Hold Fast To That Which Is Good

Hold Fast To That Which Is Good

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Coming. To you today in the all-powerful, name. Jesus. Friend. We have another great program for you today that will bless your soul. But if you have a need in your life call, the prayer line get, ready to receive because. God is ready to move for you stay, right there, don't you dare go, away. Studios. In, Ohio. Welcome. To the. And now your host. But. Ernest. Angley. Or. Special. And, you, are. Special, to God I'm, the Reverend Chris smock I'm an associate pastor ed, ernest angley grace, cathedral now, be your guest host for the program friend. We do have a lot in store for you today but. As I mentioned in the opening you have a need in your life spiritual. Physical financial it doesn't matter our God is on the throne and, he's ready to move for you I want. You to call the prayer line today get ready to receive we have phone counsellors on duty ready to take your call at the end of the program I'll be taking those requests, before the throne of grace yes. Today we have some great gospel music, and singing for, you a little later on in the program you'll, hear a message that I preached that will bless you in your walk with the Lord but. First we have the, cathedral, trio and they, have a great number for you the, title, is the light, shines, listen. And be, blessed. The. Light shines, in the darkness leaves, promise. Is fulfilled and, sinners, to breathe the, light shines, and, the Devils flee, Jesus. Is our, light, the. Light shine. Whoa. The light shines, and the duck in here the, light shines, and the blind can see the light, is our. Night. Hey John. Baby Jesus. What's, the love. Sit. From up above to. Bring us. Healing. And, deliverance. In here sweetie. And, Holy, Ghost power to me cos just psyche. The, light shines, in, the darkness leaves, promises. Fulfilled and, sinners are free the, light shines, and, the devil's flee, Jesus. Leads our, light, the. Light shine, and, the lame can walk the. Light shines, and, it came here the, light shines, and, the plane can see the, light is born. The. Light brings. The power from, on high. To. Guide and. Protect, us in this slide. It. Warms, our hearts, and purifies. Our soul. And. Gives us power to shine, girl. The. Night shines, and, the darkness leaves, promises. Fulfilled and, sinners are free the light shines, and, the devil sweet, Jesus. Is our, night, the, light shine, in the lame can walk the. Light shines, in the dark in here the, light shines, and, the plane can see light, is, online, the. Light shines, in the darkness leaves, promises. Fulfilled and, sinners, are free, the light shines. And the Devils flee, Jesus. Is our, light, the. Light shine. The. Light shines, and the dead can hear the. Light shine, to, the pumpkin, see. Our. The. Light shines, in, the darkness leaves, promises. Fulfilled and, sinners, to breathe the, light shines, and, the devil's flee, Jesus. Is our, light, the. Light shine, in the light the. Light shines. In the token, here the, light shines, and the blood can see. Hallelujah. Let's. Praise the Lord. You, feel that there's, no, hope, or love, it's, lonely all. That, would. So. Use your, faith, release. That heavy. They're. Just one man they. Came for you, he'll, head. Just. Reach, for, him. Jesus. God's, own, son. He's. Reaching for you. You. Don't know how, much, she wants. To be with you. Reach. For. Jesus. People. You won't prove. Just. Reach for him, he's, reaching. Out, for, you. If. You are lost, and, you need the Lord just. Ask him. To come. Save your soul from. All that worldly. Singh. You'll. Be born. And you write your name in. Heaven. Just. Reach, for him miss, the Jesus, hand. Jesus. Is. Raging, for. You. Don't know how, much, she wants. To be with you. Leaves. For. Jesus. Pupil. You are through. Just. Reach for him, he's, reaching. Out for, you. Reach. For. Jesus. He's. Reaching for you. You. Don't know how, much, she wants. To be with, you. Reach. For. Jesus.

