Hilleberg Soulo Wild Camping Scotland And Cooking Rain Scottish Highlands Loch Morlich

Hilleberg Soulo Wild Camping Scotland And Cooking Rain Scottish Highlands Loch Morlich

Show Video

Asked. On then guys I'm back out I'm back at Locke mana. I was, actually here about a. Month ago right. Here's. Their Locke welcome. Really next to the car I'm not that far though you did. You wanna stay, so. I. Can't. Deal a month ago right. No. Snore I was hoping to get snow enjoy nearly no snore. And. Then honestly, Sunday, had camped, here two. Weeks after, me and. They, were walking on this air lock, lock, manner and, it. Was all I see I, can't. Remember who the person was sorry. And. Then two weeks later it's, like summertime. It's. Like, it's. Like 10 degrees here, no, joke, tomorrow, Steve even hotter, so. First. Night you were going to come but lock mana and then. I think we're going to be walking and through and, to. The forest, honey. Boy are. We and about a named male hiked to some. Other lock. But. I just thought I would give you a look we look still light cuz, the last time I came it was pretty dark. That. Yeah. I came, so, I'm using the tent they're. My. New Holly, back sort. Sulu, or, solo heavy pan, answer. Who. Knows right, so. Yeah. Like. I do attempt, but the only thing is, it's. A little bit heavy, that's stillness thing for a one-man tent. Right. Look. There's. All my cat my usual. Got. There. But. You see on me. Sleeping. Bag mama all that stuff my, bike. So. There. We are so but really not far. From. Their. Car. Last. Him I camped here they. Danny. And Steve. Were here so. Then. Some Ranger he's only rock. Rock. Of y'all look has, set up. He's. There. He's. Gonna be sleeping in the truck tonight. So. There we go feels he say. He's. Sleeping in there like that. Somebody's. Had a little fire here, no. There. Wasn't eyes so, tonight, we may have a little fire as well, just. Deal look. That. Was really a market. Account the last thing does. Mark foot you. Think, he's. Clean D spot last time he was there. That's. Good well Sutton so you PI can I see an X it was a bit dark so. I so I thought I would divide you with us they. Know. You're. Smart. Look. At us come over look. This. Is what I want one look this that's, what do me see, the way that's just set up. For. The bed and all that come on and that's their store look. This, George. Wicked. Camper. We. Shall never get in George's bus pass come for wicked wicked, Georgia bus, pass come / yes, so. Joe Joe, Mills. A sink. Lawyer. Prophecy. Prep or with the work talk to hunt. You. Didn't give me a loss Lester just. Aesthetic. Yeah. I'm sure people watching, my video Elmo Derek but. No. Jacket. And. BA for Joe even close us, how'd, you put a lonesome Derek for job or even pit, zips is how a. Job. Even I see. I'd say file written. For. Even. Comment. Below whose cadets right. Anil's. Their Julie I'm, sorry. I cut their own. Board. Or knows one what, is your channel Donna I'll. Put up. So. If you only see Donna. Company. Jake. Oh. Yeah. George Wilson about us Tim but, will so syphilis. Is fun another budget so. I'll. Put I'll put Donna's. Link. Below and Julie's another, buddy overseas below that goal here. Well. Tasted nice little tent. She, got that's ten four five bones one. So. We'll set up not give you a little look.

