  the temple was built in the 5th century bc   and it overlooks the aegean sea  since it is built at the top of   the highest area of the aegina island the mountain  prosperity of agina is arisen for the beautifully   built temple it is located as i said earlier on  the highest area of um ajina island it's a pine   clad hill known as message which is 150 meters  in height on the north eastern side of the island   the temple was built in 480 bc and nearly  20 25 out of the original dory columns   still stand due to the skill of the restorers   thank god for this the temple was built over the  ruins of an earlier temple built around the 570 bc   that existed at the very side but was  later destroyed in the fire in 510 bc   now let me tell you some details about the  planning and the construction of the temple   it's extra style peritoneal doric order structure  on a 6 by 12 column plan resting on a 15.5 meter   by 30.5 meter platform it has three outer  columns that are monolithic where monolithic also   it has three-step sloping rump  provided access at the east end   as compared to the other  temples this has an unusual plan   and is mostly known for their beautiful sculptures  that shows a remarkable progress from archaic   to early classical techniques the plan provides  symmetrical sections in both the coordinates built in the doric style with 32 columns  12 on each side and 6 at the front and back   the composition deals with the decreasing angles  of the pediment by filling the space using the   shield and the helmet now i'm going to tell you  some more details about the planning and the   layout of the temple it measures 28.8 meters by  13.7 meters along the stillovate height of columns   is 5.2 33 times greater than their width at  the base giving it the elongated airy fill   temple complex covers an area of 640 square meters  the pediments were not made at the same time   the west pediment was earlier and those sculptures  were curved when the temple was built about 490 bc   in the archaic rhythm and the representation  of it was the first story in war   the east pediment was built about 480 bc  and the characteristic of this pediment   was what it was come to be known as the classical  rhythm and represented the second trojan war the subject for both pediments as i said earlier  was the great apples of omer the trojan war the   reason for this was because a lot of the heroes  of the trojan war were from the island of aegina   two isosceles triangle were  formed by the temple of affairs   one of them was from the  temple of affair here in agna   with the temple of forces on atsunu at  the temple of ephesus at the ceo of athens the second isosceles triangle was formed the  temple of apollo at delphi and the parthenon   at athens both aristotle and strabo insisted that  these constructions of the sanctuaries   were not accidental by any chance because we all  know how much in the ancient years the ancient   greeks believed in the harmonious relationships of  the temples the oracles the tomes the sanctuaries   and so on and now you see the  planning and the layout of the whole   temple of affair with all different  spaces like the external terrace   the star the priests houses the propylene the  altars the old different altars the perivolos and so on that's one of the three  places where el the triangle   is made between the temple of affair the  temple of poseidon atsunu and the parthenon so whenever the greeks wanted   energy and power in order to do something  great or in order to protect themselves from of any kind they would come here they would go  to the sunya in the temple of poseidon or end   to the parthenon so they would create  this triangle and they would take this   energy and this energy would help them do the  impossible and here we are at the temple of afar   in agna look how beautiful the temple is and all  the scenery around look very you can see the sea   all around because we are on an island right and  there's storage all around such a beautiful place what do you think isn't it beautiful okay so that was the temple of afraid and  now we're going back to the city of ayna and exactly opposite the temple of  affair it's this beautiful place look at this this amazing place look at the tables and the chairs that  are made of stones and look at the view how beautiful this is the bay of aya  marina beautiful island of vegina so that's   um the back side of it here we're  looking east towards east south west north it's this way magnificent okay after a wonderful trip here at affair inegna  we're taking the road back to the port of egina   that will take us back to the port  of fridayos and then back home bye bye egina down there it's one column what  remains from the temple of apollo as you see the nature is so picturesque the beach down  there so nice i didn't take you there with me but i can tell you although the the best  beach we tried was from the other side   at the back side of agina at a year marina  underneath the temple of affair that was the best so this is the last   look of aina for all of you from the deck  of my boat vote that takes me back to perez yes channel i got my wheels i got my clean shirt  i got enough to get me where she'll be my skin is burning my heart's on fire she will be there turn it up follow someone and now we're watching some street  poker on the boat on the way   from aegina as you see you  know who's losing so far that's a tough question wait if your jump is  going to collect you it's not that bad though okay i can i cannot see you so  dark sit down please okay so well and what do you have to do in return now   other than stripping completely and  following the sea what else you can do right yeah push-ups down now okay how many how many okay way to go look ahead there's nothing but blue sky  kiss the rain and laugh as it goes by   learn to smile while everyone else cries um so i've been waiting through the winter i've been dreaming of this day all i know is so turn it up oh i got enough to get me where she   is you

2021-09-22 19:48

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