You're, Poor you are through. Just. Reach for him, he's, reaching. Out, for, you. Just. Reach for him, he's, reaching. For. You. Get. Your ticket. It's. Your ticket home, the, fire up, the holy code will burn inside, your soul just, dip, your hand in a man. When. His spirit. The. Holy. It's. Your ticket holders. The, title of tonight's message is hold. Fast. To. That which is good. First. Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 21. Instructs. Us hold. Fast to that which is good. Well. What. Is good. What. Is it that. Children of God are to hold fast to. Well. I take you to Matthew's Gospel chapter, 19. Here. Jesus sheds. Light on the answer. By. Asking a question. Matthew. Chapter 19 verse, 17, Jesus. Speaking, and he, said unto him why. Call us now me good, there. Is none good but one that, is. God. Now. This is a powerful, question. Yet. It's. A question, that has been misunderstood. By so, many Christians, for, so many years, at. First appearance. Jesus. Question, seems to contradict. Who he is. At. First appearance, his, immediate answer. To the question, seems. To contradict, who he is, why. Call us now me good there. Is none good but, one. That. Is God. Well. By asking, this question, Jesus. Wanted. To make a point. He. Wanted. To teach a lesson. To. The his followers, in that day and to, his followers today, as. The. Son of man I. Say. As the son of man Jesus. Put no confidence in himself. Not. In his human flesh not, in his human mind, not. In his, talents. And abilities. As. The. Son of man Jesus. Put. 100%. Confidence. And dependency. On, divinity. That. Being. The. Divine blood flowing. In his veins. The. Holy Ghost. The. Written word and. The. Divine ingredients. That he added to his mind. Of flesh. Remember. As a man. Jesus. Used, no, more, divinity. Than. What is made available to. Children of God today and. In, this scripture reading Jesus is declaring, the only good that is in this world is. That. Which comes from God. As. Followers of Christ. We. Too must. Put no confidence in ourselves and. We. Must hold fast to. The divinity that, God has provided, through. Jesus Christ. That. We may use it to bless others and finish. Our divine mission. Hebrews, chapter 10, verse 23. Let. Us hold fast the. Profession of, our faith without, wavering for he, is faithful that promised. The. Theme of this message, is based. On the fact that. Every. Person. Born into, this world is, born. A free, moral, agent, having. The power of free choice and. As. It pertains to children, of God the. Power of free choice remains, yours. As. Long as you walk with God through, the rest of life's journey and what. A, responsibility. It is. Because. At any time Oh child of God you. Can choose to. Live by promise, using. The mind of Christ or. You can choose, to. Live in your feelings. Using. The natural mind. You. Can choose to go deeper in the Lord or. You can choose to be satisfied. With. Where you're at. You. Can choose to, hold, fast, to. What you have received from divinity, or you can choose to turn loose of it. Be. Careful to protect everything. You every see from divinity. From now to rapture, ground. Because. That which you have received by faith you can, lose stood out that. Which, you have received through, obedience, you. Can lose through. Disobedience. Now. Which you have received. Through. Careful, diligence, you, can lose through. Carelessness, and neglect. For. Example. Many. People, through. Faith in God have received fantastic great. Miracles, the, manifestation. Of it was theirs, but. Then they would lose those miracles, because. The devil would bring false symptoms, and. At. That moment they. Chose to, doubt. They. Chose to doubt and give in to fear. Instead. Of standing, on the promises of God a. Sinner. Received salvation through. Faith and, divine blood and through, obedience to the Word of God as, they. Yield the, power of divine blood washes away all sin, guilt and condemnation, then. That. Power imparts. Divine, eternal, life, into. Them. However. If at, any point after, that they. Choose to disobey God and commit, sin, they. Will backslide. And lose. All, that. They received, from God. Hebrews. Chapter 10, verse 26. For if we sin willfully in other. Words they know it's a sin and they choose to commit it if they, sin willfully, after that. We have received the, knowledge of the truth. There. Remaineth, no more sacrifice for. Sins. This. Life on earth is far, from, heaven. But. It tells us in Hebrews chapter 11. That. True. Children of God living. By divine faith are, strangers. To this world. Pilgrims. On earth just passing, through, seeking. A better country and, a. City whose. Builder and, maker is God and, as, children, of God travel, through life on their.