You. Can own as no jobs. Five. Poems for China is short lah. There's. Marks bed for tonight he's, got this new air new, Tucson. Squeeze. And. See. That Marty laughs stop that's what I do remains active means. You. Gonna sleep out tonight mark. I'm. Solomon mark, yup, prophecy. Prayer for. Peace. Apparently. Mark's going to be famous and he's gonna be on the news so you, seen it here Foster. He's. Been under papers, he's famous US month. Something's. Up there. Oh. Yeah. The, cop being caught my. Good. Day. I'll. Put a link to Mark's channel if you see the vodka, of. Martinis car. He's. Only copying, me because I'm the first person in YouTube he's sleeping my Karma, we. All know that I'm the first. Marks. I copy I. Copy. And mark you, get there you, get rid of like ticks on the window as well. That's. Sinclair, for anybody that doesn't know. Is. There georges bill, sang coils set up he's got there. Sinclair. And jelly they've got the. Mastery. Mission. Of. Y'all like. This. Mark rolling, scarlet. So. I'll. Give you okay. Joey. And Sinclair's, what the, camper one, special. I bear doesn't say Devon doesn't. Stay. Stay there and he'll join. Isis. Take these here these bedroom babies, watchin. Nice. I like that, nice. You. Got a deal with big Pete what he's got. Yeah. I'm. A friend Brian he's here when it does. And. Sinks, and, oh. Wait. No it will cook see there what one you've got there what's fine that, was that's what I would use. Like. A, wind guard yeah, oh yes you've got to keep the door shut. You. Think that Jose he enjoy the. Silver foil. Differences. Not Tamaki's, together, difference. Just. Saw the wind and the cement will come off yeah that's. Good foster to hide as well an object. Look cunning yeah. Maybe. I, saved, your sport but a. Ways. Least aller achieved. You I suggest, this for the holiday bag crew here but she says I bought kill and. She store, Hades. Good I'll be up later. So. There's Leslie's, a. Nature. Hike someone, is I've got. I'm. Over here so my, daddy's going here. And. Look he can what could go there couldn't, sepoys. Yeah. To. Find evolve a lot people yeah you going touch, it yeah, yeah. Caress it's a touch, her. Don't. Touch Martin. After. I like not myself yeah. Stace. Doesn't thought it's tiny. I'm. Thinking I've not used this I couldn't really say but I'm hoping that myself but. As teeny. For. A. For. Me it's a smoked in so. But. If you're friendly Katy but. It's. Not really for big people at myself. Nice. To get a picture of the moment. Police, come to hear what, like. So. I'm. Guessing that's for your mobile phone doesn't. This. Is exact same spot I come to last time ring. I've. Obviously got OCD, me, I need to come the same spot and. I, need to part in the same spot as well. So. I'll. Sure you look. Then. Obtain case. Using. The Trangia. Triangle. Get. Out. So, I've got some baby. Be. Be calm. Got. A pepper. My. Cooking oil my salt and pepper.

