Holiday trip of the year (ক্রোয়েশিয়া) - We had Balkan Foods first time

Holiday trip of the year (ক্রোয়েশিয়া) - We had Balkan Foods first time

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oh yo yo yo what's up amigos!  you know what it is huh?  it's called kuna. it's called kuna baby. it's a Croatian currency okay and we are going to Croatia. My friends! We have arrived at Croatia Croatia seems to be a nice country; The airport was busy Let;s bring my Travel companion to say something about coming to Croatia what's up? Good Good; Feeling excited. all right bro what do you think of Croatia so far? looks good so far we'll see how how to explore. then we can you know make some comment not now. My another friend here, IT specialist working in Poland Croatia is a non Schengen country & we came from Schengen Poland Because We flew from Schengen country to a Non Schengen, We had to go through extra airport procedures If you are flying from a Schengen country to a non Schengen then you will face extra steps on boarder Lets explore the Croatian city Split now! Now we are going towards the sea beach & we also need have our lunch Now we are going through a forest We are walking through a forest & with me my travel mates We can hear birds making noise Croatia is a nice place; I like the country Lets ask my friends if they like Croatia too? Feeling hungry! My friends are hungry. we need to eat now.

Croatia is apparently more expensive then Poland. Croatia is a non Schengen country yet costly then other EU countries I can see many people are coming to Croatia from Bangladesh with work permit We are really hungry but can't find a good place Everyone wants to eat something Unique; Authentic Croatian or Balkan foods We can see a good restaurant here what's up guys! so listen Macedonian  right? Macedonian food here   Croatian , Macedonian - A Balkan cuisine cool awesome man just [ __ ] amazing oh my gosh it's so amazing that is chicken  breast with rice chicken chicken breast   with rice he eats chicken only chicken  fries with chicken fingers Fries with chicken fingers fingers and I'm having pork. something something Macedonian. she said this would be the out of the world it is actually. You know why? I am gonna show you.   this okay yeah cheese cheese coming out of this The lunch was awesome It was a Balkan & Croatian Fusion mixed lunch our lady on the restaurant was amazing. guys if you are coming to Croatia for traveling right remember..  

one thing it's a bit expensive of course that's how it is but still i think it wont be expensive than expensive than let's say other european countries like France or Germany or something like that   but definitely more expensive than  countries like poland right i don't   know what's the exchange rate by the way  euro euro with croatian kuna so that's it Now we are heading towards the sea beach We will get down on the water & swim that's it So we are going from one beach to another when we come to a sea area, we do that Normally a sea area has multiple beaches People who are coming to Croatia will find plenty sea beaches within one area You can swim & have a sun bath at one sea beach then move to another The sea beaches in Croatia are beautiful & full of tourists Sea beaches are touristic area & everyone  is nice and very friendly and   uh very peaceful what's up uh so amazing man okay hello The temperature is quite high actually People wonder about summer in Europe. Summer in Europe is actually warm When we were at Corfu last year, we felt hot there If you are coming to Croatia & wonder about the weather but actually it's gonna be hot but the good thing  is you can wear shorts you can wear boxer whatever   you want you can be with the bare body and all  those things just like my friend here everyone   only apart from this guy who is wearing all like  his t-shirts and everything look at those guys   yeah and my friend sujan the  bodybuilder yo yo he's like my we go to gym together yeah so now we are going to  another beach what's the name of the sea beach bro?  bas beach first beach and then we  i think we probably will go to this   beach party right hopefully it depends on  the time yeah so you can go and party or   have a drink or something and it's gonna  be an awesome baby the only one problem Kuna is polish currency. No Kuna is Croatian currency so if you have the kuna baby then  it's gonna be party baby party amazing definitely you guys saw  that like surrounded with mountains   crystal blue water all those things all  right if you watch my corfu trip video   you will see it same thing blue water crystal [  __ ] blue water yeah and amazing view but local local people okay 60 70 even so many ugly people man  horrible see beach tour but anyway the day was   good the first sea was amazing and for today i'm  done we are done for the sewage we are heading   back to the hotel not hotel apartment right and  then we're gonna go to city center have a couple   of have couple of beers and maybe probably go  for the parties okay but that's the thing so   let's walk while i'm walking i will take few more  shots and you guys can see that okay all right man   guys so here it is the view here is awesome The Split city can't be described as developed but the apartment area is fine The Croatian capital is Zagreb This is Split. Another city

Split is a touristic area with sea beaches Split is not that developed but has beautiful scenarios. I have lost my friends. Where are they? So this is our flat. um now we are at our apartment. Now I will show you full view. We have a sea side view from our apartment let's go let's go let's go now this is view from the balcony drawing room with nice television; Croatian tv series Poland and we are from Bangladesh but we live in Poland. this is a kitchen

nice nice let's go to the corridor uh. here's one bed okay hello mario mario okay you know what i was gonna ask him  i was gonna ask him in Bangla what's your name   but anyway nice to meet you mario nice to  meet you he's a cool kid right he's a cool kid wait oh damn come on double bed awesome okay what can we see now? Behind me is Croatian flag um i don't know how many  students are coming to croatia   but if you guys are here give me a message let  me know how is it going here in croatia okay uh uh we have lost our address man the people in Croatia is really  nice trust me I'm really impressed

2021-09-02 04:42

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