Way To this heavenly country. They will face. Great. Opposition in, different ways. They. Will strive against, the devil in his kingdom. Ephesians. Chapter 6 verse 12 for we wrestle not against, flesh and blood but. Against principalities. Against. Powers, against. The rulers of the darkness of this world, against. Spiritual, wickedness in, high places but, that's. Not all children. Of God will, strive against, this world and all that is in it, 1st. John chapter 2, verses 15, and 16. Love. Not the world neither. The things that are in the world, If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him for. All that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the, lust of the eyes and, the pride of life is not, of the Father but is, of the world then. I take you to John's Gospel chapter 15. Verse, 19, Jesus says, to. His followers if he. Were of the world the, world would love his own but. Because he are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the. World hated, you and if. That's not enough in, this. Journey God's children strive, against, self and the carnal mind. Matthew. Chapter 16 verse 24, then, said Jesus unto his disciples If, any man will come after me let him. Deny himself, take, up, his cross and follow, me. That. In Romans chapter 8 verses 6, and 7 for. To be carnally minded is, death but. To be spiritually minded, is, life in, peace, because. The carnal mind is enmity against. God, for. It is not subject to the law of God, neither. Indeed can be. Now. In face, of such great, opposition in, this life children, of God must, be oh so careful. To hold fast. To. All that. They receive, from divinity, so. That Christ may, live in and, through. Them at all times. The. Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians chapter 2 verse 20, I am, crucified with, Christ nevertheless, I. Live. Yet, not i but Christ. Liveth in me and, the, life which I now live, in the flesh I, live, by the faith of the Son of God who. Loved me and gave himself for, me, you. Must be determined. To. Hold fast to, the love of God which, is in you this. Is most, important. For the Bible says without divine love we are nothing, in the eyes of God, it. Tells us in first John chapter 4. Verse 16 that, God is love and he. That dwelleth in love dwelleth in. God and, God, in him, God. So loved us he gave Jesus, and in, Jesus, we, have everything, we need from, earth to heaven in Jesus. We have all the power of, divinity, provided.

Us To be victorious. By. Holding, fast to divine love you. Are holding fast to Jesus. This. Is why the devil does. His absolute. Best to. Separate, people from, God's love and. Unfortunately. Over the years he. Has been all too, successful. Convincing. Many to. Turn loose of God's love and walk away. The. Devil will use people. Or. The cares of life to try and separate. You from God's love. He. Seeks. To use hurts. Disappointments. And tribulations. Hoping. To convince you to, turn loose of the, love of God for. The devil knows if he, can convince you to turn loose of divine love that. Eventually. You will be his prey. Be. Willing to pay any price and, make, any sacrifice. To hold fast, to. The love of God in you. In. Galatians. Chapter 5 verse 6 it. Tells us that faith worketh. By love, divine. Love and divine, faith, work. Together in, perfect harmony they. Go hand in hand, therefore. To. Hold fast to the divine love of God and never turn loose of it. Requires. Living. By, divine faith. It's. When a person. Lives. By sight or. Lives. In their feelings, that. The devil has his greatest. Opportunity. To, separate, them from, the. Love of God. The. Apostle, Paul received, the great revelation, that the just shall, live by faith not use it live. By it and, he. Held fast to the love of God through. Divine faith in, spite. Of great, opposition, and great, persecution, over, many many, years. No. One ever suffered, like Jesus, but Paul. Yet. No one ever, did so much to build the kingdom of God like Jesus. But. Paul, and. Near the end of his life. After. Enduring so, much for the sake of Christ, Paul. Was able to write this testimony. In Romans. Chapter 8 verses. 38, and 39. For. I am persuaded that. Neither, death nor life. Nor. Angels nor principalities nor. Powers. Nor, things present nor, things, to, come nor height. Nor depth. Nor any. Other creature shall, be able to separate, us from the love of God which. Is in Christ Jesus. This. Is truth. When. Living by divine faith, nothing. And no. One can. Separate, you from the love of God. To. Be separated. From divine, love a person. Must choose to. Turn loose of it. In. The. Book of Revelation, here. Jesus, addresses, the church at Ephesus in chapter 2 because. They had failed him, by, turning loose of his. Love. Now. Serving, Jesus had, become, an obligation, a duty. A, habit, a formality, to. The members of this church. However. In great love Jesus, warns, the Church and, instructs. Them in Revelation. Chapter 2 verses. 