Got. A spa. Cause. We had some when a slice or that up slice. The courgettes. Up I'll. Slice their pimples. Up and. I'm going to slice my baby corn up. Great. There's my stuff. Right what I got, I've, got some courgettes, in the bomb. Courgettes. From the bottom I've got some yeah. Baby. Corn. I've. Got on there, Trangia. And. I'm gonna dice this farm, up and putting spar man as well. I'll. Put the web on. Will. Let it cook away. Lovely. Job Lee but it's old mines are. So. There we go, deals there. Goes. My purpose, so what. Red, Purple's. Courgettes. Be. Be calm I saw. Them there the. Base to spar mops I'll add that and next, I'll. Just let that cook down a little but and, I've added then some salt and pepper. Lovely. Jubbly. So. The dribble guys that's, mutton already got. Their biblical. Spam. Courgette. And. Red. Peppers, and. Some. Salt and pepper but as always the. Soul mains all names. So. My mom's ready. We've, got this bomb, stuffed. Right. We've. Got a little fire on the Galler. It's. One of those ones, it's raised off the ground. It's. To get to success, of an email and our ones where doesn't. Yeah. Yeah. I. Used. To have a chair right but mark over there stole that so I'm reduced, to sudden I'm. Sudden he'll know what. I'm. Setting the floor, there. No. I had Mrs T beta but, it was a little file right. So. I'm gonna going. I'm. Gonna go and enjoy Madonna, help. The cold he'll be cold. Amigo. Then I was gone lovely. Job with. So. Well sudden burn the fire. Weirdoes, mark I think. Marks cookin, oh. Yeah. He's in his tent. You. Cooking mark, or. Chop. Just let me see where's my chippy in here or, all. Look at our chocolate. Chips and mushrooms. Chips. On a 10-2 I mean, how many people are going to complete. The. Shallow fried it's perfectly safe see the last him I cook chops I definitely set the forest, and fire off so I need, you see, you. Should hear the cooking chops on your 10 and be careful, but we. Don't care do they know you're Scottish sandwich, but don't kill each, other. That's. What they smart oh no, give me into that can presumably, and move. Smell. Of it but look, at that. It. Says an awesome say 10th what, see. Compared, to my local solo. Oh. Right. I'm away that smells lovely. Wow. You. Got enough stuff on your car. Are. You sure that's like wow this. Isn't this is like Eddie's bedroom see, if you'd watch you never know, what. You've all been this is like Eddie's bedroom. Scott's, well camper honestly. Honestly. Eddie's bedrooms like that it's like ah. Y'all. I stopped 1mil. What. Extra clothes cuz I didn't know if it's gonna be hot with cold you see so. Well. I'm their small. Car. There's. About five, hits what, kind of work is this. Soup. I got your first really first whiskey. Pardon. Oh very, nice yes yes. Which is made by a hole here. Because, he just food any good oh, I, can't, get a cord for the madness this. Cold, gettin caught would make this meeting. Yes. We got some toasters but the Oman gonna tell me what your channel called. Tonight. No no boss, yeah but. That's. I am Donovan. Senior, no donor and check this out one Facebook I'm alone for popular, there oh yeah. I'm on YouTube we're gonna. Honest. It's a Barbarin, well. I think after that's, really, getting you some friends ish to. Be. Labeled, movie. There. We go. There. We go Marcin, know what. We. All need command here. Thus. What, they're. Funny. Carpet, you've, got. Nana's. Very own you got jumpin. Getting. The party bus they. Don't come as well. Oh. Lovely. Lovely. Cheese. Isn't. That whiskey. For. The priests. I. Bet, my said as. A. Training. Started, so. Let. Me see me. I'm. Sure you can. Locks. In the grim, grinning. Are they. Yeah. Yeah. This will ten so. Catch, them. What. No real a good one. So. I'm off to bed guys. Number. Two I've done a lot of following, today I just a. Problem. They're. Mostly. Goodness. They're not Senate, Emma. Should. Run the bar and. Whistler, just chillin, but. Tomorrow, but heading right into the toilet selected, by good brother, so. I'm. Off to bed, I'll catch you in a moment. Bug. Is a bug in a rug. Sleeping. Bag. Hey. Guys. Can't. Beat that race uncommon. Morning. Somebody. On, Norman. It's. Epoque 1/2, 7. Amazes. Sleep last night so. Warm and say that's 10, obviously. Because it's so small, hopes. The heat, but. Well, I've got a little bit of condensation above. Here, that. Must have been. See. One of my head there's been split.

Yeah. Just. There look. I don't. See, that come. Let. Me see that. What. Just. There so I don't know why. That's. Obviously. Not believed. I might. Not have had the redzone. Pause. The reason cuz the rest of the tent as dry. Stop. There so. Only. You figured out how you used events. But. Cameras. There. Yeah. Mullet. Get. It night in a ten holes, he he I just, a fact that I will Hotere. I'll. Get the Quan decision, and st.. Obviously. I should, have left pencil. So. Yeah. Yeah. Then, up, the top as. At the whole tin and maybe. I should have a, left. Some of the door open shimmer cuz, it's got this see, the vent they look. So. It's always been to win. But. That's what I'll do it tomorrow the, best leave the door open a little but see. Talking. Like. The. Best should have left, got. One option, but. I. Scared. You know lost look with visa so. Good. Not a. Lot. Of coffee. Some. Ace muscle, to that read this has stopped. But. It didn't read the whole night any of it, so. I'm, gonna jump up. Go. Ahead I'll. See an end of it they. Dumped. See, we. Were camping. The. Moment, the trigger. Yes. Their, motors. In the back of the lock. So. This is very well last, night I didn't. Issue a lot at nighttime sir, I'll. Give you a little look. Good, my tent was. Ways. Least tent is here. Darn, I wasn't a vine over. There. Mr. block conquered again, will. Help a lot way a. Little. Fire, I. Think. The fire happened with Derek's. Some. Kid already had the fire here so. The fire scars not from eyes. Ability. Yeah should be used their. Fire. Come. On V :. It. Was a nice truck. There's. Donna's car. Baby. Seal, mom. And Mark bit, slip. I'll. Get quite an insertion and my turn. I've. Obviously not but I don't get it money chahe. Just. Pop or not venti that they are some film. Yeah. Pop. In my head that's. A. Bit. Was just up, he's your food next to those the locker I. Some. Is in the he and say that but see compared, to my bank 10 yeah, that, as always. So much. Oh no. I'm not too huh. Sighs. Fingers been too hot mark, not. For me anything. They'll. Say these what you squeezed on the house but I don't think my tails Buganda. But. No I know I like this see. That spot. Unless. I know it's in a car park but. It's. So nice yes for more. They would love this he's, not going he's only walking, and running they pointed straight but. See when it comes to coming out camp he doesn't really wanna walk. Because. I did runnin and. It's. Super far away but. Just. Lazy. Bills, there Georgie. Say look next to the car and. There oh yeah. Looks. He's. Good at so long as well. Couldn't. Even see him martsin, there someone if, he's alive. Jamie, sleep George. This. Has been all the camper, runs come to a spot. And. Then you've really whose beat you that's all tons of space easier. Bill's. Boat. Come. On. And. There I'm, over you don't know. What's. My tent. See that little, not. Fast elf there, my, red Holly but. When. You want a bow up don't heal some books dollars. There's. A softball, player. Softball. And scuttled. That's. A fast. You'll, see my name is Scott. Just. Have one, old, Estrella but my mother then log give of it. Cool. Frosting. -. Must be you can hear keep. Getting boat song yes'm. Like. Your nose in here. Boats. Oh. It's. The ceiling club. So. I've just found this little map this, is where we are just, here. So. I think we're gonna camp as their, Glenmore. Forest, Park. Sorry. Hum line. Closing. More forest we're gonna go over last lake so. Over. Some probably. Gonna camp. Up. Peel. You. Like 600. Meters awesome. Tomorrow. Today. At my bunny head. Honey. Patch. Up camp and the woods and then head up one of these mountains. Tomorrow. I won't picking up now I'll just do the the. One here I'm gonna home so, I.

Would. Show you. Off. To. Marlon. I've, got the brew on using. The Trangia. So. Whenever. Coffee. I'm. Just put him at the head was coffee and hey. I'm going to have some honey with. And. I'm gonna set and enjoy that view look at that. Is. That not of you. So. I'm gonna have my beret. What. My view. Amazing. So, that's the forest we're gonna head and it to it today, and, then. I think what maybe claim some mountain love it out one seven that. Was seven hundred meals and, then, think. That ones like nine, hundred meals. And. Then. When. It. Was a bit named EE or something pilot so. Birthday. Was. Almost ready so, I'm, gonna go and enjoy that guy's. And. Then pack up so I end. The video here, I'll. Probably show you the, end. There's. No mess and all that been left but. I'll. End it here and see. Thanks. For watching. Thank. You. So. There we go guys that summer my patch in spot was right, there by. Their, lock. Of. Your last look of the moment. So. We're going ahead then to that forest. Go. In more Forest, Park, that's cold I think. We're going to do some moments so I'll, do that as I said that, deal. But. Was tainted up everything. Yeah. People, with the vines and that took the rubbish in that are we so, we're. Just waiting and Donna Donna's, last one to leave so I. Just. Watch see ya. Thanks. For watching guys and, their. Thank. You for all the support that, on, your chip and there. I want. To do more camping, but who as a shield so thank. You I do think, everybody. Fun watching me very. Grateful, so thanks. Guys yeah. I'll. Catch it in the next one but I'll be in the forest so thank. You. Cutting. My stuff your love got ta. I'll. Bring extra stuff because what sudden, the other car but, I'm gonna get rid of half a lot, so. Thanks. Guys thanks. For watching thank. You.

2019-02-19 20:30

Show Video


Lovely views Stuart, looking forward to p2 mate

great video

thanks you was a great weekend

Yup, that's a bas boy tent for sure. I'm jealous. Been saying I'm getting one for over a year still not got it. But soon. Funny video but I think I'll stick to the more wild camps before getting into van life , starts of simple but before you know it you end up with a rug made of pubic hair lol

lol i would love a van for me and my olly but i do my tent camping as well

That’s a great one Stuart! Looks like you had a great time!

was a awesome weekend mate

Cooking chips in the tent, lol, that cracked me up.