4 and 5, nevertheless. I, have somewhat against thee because thou has left to die verse love they turn loose of it, remember. Therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and. Do. The first works or, else, I will come unto thee quickly and, will remove, the candlestick, out of his place except. Thou repent. The. Church at Ephesus, was. Instructed, by Jesus, to repent and start, all over, by. Turning loose of their, first love they, had turned loose of everything, that. They had received of, divinity, and if. They did not repent, jesus. Warned that their place as his church would, be removed forever. Now. The principle, of holding, fast to that which is good is, true. Concerning, the mind of Christ, the. Bible says in Philippians, chapter 2, verse 5, let. This mind be, in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Then. In 2nd Peter chapter 1, we are instructed, to. Add to, our faith many. Divine, ingredients, that made up the mind of Christ. Child. Of God taking. On the mind of Christ does. Not mean you have it made the rest of the journey, it. Does mean be, ready to hold fast like, never before. Because. The enemy will wage war against, you like never before the, more. You become like Jesus and the, means. The more you can do for the kingdom. But. It also means, the more the devil will fight, he. Will fight you he, will shake your life in so, many different ways to, test, and see, just. How many divine, ingredients. In your life that you will turn loose of. So. As you take on more divine, ingredients, into your mind you must be more diligent and more careful, than ever before, to. Hold fast to what you have received. For. As long as you live in a house of clay and use. A mind of clay you are vulnerable. You. Are still a free moral agent. The. Devil understood, this about Jesus, he. Tempted Jesus in the wilderness after. Fasting, 40 days and nights, once. Defeated the, Bible says he left Jesus, but. For a season, he. Came back. Hebrews. Chapter 4, verse 15, speaks of Jesus that. He was tempted in all points, yet. Without sin. When. Jesus laid aside his, power in glory in heaven to come into this world he. Lived. In a, weak house of clay as we do he. Took on a weak, mind of flesh as we, have and. He. Possessed, the power of free choice like, us. However. Using, his power of free choice.

Jesus. Chose, to. Add all the dry ingredients into. His human mind that made it so great. He. Chose to hold fast to. All of, the divinity, in his, life and, he. Used it every day without, fail and. This. Enabled. Him to choose. To do the whole will, of the Father even, unto. Death. Philippians. Chapter 2, verse 8 and being. Found in fashion as, a man he humbled. Himself and, became. Obedient unto. Death even. The. Death of the Cross as the. Son of man Jesus. Chose, to, suffer and die that. We could. Live forever, he. Held. Fast, to the divinity within him, and face. Of great opposition and no. Man no. Devil in this world could cause him to turn loose. Therefore. He. Was able to use the power and greatness of divinity, within, to. Please his heavenly father and be victorious, even unto fulfilling. The plan of redemption. At. Calvary, his. Divine blood was spilled, that, we too could, have the, same power and greatness, operating. In our. To. Please the father, to. Be victorious, all. The, way to. Journey's end. Child. Of God choose, to go deeper in the Lord choose. To take on the mind of Christ, and hold, fast to that mind never, turning, loose of any of those in divine ingredients. For. The mind of Christ and operation, is. The. Apple, of God's eye. The. Mind of Christ working through you will, be the, light to the world and, the salt of the earth in this final hour. The. Mind of Christ in your life is, God's. Hope and trust to, bring in the lost souls that are marked, to be one for the kingdom. The. Lost souls that Jesus, died for. Friend. Listening, by way of television. By. Way of radio, if. There is any sin. Any. Disobedience in your life if, you, are doing anything or saying, anything that you know God, is displeased. With you. Have the opportunity. Right now to, choose. To be set free. Forgiven, pardoned, and, receive. Eternal life. For. Romans chapter, 6 verse 23, tells us for, the wages of sin is death. But. The gift of God is, eternal. Life through Jesus Christ our Lord, God. Gave Jesus, as a gift to you and. Right. Now is your opportunity to. Accept. That gift into your life, however. He is a gift it's, your choice you can accept this gift or you can reject it, but. I tell you this. With. Your choice comes, consequence, in the. Future, if, you. Reject. This gift, it's eternal damnation if, you. Accept this gift, it's. Eternal, life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pray. This prayer with me right now friend, and mean it from your heart say. Oh God. I confess. All. Of my sin before, you. Forgive. Me Lord I have. Come home and I. Will serve you the rest. Of my life and I. Believe, the. Power in, the. Blood of Jesus, washes. Away all, of my, sins say. Come into my heart Jesus come. On in Jesus, come. On in, and. Friend if you meant that prayer it means Jesus, is yours, now. Get, ready to receive the