never seen that my self mate only in scotland would you cook chips in a tent lol

Looked a good meet up with all the YT wild campers , Donna looked a little tipsy lol .. Liking the red soulo Stu atb Dave...

was great meeting donna for the first time she is very funny was a great weekend

Another cracking video mate. Love camping up there

i love it there it is near the road but after 8 at night you dont here any cars

9:08 what a fanny! Great video Stuart

was a great weekend had loads of fun

Lol you showed my mess! Hashtag hashtag

It was great meeting you

lol lezley sorry had to show that off great weekend had fun

Eyup Stuart your a cracking lad don`t take me too seriously mate nobody else does lol, it was nice seeing and camping with you and all the gang till the next, ATB George.

was a great weekend george

The whisky and Coors was like a spider attracting flies to the web.

a lot of beer and whisky was had round the campfire that night

Oh wow, I think we saw you pitching your tent! We were out feeding the ducks - what a small world!

was busy there nice spot

Another nice wee video Stuart. Quite a few familiar faces too.A good time had by all.

was great weekend mate andy wardle turned up late dont know if i got him on video that night

Good one

thanks you

Great vid Stu, looked a canny get together.

was a great weekend 2nd day was the best got little hike in did 7 mile

Looks another great trip Stu

was great little too many people for me but was awesome weekend

Looked like a lot of fun Stewart. The Soulo tent is very well built. Should last for many years with care. Sandy

thanks sandy the soulo is a great tent only thing is very one has one now its like the banshee

Good vlog as always Stuart. You always make us laugh. Linda & Mark from Lanarkshire

thanks linda was a great laugh that weekend

Very good Stuart, It looks a good loch to camp beside.

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Hi Stuart, I didn't know anything about the meetup. The first I knew it was on was when the guys talking about where they were about where they were all meeting up on whats app.

Hi Glenn you would have loved it there mate tons of great people little too many for me but was great weekend was great meet up with new people

Love the sound of rain on the tent , so relaxing.Thanks let’s have more

For whatever reason youtube put subtitles on this video and oh my god you gotta watch it with subtitles

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Send everyone to language coaches to learn unaccented California English. Put radio microphones on everyone. Get a sound man to work a mixer console in a van to get the levels right. Send the mixed audio out on another radio channel to receivers on each of the cameras. This shouldn't cost more than $500k initially with some recurring expense for the mobile sound studio guy.

lol the subtitles on my videos are never right

+Redsorgum omg really

Diane Kelly Just a sample of when he was talking with Donna by the orange van. "Company Jake oh yeah George Wilson about us to him but will so syphilis is fun"

Diane Kelly I will do it.

+Gary Sands lol definitely worth a wee giggle

Diane Kelly read this and went back and turned subtitles on. I was not disappointed

You can prevent condensation with a small heat source run all night. I use an oil lantern that produces a candle sized flame. It has to be hung low to prevent heat damage to the tent roof and it helps to put a large heat diffuser such as a pan lid over it.

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Ventilation alone will only work if the outside air is dry enough and/or warm enough to absorb the extra moisture from your steamy breath, clammy skin and damp clothes.

condensation was fine the next night mate i just left the zip open and let some air in

Canna believe you think the Hilleberg Soulo is heavy?????

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking That's 5.5 pounds. I assume that includes whatever stakes and guy lines you're using. Tents that are made for high wind and snow loads always seem heavy compared to their fair weather counterparts. I have a customized North Face VE-24/25 that weighs 12 pounds with snow stakes, guy lines and bags included. I've carried it on solo expeditions but even with 2 people thats 6 pounds of tent each!

it is a awesome tent mate for bad weather

its 2.5kg mate its not heavy i just mean for a one man tent i am super happy with the soulo awesome tent

It’s the best tent for bad weather and packs down really small. Pound for pound best backpacking tent.

It's far from light

Looked canny. Where did ya get ya little red table ? . You happy with the soulo ?

Lovely spot , camped, hiked and painted around that area many times, one of my favourites since a child. Beautiful stuff happy campers. :-)

its very nice there get very busy in summer i have been told we found loads of little camping spots for 2 or 3 tents the 2nd day we did a little hike about 7 mile


its very nice there been told it gets very busy in the summer time

My bedroom messy that's slanderous it's a Bombsite. Thanks for torch. Saw your food then Marks you can guess whose I would want lol. My vid be along time coming let everyone get there's out first.

just joking about your bedroom eddie you know me love to wind you up

Top Stu always enjoy your videos mate

thanks nathan

Nice to see you're back out in the tent. Great spot by the Loch.

hoping to do loads of lochs this year

Looks a great camp mate nice tent

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking looks a great wee £5 tent

thanks brain was a awesome weekend

Nice one Stewart good to see you and all the guys out again ‘ take care Danny

thanks danny

I did a long distance spam dance for you.

did you mate sorry not seen it

Thank you Stuart. You have great camp-mates and good food and good times. Much love from SoCal.

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking I'm lucky if I can get one or two people to go on my trips. Maybe I have a personality defect. How did you come to know so many campers, some kind of online matching app or what?

thanks mate was a awesome weekend

Not really wild camping

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking I'm starting to understand the UK camping terminology scale. Any sleeping, anywhere is considered camping, even in your bed at home. If it's outdoors, even in a van or a bothy, it's "wild". There must be a series of adjective qualifiers for distance from the car park, wind, precipitation, temperature, altitude, etc. so a trip to the top of Ben Nevis in a blizzard might get a description like "extra super severe extreme ultra wild camping".

its not on a campsite what would you call it then mate

What a great winter group camp! Your right Stuart, you just can't beat the magical views of bonnie Scotland! As always, thanks for sharing. Take care mate. Steve.

thanks steve

Nice view to the Loch but a bit close to the road the other way and I am a big fan of DVS videos and her orange van lol. I watched Andy Wardle's video a couple of hours ago of this and it looks like I will be watching a few of the same videos of this trip. Had to lol when you said 'As always, all mines, all mines' or as the subtitles said 'all names, so my mom's ready'....LOL!! That rain would keep me awake all night, although, nice to see it had stopped in the morning. Never seen a surfboard before in Scotland either but the weather has been mild of the time of year mind...cheers Alan

the loch is a little near too to the road mate but after 8 at night could not hear the road 2nd day we did a little hike about 7 mile

Nice one Stuart... man you got that up quickly... we are not long home. Great to see you and have your company bud. Look after your self and your family... Cheers till the next time

hi mate could have had it up sunday night but thought i will wait till monday was a great weekend had a great time

Dont touch my tent! LOL good times :)

Aye, and we do it well

Obviously; you don't want some ignorant noob to damage the special, high tech hydrophobic properties of the tent fabric with finger oil contamination. Stuart will probably have to send the tent back at great expense to Hilleberg for cleaning and re-treatment now to stop the leakage.

lol i love to wind people up

Nice one Stuart, looks like you had a great night. Just watched Andy's film of the 2nd night. Look forwarding to the next instalment. Cheers Robin

2nd night was the best part i think we did a little hike about 7 mile andy turned up late first night and got a sleep in his car

Hi mate i thought you would be uploading i seen your Instagram photos

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking ok mate thanks you

how things mate

Superbe vidéo merci beaucoup pour ce partage

thumbs up stu

thanks olle

Awesome video again dude. Been looking forward to another good camping one from you. Good to see all you lot having a good crack and enjoying yourselves, the woman with the orange van is hilarious. I'm looking forward to the next installment. All the Best stu, Jamie.

looking forward to your hike into the forest near the loch you camped at

I really enjoyed the video, Stuart. Super little red table, too. We use 'all mines' all the time around the house now

Could you ditch the subtitles? They are all wrong.

Great meet up in the highlands Stuart, cracking bunch of Youtubers having fun, nicely filmed m8, need another camp soon with Glenn & Colin, catch up soon atb Derek

What a great bunch of guys and girls  , magic stuff bro , atb Gaz

Beautiful campsite Stuart! Looking forward to seeing you out more now that the weather is warming up. And show us what you cook and if it tastes good. Connie

Thermals for thermals for thermals for thermals !!

+Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking lol did make me laugh. Still couldn't hardly understand Donna even without subtitles lol xx

Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking You can take the poles and pegs out and the tent will squash down into a dry bag really small. The advantages are if the tents wet, doesn’t knacker the stuff in yer rucksack!! And makes it all easier to pack.