miracle the healing that you need for. When Jesus died on the cross and spilled, divine blood it was a two-fold atonement. Forgiveness. Of sins and eternal life and, also. Healing. And deliverance. For the body and, you. Watching by way of television you, listening, by wave radio, if, you're sick and afflicted you. By way of television put your hand on the screen as, a form of laying on of hands you listening by way of radio. Put. Your hand on your listening device. Lord. In the name of Jesus, I bring the sick and afflicted to you God, lay, a healing hand upon each one in the, Holy Bloodname of Jesus heal. Heal. Heal. Let, your blood power flow Lord, heal. And deliver set. Them free for. Your honor and glory in the. Name of Jesus, and amen. Friend. Watch every improvement give. God the honor the praise and the glory and, contact. Us let us know what God has done for you, you. Can send us your email to, testimonies, at ernest angley dot, o-r-g and, friend, we will rejoice in the lord with you god. Bless. In. A moment we'll return for, the continuation, of today's program but, first this personal, word. All. Friend. Do, you enjoy our good gospel music and, singing the. Preaching, and our services. That, you hear on the broadcast, maybe. You're in need of a miracle or a healing well I'd like to invite you to be with us in any of our services at Ernest Angley strace, Cathedral, every, weekend we have four services, in two locations and it starts with the Friday night miracle service at, 7:00, p.m. in, our. Kaga Falls location. 2700. State Road, friend. Come to that service, you'll enjoy good gospel music, and, singing also. They'll be prayer for those who, are sick and afflicted in, the healing line, people. Have traveled, from other states even other nations to be in that great service, because God moves in such a great way Saturday. Night at 7:00 p.m. we have a youth service in our Akron location.

1055. Canton Road. In Springfield Township. A service. Dedicated, to the youth you'll. Enjoy a male and female speaker. Then Sunday, two more services in. The kaga falls location, a morning, worship service, at 10:00 a.m. and then, Sunday evening at 7 p.m. a great evangelistic. Service, pays, a visit we look forward to seeing you. Got. It. On here. Miracles. Are. Real. The. Bed of God, has. Come to say. Jesus. And. Everybody. Go. And, tell it Jesus, Saves and, Jesus, you follow. And. Tell it go go. Go. Go. And tell, it Jesus, Saves and, Jesus, me. There's. A deaf man we saw that, was hearing and, speaking there's a blind man we saw that was shouting, I see, what, a witness, we are to the power of christ as, the word comes, to life right, before our eyes. The. Miracles. Are. Real. God. Has. Come to say. Oh. Jesus. And. Jesus. Tell. It go go. And, tell it Jesus, Saves and, Jesus, me. Did. You hear about the. Crippled, boy walking did, you hear the crowd cry. Out with praise, go, and tell your friends, and your loved ones too, there are miracles. Just. Waiting, for you. Get, on here. The miracles. Are. Real, the. Men of God has. Come to say. Jesus. A, sin. Jesus. Oh. Jesus. And. Jesus. Tell. It go. Go and, tell it Jesus, Saves and, Jesus, me. Jesus. Saves, and. Hallelujah. Jesus. A. Jesus. Jesus. Oh I, remember. In, Palestine. These. Lips, me. And my baby. No. We. Go. Holy. I'm. Fruit. It's amazing. Gravy. It. Mounts a Geordie. Oh. Wave singing. Shouting I'm unhappy time, today. Oh what, a Holy Ghost. I'm. Charged, with the power of the Holy Ghost. My. Future in my god. There's. Going to be two. Beloved. And if you want to come visit me, just make a left on Hallelujah, Street. Whose -, Reagan. And. By. Their, sins. Show. Them you crazy. Draw them, today. Heart soul. Enlarged. Had. The father. To. Send, down his, son. For. The world to. Do. He turned his, face away. From. The. Side, of the prom. As Jesus. Cried, out. Died. Most call. Them to grace, alone. Show. Them your grace, Lord. Control. Them, today. Confusion. And. Her. Can. Cloud once. Darkened. By, sin. Or. They can't, see. But, Jesus, he, knocks. At. The door of, their heart. If. Only, they'd, answer. He. Them. To grazier. This. Show, them your great. And, troll, them, today. They. Made us to pray. You. Showed. Them your grace. I. Was. Sold into. Bondage. Early. Age and, say it was my captor, and its bondage, was my cage. They lay traps for me to help, me lose my way. I thank God for Jesus. He. Brought divine. Like, to be. To, breathe my sinful, soul. Accepted, divide run. Purchased, with a precious, price that money just can't, buy. Son of God to dine for Souls like you and I and. It all would sinless. That is why I say. I fingered, for, Jesus. He. My. Life Rumson. Like to be gay. That sinful soul. Thank you. Blood. Came from the, father. This, plan to, take the very life. Sacrifice. More man. He. Brought. To. Free man from sin he rocked it. My girl a too big. Get, texty. To, free that sinful soul, you. Will accept, it. Thank you. And if. You will accept, it divine, blood will make you all. Divine. Devine. Has. JooJoo. For you. You do. Everyday. Life's. Burdens.