I'm doing a Wee cycle tour cycling to c how far I can get. I left my home in Northern Ireland and am currently in Germany. I'm hopeless with technology but have a instagram account kirker84 if you want a gossy. You guys brighten my day. Nice folk and getting out doing what your doing is great.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking  I'm lucky if I can get one or two people to go on my trips. Maybe I have a personality defect. How did you come to know so many campers, some kind of online matching app or what? I'm thinking of starting a site and app called "Tenter Hooks™" to match up promiscuous people for outdoor trips.

I would call this semi-wild camping with car benefits!

Looks like it was a fun camp.

Neither of you are correct

I just call them Swedish Mountain Fox. I won't give them the satisfaction of hearing me mispronounce their silly brand name.

Hello Stuart. Like the tent. Have you ever considerer becoming a chief. Your cooking looks good. Thanks Steve.

What language are you guys speaking?.....Liked the vid regardless.....Cheers.

Good video Stuart.. just home from “ Glamping “ in The Black Isle.. had a fantastic time!!!

14:37 *Prophecy Peppers* :P

Could you please put English subtitles in your videos for us in "the Colonies"? I haven't understood a word you said. And where's the kitchen sink. Talk about your minimalist camping.

Very nice camping spot though.

Great excursion. Looks like everyone had a good time.

Middle pole under or over the two cross poles on the Soulo guys?

Looks like a nice place m8 wish i could have been there, Raggid Haggis around there then ? lolol

Nice stir fry! It's ALL MINES!!!!!

Camping in Scotland, felt so homesick, now in Western Australia

Hi mate my wife is from australia loved out there for a year back in 2005

can beat the sound of rain on your tent mate that and bacon cooking best sound in the world

lol eddie asked about the table as well mate got it from ebay for £12 i have mad a video of the little table will upload it thr

Good video, nice views and good camp site. Keep the videos coming.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Hi Stuart, I didn't know anything about the meetup. The first I knew it was on was when the guys talking about where they were about where they were all meeting up on whats app.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking lol did make me laugh. Still couldn't hardly understand Donna even without subtitles lol xx

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Send everyone to language coaches to learn unaccented California English. Put radio microphones on everyone. Get a sound man to work a mixer console in a van to get the levels right. Send the mixed audio out on another radio channel to receivers on each of the cameras. This shouldn't cost more than $500k initially with some recurring expense for the mobile sound studio guy.

@Redsorgum omg really

@Gary Sands lol definitely worth a wee giggle

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking Ventilation alone will only work if the outside air is dry enough and/or warm enough to absorb the extra moisture from your steamy breath, clammy skin and damp clothes.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking That's 5.5 pounds. I assume that includes whatever stakes and guy lines you're using. Tents that are made for high wind and snow loads always seem heavy compared to their fair weather counterparts. I have a customized North Face VE-24/25 that weighs 12 pounds with snow stakes, guy lines and bags included. I've carried it on solo expeditions but even with 2 people thats 6 pounds of tent each!

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking looks a great wee £5 tent

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping And Cooking ok mate thanks you

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland Hi Stuart, I didn't know anything about the meetup. The first I knew it was on was when the guys talking about where they were about where they were all meeting up on whats app.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland lol did make me laugh. Still couldn't hardly understand Donna even without subtitles lol xx

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland Send everyone to language coaches to learn unaccented California English. Put radio microphones on everyone. Get a sound man to work a mixer console in a van to get the levels right. Send the mixed audio out on another radio channel to receivers on each of the cameras. This shouldn't cost more than $500k initially with some recurring expense for the mobile sound studio guy.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland Ventilation alone will only work if the outside air is dry enough and/or warm enough to absorb the extra moisture from your steamy breath, clammy skin and damp clothes.

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland That's 5.5 pounds. I assume that includes whatever stakes and guy lines you're using. Tents that are made for high wind and snow loads always seem heavy compared to their fair weather counterparts. I have a customized North Face VE-24/25 that weighs 12 pounds with snow stakes, guy lines and bags included. I've carried it on solo expeditions but even with 2 people thats 6 pounds of tent each!

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland looks a great wee £5 tent

@Scottish Wanderer - Wild Camping Scotland ok mate thanks you

How good is this tent in midge season

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