Heartaches. Sufferings. And. Sicknesses. Confront. Us, many. Times lonely. And forsaken, we, lose hope and slip. Into depression and, despair, but. Friends, you, can have a Jesus miracle. And. Now we, are proud to introduce our. New, online Worship, Center at ernest angley dot, o-r-g. Where, a few clicks on your smartphone, or tablet can, bring you into God's holy presence preparing. You for your miracle, you can view the great miracles, of our crusade, services, and build your faith, confessing. The power in the blood of Jesus. And. Then. Receive. Personal, prayer from Reverend Angley for your miracle we would even without these good medicines, but hospitals, and medical. People, to. Addiction all they can do, there's. The. Healing Hands. Also. Be, blessed by tuning in to the online ernest. Angley world, radio you're. Listening to, Ernest Angley world, radio now. Here's more, music, and singing. And. World. TV video at, ernest angley dot, o-r-g. Streaming. Sermons, and songs all over the world. And. Finally. Freely. Register, as a ministry, partner, and receive, monthly email, newsletters, from Reverend Angley. Along. With three digital, books, sermons. And songs. And. Grow. In his wonderful grace. Take. A step of faith and come, to our online worship, Center at ernest, angley joe RG. All. Friend i hope today's program has, been a great blessing to you and, i want to encourage you, viewers, to. Keep standing, by with your prayers and, your ties, and loved offerings, so you may not have a church to send your ties to why, not invest them into this Jesus, ministry. You're, blessed by the program, and you're also helping, us to win souls here. And abroad. Overseas. Yes. This is a worldwide, Jesus. Ministry, committed. To taking the gospel around the world in this final hour in each month that you sponsor this. Ministry, you get a new giant. Little Book of the Month powerful. Messages, by the Reverend Ernest Angley in booklet form and, each, month it's a new message, that, will feed and bless your soul, our. Mailing address is Ernest. Angley ministries. P.o. Box. 179. Zero akron. Ohio four. Four three zero. Nine. You can also contact, us and make donations safely. Through, our website, ernest, angley dot, o-r-g. Well. It's prayer time now, on the, broadcast, many. Of you today you've called in throughout the program, and. Now it's time to look to the Lord, believing. God to, meet your need today put, your hand against mine on the screen as a form of laying on the pans and active faith on your part Lord. In the name of Jesus, I bring the sick and afflicted to you God, many today have called in and. Now they're, looking to you for. You to meet their need lay. A healing hand upon each one in, the Holy Blood, Jesus, heal. Heal. Heal, that. Your blood power flow Lord, God. Bless. Them. Prosper. Them supply. Their need for, your honor and glory in the, name of Jesus, I pray and amen. Friend, watch every improvement give. God the honor and glory and always remember, you are special. To me and the. Good Lord god, bless you today. Frank, all, they can get to this outreach is news to share the gospel, with others your. Prayers and financial support are, helping us to take the message of salvation to, the lost in this final, hour, well. To, the next time we get together. Remember. Special. To, God.

2018-02-05 10:00

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